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4 Educational Resources on Health Literacy Continued)


Phizer Clear Health

Communication Initiative

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Sumber Daya Diberikan

Alat penilaian literasi kesehatan untuk penyedia layanan kesehatan (The Latest Vital Sign), informasi
tanda-tanda rendahnya literasi kesehatan pada pasien, kalkulator untuk mengetahui prevalensi pasien
dengan literasi kesehatan rendah di tempat praktik, tips untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pasien.

Video dan materi pelatihan untuk mengajari pasien cara mencari informasi kesehatan di Internet,
langkah-langkah rencana tindakan untuk meningkatkan literasi kesehatan, dan panduan untuk pasien
dengan literasi kesehatan dan potensi hambatan belajar lainnya (yaitu, kekurangan pendengaran,
kekurangan visual, tantangan kognitif)


1. White House Conference on Aging. Mini-Conference on Health Literacy and Health Disparities.
Chicago: American Medical Association and Blue Cross Blue Shield Association; 2005.

2. Nutbeam D. Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education
and communication strategies into the 21st century. Health Promot Int. 2000;15: 259-67.

3. Committee on Health Literacy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health, Institute of Medicine.
Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2004.

4. Ad Hoc Committee on Health Literacy. Health literacy: Report of the American Medical Association
Council on Scientific Affairs. JAMA. 1999;281:552-7.
5. Baker DW. The meaning and the measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21:878-83.

6. Committee on Identifying Priority Areas for Quality Improvement. Institute of Medicine. Priority Areas
for National Action: Transforming Health Care Quality. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2003.

7. Kirsch IS, Jungeblut A, Jenkins L, et al. Adult Literacy in America: A First Look at the Findings of
theNational Adult Literacy Survey. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics; 1993.

8. Weiss BD. Health Literacy: A Manual for Clinicians. Chicago: American Medical Association/American
Medical Association Foundation; 2003:7.

9. Doak CC, Doak LG, Root JH. The literacy problem. In: Teaching Patients with Low Literacy Skills. 2nd
ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1996:1-9. Accessed
December 11, 2009.

10. Health Literacy Fact Sheet: Health Literacy and Understanding Medical Information. Lawrenceville,
NJ; Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc; 1997.

11. Weiss BD. 20 Common Problems in Primary Care. New York: McGraw Hill; 1999:468-81.

12. Williams MV, Baker DW, Honig EG, et al. Inadequate literacy is a barrier to asthma knowledge and
self-care. Chest. 1998;114(4):1008–15.

13. Baker DW, Parker RM, Williams MV, et al. Health literacy and the risk of hospital admission. Gen
Intern Med. 1998;13:791-8.

14. Baker DW, Parker RM, Williams MV, et al. The health care experience of patients with low literacy.
Arch Fam Med. 196;5(6):329–35.

15. Bernhardt JM, Brownfield ED, Parker RM. Understanding health literacy. In: Understanding Health
Literacy: Implications

for Medicine and Public Health. Chicago: American Medical Association; 2005:3-16.

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