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International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places.

At the same time, there is

concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of
international tourism outweigh the advantages?

Nowadays several countries’ economy depends on tourism industry, as it is major contributor of

those countries’ GDP, and it creates more employment thereby alleviating the poverty of those
countries. Having said that, some of them argue that tourism severely degrades the countries’ culture
and environment. By considering above facts, I strongly believe that advantages of the tourism
industry are high than its disadvantages, which will be proven by this essay.

Some countries, not having any resources or industrial raw material, unable to generate any
revenues, always depend on tourism industry for their revenue, whereby those countries’
infrastructures could be developed. For example, Sri Lanka, the very poorest country without any
natural resources, developed its economy based on tourism industry. Within two decades, it could
have alleviated the poverty considerably and created one million new employment in service sector
related to tourism industry. By using the revenue, generated by tourism, Sri Lanka’s education
system had been flourished by which its literature rate increased to more than 90%. Not only Sri
Lanka but several countries in that region also follow same model, having witnessed the success of
that Sri Lanka’s experience.

Anyhow, tourism has some negative factors, where some unique culture or environment of the
hosting countries/regions could be degraded. Attracted by the tourists’ fashion and clothing,
youngsters in the countries/region could try to change their lifestyle by emulating tourists’. Further
some virgin forest’s environment has been polluted by solid waste, produced by the tourism.

by evaluating above points, I strongly believe that, tourism has huge positive factors, whereby
country/region can generated extra revenue, even though tourism negatively affects the on culture
and environment of the country/region.

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