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International Conference on

Information, Communications and Signal Processing 1D1.6

Singapore, 9-12 September 1997

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Communication System

over the Power Lines
Fernando A. Cardoso’, Jorge P. Ferreira2, Luis S . Silva’, JosC B. Gerald’*2

I.N.E.S.C.,Rua Alves Redo1 9, 1000 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: 35 1-1-3 100368; E-mail:; Fax: 35 1-1-3 155843
I.S.T.,Dep. of Elect. and Computer Eng., AV. Rovisco Pais, 1000 Lisboa, Portugal

Abstract data transmission over noisy channels, as for instance, the

electric power lines.
There are several kinds of SS techniques, differing from
This paper describes the implementation of a each other on the type of modulation used: Direct
communication system that uses the power lines as the Sequence @S), Frequency Hopping (FH),Time Hopping
channel. The system consists of an emitterheceiver (TH), Chirp, and hybrids methods [2]-[4]. From these
operating with Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum techniques, it was chosen FH because it is the simplest
(FHSS), and allows data transmission at low rates. It were technique that can achieve a great amount of spreading
built 2 prototypes to communicate between them. The even when a pseudo-noise (PN) sequence with small period
transmission rate was 200 Hz in a 76,2 kHz bandwidth is used, and so, it allows a fast acquisition time in the
(18,9 kHz to 95,4 lcHz). receiver. FH systems can also be designed to avoid part of
the reserved bandwidth and they are not very sensitive to
the “near-far” problcm 151. The major problem when using
1. Introduction FH is tlic frequcncy synthcsiser, which must be very
accurate and to pcrform a fast switch from frequency to
The communication over the electric power lines has the frequency.
advantage of the transmission channel be already installed
in all buildings. However, we are limited to the available
bandwidth (from 9 lcHz to 95 kHz, in our case, according 2. System Description
to the European rule CENELEC [l]), as well as to all the
existing noise, resultant of all kind of equipment connected 2.1 Emitter
to them.
The most important noises that were found on the power In the FH emitter (Fig. l), the emitted signal results from
lines were: the frequency modulation (FSK) of the binary data signal
0 50 Hz (power signal frequency in Europe) noise, m(t) with a discrctcly varying frequency carrier. The
produced by the power sources of the electric devices, carrier frequency is determined, at each instant. according
with the respective harmonic components in multiple to the value of a PN sequence, periodic in time and known
frequencies of this value. to the receiver.
0 Smooth noise, which has a continuous spectral
distribution, and it is produced, for instance, by electric
motors. Digital Frequency
0 Pulse noise, generated by the switch devices and m(t) multiplier
capacitor banks. This noise, by its amplitude and synthesizer
duration (it can achieve 40 dB over the background
noise) was the most relevant noise. m-1 bits
0 Harmonic noise, usually gaussian, which decreases
about 25 dB/dec in the 10 kHz 100 MHz bandwidth.

The Spread Spectrum (SS) modulation techniques, initially Fig. 1 - Frequency Hopping emitter block diagram.
developed for military communications, only recently
started to be applied on non-military applications. Those
techniques allow multiple access (CDMA), which allied to
high rejection to interference, makes the SS suitable for

0-7803-3676-3/97/$10.000 1997 IEEE

PN Generator: The PN generator originates an apparently
non-predictable bit sequence b(t), however, accordingly to
well defined criteria. This sequence gives the SS system its
security and spreading criterion, which are its major
Accumulator PN generator
The simplest way of generating this sequence is using a
shift register, with some of its outputs module 2 added to -
Fig. 3 Digital synthesiser block diagram.
the first register entry, as shown in Fig. 2. In this way, the
sequence period can easily be doubled, simply by adding a
register to the series. So, with few hardware components, it Tlie biliary code supplied by the PN generator is, at each
is possible to built extremely long sequences. clock period, added to the accuinulator content. Tlie result
is used to address a ineinory table with tlie values of the
sinusoid. Tlie digital values in the memory are then
converted to analogue using a digitallanalogue converter
The generated frequency is directly related to the clock
used to drive tlie PN generator. Tliis is the unique external
factor influencing the frequency synthesis precision. Using
a crystal generator to generate tlie clock, we achieved the
desired precision.
Fig. 2 PN sequence generator with length N=2L-I. Tlie generated frequency depends on the number of
samples of tlie sinusoid addressed in the memory. In turn,
this number depends on the binary code driving the
For a shift register with lengtli L, the resulting sequence accuinulator, which is constant during each code word.
has length N=2L-1. All tlie groups of L bits make part of Different code words result in different distances among
the sequence, except the one consisting just of zeros [GI. acceded samples, and, consequently, in a different
The groups sequence depends on tlie outputs chosen for frequency. Thus, we have fsynthasized=f~~*Cm\I/Naamples,where:
feedback. CpNis tlie PN code value, varying from 1 to 255.
Tlie implemented PN generator is based on a sliift register Nsanl,,les
is tlie niaximum number of samples in 1 period
with length L=8, and so, originating a sequence with of tlie sinusoid, in our case 4096 (the double of the
length N=2*-1=255. Tliis number corresponds to tlie number of samples in memory, which is 2048).
number of different frequencies used. The registers are fGkis tlie clock frequency, which is 1.2288 MHz (a sub-
implemented by D type flip-flops, and tlie module 2 adder niultiple of a crystal value).
is implemented by an XOR (exclusive OR). Eacli eiiiittcr
generates a different PN sequence, niaking possible the In ordcr to satisfy tlic sampling tlieorern conditions, it must
existence of 2 siinultaneous coni~nirnicationsin the sanic be 2*CPN$Nsrunples. Tlie quotient N,,,I,$C~~ is the number
cliannel (CDMA). of samples uscd to synthesise 1 period of each frequency.
The greater this value is, the smaller is tlie harmonic
Freauencv svnthesiser: A major problem in FH is tlie distortion of the synthesised wave. The synthesised
frequency synthesis, which, as we will see, is a frequency varies froin a minimum of 300 Hz
fundamental point in this system. In order to built the (1.2288e6*1/4096) to a maximum of 76.5 kHz
frequency synthesiser, one must t'ake a look into some (1.2288e6*255/4096). Tlie average number of samples per
aspects, such as the transmitting bandwidth and tlie period goes froin 16.0627 (upper frequency) to 4096 (lower
number of synthesised frequencies. Regarding that 255 frequency). Tlie used bandwidth is 76.2 kHz, and it can be
different frequencies have to be syntliesised in an 80 kHz shifted to the most convenient place in the available band.
bandwidth, tlie ' synthesis precision must be very high. Tlie accumulator lias 12 bits, those necessary to address
Also, tlie transition time between frequencies is dcsired to 4096 ineniory positions (although the memory lias only
be as short as possible. The best way to achieve these goals 2048 samples, corresponding to 11 address bits, the 1 2 ~bit '
is using digital frequency syntliesis [ 31. Basically, tlie will decide tlie sign of tlie sinusoid arcade). The
sinusoid is generated by tlie cyclic reading of a table accumulator consists of an adder with one of the entries
recorded in memory. It is only necessary to store the coining froin tlie PN generator and tlie other coming from
samples corresponding to half period of tlie wave, once in the output of the accumulator itself.
tlie other half period tlie samples are tlie same plus a minus To produce the band shift, we add a constant value (offset),
signal. In Fig. 3 is represented tlie block diagram of tlie 63 in tlie emitter and 55 in the receiver, to the
synthesiser. accumulator. In this way, the synthesised frequencies band

goes from 18.9 kHz to 95.4 kHz in the emitter and from The received signal is multiplied by the local generated
16.5 kHz to 93 kHz in the receiver. This results in a one, and, if there is synchronism between the emitter and
reduction on the number of samples per period, which, in the receiver, the resulting signal can be de-modulated in
the worst case, becomes 13.2129, in average. The 2.4 kHz order to obtain tlie original information. On tlie other
difference between the emitter and the receiver hand, the multiplier output helps to perform tlie PN
synthesisers is essential to the synchronisation of the generator rate adjustment.
system, as it will be seen later. The receiver operation is based on a PLL (Phase Locked
The PN generator and the accumulator were entirely built Loop). The received and locally generated signals are first
on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), that allows multiplied. In synchronism, tlie resultant signal has a
the programming of digital logic circuits and state spectral component with one of the three possible values:
machines. The configuration program can be loaded from 1.2 kHz, 2.4 kHz or 3.6 kHz, as it will be explained later.
an external memory, or from an output port of a computer. The sy~iclironisationfilter let this frequency pass, and, at
This technique is very versatile once it allows tlie P G A tlie enveloping detector output, we have a synchronism
program to enter either in a serial or a parallel way, and indicator signal. This signal allows the local PN generator
also because the F'PGA itself can be the master or tlie slave to run, driven by the VCO, only in case of synchronism. If
in this process. there is no synchronism, tlie receiver stands still in the
This way, it is achieved a high level of integration, saving saltie frequency, in order to make it easy for the
space and hardware. Using a FPGA, an EPROM and a synclironism acquisition.
DAC we implemented 2 frequency synthesisers, one for the The synclironism indicator signal multiplied with the VCO
emitter and the other for the receiver. The EPROM and output allows its own frequency (centred in 200 Hz) to be
DAC accesses are digitally multiplexed, using multiplexers adjusted, by compensating the phase differences between
implemented in the F'PGA. The de-multiplexing of the 2 the emitter and the receiver.
signals is performed in an analogue way, after tlie DAC.
The multiplexing uses the accumulator clock, putting on
the multiplexer output the emitter data (when the clock is 2.3 Data Signal Processing
high) or the receiver data (when tlie clock is low), in each
period. The de-multiplexing procedure is driven by the The data signal is transniittcd by replacing one of tlie
same clock. eniittcr PN gcncralor bits, for the data bit. It is sent one bit
The electric power lines (which have a very low for each syntlicsiscd frcqucncy. Thus, the transmission rate
impedance, 4n)interface circuit, which is based on a 4:2 is 200 bps, once the frequency used to drive the PN
wires hybrid circuit, consists of a gain circuit for the generator is 200 Hz. This replacing causes tlie synthesised
emission, a transformer with 2 secondary bobbins, one for frequency to change. As we replaced tlie 3rdLSB of the PN
the emission and another for the reception. Filters and generator, two diffcrent situations may occur:
protection circuits were also added to make it sure tliat the 0 The information bit equals the PN generator original
power signal, which has 220 Vrms and a frequency of 50 bit, making tlie diffcrcnce between tlie emitter and the
Hz, does not interfer with the data processing. receiver synthesised frequencies to be 2.4 kHz;
0 The data bit differs from tlie PN generator original one,
resulting on a k1.2 kHz additional difference between
2.2 Receiver tlie synthesised frequcncies, which are now 1.2 kHz or
3.6 kHz.
The receiver is represented in Fig. 4. It is composed by a
frequency synthesiser, a PN generator equal to tlie emitter The bandpass filter centred at 2.4 kHz (synchronisation
one, and a frequency multiplier. filter) must have a bandwidth large enough to
accommodate all the possible frequencies once in
synclironism (1.2 kHz, 2.4 kHz and 3.6 kHz), and ignore
all the rest, to make the synchronism acquisition easier. If
this filter output drives another bandpass filter, equally
centred in 2.4 kHz,but now rejecting the 1.2 kHz and 3.6
kHz frequencics (detection filter), followed by an
envcloping dctcctor, tlic resultant signal is a signal
identifier of tlic cquality bctween the data bit and tlie 3rd
PN generator original bit. To better understand this
method see Table 1, where the synthesised frequencies (in
the emitter and in tlie receiver) for each data bit are
Fig. 4 -Frequency Hopping receiver block diagram. represented.

The system worked well for halfduplex transmission.
However, it resulted to be necessary to insert an auxiliary
cancelling system in the line interface block, which is still
not implemented, in order it may work in fullduplex
0 0 f+Eo f f0 The system is fast in acquiring the synchronism, about 5 s,
0 1 f+fo+fi f fo+f; and after synchronised it showed a robust behaviour, once
1 0 f+fo-fi f fo-f; it can keep the synchronism in hostile conditions
1 1 f+fo f 4 (signaVnoise ratio <O).
Observing the incoming signal to the receiver, we noted it
Table 1 Synthesised frequencies for each data bit. f0=2.4 is deformed in magnitude and wave shape. Those
deformations result from the electric power line noise, as
kHz, fi=1.2 kHz.
shown in Fig. 5, where it can be seen a sequence of
different frequency signals, as it was emitted and as it has
The synchronisation filter is composed by a cascade of two arrived to the receiver.
second order filters, and the consequent bandpass detection
filter is composed by a cascade of six second order sections
emitted signal
(this filter must be very selective, once it must let pass the
2.4 kHz signal and reject either the 1.2 kHz or the 3.6 kHz -received signal
The decoding of the data bit is simply achieved by an XOR
of the 3d PN generator bit and the equality identifier
signal, as shown in Table 2.


Fig. 5 Emitted and received signals, showing some
different frequencies.
2.4 kHz I 1 0 0
2.4kHz I 1 1 1
In Fig. 6 is represented the synchronisation filter output for
3.6 kHz and 2.4 kHz signals. It can be seen the short time
Table 2 - Data bit decoding. interval without synchronism, because of the switching
among frequencies.
The choice of the 3"1 bit to transmit the information makes
it possible to have the same frequency with different PN
codes. This can make the synchronism acquisition harder
by fooling the reception system. But once we have
synchronism, there's no place for ambiguities. The data bit
-B 5

decoder output is valid only in case of synchronism.
We used the 3"1 LSB bit of the PN generator in order to -10 ~YYUI'uuuuuuuuuu I uuuu vu uuuuu uuuuuu uu
achieve a greater additional difference (1.2 kHz) between -15 1 s&
the frequencies synthesised in the emitter and in the Fig. 6 - Synchronisation filter output.
receiver. If we had used the 1"' or the 2* LSB bits, that
difference would be smaller and it would be more difficult
to built the referred 2.4 kHz centred bandpass filter, which It was achieved a transmission almost free of errors, as
does not sense the 1.2 kHz and 3.6 kHz frequencies. shown in Fig. 7, bctween 2 points 30 m apart, connected
to the same electric phase. The amplitude of the emitted
signal was slightly bigger than GOO mV. To note that the
3. Experimental Results power line used in these tests belongs to an Institute
building containing many scientific. computer, office, and
Next, we present some experimental results obtained with even factory equipment.
the implemented prototypes in a noisy environment.

emitted data bit stream
received data bit stream
5. References
CEMLEC, European Standard EN50065-1.
G. R Cooper &, C. D. McGillem, Modem
Communications and Spread Spectrum. McGraw-
Hill, 1996, Chap. 8.
r 3
g 2
R C. Dixon, Spread Spectrum Systems with
Commercial Applications. John Wiley & Sons, 1994,
Chap. 4.
-1 b 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 B. SMar, Digital Communications. Prentice-Hall,
1988, Chap 10.
sec M. K. Simon, J. K. Omura, R. A. Scholtz, B. K.
Levitt, Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook.
Fig. 7 Emitted and received data bits (about 200 bits on McGraw-Hill, 1994, Part 5, Chap. 5.
each period of the transmitted stream). J. K Holmes, Coherent Spread Spectrum Systems
John Wiley & Sons, 1982, Chap 7.
Z. Kostic, E. L. Titlebaum, “The Design and
When the 2 connected points belong to different electric Performance Analysis for Several New Classes of
phases, the system has some difficulties on decoding the Code for Optical Synchronous CDMA and for
data bit, as shown in Fig. 8. To solve this problem we must Arbitrary-Medium Time-Hopping Synchronous
make a bypass network on the power distribution CDMA Communication Systems,” IEEE Trans. On
transformer. Communication. Vol. 42, pp. 2608-26 17, August
---- emitted data bit stream
received data bit stream

1 1.5 2 25 3

Fig. 8 Emitted and received data bits with connection
between different electric phases (about 200 bits on each
period of the transmitted stream).

4. Conclusions
It was implemented a prototype system for data
transmission over the electric power lines, using the
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technique.
The system is very simple, with a big part of the processing
performed by a FPGA and an EPROM. The system worked
well up to 30 m distances in the same electric phasc in a
very noisy environment.
We are complementing the prototype with an auxiliary
cancelling system, an automatic gain control and an crror
correction code [7l, in order to improve its performance in
fullduplex transmission and also to achieve longer


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