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Addiction in Adolescence

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Addiction in Adolescence

Addiction among adolescents has become prevalent due to the lack of dependent family

roles, personality development, behavioral tendencies, and immaturity. The rampancy of the

problem necessitates evidence-based interventions that focus on education, cooperation,

prevention, treatment, recovery, and habilitation. The solution for chemical dependence among

adolescents should underlie age-specific risk factors. Spiritual health development also plays an

integral part as an addiction predictor for substance abuse and other addiction challenges.

Therefore, there is a need to assess religiosity as a better treatment option for drug abuse for the

population. Adolescents have numerous reasons for engaging in substance abuse, and

habilitation should be prioritized since it is the first step towards learning. The complexity of the

issue requires a comprehensive and multi-dimensional approach that ensures optimal treatment


Religiosity is likely to accrue positive treatment outcomes among adolescents. Religion

defines adolescents' purpose in life and gives them a sense of wellbeing. Empirical evidence

shows that religion fosters connection and recognition of a supernatural being, resulting in the

adolescents' imminent need to participate in spiritual practices. Research outcomes show that

religiosity is essential in supporting recovery since it instills a sense of purpose and connects

adolescents to core values (Yeterian, Bursik, & Kelly, 2016). As a result, religion stimulates

affective and cognitive changes and increases social support participation regarding religion-

oriented activities. Besides, religion has also been determined to induce protective influence

against addiction challenges among the population. Religiousness influences the attitudes and

behaviors regarding substance abuse and other addiction disorders. Adolescents are likely to

develop abstract beliefs and traits that foster the need for divine living (Knight et al., 2014).

Parents communicating the existence of a transcendent power to their adolescent children help

develop beliefs against drug abuse. Thereby, religious constructs against substance abuse,

gaming, and gambling create positive reinforcement that influences the refrainment from abuse


In New York, drug-based news coverage discusses the commonly used drugs and trends

among adolescents. Newsrooms such as the New York Times have been depicting the rampancy

of the issue in the area. For instance, the newsroom denoted the prevalent usage of marijuana

vaping to displace other habits such as alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking (Brody, 2020).

The resilience of drug addiction in the population depends on familial substance abuse

tendencies. Also, adolescents from families characterized by marital aggression are likely to have

drug addiction problems. Adverse experiences related to familial dysfunction and parental drug

addiction influence the behaviors of the children during adolescence. For instance, if a parent

struggles with alcoholism, their adolescent child is likely to abuse the same or other substances

as a coping mechanism for their emotional distress.

Moreover, the news outlets also articulate counteracting interventions such as peer group

education are crucial in changing addictive behaviors. The intervention helps foster social

relationships aimed at counteracting addiction problems. As a result, it creates long-lasting habits

due to developing a subjective-based sense of belonging (Savolainen et al., 2018). Social

identification aids also induce psychological positivity that enhances peer ties against addictive

behaviors. Also, pharmacotherapy is a feasible intervention that causes behavioral changes to

achieve maximum health outcomes. The intervention mitigates co-occurring psychiatric

disorders related to withdrawal symptoms. Cognitive-based therapy (CBT), motivational


interviewing, and family-based therapies are effective since they ensure follow-ups.

Psychological-based interventions also promote endurance against addiction tendencies.

In conclusion, substance abuse and other addictions such as gambling and gaming require

a multi-dimensional approach to reduce adolescents' adverse effects. The addiction issues

addressed include drug addiction, gambling, and gaming. Drug abuse underlies environmental

factors such as familial aggression and parental addiction issues. Future studies should evaluate

the efficacy of integrated interventional approaches, including social, psychological, and

pharmacological modalities.


Brody, J. E. (2020, November 23). The Risks of Another Epidemic: Teenage Vaping. The New

York Times.

Knight, J. R., Sherritt, L., Harris, S. K., Holder, D. W., Kulig, J., Shrier, L. A., Gabrielli, J., &

Chang, G. (2007). Alcohol Use and Religiousness/Spirituality Among

Adolescents. Southern Medical Journal, 100(4), 349–355.

Savolainen, I., Kaakinen, M., Sirola, A., & Oksanen, A. (2018). Addictive behaviors and

psychological distress among adolescents and emerging adults: A mediating role of peer

group identification. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 7(3), 75–81.

Yeterian, J. D., Bursik, K., & Kelly, J. F. (2014). Religiosity as a Predictor of Adolescents’

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes. Substance Abuse, 36(4), 453–461.

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