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Data Structure definition

Abstract Data Type
Primitive Data Structure?
Sequential access?
Non-Linear Data Structure?
complexity of an algorithm?
Ordered List?
use of Sparse Matrix?
Persistent Data Structure.

Different types of Data Structures?

Rules to be followed to study Data Structures?
Operations that can be performed on Data Structures?
Sparse Matrix representation.
Binary Search with an example.
Insertion Sort program
Selection Sort and Program.
Quick sort and program
difference between Linear search and Binary Search.
Sparse Matrix Addition.
Binary Search and linear search program.
Polynomial Addition and example.


Basic operations in Queue.
Applications of Stack.
Define Queue.
Advantages of Circular Queue?
Different types of expressions.
Priority Queue.
Overflow condition in Stack?
Doubly Ended Queue.
TWO types of Priority Queue?


STACK operations.
Working of Circular Queue.
Algorithm to convert Infix expression to Postfix expression.
Working of basic operations in Queue.
Stack operations with algorithms.
Operations in Doubly Ended Queue with an example.
Queue operations program.
Representation of Stack with respect to array.
Postfix evaluation algorithm and example.
Queue representation using array.


Linked List.
Dynamic memory allocation?
Node in a single linked list.
Static Memory Allocation.
TWO types of Linked Lists?
TWO applications of Linked lists.
Circular Linked List.
Operations in a linked list.
Header Node.
TWO memory management operators.


Single Linked List operations.

Queue using Linked List.
Stack using Linked List.
Circular Linked List operations.
Insert a node at the FRONT and at the END in a Single Linked List.
Doubly Linked List and the operations
DELETE a node at the FRONT and at the END in a Doubly Linked List.
Stack using Linked List program
Queue using Linked List program.
DELETING a node before a given node in a Doubly Linked List.

Tree in Data Structures.
Leaf Node
Level of a Tree.
Binary Tree
Properties of a Binary tree.
Full Binary Tree
Expression Tree.
Complete Binary Tree
Binary Tree Traversals.
Binary Search Tree.

Differences between a binary tree and a binary search tree

Binary Tree Traversals and examples.
Binary Tree representation
Inorder and Preorder Traversals and recursive algorithms
Construct of Binary Tree from Traversals
inserting and deleting a node in a Binary Search Tree.
Binary Search Tree operations
INORDER Traversal and example.
PREORDER Traversal and example.
POSTORDER Traversal and example.
Full Binary Tree and Complete Binary Tree


Spanning Tree.
Simple Graph.
TWO types of Graph Traversals.
use of Prim's algorithm
Graph Traversal?
Difference between a Tree and a Graph
Degree of a Vertex.
TWO kinds of General graphs.
Simple Path


Graph representations
Copying a linked list.
DFS working with an example.
BFS working with an example.
Prim's algorithm and example.
Kruskal's algorithm and example.
Depth First Traversal algorithm and example.
Breadth First Traversal algorithm and example.

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