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Feline Congestive Heart

F a i l u re
Current Diagnosis and Management

Etienne Côté, DVM

 Cat  Cardiac  Edema  Effusion  Diuretic

 Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a well-recognized, potentially life-threatening result of
heart disease; the onset of CHF has important implications for a cat’s treatment and
 Appropriate medical management of CHF in cats begins with accurately identifying it and
excluding other conditions that can produce similar signs.
 The cornerstones of management of acute CHF in cats are avoidance of undue stress,
intravenous administration of furosemide, oxygen supplementation, and thoracocentesis
in patients with large-volume pleural effusion.
 The cornerstones of management of chronic CHF in cats are identification and elimination
of inciting causes (eg, general anesthesia, sustained-release glucocorticoid injections,
acute sodium ingestions); oral administration of furosemide and an angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitor in all cases; and administration of a second diuretic, pimoben-
dan, and other medications in select cases.
 Because the underlying cardiac disease rarely is eliminated, ongoing treatment should be
monitored both at home (eg, cat’s demeanor, resting respiratory rate) and periodically by
the veterinarian.

Why Does It Matter if a Cat with Heart Disease Has Congestive Heart Failure?
Identifying whether a cat has congestive heart failure (CHF) is essential if a correct
treatment plan and prognosis are to be delivered to a patient with heart disease.1,2
Before the onset of CHF, and despite interesting recent developments,3,4 no treatment
currently is known to alter the evolution of feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).
Conversely, once CHF is present, treatment is considered indispensable and life-
saving. This remains true even though, as might be expected on humane grounds,
prospective clinical trials have never been conducted to compare diuretic treatment,

The author has nothing to disclose.

Department of Companion Animals, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward
Island, 550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A4P3, Canada

Vet Clin Small Anim - (2017) -–-
0195-5616/17/ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Côté

thoracocentesis, or both, to placebo or sham treatment. It is universally accepted that

diuretics and thoracocentesis are essential for managing heart failure patients with
pulmonary edema or large-volume pleural effusion, respectively. Prognostically, the
onset of CHF represents an important step in the clinical course of cats with heart dis-
ease. For example, cats with HCM and CHF have a median survival of 92 to 563 days
compared with 1129 to greater than 3617 days in cats that have HCM without
CHF.1,5,6 Therefore, the categorization of a cat with heart disease as having CHF or
not is important for both treatment and prognosis (Fig. 1).

Is It Congestive Heart Failure? Ruling in or Ruling out Congestive Heart Failure

Because CHF is a syndrome, the diagnosis rests on combining information from
several sources. The physical sign most commonly recognized in cats with CHF is
dyspnea, which characteristically can involve a disproportionate increase in the
abdominal effort of respiration. For example, a retrospective study described 14
cats with tricuspid valve dysplasia and the most common abnormality recognized
by owners was dyspnea visible as discordant or opposite chest and abdominal wall
movements (5/14 cats, 36%); by contrast, 0 out of 36 dogs with the same cardiac
malformation had this finding reported by their owners7 (chi-square 5 14.29;
P<.001). This observation seems to be especially prominent with pleural effusion.8
Cats with CHF due to cardiomyopathy show dyspnea in at least 32% of cases.5 An
S3 or S4 gallop sound classically is due to increased ventricular diastolic filling pres-
sure, which is essentially always present in CHF. A gallop sound has been reported
frequently in cats with HCM and specifically in 32% of CHF cats,6 and it is associated

Fig. 1. Algorithm of an approach to the initial management of acute congestive heart fail-
ure in cats. Asterisks indicate the concurrent presence of cardiomegaly (radiographs) and/or
atrial enlargement (TFAST). TFAST, thoracic focused assessment with sonography for trauma.
Feline Congestive Heart Failure 3

with a higher risk of cardiac death9; however, other third heart sounds, including gal-
lops, are recognized that are unrelated to CHF6,10 and the differentiation of gallops
from similar sounds can be challenging.
Confirmation of CHF rests on diagnostic imaging. Thoracic radiography is the diag-
nostic test of choice for identifying pulmonary edema, typically revealing a patchy
interstitial to alveolar lung pattern. Pulmonary ultrasonographic findings (B-lines/lung
rockets) also can indicate pulmonary edema.11 Either radiography or ultrasonography
can be used for identifying pleural effusion; in cats with HCM and CHF, pleural effusion
is thought to be the most important cause of dyspnea in 15% of cases, compared with
pulmonary edema as the most important cause of dyspnea in 85% of cases.1 Ultraso-
nography is the confirmatory imaging modality of choice for identifying ascites.
Despite the widespread availability and noninvasiveness of these modalities, impor-
tant pitfalls exist that can lead to a false-positive diagnosis of CHF (Box 1).
If the patient’s clinical state changes at home, CHF may first be suspected based on
an increased awake but resting respiratory rate (RRR) or sleeping respiratory rate
(SRR).17,18 Specifically, an SRR equal to or greater than 30 breaths per minute is
very unusual in a healthy cat or a cat with subclinical heart disease.17,18 Furthermore,
when CHF was medically controlled, SRR was less than 30 breaths per minute in 95%
of affected cats in 1 study, and RRR was equal to or less than 40 breaths per minute in
90% of affected cats. Therefore, the diagnosis of CHF can first be suspected by
owners if they are informed of this useful and simple home monitoring parameter
and become skilled in its application.


Management goals are reached using both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic

methods. General objectives include the following:
 Accurate identification of CHF (see previous discussion, above)
 Elimination of hypervolemia with medications
 Avoidance of adverse effects
 Accurate identification of future concerns as being cardiogenic or noncardio-
genic (because the underlying problem is unlikely to be eliminated for most
cats—patent ductus arteriosus and taurine-deficient dilated cardiomyopathy be-
ing well-recognized but uncommon exceptions).


Because HCM is an irreversible disorder, the following medications are used indefi-
nitely once CHF has been documented. Their implementation varies among cases
but, typically, furosemide, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and
possibly pimobendan are administered for preventing recurrence of signs of CHF. Spi-
ronolactone can be added later if a second diuretic and/or management of hypokale-
mia are called for (Table 1).
 Furosemide is a potent, rapidly acting, high-ceiling, loop diuretic.19 It is the drug of
choice for treating cardiogenic pulmonary edema. In patients that are severely
dyspneic, administration should be intravenous (IV) with judicious physical re-
straint of the animal. Moderately to markedly dyspneic animals should receive 3
to 4 mg/kg IV; with tolerant patients, skilled technical personnel, or both, a blood
sample for baseline kidney and electrolytes values and urine sample for urinalysis
should be obtained in addition to lateral and dorsoventral thoracic radiographs
before the administration of furosemide. The expected onset of action of
4 Côté

Box 1
Factors that can affect the interpretation of thoracic radiographs in cats suspected of having
cardiogenic pulmonary edema

Thoracic body fat overlies the lungs and increases their apparent radiopacity, which can be
mistaken for the interstitial pattern of cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Important clues that
should be noted include whether a large amount of subcutaneous fat is seen on the radiograph
and whether the interstitial pattern appears to be uniformly distributed throughout the lungs.
Either or both of these findings would suggest that part or all of the interstitial pattern in the
lungs is actually due to superimposed fat.

Expiratory films
Radiographs made during expiration cause a relative compression of the lung tissue, which in-
creases its radiopacity and reduces the area of lung available for interpretation. Noting the
amount of overlap between cardiac silhouette and diaphragm, making a subjective assessment
of the size of the lung fields, and repeating radiographs to obtain inspiratory views are ways of
addressing this possible confounder.

Nonspecific nature of pulmonary infiltrates in cats with CHF

Radiographic infiltrates of cardiogenic pulmonary edema typically are described as patchy and
are not consistently localized, in contrast to the perihilar description often given to such
infiltrates in dogs. When uncertainty exists, a cardiac disorder should be confirmed echocardio-
graphically (see “Failing to confirm an underlying cause,” below). Additionally, the vertebral
heart score (VHS) can be measured (heart disease is unlikely if VHS<8.0, is likely if VHS>9.3,
and the likelihood is indeterminate if VHS 5 8.1–9.2)12 and circulating NT-proBNP and/or car-
diac troponin-I concentrations can be measured cageside13,14 to differentiate cardiogenic
from noncardiogenic respiratory signs. A cat with ascites that is thought to be cardiogenic
should have enlarged hepatic veins on abdominal ultrasound examination.

Failing to confirm an inciting cause

By definition, CHF occurs as a result of heart disease, usually advanced heart disease. Therefore,
a cat thought to have CHF should have a substantial underlying cardiac problem, typically
involving atrial enlargement due to high cardiac filling pressures. An echocardiogram is always
indicated in a cat with CHF, after hemodynamic and medical stabilization through acute treat-
ment. A normal echocardiogram rules out CHF irrespective of the radiographic appearance of
the lungs and pleural space. Conversely, it is important to remember that an abnormal echocar-
diogram remains nonspecific because the high prevalence of HCM in the general feline popu-
lation15,16 means that some cats with mild cardiac abnormalities may have an unrelated
problem (eg, idiopathic chylothorax, feline airway disease) as the cause of clinical signs. Uncer-
tainty can be addressed as described elsewhere in this article.

Table 1
Medications used in the treatment of cats with congestive heart failure

Medication Dosage, Route, and Interval

ACE inhibitor 0.25 mg/kg po q 24 h (benazepril), 0.5 mg/kg po q 12–24 h (enalapril)
Digoxin 0.03125 mg/kg po q 48 h
Furosemide Acute CHF: 3–4 mg/kg IV prn
Chronic CHF: 1–3 mg/kg po q 12 h
Hydrochlorothiazide 1–2 mg/kg po q 12 h
Pimobendan 0.25 mg/kg (1.25 mg/cat) po q 12 h
Spironolactone 1–2 mg/kg po q 12 h
Torsemide 0.1–0.3 mg/kg po q 12 h
Feline Congestive Heart Failure 5

furosemide is 5 to 10 minutes in healthy cats, and within the first 30 minutes in cats
with severe CHF, based on experience; objective information to support or refute
this is not known to exist in publication currently. Absence of improvement in res-
piratory rate and character, which should be monitored closely, justifies readmi-
nistration of a similar dose of furosemide within 30 to 45 minutes if necessary,
as well as reassessment of the diagnosis of CHF if any uncertainty exists. A patient
that responds well has the dosage reduced promptly; typically, 1 or 2 IV doses are
needed to begin mobilizing pulmonary edema, and subsequent IV doses of 1 to
3 mg/kg can be given every 6 to 8 hours for 24 to 36 hours afterward. This regimen
is modified based on improvement in respiratory clinical parameters. The decision
to administer furosemide orally after 24 to 36 hours of IV use is based on the ease of
medication administration, the resolution of dyspnea, and the cat’s willingness to
eat in the hospital. Occasionally, it is necessary to discharge an inappetent cat with
oral furosemide to be administered at home, even though the cat has only been
receiving IV furosemide up until that point. This leap of faith assumes that the
cat’s willingness to eat and to receive medication will be improved in the home
environment, and no more than 24 hours of inappetence or anorexia should be al-
lowed to lapse before the cat is returned to the hospital if this approach was unsuc-
cessful. A typical dosage of furosemide given orally is 2 mg/kg every 12 hours, and
this is modified based on several parameters, including sodium content of the diet,
and ease of resolution of respiratory clinical signs with IV furosemide administra-
tion. Some cats with apparent diuretic resistance or braking effect, as evidenced
by intermittent recurrence of signs of CHF (and especially a cat with urine specific
gravity>1.020 while receiving diuretics), may benefit from supplementation of oral
furosemide with furosemide 1 to 2 mg/kg subcutaneously as needed (eg, once
weekly) at home; this presumes that part of the reason for diuretic resistance is
malabsorption of the oral formulation of the drug.
 ACE inhibitors (eg, enalapril, benazepril, ramipril; typically 0.25–0.5 mg/kg by
mouth every 12–24 hours) are adjunctive treatments given concurrently with furo-
semide once the patient’s hemodynamic and respiratory parameters have stabi-
lized. There is no known benefit or clear role for these being instituted during
acute CHF. Although use has been suggested in preclinical HCM, such an appli-
cation has been unsuccessful.20,21
 Spironolactone (typical dosage: 1–2 mg/kg by mouth every 12 hours). This
potassium-sparing diuretic is routinely used in conjunction with furosemide in
dogs with CHF. The concept of sequential nephron blockade, together with po-
tassium retention, and additional antialdosterone effects, are important assets,
although its efficacy as a diuretic in monotherapy seems very weak.22 In cats,
by extrapolation, it can be considered as part of a treatment protocol for CHF,
especially when there is concurrent hypokalemia. Possible antifibrotic effects
that could slow the process of HCM progression have been evaluated and
were not found to be present.23 A substantial concern regarding acute, severe
adverse dermatologic effects of spironolactone in cats23 seems to be infrequent,
possibly limited to the Maine Coon cat breed.
 Torsemide (typical dosage: 0.1–0.3 mg/kg by mouth every 12 hours). Like
furosemide, torsemide is a loop diuretic.19 It is 10 times more potent than furo-
semide. In cats with pressure-overload–induced cardiac hypertrophy, torsemide
0.3 mg/kg produces similar degrees of diuresis and natriuresis as does 3 mg/kg
furosemide, and significantly greater degrees than furosemide 1 mg/kg.24 In
dogs, the diuretic effect of torsemide is maintained after 1 to 2 weeks to a
much greater degree than is the diuretic effect of furosemide; that is, torsemide
6 Côté

displays less of a braking effect (development of diuretic tolerance) than does

furosemide.24,25 For this reason, furosemide can be replaced with torsemide
(at one-tenth the dosage) in cats with recurrent CHF, particularly if the underlying
disease has not worsened and acute triggers of CHF, such as general anes-
thesia, parenteral fluid administration, glucocorticoid administration, and sodium
ingestion have not occurred recently; in other words, when the braking effect or
diuretic tolerance seem to exist with chronic furosemide treatment. The braking
effect is even more strongly suspected when a cat receiving furosemide chron-
ically also has a urine specific gravity greater than 1.012; poor compliance would
be an important differential. This principle-based use of torsemide, while logical,
has yet to be investigated prospectively in cats with naturally occurring CHF.
 Hydrochlorothiazide (typical dosage: 1–2 mg/kg by mouth every 12 hours). Thia-
zide diuretics exert their effects distal to the site of action of loop diuretics and,
therefore, can be considered complementary to them.19 Administration of both
a loop diuretic and either a thiazide or spironolactone (following the principle of
sequential nephron blockade) is a logical approach for cats with recurrent or re-
fractory CHF but efficacy and safety have not been proven in cats with CHF. In
practical terms, hydrochlorothiazide is added to furosemide when a maximal
dosage of furosemide (eg, 3 mg/kg by mouth every 8 hours) is being administered
reliably and evidence of lack of efficacy, such as persistent CHF despite normal or
minimally increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations, is evident.
 Pimobendan (typical dosage: 0.25 mg/kg [1.25 mg/cat] by mouth every 12 hours).
This inodilator drug, which is used widely in dogs, has markedly different phar-
macokinetic properties in cats and has not been investigated with prospective
trials. Nevertheless, it is the only drug for cats with HCM and CHF that has
been shown in a controlled study to be associated with significantly longer sur-
vival.26 Given both this limitation and this apparent benefit, pimobendan is rec-
ommended off-label for cats with severe HCM (including extensive secondary
changes) and CHF if the diagnosis is confirmed unambiguously with clinical,
radiographic, and echocardiographic evidence, and especially if there is evi-
dence of decreased left ventricular systolic function.
 Digoxin (typical dosage: 0.03125 mg [one-fourth 0.125 mg tablet] by mouth every
48 hours).27,28 The use of digoxin for cats with CHF caused by diseases of systolic
dysfunction has not been pursued recently. A cat with heart disease causing both
ventricular systolic dysfunction and a persistent, rapid supraventricular arrhythmia
would be a candidate for digoxin treatment; such cases are uncommon. Human
and canine experience suggests low dosages of digoxin and addition of other
drugs if needed (eg, beta-blockers for tachyarrhythmias, pimobendan for systolic
dysfunction) would be an appropriate approach. Importantly, quartered digoxin
tablets lose 14% to 47% of their potency after 30 days of storage, so digoxin tablets
should be dispensed whole and quartered by the owner immediately before use.29
 Atenolol and other beta-blockers. These drugs should not be initiated during acute
CHF because suppression of heart rate can be detrimental (life-threatening exac-
erbation) if the patient’s reflex sinus tachycardia is essential. An exception would
be a feline patient with a pathologic tachycardia producing a sustained heart rate
greater than 260 beats per minute, in which beta-blockade could improve diastolic
filling time; however, such treatment is started carefully because any tachycardia
may be intermittent and the drug’s ongoing effect will also reduce heart rate in si-
nus tachycardia or sinus rhythm. A patient who is already receiving beta-blockers
before CHF and who is admitted for new-onset acute CHF poses a dilemma:
should the beta-blocker be continued because withdrawal can cause an
Feline Congestive Heart Failure 7

excessive sympathetic influence on the heart or should it be stopped because

such a sympathetic increase could be beneficial to some degree? In the absence
of objective data, an approach that is extrapolated from human cardiology con-
sists of continuing the beta-blocker if the patient is alert, shows evidence of
good peripheral perfusion (temperature of extremities, pulse quality), can receive
oral medications without distress, and is tachycardiac (eg, heart rate>200 per min-
ute); of reducing the dosage by half if the patient is alert, perfusing well, and
compliant to oral medications but has a normal heart rate (eg, 150–200 per min-
ute); and stopping it if the patient is not alert, is intolerant to oral administration,
is hypotensive, and/or is bradycardic (<150 per minute).

Acute Congestive Heart Failure
Oxygen supplementation
In the acute setting, oxygen supplementation can be beneficial provided its delivery is
not detrimental to the cat. Specifically, an oxygen cage can be excessively hot, dis-
tressing to a cat (loud blasts of noise from oxygen flow valves), or can limit personnel’s
ability to work with and monitor the patient properly. Intranasal delivery is not typically
practical in cats, but an Elizabethan collar covered by a transparent plastic membrane
may be an effective alternative to oxygen cages. The oxygen flow setting should
achieve an inspired or ambient oxygen concentration of 40%.

Stress reduction
Excessive restraint can be very detrimental to a cat with CHF. One important source of
this stress to be avoided is physical restraint when thoracic radiographs are being
taken. A solution to minimize this problem is to take only a dorsoventral radiograph,
with the patient in sternal recumbency. This position mimics the cat’s natural posture
when dyspneic; it seems less distressing to a cat compared with lateral recumbency
and certainly is much less likely to trigger a respiratory crisis than is dorsal recum-
bency. Another important opportunity for avoiding stress is to provide a hiding place
for cat in its cage.30 A cardboard box or a soft, washable, dome-covered bed is an
excellent option.

Physical withdrawal of free fluid from the pleural space can be accomplished safely
and promptly. The procedure has been described in detail.31 The ideal volume to be
withdrawn is not known; it should be sufficient to relieve clinical signs, but excessive
removal, especially if a chronic chylous effusion and secondary fibrosing pleuritis are
present, has been associated with bronchopleural fistula and intractable pneumo-
thorax in a small but clinically significant number of cases.11,32 Thoracocentesis can
be repeated chronically as needed; no limit has been defined regarding a maximum
number of times this procedure can be performed on a particular patient.

Chronic Congestive Heart Failure

Dietary sodium restriction
The function of diuretics is to reduce circulating blood volume. Doing so favors move-
ment of fluid from the extravascular space back into the intravascular space, which is
the fundamental principle behind elimination of edema. All the diuretics used clinically
for this purpose in cardiology accomplish this effect by inhibiting renal sodium resorp-
tion.19 Therefore, it is logical that a reduction in sodium intake can lead to resolution of
edema, and maintenance of an edema-free state, with less diuretic. A nutritionally
8 Côté

balanced diet fed in calorically appropriate amounts must above all continue to be
eaten willingly by the cat. Diets that are sodium-restricted but not palatable are detri-
mental if the patient refuses to eat well. Ideally, a patient that develops acute CHF con-
tinues to be fed its regular diet until CHF signs are well-controlled. Then, if the patient
is tolerant to it, a balanced low-sodium diet can be introduced gradually (over a week
or so), with the proportion of the regular diet decreasing day by day as the proportion
of low-sodium diet is increased. Acute ingestions of sodium (eg, canned tuna, com-
mercial cat treat) must then be avoided because a salt-avid state exists and such
excesses can quickly trigger recurrent pulmonary edema or pleural effusion. Ulti-
mately, a low-sodium diet that is eaten willingly by the patient means a lower dosage
of diuretic can be administered while the patient remains free of edema and effusions.
The degree to which such a dosage reduction is possible depends on many factors,
some of which can be assessed (eg, severity of underlying heart disease, sodium con-
tent of food) and others not (eg, efficacy of pulmonary lymphatic drainage).


Re-evaluation aims to identify complications early if they occur, and treatment adjust-
ments may be necessary if CHF signs recur.
 As described above, RRR and SRR can be used as sensitive and very practical
monitoring tools by owners at home.
 Barring urgent re-evaluations, routine follow-up typically is scheduled with inter-
visit intervals determined by severity of signs at initial presentation of acute CHF,
ease or difficulty in achieving remission of those signs during treatment of acute
CHF, severity of the underlying cardiac lesion, presence or absence of comorbid-
ities, client level of concerns and client wishes, and logistical and financial limita-
tions, if any. A typical approach consists of
 Recheck 7 to 10 days after discharge from hospitalization for acute CHF. Such
a recheck typically consists of a history (eg, appetite, demeanor, respiratory
effort, at home), physical examination (mentation, respiratory effort, new onset
of arrhythmia and/or gallop sound; a change in heart murmur intensity is rarely
significant), renal profile (an elevation in blood urea nitrogen with a normal
creatinine concentration is expected; hypokalemia, if present, may warrant po-
tassium supplementation, or initiation of spironolactone), and possibly thoracic
radiographs if respiratory effort appears abnormal or ambiguous.
 A recheck 1 to 3 months later is typical, with the same components as previ-
ously described for the 7 to 10 day recheck.
 Assuming a stable state, the intervals between rechecks for a feline CHF pa-
tient vary from 1 clinician to the next. Intervals between 2 and 6 months are
typical, with shorter intervals used in severe cases or those with proactive
and concerned owners. A recheck echocardiogram can be appropriate at
certain times; the principal (irreplaceable) role of echocardiography is to estab-
lish the diagnosis initially. Follow-up echocardiography seeks to identify
changes for prognostic reasons (how quickly and to what degree the disease
process is evolving, including secondary changes such as atrial enlargement)
and whether certain features have appeared that might warrant treatment even
in the absence of clinical signs (eg, spontaneous atrial contrast prompting initi-
ation of treatment with clopidogrel).
 Ultimately, the extent and frequency of recheck evaluations must take into ac-
count the information gained, the utility of interacting with the client and exam-
ining the patient, and be tempered by the anxiety such a visit can cause some
Feline Congestive Heart Failure 9

patients, the possibility of unchanged results (which can be reassuring), and the
cost of the services provided.


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