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Amazing Benefits of Mango Leaves as

Treatment for Diabetes

Sep 6, 2016

Diabetes is a health condition that causes blood sugar levels to rise.

It occurs when the pancreas halt production of insulin but in other cases, diabetes happens when
the body is unable to utilize insulin effectively. The disease can be accompanied with other
health problems, such as:

 Poor vision that can progress to blindness

 Weakness
 Kidney failure
 Heart disease
 Hypertension
 Nerve damage
 Erectile dysfunction in men.

While there is still no cure for diabetes, lifestyle changes can make a huge difference. There are
medications that can help control the disease, so that the patient can hopefully live a normal life.
However, these often have side effects and are definitely expensive. This is why some people
turn to natural treatments. Nature provides us with remedies for various ailments, including
diabetes. This time, nature offers mango leaves for diabetics.

How Mango Leaves Help People with Diabetes

Mango leaves, particularly their extract, have been used by the ancient Chinese for treating
asthma and diabetes. The leaves are full of active compounds that are effective in controlling the
symptoms of the health condition, including:

 Caffeic acid
 Mangaferin
 Flavonoids
 Gallic acid
Mango leaves could be the secret cure you’ve been waiting.

The compounds listed above make mango leaves a great remedy for diabetes. Aside from that,
the leaves can help remove toxins in the body (antioxidant) and can even work as protection
against allergies.

Benefits of Mango Leaves for Diabetics

The leaves can provide the following benefits for people with diabetes:

1. Blood Sugar Control

The most effective way to manage diabetes is to control the blood sugar. Mango leaves extract
can improve the production of insulin and the distribution of glucose, which can lower blood
sugar levels.

2. Cholesterol Check

High cholesterol can damage the heart and this can be a huge problem if you have diabetes.
Because mango leaves are rich in pectin, vitamin C, and fiber, the combination can lower bad
cholesterol levels.
3. Diabetic Retinopathy Prevention

The leaves have vitamin A as well, which supports the health of the eyes.

Mango leaves can reduce diabetes symptoms, such as frequent urination at night, unexplained
weight loss, and blurry vision. They can also help make the life of diabetics more manageable.
To get these benefits, you will need 10 to 15 fresh, young leaves from the mango tree. Boil water
and let the leaves sit in the glass of boiling water overnight. In the morning before you eat or
drink anything, consume the mango leaves tea. Make this a part of your daily routine for two to
three months.

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