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Project Charter Project Titlo and Description (What isthe projet?) Customer Satisfaction Fix It Project (Over the last few mmonths, the quality assurance department has discovered many of our customers orders for ‘our XYZ equipment heve taken the customer ten times longer to place through our computer network thaa our ‘compesitors' networks. The purpose ofthis project isto investigate the reasons for the proslem and propose 2 solution, The solution willbe euthorized aba subsequent project. Quality Control has detailed records oftheir filings that can be used to speed up this project. Project Manager Assigned and Authority Level (oi en audority lead te project, and can hese determine ‘manoge end epprove changes to det, sched, ang et?) Jan Navratil shall be the project manager for this project and have authority to select team miembert and determine the final project budget. Busin2ss Case (Why isthe proect beng done? On what financial or other basis can we justify doing this project? Describe the projet purpose and jusifation.) ‘his project is being completed in order to prevents further breakdown of customer satisfaction, We expect that improved customer satisfaction wil increase revenne tothe company inthe frst year by a least $200,000 cue toa decrease in service calla, As sie benefit, we hope the project wil generatz ideas on improving customer satisfaction while fixing this problem, Resources Preassigned (How many or which resources will be provided?) ‘Steve Peterson and Rich Connitfare already dedicated tothe project because oftheir expertise in computer ‘networks ofthis type. Other resources wil be determined by the project menager. Stakeholders (Who wil aftr be affected by the project influence the projet) as known to dts?) Stakeholders inchacefason Craft representing Quality Control, Jenne Rutter in Custom Service, and Erie Rud in Macketing. Thte resources are avaiable to asi the projet as needed by the project mancger ‘Stakeholder Requirements As Known (Requirements rlated to both project and product scope) Attached to this document are the detailed specifications forthe existing system, the requirements the existing system was designed to meet. 14 expected that this profect will not change how the system affects the exising requirements project must incude utilizing the data available from Quality Contral Proctuct Description Deliverables (Whee spec provtuct liveable re waved ane what willbe the ond reste the projec?) 1, A report that outlines what can be changed, how much each change will cost, and the expected decrease in the time it takes to place an order resulting from each change. Few words are necessary in the report, but it must bbe crested electronically and be agreed toby the representatives 0 Quality Control, Customer Service, and ‘Marketing, in edition to the project team. 2. A istof the interactions with our customers necessary ta complete the changes 3. A work breakdown structure, due win two weeks, that outlines what will e involved in the project, followed one week later bya list of risks in completing tbe project “Measurable Project Objectives (How dors the projec ie nto the organizations strategie goals? What project objectives support those gouls? The objectives need tobe measurable and will depend onthe defined priority ofthe project constraints “The objective ofthis project Is to improve customer satisfaction by reducing the time customers spend placing orders via the computer network to 10 peceent of the current time. Scope and customer satisfaction ae the top priorities on this projec, closely followed by schedule and then cost Summary milestone schedule: Due no later than September 1, 20XX, > Summary budget: $50,090. Project Approval Requirements (What items nec tobe approved for the project, and wh vl have sign-off? What designates succes) Approvals for this project include: > The sponsors will approve the WBS before planning eforts continue, > The sponsors will approve thelist of rsks before planning eoris continue. | Final project approval wil be provided by the sponsors, | High-Level Project Risks (Potenttat threats and opportunites jor ihe project) \ > Because this projet analyzes customer satisfaction, the project may help generate ideas to improve customer satisfaction, resaiting in higher levels of castomer retention, > Because we have lite experience in this rea, implementing an inadequate solution could cause mere frustration and more time delays for customers, resulting in addtional lost business. Because this problem is grestiy troubling to our castomers, project delay could result in lost customers, jeopardizing te likeshond of meeting this year’ sales goab. > Because assessment of this system is difficult, changes to the systema could alec the requirements the system was designed to meet, resulting in impacts to other business Functions. Project Sponsors Authorizing This Project: ‘Connor Madeaby, Executive Vice President ery Ml Project Charter Project Title and Description (Whar is the project?) ‘The First Personal Assistant ‘Design a prototype and create the manufacturing plan for the first consumer product that can act as a personal ‘assistant. This product would be warn on the ear, respond to voice commands, and do everything that a human personal assistant can do, Project Manager Assigned and Authority Level (who is giver authority to Jead the project, and cam he/she determine, manage, dard approve changes to budget, schedule, staffing, ete.2) ‘Mary Lofsness shal be the project manager for this project. She may select any team merber she See fit an as signature authority up to $164,000. Dave Pedersen is assigned as assistant peoject manages. and Whitney Thulin is assigned as project administrator, Business Case (vy is the projet being dome? On vat financial or other basis cam wo esti ing this project?) ‘Wie consider ourselves tobe the premier consumer products compasy nthe world, and we want to continne that with a ‘new procuct thi could start aWwhode new industry. Qur analysis shows a potential return. on investment for this product inbe ‘175%: 85% ofthat retern will bein the fst year and 459% in years two and three Resources Preassigned (How many or which resources will e provided#) “The entire research and development department in our Tokyo office consisting of 80 people is assigned! to this tea In addition, the attached list gives the names of 87 dedicated people from 6 countries covering the fekls of marketing, consumer metals, software design, and manufacturing, We will be working with a desigh firm in the Netherlands we hhave used before. Wenced to finda firm that can manufacture casing parts for the end pros English wl be the ‘project language. Other resources needed must be identifed and negotiated for by the project manager. Stakeholders (Who will affect or be affected by the project (influence the project), as known to date?) “The atached document lists 303 stakebolders who might be impacted by this project. They consist ofrepresentatives from the public, our largest buyers of our consumer presivets and company management Stakeholder Requirements As KNOWN (Requirements related to bath project and product scope) ‘Attached to this document are the detailed specifications for the personal assistant as gathered by marketing research and as determined by potential customers of this product. The product should be able to perform Internet searches, make hotel, flight, and restaurant reservations; take dictation and fax.or e-mail the results; and be able to make phone calls itself using its own voice, It must be small enough to be worn on the ear and respond to woice- ‘only commands. The scope of this project does not call for typed entry into the system. It will be entirely voice activated and managed. The technical requirements consisting of acceptable weight ranges. acceptable materials, ‘and other needs are attached, The applicable regulatory and compliance requirements are also attached. Creating ‘marketing, advertising, and promotional plans are not part of this project: however, this work is authorized under a scparate project, requiring the project team to provide the needed information. A list of that information and the schedule for its availability is also attached, but it is expected to change as the project progresses.

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