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The basis of modern science was formed upon the essence of ancient Greek metaphysics
and later elaborated (credenda) with the endorsement of the Byzantine and Holy Roman Empire.
Some scholars have noted a direct tie between Christianity and the credenda rise of modern
science. Contrary to the ancient Greeks who centered around oral debate and open discussion,
the Holy Roman Empire turned science into written law. The science of the empire was one with
the courts and church. The crusades were a series of wars in western Asia initiated in Europe
and supported directly by the Holy Roman Church between the 11th and 17th century. The
Kingdom of Jerusalem was the first experiment in European colonialism, a crusader state. The
transportation and supply of large armies led flourishing trade between Europe and the crusader
states. The crusades had a role in the formation and institutionalization of the military and the
Dominican Order as well as the medieval inquisition. The crusades strengthened the papal
leadership of the Holy Roman Church, strengthening the link between Western Christendom,
feudalism, and militarism and increased tolerance for religious violence. The growth of the
system became a catalyst for the reformation in the early 16th century. Jesuit China missions of
the 16th and 17th centuries introduced Western science and astronomy to the Eastern world and
suppressed much of the knowledge held onto by the Mongols and Tartarians. In the 19th and
20th centuries the introduction of Western technology was a major factor in the modernization of
The scientific method was conceived in the 17th century, stimulating an objective
approach of philosophy for the sake of materialism. The process of using an inductive approach
to obtain knowledge was in contrast to the Aristotelian approach of retroduction which analysis
of known facts produced further understanding. By the end of the scientific revolution, the
qualitative world of philosophers had been changed to a quantitative world of mathematicians
known through continuous experimental research. As the world wars occurred, “Jewish physics”
came into term as Albert Einstein’s work took the mainstream. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm,
Kingdom of Württemberg of the German Empire on March 14th, 1879. Einstein’s parents were
assimilated Jews and he attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich and later transferred to
the Luitpold Gymnasium where he received advanced primary and secondary school education
until he left the German Empire seven years later. While it is in good spirit the early 19th century
seemed to bring on the separation of church and science, accepting Albert Einstein’s work as
the mainstream consensus, an even more dogmatic enforcement of science has come where the
courts of governments (infiltrated by the so called “spread of democracy”, democracy being
denotatively the opposite of dogma) follow the scientific consensus of doctoral hierarchy leaving
no room for debate. Debate was a fundamental part in the formation of the current modern
science and is a fundamental aspect of democracy.


Everything in the universe is field and space, density and volume, inertia and force. All
attraction in the universe is the same inertia or field acceleration. There is only one field in the
universe. Force comes from what is prior and atemporal, the field. Increasing force, increases
inertia. One could imagine an analogy using a pool of water and a pole. The water is the field or
density, existing only in time as the medium. The pole is force, existing as circular motion and
volume before and after the water. As the pole exerts force causing circular motion and volume,
a void is manifest (the water). The inertia or water manifesting causes gravitation or attraction, in
return increasing the pole’s circular force.
All things are point charge or space charge. Point charge is a characteristic of
ferromagnetism and paramagnetism. Space charge is a characteristic of diamagnetism and
superdiamagnetism. Ordinary matter is a collection of these two characteristics. An anti-gravity
spacecraft is essentially a massive space charge or superconductor creating the acceleration
towards volumetric space, using the London moment for point charge acceleration towards
densimetric ground.
The smaller the space is, the larger point charge is. Gamma rays have small wavelengths
compared to radio waves due to their difference in capacitance. When a voltage is increased and
applied to a stream of water, its water droplets decrease in size and increase in rate. When the
voltage is reduced, the water droplets increase in size and decrease in rate.
The basic understanding of field and space explains the cosmology of the universe.
Metaphysics is the retroductive analysis of phenomena and is needed for explaining a unified
theory. Everything is electricity, correctly defined in this document.


Force is circular motion, the polarized posterior attribute of the field. Force is reified with
inertia as a measure. Force is the toroid and the wake of the loss of inertia. Force is volume (V)
and the magnetic “field” (Φ). The magnetic “field” is not the field, rather the conjugate volume
of the field. Force is a space charge. A larger magnetic flux has a smaller space charge and larger
point charge. The magnetic “field” specifically relates to the Larmor frequency; the precession
of hydrogen protons 42.5764 MHz/T. The proton is the force of the neutron and electron, the
conjugate inertia.
Diamagnetism and superdiamagnetism are a strong characteristic of force and have
a strong space charge. Diamagnetic matter, i.e. a frog, will levitate towards the largest space
charge in a point charge emission due to diamagnetism’s nature which rejects point charge.
Diamagnetism and superdiamagnetism seek an empty volumetric space, whereas ferromagnetism
and paramagnetism seek a point charge ground. Diamagnetic hydrogen atoms of a nebula are
in circular motion as the diamagnetic atoms reject the point charge they’re within. The circular
motion of the diamagnetic atoms cause the conjugate inertia to manifest (similar to the London
moment), conventionally known as gravitational contraction. The inertia manifesting causes a
process known as thermonuclear fusion, creating all the atoms up to iron. The rest of nature’s
atoms are created by a supernova. Gravity is weak for mass below 1.220910×1019 GeV/c2 due
to gravity being secondary manifesting inertia to the circular motion of diamagnetic atoms.

• Circular force
• Volume
• Magnetic “field”

Force is repulsion or resistance and does nothing but self erase. The magnetic “field”
or magnetism does not necessitate the attraction of magnets. Magnetic volume does not exist
without electricity terminating through a volume. The magnetic flux is a reified measure of force
and inertia. A hall effect sensor takes a measure by creating a current of electricity near a magnet
necessitating longitudinal refractions (a process of inertia; the transfer of energy), producing a
magnetic flux reading. A strong magnetic flux reading is caused by both a strong point charge or
secondary manifest of diamagnetic and superdiamagnetism spin. The magnetic flux or weber (Φ)
is the total magnetic induction. Magnetic induction is subject to a rate of induction (the “speed”
of light). A stationary magnet does not release heat because there is no transfer of energy, as the
magnetic “field” is the volume of the mass itself contained within the conjugate medium which is
density or the field. The magnetic “field” is nothing more than the loss of inertia. The attraction

of a magnet is caused by inertia, the field. The repulsive phenomena of diamagnetic materials in
a point charge is caused by inertia, the field. Gravity, magnetic attraction, and superconductive
levitation are field acceleration. Attraction and acceleration are manifesting in all thing.
Unlike paramagnetism and ferromagnetism which have a strong medium and strong
force (magnetic “field”) contained within the medium, diamagnetism and superdiamagnetism
have a strong space charge, ejecting the magnetic flux or point charge. When a superconductor
is within weak external magnet, the magnet’s point charge is ejected. This is a known effect
called the Meissner effect. The magnet’s point charge is not completely ejected but instead the
point charge penetrates the superconductor, called the London penetration depth (λ), decaying
exponentially to zero within the bulk of the superconductive material. For most superconductors,
the penetration depth typically ranges from 50 to 500 nm. A spinning superconductor generates a
magnetic flux, aligned with the spin axis. This effect is called the London moment.


Inertia is radial and nonlinear, the atemporal field existing only in time. Inertia is the
hyperboloid and medium. Inertia is conjugate with force but cannot be reified by itself as the
field is incommensurable. Inertia is density (D) and the dielectric field, the only field. Inertia is
the coulomb (Ψ), the total dielectric charge. Dielectricity is counterspace torque, the expansion
of a point. To draw a point, one must draw a perimeter. One cannot draw a perimeter without
beginning at a point. Therefore, a perimeter is not a perimeter but the expansion of a point.
Inertia is an atemporal nonlinear expanding point and there is only one point in the universe.

• Radial inertia
• Density
• Dielectric field

All attraction is necessitated by the field. Earnshaw’s theorem forbids magnetic

levitation. Magnets are ferromagnetic which are a point charge emission. Point charges cannot
be maintained in a stable stationary equilibrium configuration solely by an interaction of
the charges. The wake of the loss of inertia causes the inverse of inertia, that being force or
polarization. There are no autonomous poles of polarization, the inverse of inertia. The nonlinear

hyperbolic clock of a point charge magnet begins in the domain wall region, which expands in
two symmetrical directions. The hyperbolic clock is nonlinear, symmetric and one converging
direction. Inertia or the hyperboloid is convergence, both for point charges and space charges.
The slamming of two like poles from two point charges is the slamming of opposing clocks. All
attraction is field acceleration or dielectric acceleration. Field acceleration is clock symmetry.
Charge is not in or of bodies rather the counterspace torque between bodies. Dielectricity
is denotatively counterspace torque. There are no electrons traveling through a copper wire.
The charge is surrounding the conductor as the medium itself according to Charles Proteus
Steinmetz. As concluded by J. J. Thompson, the electron is a unit line terminal end of dielectric
charge. Energy or light does not travel and the transfer is necessitated by longitudinal refractions
(charge), conjugate with transverse compressions (induction). The dielectric field has no rate;
information has no limit.


Electricity is the conjugation of dielectricity and magnetism, density and volume, inertia
and force, field and space. Electricity is light, the quanta and make-up of mass. The total mass
(M) is D V. The total electric induction Ψ Φ is equal to the Planck charge (Q). The experiments
• •

by J. J. Thompson indicate the conjugate dielectricity and magnetism are discrete fiber-like
quanta. Understanding Planck’s constant, any variation in the total electric induction (Q) cannot
be continuous but has to exhibit variation in discrete steps. This creates the concept of the
photon, a quantum unit, the electric induction (Q).
Electrical engineering has four basic primary dimensions. Space (l) and time (t),
dielectricity (Ψ) and magnetism (Φ). Time (t) is a dimension pertaining to space or volume
and space (l) is a dimension pertaining to the field or medium. Consider the example of a
transmission system, the Integratron system engineered by George Van Tassle. The Integratron
affects transmission through and around space. In a hypothetical situation, where two units are
on two different planets, entrance into the in-gate of one unit results in exit of the out-gate of the
other unit. When performing this operation, nothing travels between planets with a dimensional
relation to space. Since time (t) has not been altered, it would be assumed the dimension of space
(l) is abolished. The truth is, space (l) is the transmission obstacle and medium. This is called a
space scalar with no variation of space. An example of a time scalar, which has no variation in
time, is long distance D. C. transmission. Long distance transmission using A. C. will suffer from
the effects of the electromotive force. The voltage (E) and displacement current (I) are both time
derivatives. The conjugate E and I over long distances gives transmission issues. D. C. has no
frequency and no relation to time, hence dimensional relations involving time such as E and I are
removed. Direct current is a time scalar.
Faraday’s law of magnetic induction represents the space scalar and Maxwell’s law of
dielectric charge represents the time scalar. Electromotive force (E) is the magnetic reactance to
the change in the net quantity of induction. Displacement current (I) is a dielectric susceptance

to the change in the net quantity of charge. Voltage (E) and ampere (I) are the result of inductive-
charge variation with relation to time. The electrostatic potential (e) exists in the same unit of E
and the magnetomotive charge (i) exists in the same unit of I. E and i have a conjugate relation in
a magnetic conductor. I and e have a conjugate relation in a dielectric insulator. This proposes E i•

and e I both equal watts (W). E I and e i suggest the same. This describes the four polar form of
• • •

electricity which represent the four terms of the telegraph equations by Oliver Heaviside in their
original form.
The magnetic and dielectric coaxial structure of electric induction form the volume and
density of the universe. e is the charge pulling and i is the force pushing. e and i are not complete
but are misrepresentations; figments of time. Force and charge caused by e and i are properly
expressed as dielectric density and magnetic volume. e/l gives the dielectric density (d). i/l gives
the magnetic volume (m). d is the density of the dielectric field (Ψ) and m is the volume of the
magnetic “field” (Φ).

d= el =lΦt •
& m= il = lΨt

e=dl & e= el l

i= il l
• & i=ml

These dimensional relations give the centimeter per centimeter. Dimensionally electricity
is per cm in counterspace. The product of the counterspace span in per cm is multiplied by the
length of the span. Per cm times cm is the product of counterspace and space which results
in a dimensional cancellation and numeric. This is called the space scalar condition which is
dimensionless but possesses an angle. In conclusion, e exists in d and i exists in m.
Faraday’s law of induction states E is given by the ratio of the total quantity of induction
(Φ) to the time rate of the gain or loss of this quantity of induction. E is given by the rate of
change in induction, Φ/t. Maxwell’s law of charge states I is given by the ratio of the total
quantity of charge (Ψ) to the time rate of the gain or loss of this quantity of charge. I is given by
the rate of change in charge, Ψ/t. E and I are not to be considered opposites of each other, as they
exist in symmetry form. The four polar form of electricity shows there is E and e, I and i. This
gives rise to another ratio, E/I invoking Ohm’s law. This relation is known as the impedance (Z)
in ohms. E/I gives Z.

E = Φt =Z & Φ
I Ψt Ψ =Z

The inverse of impedance is admittance (Y) in siemens. The ratio is the opposite of
impedance, I/E. I/E gives Y. There is a also an angle between the time frame of Z and Y, just as
there is with E and I. Admittance is not just the inverse of the impedance, they are mirrored. In
conclusion the admittance and impedance are proportionality factors between the dielectricity
and magnetism.

I Ψt Ψ =Y
E = Φt =Y & Φ

Q is defined as the total quantity of electric induction. Every other substantial relation
found its derivation in Q. The conjugate Ψ and Φ arrive by a divorce. Four more arrive by the
direct interaction of a substantial dimension with the metrical dimension of time, E, I, J, and
W. Z and Y arrive in a pair of paths, one path through the dimension of time, the other through
relations of the primary dimensions of Ψ and Φ. This leaves the one atemporal charge derived
by two, following a set of six.

Q=ΨΦ & J= t & W= Jt

The conjugation of circular force and radial inertia form centrifugal and centripetal
vortexes. A magnet with a small geometric vortex has a large point charge and controversially
a weak magnet with a small point charge has a large volumetric geometry. The only difference
between gravity and magnetic attraction is field coherency. Just as one imagines a pool of
water using circular force to manifest radial inertia, gravity is secondary to diamagnetic
or superdiamagnetic circular force. Magnetic attraction is primary to its ferromagnetic or
paramagnetic atomic. This is the reason why gravity is so weak for mass under 1 mP (Planck
mass). Gravity, magnetic attraction, and superdiamagnetic levitation are dielectric acceleration;
inertia. A black hole is a cosmological superconductor with no spin (not to be confused with
the spin zone) where inertia has overthrown magnetism’s ability to keep the mass in the visible
universe. There is only one counterspace torque or field acceleration, the dielectric field or
simply the field.

• Centrifugal &
centripetal vortexes
• Conjugation of force
and inertia

There is nothing but the consubstantiality of field and space. While incoherent white lamp
light is reflected off of a red wall, red is visible. While the same light is reflected off of a blue
wall, blue is visible. Perturbation of the incoherent field takes on the posterior attribute of the
red wall and becomes consubstantial with the white light. Coherent laser light is a point charge
emission, which does not take on any consubstantiality in the coincidence of the red wall and
blue wall. The difference between the laser light and lamp light is the field coherency, the same
difference between magnetic attraction and gravity. Refraction and dispersion of light through a
prism is solely related to the capacitance and resistance of electricity (light). Violet has a smaller
wavelength compared to red because the smaller the volume or length is, the larger the point

charge is. White light is composed of different wavelengths. The larger the deviation angle of
light, the larger the point charge is. Gamma (γ) radiation penetrates matter because the smallest
wavelengths have a massive point charge. Alpha (α or He2+) and beta (β- or β+) radiation are
more ionizing and less penetrating than γ radiation. α decay turns into normal electrically neutral
helium atoms if they gain point charge. β- and β+ decay produce point charges and space charges
respectively. β- decay of a neutron transforms into a proton by the emission of an electron with
antineutrino, or conversely β+ decay of a proton transforms into a neutron by the emission of a
positron with neutrino.
Consciousness is not an autonomous thing. The conjugation of dielectricity and
magnetism, inertia and force create the concept of illumination and consciousness. Illumination
and consciousness are merely the process of attraction or field acceleration. A “self” is defined by
the counterspace torsion created by perception. When one perceives objectively they stimulate
an egozēlos “self”, which is associated to their favorite foods, favorite clothing and materials,
the person seen in the mirror, etc. This large volume of counterspace torsion is a space charge
created between things and the medium which defines the “self”. There is only one cosmological
consciousness with two selves. The ontological and the psychophysical. The ontological self
is referred to as noesis, dianoia, and pistis. The psychophysical “self” is referred to as eikasia.
Eikasia relates to the magnetic “field” or force which self erases. Eikasia is not permanent and
always changing. Trend is the psychophysical, the detailed engravings seen upon an iron coin.
The ontological aspect of the self is the iron or density of the coin. Together the ontological
self and psychophysical “self” form the consciousness, the monad. The subject (self) precedes
the objects (“self”) in negation. Objective negation stimulates subjective synthesis. When one
perceives subjectively, they stimulate a smaller space and larger understanding. Understanding is
the basic notion all things are seeking the same rest; ecstasy.
The √5 and phi (golden ratio) are used to multiply and deduce 1 explaining the structure
mechanics and clockworks of the psychophysical universe. Noesis, dianoia, pistis, and eikasia
together form the total mass. Dark matter is known to account for 85.41% of all mass in the
universe, which noesis, dianoia, and pistis account for in ratio to eikasia. Dark matter is merely
the field or density of visible volume. The visible is eikasia, reflecting the five visible planets.
The pentad is the golden ratio and a symbol of hygieia, a non-personified symbol of health and
perfection. Eidos forms the monad beginning the Fibonacci sequence, the synthesis before the
big bang. Eidos and the monad form polarization which together form the androgyne or ātman.
The “self” is anātman, an angle of ātman. Ātman is the ontological self, the androgyne and
the golden spiral. Anātman is retroduction of the “self” or objective negation and subjective
synthesis. With a triad base of 1 unit, the perimeter of ātman is the golden ratio of 2, or √5-1,
1.23606. The triad perimeter is the √5. √52 creates the pentad. The pentad is the only regular
polygon which solves a square root, conjugating √5 and 5. The golden spiral does not pass
through eikasia which represents the magnetic force or “self”. The charge point of inertia is
displaced from the starting point due to field incommensurability. The great deception of innate
idea is the concept of a cosmological start point.


Magnetism - (Φ) weber, a quantity of magnetic induction; cannot exist

without electricity terminating through a volume.

Dielectricity - (Ψ) coulomb, a quantity of dielectric charge; counterspace


Electricity - (Q) Planck charge Ψ Φ; conjugation of field and space, density

and volume; atemporal.

Point charge - ferromagnetic and paramagnetic characteristic; ground

convergence or volumetric divergence.

Space charge - diamagnetic and superconductive characteristic; volumetric

convergence or ground divergence.

Space - posterior attribute of the field and generalization of empty volume;

has infinite dimensions; polarization; self erasing; force; toroidal.

Field - the one incommensurable atemporal medium existing only in time;

counterspace; attraction and acceleration; atemporal; inertia; hyperbolic.

Volume - (V) M/D; cm3 or ml; the posterior attribute of density.

Density - (D) M/V; g/cm3 or g/mL; the medium conjugate to volume.

Mass - (M) D V; conjugation of density and volume.

Consciousness - conjugation of force and inertia, field and space; ātman; the


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