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2011 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing

Studying of Road Crack Image Detection Method

Based on the Mathematical Morphology

He Youquan Qiu Hanxing,Wang Jian, Zhang Wei, Xie Jianfang

Information Science & Engineering Department Information Science & Engineering Department
Chongqing Jiaotong University Chongqing Jiaotong University
Chongqing, China Chongqing, China

Abstract—According to the characteristics of pavement crack of image edge’s damage caused by the removal of noise.
images, this paper introduce mathematical morphology into the Enhance the connectivity of the fractures, sequentially further
applications of road image analysis and processing, in addition improve the system's detection accuracy.
propose a new method combined with the mathematical
morphology to detect the road crack image. Experimental results
show that the method can not only effectively suppress noise, but II. IMAGE REPAIR AND PRUNING TECHNIQUES BASED ON
also clearly and accurately extract the edge of the image, and MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY
solve the problem of image edge’s damage caused by the removal As the measurement of crack length is more complex, we
of noise. Enhance the connectivity of the fractures, sequentially need to thinning the binary image split processed, so that
further improve the system's detection accuracy. cracks could be reduced to a single pixel wide line in a regular.
What is more, Crack images in the binary segmentation could
Keywords- Pavement detection; Mathematical morphology; damage the edge of cracks, causing cracks in the image
Dilation and erosion; Closing operation
unconnected, and making the length measurement has some
bias. Therefore, we can use mathematical morphology method
I. INTRODUCTION to further repair and pruning the images of poor connectivity to
Edge detection is the basic techniques in the field of image reduce the fracture characteristics measurement’s bias.
analysis, pros and cons of image edge detection algorithm Mathematical morphology is an emerging discipline in the
directly determine the accuracy of crack identification. field of image processing and pattern recognition, has a
Literature [l] use the traditional method of differential operator rigorous mathematical theory, which is first proposed by
(Roberts, Sobel, Laplacian, Canny criteria algorithm) to solve Matheron and Serra[5]. Its main research method is that
two-dimensional real function of the gradient, and then select processing image from the a collection, and analysis image
the appropriate threshold to extract the image edges. For the based on structural elements. The basic idea is to use a certain
noise and different kind of crack disease’s pixel distribution in form of structural elements to measure and extract the image’s
the pavement images, Literature [2] proposes a multi-faceted corresponding shape, in order to achieve the purpose of image
structure element morphology edge detection algorithm, which analysis and recognition[6]. Mathematical morphology
compared to the traditional edge detection has a strong anti- algorithms take morphological analysis and processing
noise ability. Literatures [3-4] apply the traditional methods of algorithms in parallel, greatly improving the image analysis
mathematical morphology to the edge detection effectively and and processing speed.
filter out the noise at the same time without pretreatment.
Although the road crack detection has been studied in many Depending on the types of image processed, mathematical
documents, but it can not fully meet the need of the rapid morphology can be divided into binary morphology and gray-
development of highways. Mainly because of the noise scale morphology, the seven basic transformations is included
removal effect is not obvious, the measurement of fracture in which, swelling, erosion, opening, closing, hit, thickness and
characteristics is affected or more complex to implement. thinning. Because after segmentation the image is a binary
image, so this paper is mainly used binary morphological
According to the characteristics of pavement crack images, approach. Let the collection of binary images is A, the
this paper introduce mathematical morphology into the collection of structural elements is B, then:
applications of road image analysis and processing, in addition
proposes a new method combined with the mathematical Dilation is defined as:
morphology to detect the road crack image. This method is
mainly to further repair and pruning for pre-segmentation crack
{ }

road image, improve the accuracy of follow-up cracks feature
vectors extracted. Experimental results show that the method ⎣ x ( )
A⊕ B = x | ⎡ B ∩ A⎤ ≠ ∅
⎦ (1)
can not only effectively suppress noise, but also clearly and
accurately extract the edge of the image, and solve the problem Erosion operation is defined as:

978-1-4244-9306-7/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 967

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AΘ B = {x | ( B ) x
⊆ A}
(2) b in a ry a n d n e g a te

Opening operation is defined as:

S e le c t th e s tru c tu re
A D B = (AΘ B )⊕ B
e le m e n t B

Closing operation is defined as:

F irs t c lo sin g a n d
th e n o p e n in g
A • B = (A ⊕ B )Θ B
(4) o p e ra tio n

In these four basic operations, the role of corrosion is

M easu re area
making boundary shrink to internal and removing objects
which smaller than the structuring element. The role of dilation
is expanding binary object’s boundary points, merging all
scene points contacted with the object into it, and connecting N tim e s d ila tio n
the relatively closed two objects together. That is very useful to a n d F in a l c lo s in g
fill the hole of segmented objects in the image. Opening o p e ra tio n
operation is able to remove isolated dots, burrs and small
connected domains, and also smooth large object’s boundaries,
while changing its size. Closing operation can be used to fill
small cavities of objects, connect nearby objects, smooth its T h in n in g
borders, while changing the target image’s area unconspicuous.
According to characteristics of segmented fracture image M e a s u re le n g th
and morphology method, this paper presents a crack repair and
pruning algorithm of image as follows:
Figure 1. Repair and pruning algorithm flowchart.
• Binary the segmented image, and then negated.
• According to the image characteristics select structural III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
element B. The size of structural elements is We collected image from Sichuan Guang'an highway
determined by the width of cracks in detection images. pavement cracks, then use these images to do the experiment
In this paper, we use the size of 3*3 square structuring by the method which described above about image repair and
element. pruning, and get good results finally. The results are shown as
• The first closing and then opening operation, is to follows in Figure 2.
achieve the effect of removal of isolated noise spots It can be seen from Figure 2(d), the first closing and then
and enhance regional connectivity, therefore improve opening crack image, not only protect the edge of the image
the accuracy of area measurement. while effectively removing isolated noise point, but also
• Have many times of the dilation. The number of the reduces the faults and holes, which greatly improved the area
dilation times is decided by cracks connectivity measurement accuracy. After four times dilation operations and
features. Stop the dilation when crack images’ connect the last closing operation, it completely fills the gap in the
domain are all linked together, and do the last closing cracks, and provides a guarantee to accurately thinning the
operation to fill the retain hole in the dilation process. image.
Comparision of Figure 2(j) and Figure 2(k) shows that, the
• Thinning images to get a single pixel wide line, and
images of directly thinning after segmentation and binary anti
this time can accurately measure the length of the crack
color transform, not only contain a lot of noise, but also leave a
by pixel method.
lot of the faults and voids, which will bring great errors when
Process is shown in Figure 1. measuring the length. But the cracks after a series of
morphological process and thinning completely form a single
pixel wide line, which provides a reliable preparation for the
accurate measurement of crack length.

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Figure 2. A series of morphological process results.

This paper presents a new method combined with the
mathematical morphology to detect the road crack image. This
method is mainly based on the characteristics of
mathematicalmorphology operations for further repair and
pruning the pre-processed image. It not only effectively
suppresses the noise, but also clearly and accurately extracts
the edges of cracks. At the same time, it improves the accuracy
of cracks area and length measurement and provides a high-
quality guarantee for the follow-up cracks’ accurate location.
These methods and techniques have wide application prospects
in pavement automatic detection and maintenance systems, for
similar projects of image process also have a reference.

This work is supported by the Chongqing Natural Science
Foundation (CSTC, 2010AC6074) and Chongqing Jiaotong
University Graduate Innovation Foundation.

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