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Received: 20 August 2019 Revised: 24 October 2019 Accepted: 28 October 2019

DOI: 10.1002/ajh.25669


Coagulation mixing studies: Utility, algorithmic strategies and

limitations for lupus anticoagulant testing or follow up of
abnormal coagulation tests

Emmanuel J. Favaloro
Department of Haematology, Institute of
Clinical Pathology and Medical Research Abstract
(ICPMR), Sydney Centres for Thrombosis and Coagulation testing underpins the investigation of hemostasis and/or monitoring of
Haemostasis, NSW Health Pathology,
Westmead Hospital, Westmead, New South anticoagulation therapy for prevention and/or treatment of thrombosis related
Wales, Australia pathology. Assessment of coagulation results requires comparison against a normal
Correspondence reference range or interval (NRR/NRI). Results flagged as “abnormal” (ie, above the
Emmanuel J. Favaloro, Department of NRR/NRI for patients not on anticoagulant therapy), typically require further evalua-
Haematology, Institute of Clinical Pathology
and Medical Research (ICPMR), Westmead, tion. eg, follow up or reflexive testing is used to identify the reason for prolongation,
New South Wales, 2145, Australia. especially when supported by clinical context (eg, bleeding). Mixing tests may have
utility to help identify the pathway of follow-up testing (ie, towards investigation of
factor deficiencies, or else inhibitors), and are also useful for investigation of lupus
anticoagulants (LA). In general, mixing tests that “correct” tend to suggest the pres-
ence of factor deficiencies, where as those that do not correct suggest the presence
of “inhibitors”. Various approaches can be used to identify correction/non-correction,
and all have strengths and limitations. Furthermore, eventual identification of causal
factor deficiencies or even “inhibitors” may (eg, factor VIII or IX deficiencies or inhibi-
tors) or may not (eg, factor XII deficiency) be clinically important. Ultimately, mixing
studies performed in view of appropriate clinical scenarios (eg, bleeding patient) and
for LA investigations in symptomatic patients will have best utility.

1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N INR; unfractionated heparin therapy for APTT), (c) to evaluate potential

anticoagulant status in an unknown case (eg, unconscious emergency
Coagulation testing underpins the investigation of hemostasis and/or admission requiring surgical intervention).1-4 As a summary of this back-
monitoring of anticoagulation therapy for prevention and/or treatment ground, please refer to Table 1, which lists the main tests covered in
of thrombosis related pathology. 1,2
The most commonly performed this review, as well as test limitations.
Assessment of the results of routine coagulation tests requires
coagulation tests in our large pathology network, and likely most other
comparison against a normal reference range or interval (NRR/NRI).5
coagulation laboratories, in order of test requests, are (a) prothrombin
Results within the NRI are said to be “normal”, where as those above
time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR), (b) activated partial
the NRI are said to be “prolonged”; on some, but not all occasions
thromboplastin time (APTT), (c) fibrinogen, (d) D-dimer, (e) thrombin
such results can also be said to be “abnormal”. Thus, for patients being
time (TT). Basic coagulation tests may be used for a variety of reasons,
investigated for hemostasis, either as a “preoperative screen” or for
but primarily to (a) screen for defects of hemostasis (eg, factor deficien-
investigation of some hemostasis defect (eg, factor deficiency), results
cies, either prior to surgery or as a follow up investigation in a patient above the NRI would be flagged as abnormal and typically require fur-
being investigated for a bleeding diathesis; to assess possibility of dis- ther evaluation, for example by clinical follow-up or immediate reflex-
seminated intravascular coagulation [DIC]), (b) to monitor anticoagulant ive testing. Alternatively, for patients being monitored for
therapy (eg, vitamin K antagonist [VKA] therapy such as warfarin for anticoagulation therapy, results would be expected to be above the

Am J Hematol. 2020;95:117–128. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 117


TABLE 1 Overview of main routine coagulation tests and their potential uses

Test name Abbreviation Sensitive to Main uses Limitations

Prothrombin time PT VKAs (eg, warfarin); deficiency in or Assessment of patient hemostasis Assay reagent variation for various
inhibitors of factors X, VII, V, II, I (eg, factor deficiency); assessment sensitivities; normal PTs do not
(fibrinogen); DOACs (especially of DIC; assessment of liver exclude factor deficiencies;
dabigatran and rivaroxaban, and disease status; monitoring of VKA prolonged PTs do not
to a lesser extent apixaban) therapy (as INR) necessarily reflect bleeding risk
International INR INR = (patient PT/MNPT)ISI Monitoring of VKA therapy Accurate INRs require accurate
normalized ratio MNPT and ISI values
Activated partial APTT Unfractionated heparin; deficiency Assessment of patient hemostasis Assay reagent variation for various
thromboplastin in or inhibitors of factors XII, XI, X, (eg, factor deficiency); assessment sensitivities; normal APTTs do
time IX, VIII, V, II, I (fibrinogen); VKAs; of DIC; assessment of liver not exclude factor deficiencies;
DOACs (especially dabigatran, and disease status; monitoring of prolonged APTTs do not
to a lesser extent rivaroxaban and unfractionated heparin therapy; necessarily reflect bleeding risk
apixaban); Lupus anticoagulant part of LA testing
Thrombin time TT Unfractionated heparin; direct Assessment of patient hemostasis Assay reagent variation for various
thrombin inhibitors (eg, (eg, fibrinogen deficiency); sensitivities (eg, thrombin
dabigatran); deficiency in or assessment of DIC; screen for concentration used in assay
inhibitors of factor I (fibrinogen); presence of unfractionated may render increased or
FDPs/D-dimer heparin; screen for presence of decreased sensitivity to
dabigatran D-dimer)
Russell Viper RVVT Lupus anticoagulants (LA); DOACs Part of Lupus anticoagulant (LA) Assay reagent variation for various
venom time (especially rivaroxaban, to a lesser testing sensitivities (eg, phospholipid
extent dabigatran and apixaban) composition and concentration
affect LA sensitivity)

Note: Individual test sensitivities for anticoagulants including DOACs is impacted by the reagent and instrument combination in use and should be
confirmed by each laboratory.
Abbreviations: DOACs, direct oral anticoagulants; FDPs, fibrin(/ogen) degradation products; LA, lupus anticoagulant; MNPT, mean normal prothrombin
time; ISI, international sensitivity index; VKAs, vitamin K antagonists (eg, warfarin).

NRI, and results would be instead be assessed against, or targeted to, algorithmic follow up (eg, an abnormal PT and APTT may cause reflex
a therapeutic range (TR). This is typically somewhere around 1.5 to testing of fibrinogen and/or TT and/or D-dimer).9 Note that individual
3 times the NRI (eg, INR of 2.0 to 3.0; APTT of around 1.5-2.5× test sensitivities for anticoagulants including DOACs is impacted by
normal, or more specifically, the APTT range corresponding to an anti- the reagent and instrument combination in use, and should be con-
FXa level of 0.3-0.7 U/mL). 3,4,6,7
Thus, results for such anticoagulated firmed by each laboratory. An example of potential reflex testing
patients would only be flagged or regarded as “abnormal” if they (incorporating mixing studies) is shown in Figure 1.

exceeded the TR.

Follow up of abnormal tests depends on the specific situation. For 2 | MIXING TESTS - WHAT THEY ARE, HOW
patients on anticoagulant therapy, the typical response to a result T H E Y H E L P P A T I E N T I N V E S T I G A T I O N S , A ND
above the TR is withholding an anticoagulant dose for a period of T H E I R L I M I TA T I O N S
time, or reducing the anticoagulant dose, with the aim to obtain a
result within the TR on the next test occasion. For patients not on Mixing tests, as the term infers, represents tests performed on a mix-
anticoagulant therapy, or not known to be on anticoagulant therapy ture of patient plasma and normal plasma.10,11 Usually, this normal
(eg, unconscious emergency admission), an abnormal coagulation test plasma is a normal plasma pool (NPP). An ideal NPP would comprise:
result may or may not reflect an important hemostatic defect or defi- (a) a minimum of 20 normal individuals (preferably equal ratio male/
ciency. Nevertheless, since it is feasible that such patients will have a female) in order to statistically yield >80 U/dL of each coagulation
clinically significant defect (until proven otherwise), it is usually incum- factor; (b) platelet count for all individual plasmas and the resultant
bent on the laboratory/patient carer/clinician to investigate and pool should be <10 × 109/L; (c) absence of LA in the NPP should be
potentially explain the abnormality. Different laboratories and clini- documented; (d) NPP can be frozen or lyophilized, but commercial
cians may have different strategies for such patient test follow up, but sources should be stored according to manufacturer instructions.
algorithmic reflex testing, potentially including mixing studies, pro- Mixing tests are indicated when the patient's routine coagulation
vides one standard and logical approach to facilitate discovery, if per- test results are unexpectedly prolonged (or “abnormal”). Mixing tests
mitted by the local regulatory environment and fiscal contraints.8,9 are usually performed as an “immediate mix”, meaning test plasma is
Some of the routine tests themselves (Table 1) may form part of an mixed with normal plasma and immediately retested. Special

F I G U R E 1 Mixing studies as part of an algorithmic approach to investigation of unexpected abnormal routine coagulation test clotting times
(CT). Three broad scenarios are feasible: prolonged PT only, prolonged APTT only, or prolonged PT and APTT. Mixing studies are performed using
the test that gave the prolonged CT, and mixing patient plasma 1:1 with normal plasma. Additional testing may be recommended depending on
clinical context and at clinical discretion. The thrombin time (TT) is also helpful for cases of abnormal APTT (the TT should be prolonged if the
prolonged APTT is due to heparin, dabigatran or fibrinogen deficiency; also, an abnormal TT-mix suggests the heparin or dabigatran and a
corrected TT-mix suggests fibrinogen deficiency). Different possibilities exist to explain the prolonged CT in each scenario, and the mixing test CT
result helps direct what further testing may be useful. In the case where both PT and APTT are abnormal, mixing tests will typically align (ie, both
correct or both do not correct); however, it is possible for one test to correct and the other not to correct, dependent on why the original CTs
were abnormal, and/or the method used to identify correction. For example, heparin just above the therapeutic range may lead to grossly
abnormal APTT and mildly prolonged PT if the PT reagent contains a heparin neutralizer. Mixing may then generate a non-correction in APTT, but
a correction in PT if the heparin level is diluted to within the PT reagent's heparin neutralization range. APTT, activated partial thromboplastin
time; PT, prothrombin time; LA, Lupus anticoagulant; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; DOACs, direct oral anticoagulants; VK, vitamin
K; VKA, vitamin K antagonist [Color figure can be viewed at]

consideration is, however, required for some situations, especially in Figure 1). Another exception is in the specific investigation of lupus
the case of FVIII inhibitors, which may only become apparent upon anticoagulant (see Section 4).
“incubated mixing” (see Section 6). Mixing tests may utilize different mixtures of patient + normal
Mixing tests have no utility where patient tests are normal, or in plasma, but generally a mixture of 1:1 (or 50:50; i.e., equal volumes) is
general when patients are known to be under anticoagulation therapy. applied.9-13 The mixture of patient + normal plasma is subjected to the
In the former, no additional information can be gained by mixing nor- same test(s) that showed the initially abnormal patient test result
mal plasma with a normal patient sample - the result will remain nor- (Figure 1). The rationale here is that if factor deficiencies are present,
mal. In the case of known anticoagulation therapy, no additional the mixture should generate a normal test result. This is since normal
information will normally be gained by mixing normal plasma with a test results are expected in the normal population, where factor levels
prolonged patient test sample due to the therapy. The outcome is may range from around 50 to 200 U/dL for each individual factor, and
predicable based on the anticoagulation being applied for therapy thus reference ranges would reflect this “normal range” of factor levels.
(correction with VKA therapy; non-correction with direct oral antico- Thus, assuming the normal plasma contains an average of around
agulants [DOACs] and other anticoagulants such as heparin; etc). An 100 U/dL of all coagulation factors, then mixing this normal plasma
exception, however, may be made when a patient is suspected of with a completely factor deficient plasma (even serum) will still provide
being on an anticoagulant, but the specific therapy is unknown. In a plasma mixture with a composite minimum of ~50 U/dL of each fac-
such cases, mixing studies may form part of the strategy to identify tor (thereby theoretically sufficient to generate a normal test result).
what subsequent specific testing should be preferentially initiated (eg, Evidence for this is shown in Figure 2. Nevertheless, mixing tests work

best when single factor deficiencies are present, rather than multiple The most common examples are PT mixing tests, which might not fully
factor deficiencies. This is because having multiple factors at levels correct with liver dysfunction, DIC, or vitamin K deficiency, which are
close to 50 U/dL in the mix may prolong the clotting time, depending common causes of acquired multiple low factor levels. Such situations
on the reagent and its factor sensitivity. Thus, when multiple factor may have additional confounders influencing the ability of the mixture
deficiencies are present, the chance of false non-correction increases. to clot. eg, serum contains fibrin degradation products (FDPs) which

FIGURE 2 Legend on next page.


may interfere with clotting. Vitamin K deficiency (or patients on VKA 3.1 | Mixed test result within the NRI method
therapy) may yield production of “PIVKA” (proteins induced by vitamin
One commonly used method is identifying whether the test/normal
K absence), which may also interfere with clotting. Nevertheless, in the
mixture provides a test result that is now in the NRI, in which case
absence of “inhibitors”, mixtures with such abnormal plasmas will still
“correction” is said to occur. This is the option recommended by the
yield clotting times closer to that of the normal than the original patient
CLSI guidelines for investigation of LA,17 and is also easy to adopt for
result (refer to Figure 2 for some examples).
mixing studies in general. Indeed, this is the option that our laboratory
In contrast, the presence of some “factor inhibitor” (including most
decided to adopt when we developed our complex set of rules for
therapeutic anticoagulants or LA) should not permit generation of a
auto-validation of routine coagulation tests.9,26 The main advantage is
normal coagulation test result in the plasma mixture, because the inhibi-
that the method is easy to apply and verify, and does not require gen-
tor can inhibit the normal plasma as well as the patient plasma. As a
eration of alternate methods or cut-off values requiring additional ver-
general rule of thumb, in our experience, a patient's plasma containing
ification. The main disadvantage, common to all methods, is that it
an inhibitor of coagulation should generate a mixed plasma test result
does not permit 100% differentiation of “factor deficiencies” vs “fac-
close to the average of the normal and patient test result. Naturally, not
tor inhibitors”. The main failure with this method is where the “abnor-
all test mixtures provide ideal test results completely representative of
mal” patient PT or APTT test result is just above the NRI. The likely
expectations, due to assay imprecision and since not all inhibitors
outcome here is that any mixture will generate a result within the
reflect type 1 kinetics.10,11,16 Nevertheless, the above background can
NRI, irrespective of whether the patient plasma contains factor defi-
in general be translated to: (a) a mixture of NPP with abnormal test
ciencies or inhibitors, and due to “genuine” correction in the former
plasma (TP) that generates a normal mix test result usually suggests fac-
and “false” correction in the latter due simply to inhibitor dilution. This
tor deficiencies in the patient plasma, whereas (b) a mixture that still
is why laboratories that use this method often do not perform mixing
generates an abnormal mix test result usually suggests factor inhibitors
tests unless the PT or APTT are more than slightly prolonged (eg,
(potentially including anticoagulants). Some of the caveats to clear dis-
2 seconds for PT, 5 seconds for APTT).
crimination include: (a) source and quality of normal plasma used for
mixing studies - should reflect a validated (pool) plasma that provides
levels for individual clotting factors around 100 U/dL; (b) some inhibi- 3.2 | Index of circulation anticoagulant (ICA)
tors (notably FVIII) are time and temperature dependent and only show
Another commonly employed method is the index of circulation anti-
inhibition using incubated mixing studies16 (see Section 6); (c) the
coagulant (ICA), also known as the “Rosner Index”, named after the
method used to interpret correction (see Section 3); (d) mixing intro-
method's advocate, and initially developed for LA investigation.10,11,18
duces a dilutional effect; thus a 1:1 mix has the potential to mask a mild
The ICA is identified by the formula:
inhibitor. As a summary of this section, please refer to Table 2.

ICA = ½ð1 : 1 mix CT − NPP CT Þ=patient CT  x 100

where CT = clotting time of the test under investigation, and
There are actually several methods available to interpret mixing stud- NPP = normal pool plasma. The calculation is not complex and can be
ies as having either “corrected” (suggesting factor deficiency) vs “not built into laboratory information systems (LIS) or middleware or
corrected” (suggesting factor inhibitor).10,11,14-25 instrumentation, and then an interpretation applied against a given

F I G U R E 2 Sample scenarios showing the results of mixing studies for PT (prothrombin time) and APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time).
Data previously not published, but extracted from a previously published study.14,15 Various sample types tested by laboratories participating in
an external quality assessment (EQA) program. Laboratories were asked to identify the likely defect represented by the sample, with each
presenting a prolonged PT and/or APTT. PT and APTT results reported by laboratories as > a given value have been adjusted to that value +1 for
the purpose of graphical representation. Laboratories were also free to undertake any additional testing, including mixing studies using their usual
process. Laboratories also interpreted the results of any mixing tests performed. (A) A factor V inhibitor (~5 Bethesda Units/mL) yielding
prolonged clotting times (CT) (y-axes) with both PT and APTT. Mix test results did not show correction to normal values, and interpretations from
laboratories were an approximate equal distribution of “no correction” or “partial correction” (see Figure E). (B) Normal serum created by clotting/
defibrinating normal pool plasma. PT and APTT values invariably yielded maximally prolonged clotting times (CT) (y-axes) with both PT and APTT,
with the values shown reflective of variable “maximal” times as reported and ranging from >60 to >300 seconds. Mix test results showed
correction to normal values in all but three occasions; in these cases, there was suspicion of transcription error rather than failures in mix tests.
Interpretations from laboratories were almost unanimously “correction” (see Figure E). (C) A lupus anticoagulant (LA) positive sample. PT values
were generally normal, but APTT values generally prolonged. Mix test results for APTT generally showed correction towards normal values, but
usually remained “abnormal”. Here, the initial APTT and the mix APTT test result would depend on the sensitivity of the reagent for
LA. Interpretations were mostly reflective of “non-correction” or “partial correction” (see Figure E). (D) A sample prepared by aluminium
absorption and generating a sample that would mimic a vitamin K deficiency or reflect vitamin K antagonist therapy. The PT and APTT values
were invariably prolonged, and mix test results generally showed correction into normal reference ranges, thereby yielding interpretations
reflective of “correction” (see Figure E)

TABLE 2 Mixing tests - a summary of general principles, and benefits vs limitations

General principles Perform clotting time (CT) on mixture of patient plasma (when it provides an abnormal CT) plus normal plasma (typically
a pool; “NPP”).
Different mixtures of patient + normal plasma may be used, but most typical is a mixture of 1:1 (or 50:50; i.e., equal
Can be applied to most routine coagulation tests, including PT, APTT, TT, as well as to RVVT (eg, as part of lupus
anticoagulant (LA) investigation)
A corrected CT with the mixed plasma typically indicates a factor deficiency/ies in the original patient plasma.
A “non-corrected” CT the mixed plasma indicates a factor “inhibitor” in the original patient plasma. Factor “inhibitors”
can include allo- or auto-antibodies, and anticoagulants such as heparin and DOACs.
Different methods can be used to identify correction vs non-correction, including correction within the normal
reference interval (NRI), index of circulation anticoagulant (ICA), and percent correction method
Benefits of mixing tests Provides standard and simple methodology to dichotomize subsequent investigation of abnormal patient test results
for routine coagulation tests
Useful as part of diagnostic strategy for LA investigation
All methods, including correction within the normal reference interval (NRI), index of circulation anticoagulant (ICA),
and percent correction method, will provide effective discrimination and an effective strategy for immediate
follow-up in the vast majority (>95%) of test cases where the method has been validated by the laboratory
Limitations of mixing tests Not generally useful as part of follow up of a known anticoagulant therapy effect, except to differentiate VKA therapy
(mixing study correction) vs alternates (mixing study does not normally correct in case of DOACs, or with heparin,
unless mixing brings the heparin level to within the neutralizing ability of a particular reagent)
All methods, including correction within the normal reference interval (NRI), index of circulation anticoagulant (ICA),
and percent correction method, do not provide 100% discrimination/effective strategy for abnormal test follow-up
Additional test costs and operator time, sometimes not reimbursed by funding bodies (i.e., reflex testing may not be
recognized as a specific laboratory test procedure for reimbursement, if not established at the laboratory)

Abbreviations: APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; NRI, normal reference interval; PT, Prothrombin time; LA,
lupus anticoagulant; RVVT, Russell Viper venom time; TT, thrombin time; VKA, vitamin K antagonist (eg, warfarin).

target value. The main disadvantage, common to all methods, is that it deficiency vs inhibitor (or LA), and also to perform some additional
does not permit 100% differentiation of “factor deficiencies” vs “fac- verification. In general, the cut-off value will range from 65 to
tor inhibitors”. Another disadvantage is the additional need for labora- 80%.10,11,20
tories to establish the cut-off value for discrimination of factor
deficiency vs inhibitor (or LA) and also to perform some additional ver-
3.4 | Other methods
ification. In general, the cut-off value will range from 10 to
15%.10,11,16,18,19 There are of course many other potential options, especially for LA
investigation.21-24 As another example, a more subjective approach is
sometimes used. In the past, our laboratory used CT values of mix-
3.3 | Percent correction method tures within 10 to 15% (depending on the initial prolongation value)
of the NPP result to identify “correction”, and any value above this to
The “percent correction method”, sometimes also referred to as the
reflect “non-correction”. However, such subjective approaches are
Chang method, after the method's advocate,20 reflects another com-
more difficult to standardize and incorporate into rules and algo-
monly used method.10,11 The percent correction is identified by the
rithms. For LA investigation, ratios of test results are instead some-
times used to identify the cut-off. For example, a ratio of 1.2 is
commonly applied to ratios to identify the absence of LA (value < 1.2)
%correction = ½patient CT −1 : 1 mix CT Þ=ðpatient CT −NPP CT Þ x 100
or presence of LA (value ≥ 1.2).24 In essence, this is similar to using a
value of 20% for correction.
where CT is again the clotting time of the test under investigation,
As a summary of this section, please refer to Table 2.
and NPP again reflects the normal pool plasma. Like the ICA, the cal-
culation is not complex and can be built into LIS/middleware/ instru-
mentation, and then an interpretation applied against a given target 4 | L U P U S A N TI C OA G U LA N T S (L A ) A S A
value. The same main disadvantage, common to all methods, also SPECIAL CO N SIDERA TION
applies (it does not permit 100% differentiation of “factor deficien-
cies” vs “factor inhibitors”). Another disadvantage, like the ICA, is the LA represent a laboratory representation of the clinical syndrome of
need to establish the cut-off value for discrimination of factor antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), and can also arise in other

pathological states.27,28 For a more complete discussion of LA, the position, performed on both screen and confirmation tests, and we
reader is referred to an earlier test of the month publication in this then reflex to testing of neat patient samples for RVVT screen (and if
journal.24 Some mention of LA testing, mixing tests and alternate required RVVT confirm) on a case by case basis. In contrast, we tend
approaches has already been mentioned above. It should also be to perform APTT-based LA testing on non-mixture samples as the
acknowledged that laboratory testing for LA is complex, with three default, and reflex to testing mixture samples, if required, on a case by
separate recent guidelines published.17,29,30 Of major relevance to the case basis. This combinational approach provides us with information
current review is the inclusion of mixing test in all three guidance doc- on likely presence/absence of LA vs potential for presence of antico-
uments, albeit with different emphasis around importance or place- agulants. Thus, the test patterns from individual cases can be assessed
ment in the LA diagnostic strategy in each publication.17,24,27-29,31 and results will tend to point to one or other likelihood. Our labora-
Workers in the field also differ in their opinions on whether confirma- tory may also perform additional reflex testing to evaluate these pos-
tory LA tests should be performed on neat (patient) test samples, sibilities. Other laboratories would instead likely use different
and/or on test mixtures (patient/normal plasma). In our laboratory, we approaches based on their personal experiences and potential biases.
tend to perform mixtures on all patients under investigation for LA As mentioned, different guidance documents vary in their recom-
when using the RVVT assay, but this is partly to offset or assess the mendations for testing of LA on patients on anticoagulant therapy,
potential of anticoagulant therapy, which is commonly applied to with this also reflecting on mixing studies.17,24,27-29,31 The first guide-
patients under “thrombophilia” investigation, otherwise leading to line, from the ISTH SSC, for example, suggested LA testing was feasi-
false positives or false negatives.32,33 Accordingly, mixing tests in our ble for patients on VKA therapy for therapeutic INRs (international
laboratory for LA investigation for RVVT represent the default normalized ratio), if testing was performed using mixing tests.29 Here,

F I G U R E 3 Potential different approaches to investigation of lupus anticoagulant (LA). (A) The classical approach, for example as proposed by
the ISTH SSC LA guidelines29 would promote use of mixing studies and place them early in the investigative pathway. (B) An alternative approach,
for example as considered in the CLSI LA guidelines,17 could position the mixing study later. (C) A third approach, in the context of integrated
testing, would even permit identification or exclusion of LA without performance of mixing studies (eg, as using the Werfen ACL Silica Clotting Time
(SCT) test method using SCT screen and SCT confirm).13 An alternative interpretation of integrated testing, as proposed by the CLSI LA guidelines,17
would instead incorporate a built-in mix method (eg, Diagnostica Stago StaClot LA- hexagonal phase assay). Since LA prolong clotting times by
inhibiting phospholipid, LA screen testing is done with low phospholipid concentration, to enhance detection of LA, and LA confirm testing is done
with high phospholipid concentration, to demonstrate that the clotting time shortens towards normal as the excess phospholipid overcomes LA
inhibition. Figure adapted from an educational slide set prepared by Gary Moore; used and adapted with author's permission. The original version is
available @ <>. APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DOACs, direct
oral anticoagulants; LR-APTT, lupus responsive-APTT; NPP, normal pool plasma; PL, phospholipid; NRI, normal reference interval; RI, reference
interval; RVVT, Russell Viper venom time; SCT, silica clotting time [Color figure can be viewed at]

the normal plasma used will “replace” the missing (VKA affected) fac- guidelines.17,30 In general, mixing studies on patients on heparin ther-
tors and normalize the test result accordingly, thereby increasing the apy can help to dilute any heparin effect, and given that LA test
assay's specificity for LA.12,29 Thus, the default position for assess- reagents tend to include heparin neutralizers, may help normalize test
ment of VKA samples for LA would be performance of testing on mix- results and eliminate any heparin effect for samples where heparin
tures, which is also essentially supported by the other LA levels are just above the therapeutic range in the neat patient sample.

TABLE 3 Anticipated patterns of routine test results and mixing tests for various scenariosa

Additional testing/confirmation
Scenario PT test result APTT test result Mixing test result (if required)
VKA therapy (start)/ Prolonged Normal or prolonged Both PT and APTT should correct TT will be normal if performed;
vitamin K deficiency factors II, VII, IX, X will be low.
(low level)
VKA therapy (stabilized Prolonged Prolonged Both PT and APTT should correct TT will be normal if performed;
patient)/vitamin K factors II, VII, IX, X will be low.
deficiency (high level)
Dabigatran Normal or prolonged Prolonged APTT should not correct Dabigatran assay for confirmation.
(TT will be prolonged if
Rivaroxaban Prolonged Normal or prolonged PT should not correct Rivaroxaban (anti-Xa) assay for
confirmation. (TT will be normal
if performed).
Apixaban Normal (may be Normal (may be If prolonged, PT/APTT should not Apixaban (anti-Xa) assay for
prolonged) prolonged) correct, but depends on method confirmation. (TT will be normal
employed to determine correction if performed).
(may correct into NRI)
Unfractionated heparin Normal (unless Prolonged APTT should not correct Heparin (anti-Xa) assay; prolonged
(therapeutic level) reagent does not TT with non-correcting TT mix
contain heparin often suggestive, but may be
neutralizer, or level seen with other drugs such as
exceeds heparin dabigatran
Unfractionated heparin Prolonged Prolonged APTT should not correct; PT may or Heparin (anti-Xa) assay; prolonged
(above therapeutic level) may not correct (may correct if TT with non-correcting TT mix
heparin diluted into range of often suggestive, but may be
heparin neutralizer) seen with other drugs such as
Factor VIII, IX, XI and/or Normal Prolonged APTT should correct Factor VIII, IX, XI and/or XII assays
XII deficiency
Factor VII deficiency Prolonged Normal PT should correct Factor VII assay
Factor II, V and/or X Prolonged Prolonged/(normal) PT and APTT should correct Factor II, V and/or X assays
Factor VIII, IX, XI and/or Normal Prolonged APTT should not correct (however, Factor VIII, IX, XI and/or XII
XII inhibitor note that FVIII inhibitors are time (inhibitor) assays
and temperature dependent and
APTT may correct if
non-incubated mix performed)
Factor VII inhibitor Prolonged Normal PT should not correct Factor VII (inhibitor) assay
Factor II, V and/or X Prolonged Prolonged PT and APTT should not correct Factor II, V and/or X (inhibitor)
inhibitor assays
Disseminated intravascular Prolonged Prolonged PT and APTT should correct D-dimer, fibrinogen, platelet
coagulation (DIC) count, perhaps other factor
Liver disease Prolonged Prolonged PT and APTT should correct Factor assays, liver enzymes

Abbreviations: APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; PT, prothrombin time; NRI, normal reference interval; TT, thrombin time; VKA, vitamin K
Some tests may or may not be prolonged with certain anticoagulants depending on specific test reagents used and concentration of drug.

Mixing studies also act to dilute out DOAC related coagulation inhibi- in hemostasis, including anticoagulants that inhibit coagulation fac-
tion. On the other hand, mixing studies will also dilute out any LA tors, are immediately acting, and show type 1 kinetics.10,11 This means
effect, and in some cases potentially lead to false negative LA find- that when test plasma containing such inhibitors are diluted with nor-
ings34; accordingly, any mixing study used in LA investigation needs mal plasma in equal volume, about 50% of the inhibitory effect
to balance these considerations. remains evident, and so the CT of the test mixture will be about half
As mentioned, the three most recent LA guidelines17,29,30 differ in way between that of the test plasma and that of the NPP. Some inhib-
their placement of mixing studies in the LA diagnostic strategy. In the- itors, however, notably those that develop against FVIII, are time and
ory, mixing studies can also be omitted in the following circumstances: temperature dependent,10,11,16 meaning that inhibitory effects are not
(i) LA excluded because LA screening tests are normal - essentially immediately evident, and only become fully expressed after some time
requires two tests, based on different principles (eg, APTT and RVVT and at temperatures higher than ambient room temperature. Thus,
[Russell Viper venom time]) to be both normal; (ii) LA identified on when immediate mixing tests are performed with such samples, the
neat patient plasma by prolongation of screening test (containing low mixtures may show a “false” correction, since the inhibitors are not
level of phospholipid) with normalization of CT with confirmation yet able to inhibit the factors from the NPP. If a FVIII (or other time
assay (containing high level of phospholipid), and thereby confirming and temperature) inhibitor is present, or thought to be possible,
the phospholipid dependent CT prolongation (particularly supported mixing studies would need incubation at 37°C (one to 2 hours is stan-
by the use of “integrated LA testing”). (Refer to Figure 3). In the ISTH dard) in order to fully express the inhibitor, and to show a non-
SSC guideline,29 in addition to suggesting mixing studies for VKA ther- correction in a mixture. This is similar to factor inhibitor studies using
apy patients, mixing studies are also advocated as part of the strategy a Bethesda or Nijmegen assay, where 2 hours incubation is standard.
to identify the inhibitory nature of LA,12 as originally also conceived In practice, this situation is not overly problematic, since clinical
nearly three decades ago.35 Thus, mixtures of patient plasma and nor- patient history should always guide patient follow up. In addition,
mal plasma should not correct if LA is present, since LA acts as a coag- results of reflex testing will also provide useful guidance. Thus, if the
ulation inhibitor. However, occasionally, mixing studies falsely correct patient is a known hemophilia patient, and thus a candidate for auto-
despite LA, due to dilutional effects.34 antibodies, or is a non-hemophilia patient but is suffering from bleed-
All three LA guidelines, however, do concur on their recommenda- ing and is thus a candidate for allo-antibodies, then a timed incubation
tions to use a 1:1 mixture of patient:NPP for any mixing studies of a patient/NPP mixture could be prepared and tested. In practice,
performed,17,29-31 and to interpret test findings against an established our specialized laboratory rarely ever does time-incubated routine test
ICA or alternate mixing test-specific cutoff. Some examples of differ- mixing studies, instead finding it easier and more direct to undertake
ent approaches to investigation of LA using mixing tests, including factor level testing in these specific situations. If FVIII is low, then
placement, or not using mixing tests is shown in Figure 3. consideration of FVIII inhibitors can then be made. However, timed
incubation mixing studies may be useful for those laboratories that
5 | ANTIOCOAGULANTS - ADDITIONAL are not able to undertake factor assays. In addition, some laboratories
CONSIDERATIONS perform an incubated mixing study when factor VIII is low, to deter-
mine whether or not a Bethesda assay is needed to measure a factor
As already noted, mixing studies per se have limited utility for patients VIII inhibitor.
known to be on anticoagulants, although some benefits may arise
should the anticoagulant in question not be known. Anticipated test
7 | C O N CL U S I O N S
patterns for anticoagulants, both in terms of effects on common coag-
ulation tests (Table 3), as well as expected patterns on PT and APTT
In summary, mixing studies can aid laboratories in the investigation of
including mixing tests (Table 3), can help guide patient follow up in
unexpectedly prolonged (“abnormal”) patient CTs, and help to differ-
cases where the anticoagulation status is unknown. Thus, each antico-
entiate whether the “abnormality” reflects factor deficiencies vs inhib-
agulant provides a unique “signature” in terms of test patterns36,37;
itors. Mixing studies are also useful for investigation of LA, although
thereby, a patient sample giving a particular pattern of test results as
guidelines differ in their view regarding utility and placement within
per Table 3 may accordingly be inferred to be on a particular anticoag-
the strategy. There are advantages and limitations in all approaches.
ulant, and this can then be confirmed by specific testing.
No approach is 100% foolproof, and all will misidentify occasional
patients. On the other hand, all common approaches will correctly
6 | T I M E A N D TE M P E R A T U RE D E P E N D E N T identify most situations, and thereby help further guide laboratories
( E G , F V I I I ) I NH I B I T O R S - A S SP E C I A L and clinicians to follow up testing. Table 3 and Figure 1 provide some
CONSIDERATION guidance on anticipated patterns and suggested follow up testing.
Also, just as many tests of routine coagulation may be identified to
As briefly mentioned earlier, mixing studies are usually performed as have been unnecessarily ordered and potentially not followed up by
an immediate mix test, meaning that patient plasma is mixed with clinical staff, it should similarly be recognized that many mixing tests
NPP and the test performed immediately thereafter. Most inhibitors performed by laboratories may ultimately also not lead to any evident

clinical follow up.38 However, some of those that are followed up will 11. Kershaw G, Orellana D. Mixing tests: diagnostic aides in the investiga-
inevitably lead to a reduction in patient morbidity as a result of appro- tion of prolonged prothrombin times and activated partial thrombo-
plastin times. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2013;39(3):283-290.
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12. Pengo V, Bison E, Banzato A, Zoppellaro G, Jose SP, Denas G. Lupus
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15. Favaloro EJ, Bonar R, Duncan E. et al; On behalf of the RCPA QAP in
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for the Lupus Anticoagulant; Approved Guideline. CLSI Document
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T h e A m e r ic a n J o u r n a l O f H e m a t o l o g y
T E S T O F T H E M O N T H - SU M M A R Y T A B L E


What is the test? What additional tests are helpful to do for a more
complete picture?
Mixing tests are indicated when an unexpected abnormal clotting time (CT) result is
obtained in a routine coagulation test, such as the prothrombin time (PT), or the acti- Mixing tests comprise one approach for investigation of an initially prolonged
vated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). The test performed as a mixing test is the clotting assay, especially PT and/or APTT. Other tests that may be useful depend on
same test that originally gave the abnormal CT (i.e., PT, APTT, or both). A correction the result of the mixing test(s). Note, TT testing is often useful, especially if the APTT
in CT with the mixture suggests a factor deficiency or deficiencies (congenital or is initially prolonged. Factor assays may be suggested for performance if mixing tests
acquired due to vitamin K deficiency, vitamin K antagonist [VKA] therapy [including suggest factor deficiencies. Testing for DOACS or heparin may be useful if mixing
warfarin], disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC], liver disease, etc). A non- test patterns suggest this likelihood and anticoagulant status is unknown but clini-
correction suggests a factor “inhibitor”, which may be a true factor “inhibitor” (auto- cally important to determine. If LA is being investigated, then APTT and RVVT test-
or allo-antibody), or an anticoagulant acting as an “inhibitor” (eg, heparin, direct oral ing may be performed, as may solid phase assays for antiphospholipid antibodies (eg,
anticoagulants [DOACs] such as dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban), or a lupus anti- anti-cardiolipin antibody (aCL) and anti-beta-2-glycoprotein-I (aβ2GPI)). Factor inhibi-
coagulant (LA). Mixing tests can also be used for other routine tests such as throm- tor assays may be required if a factor inhibitor is suggested. Clinical background or
bin time (TT) (for example, a prolonged TT that corrects is most likely due to context is very important (patient history of thrombosis may point to an anticoagu-
fibrinogen deficiency; which in turn can be congenital or acquired [e.g., DIC, clotted lant; history of bleeding may point to a factor deficiency or inhibitor).
sample]; in contrast, non-correction in a TT-mix may suggest heparin, argatroban,
bivalirudin or dabigatran). Mixing studies are also used as part of formal LA investiga-
tions, using APTT or RVVT (Russell Viper venom time). What tests provide similar information?
Mixing tests do not replace additional tests but help guide the direction towards
How is the test measured? specific additional tests on a case by case basis. It is possible to omit performance
of mixing tests, but this may then require performance of a larger number of
Mixing tests are performed using the same clot-based tests that initially gave an
“diagnostic” assays to pinpoint the reason for any initial test prolongation. For
unexpected abnormal CT, be it PT, APTT and/or TT. For LA investigation,
example, a prolonged APTT that mixes to normal can usually avoid the need to
mixing assays may be performed with the APTT and/or the RVVT. Accordingly,
investigate the presence of “inhibitors” or DOACs. If mixing tests are not per-
mixing studies are normally reported in seconds, or as a ratio (eg, for LA tests),
formed, reflex testing may require extensive testing to investigate all possible
or as an interpretation (eg, suggestive of factor deficiency, suggestive of factor
inhibitor, etc).

What are the normal range values? What tests can be avoided/eliminated?

The normal range values for mixing tests are typically the same as the routine As per above, mixing tests that correct can guide laboratories to not undertake

coagulation tests, or else some other methodology is applied to identify a cut- testing for inhibitors/DOACs. However, mixing tests that do not correct can

off value to permit interpretation of a mixing test as being corrected or not guide laboratories to not undertake testing for factor levels if DOACs are instead

corrected. Examples of correction include mix test results within the normal ref- suggested by the pattern of test results.

erence range (or interval) as defined by the laboratory for that test, or alternate
laboratory validated methods that incorporate an index of circulation anticoagu-
How does its use impact treatment?
lant (ICA) or percent correction. Sometimes assay ratios are used (eg, for LA
investigation), where a cut-off value of 1.2 is commonly reported as defining The results of mixing tests may or may not impact treatment, depending on the
absence of LA (<1.2) or presence of LA (≥1.2), as well as for correction of mixed reason for the originally identified prolonged CT, the results of the mixing tests,
plasma tests. and the clinical context. As an example, a mix test result that corrects and which
is reflected by a clinical scenario of bleeding may suggest replacement factor
therapy may be indicated or effective (eg, fresh frozen plasma in the case of
What conditions or types of conditions is the test
trauma induced coagulopathy; specific factor replacement if FVIII deficient, etc).
used for?
As another example, a mix test result that does not correct and which is
Mixing tests are potentially useful to help investigate abnormal coagulation tests reflected by a clinical scenario of bleeding may reflect a factor inhibitor, help
and the need for further investigation to pinpoint the “defect” or reason for the lead to confirmation of same, and then guide treatment with either factor
abnormal test result. In total, a wide variety of explanations can be proposed as replacement or alternate therapy dependent on the level of inhibitor eventually
ultimately explaining the abnormal test result, and for which a mixing test may be identified. As a final example, a mix test result that does not correct and which
performed. Some examples include: factor deficiency or deficiencies (congenital or is reflected by a clinical scenario of thrombosis or pregnancy morbidity may ulti-
acquired), vitamin K deficiency/antagonist therapy, DIC, liver disease, factor mately identify a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome, and thus guide spe-
“inhibitors”, heparin, DOACs, LA. cific therapy for that condition.

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