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Origin of the Universe

1. Steady State Model

 1948
 Sir Herman Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle
 The universe NEVER began because it has always been here.
 Was not fully accepted because it fails to explain why our universe is continuously expanding and why is there presence of
microwave background.

2. Quasi-steady State Model

 As the universe expands, little pockets of matter are spontaneously created throughout the universe called the ‘little bangs’.
 In 1993, the steady state model was updated and became the Quasi-Steady State Model

3. Eternal Inflation
 Alan Guth
 The intense inflationary energy from the Big Bang was converted to matter and energy.
 Our universe was just one small pocket of a much, much larger universe.
 The much larger universe is expanding incredibly quickly, while our universe is a small bubble within it that slowed down.

4. Mirrored Universe
 2014
 Julian Barbour
 On the ‘other side’ of the Big Bang is a mirror universe, moving on the opposite direction in time
 If you were in the mirror universe, you would still feel as if time was going forwards

5. String Theory
 Paul Steinhardt
 Is one of the proposed methods for producing a theory of everything, a model that describes all known particles and forces and that
would supersede the Standard Model of Physics, which can explain everything except gravity.
 In String Theory, there are more spatial dimensions than we can see day to day in our 3-dimensional world

6. Rainbow Gravity
 Is a theory that different wavelengths of light experience different gravity levels and are separated in the same way that a prism
splits white light into the rainbow
 Rainbow Gravity Theory states that light experiences gravity to a different degree, based on its wavelength, and therefore its color.
 As you approach the beginning of the universe, Rainbow Gravity becomes more important, due to its more extreme state.
 When this has been modeled, scientists find that the Big Bang’s singularity can disappear and in fact there are instances in which the
Big Bang doesn’t even occur with time stretching back forever
 The universe has always existed

7. Slow-Freeze
 Christoff Wetterich
 The universe was initially cold before it began to thaw around the time of the Big Bang
 This theory is impossible to prove, as we’re unable to measure whether all particles in the universe are getting heavier as there is
nothing to use as a benchmark that wouldn’t change itself.

8. Digital Simulation
 2003
 Nick Bostrom
 Our universe is just a simulation of the real universe
 the universe may have started with a Big Bang, but that Big Bang was started with the tapping of an Enter key.

9. Quantum Graviton Fluid

 The universe is infinitely old and full of fluid
 The fluids are made up of particles called graviton which mediates gravity

10. Cyclic Universe

 Robert Penrose
 “Conformal Cyclic Cosmology”
 The universe repeats in a cycle with each new big bang
 At the end of each universe, another one begins.

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