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Levels of Normalization Sufficiency 1

Running head: Levels of Normalization Sufficiency

Levels of Normalization Sufficiency

Hal Wortman

University of Phoenix Online

DBM 380

September, 22 2009
Levels of Normalization Sufficiency 2


Database is a structured collection of tables with related data. Database consists of set of

structured records which are stored in computer systems. This structure can be achieved by

organizing data into database model. The relational database model is most commonly used

today. Structure is an organized base without redundant or repeating issues. This paper will show

levels in obtaining such structure with emphasis and conclusion on the third normal form or 3NF.

The outline will follow SR-ht-003 of Huffman Trucking Driving Log.

Levels of Normalization Sufficiency 3

Levels of Normalization Sufficiency


Normalization focuses on text and language seeking out consistency and regularity.

Normalization in the IT aspect grasps the ideal concepts of consistency and organization, as a

database grows, it grows not only in size, but also complexity. This inevitability provides a need

to maintain order and organization. The best way streamline is to reduce complexity and

minimize errors and redundancy associated with the increasing size of the database. To reduce

the amount of redundant data, tables are created, on an individual basis, to store and maintain

information and any associative attributes. This process, referred to as normalization, in database

parlance. This not only reduces database complexity, but can also be a tool for reducing errors

such as typographical, misspelled words, as data is stored only once, instead of repeated multiple

times. The process of normalization strives to eliminate errors which can be inherent to the

database milieu. These errors include; update, deletion, and insertion errors. To summarize

normalization it could be said that; Normalization is essential, otherwise inaccuracy,

inefficiency, no quality product, and no time management relationships exist. Maintaining

organization on the ground floor will help to obviate some of the aforementioned problems as the

database grows and evolves.

The Process

The normalization process incorporates arranging data into logical groups via

relationships, thus minimizing redundancy through structured organization. This reiterates the

avoidance of errors (update, deletion, and insertion errors). Confirmation of preliminary plans

can help to avoid re-design issues later that should be addressed early on in the design process.
Levels of Normalization Sufficiency 4

Relationships: These are the alliances or associations between tables in the database. This sets up

integrity between tables in the database, which helps maintain conformity. This can also help to

mitigate and eliminate problems with data deletion. Several types of relationships can exist; the

relationships between entities can be one of three types, one-to-one (1:1), one-to-many (1: M),

and many-to-many (M: N).Table composition: each table needs an attribute that uniquely

identifies all other attributes in a given row; A primary key (PK) in a table that serves this special

purpose. A PK can be a single attribute, composite attribute, super key, or candidate key. Its

presence is required in every table to maintain entity integrity.Varying degrees of normalization

exist when the table structures can become morphed. Each form and degree of normalization has

it purpose. They are arranged from 1NF (NF: normal form), 2NF, 3NF, 4NF, 5NF, and BCNF

(Boyce-Codd normal form). Lower forms of the normal form / normalization process are used to

expedite or enhance the performance of a given database. Higher forms are implemented to

reduce redundancy and improve the accuracy of a database. Balance, with performance, and

maintenance of database, with concerns to redundancy, without compromising the integrity the

overall structure, usability of the database.


An Entity Relationship Diagram is in 1NF if all key attributes are defined with no

repeating groups in the table, and all attributes are dependent on the primary key. An Entity

Relationship Diagram is in 2NF when in 1NF and it contains no partial dependencies. A partial

dependency is an attribute dependent on only a portion of the primary key. An Entity

Relationship Diagram is in 3NF when in 2NF and it contains no transitive dependencies. A

transitive dependency is the value of one non-key attribute is dependent on the value of one or

more other non-key attributes. 3NF contains no partial dependencies and no transitive
Levels of Normalization Sufficiency 5

dependencies. Transitive dependencies are defined by an attribute of an entity relies on the value

of another non-key attribute to derive its value.


Possibilities to obtain a 3NF design without sacrificing lossless-join or dependency-

preservation can exist. Do not eliminate all transitive dependencies, a need to use null values to

represent some of the meaningful relationships. Repetition of information occurs. (cs) The

Huffman database was created to facilitate information sharing between the trucker and the

company. The database will also allow truckers to update the database while on the road using

the Internet. This practice will allow the company to keep near real-time updates to the status of

truckers driving log and allow them to ensure compliance with local and federal laws. A

consistent structure will eliminate unnecessary redundancy, saving Huffman time and, money

enhancing a greater ROI.


Ralph M. Stair, George W. Reynolds. (2006). Fundamentals of Information Systems, (3rd ed.).
Copyright 2006 Thompson Course Technology

Kroenke, D. M. (2000). Database processing: Fundamentals, design and implementation. [UOP

Special Cover Edition]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall., retrieved on
September, 21 2009
Levels of Normalization Sufficiency 6

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