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conclusions are very much the same. Clausius-Mossotti effects, ie., the removal of the dipole-dipole on-site inter- action, are implicitly included when we consider the energy bands of the solid. IV. CONCLUSIONS Clausius-Mossotti effects in dielectrics arise when we take into account the fact that the polarizable centers of the solid do not see their own field. When the polarizable centers are located with cubic symmetry, the local field at a given site of the lattice produced by the rest ofthe system is, exactly the same as the average over the unit cell of that field. Thus the difference between these two fields produces no extra contribution to the Clausius-Mossotti effect. Ina quantum mechanical treatment for crystalline sol- ids, the removal of the dipole-dipole on-site interaction is Kramers-Kronig in two lines Ben Yu-Kuang Hu automatically taken into account if we consider the energy gap of the solid rather than the atomic energy gap. "J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley, New York, 1975), 2nd fe, Sec. 45. 2°D.E. Aspnes, Am. J, Phys. $0,704 (1982). °R.G. Barrera and P. A. Mell, Am. J. Phys. $0, 165 (1982), “EM. Purcell, Electricity and Magretiom, Berkeley Physics Course (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965), Vol. 2, Se. 9.13, 5H, Hannay, Eur. J. Phys 4, 141 (1989), "B.A. Niboer and F. W. de Wette, Physika XXII, 309 (1957). °D_J. Grifiths, Am. J. Phy. $0, 698 (1982), *C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Dis, and F. Laloe, Quantum Mechanics (Wi- ley, New York, 1977), Vol.2 . 1280. “S.M, Ziman, Principles of the Theory of Solids (Cambridge U.P, Cam- bridge, 1972), p. 161, ""R. Bassani and G. P. Parravicni, Electronic States and Optica! Trans- ‘ions in Solids (Pergamon, Oxford, 1975), p. 181. Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1106 (Received 21 September 1988; accepted for publication 28 October 1988) A short derivation of the Kramers-Kronig relations is presented. ‘The Kramers-Kronig relations relate the real and imagi- nary parts of the frequency-dependent linear response function yo), Im[y(@)] = -tef dor Rely) (a) 7 ° Rety(or] = EP f do’ Im[x(o")) (ab) 7 oo where Pmeans principal part. These relations are a conse- quence of causality and have found applications in many branches of physics, ranging from electrical network theo- ry toelementary particle theory. The traditional method of proving these relations is to continue y(a) to complex fre- quencies and then to exploit its analyticity in the upper half @ plane.'* More elementary but slightly lengthier ap- proaches can also be used to obtain these relations.’ The purpose of this article is to present a derivation of the Kramers-Kronig relations that is both quick and simple. ‘The prerequisites for the derivation are two well-known results. The first is that the Fourier transform of the step function, 1, 130; a) = a lo 120, is given by* fi aane api 4 row). (2) 7 ote Po ‘The second is the Fourier transform convolution theorem [i aemQoaw = [re —ere0. & 7 229 $21 Amd. Phys. 81 (9), September 1989 Because of causality, the response function y(¢) must have the form XO = 4K), (4) where ¥(1) = Y(1) for 1>0. Weare free to choose ¥(1) for 1-<0. On Fourier transforming Eq, (4) and using Eq. (2) and the convolution theorem, we obtain yo) =Le [Heo v4 Ho) do + 78 (5) ‘Now we exploit our freedom to choose ¥(t) for <0. (i) Choose ¥( — |t|) = ¥({e|). Then ¥(«) ispure real, and, hence, Eq, (5) gives ¥(w) = (2)Re[y(o) }. Substi- tuting this into the integrand in Eq, (5) yields Eq, (1a) (ii) Choose ¥( — |r|) = — ¥((F|). Then ¥(«) is pure imaginary, and, hence, Eq. (5) gives 1¥(@) = ~ (2)Im{y(o)}- Substituting this into the inte- grand in Eq, (5) yields Eq. (1b). ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘This work is supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Re- search. 'y.D, Jackson, Classica Blectrodynamies (Wiley, New York, 1975), 2nd pp, 309-312, °A.M, Portis, Electromagnetic Fields: Sources and Media (Wiley, New York, 1978), pp. 768-751 'W.C. Elmore and M. A. Heald, Physics of Waves (MeGraw-Hil, New York, 1969), pp. 441-494. 4G. Artken, Mathemathial Methods fr Physiits (Academie, Orlando, FL, 1985), 3rd od, pp. 415-416 ‘Reference 4 pp. 810-812. © 1989 American Association of Physics Teschers—§21

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