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5/6/2021 Who was St. Maximilian Kolbe, and what were his contributions, works of mercy, and charism?

f mercy, and charism? -

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Who was St. Maximilian Kolbe, and

what were his contributions, works of
mercy, and charism?
St. Maximilian Kolbe made major contributions by working with people of other faiths
and founding a religious publishing press. His works of mercy included opening a
temporary hospital in Poland during World War II. His charism was sacrificing his life so
that another man could live on.

Expert Answers
St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar who became a martyr at
the Auschwitz Death Camp during the second world war. One of the big focuses of his
ministry was working with people of other faiths, particularly the Freemasons, to tell
them about the Catholic faith and win them over.

Another significant contribution of Kolbe's was the establishment of a religious publishing

press and the production of a monthly periodical. Later, he founded a new monastery at
Niepokalanow, and in time this became a major publisher of religious works. Over and
above this, he ministered in various parts of the world, founding monasteries in both
Japan and India.

I would argue that Kolbe carried out his main act of mercy once war had broken out. He
opened a temporary hospital in Poland to aid the wounded, and later refused to use his
German citizenship as a way to get out of trouble, choosing rather to stay in his
monastery, provide shelter for refugees and conceal some 2 000 Jews from their German
persecutors. Kolbe was steadfast in his personal war against the Nazis, later using his
publishing house to issue anti-Nazi publications.

Once eventually imprisoned in Auschwitz, Kolbe became nothing less than a hero. With
his servant heart, his charism was to pay the ultimate price—his life. He volunteered to
take the place of a man who had been selected to face death by starvation. In doing this,
Kolbe gave this man a chance to live a longer life with his family.

Further Reading 1/2
5/6/2021 Who was St. Maximilian Kolbe, and what were his contributions, works of mercy, and charism? - 2/2

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