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Sacred Sanctuary


Poems of the heart

Jayita Bhattacharjee, M.S., M.A.

Copyright 2012, By Jayita Bhattacharjee

Sacred Sanctuary

Sacred Sanctuary


This book is intended to inspire people to reach out to other souls that they
encounter in this beautiful, mystic journey of life. As we connect with other hearts
in this pathway, we celebrate the beauty, the wonders, the gifts and the miracles
that life has endowed us with.

Life has its own passages of pain, its own seasons of sorrow, but it also has
seasons of joy. And despite the myriad shares of experiences that we have, we
discover a wondrous truth.

That life is beautiful and sweet. It is a miracle to be born with, a joy to be shared
with, a path to be explored upon and a song to be danced with, by every soul.

A beautiful, wild side of our hearts is revealed in the light of a truth, the side
which gives in a bountiful flow of universal compassion, a heart that falls in love
with this entire universe, and finds that life is still a gift despite its pain and

Our seeds of trust, faith start sprouting and we find solace again in the
benevolence of this wonderful life. We are gifted with the myriad abundances
that commence to flow endlessly as we unfold our hearts in the light of love and
compassion, gratitude and kindness.

The awareness born out of compassion, the consciousness born out of universal
love inspires us to break forth from the shells of fears and doubts and brings us in
the light of openness where the heart surrenders wonderfully to the power of

The evolution of our souls begins. We are transformed and reborn. The
consciousness that is holy, the awareness that is sacred, weaves its tapestry of
wonders and our souls are set on the path of a gradual awakening.

The radiance of awakening inspires us to uncurl, and to reach for the divine light
that can shine forth on our souls, giving us our sacred birth, one that takes us
deeper into the true beauty of mysticism, in the light of which we learn to thrive

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and grow so as to feel the rich connection with other souls on this earth. And the
garden of our heart is adorned with a thousand blossoming flowers.

Love and compassion are scattered in every breath we take and life is
magnificently manifested in a myriad divine virtues that are given to flourish in
the light of openness where our souls learn to overcome fear and many deepest
wounds of life.

The flower of our souls finally blooms amidst a thousand experiences, each one of
which has heightened our levels of spiritual awareness, our soul consciousness
and brought us to a more intimate level in touch with ourselves.

Jayita Bhattacharjee

Sacred Sanctuary


Weave a beautiful connection with the angels heeding to the inner call of our
voice Emerging from our souls; Encounter and feel the rich and sacred weaving of
the beauteous wonders, Hidden in this miraculous universe; Welcome and
embrace the sacred beauty with open arms and a spring of joy. Unfold the hearts
of all the Earth Angels and hidden inside is a sacred heavenly paradise on Earth…

That is the place where heaven has descended gladly to melt with the earthly
intricate designs of nature with a gleaming joy. By knowing our truest essence, we
enable our souls to convey the sacramental message of a conscious evolution that
is wafting in the breeze around.

Breathe and blossom in love exhaling the essence around like the nature’s
intoxicating primordial wine flooding all the souls with its perfume. Find the
doorway to the gentle healing and an immersing peace within your soul. Look for
it within and unlatch the doorway to the paradise in a place of drowning joy and a
soul soothing, heart healing, deep peace.

That which the gentle breeze murmurs of, the running brook sings of, the
moonbeams gleam of, and the sunbeams radiate of, therein dwells the wellspring
of life in its truest form and essence. Look beyond what is visible, see beyond
what is unseen, think beyond the realm of thinking and the clarity will penetrate
the deepest depths of your vision. Embrace the abundant blessings that shower
on you with every waking dawn.

Enwrap your body, mind, heart and soul in the touch of it to get the feel of a
singing joy. spring of joy makes this life a breeze of inspiration in its every breath.
Let us have a commingled breath of harmony and contentment in this paradise of
abundant blessings that intertwine to create a wondrous miracle. This sacred
Mother Earth and Father Sky have endowed our lives with a myriad of
magnificent grandeur.

Their magnificence leads to the children of one swirling, whirling cosmos dance
where the oceans of love flow joyously from one heart to another. The flowing joy
awakens our spirits and showers the droplets of gentle beauty on the multi-facets
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of our lives. May our hearts carry the breeze of that spiritual transformation that
heightens our levels of inner awareness and takes us to a higher evolution where
soul speaks and spirit bows! Let us welcome the awakening with love in every
waking breath. Scattered are the myriad awes of truth, peace, love and
compassion. Their encounters enrich the landscape of our hearts with a glowing
beauty, illuminated by the gems of truest wisdom that life offers to us.

Let us be the celestial birds to fly across the azures of a joyous harmony, a divine
love, a graceful beauty and a divinely hued rainbow, to find ourselves soaring in
the heights of an universal truth. Embracing love in all aspects of our lives leads us
to the doorway of realization that life is a joyful dance of our souls and we are the
ecstatic dancers.

Bowing in gratitude conveys the sacred air of transformation of our thoughts and
beliefs in our hearts and guiding it on a blissful path to a much- fulfilled life makes
contentment waiting at every moment. By nurturing our hearts, we live as being
alive in every moment, with an air of positivity singing in the breeze around,
flowing with a humming of inspiration to awaken our souls.

May we embrace the joy that sings its holy song in the notes of gentle blessings!
May we dream the richest dreams of our lives that weave the fabrics of our
moments into a beautiful tapestry of blissful love and compassion for all the souls
throbbing in this universe! May we walk with the holy angels, as we leave our
footprints on a paradise of sanctified bliss while the universal love touches all the
souls setting them free of the illusion of separation! May the glory of the holy
spiritual light bathe all the souls and give them the bliss of salvation, the sacred
liberation enfolding them in heaven’s splendid glory.

Let us experience the sacred joy of shared blessings and celebrate life in its flow
of mystical thoughts. May life unfold the joyful moments along with the
knowledge that tomorrow comes with all unknown surprises waiting for us to be
explored! Let us celebrate life as we embrace the glorious beauty of it, as we
extend a heart of understanding to all the souls in this world. May we do so to
behold the blooming of consciousness that gently breaks the bud of humanity
blossoming it to a richly hued floral beauty!
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Let us all carry the light of a divine purpose, an angelic soul with a holy mission to
spread the sacred love and a soul guiding light. Let that light turn our souls into an
oasis enriched with the positivity and a mystic consciousness that brings myriad
transformations in the levels of spiritual awakening.

Let our divine mission be to gather the petals of love from all the hearts and
cluster them into a multi-hued, blooming flower of peaceful and blissful love that
showers the rain of heaven on earth. May our hearts be nurtured and nourished
in the lush garden of universal love that reaches the empowerment through our
soul’s mystic views!

May that mysticism breathe love into our souls engulfing it with a peace that
floods all over this universe! Let the mystic light shine on our hearts and may we
become seekers of a spiritual truth that satiates all the soul- searching thirst. Let
the golden light of an awakening dawn flood all over the hearts, as it shines on
this universe in all its radiance. A sense of an inspiring positivity can sow the seeds
of an inner transformation that turns this universe into a paradise of compassion.

Recognition of the indwelling divine nature cultivates the soil of this universe with
a rich kinship that connects the souls. That thread of connection acts as a nexus
amidst all the souls that are twinkling as distant stars in this vast sky of the
universe. Let us nourish the hidden awareness within us that rejuvenates our
spirits, and find the spring of contented life. May the healing waters reconnect
our souls with deeper joy and a meaningful insight! May the gentle walking on
this Earth with all angels soak our spirits in an eternal bliss and a silent
understanding of this cosmic harmony! Life is the language that our hearts speak
in silent words. The mystic language of life is the divine wisdom that serves as a
sacred bridge between the earth and the doorsteps of heaven.

The very moments of life unravel the mysteries that penetrate us to convey a
mystic understanding of what is tenderly secret in our lives. From the pieces of
life, the rain of enlightenment will descend and will shower our spirits that is
going to settle our minds in the depths of stillness. Let love be our life and it will

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open the portals of a blissful, peaceful place where our spirits dance in an ecstasy,
having known the joy of infusing unconditional love in our lives. As we dance, a
holy, mystic light comes and kindles our slumberous spirits and ignites our souls.

The radiance turns all the pangs of our pain into something beautiful, which we
can connect to for a deeper understanding of this journey of life. Love leads to the
ever- flowing sea of blissful joy and peaceful thoughts and the waves of our souls
ripple in the ocean of Oneness. Let love be our merger in every waking moment of
this divinely gifted life. May we be gifted with the hearts that melt in a joy of love
and sharing which is a state of indescribable bliss, one that leads our spirits to the
road of truest liberation!

May we infuse love in the prayer of our hearts! May we bow to love as our prayer
when we immerse our spirits in the vast treasure of stillness and calmness!
Worship the blissful wisdom manifested in the silent language of an enlightening
solitude! Let our souls be adorned with the beaming rays of that spiritual light in
the celebration of life and love. Let the realization dawn into our hearts that we
are an awareness dwelling in a supreme bliss radiating in this universe. We
convey a sacramental message of unified wholeness, a universal oneness. Walk
this path, this journey on the roads of compassion which leads our souls to breath
in the spiritual well-being and miracles of every moment. May it give birth to the
magnificent awakening of our divine glory!

The magnificent beauty of the inner essence is the soul that nourishes the flower
of truth which exhales a purity of joy hued with blessings in this garden of
humanity. As we bow in deep gratitude and heartfelt thankfulness, we cultivate a
love in the purest and truest essence that stirs our souls and awakens our inner
being. That soul stirring awakening attunes our life in a harmony with the
rhythmic tunes of the entire cosmos. As we discover ourselves in this path of
mystic self-discovery, we learn the art of being alive that opens the portals to the
enrichment of our inner spirits.

May we embrace life as a sacred womb of miracles at all the moments of it! We
are spiritual beings on this mystic journey of life. We are the whispers of a joy
singing in the hearts of all. We are the gentle touches of compassion on afflicted
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souls drooping in spirit. We are the morning’s first tender glory blooming in
tenderness. We are the radiant sunrises in every waking heart. Embrace the holy
earth’s enwrapping love and it will unlatch the gateways to a joyful place where
love and bliss cascade all over.

Embrace the divinity within you. You are beautiful, born to radiate your divine
beauty in this God created universe. Believe in your sacred, divine spark that will
ignite other souls as you cross their paths in this sacred journey. You are born
with a divine purpose to light up this world, flooding it with a heavenly luminosity.
Make your life a richly hued garden of tender beauty blushing in love’s gracility. It
is our love that dances on the tip of all petals of every human soul. Our lives are
the passing touches on this universe which dances as the rippling wave and
breaks upon the beaches of our hearts. May that life flow into an ocean of a
timeless eternity!

We are the waves of kindness that brings a surge in the ocean of a universal
consciousness. Let your soul be a harbinger of the joyful message of hope and
miracles that embrace life. May your life be a bud unfolding with the touch of
mystic gifts of this journey! Celebrate this life as a song of love that sings the
tunes of compassion and blessings. Let that song enlighten every soul in this
cosmos. May we all join our holy hands in this sacred overflowing oneness that
leaves its imprint on the hearts of all! As moments of life slip away, as it is
destined to be, we need to be able to behold the vision of yesteryears of our lives.
Let those memories be washed away with an ineffable joy of life lived in the
depths of our heart’s truest feelings.

May life be mingled with the passion’s gladdened dance and an ecstatic delight
etched in our souls! Let us be aware at every moment, of the precious now
captured in the expanse of eternity. May we open our hearts to gently step into
the realm of feelings, by letting go of the attachments, the need to cling to
something or someone in this lifetime! Carry the imprints of the treasured
moments in our hearts and rejoice in those feelings. May we look in the mirror of
contemplation as we settle our souls in the land of self- reflection before the
bloom of life passes us by! Our life is soaked with the bejeweled memories

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captured in the moments of an eternity. May we experience the pulsating life at

every split second! Our hearts are filled with its passing touch as it breaks down
on the idle seashores of our souls before the next wave of tomorrow washes it all
away! May we spend every waking moment making other souls sing in joy, dance
in ecstasy!

They vibrate in tremulous happiness, as it lets the bud of their hearts burst forth
in a gladdening laughter aroused by the awakening of this universe. May we hear
the angelic whisper as we gently press our ears to the hidden song silently sung
by the swaying flowers of this earth! May we never forget that our souls take a
delight in the dancing beauty that waits on the tips of the dew drenched leaves,
as the earth rejoices in the sacred song of an earthly wisdom! As we attune our
souls to the song of life, may our souls be adorned with an enlightening beauty
that clothes our hearts with the warmth of inspiration! May those blanket our
minds with the sacred joy of the miraculous gifts that life presents us with every
greeting dawn!

May we write the chapters of our life with tears of joy rolling down our cheeks as
we remember the bygone times with a touch of happiness! May our hearts
celebrate life in all the festivities of our souls! May we turn the pages of our lives
by celebrating love as a gentle blessing of our hearts! If we open our inner eyes
and muster the strength to alter our thoughts, we have a glimpse of the mystic
visions of life with a spiritual meaning to it. That change instills a spiritual fountain
spilling its waters of life’s mystic experiences that embellish us with a note of
gratitude and gracious thankfulness!

May the waters of mystic awakening spring from the soul fountain of our inner
wisdom! May we embrace the adornments and the safety cradle of Mother Earth
and Father Sky that illumines our souls in the light of a celestial awakening!
Opening our hearts to the blooming of love, gathering it to give it away freely to
the hearts of others nourishes the balancing harmony among all the souls that
blossom in this garden of humanity. Happiness can be traced back in our lives if
we hearken to the inner voice of wisdom calling from deep within our souls.

Nourishing the spirits of all souls around us instills a complete harmony with
nature and mankind as a whole. Sharing the one heart and flowing with the
depths of passion, from one soul to another cherishes our life with a mesmerizing

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joy. May that sip of joy leave us speechless and land us in a garden of
contentment where sorrow leaves no trace and joy reaches the hearts of all!
Dream the impossible dreams, think beyond the horizon of the ordinary zone,
imagine the absolute unimaginable, envision the beauties which are beyond the
vision of the ordinary. Find a spring of joy in the beauty of life, touch all the hearts
with a grace of love, and yours’ will be a life overflowing with abundance spilling
with love, compassion and peace.

Let our souls hear the silent words of wisdom flowing from the running waters of
all rivers that delight in the heading towards an ocean. The ocean murmurs of a
newer message embraced with the hope for a universal compassion! Let the
dawn flood our souls with an engulfing radiance that lights up all the pathways for
a celestial awakening and wholeness! May our hearts plant the seeds of love and
peace and reap a rich bountiful harvest! May our eyes behold the harvesting of a
peace that calms the raging emotions of our hearts, a love that drenches all the
spirits in an unconditional acceptance!

May we retreat to the sacred sanctuary that dwells on the shores our divine souls
and find peace and tranquility there, as we seek the answers to the myriad
unexplained mysteries of life! May we be in touch with ourselves and find
wholeness and peace at the sacred altar of our souls! Let go of the illusions and
ideas that keep us away from the bejeweled truth of our innate divinity. As we do
so, we are reborn with every awakening dawn flooding our hearts with a radiant
sunrise, the effulgence of which wipes away the darkness of our fears and
illusions. Herein resides the joy of the cosmic dance. The never- ending cycle of
birth and rebirth goes on and the saga of being alive at every moment in our soul
continues. Teach me that I may joyfully feel it, ecstatically revel in its truth, and
breathe in the purity of its heartfelt bliss.

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As I dream of the blessed visions of a love flowing in oneness, wholeness enwraps

me in an ineffable joy. That joy give birth to a fountain whose waters flow in the
secret pathways of my heart that becomes a wellspring of a mystic life, the life
which speaks of an eternal bliss! Let me taste from the cascade of life
rejuvenating waters which fill up the cracks of every broken spill that has placed
life out of tune with the primordial couplets of our heart song. Cords of harmony
seem to have been shattered in a million crumbled pieces, reflecting the chaotic,
tumultuous places in this passage of life. May my soul taste the eternal honey
from the honeycomb of this life!

May the blessed vision turn my sorrows into a golden joy where every pain turns
into a song of soul! As the blazing sun shines effulgently in the corners of my
heart, it immerses my soul in the splendor of its eye- opening light. The love of
that light unfolds all the truths and blesses our hearts with a weeping joy, a joy
that knows no bounds, a joy that transcends the horizon of the earthliness. I have
life here again in my heart, as the clouds of an eternal spring joy shower, the joy
that dances on the petals of my heart. My soul exults in that dancing happiness as
I hear the sweet honey drenched sounds of a timeless bliss coming from all
directions of this cosmos, whirling in a maddening heavenly dance.

The pleasant wind whispers of a life renewed with a spiritual vision, a vision that
seeks to shed light in the dark patches that our pathways have encountered. The
universe rejoices in a delight filled with truth, a truth that is never ending as the
songs of age old creation are sung in all the glory. It is time to play the auspicious
music on the strings of my soul, to behold the reveler of the purest and divine
essence who has been humming the sacred songs. The awareness, the awakening
undulates through our body, mind and spirits and glimmers in the darkness of all
ignorance. Beloved Lord, teach me to follow thy footsteps that will lead me to the

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In the bosom of us, dwells a secret honey flower. It overflows with abundance of
sweet nectar. Drink all the honey that the soul can be satiated with. Therein lies
the eternal sweet bliss. The one that we are looking for, the lover wandering for
the entwined one is inside him. While he goes on yearning for a gaze of the
beloved from one shore to another, the lover dwells inside his heart, at the divine
altar of his soul. There is a bloom of life’s splendor in all its magnificence, spilling
with joy all around.

The joy whirls in the embracement of peace and harmony. Therein arises an
arousing of the soul and its mystic evolution abound in myriad miracles. Seek your
purpose, breathe in the air of freedom, nourish the flower of your spirit with love
and you will blossom in variegated beauties of love. Love is a sacred home for the
unfolding of your soul, where your heart can dwell in peace. From its ocean
emerges a spiritual light that guides us to unlock the deeper purpose and meaning
of life. May our souls be bathed in the grace of love that descends as a divine
rainfall from the celestial firmament! May that grace burst forth to shower their
heavenly peaceful blessings! Let the rain of mercy, the droplets of compassion
wash over all the mortals.

May the washing waters awaken the spirit of humanity, to blossom the flower of
spiritual consciousness to an ineffable benediction! May we awaken to the holy
rain! May there be a new we, a new us, where humanity is reborn again in a new
form, a new shape where beauty leaves its grace on the sacred rebirth! Let the
peace of that wholeness dwell beyond the innumerable separate entities and
guide me to the commingled union with the perennial life of this swirling
universe. Reveal to me the enlightened path of a luminous wisdom, lead me to
the land of harmonious songs.

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Beautifully create a world of harmony and the primordial peace that has been
existing from the dawn of mankind creation, will have its rebirth. Let the divine
light bring a heavenly spark of gratitude and thankfulness blazing all the hearts in
its incandescence. May those souls rediscover themselves in the lap of nature’s
earthly beauty to be alive again with a spirit of inspiration, and fertility will
sprinkle in abundance in the mystic landscape of their hearts! They are the hearts
who are rich in vitality and blooming in an evergreen youth of the spirits as they
lovingly embrace a higher vibration. Let your journey have the companionship of
love and peace for a universal oneness. In the lotus flower of my heart, there are
spiraling visions of hope, a ray of faith, a twinkle of trusted belief that encircles
the weaving of human imagination. Dwell in the realm of hope that the sacred
gifts of this life are about to shower on us. Have a lighted belief in the depths of
your mind that this Mother Nature is about to entwine its lovely wonders weaving
the natures’ gifts. May those gifts be laced with love to place at the altar of our
feet! Envision a soothing peace that permeates all the mortals and this creation in
the flow of it.

The peace that goes to the heart and penetrates its most holy abodes, the
calmness that transcends all reasoning and soaks all the souls, the assurance that
the word of peace is the ultimate message of positivity! That sacred thought
flutters in the breeze around, and takes us to the paradise of creativity, where this
inspiration seeks to blaze the flames of creation and turn us to be the magnificent
creators, and the dreamers in this world. Envision love and the numerous seeds of
creative possibilities will start sprouting in the garden of your soul. Those
possibilities will inspire you to live a fulfilled life, one that has contentment
mingled with wholeness, a completeness that brings the pieces of your life in one
whole rich tapestry. That fulfilling whole tapestry is woven out of innumerable
delicate threads of multi patterns, multi hues, all intricately knit to give it a
beautiful tapestry of life in the broader perspective. That evokes our own natures
of self-reflection, as we contemplate on the seashores of our hearts.

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Seek to create a peaceful and harmonic breeze all around you. Breathe in its air,
exult in it, revel in its glory and know at thy heart that it is the beginning of an
awakening in your soul. The age-old slumber is at last fading away in the distant
horizon and rays of arousal are shimmering at the breaking of a new dawn. Love
your-self, for you are the manifestation of God, you are his divine child, your light
lights up the world. Your footprints on this earth leave a sanctuary on the sands of
eternity. That is the true essence in its beauteous sense, the essence of being
alive in every breath in this God gifted dancing universe. Recognizing the divine
spark that dwells within us, we unleash the heavenly beauty hidden in ourselves.

As we nurture and water the seed of love planted in our souls, it grows to a fruit
bearing tree that abounds with the ripened fruits of an unconditional love and
acceptance. When we give birth to the mystic fruits in this mystic garden of our
hearts, the earth smiles in a blooming beauty of everlasting blissful contentment!
May our souls be a sacred sanctuary with the holy light of enlightenment, a light
that floods in wisdom, a wisdom that teaches us to realize with heartfelt
thankfulness, the preciousness of the wondrous gifts that we have in this
treasured life! Let the beauty that arises from the divine joy that we embrace at
the soul of our souls, be the sacramental beauty dipped in heavenly blessings.

May that beauty liberate us from everything that is painfully gloomy, let it
empower us to shine in our light as it reaches the soul of others. As it touches
other’s spirits may it be touched in its light of compassion and may this circle of
kindness radiate good will and wellness and a love that embraces the entire
mankind through the message of soul searching spirituality! As this cycle
continues in its own pace, may the diverse experiences of life strengthen us
enough to give us a rainbow smile, a ray of promise, a bliss through the different
trials of life. Our spirits are transformed in this sacred cycle in finding the home to
a meaningful purpose with a shared love for humanity that accompanies us as we
seek for the fulfillment of our divine purpose in life!

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Dream the sacred dream in the depths of your bosom, and sing in the joy that
endures all that life has to convey at many twists and turns, and yours will be a
dream dreamt in the profundity of unlocked emotions that lay asleep for age old
times. As you uncover the rich tapestry of events that you encountered in this
voyage of life, while sailing amidst the storms of life, your eyes will be flooded
with a mystic’s vision, empowering you with the knowledge that behind every
event, is hidden a divine purpose gracefully planned by the Almighty.

May the rain of dreams shower on our souls! Unaware of the Supreme Lord’s
plan, we wander along the myriad routes, traveling some more and some less,
until a spiritual light shines forth amidst the broken pieces of our souls. When the
light fills in the cracks of the broken souls, the spirit knows there is no turning
back, no looking back, no shadow of doubts any further, but a retrospective
journey forwards with the complete immersion in a contemplative realm and a
mystic light reflecting along the horizon of a spiritual vision. Meaning, vision,
purpose and joy seem to blend in unison and a holy dance arouses our souls,
unfolding a thousand seeds of routes and possibilities.

But the mystic walks along the path hued with the petals of love, compassion,
peace and truth and it gently leads us to the sacred realm of spiritual
transformation where every vision and thought of ours is drenched with the rain
of peace that bathes our spirits. We become transformed into sacramental souls
showered by the holy rain of sacred bliss. Cultivating the seeds of spiritual
enlightenment, the holy journey begins to throb in our hearts, as we hear its
sacred hum…begin, begin, begin.

Beyond the stars in the celestial firmament, there are meadows of swaying floral
beauties, the surging of the oceans, the bursting of the magnificent solar glory,
the numerous signatures of a heavenly spirit that quench the hungry souls
seeking for the divine vision. That urges the spiritual unfolding of the soul from a
seed to a beautiful flower and in the mystic process of the evolution, they are
blessed in an abundance.

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May inspiration bathe all our spirits to carry us to a land of contentment that
spurs the lark in our souls to sing the song of a joyous humanity! May that song
make heavens’ choicest blessings descend on earth as an angelic rain, a rain that
washes our spirits clean and sets us free! May we sail the ship on this vast ocean
of awakened consciousness and harbor to a land of spiritual evolution where the
higher energies turn us into mystic beings! Let us explore this world with a love
filled spirit, and ours will be a life of a dreamer’s dream, a poet’s poem, a mystic’s
vision, and a lover’s song that will flood this universe with all the love and light.
May the voice of our divine soul penetrate our hearts and enliven us at all the
moments of our blissful life laden with miracles! May we fly as soaring soul-birds,
singing of a joyous freedom!

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This gift of life is a spiritual blend of positivity and divine blessings where kindness
and compassion mingle and sprout into heavenly soul flowers that bloom in the
paradise of our spirits. Life is an ongoing journey with the never ceasing wonders
that strike us, as each of us travels on diverse roads, pausing to encounter one
another and to share the gift of a silent connection flowing from one soul to
another in a speechless joy, a joy that brings us together in this spiritual pathway.

Love is the very water of this God gifted life. Let us drink it to satiate our hearts
and souls. May the sacred fountain of life sprinkle all over the garden of humanity
and the lushness will bloom in the perennial, evergreen vegetation! Let us live by
the sacred hymns and chants of the indwelling soul. May it bear a song of
eternity, a song that sings for all the times and ages from the primordial souls to
the ones that have yet to come!

Keep the flame of inspiration alive in all the hearts to shine through the darkest of
nights, when the night seems too long. Let the holy fire consume you to the core,
where you are no longer separate, but one with the divine universal soul. May we
walk this sacred earth in a spirit of love that binds all in the tie of friendship, nexus
of golden compassion, a bond of an unspoken tenderness, a mingling of the
sacred waters of our hearts! May we become the enlightened beings that gleam
with the sacred glimmer of an enlightenment! May the profundity of spiritual
empowerment can give birth to a morning sun inside of us waiting to shine forth
on this universe in all its effulgence!

Let the heavenly silence needed to dawn this light onto our spirits take us to the
roots of all the mystic realization. May we be at peace with others and ourselves
as we find joy in every wound, a smile that endures the longest tears and a
wholeness that shatters the world of distinct separation! Let us be the gardeners
of wholeness and place the wreaths of goodness at the altar of this world in the
pursuit of true happiness. May the blissful state of an eternal happiness be
cherished in the deepest of our depths, where happiness is not a moment’s
pursuit but an eternal mission for the contented fulfillment of this life!

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Let love be kindled in our hearts and let us share the flow of it with every soul
that we encounter in our lives. Let our hearts be the altar of worship where we
bow in profound gratitude and utmost reverence. Through Almighty, all of the
creation was birthed into existence and through his love the entire cosmos spins
in a universal oneness.

Let us seek refuge under the expanse of his love, his wings of mercy. May our
hearts overflow with his love and compassion, as we embrace him with our
complete trust! Every hope, every promise, every blessing, every miracle comes
with a divine touch. Let not the numerous trials and sorrows of life lose sight of
the divinity. Every dawn breaks through with a light of a divine blessing, a new
beginning. May that beginning be one of life’s best heavenly blessings! In the
sanctuary of our hearts, let the prayer bring us in an intimacy with God. Let us
have hope springing in our hearts, as each day comes with its new miracles.

May his divine embrace brim us with wholeness again! May joy bloom like
wildflowers amidst the deserts as his holy touch conveys a blossoming happiness
in the midst of all sorrows! The Almighty strengthens what is weak in us, mends
us when are in broken spirits, enlightens our darkest spots, heals and binds us
during afflictions and infuses us with hope and peace and revives whatever
happiness has died in us. May we surrender to the divinity of the meaningful
vision of love!

Let our souls be revived so we can let go all else that is meaningless and shallow,
that which is nothing but superficial and illusory. There stands right, only the
symbolizing energy of love, the fountain source of all spiritual visions, the
manifestation of the utmost divinity and an embodiment of the Supreme who
gave birth to the fountain of all the creation. May joy spring in the hearts of all
the mortals, as it is fostered in the spirit of positive influence, a flow of the divine
virtues which keep our souls awakened and alive that brings a hushing peace in
the holy shelter of God’s loving wings, his divine embrace! May we bask in silence
in the spiritual pilgrimage of our hearts that plays the lute of it, the mellifluous
notes of the harp sitting on our souls!
Sacred Sanctuary


Let us surrender to the meaningful dream of love. There comes a time in every
person’s life, when we are stirred in the ocean of our souls, that all else is
meaningless, all else is an illusion. Only one icon of truth stands amidst all, the
icon of love which is a spiritual energy, the fountain of pure creation at its highest
level, the manifestation of divine self. The sweet, intoxicating madness of love
heals all that is unhealable, soothes all that is so unsoothing. May we become the
harbingers of positivity in this universe!

Our acts of compassion invite a whole new world waiting to unfold a horizon of
miraculous possibilities that change this universe, its rhythm, its tune and makes
us all attuned with one another’s heart strings. May laughter light our days, may
abundance bless our world as we roam in the seasons of this life! May all the
passing phases of life bring the love and light to shine on us all! Every new day
brings a miracle, one that was never beheld before and that will never be beheld
again. Acknowledge with a touch of grace the unending beauties that our life is
blessed with! These notes of positivity wafting in the breeze will empower
humanity with a blazing flame of pure enlightenment that is the way to heaven in
our hearts.

Let our spirits melt in a shared joy like the commingled light of a thousand candles
of the heart. As our souls fly, lifting the wings of love and kindness on the wings of
freedom, it spreads the elixir of the universe all around in a soaring ecstasy. That
is the primordial essence of all the harmonies in this universe. Bow in reverence
to the sacred gift of the angelic human dwelling in the human souls that gives us
the key to liberation by transforming us to the messengers of light and spiritual
energy. May our hearts enhance the flow of consciousness streaming in the
human spirits! As we see the glorious dawn, the gleaming love of divine in the
many wonders of this universe, may we uncover the treasures within ourselves!
In unlocking those hidden treasures, we find the eternal ecstasy of the holy, the
truth beyond the realms of life and death, the one which breaks the cycle of time
and flows in an unceasing stream.

Sacred Sanctuary


We are the bearers of a divine glory inside our souls. We arise from the vast
ocean of his immeasurable bliss. We are the dancing waves that ripple on the
ocean of divine waters. Our ripples undulate endlessly through all the times and
ages of eternity. From the ocean we arise, and to the ocean we are headed.
Almighty! Thou art the ocean of commingled bliss. Love is a river of grace flowing
unceasingly from the wellspring of divinity. His love makes our soul shimmer, as
we are gracefully blessed by his divine light. We carry the book of a divine
knowledge in the serenity of our hearts which speaks of the saga of humanity and
how it embraces the diversity of races, nations, yet speaks of one nexus that tied
us all, the nexus of love and light which is shed on the humanity as a whole.

Every waking breath beholds a thousand miracles in this life. Every holy moment
is a divine blessing that rains a sacramental love on our souls. Let us dance in that
sacred bliss and nurture the divine indwelling spirit. As we dance in a divine
ecstasy, this life becomes a holy celebration of blissful compassion and a universal
love. The essence of our divinity is spread around when we awake our souls to
sharing and caring, every time we extend our hearts dipped in the sincerest
feelings. Anchor our roots into a holy ground, a sacred soil of divinity where
holiness blooms the flowers of humanity and the perfume of soul sways the
wayfarers in a thousand smiles.

The horizon of love is illumined when we extend our hearts to honor all mankind,
all paths and all people, as the multifarious flowers of diversity mingle their
perfumes into a universal fragrant flower with the perfume of one love, and one
heart that sways in the blossoms of universal oneness. Therein dwells the mystic
beauty of an all-embracing humanity. May we walk this gentle earth in peace and
grace, breathing in love and breathing out gratitude! May the myriad paths
converge into a single road of harmony and joy, where enlightenment leads to the
doorway of this divine awakening! Love the moments of this journey, as the
journey is the wellspring of shared joy, collective consciousness binding all the

Sacred Sanctuary


Be a fountain of loving essence that entwines wonderment with bliss for an

enlightened path that honors the myriad diverse paths. May our divine presence
bless this world with the all permeating love of collective consciousness! Live the
life guided by your divine purpose that has truth, notes of positivity at its
innermost core. Paint this universe with the hues of a cosmic consciousness. Let
the light of your soul bless your art to be an art of an inspiring soul message.
Uncover the secrets of how to live a blessed life by walking on this gentle earth,
rolling on the blades of grass, brushing your cheeks with the swaying floral
blossoms, wondering at the penetrating sunrise and the melting sunset with a
radiating glow.

These are the sacred weavings of Gods’ blissful creations. Living amidst their soul
soaking beauties guides us to the gateway to the art of living, an art which opens
a land of beautiful portals to the unfolding of our souls. Live your life as a piece of
art, an art that etches its colors across the sky of this existence, as it colors the
inner landscape of our cosmic souls. As we honor the travelers of diverse faiths
and philosophies on this journey, we infuse our life with a universal oneness, a
holy song of the ecstatic experience that flows from our hearts and overflows
with joy on all the other cosmic earth souls.

Let our hearts be a spilling wellspring of the divine inspiration that rejoices in the
shared dreams and visions. As we break forth from our own cocoons and
transform into multihued butterflies of the heart, we flutter with a joy that
endures all the passing storms of life and rain richer blessings on this cosmic
creation of God. May we thrive in the splendor of glory that sets our paths to the
happiness as we set our footprints on the washing sands of times! The love that
we share with a thriving happiness gently inscribes our footprints on the sands of
eternity with a joy that spreads all over the sandy beaches of our hearts.

May the waves of a dancing cosmic love gently bow to those engraved notes of
love on the seashores of our souls! May we walk and touch this Mother earth
with a reverent gratitude as we kiss every beauty of it manifested as God’s eternal
Sacred Sanctuary


Pour forth in a gratitude to the gentle blessings of this Mother earth. Convey a
sacred message to this universe that smiles in all its glory. Let your message be
the one that speaks of a path of peace and a graceful humility, a compassionate
understanding and the goodwill to serve the mankind. Spread the air of
benevolence amongst all the mortals that sing their souls in a breeze of jubilation.

Be the blissful messages that your heart intends to pass around among the divine
souls living in this world. Go deep within your insights and gaze into the profound,
meaningful mystic visions, a vision that offers us clarity of our thoughts, depths in
our contemplation, profundity in the ocean of our introspection and tranquility in
our turbulent minds. You are the divine light, you are the love of greatest loves,
you are the sacred miracle in this earth, you are the river that that flows through
all the souls, carrying the message of one heart and one love. Manifest yourself in
the thousand exploding beauties that you are born with. Be the fountain of all the
miracles, which arouse an awe-inspiring vision in the eyes of our souls.

Celebrate this life as a divine festival with a spirit of sacred exaltation! Let us
throb with the heartbeat of Almighty deep inside of us, let us kindle a thousand
lamps flickering inside our souls to mingle our breaths for nurturing positivity with
a nourishment of an universal love. May our angelic beings fulfill the true purpose
of us, our quest to understand as to why we are here in this earth, the pathway to
our inner fulfillment and the visions of life needed to make a breakthrough in the
hearts of mortals so as to flourish them!

Breathe a spirit of light in the wounded splits of those souls, whose petals have
drooped down in the soaring turbulences of life. Burst forth your true angelic
being to awaken all the souls to love and a lotus smile of their hearts. Holy love
and divine light is your gift. Share it to bring a rich oasis of positivity amidst the
unfertile sands of barrenness. Infuse your soul with the desire to serve the
mankind for the betterment of humanity. Partake with a heartfelt joy in passing
on the kind deeds from one hand to another until it reaches the gates of heaven,
shining in all its divinity.

Sacred Sanctuary


We are endowed with the greatest gift of life, the heart and the innate flow of our
minds to love. Let us be recipient of love’s fruits and its sweet nectar. May the
halo of light that shines upon our hearts shower rays of gratitude on our souls,
inspiring a spiritual evolution and guiding us to take a greater leap in the realm of
evolution! Be wedded to the indwelling light of our divine souls. Life, I love you
with every beat of my heart. As I walk on this sacred earth, my gentle walk fills my
heart with a well of wisdom and a mystic inspiration to unfold my innermost
spiritual essence. The glimpse of a heavenly beauty in the simplest things of life
blossoms in a thousand sparkling smiles in the deepest depths of our hearts. As
we rejoice in the sprouting of love in myriad forms through the endless divine
creations, heaven starts raining down on earth, and the divine warmth of all
angelic gifts begins to enwrap us from all corners of this universe. When we dance
in bliss, the entire cosmos dances and all the realms spin in ecstasy in an
unceasing celebration of the holy joy, the joy that flows incessantly from the river
of angelic hearts.

As the joy infuses in the waters of our soul, let the holy waters guide us to be
someone who lends a listening ear, someone who cares with a compassionate
understanding, someone who gives without remembering, but takes every gift
with a heartfelt thankfulness. Be the angelic person who comforts every afflicted
soul mute in agony, and heavenly peace will be sprinkled on our hearts. Let us be
the bearers of light who have an ocean of understanding and the effulgence of
truth in the souls, and heaven will unfold in our souls for an eternity. Let us create
the ripples of truth and purity in a cosmic ocean of love. Let us embrace the
sacred kindness which is embracing of all and wakes up to a land of bliss. On the
wings of kindness, may our heavenly spirits soar to the freedom of the celestial
azures! In the vastness of a celestial wisdom, le our souls wake up to the love of a
beautiful oneness. As we shine in the radiant celestial, angelic beams of light, we
turn to light creatures who walk and touch the gentle peace, the stillness within,
arousing every moment to the sacred sanctuary within us.

Sacred Sanctuary


While we place ourselves in the same freedom as the limitless azures for the
skies, we joyously realize that we are the soaring birds of our souls. When we
release our clinging to the past and our desire to know the future, we soar in the
azures of an endless firmament of peace. In the divine process of it, freedom is
being breathed into our souls. As we open our ears to the music of this joyous
nature, the orchestra plays the songs of universal oneness, and we find that the
key to freedom is the harmony of our hearts that silently plays on the lute-strings
of our souls.

The past that we believe in and cling to makes our hearts unavailable to hear the
words of something new. Non-attachment is the true pathway to the liberation of
our soul birds. The soul birds can land in a paradise of peace only when our minds
do not grasp to anything, or do not cling to the shackles of attachment. Find your
peace in the stillness within and know the nectarine joy of living in this non-
attached pathway of the heart. Go for the quest of the timeless, ageless truth that
is ever within your heart, always has been since the dawn of time. As we hear the
music of the running streams and brooks of this smiling nature with the ears of
gentle listening, it stirs the ocean of our hearts and creates thousand ripples of joy
in that surging ocean.

As you loosen the knots of clinging is the way to dissolve all the sorrows dwelling
in our souls. It is by gazing deep inside of us, by a penetrating vision through our
souls, that we find ourselves to be truly alive at each moment of this holy life. We
are the gentle leaves of a fully- grown tree, the waves of a vast ocean. Let us have
the vision of a one true instant that captures the vista of a priceless eternity,
which glimmers with the vision of a timeless, ageless beauty. Letting go of all the
expectations opens our hearts and also the world opens its heart to us in a
blossoming joy. This pathway is not too long or beyond any attainment if our
hearts carry the breeze of an enduring patience.

Let the lamp of freedom burn brightly in the temple of our hearts as we have this
extraordinary thing of non- attachment in our minds. For us, the vision of beauty
forever gets a rich transformation.
Sacred Sanctuary


The divinely consecrated love cradled in the temple of our souls gives a holy birth
to a heart-warming inspiration that speaks in a thousand languages to the soul of
our souls. we encounter many other souls in this soul- searching journey of life,
we greet them with a silence and a harmony and a loving joy flows in a streaming
bliss from our souls to theirs.

May we be showered with a rain of joyous blessings so as to cross other angelic

souls in this pilgrimage of our mystic life! May we dance from our soul in the rain
of heavenly grace and let our hearts sing in this divinely dancing joy that creates
currents of love in this cosmic whirlpool. Let our souls be a gardener of the
heavenly landscapes of life where new flowers bloom on the bushes of this mystic
life, as we speak the unuttered words of joy that are swelling deep within us.

When we walk hand in hand on this sacred earth, we sing the glorious joy of
feeling and embracing peace and happiness, every moment of this journey. As we
touch peace in every loving breath, we kiss the souls with our compassion, and
we print those hearts with a touch of heavenly peace. The universe blossoms
within you. Take joy in that blossoming and delve deep within the depths of your
divine soul in search of a purpose, a vision that serves humanity.

Let the words of our souls ripen in silence. Let the hearts find the pearl of that
soul. May we behold the lotus of a consecrated beauty abound in waters of
blessings at the temple of our souls! May every heart turn to a blooming flower as
we touch other souls! Imprint your divine, angelic love on the hearts of others as
your journey crosses theirs.

Wake up to the divinity gleaming within you. Let the peace-laden light flooding
our souls be the light that we need to walk by. Let that peace move the souls of
countless others dwelling on this earth. May we be at peace with ourselves and
the portals to heaven will silently open within us! Heaven and earth will mingle in
a delight that knows no bounds, as we touch the peace with our arms flung open
in a treasured love to engulf us all. May we dive deep into the treasure ocean
whirling deep inside of us knowing that we are the treasures long yearned for!

Sacred Sanctuary


We are flowing from the soul of souls, a magnificent fountain, whose waters of
love cascade over all races, and nations. The waters flow in gushing currents that
are unending and boundless, shoreless, soaking the entire humanity and all
creeds in the overflow of the holy waters. We manifest love in a thousand ways
being birthed from it, and the chant of love becomes the holy sound of this
whirling universe. Through the wondrous portals of love, let the healing light of
oneness shine upon us in a beauty that adorns the earth in a loving
embellishment which blooms like a new born baby’s miraculous smile. Let us be
that sun of light in our hearts, where its grandeur peacefully dwells. May that light
lift our spirits to a realm of blessed consciousness, so we may better serve this
mankind! We are the embodiments of truth, and may our hearts open to a
thousand imaginations that unlock the gateway to the soul.

Let us touch all the beings with the rays of mercy that pierce all the stumbling
blocks in this journey. May a new dawn break on the horizon with new, blooming
hope that has the seeds of trust and faith! May we caress our souls with kindness
and mercy! And may that caressing lead us to the pearl that lies in the shell of our
souls. May that soul embellish other souls on this earth! Let us dare to dream,
dare to be a beautiful us, wherein lies hidden the angelic beauty of the hearts. We
are God’s breathtaking miracles, his treasured children sent to this planet. Our
very breath, our existence manifests divinity and unconditional love in a thousand
miraculous ways.

We exhale love and gratitude and orchestrate this oneness song simply by virtue
of being alive and compassionate. When we dance from our hearts, the angels
immersed in love dwell at the sanctuary of our souls. May all the hurt, pangs of
pain flow out in the releasing waters of the ocean that flows towards liberation!
Let all sorrow be absorbed in silence which is the heartfelt language of the inner
soul. As we learn to serve by the gift of love and understand by the heart of
patience! It is by numerous trials on this voyage of life, that we see the light of
wisdom. Let us share that wisdom among all and be a blessing by sharing from the
heart and caring from the soul.

Sacred Sanctuary


If we walk along the path that is illumined by the rays of truth, and divine love,
glorious light, then this journey in mysticism will be a journey of sanctity where
visions are embraced with a holiness of the heart and the reality of oneness
dawns in the universe. Let us turn the heavenly promises, the hopes of a divine
love into reality imprinted on the heart of this world. Let the earth blossom as
every smile of that love unfolds a flower on its bosom. We pour forth our joy, our
ecstasy and waters of compassion and love from the wellspring of our heart, so
much so that the holy rivers of joy will flow to our souls from all sides of this
universe. May this universe be drunk with this sacred joy, this holy dance of love!
May our hearts embrace this life as a thousand-fold miracle that bubbles
happiness in the depths of our souls!

There is a hidden godliness in the joy that flows from the river of love. Let that joy
cascade over this smiling universe. Let love be our sacred prayer chanted in the
silence of our hearts. Let the fears and doubts of love melt in the purity of it, so as
to burn bright the flames of love and illumine any darkness prevailing anywhere.
This is a holy transformation, one that changes our lives forever. The voice of
divinity is so sublime in its merciful love that it comes like a joyously pure breeze,
like a murmur of contentment that brings a sweet note of a peaceful harmony
among a thousand discordant tunes. But for the souls who know how to heed to
the notes and tune into them, how to breathe in that sacred, divine breeze, it
holds the rarest treasures of a holy beauty.

That divinity emits such a fragrance of an aromatic tenderness that all the
illusions fade away and the joyful transformation of our thoughts turns into
something beautiful in its nobility that is being glimpsed by all the angelic souls on
this earth. Let devotion be offered at the altar of the Almighty when the waves
merge into the ocean and become one with it in a sacred commingling. May we
be a lamp for those who need the divine light! May we become as refreshing as
the breath of the morn’s gentle breeze, or the radiant sun which has its light to
shine upon this world, its warmth to wrap all into it, a glory to flood on this world,
and a radiance to dawn upon every heart of this universe!

Sacred Sanctuary


As you soul and mine melt as one, we mingle in joy and breathe in the ecstasy of
oneness. Let us journey as a commingled spirit. Unfold your heart to me so that I
may unfold mine to you. Open the fountain of your inspiration to my soul, so that
I may open mine. Lure my heart with your love, so I may follow the path of
unison, rejoicing in the journey together. In the light of silence, the touch of God,
the heart prints of a divine love can lighten the burdens of our life. May the light
of his love illumine the candle of my mortal spirit! Inside the heart of a divine
love, lies another world, one which lies beyond this shore.

May the love move its sacred way through the ecstasy it feels, and through the
joy that it dances! Let the dancing joy carry a thousand messages of love in the
holy murmuring breeze. Let us not lose ourselves in the stretches of wilderness
yearning for God, while a blooming garden of divine landscapes dwell inside our
hearts. May our hearts bow to the power of a divine will, may our minds be
fragrant with the heavenly love! May our spirits be perfumed with the essence of
a divinity that can mesmerize us when we cross the unexpected bends of life! Let
the sweet incense strengthen our spirits filling our hearts with the realization that
a treasure trove is awaiting us at the altar of our sacred souls.

May the love of God open a thousand doors, a thousand possibilities ahead of us!
As we put the divine prayer in the silence of our hearts, it raises the light of a
thousand hopes. The glimpse of that heavenly vision heals all our afflicted
wounds, spreading the balms of it. May we love with our heart and soul that
sacred divinity whose touch consecrates this earth! His love lays a meadow of
smiling flowers blossoming in beauty under our feet. His love is a fountain
brimming with compassion and mercy. His holy touch fills our heart with an
engulfing joy when sorrow appears in the horizon of our minds. Heart of all
hearts, soul of all souls, the throbbing of life in all, the beginning and the end –
that is human at whose altar, our hearts bow in silent gratitude.

Let the life arousing spark be the force that holds the thousand things of creation
in a soothing harmony that is beyond the realms of reasoning but in the heavenly
abode of an eternal peace.
Sacred Sanctuary


The book of my soul is composed of heart songs, soul poems that arise out of
intrinsic joy and wellness, twinkling stars, dancing happiness and overflowing
dreams. May we pause to breathe and bask in the joy of watching the flowers
bloom, and the birds sing in their heart’s delight! May we find the contentment in
a silent breeze and learn from the nature’s poised beauty to find stillness within!
May our hearts make a masterpiece of our lives, by living every sacred moment of
it in the joyous glory of living! Let our eyes see the showers of blessings and the
goodness in life. Let our ears always behold the divine voice echoing in the

When our feet walk on the virtuous paths of this life, may our souls always
overflow with compassion for all of this creation. May happiness be a way of our
lives as we walk and touch this sacred earth! May our gratitude unfold the myriad
blessings in our life! Let us live with the passion of our hearts as each day brings a
new miracle woven out of sacred gifts of God. May we travel along the paths of
detachment, unification, spiritual wonders and mystical wisdom to reach the
cherished temple of love at the summit of the holy divinity! Let the divine spirit
breathe into us. May the pure boundless, limitless awareness make us whole that
will infuse our soul with all the heavenly loveliness of this life! May we love
humanity in the same language, the language of our souls!

May we be in harmony with the nature of all things, and our walk will be a
journey of purest joy! Let us move our hearts and ears towards the voice of the
running water, rustling of leaves. Nature comes in its own sacred way treading
through our souls. May we never lose this inner sanctity! May it always keep our
inner fountain spilling in joy! Let us love beyond the realm of reasoning for
therein resides the hidden gate to the comforting safety. Love is simply the
humanity’s greatest joy, the soul’s immense happiness and the merger of all the
tiny dewdrops into the vast ocean of this creation. May we hear the bells of a
divine truth as we uncling to our old beliefs and thoughts! May we hear
something new in the presence of the sacred, imprinted through the myriad
creations in this universe that has a thousand beauteous wings to unfurl!

Sacred Sanctuary


The universe is whispering a sacred message in our ears, that it wants to flow
through us unrestricted. Let us pour our heart and soul into everything we do,
everywhere we touch, and to whomever we serve and all the sacred weavings of
joy will be woven in the greatest blessings on this earth. Love gives a soul to this
universe, wings to our minds, flight to the hearts and a realm of imagination to
our horizon. Let this journey of life be an ever-evolving process. We are the
blessings falling from the heavens. Together we co-create a magnificent blessing
for this entire universe.

Oneness is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. Love is something we feel,

something we touch with, something we are born with, and something we bless
others with. Let the rain of love soak our souls. Let us choose to live in the joy of
dancing to whatever music life plays for us, as that infuses our spirits with the
true art of living. May we embrace the change and bask in the joy of living life, as
it beautifully unfolds when we reflect on the positivity that results from it! May
we write that song of joy and positive energy on our hearts! May we weave that
joy into the lives of others! May we live our lives in the fulfillment of a higher
purpose and profound wisdom of the heart, as we connect with the angels in our
souls while seeking for the glimpse of heavenly vision!

May we make our mission one of joyful hope, shimmering in faith, healing of the
heart, and cultivation of kindness! May we pour ourselves in the flow of love to
this universe to find miraculously, that the universe will love us back a thousand-
fold! May we create a spiritual harmony that binds the pieces of this universe
together! May we shine in our magnificence, beauty, splendor and gloriousness!
The river of life is now. This moment, this very breath, the energy of life flows
endlessly, unceasingly in the rapid currents carrying a secret, hidden music. The
music of the passage of time speaks of the saga of love and humanity flowing
from the dawn of civilization to today to all the tomorrows. As this sacred breath
of love connects our life to awakening and spiritual evolution, let us walk each
step by breathing compassion in the gentle breeze of this universe.

Sacred Sanctuary


Wake up each morning to inspire one heart, to touch one soul, to bless other
souls, to uplift and heal this world. Let our lives be guided with a divine purpose
that walks with dignity at each step and embraces the transformation. Life is
endowed with myriad choices. It is the choice of our hearts as to which road to
take. Let us take the pledge of dedicating our hearts and souls for the uplifting of
a sacred humanity.

Bring hope to the lost, love to the lonely and joyously share what we have for the
betterment of the humankind. May every word of ours speak bliss to each soul
that dwells in this universe! Let us nurture and nourish our souls with kindness
and compassion. May our hearts sing and smile when the dreariness of decay
pervades our lives! May we unceasingly immerse ourselves in the surging sea of
forever wonder! As the holy, invisible thread connects all our souls, destined to
meet in this pathway of life, regardless of time and place, let us open our hearts
to each delicate thread that comes along the way of this passage of life. At times,
the thread may stretch or get entangled.

Let us be welcoming of each thread, and richly weave them into a blissful drapery
of life that sways with contentment. Let the light sing in our hearts when the night
still prevails and dawn has not yet peeped in. Let compassion be the soul igniting
spark that lights our ways as we live this life. The God in us has beckoned us home
and poured forth a voice of humanity for sharing the love and inspiring the heart
of humankind. Let our souls share all that is good and pure with this universe. Let
our destiny be a realm of joy where the tunes of our core sing in every heart and
happiness dances on the edge of every beautiful angelic soul flower. May we seek
to live by our birthright, being consciously aware, that the joy of happiness and
the art of being truly awake at every sacred now is the wellspring of contented

May we sprinkle love and be loved, as its joy that we share, manifests in a divine
light that showers beams of blessings on this world! May we touch and feel
compassion in all the aspects of this life and may all the healing hearts be blessed
by its divine waters!
Sacred Sanctuary


Kindness is the life igniting spark that shines in a thousand lights on this earth. It is
the streaming flow of love, the heart felt joy, the giver and sharer of holy mercy,
the enrichment that takes life on a newer and higher level. It is the spiritual
fountain, the wellspring of inspiration that dwells in the core every mystic
authenticity. Kindness is our web of compassion extended to all of the creations.

It radiates our inner, sacred glow so others may behold the consecrated beauty of
our very soul. Let us bow to the blissful heart, worshipping love that drenches our
spirits with the waters of a forever awareness that springs the transformation.
May we cross the paths of bliss and happiness in the journey of our souls, may
peace and happiness touch our hearts, may love soak us in sacredness and may
joyful awareness bloom, as our feet touches this earth in this holy pilgrimage!

Let the mercy drip in droplets of soothing compassion. Let the enduring love be
the recital of the poetry of this life. Reap the rich harvest of a blissful beauty that
dances in a thousand joys in this blossoming life. May we be an oasis of rich
transformation to all those that cross our paths of this soul-searching journey!

You are love! You are the light whose radiance floods upon this world and dawns
a thousand beams of joy on many souls. Celebrate your holy essence! Celebrate
your very inner being that has bloomed in myriad blissful ways that rings a
thousand bells of joy! Listen to the music of your soul as it listens to the music of
this universe and awakens to its inner call igniting the spirit. Fall in love with this
life that pours forth its myriad beauties. This life that you kiss with your soul
plants a thousand seeds of love that are transformed in the rich heart-warming
hues of the beautifying flowers of earthly and celestial wisdom with the dancing
delight of joy.

Love this universe and it will love you back with the heart of a harmonic joy. Let
your heart gaze at the wonders of a celestial beauty, the effulgence of the sunrise,
the dissolving joy of a melting sunset, the wonders of the seeds sprouting and the
joy of a bountiful rich harvesting. Those thousand delights breathe a dancing
happiness at every waking dawn in our lives.

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Life unfolds in the enchanted dawn of every soul that shines forth in a thousand
sparks of light that illuminate the sky. It ushers in from the breaking forth of a
sunrise in the horizon of our hearts and rests with a peace in the sunset. Life
breathes from what we make out of it, the seeds that we plant, the harvest that
we reap for the nourishment of the heart, and from the floral beauties of life.

They penetrate our souls to blaze in the peeping light of the fruits of love and
kindness that enrich our hearts –this is the heart of life, the rhythm of the soul. As
we encounter the various seasons of life, the light directs us to be awash in the
myriad events, to be laden with its eye- opening light, but not to feel the desire to
control it.

Let us swim in the flow of the ocean laden light encounters of this god gifted life.
Let love drape our every inner thought, let compassion drape our every act, let
the light of humanity shine forth in a thousand of souls. Let the beauty of
kindness form our enlightened vision. Let the music of this sacred earth stir our
souls. May we feel the higher vibrations of love energy spiritualizing our souls!
May we feel the warmth of change in our aura, our body that ascends to a higher
self that washes our spirits clean!

Let the holy voice of a sacred awareness rise within us, let it fill the sky, this
universe with its joy of hearing the calls of divinity. May we unlock the gateway to
our innermost shrine, the doorway to the hidden mine of our rich treasures, the
portals to our consecrated soul, the unfolding of the heart petals, and lo! Therein
dwells our truest own self swimming in an ocean of purity and wondrous
innocence beholding everything with the eyes of a child like wonder; We are the
drops of that ocean that has a thousand ripples of bliss, that churn the waters and
flows love in the other waiting souls.

Let the whispers of humanity reveal to us the message of a divine glory, the cord
that holds the universe together, the invisible golden thread that entangles us all
in a sacred weaving of hearts. Behold that thread of humanity in the shrine of our
souls hued with godliness.

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The blazing flames of stillness reveal the true light of our openness, to which our
souls surrender in the bowing release of the heart’s unleashed thoughts. Let us be
poised in the soul hushing serenity, the one that shines the light of peace amidst
the chaotic phases of the tumultuous times of life. May the calmness of
tranquility, the soothing peace that reveals the joyous pleasures of life coming as
blissful miracles follow us like a dancing shadow like the pearls of a soul that slip
off the embellishing string of this life. May our souls lovingly embrace the multi
colors and the rich fragrances of this wondrous life! Within tears and sorrows of
this passing life, let us find the hidden joy, the glorious laughter that sparkles in
our souls.

Let us hold that joy in an eternity’s abode amidst our hearts. We are born as
miraculous gifts of love sent with a divine purpose on this holy earth to beam with
our sacred words of the sacred angelic messages. May we dance the mystic dance
of this life upon the spiritual stars written on the sky to ascend to the divine
consciousness! May we realize that each day comes with its own different gifts
unfolding with a thousand miracles of this life! May we bow to the beauty that life
itself is a miracle! May we hear the music of God and let it take us inwards to our
innocence dwelling in a wondrous gaze at the never ceasing gifts of life!

Let the soul find its true path in the breeze of silence that guides it to the wisdom
of life’s experiences, and what is elusive vision -may it fade away and give the
guiding answers to the unresolved questions of the heart with crystal clarity! Let
those reveal the inner light of this mystic life that will lead to the light of our souls
radiating our inner divine beauty. Let love fill you in and it will be the beauty of
your sacred soul.

Let the beaming sunrays, enchanting moonbeams, light of the stars and all the
thousand- fold beauty of this universe manifest through me. May the ripples in
the ocean of our hearts reach the shores of our souls with a bow of grace that
merge in the sacred waters of love! May holiness splash across the abode of our
eternal spirits and May blissful joy bring down the holy rain on this earth!

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Bask in the spirit light of a soul evolution, the mystic vision of beauty and wisdom,
the joy of goodness, the effulgence of a divine soul. May we rejoice in the glory of
the heart infused with a kindness, the communication between the souls! May we
unveil the realms of mystery and joyously dance in the unfolding of the myths! Let
us reach out in happiness to the other traveling souls in a spirit of blissful joy, in a
heart full of giving, in a soul laden with love to care and share.

May we taste the sweetness of caring, the happiness of sharing, the spirit that
knows how to travel through all the phases of life, how to dance to the music that
life plays! Let us realize that what makes a soul come alive is its self-discovery in
the enchanting silence and may it inspire and transform the this world to make it
a garden full of blossoming humanity.

May this joy, this deep realization of the rarest contentment guide all the spirits
to the path of betterment! This is a divine service of humanity to be dissolved for
the all-encompassing good. Life loves us and may we love life back. May the richer
fulfillment of our inner selves nurture our souls and may we pour the perfume of
that fragrant spirit on all those whom we dance with in the mystic music of this

Happiness is our birthright. May we open our hearts to trust it and embrace with
our heart’s maddening joy! Let us hear the language of love, deep in our souls and
open our lips to taste from the cup of love’s delight. We are the gifts of love and
joy that God has sent on this earth. Love is caring, dancing with sharing, joy
singing with peace, happiness attuning with a bliss and divinity whispering to the
ears of the soul.

Let our hearts embark on a journey that we have never been on before, a journey
that opens the gateway to a divine light leading to a cosmic consciousness. May
the joy of love carry our souls on the breeze of humanity as our spirits dance in
peace! Let us give to others with joy and may that sharing breathe a fragrance of
virtue! Through that sharing God shines in his divine compassion and through
those caring hearts, God smiles in his silent beaming love on this universe.

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As we begin the journey of healing from our past afflictions, we emerge as

strengthened spirits. As our lives are lifted with love and lit with starlight of the
darkest nights, we behold the path of true liberation from all the bondages. May
we sail the uncertain seas of life with a spirit of exploration, may we greet the
waves that do not make to the shores of our soul, may our tears of joy merge
with the love’s eternal tide, and may the stardust of soaring joy always sprinkle on
our hearts!

Let us enhance the light and its godly glory, its divine effulgence, its holy beams to
shine in the darkest corners of this universe that secretly weeps in the depths of
the sleeping souls. God is the compassion of our souls, the breath of this very life,
the aroma of our souls, the smile through our lips. As we serve to heal others,
that service heals us. Our quest merges us with the mystic pathways to know the
true joy of the journey of mysticism, as we immerse ourselves in the joyful
scattering of spiritual petals on the diverse roads to the fulfillment of this life.

May we find enough love in our hearts to harness the nobility of our kindest
intentions of our deepest acts of humanity! God is the mystic pathway, the
creator, the knower, the guide who hands us his sacred spiritual companionship
to the wearied travelers. Infuse us with thy holy healing flames, enliven us in the
name of divinity, anchor in us the comforting assurance of our divine abode, glow
us with your purest cosmic, beaming radiance.

Let that sacred light stream through all of our souls. May we flow peacefully in the
sacred cosmic stream, and radiate a thousand-fold divinity’s loving mission! Let
that cosmic light fill our souls, as we uplift our spirits to an ascended spiritual
dimension. Heal us with the wisdom and enlightened knowledge that releases all
the burdens that bear on our souls. May your presence sanctify our every breath!
May we let go of that which is beyond the realms of control, let it not cloud our
minds with the darkest shadows! As we heal ourselves, there manifests a shift in
the collective consciousness that the planet will be healed to its core; It will be a
rebirth in the consecrated waters of healing that flow freely from the individual
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May we walk in peace and serenity amidst the hustle and bustle, the noise that
clamors, and may we find peace in the beautiful silence that reigns in tranquility!
May we open our ears of the soul that dwells deep within us to listen to all the
truth that whispers in the rustling of the leaves, the running of the brooks amidst
the woods, the sparkling waterfalls in a thousand laughter, the soaring of the
birds in the vast freedom of the sky;

Every mellifluous tune of the universe, every musical note of the nature that flows
in abundance has its own story to tell. Have a listening ear and a beholding eye
for all that occurs in this world to glimpse and hearken to all the sagas that stream
in this cosmos. An invisible nexus entwines all and enriches the lives of people
filling their souls with diverse experiences that lead to the greater unfolding of the
journey of this life, its purpose, the mystical need underlying beneath it, the
spiritual vision that peeps through the walking on this path.

Let us live this wondrous life basking in the love for humanity, for in the face of all
the ebbs and tides of events, life is still beautiful. The sun still rises, the dew still
glistens on the dancing leaves, the moonbeams still beam in the enchanting
nights and the soul of this universe still smiles in its full bloom.

Amidst all the aridity and the dull disenchantment, love still shines in all its glory
in the middle of our lives. As it shines, life changes, and our souls swim in the
ocean of a transformation. We, who drink from the cup of that love and light,
become the lush green leaves of the perennial tree of humanity through which
light peeps in and floods the universe with mystic effulgence.

May we gracefully learn from the things of yesteryears, the events of our youth
that can offer the fertile nourishment for the strengthening of our spirits so they
can withstand the tempests of life! Let us nurture the peace that dances in our
souls, the beauty that it infuses in our spirits. Because, amidst the broken dreams
and the chaotic phases, it is the dancing peace that keeps our souls swimming in
this vast sea of life and makes everything beautiful; Miracles still bloom and joy
still sprouts in this life through a thousand divine manifestations.

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The time has dawned to merge the light of the soul with the cosmic light of this
universe. Let us have the glorious vision of the sunlight dancing through all the
souls, immersing all the spirits in its beaming splendor. The seeds of divine love
and tenderness blossom in every light filled soul. The heavenly sound of his flute
fills the earth with every joyous warming spirit’s celebration and its myriad

May we bow in gratitude for a sip of that heavenly nectar, that eternity’s wine of
humanity! The divinity is the eternal spring, the fountain of perennial joy that
blossoms the garden of mankind adding all the rich hues to the soul of humanity.
Nurture the heart where resides the loving seed of a soul that follows the guiding
light of heavenliness.

May we open our ears to the spiritual blessings of every pain that we encounter
in our walkways of life, as there is hidden the mine of mystic treasures that open
our eyes to the hidden mystic light! Let the light untie the many knots dwelling in
the bosom of our heart, and may it set free the singing soul hidden deep within
us! May we melt in the blazing fires of his purity and chastity, and may that
merging make his love our eternal companion! Let our search go on, for this
yearning, this quest is the doorway to the fortune of bejeweled soul treasures
that dazzle our spirits in the light of its purity.

The divine wisdom, the portals to a heavenly enlightenment make us the true
lovers of all the souls walking along this spiritual pathway. The warmth and the
heat of his divine love keep us safe and sheltered, nourished with a divine heart’s
delight. Nestled in his embracing arms, our souls smile, our hearts talk with our
whole being shaking in a heavenly joy, that knows no bounds; Our spirits plant the
seeds of forever devotion and we cultivate a divine harvest abound in compassion
for humanity in its entirety.

The thirst in our undying souls is quenched by the holy rain of his kindness, where
heaven dances in its outpouring joy bursting forth in a pure delight. And there
runs the flowing waters of humanity flooding us all.

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The stream of divine beauty flows through the multi-hued landscapes of the
Mother earth. The perennial flow of blissful adornment of nature is in an eternal
streaming river for satiating one’s deepest thirst of soul, for quenching the
bursting desires to drench their spirits in this never ending heavenly flow.

Blessed is the beauty that flows as a giver, and blessed is the receiver of that
beauteous natural embellishment. May our spirits be bathed in that holy beauty
to be reborn every time it loses its vitality!

May the blessed fountains, the blessed waterfalls cascade their holy waters as the
consecration overflows over all the wearied spirits in need of rejuvenation! The
beauty has a thousand manifestations in the divine form of rising sunlight, sound
of a heavenly voice, a tender touch of a beloved, or a sweet taste of compassion,
or a scent of a divine fragrance from the hands of a human angel that gives its
soul flower born out of love.

Let us awaken the sleeping soul of the loving humanity, May our hearts abide by
this divine flow, this streaming heavenly beauty of the hearts, so love that takes
the shape of a clearer vision, grows in the womb of mankind! An introspective
look penetrates our depths of mind with the inner light that reveals in the self-
same ocean that flows from one soul to another.

As we listen to our heart’s call and our souls respond to that awakening voice, all
our fears of illusions and delusions fade away in yesterday’s horizon and the
beauty carries us to a paradise where dreams are born and fears dissolve in the
first light of the waking dawn. Let our spirits dance and meet for a moment for
our hearts to sing together, for our souls to create a positive harmony that echoes
through this universe.

Such is the beauty that one has never beheld before as its soaring wings enfold us
within his compassionate embrace and nestle our tremulous souls into its loving

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Grace flows so abundantly and purely from the lap of nature. The sounds of this
earth, the humming of its soul, the ecstasy of its voice, the sacredness of the holy
ground, all emanate the heavenly light that is the pure fragrance of grace and
touches all at the core of their souls. It becomes a thousand fold as it merges with
the first light of the morn and the waters of the running brooks.

Let life unfold in a thousand meanings and breathtaking beauties as the spirit of
life dances its mystical dance while the evolution of human beings grows on a
spiritual plane. All the mystical dances meet in the merging of humanity’s love
and sharing of the holy, heavenly light.

As one heart reaches another, as one soul touches another, as love flows freely
amidst all the angelic spirits that walk on this earth, a ripple of harmony is created
in the cosmic ocean of love. Meeting other kindred spirits in this heart-soul ocean
creates a golden unity and reveals the soul’s inner light that is being shared in so
many joyous ways.

Each soul is a drop in the vastness of the ocean of humanity. There is a whirling of
the currents of heart felt love that enlivens people’s lives, infusing a divine
transformation in the hearts. There is a higher plane and realm in existence
beyond what is visible to our eyes. They are revealed in the reflection of the pure
holy light that is eternal and shines in the truth of oneness.

Gradually, the souls begin their unfolding journey in the eternal light of the holy
divinity and the mystical understanding soaks our souls with the evolution. The
hearts get bathed in the light of grace and waves of cosmic unity begin their
rippling effects. The divine love unveils the mysteries and the secrets and that
heavenliness of its purity unites all the spirits while they beautifully respond to all
the mystic queries of the human souls.

The divine spirit is embedded deep inside of us and the depth of the eye opening,
mind unfolding meditation takes our minds into the profundity of the spirits.
There is a rebirth of the souls, a spiritual rebirth where dwells the absolute holy
bliss and consciousness of humanity which leads to the portals of a sacred
wisdom and the ocean of an eternal happiness.

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Be a lover of the divine, filled with the holy knowledge of God’s unending
reservoirs of wisdom that awakens the mind and the third eye of all the humans.
We need to be at peace in our hearts, and the gateway to peace is by showing
compassion for all the living beings of this worlds, be they humans, animals, trees.
Compassion comes in many forms as love for other angelic souls or nature’s lush
greeneries, the art of listening and watching the rustling of leaves, finding divine
peace in them and compassion for animals who know how to love

A touch of peace washes our spirits, makes us seek our refuge in the holy lap of
soul soothing, heart-warming gentle peace. May we behold the awakened soul in
one another in this pathway, acknowledging that God shines through all, as
divinity sparks through each one of us! Beholding everyone as a glorious child of
God helps us to unfold our souls as we live his sacred truth of humanity. May we
honor each soul as they cross our paths recognizing them as the light of God that
is here to ignite the flickering flame of humanity!

His sacred name infuses divinity, the chanting of the holy hymnals fill the
moments in silence with a heavenly peace that permeate us with a glorious light
and brings the spiritual transformation in thoughts and actions. Life is changed
forever by the divine truth, the consciousness of which brings an infusion of the
divine in our spirits. The beauty of truth unfolds perfectly in the lives of all the
souls. We reach out in love to a life that exists in all the forms, and this soul
unfolding insight of others to be concerned about the needs of all for compassion
and kindness, is reflected in the beauty of our hearts as we continue to shine in
our angelic love and light.

Mercy takes us to the innermost fountains of our hearts where the waters of
kindness flow to drench the parched spirits. Happiness then is truly lived by all the
creatures on this sacred universe, heaven blossoms in the inner lotus of our
hearts as it gets purified in the holy waters of compassion. The golden
transformation sets in, its roots get anchored deep within the grounds of our
hearts and the petals of our soul flower gently start to unfold.

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The sacred divinity has its holy home in the heart and fills it with bliss which takes
our mind past the earthly perspectives of this life and the realm of materialism.
Divinity is beheld in the numerous acts of kindness that shower their love on all,
releasing it from the soul bursting in joy.

Love emanates all the gracious virtues that godliness shines through our spirits.
May we hear the beating of all hearts and behold the splendid vision of the holy
light that illumines all the darkness! We all learn to release the burdensome pasts,
the wounds they carry, as we set our feet consciously and step in the present now
to appreciate the beauty of our gifted lives.

As we all join our hands to offer our gift of peace and harmony, the mother earth
reaps its rich harvest of transformation which is of beauty that blossoms, truth
that purifies, compassion that heals, and love that sings in every soul. Each angelic
soul carries a sacred flame that ignites love that is pure, essence that is divine,
beauty that is heavenly and light that is holy.

This soul light is destined to unite all the other souls in a cosmic dance of love.
The holy words of heart, the gateway to the sacred heavenly wisdom, is lived by,
as we realize that we are the members of one family with the flow of oneness
amongst us all. We behold the infinite beauty in the finite things, the heavenliness
in the realm of earthliness, the sacred touch of love in someone wanting to reach
out, in a kind glance of a traveler, in the smile of a stranger.

Love soaks us all and we offer the shelter of our hearts to the lost and lonely. We
become the doers, the enchanting dreamers, the awakeners, the transformers
who are empowered with a divine vision that is reflected in our deeds in the light
of a global consciousness of mankind. We soar on our spreading wings of mercy
enfolding warmth in them.

Through changes in our individual visions, we infuse the planet with a global
change in vision for a greater unity. Our awakening lifts the collective thoughts
and permeates the vision with our connection to the cosmic whole. The thread is
woven though all with one loving cord, as we carry out our godly mission to serve
the heavenly light of oneness.

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You are the hope and the divine vision, the mystic light, the angelic star etched
across the celestial firmament. As we release ourselves from the desire to control,
letting go of things, the healing balm starts pouring in, the scars start fading and
we taste the wine of a new- found freedom, feeling light spirited, and soaring on
the wings of this new-found liberation. Let our minds surrender to the divine
desire of the spirits for non-attachment. Letting go of all the bondages is a
fearless thing that our minds need to do being infused with a divine strength.
Therein dwells the true joy of liberation. So that we can live richly, deeply, truly a
more rejuvenating life; May we listen to our heart call and chase our soul-dreams
with the greatest mystic passion alive! May we respect ourselves strong enough
so as to stay away from all that which no longer serves us with any touch of
positivity! May we live this incredible life, every sacred moment of it without any
fears, or the burdensome armor of the ego! Let our spirits be born again with
every waking dawn that infuses our hearts with a new awakening, a new
beginning. May the lush garden of our true, inner heavenly being reveal its pure
beauty in a thousand divine lights! Releasing of all the illusions enlivens our
hearts, and empowers our spirits to richly experience more of this life’s blissful

Holding on to the past limits the horizon of boundless possibilities. May we find it
in our hearts to forgive ourselves and others as forgiveness will set us free! May
we find the ray of courage to face whatever is limiting us and the seeds of our
possibilities, and may we be gracefully courageous to face with an open mind
whatever we are resisting in the depths of our minds! May the light of revelation
emerge and guide us on an enlightened spiritual path! Soul seed is our seed of
thousands of awakening miracles. May it germinate and infuse our lives with a
pattern of growth in the mystic vision! Let the veiled mysteries be bloomed with
an unveiling that is induced by all the enlivening seed thoughts. Let it grow to a
blossoming tree with the evolution of the spirit along this journey. Planting a new
seed of mysticism and its holy message of life’s deeper meaning despite the prior
existence of traditional thoughts, can bring a radical transformation with the
touch of a miracle. May the dream of our heart emerge from its sacred depths
with the holy mystic thoughts, and let it turn to a beautiful reality in the openness
of this universe! Respond to every call of your spirit, every mystic voice of your
heart and your life will be changed for all that is bliss and pure.

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Let us find the willingness in our hearts to break open the past patterns of our
rigid thought processes, the hard- constraining shells of the beliefs that our mind
was coiled into, the shackles of age-old structures which led our minds to a realm
of delusion. May our spirits be creatively involved with life at every root level that
anchors deep within the fertile soil of our souls!

May we welcome the shift in our perceptions as we travel life! May the bliss of
new spiritual thoughts flood our minds and souls! May there be a new day and a
new we! May each day come with its own gift of miraculous seeds of heart
soaking mysticism!

May we gracefully move forward with a new spiritual outlook that takes us into
the realm of a new awakening light that brings in a world of possibilities! Offer
the soul-seeds to the mission of a greater divine purpose. In the glory of its
merciful light, let us align with our heavenly purpose in this life.

In the rain of our heart-felt gratitude, let our hearts offer the seed of godly
mission for unfolding the diverse growth ways of our inner selves. Listen to the
whisperings of your heart that is hued with the colors of creativity. You are the
holy light that opens your inner pathway and calls forth the sacred you.

Your being is sent on this earth for a divine alignment. The sacred whisperings of a
holy peace brings the embracing touch of healing into this cycle of wondrous life.
May we have the ability to plant the seeds of a consciousness that can set aside
the negative from the positive energy without bringing in the spirit of being
judgemental! May the energies be channelized into creativity that inspires
positivity and faith in the garden of every soul! Cultivating creativity from there
grows the reality of the deepest of the dreams.

Wake up with the knowledge that within us is hidden the divine seeds of
boundless and miraculous creativity. The treasure house that we are looking for,
the peace that our heart yearns for, the kindness that our souls are seeking for,
the transformation that our minds are in quest of, are given birth to in the sacred
womb of creativity mingled with glowing hues of positivity. Dancing of our spirits

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takes our mind beyond the realm of our limiting thoughts, beliefs and

Our soul wreaths blossom in an adorning beauty that embellishes the sacred
shrine of our hearts. Our individualities dance in an ecstatic union with the
universal cosmic Holy Spirit. Love, as it dances in the depths of a human heart is
the shrine of heaven on earth. May we be blessed to bow in a soul- soaked
gratitude to the shrine of God as we melt in an enriching and fulfilling love in our

The soul sparks in this life on Earth to guide others in the dimness of their lives.
Their spreading of love from one heart to another gets beautifully woven into an
effulgent torch of light. Those soul searchers driven by an innate mystic thirst, go
down the river to drink the spiritual waters deep, as the mystic passion flows in all
the strong currents and satiates the thirst for humanity.

That is the light that emerges from the shrine of divine souls and dawns on a
thousand souls on this earth who have lost their living ray of hope and faith that
exists in the book of humanity. It’s the inspiration dripping from a poet’s lips, the
light emitting from a sage’s heart, the vision enlightening from a saint’s eyes that
lifts the humans out of the dreary darkness which is looming over their souls.

They are the ones whose lips speak of the truth telling saga, they are the spirits
who are the bearers of a soul-light, they are the divine saviors of humanity, they
are the messengers of the divine call that echoes to guide the lost mankind.
May every heart respond to that call of God, the music of the soul! Every
moment, humans can rediscover themselves, as nothing stays the same.

Every moment is a new chance, a new possibility for the mortals to reinvent
themselves in the treasured cave of humanity where the spark of the divine light
ignites as it touches and leads to a rebirth, a holy bath, a holy shower of the
divine rain that holds the eternal promises of a mystic beauty and a voice that
calls from the depths of a mystic heart. Listen to the call. It is a call for the
slumberous humanity to wake up, a heart-felt seeking for love and compassion,
peace and joy. Let this call ring in the ears of mankind, and let none that has ever
tasted the milk of its tender joy be stray aside. May we be swept away by the call
of this divine kindness!

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We are the diverse waterfalls of the same water that flows from the vast ocean of
humanity. We meet, we encounter each- other and a spark blazes us all at the
moment of union, the joy of merging. We are never ever the same. We embrace
the imprints of their hearts on ours, and we leave our sacred heart print on theirs,
and forever our lives receive a blissful transformation. We let the waters of our
hearts flow and we drink from one another’s which take us to a holy shrinkage,
where the divinity dwells at the sacred altar.

We are the waters that bless the earth devoid of humanity. We are the waters
that love each other with an understanding that we need to flow at diverse places
regardless of creed, race, culture and diversity. We are the waters that
commingle, to form the consecrated ocean where the wayfarers come by to sip
and travel the rest of their journey. May the waters of our hearts flood the barren
shallows and unfertile deserts! May the thorns of life stray aside to show the
blooming roses of life!

We are all fruits of the same tree, petals of the same flower, fragrance of the
same humanity, diverse manifestations of the one perennial divine source that
dwells in us all. Our colors are different, races are diverse, creeds are multifarious,
but it is the same blood of oneness that flows through us all, the different waves
of the one humanity. Spring returns, the winter snows melt and fill us with new

May we let love flow freely, a love that expects nothing, a love that knows how to
ripple in every river of the heart, a love that can sing in joy and dance in peace, in
the sanctuary of every holy soul, and a love that honors the sanctity of truth and
purity in another soul! Let it know no bounds, let it leap in an ecstasy that lights
the earth and blazes the souls. Behold the holy blaze. It is the end of all illusions
and the beginning of humanity. The dawn has finally ushered in. Hail to thee, holy

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Embrace every moment in the ecstatic joy of breathing, as just the divine thought
of being alive in every breath is a soul waking gift from god. The universe breathes
as we breathe, it smiles as we smile, it weeps as we weep. Let the very gift of an
awakening breath chase away all the fears of an illusion that creeps into the
recesses of our minds. Cultivate gratitude for this beauty that life serves on a
golden platter, the fragrance that it blows away with, the joy that awakens the
heart of this universe and the birth that it gives to a thousand- fold appreciation
for this very existence. The joy of this holy breath mingles with the joy of this
singing universe, and in harmony they create a music that becomes the song of
every soul. Life is appreciated by the manifold beauties that each moment
releases into our hearts.

As the wonders of this universe, the soul filling peace instills deep in us, our spirits
get imbued with a sense of profound reverence and a serene, supreme bliss
washes over our weariness, the daily humdrum of our lives. Out of that bowing
thankfulness, a love is born that knows no bounds, a love that cascades in the
hilarious, gladdening shouts of joy. Let every breath be a waking of the soul to the
golden blessings that every split- second offers us. Make this life a stream of light
whose serene divine gift is to unravel the thousand mysteries of this creation that
we behold every moment, of the myriad wonders that leave us speechless, of the
thousand hidden delights that whisper softly to our souls and the music of the
nature which only a listening ear and an insightful mind can envision.

Let us gaze with awe at the unlocked wonders of this world, and find the doorway
to the hidden joy that is released in a stream of miracles. May we find the sacred
touch in this existence as we learn the gift of living life breath by breath, moment
by moment! May we connect our inner beings with the rays of heaven that
descend on us as we walk the paths with other souls that we encounter on this
journey! May we learn from one another in the tears of delight, knowing that
learning flows best when we can mingle our joy and grief, pain and delight in a
divine stream that commingles our innate feelings planting the seeds of union in
the wombs of all the wayfarers!

Sacred Sanctuary


You are a passion unleashed from the depths of your heart that fall like the hued
leaves in an autumnal joy, you are the flower that has blossomed in the heart of
humanity, you are the light of a soul, the love dwelling in the pupils of our eyes,
you are the voice that sings a song of divine purity and an eye- opening truth.

You are the gentle river flowing to all the thirsty hearts that yearn for the waters
of a divine wisdom. Let us walk in a lightened path of harmony so we may go to
the other shore of the soul transformation, and may we join our hands and hearts
to instill the sweetening drops of a holy message of hope. That hope exists, that it
is the shower of light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dark the path may
seem, how hopeless it may look at times- it is this light of hope that guides us
through, this glint of belief, that every shadow of darkness is chased by an
effulgence that drops from heaven, is what makes our journey worth traversing.

May the sun of faith, the radiance of our hope for an unending light that
continually pours forth in all the gloomy hearts, keep us alive! May we appreciate
that the mere existence of our being, the joy of being alive makes life truly a gift
in myriad ways! Life itself is beautiful gift handed to us from the hands of divine,
from the wombs of sanctity, May the spark of this living hope rekindle our spirits
and inspire it to reach for the incredible beauties and the blissful joys of this

Let the dancing winds of joy and the light of the divine spirit unfold the buds of
our souls and may we blossom perfectly at a perfect time, for each beautiful thing
has its own timing, a time to be born, a time to grow, a time to blossom and a
time to wither. We are born to spread this blossoming joy across the firmament
where the celestial beauties dance at their delight and the earthly angels sing in

Let us walk in a circle of conjoining hearts along the pasture of truth, purity, love
and compassion to reach the light that enlightens the soul, to smell the perfume
of compassion that lingers in our hearts.

Sacred Sanctuary


We are all spirit beings embarking on a journey to self-discovery that leads to the
sanctuary within our souls. Our quest that never ends is the one which leads to
the doorway to the enlightenment, one that will light up the whole world. The law
of life, the karma flows freely and joyously when we make love the music of our
souls, the word of our spirits, the breeze in which the universe breathes, and the
scented aroma which the hearts inhale.

May we be on a pathway where our souls are destined to walk on the petals hued
with love and light, and fragrant with an incense of the heart! May we experience
the interconnection and its heightened bondage that deepens the soul
connection with all that is life and the very gift of life!

Let the day dawn with a light of awareness, one that uncovers our sacred, divine
nature and let every sunset of that day sing a song in all the hearts, a song that
chases all the fears, doubts, the worries and the shadows of delusion. Let the
beams of introspection guide us as we place our footsteps in this journey that
seeks the joy of peace which permeates all the conflicting souls, love that serves
as a sanctuary for all to retreat to, joy that floods the hearts and an awakening
that washes over all the souls.

May every footstep of us bring the glimpse of heaven on earth, one that shines
with an angelic wisdom! Our souls stream in joy and drench themselves in the
replenishing waters as we fall in love with life again, with its beauties that leave us
wordless and miracles that lead our inner fountains running at all the seasons of
this life.

As we appreciate the thousand wonders that we are endowed with, may

gratitude instill within our core to be appreciative of the manifold blessings that
come with each moment of eternity in this life. Let us be the love that that others
may fall in love with, the joy that we so yearn for, the peace that the restless
ocean of our hearts is seeking for, let our lives be the holy bearers of an angelic
message that heaven has come at last in the home of all the hearts, in the bosom
of this smiling earth.

Sacred Sanctuary


I am swimming in the river of a sacred wisdom and am pulled by the currents of

an eternity that infuse our spirits with the divine waters. As I swim, the soul of
this world swims in the ocean of my spirit and in a mingling flow, we sing a
message, one that abounds in true happiness and exhales the breath of heaven.
That is the glimpse of eternity, a view of serene contentment hued with bliss. This
is when the angels sing and heaven rejoices at earths’ delight as every soul
slumber wakes up with the rumbling of the awakening. Awake! Listen to the
heavenly call! May we greet each day with a flow of sincerity, a desire for the
essence of divinity that blesses each soul that comes its way!

May the glory, the splendor of this sacred earth instill a deep peace, a universal
call to all of us! Each divine soul is a sanctuary. May we know the art of speaking
to it in the silent language of a soul, may we be bestowed with the gift of listening
to its soul messages! As this gift, this art uncovers the truth, it preaches the
ancient saga of humanity. The soul is the life, the hidden spark, the fountain of
the eternal life, the abode of the secrets born in the womb of this creation. All the
fervor of this life springs out of this soul. May we trust that God dwells in us and
that the divine seed of humanity born in the womb of us gives birth to a holy
service which we scatter in a profusion that springs joy like the joyous petals of a
sacred life!

We live this gift of life in that joy and a trust that is born out of it. When our path
deviates from the glimpse of heaven and mother earth, let God’s voice speak
deep within us, let him make our souls sing with this earthly music that echoes
and re-echoes in our dancing souls. We unlock the hidden truth that the home
that we are looking for, the eternal abode that we have been questing for is
within us. Look inside and unlock the door to your inner sanctuary. Every step we
take is a rebirth, a leading to the hidden home where joy awaits discovery and
treasures of soul searching leap in a dancing delight. As we mingle with our peace
and happiness, we melt in a love and dissolve in ourselves that is a reflection of it.
That is the birth of the ocean of immortality where ripples of love are merging
with a luminous divine light.

Sacred Sanctuary


Let us open ourselves and wash our souls with a flooding peace. Let us fill it with
the wine of this life, a wine that revives the spirits with the joyous dawn music, a
sparkling sunrise to peep through the windows of a soul, the peace of a melting
sunset and the harp of our hearts playing the tunes of a soul music. May we taste
the eternity of life, the wild joy of an excitement that instills in and refreshes this
withering spirit! Let our souls rise into the vision of our eyes and shower immense
happiness on our faces. Let the sun beams radiate within our bosoms, let the
moon beams kiss our lips, let the stars glitter in the darkest nights of our hearts
and let the consciousness of an awakening universe rise within us. May we swim
in this oceanic blissful expansion of our souls and a shift will be born that will
heighten our level of consciousness! Further along this journey we receive the
blissful realization that we are the lotuses of peace and love and all the wisdom
that we seek, the awakening that we are in endless quest for, is waiting in us with
all the joy to be discovered in a serene peace and bliss. It was there deep in our
hearts all along.

We realize that we are the light that can light up the world, the wisdom that can
enlighten this universe, the peace that can sooth all the troubled souls, the
awakening that gives the call of waking up, the perfection that we have been
yearning life-long. Let us not look elsewhere and be at peace with ourselves. We
are those who need to be unlocked to reveal the stream of divine treasures. May
we bathe in this sacred stream of realization that love and light are the poetry of
our divine souls, a poetry that inspires for all to hear this call for connecting
mankind and lets us glimpse the beauty smiling in all the hearts! May we
experience each soul that crosses our paths as a divine encounter that has paused
and shared their light of consciousness with us! Let those sacred encounters
awaken our hidden, untapped divine possibilities that will bless our voyages of life
so our lives are transformed forever. As we, the mystic wanderers walk along the
mystic pathways of life, our hearts embrace sanctity in all the walks and aspects
so that the music of our souls becomes the music of this universe, and the
embrace of this loving holy touch turns us into the poets of heart and soul and
reveals the true lovers dwelling inside us.
Sacred Sanctuary


With the love breaking free in our hearts, the melody of God sings in our souls
and each mellifluous couplet of love laced with happiness drips from our divinely
drunken lips. The heavenly love amassing in the hearts of all cherishes the
essence and sips an ecstatic joy at the glimpse of his Omnipresence, while we
release ourselves within the comfort of his beaming radiance. The joy that
emanates is the one that gives birth to a call of the heart, the voice of an inner
spirit, the love that dawns a new light, a light that leads to a richness of the nexus
binding the spirits, in an interconnection that transcends the boundaries of time
and space. Sparked by his lighted presence, we are kindled and our hearts for so
long cloaked by the fears of illusion, break forth and fall in love with one another’s
essence again. The love that comes with a new dawns’ light removes the last
vestiges of the fears as we seek refuge in the solace of a divine sweetness. The
heavenly notes reverberate in the stillness of our minds and we are renewed in
his nurturing love. Our hearts are replenished with a milk of nourishment and
every facet of our inner soul is purified and refreshed.

The candle of our heart starts glowing again, extinguishing all the falsity of
unfounded fears, and an immensity of bliss floods our spirits with a great joy. A
downpour of the heavenly love rains upon our hearts as it leaps our souls in a
delight to intermingle with others in a bursting joy. Our thirst for the sight of his
holiness stirs our souls and turns our wishes into our sacred dreams fulfilled. He
pours moments of kindness and mercy into our spirits from his loving cup and a
sip of it restores the vitality and insights into our lives. Therein awaits unknown
magnificence and splendor to behold, a divine joy to taste, a rainbow of miracles
to rejoice in, and a miraculous unfolding of the self. The universe breathes into
the alchemy of a universal love that exhales a rich blending of compassion and
forgiveness. With the fragrant exhaling of that humanity, joy dissolves into the
soul of this universe as the nature echoes of a mellifluous harmony and the
rustling of leaves speak of the winds of a wondrous change taking place all around
us. Light begins to emanate from our awakened hearts to meld with one
another’s beams that dissolve in one flame, the holy divine flame of this universe.

Sacred Sanctuary


There is a universal holiness, a blissful sanctity in all the facets of this life that
reaches its pinnacle by embracing the heavenly portals of a consecrated wisdom
which lead to piousness and utmost devotion to God. Let our spirits not conform
to the illusions of these earthly desires. As we embrace purity and piety in our
lives, we give birth to a divinity that is rare to behold and heaven is born in our

As purity is hued with a touch of humble grace, holiness descends on our souls
and love stirs in the ocean of our minds. Out of those currents, the music is born
that sings of the loveliness and the divinity of our thoughts. The virtues that we
abide by, the beauties that we carry in our hearts, when they are in harmony with
the goodwill of this universe, together they co-create a beautiful song of life that
echoes and re-echoes in every heart and soul of this world.

Our innate loveliness that dwells in the souls is reflected in the joy of this
universe. As we dance, the universe dances in a maddening delight. As all the
hearts attune to the oneness of the heart rhythm, the universe whispers its
harmonious joy in a thousand tunes around. Let this music bring out all the
beauty hidden in the souls, the grace caringly enfolded in every humble heart, the
love wrapped in each soul and the joy that is budding in all the hearts.

May that joy give birth to the sanctified treasures immeasurable, and a love
unbounded! May we land on the brinks of an eternity that holds the promises of
an immense bliss, may the infinite ocean of joy wash over our spirits with its
blissful waters and May peace flood all over our souls! The serene bliss dwells on
the shores of silence where heaven resides in every saintly heart and bliss reigns
supreme on the lands of an eternal divine paradise.

We cease to aimlessly wander from one shore to another in search of that

heavenly glimpse as we hear that divine melody that sings silently in the bosom of
every mortal, the enchanting tunes, that drip a divine nectar from each note of it.

Sacred Sanctuary


The harp of my soul plays its song on the strings of my enchanted heart
overflowing with the music of life that falls at the altar of the great silence, a
silence that composes the song a soul sings, the joy a soul runs through, the
strings of immortality that a soul yearns for, and the sweetened ecstasy that a
soul dances through.

As the light within floods over us and lights all over the temple of our body and
the altar of our souls, we soak ourselves in the divine flood of enlightenment and
our whole life becomes a heart-felt prayer, a prayer that is silently spoken in
every heart of this universe that keeps throbbing. That prayer chanted from the
core of our souls, splits us open to get the divine rays beaming through, to
nourish the divine seed planted and sown in the womb of us.

We open our eyes to behold for the first time that the universe is endlessly and
breathtakingly bountiful with its rich harvests. The light glints through the veils of
mysteries, and the soul is pierced in a moment of an eye- opening light that
infuses joy with pain, and a smile that follows after an agony.

The very intensity of our sorrowful longing guides us on the path of true
liberation. When the mists of sorrow envelop us, let us wait in stillness until the
sunlight of an illumination dispels all our mists and makes the way for a clearer
view of this mystical life, a life where quest leads to a discovery of an inner voyage
chartering along the myriad seas of the heart.

As we let the light shine forth, we realize that each soul that we come across
while traversing this life infuses our lives with something divine, a touch so
heavenly, an encounter so sacred that the moments of our meeting get infused
with a divine holiness. Let the sun come out from behind the clouds so that our
eyes behold the loving vision that paints the sky with the hues of humanity.

Our souls are nourished by the warmth of the sunlight blossoming into a
thousand flowers in the heart of our hearts, so as to make this universe smile with
a melting joy that goes beyond the limits of religion. And let the radiant
brightness infuse our hearts with a love enfolded in warmness.

Sacred Sanctuary


The universe smiles through you, as you are a gift blooming into this world with
your unfettered love that reflects the effulgence of a new sunlight, the
blossoming of a heavenly dawn. Love bursts your soul open allowing your inner
light to shine through on this world, the radiance of which is a life giver, a soul
quencher, a heart piercer and a mind awakener.

Love unravels the mysteries that life is veiled with and from the crevices of our
body, the light rises and dissolves in a holy beam with the sunset of each day and
with the infusion of that consecrated glow in our souls, Godliness is merged with
our selves. We behold the beautiful hearts drunk from the cup of divine love, a
love which swirls the whole universe.

May we unfold our wings and fly to the paradise of a new- found joy, a joy that
fills all the broken crevices enough to sing in the darkness of the lonely nights that
cries for a compassionate understanding! Let us drink this wine of freedom and
soar to the lands of the unknown, not knowing where it will take us next.

Let us join this holy flow being unaware of where it will lead us. As we go deep
into the uncertainties, the more we entangle ourselves into the unconditional
being of the ecstatic life. As we flow on the eternal path of harmony and
acceptance, come as it may, we will let our spirits soar in the eternality of every
moment’s gifts. Love is an essence of the soul that is born every moment in the
hope of becoming pure and whole.

While we hear the call of God, let us respond in a way that splits us wide open
where the nectar of a divine sweetness flows through and invites loving miracles
to show through this entire world with a touch that heals the universe and the
souls that thrive in it.

Kindness gives the very drop of life, a drop which rejuvenates many thirsty hearts,
many barren deserts, where vitality has withered without the divine touch, the
lighted fire of piety.

We begin to see, everyone is a part of us and together we form a divine circle,

one that bonds in a ring of interconnectedness.

Sacred Sanctuary


May the light of the inner sun shine in an eternal flood of rays all over our soul
and may it guide our spirits through all the paths of life! As the true beauty of
light is likely to be born in the most unexpected and unlikely places like a wild
flower blooms amidst the barren desert devoid of any fertile nourishment.

May we be the embodiments of a divine light, the light that sweeps us away in a
land of an eternal truth where illusion shivers at the name of an interconnected
loop! Each one of us is a divine gift sent to earth with a heavenly essence.
May we be that gift simply by being who we are, unfolding our inner bud,
unfurling our wings of joy and love, may we bring rainbow into the souls of many

May the bondages that we share betwixt the hearts break forth the illusion of
separation and unite us by infusing our hearts with the wondrous gift of self-
transformation, a change that enfolds our souls in love wrapped with compassion,
a blessing of awakening that transforms our lives forever as humanity peeps in
through the eyes of our sleeping souls! Let us behold the reflections of ourselves
in each other, as we are endowed with the virtues of divinity that instill deep and
nourish the soul with the waters of a heartfelt love.

May we awaken our inner eyes and remove the thorns of our very existence, the
thorns that prick and bleed our hearts in this divine journey, a quest that longs to
fulfill this heart! As we crush those thorns, thousands of blossoming flowers smile
at us in a beauty so divine with a love that is so pure, a vista that is so pleasing,
and a compassion that touches every soul that we encounter. Our hearts get
heavy with treasures rare to behold, a spark sacred enough to beam at the shrine
of our souls.

This is the heart of the shrines, where our inmost spirit dwells in an absolute bliss
and peace in the sacred sanctuaries. Here the soul rests in its naked beauty, in a
consecrated garment of unending compassion embracing the beautiful humanity.
The light that comes off our eyes in the sacred shrine of hearts is the light of our
souls, a light that floods the universe in a glow of holy humanity and immerses
every heart in the world of divinity.

Sacred Sanctuary


Let the voice of love give birth to a song, a song that blooms a thousand jasmines
within our souls, a garden that smiles in a thousand hues of love. Let the clouds
weep in joy, let the heavens dance in bliss and let love be reborn again and again
in our souls. May the stream of life flow freely with the running waters of this holy
love that takes us to beyond what we fear, a place where shadows fade and the
light shows up to ignite the holy fire! Let love knock and the joy that dwells inside
will unfold the windows of our waiting souls to behold a life that exists beyond
the world of illusions.

We are the hidden music of this universe and the notes of a life sing through us,
we are the lyrics of it drenched with the true fervor of life, its beauty, its truth
reveals a light that shines all over our face. It is that light, the holiness of which,
gives rise to a thousand lights in our souls. We are the souls of light, the hearts of

Let us go to a rest in the embracing arms of that divine light. His light dwells on
the eternity of our souls, on the pupils of our eyes and his compassion rests on
the brinks of our hearts where humanity has found its heavenly paradise. In its
beauty, the heart of this swirling universe dances in the ocean of our hearts.
Let humanity glow in the radiant horizon of our divine hearts. He is the one who
sees us splitting open our souls, and lets blessings instill in and permeate our
inmost shrines, the altar of which is a sacred vista, a vista that leads us to the
comforting truth that lights up the hearts in all its resplendence.

Our wings desire to take a heavenly flight as our souls whisper the holy words of
soaring and shining on a light so pure. Let the hearts fly on the wings of love,
radiating a celestial light that chases the darkness away. Embark on this divine
journey, the call of the holy, the voice of Omnipotent and the whisper of the
Immortality. Let us be the breath of the first breeze in the morn of this smiling
universe, the breeze that carries a thousand secrets with it, the secrets of a mystic
love, a love that reveals the beauty of the divine landscapes of our blooming
souls. Let the illusions dissolve in the joy of union, a merging for the humanity to
have its full bloom.

Sacred Sanctuary


Life is a journey with a never- ending quest, a quest for a beauty rare to behold, a
thought for a mystic heart to find solace in, a thirst for the wisdom that serenity
seeks its way through, a voyage that navigates through the myriad seasons of life.
God has gifted us with this life. It is our desire to fill it in, with the many colors
that lead to the vision of a rainbow after rain, bliss after pain, light that struggles
through the pangs of agony, and a joy that follows the ocean of tears.

Let us open up the wings of our divine soul and may we fly to the clouds of
happiness that sparkles in the celestial blues and the terrestrial realm. May our
abundant heavenly grace flood over the horizon and glow many human hearts
with the divine light of all that is abundant and overflowing in the platter of their
lives! Our hearts bloom in the love of the thousands of souls sharing and caring
with us in deep peace and harmony.

May we rise above the myriad storms that we sail through the voyage of life and
may we find the glint of a sunshine that breaks through and dispels the clouds of
despair and darkness! Let the warmth of a comforting peace and the beaming
light birthing from it shine on the terrestrial horizon. Our compassion beholds
everything and everyone through the eyes of an eternal love, gives others the
voice from within to speak that castes away all the fears, a voice that struggles
through the crevices of a shattered heart.

A light of compassion lights the heart up and deep down, a soul rediscovers
oneself beholding everything through the eyes of that light, the light of kindness
that all living beings have been seeking for as the guiding light of humanity. May
we find the passion that makes us live life in its every waking breath, the purpose
that responds to the call of the divine!

May we plant the seeds of humanity in every walk of life and to our greatest
wonder, may our hearts be blossomed in the sprouting of those seeds! May we
immerse ourselves in the sea of a kindness that reaches every heart and touches
every soul! May we welcome life in its richness of the essence, and all the purity
of its fragrance that imbues life with an inspiration that strikes wonder among the
hearts of many mortals!

Sacred Sanctuary


Live life waking in wonder so as to give birth to an endless gushing spring of joy
and delight, a joy that streams over all the living beings who find their deepest
solace in the cradle of this earth! Our life blossoms, our hearts smile in an
awakening of marvelment, as we find miracles in the simplest things of this
universe. Our very breath is a miracle, our very souls are the whispers of love that
rejoices at every wonderment of this earthly beauty.

As we behold through the eyes of an unceasing wonder, our inner joy melts in the
bliss so pure, so divine, that our body becomes our divine temple. May we behold
the eternal panorama of this universal beauty, the soul soothing vistas of this life
that bring us in touch with ourselves again, that guides us to the divine waiting in
us with a joy that knows no bounds!

Every moment has its own beauty, one that has never happened before and will
never come again. May we immerse ourselves in the gratitude of the gift of that
sacred moment! May we release our needs to coerce our beliefs on others as we
learn the art of accepting all in the embrace of our hearts, that knows no fears, no

May we find in our hearts the need to quieten the voice of judgement that leads
to the essence of a serene bliss and an eternal peace! May we release ourselves
from all the thoughts that keep us clinging to the past, thoughts that have
anchored in our hearts! Let us shine our light on all that comes in our lives, and be
a gift of joy to all those we encounter in this holy walk.

May we be a blessing to those who are in need of a blissful ray that chases the
sorrows away! As we shine in the light of our love, we let the innocence of that
child-like spirit live in us with passion, with a delight that beautifies this earth with
a thousand hues of joy.

Let us live in the awakening of a universal oneness, the eternality of which

embraces all. May we escalate the manifold miracles of this life as we let
compassion flow freely from one heart to another and may love stream in a
rushing flow from one soul to another.

Sacred Sanctuary


Life is a journey of a mystic poet, as we unleash our hidden emotions and release
the spring of joy at each beauty that we unravel. There is a fountain of our divine
resources embedded deep within us that flows in all the sacredness birthing from
a sacred soul at the inmost temple of our bodies. As we flow ourselves in that
holy stream, as we merge in all the joy that a heart can sing in, as we dissolve in
all the bliss that can bless us all the way in this gifted life, we infuse our spirits
with a transformation that gently brings forth a new us, a new we, a spirit that
dreams to reach the unreachable beauties of this mystic life. As we encounter the
holy joy that makes life so lovable, we become lovers at our hearts and every note
that echoes in the depths of our souls becomes a poem, a song that can be sung
in the eternities of time.

Let the poem give birth to something that is beautiful and blissful, a beauty hued
with bliss that showers on all that is living and turns it into an embodiment of
sanctity. As we get in touch with the deep- rooted connection with mother earth,
we find ourselves amidst the serene bliss of nature. Nature has something sacred
to tell. The whisperings of leaves carry a gentle message on the winds of a
continual change! All that dwells undergo the sacred unfolding, a divine change
that leads to the gentle evolution of us, caressing us with the breeze of a holy
transformation. As love is born in our souls, we behold all with the eyes of our
heart and spirit and the seeds of humanity gently split open to allow the sprouting
and the beautiful blossoming.

May we make our souls a sanctuary for the sacred prayer and may our lives be a
bursting of happiness in every breath that we exhale, may holiness be born at the
shrine of our souls and May communion with god be the blissful joy that we live
with! Let us harvest all the gifts on earth with an overflowing gratitude as we feel
the very whispers of this sacred life touching our hearts. May we be the open
recipients of the thousand beauties that this earth has endowed us with and may
we reach out to the positive energies flowing in this universe in an abundance!
May we leave a blissful trail of joyful awareness that abounds the earth with a
love that awakens the sleeping hearts!

Sacred Sanctuary


Listen to the voice that rises from somewhere deep inside of you. It has a
message to tell, an enchanting word to whisper, a touch to caress your heart with
and a kiss to place on your souls. It murmurs-you are beautiful, you are a gift, a
gift of joy, a joy that floods every soul, every home on this universe. You are the
joy that sweeps the universe in a breeze of bliss. You are the reason that this
universe smiles, you are the dawn in every heart that sleeps, you are the sunrise
in every withering soul and you are the beat of every heart that thrives in this
world. May we hear the wordless love tunes sung across this universe and may
we all fathom the unceasing richness of the loving nexus! Let love unfold every
bud waiting silently in our hearts, let them blossom in this waking joy, a joy that
breathes life in all forms! Slowly, we disentangle ourselves from the realms where
illusions dwell to find ourselves immersing in the discovery of a vision that guides
us on an introspective path. As we entangle in the nexus of humanity, we glow in
the joy of a melting love that burns away all the veiled mysteries of misery.

That light within our hearts and souls awakens our vision and instills the waters of
mysticism in our spirits to behold the beauty and the abundant miracles that
encircle us with wonders and love. The divine fragrance, the essence of the soul
heightens us to a greater light, a light that is flooding the universe with rays of
humanity. Let our love lift us to the celestial realm where the sunshine wipes the
raindrops of the eyes, laughter blossoms through the sorrows, joy knows no
bounds and heaven smiles in its bliss. May our sharing and caring make us joyfully
aware with each passing day and may peace be the air which we breathe in, may
serenity find its place in our hearts and may the bliss of tranquility bless our souls!
May we merge in the light of our souls and the love of our lights as we encounter
all that is divine in this journey! Let us celebrate the dance of the divine spirit that
loves to hope, and dream. May we lift all the souls to the rays of enlightenment
and cradle in the love of heart’s pure light! May heaven’s choicest blessings light
our paths to transcend the upheavals of life and may the light take us to the dawn
of every new day that brings with it myriad blissful gifts!

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Embrace the new even if it is not infused with a sense of security. Release what
seems so familiar in the depths of your heart and face the new with a taste of
fortitude that is rare in its magnificence. What is no longer hued with positivity
and a beautiful in-depth meaning can no further serve our souls with the rich
nourishment needed to grow it in the fullest of blooms.

May the new unfold our hidden beauty, make us whole when we are shattered in
a thousand broken pieces, lead us on the divine purpose as we get confused in
the walks of life and imbue us with a sense of life as we flow in the stream of
movement. Let us grow out of our past and step forward in the beautiful awaiting
future that comes with all the miracles in every breath of life. Every past
experience along with all its agony that led us to enfold ourselves in a shell, a
familiar enclosed cocoon, can hold the miraculous seeds of transformation.

Ache that rises from the sorrows of the past can one day find its way to burn the
agony, for a smile to struggle through, a joy to birth into, happiness to blossom to,
and bliss to be showered on. May all the memories of the past turn into bliss, a
bliss that guides our souls all the way through the darkness to be reborn again in
the light of the dazzling stars!

May we know deep down that at the end of a tunnel, there is a light waiting for us
and may we be that light for someone, someday too! The light will have us soar
on the wings of our bliss and peace embracing holiness on the wings of freedom.
When life seems fragmented, be still and dwell on the brinks of serenity inside to
envision wholeness again amidst the seeming brokenness of the pieces of life.

Let us breathe passion and positive energy in the days to come and years to live.
Let us reflect our magnificence of the soul as we learn to soar on the wings of
non-attachment. May we fly to the heights unprecedented amidst the skies of joy
and bliss where freedom knows no bounds!

Each day is a breathtaking beauty in its own perfection and may we fall in love
with life as it comes with a new dawn, a new era! Let us behold all the trials as a
privilege to an adventure where we learn to grow and unfold.
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Discover the endless treasures within, seek its divine wisdom and dance the
ecstatic dance for you have found the mines of gold hidden deep inside of you. All
that our soul yearns for, the heart quests for is waiting in the treasure house
within. Vain is the quest that looks outside, futile is the vision that seeks
elsewhere. Embark on the quest inside of you, as you awaken with each sparkling
beam of it. Make your pathway into the silence of your heart and the doors will
unlock where all else was hidden. Treasure that in the precious recognition, we
found the inner sanctuary, where divinity dwells on the flower of our souls.
Treasure the past sorrows for it guides you to the light so yearned for, the rays of
which unfold the very meaning of life, the very beauty of a vision that awakens
the universe with the love of humanity.

Be aware of the gift of treasures that each day brings, that each dawn endows us
with. May we feel whole and blessed as we bow in love to all that comes and all
that may! The only thing that brings serenity to our souls is the wisdom that we
have brought something whole and unified in the midst of a chaotic world, where
peace longs to finally rest on the altar of our souls. Therein lies the secrets of our
happiness and unleashed, it flows in a stream that never ends. Let us pour out our
treasures of a sacred wisdom that turns everything into holy. Love and
compassion shared amongst all the souls is priceless. May we tap into the
wellspring of joy, love, bliss, wisdom and the land of flooded light, so we may heal
all who come along our ways! Humanity is the life’s many treasures. The many
memories that we will forever treasure on this journey of life are those that we
remember in the heart’s weeping delight.

May we cherish the treasure house within, every gem of which has sparkled
through the years of struggles and sorrows and has burned within to find the
effulgence that so adds luster to our lives! May the stumbling blocks on our
journey guide us to the treasures that this mystic quest longs for and may our
souls find their deep peace as we shine in those holy beams! Mysticism is a
treasure that follows the soul everywhere it travels and wherever it sets its vision
on for the discovery of life’s truest gems. Pursue the mystic quest in all walks of

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your life reconnecting with all that is hidden and divine within you. As you
encounter all the moments of this path and experience all that this journey
brings, you will find the rarest riches and a priceless beauty that is beyond your
wildest dreams.

Celebrate life as this is a holy festival. Fall in love with all the moments of it as it
comes in your life with its diverse colors in all its richness. One truly sees the
beauty of this sacred journey as we join our hands and hearts in its sacred
celebration. The magnificence of it is truly emblazoned as we open our hearts to
feel the fervor of its essence and exalt in the holy joy of it. Let this life be a sacred
chanting, a holy hymn, a blissful prayer, a consecrated tranquility born silently in
the temple of our souls. May we learn to live life in its rich totality, in a voice of
the heart that reverberates through the universe! Let the tears of our gratitude
kiss the soul of this world as we leap in thankfulness in our blissful moments.

When we celebrate, the universe joins its heart with us in a rejoicing dance, and
this earth shakes in joy as the entire creation blooms in its fullest glory, smiles to
its heart’s delight in this exultation of spirits. In this unfolding, we learn to
struggle through the pain and the suffering to a bliss that wipes away the
discontentment and turns into a holy bliss and every trial gives us a perfect
chance to be reborn amidst all the pangs of unutterable agonies. As our spirits
learn to dance in every waking moment, we become the recipients of life’s ardent
zeal, the wine of which fills the chalice of our hearts to its brim.

This holy dance is a dance of the eternity, an ongoing rhythmic movement of ours,
a perpetual, sacred continuum that has existed from the very dawn of this
creation. As we become immensely rich in our hidden inner treasures, we
overflow with a positive energy that shakes our very souls in a heavenly joy. The
cycles of birth and death go on, but life continues to be immersed in its perpetual
dance. This is the truth of creation, the very essence of this universe that
continues to flow in its eternal stream. Life comes in myriad colors, in a song of
the soul, in a multi-hued celebration of the diverse seasons of life, in a dance of
the spirits.

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Carry a sacred fragrance of love and compassion, a holy flame of divinity to

people around you in this vastness of this universe. Let it touch the souls of all
those who are desperately groping in despair and gloom. May the sacred message
transform them and instill an enlightenment that is a shower of benediction, a
spiral of blessings which reveals themselves in their glorious splendor in the
celestial night.

The souls blossom in beatitude. It is the sunset of our lives that teach us the
eternal truth that emblazons the horizon of the visions. May we learn the art of
dissolving and merging with the whole where we lose our ego and individualities
and taste the wine of communion! We are unaware of the beauty, the joy that
dances within us. We are in a state of slumber. May the message of holy souls
touch us so as to move ourselves from unawareness to awareness, from slumber
to an enlightened consciousness!

Let us reclaim ourselves from the unawareness and gradually step into the world
of awareness as it is the doorway to enlightenment. May the light of awareness
flood the rays of immense healing all over our souls! The moment we are free
from our attachments, our joy is inexpressible, our ecstasy knows no bounds, our
glory radiates in a thousand rays and the splendor bursts forth in all its
magnificence. We have to be reborn in the recesses of our true being, in our
sacred core from unawareness to awareness, as this rebirthing carries us from all
the sorrows to a paradise of joy where the music of our souls, song of the hearts
is sung and is merged with the music of the universe.

We sing this song in the holy joy of consciousness, one that pours the light of
awakening, the effulgence of consciousness deep inside our souls. Let us love this
existence with all our divine light and let it shine on this universe and this
existence will love us back, life will embrace us back in its deepest delight as we
choose to embrace it in the dawning light of a new consciousness, one that lifts us
from self to all.

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Let the flower of peace bloom in every heart and let it unfold in every soul to
wash the universe with its healing rains. It is the healing peace that dispels all the
darkness and the agonies of hard feelings. May we be the dreamers who can join
their hands in this holy mission and spread the holy word of a tranquil peace that
immerses all the sufferings of this world! Let our souls lie down on the ground of
a peace that blesses every heart, soaks every soul in its sweetness that lingers
forever. May peace unceasingly rise triumphant over conflicts that fragment
humanity in a thousand smaller pieces!

May the rain of peace conquer the drought that comes with hatred, the sorrows
that come with greed! May it heal this earth that is in need for the eye of
humanity! That deep part of our soul which knows that peace is what we long for,
it is what we silently yearn for, it is that part of our soul that sees the light at the
end of the agony. Peace that flows from the heart is eternal and conquers all by
the light of truth and purity. It grows with a growing need for understanding of all
the souls that breathe in the air of compassion.

Peace is the beautiful manifestation of kindness and mercy for all that is living and
bowing to them is sacred in this walk on earth. May peace give birth to a
thousand compassionate services from the depths of our souls, in the silence of
which, let there be a silent prayer to act in the faith that the seeds of humanity
will sprout to its fullest in the watering of peace! The bliss of peace fills our souls
as we sing with the fluttering and dancing flowers in this sacred breeze. The core
of calmness is our soul.

That is where the divinity dwells in a supreme bliss and peace. Let us reach there
for that bliss that permeates all the souls. Let us breathe some beautiful peace in
our hearts, and inhale their essence as we enter the altar of solitude amidst this
hustling and bustling life. May we reap rich harvests of joy and love, peace and
compassion as we become the emissaries of peace ourselves! Let the great souls
instill peace that can bloom in every heart that is devoid of it. May the blooming
peace give birth to all the peacemakers that radiate in their eternal light beaming
upon this universe!
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Let the prayer of peace deepen in our hearts to reach the divinity dwelling at our
souls. As we walk on this beautiful path strewn with petals of peace, each flower
blossoms, each breeze carries a fragrance, each meadow sways in smiles and the
universe nods in full blooms of bliss. Peace that helps us to heal, releases the flow
of liberation and the stream of salvation from our souls. May we bow at the altar
of God in the bliss of silence, in the deep ocean of calmness to instill humility in
the blessed home of the heart! This is the peace that brings us to the treasured
realization of a blissful oneness with all that is sacred and this universe. Let the
light guide our hearts to the doorsteps of peace. In doing so, let our hearts not
cling to any hard feelings as in the stream of releasing negative energy, that which
comes is happiness and blisses of peace.

Let our thoughts, words and deeds reach their glory in the light of truth and all
that is pure. As we do so, we become a living, breathing emissary of the divine
light that resides at the center of our hearts and we let our inner lights shine upon
this world. Be a ray of light, a gift to all those whose lives cross yours. May we
breathe unconditional love to all those who need its essence! Let us hold them
deep into our hearts as we exchange our sacred encounters, even if they are for
the briefest moments. In every breath of ours, in every step we walk, in every
touch that we reach out for and in every glance that we give, may serenity find its
way back to the heart of peace!

You are an embodiment of highest mercy, deepest peace, all -encompassing

compassion and a far- reaching light of kindness. The sea of divine wisdom and
highest truth flows from your soul. Know this in the moments of your life as you
seek to choose the path of true peace. It is the place in you where God dwells in a
bliss so divine, a beauty so pure, a light that heals your wounds, and a serenity
that infuses the waters of silence amidst this noisy world. Live in the faith that
peace envelops all the raging hearts, their turbulence, their deepest yearnings
and their inner cry for a rare bliss. Open your hearts and release the forces that
serve as blockages to the supreme attainment of a divine peace.

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The flower of love comes when a blessed soul experiences the heaven on earth,
embraces the body with a caress of the soul’s intimate touch. Joy flows when you
are a sea of love whose waters run on all the spirits. The stream of joy is given
birth by the fountain of love. Joy is love touched with compassion, watered with
kindness, nurtured by mercy and is the nourishing food for humanity. Open up to
the music of this universe, this creation. Inhale all that is sweet and lovely and
unleash the flow of essence that fills the world with a dancing joy.

Open your soul to the recognition that life itself is a gift, bliss to be cherished in
the core of your being, one that fills you in with the tunes, in accord with the
songs of humanity. Come out of your encapsulation, your safe shell which seems
all so familiar. Reach the state of a blissful serenity that brings one in touch with
the silence dwelling in his soul. Get in touch with the music singing deep within
you. It is that supreme serene solitude at your core which gives you the taste of
salvation from the chain of birth and death.

Life seems eternal in a continual flow. Come out to your awakened stage which is
your eternal bliss, a perennial joy. As the consciousness penetrates into your
inmost being, the center, your heart is pierced in a strange feeling of intense joy.
Let yourself fly with the wings of this joy into the land of an unknown bliss, the
bliss of this universe, this whirling cosmos and melt in the union with it.

Your dissolving into its bliss sheds your individuality and brings you to a greater
joy of the whole. Life becomes so full of grace, beauty, joy and benediction, all of
which streams in a never- ending flow. Our joy is an echo of Gods’ unending
blessing, his shower of love.

When you flutter in the joy, you blossom. Joy nourishes your soul, unfolds it in
perfect timing and harmony. It is joy that gives meaning to your very existence,
takes you to a land where bliss is all that dwells and gives this very existence the
true art of living. Only in total joy, does the heart open, unleashing all that was
secretly hidden in the abysmal depths of it.

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Happiness, the joy of it, flows from a grateful heart and a peace instills the mind.
Without gratitude, happiness is a half- taken breath, a joy that does not reach the
undivided whole. The heart of happiness and the heart of gratitude are friends in
the depths of a comforting silence. A true happiness birthing from thankfulness
dispels all that is sorrowful in this world.

May we extend our circle of compassion to embrace all that is living and this soul
of nature is in a beauty that is pure and gentle! May the thoughts flow
unceasingly from the stream of our minds that can lead our souls to the light of
consciousness and can show us the pathway to disentangle ourselves from our

Let our lives flow freely in the breeze of a divine wisdom’s true happiness. The
glow of happiness is born in the sacred womb of peace which shows us the way to
a rich enlightenment. Let us burn the lamp of awareness and deep consciousness
in our hearts to make us pure and luminous, so we merge in the glow of a true
luminosity and become the light bearers on this earth.

May the flute of an abundant happiness play in serene joy and let its fragrance
spread among the hearts of the thousands! As we spread an unconditional
compassion, we need not chase happiness. Happiness finds us in the wildest joy
of its very essence that fills this universe.

May our happiness bloom from the beauty of a mystical desire, the mystical vision
born out of our seeking eyes pulls us into the intimacy of this sacred divine love!
Our hearts get awakened to the holy light of revelation of a divine love, one with
which we yearn to merge and loose our own selves in the joy of merging. The
sacred merging leads us to the portals of wisdom that teach us that we need
openness and a nothingness which gives us the happiness of a pure emancipation.

The liberation that arises will give us the true happiness, the great joy of living in
the moment and nothing but the moment. Together our inner and outer
contentment birthing from liberation flow in a rhythmic flow which weaves the
web of harmony. They have a seamless flow of unity.
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Each and every human is distinctive in his or her own ways, one that was never
born before and that will be never born again. As we seek the myriad meanings of
life, we journey inwards in search of the thousand beauties waiting to be found. It
is an escape, a flight from the world to the soul inside, from noise to a solitary
realm, to an in-depth aloneness that is the inmost sanctum of our beings. May we
never fear to dwell deep inside our lake of serenity that rests in bliss and peace
within us!

The joy that is born comes out of the depths of a meditation and joy flowers in
the garden of the soul. The wine of silence, the state of mindlessness, emptiness
gives birth to the silent poetries of joy in the sacred womb of meditation.
Transcending the realm and attaining nothingness gives rise to the holy essence
of a joy that makes our hearts sing and spirits sway in a rhythm, a dance of the
souls. Let us voyage to the unfound truth in our innermost center, one which
knows the path to the meditative bliss. May we always have a thirst inside to seek
the truth, to behold its beauty, to unravel the thousand splendors of life and to
taste the holy wine of joy!

Let this thirst lead us to an unending quest through the eyes of our mystic heart.
The blissfulness of meditation springs from within our soul. As our mind sheds off
all the thoughts, our souls burst forth in a leaping dance of an ecstatic joy, a joy
that surpasses all the terrestrial pleasures and peacefully resides in our innermost
shrine. Meditation that brings the breeze of silence releases the beauty of our
souls and lets it bloom in all its richness. It fills us and all around us with an
overflowing contentment, a soulful joy, a rich awareness, a luminous
enlightenment that shows the guiding light in the wild storms of life. Silence has
its music, the music of eternity.

The blissful beauty of silence throbs with an unending song that sings through all
the ages, a beauty that transcends all earthliness and is heavenly to behold. Joy
that springs from the silence of our souls is unbounded and eternal, an ever-
rising essence from the sacred flower blooms in the heart of silence.

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Surrender and the rarest contentment showers on your soul in your heart’s truest
surrender! Be open like a flower that unfolds all its petals without the slightest
hue of shyness or fear. Break open from your enclosed shell that surrounds you
with the familiar sense of assurance and release your withheld fountain of
emotions, swelling in your heart and surging in your soul.

Travel within, take the path that leads you to your center where all is poised in a
greatness of the spellbound, divine silence. By the heavenly grace of god, leave
the abode of individuality and egotism and learn the art of a joyful, willing
surrender in love’s divine presence.

Seek the liberation from these self-centered thoughts, the pride of mind and give
yourself in the arms of total surrender where your soul releases all that defines
your distinctive individuality. Behold the pearls of joy, feel the taste of it, live and
bask in it, as you no longer withhold all that is yearning to come out of your
inmost stratum and gush forth in a stream of emotions.

As you do so, you leave all the bondages, attachments behind and your true
voyage begins in search of a truth as to what life is, its meaning, its purpose, and
the reasons of your existence on this terrestrial dimension. That is your journey
like the flowing of a river not knowing where it is going to take its next bend, yet
the journey continues. Let us sit in the lap of nature, besides a running brook
where we hear the rustling of leaves.

Nature has its own wisdom, a sacred one that penetrates our hearts through the
myriad natural abundances that cascade in the natural waters of wisdom, a
wisdom that teaches us and heals our wounded hearts. Listen to the soul of a
running river, its splashy waters. It has something to tell you, something that
offers water to the thirsty. There must be a perennial flow to the voyage that we
need to continue in an unceasing flow that will take us to the abode of a divine

Our hearts find an eternal peace and a deep meaning in the rhythms of its flow.

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The melody of this singing nature attunes with the tunes of our heart and here
comes the release of a great joy, in the breeze of which we surrender our souls,
our heart’s deepest feelings. Unleashed, they flow in a never- ending stream that
runs through the heart of an eternity.

Nature touches our lives in an intimate and caressing manner, one that is
irreversible, unchangeable through the ages of time. And in the blissful joy of
listening to the music of the soul of nature, we loosen ourselves in a wild stream
of release. We release us from ourselves.

We loosen the ”I” and merge with the oneness, surrendering in his loving arms of
embrace. Let the rivers of our souls flow its waters freely, and as we let the
waters run in delight, it guides us to the heart of contemplation where surrender
happens in a joyful flow of soul’s secret sea of hidden emotions.

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The flower of heart cannot bloom to its rich fullness until it can unfold itself
completely, and then it releases its sweet perfume to the world around and
immerse all in its intoxicating fragrances. The divine virtues which each mortal
soul is endowed with are the heavenly qualities that comprise the loveliness of
the heart aroma. A blaze of courage, a ray of fearlessness allows its light to
penetrate through our trembling heart that we so safely coiled inside and
enclosed carefully with a sense of insecurity.

A heart that is sealed in fear needs to be exposed in the nourishment of light, a

light that shines in the dreariest of nights, the darkest of times, the gloomiest of
seasons and the passing times of life. Listen to the heart, its fearless whispers in
the wind, its flight for release of all that dwells in the mind and engulfing all with
the fragrances of the soul, a soul that peeps through, struggles to give a voice to
itself amidst all the chaotic times that await at many bends.

The desire arises to be free for all that is held inside. Let the fragrances of the soul
waft through the breeze, let it go unleashed all over the universe and reach many
a soul with the inner voices withheld in a crushing agony. The light of love and
consciousness shines forth radiant and unhindered. We reach an awareness rising
from an unclouded consciousness. We hear the call of the beyond that releases
the fragrance of the eternity, the aromas of timelessness, a perfume that engulfs
us to go to the transcendental, to respond to its voice and to open the flower of
our soul, petal by petal till we unfold it all, in the rich sunlight of love’s true

Our souls have a certain burning in our hearts that is born from the desire to be
free, free from clinging and bonding. It is the threads of these thousand
attachments that spread the roots of our self-agony which silently crumble us
deep down to a point of maddening agony, where all we want is to set our souls
free, free to soar in the breeze of celestial realm, where it can sing to its heart’s
inner delight. The delight paints the heart with the inner flower’s thousand hues
that hue the seasons of our souls with the myriad splendors that need to be
unraveled in the blooming of joy.
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Let all the souls hold their hands in a sense of deep compassion, who enfold each
other in their hearts to reach a divine circle of love and light, ecstasy and a divine
flight from these earthly desires. We pass the blossoms of sharing and rich caring
that nurture the soul in the abode of contentment where joy prevails in an
unbounded bliss and love dwells on serenity and peace.

Our souls are forever entwined in an eternal entanglement that knows no sense
of fragmented individuality. A sense of unbroken wholeness prevails all over, a
mystic peace, a tranquil kiss of the timeless divine rests on the altar of our souls.

We are angels kissing the ground of this earth, being born in the womb of a
divine, who showered us all with the sacred waters of blessings. Our birthing
comes from the holy womb, where love mingles with joy and heart merges in
delight with heaven’s angelic rays.

The light of his soul floods this earth as it sings in its delight, wafting heavenly
notes in the winds of grace around. Look around and behold all that, as it drops its
beauty at your feet and encircles your body. They are the thousand blossoms of
Gods’ heart-stirring wonders, his miracles that keep this earth alive and singing.

Love blooms in our hearts and we are never, ever the same. Our restless souls
find the long- lost path to peace and compassion, in the treasured finding of
which our souls start to awaken and hold to all that keeps us alive, and recipient
for the holy wisdom rays of life.

In the call of an awakening, roses start opening in the sanctified stratum of our
beings. We smile as flowers keep blossoming and the buds of a divine love start
sprouting in the shrine of our joyfully singing hearts.

The tides of our innate compassion rise high so as to immerse all in the flood of a
beautiful, heart and soul humanity. Love is the very life, the very breath of this
sacred soul in the rich nourishment of which, the soul ripens and becomes
blossomy with its heart filled fragrances.

It is the joy which the existence spins around in a whirling ecstasy.

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And this world becomes exquisite in our light that breaks forth from our sanctified
touch of divinity. In the darkness of the sailing times, may this be the beacon light
that can guide our souls in the much yearned, mystic voyage. May this light
astonish us with all its bounties of beauties and unexplored wonders that take the
breath away, and keeps our spirits blithesome and vibrant!

May we overflow with a thousand bounties back that mingle with the grace of
compassion and hearts with the sparkling cascades of deepest gratitude! We are
the lutes that he plays on, the angelic beings in whom he breathes his all-
encompassing love.

We are the thousand wonders of him scattered all over this dancing universe. He
smiles through our eyes, he sings through our souls, he dances through our
spirits, he lights his sacred creations through our holiness. He is the one that
emblazons us, rekindles our hearts, sets an eternal sacred dance, penetrating us
through our melancholia.

Now is the time to know that all we need is the grace of God through which love
reflects on the brinks of our ocean, where souls swim in their joyfulness and
delight. Divinity keeps blooming inside of us and we whirl flooded with the truth
that is timeless and ageless.

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As we fill our hearts with a love that is unconditional, we demand nothing, expect
nothing in return for all the compassion that our hearts extend to another soul,
and gradually the horizon gets hued with a beauty that transcends all, and the
universe blossoms with the benedictions that carry with it an inner essence,
something that emits from the core of our being , a fragrance that is far greater
that anything we have known before, a beauty that was never beheld before.

Humanity knows of no greater joy than to open the hearts to the unconditional
beauty of love. With the dawning age of love and divine light, mortals are
reaching a state of awakening that is releasing the light of consciousness.

There is born a life which blossoms in an aura of unbounded freedom and an

eternal, timeless bliss that arises gradually from the sacred, heightened waking up
of the soul so as to pour forth an abundance of compassion from one’s self to an
abundance of a kindness and generosity within another’s self.

Our holiness blossoms when we reach from within us to within of another soul,
filling them with a limitless, unconditional love.

Love knows no holding back and it touches another only in sharing and serving,
embracing and kissing another soul. Love flows freely for everyone and all that
exists, knowing no fear, no withholding, no shadow of doubt, and no conditions,
only a stream of endless, unceasing flowing of the waters that bathe all the spirits
and give birth to magnificent hearts, hearts that are transformed and souls that
dazzle in the magnificence of their being.

Our hearts glow in the embellishing beams of a divine light, awakening the global
soul for the calling of peace that permeates all and a serene joy that soaks all in
the precious bliss of it.

Let our bodies be the symphony of our heart strings, the orchestra of joyous
songs that flood this universe in the songs of soul.

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Our thoughts of consciousness give birth to a new realm where heaven is born
and the celestial skies glow in a springing joy that is born in the womb of a
sacrament where holiness dances in all the spirits.

A source of positive energy is born from which the art of humanity flows and we
behold it with our eyes of wonder. As we dance, the universe dances in our
rhythms, as we sing our songs of heart’s compassion, the entire world rejoices in
our song of humanity, as we smile, the universe blossoms to its heart’s delight in
our blissful, soulful smiles.

In our souls, truth reverberates, consciousness resounds, light of love begins to re

dance and holiness abounds. There arises a global soul in the waking up of the
primordial voice, that which keeps this cosmos spinning.

We lose ourselves as we discover the music of our soul, of what excites us the
most and what binds us all in one silky thread of love, a thread that bears
smilingly all the wear and tear through the winds of time.

As God shines through us, let us illuminate our hearts and souls by sharing our
deepest moments, our saddest pains, our gladdening joy, and our richest blisses
with each other.

Like the flowers bathed in the glowing rays of an effulgent sunlight, our spirits
unfold in the glow of the beams that travel within.

In the shaft of the waking sunlight, we are reborn into a new we, a new us. May
we embrace all and infuse with a love so pure, and holy that our souls beam with
the first rays of the glorious morn!

In the waking of a divine child deep inside the womb of our soul, we become the
bearers of a light with our arms outstretched to the limitless joys of a humanity
that radiates while it transcends the times of pain and the illusion of individuality.

Together we hold our hearts in this divine cycle of life. We are the blessed
children of light that sheds on all the distressed souls. Humanity is showered with
our bounties of everlasting kindness that gives birth to a holy spark of mercy.

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Let the mysticism flow from the inner heart of the sacred wisdom that is
unleashed within us. May we follow the divine guidance and may we continue our
journey on the roses of love strewn on the path of a mystic that emits a light, light
from the heart that glows on us!

It is the light of that divine path that we chose to embrace in the secret abode of
our soul to walk through all the passages of time.

Let us reconnect with our higher self, our conscious spirits and the higher source
of positive, uplifting energy that supports our closeness, a deeper intimacy, a
bond unbreakable, a connection unchangeable in the celestial and terrestrial

As we go through this journey of life, may we acknowledge and realize that

besides the tunes of happiness, plays the tunes of sadness too. And together they
co-create a beautiful music that stirs all the souls.

As we immerse ourselves in the endless gifts of the breathtaking now, our visions
get a sense of clarity in more ways than ever imagined. There is an unbounded
potential of a deep awareness that goes beyond the realm of ego and all that
separates us from other souls of humanity in this world.

The universe emits a light of its own, a guiding light. Walk in that light with a heart
of faith that gives its wings the freedom of hope. Release all that struggles inside
you and walk and touch beauty at all the moments of your life.

The answers which we need and yearn for are hidden deep inside us. Look within
and you will find the jewels of an uncovered truth that lie open and bare for us to
discover and dance in the joy of it.

May we stand poised in the center of our own blissful peace and may we realize
that we are the oceans where waves of peace ripple in the joy of soul!

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May our awareness permeate our entire being to instill us with a deep divine
wisdom that there resided an invisible thread of connection between us and the
universe and the heavenly realms!

May we relinquish all our shadows of fears and allow our hearts to unfold and be
the recipients of an unending love that gives birth to a holy sound that echoes
and calls us to begin again!

Begin and continue this journey with a spirit of love to bask in the joy of
mysticism. The seeds of a divine greatness lie within us, and they are ready to
sprout in the blessings that life offers in a thousand splendid ways.

Complete unfolding leads us to a land of soft miraculous landings that bear the
writings of peace and bliss in so many blooming ways.

As we take a flight in the higher awareness, we find ourselves melting in the joy of
a holy oneness with all that exists in this garden of the universe.

Therein illumines the beauty of mysticism that knows the joy in a complete
surrender of the ego to the enlightening beauty of this mystic life, a beauty that
unravels all the secrets of existence.

May this awareness lead us to release all that binds us to the earthly things, so we
can see the light of the sacred truth that says that this journey is ours and ours

For each, the road, the pathway is different, bearing its own beauty, own
surprises at every walk, at every bend that opens the beauty of this life, as we
walk the walk with a never- ending thirst, an unceasing quest.

We glow with our joy as we perceive everything through the eyes of love and not
through the eyes of doubt and fear.

The joy has begun, the joy of learning to love again, the desire to behold all
through the eyes of a mystic that is reborn every moment through this life’s
myriad encounters and episodes.

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Let the constellation of our feelings and thoughts that surface with wonder and
questions from the depths of our souls guide us to a path that awakens our
ancient beliefs.

Let the ears of our soul listen compassionately and with a sense of creation so as
to shape and mold our beliefs into the ones which can reveal purity hued with
every emotion, every aspect of our finer feelings.

It can bring about a new meaning, a new vision, a new enlightened ground where
all can be seen through the eyes of affection and where love can blossom again.

Enlightenment blooms in the midst of the hidden silences, in the depths of which
lies the bud of awakening, a bud that is waiting for the breeze of silence to carry
what is inconceivable in the midst of all the noise.

The beauty of enlightenment dwells in the secrets of silence that reveal the true,
inner purity of the heart, where the mind rests in peace and listens to the voice of
the soul, a voice that journeys from the head to the depths of the heart , a path
from the mind to the soul.

In this journey resides the beauty of an unsayable truth, an unspoken word of

wisdom that flows from the heart. The rhythm of kindness and compassion guide
our souls in each moment to the divine spark.

To be not being able to behold, that would be to lose the rarest glimpse of all that
is sacred and holy in this walk of life.

May we send out waves of love and goodwill from the heart of hearts for in giving
lies the true joy of giving, a joy that gives needlessly to sprinkle its happiness

May we walk on the paths together when the darkness that persists is lonely and
fearsome so as to reach the hands of light to each other!

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May we be that light for one another! When enlightenment soaks our vision, we
are reborn. There is divinity awakening inside of us, God unfolding within us with
each new rising dawn every day of our lives.

A rhythm of love and grace follows the dance of our souls. And forever our spirits
follow the light of that dance, a dance that leads us to the hearths of our soul.

The bud of consciousness sprouts within us and our eyes get moist with a vision
that is purifying and enlivening. As awakening rises within our sacred souls, we
feel the pulsating joy of reaching the shores of a holy sanctuary.

May our souls develop the gifts of an understanding and a compassionate

listening so as to hear the thousand echoes of God’s message deep within our

May we be able to trust again in this sacred journey so as to rest joyfully and
peacefully in the embracing arms of another soul’s love!

As we become inflamed with the fire of an unconditional love, we become sacred

human angels, the divine embodiments sent to this Earth to carry on God’s holy
higher purpose. The soul is the innermost face of our beings.

In the blossoming of the hearts, we grow in spirits enrichment and come to the
summit of the divine potentials deep inside us. It takes us to the hearth of
ourselves, our true essence.

It is our journey within that leads the light of our souls to our eyes.

May our hearts be inhabited with the myriad colors of life so as to be a landscape
of an enriching journey, the yearning of which inflamed our hearts, ignited our
souls and we never ever went back to our old selves!

The twilight gradually opened in the horizon of our hearts to unfold in its rich
fullness and to flood our souls with its divine hues.

Glimpse the light of the soul and life will open its manifold possibilities
enwrapped in the warmth of love. As we bathe in that flood of light, we rinse
ourselves in a thousand lights of inspiration.
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The wonders and miracles abound in nature in the rich bounties open our eyes of
the hearts to the myriad enchantments scattered all over the universe.

The divine grace instills the touch of gracility, the presence of all that is holy and
sacred, the joy of the ineffable peace and takes us to the incredible places in the
depths of our hearts.

From deep within our hearts, rises a sacred hymn, one that chants sacred
syllables to echo through the wilderness and penetrate into the souls of all.

May we wake up to greet ourselves as we step into the world of enlightenment

with elation, a leaping joy that is born out of the mystic enrichment!

May the bleakness of our thoughts fade away to give birth to the holy songs of
inspiration, to flood our souls with an assurance that all what is good and pure, is
still there, deep within the well of our hearts!

Let the greatest gifts of this world, the song of a meadowlark, the streaming forth
of leaking sunbeams that pours through the leaves, the sweet clamor of a love
that finds its way back to the soul, the breeze that carries the kisses of the spirits
hold us in an awesome thrall.

May we sense the beauty in the music of nature and the fragrances released in
the kisses of spirits!

It is the nature that speaks to us in its wondrous voices through its eyes of love
that make us gaze wondrously at it with our eyes of wonder.

Behold! That is the vision of a heaven born on earth. It is the soul that hears
silently through the language of an unseen world where divine seeds sprout in
peace and love sprouts joyfully in a thousand lights that illumine the universe.

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Let our illusions burn away in the fire of love, let all that is separating us be
consumed in love’s holy flames to give birth to something that is pure and sacred,
that which spirals out in great delight from the innermost core of ourselves.

Love and its sacred light that sends out a holy joy are the cobblestones in this
path of mysticism.

As we go through the unceasing cycles of inevitable change, we enrich our hearts

through its myriad soul enriching experiences and come as it may, we still savor
joyfully the passion for living life at its fullest.

May we be cradled in the peaceful shelter of love, one that transcends our own
pain and sufferings and leads us to step on the trails that are walked on by other
afflicted souls, silently crying out in agony!

In the process, we behold the spiritual unfolding of the petals of our deepest
cores, and we listen to the deep mystical, joyful epiphany that sings within us.

We get in touch with the higher selves, the beauty that is divine and anchored in
our souls from our very birth.

This sense of connection with the inner paintings of our souls, holds in its wide
embrace, the seeds of a spiritual transformation, one that instills wholeness in
our spirits. We are hued with a realm of multi-hues.

May we suffuse the colors in our hearts to paint the rainbows of our souls hued
with a thousand shades of divine virtues that brings a renewal in the horizon of
our perspectives!

May we find the one truth that we are seeking in this voyage of life, the truth that
gives our spirits a waking call to walk over all that is an illusion and to enter into
the paradise of light which heralds the dawning of enlightenment!

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Beloved, I searched in you a piece of my soul and dissolved in you to find that you
are the soul, the heart beating inside of me.

Love comes in a thousand new blossoming beauties beneath the veils of grief and
sadness, pain and woe. Let love carry you in the garden of lilies where tenderness
floats in the wafting breeze and fragrance leaves its trace long after it is
unleashed through the whispers of love.

Let us sail in the sea of love by its waters of passion and joy. Let my love touch
your soul, let its rain kiss your face, let its waters drench you in a passion and let
joy blossom in your smiles.

Let the light of my love nurture and nourish your heart and soul. Let love dance in
the delight of its dancing soul.

The breeze will echo the whispers of an eternal love song, the song of our sacred
communion. May your soul stir with mine, May your heart beat in a rhythm that is
in harmony with mine!

May our voices drown in our soul’s delight and may we hold our hands in a love
that imprints itself on our hearts!

Take my heart and set it on an eternal dance of ecstasy, a fire of love, a love that
consumes, a joy that learns how to bloom even in a weeping heart.

Let my soul speak to yours in the silent language of love that grows like the
dancing wildflowers in your soul deep eyes which holds a promise of contentment
and kisses of peace.

The ocean of my heart merges with the ocean of your heart and together they
mingle in the waters of a great love, a love that leads to the center of unseen

You call me in a thousand cries of love, cries that rise and suffuse in the passing
breeze and bring love in the air.

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Thousand wonders of the heart spring from that cry, a cry of love that echoes in
the winds of time. May we play the music from within, stirred by the whispers of
a communion passing by, may that music forever be enriched in the tunes of

May our love be a flowering soul, a flower that knows the joy of sprouting, the art
of blossoming, the rising of two hearts and the delight in their mingling!

May we find the rarest gems that flood with light, a light of two souls that comes
from another world, a world filled with the elixir of pure love, where the language
that dwells is the one of heart and the voice that sings is one of joy!

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Ebb and Flow of Relationship

The beauty of a relationship lies in the strength to love each other, in the choice
to be there for each other even in those moments when we struggle to like each
other. No relationship has the splendor of sunshine for all the days of their lives,
but two hearts can survive whatever storms life throws at them being under the
same shade, resting under the same canopy.

Life will break her, life will break you, but it is what you do with the broken pieces
of your lives, it dwells on the ability of two souls to put the pieces together and
make them whole, healed as one. Sometimes the thing so needed is falling apart
just to realize how much they need to fall back together. There is a timing for
everything in a relationship…. a time to cry and a time to heal, a time to break and
a time to make.

Trust the timing, have faith in the reason behind, keep walking even when it
seems so dark…as it is in the darkness, that you hunger for a meaning that seems
so lost behind the glaring emptiness…the struggle behind some of the hardest
decisions—whether to walk away or to walk besides even when you see the worst
of each other, the wisdom to make a choice in the holding of arms even when the
other is at his/her weakest.

Are you going to crave for the other in the most innocent form, or are you going
to crave at the peak of beauty, draped in the beauty of elegance? Real intimacy is
not who you let touch you, but who you let touch your soul, not in someone who
kisses your lips but in someone who kisses your soul. Intimacy lies in sharing your
dreams and fears throughout the voyage of life as you two journey together. The
beauty lies in appreciating each other every moment of the walk instead of taking
each other for granted.

Whether you would be able to love the other even when you see his/her broken
beauty, the shattered pieces. And some other times, in the midst of some cracked
pieces, you wonder whether you want to keep looking for happiness in the same
place you lost it, whether you will be in search of a beauty in the same place that
you found so ugly. Or are you going to immerse in the wonder of your question---

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what if things finally fall into place after falling apart for so long? How would it fill
you with?

Would you take the plunge for a relationship to survive or would you let it crash
and die? Will you choose to feed your starving soul or will you choose to let it
hunger? Relationships have their own ebb and flow like the coming and going of
the waves of sea. They surge with passion and intimacy, they swell with the
wildness of energy---they peak and while they reach the heights of a maddening
ecstasy and our hunger is fed, the starving souls need a gradual, lazy slumber just
to roll over and rest a little—it is then that the time comes, when they wane
naturally through the episodes of quietness and space.

The waters of passion have calmly receded leaving a vast expanse of shallow
water and endless sand in its wake. When the high tide came rushing in, it caught
us off guard with the ferocity of everything, the wild frenzy of passion, where love
knew no bounds, where delight rushed to every corner to shout out in
madness…the madness of hearts. The all- consuming, all engulfing passion knows
not how to contain itself, it overflows---but then there is a time to peak and a
time to wane, a time to rush and a time to recede, a time to meet and a time to
leave, a time to rise and a time to dwindle.

Such is the saga of truth in any relationship---no relationship can sustain that level
of intensity over time. The daily hustle and bustle of life will then bring the
natural rhythms of life and with it will invite those same rhythms in the
relationship. At times, it is the more normal inclination to disengage yourself from
the intense desire in a relationship and to want to pull back a little. The ardent,
fervent emotions get gentler with time and here comes in the mildness of
emotions, the feelings are still there but they flow in somewhere in a gentle,
receding beauty.

The art of sustaining a relationship knows in understanding that it has its own
cyclical beauty, it will reach its crescendo and while it reaches its decrescendo,
then how to hold on to yet still dance with it without letting the magic die, how to
keep it alive and not let it hit the rock-bottom, how to tune into every rhythm of

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it---- the rising, monotonic and then receding----this flow, this is the flow of truth
in the brook of relationship.

A successful relationship dances like an ocean---the waters of surging and then

the tranquil waters come in place…The depths of love rise and fall---as storms
come along the way---disappointments can surge like a tidal wave, leaving you
feeling worried and anxious and probably wondering if it is going to ride the
waves of magic again----when we learn to accept and understand the ebb and
flow of relationships, when we trust in them---it is then that we master the art of
learning how to ride the waves.

Finding someone who is in harmony in dancing the waves as well as enjoying the
tranquil waters with you---that is a beauteous blessing in life---and those who
know how to appreciate this blessing truly find the rarest gem of love in their
lives. Attachment and detachment, connection and disconnection, up and down,
back and forth, push and pull---these are the chords of a relationship.

One needs to know how to strike the chords at the right time, how to hit the right
keys, how to make the sweetest melody out of them---this is how a song is born
out of the cyclical beauties of a relationship, that is how a story is told ---it can be
the greatest love-story in the world or it can turn into a seething hatred---it can
either emerge as a piece of beauty or it can sink into a devastating betrayal, it can
either rise into a song of love or it can turn to a crashing failure. But who do we
look at for that? We glance at those two hearts who do feel the need to accept
the ebb and flow of the relationship.

Relationships are volatile and sometimes that can render us feeling afraid as we
are caught up in the fear of feeling uncertain of what lies ahead, being unsure of
what is in store for us. Caught in confusion we rise and sink inside, wondering
whether the charm is going to live or die. Other times the relationships are
smooth and the waves return to the shore as always speaking of a peace. That is
the shared serenity of two hearts in the dawn of understanding they need to ride
again the ecstatic flow of their relationship. It is this knowing and going together,
the beauty of mastering it, that keeps the two together for better or worse.

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The cycles of closeness and intimacy followed by pulling back---it may even be a
disengagement then a re-engagement and then finding the lost closeness again---
this is the up and down of a relationship, but then herein lies the charm, the
secret of knowing how to hold on to, how much is too much, how far to go and
then to pull back---there lies the magic of being alive and staying alive in a
relationship. Those who can live in the trust, vulnerability and intimacy of the
relationship do know how to balance the fear and desire, agony and ecstasy ---
and finally survive whatever comes along the way and no matter how they come,
they make a beauty, a poem, a melody out of it.

If we cannot trust the rhythm of life and relationship and let fear drive us to fight
the natural ebbs and flows, the more we thrash and crush the other heart, the
more we run the risk of drowning each other in this cycle of relationship. Just
trust and surrender to the rhythm of this flow, as there is no other rhythm---this is
the one and only truth that stands on the sands of time. It will make its own voice,
it will carve its own beauty, it will sculpt its own art, if you know how to flow in
faith and how not to question every move of it.

The meeting of the two personalities is a contact that was never there before, and
it is happening for the first time, new fresh as the infusion is birthed by the energy
of one into another. This is the rising of the sun, a sun that sets in your soul and in
your partner’s soul, one that intoxicates you and intoxicates the other---the
intoxication that is feeding both the starving souls----rise to the dance of it—give
in to the kiss of two souls. In this sacred tasting, will you lose yourself, and in this
losing, will you both find yourselves.

But then there are different flavors in a relationship. It is the ecstasy that drives
you and it is the agony that wrenches you. It is the surge that makes two souls
meet along the shores of a dancing ocean and it is the waning that makes you
recede from the passion of love. This is the affliction that struggles within with its
wordless cry…the question is do you live or do you die as you choose to tune into
its rhythm? Do you give in or do you give up while you choose to dance this
relationship dance? Will you step in a relationship desiring to have this dance of

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intense intimacy at all times, or will you understand the need for space allowing
each other to grow?

Will you understand the road to relationship journey, will you accept the truth
that intimacy can be challenged by distance and space, severity of emotions, and
if ever there rises a storm, will you follow the path of relational recovery? Will you
develop a solid sense of this intimate journey with your partner or will you be
grounded in your ego, thoughts and beliefs? Will you owe up to the needs of your
relationship journey at all moments of your lives or will you always look for the
flow and walk away from the ebb….will you embrace both the ebb and flow of
relationship with grace and peace or will you always look out for the dancing
delight and leave the sinking grief?

Therein lies the secret of success in the journey together. Love can hardly live
where there is no trust. It dangles dangerously waiting to crash. Because love
quiets to the sound of your mistrust, it can never breathe in the abyss of dirty
doubts, it can only breathe in the breeze of trust, when the sun-kissed light leaves
its message of hope. When the light speaks and shows its way to lean on trust and
to leave out all that stands in the way, we look at things with a new lens of vision
and suddenly a new vista dawns in the landscape of a dew-kissed nature.

So many souls are out there secretly crying in the penetrating loneliness, yearning
for someone’s understanding, longing for somebody’s companionship, craving for
the taste of someone’s heart, dying to reach out to another soul. But who has
ears to listen to their cry? Who can give them a place in their sacred space, who
can hold them in their stillness, who can bring them out from chaos, who can
show them the path to escape---an escape from the seething loneliness? Who can
have a little faith in the greater picture of a relationship that sings in

Who can dwell in the beauty of trust, who can show others that trust is the only
way and that there is no other way to ride the waves? You either learn how to
surf or you choose to drown and die. As trust will give you thousand moments of
freedom ---freedom from the anxiety, disengagement as the two hearts wane out
in the natural rhythm of a relationship. And herein comes the understanding that
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seems to be a rare book packed with depth, intelligence and inclusion of the
cyclical phases. Relationship has the fine mix, a fine balance of emotions and
space. If you yearn for the heightened feelings and if your desire drives you to
chase, then chase seems to be a significantly dangerous word for the beauty to

Rather while being in love, be also in the journey to your true self with you, delve
in the depths of you that adds a richness on your path, be in the quest of what
feeds your soul along the path of life, let yourself grow in the beauty of space and
separation. No space speaks of a loneliness if only you know how to breathe
beauty in it. All things have a beauty---even the stillness of space has its own
loveliness if you can see through it and not across it. You can breathe out the
chaos and breathe in the stillness.

You can breathe out the sound and breathe in the silence. While life does not
come with any promises, this at least casts an eclipse on the turmoil waters of life
which at times brings the troubled waters in the sea of relationship. While we
have no control over how our relationships die or dance, but we can at least
choose to tune into its various melodies and leave the rest to the course of its
natural rhythm. We all are in the search of finding a partner, a soul-mate with the
impression that their advent in our lives will make our life draped with perfection.
But no human heart sings in perfection at all times of their lives, as all humans
have their own moments, their own cry.

Which soul has never ached at least once in life? Which heart has never felt the
bleeding pain? Which heart was never bruised from the dirty dancing of betrayal?
Which soul has never cried in the loneliness of space? Which human has never
screamed in the vast stretch of night? Which soul has never longed to roll over
and cry? I guess, all humans feel the same---with or without shame. But the magic
speaks in being with someone who can make us feel alive, not that they will make
us perfect but that they can build something beautiful out of the all that stays
behind when ugliness leaves its way.

The truth of a relationship lies much in the beauty of freedom---dancing with each
other in the swell of intimacy yet not clinging to one another, sailing through the
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turbulent waters that come along the way and yet finding the tranquil waters of
love. That’s a relationship ought to die for. That’s a love ought to live for. Some
things are worth fighting for and some others are best left unfought. Some
melodies are best worth to be sung and some are best left unsung. Some words
are worth saying out while some others are best left unsaid. Knowing how to
breathe in the beauty of words, how to breathe in the best and breathe out the
rest…adds much of a richness to a relationship.

The meeting of a partner ---the advent of a togetherness lies in how delicately

both the hearts can balance, how beautifully they can meet and mingle the
intricacies of all emotions, and once you find that in someone---love that heart
with all that you have. Its not just the peak of the togetherness, but also the
storms and struggles of life that bind you to another more than any beauty can
ever do. It is also the sadness that brings each other in the solace of one another.
It is the loveliness of this love that can finally breathe in and breathe out what is
not meant to be.

You two can either cut each other or mend each other, love each other or leave
each other---but what hold you two together dwells on the aching need to give in
to the rhythm, so at the end two hearts can walk into something beautiful, and
not walk out on each other. Together they can co -create something beautiful to
look back at---it can be a journey of two hearts, a story to tell, a grandeur of a

Lifetime relationships are built on lifetime trust that knows not how to chase and
mistrust, how not to panic day in and day out in misgivings----but lifetime
companionships dwell in the depths of trust, in the richness of love that fills the
staring voids. It paints the portrait with a variety of hues, each coming with its
own message and together they make a piece of art.

The success lies in falling in love, developing an intimacy with yourself and sharing
that love with another soul who appreciates that beauty, knows when to flow and
when to ebb in this dance of intimacy, rather than always looking for love that can
make him complete and can make up for the void in his self-love. There are so
many streams of love, so many ways where it flows and they can be challenged in
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so many ways----and in the flow and testing of a relationship, the thing that we
are most set back by surprises is the unprepared endings.

But then the tragedy lies in the fact, that we have no control over how our story
begins or ends, we have no control in how a story is going to take its turn with the
passage of time, we never really know what the next chapter holds for us, but all
we do know is if we live in trust for the natural rhythm of a relationship, then the
story goes on as we turn the pages. Relationship flows like a brook, sometimes
the tranquil waters, and sometimes the troubled waters---but flow it must if it has
to come out alive.

Nobody knows the direction, where it is headed to, and it is never really a smooth
flow at all phases---it meanders—at times smooth, and at times rough---the
beauty lies in the ability to read into the hidden depths of what is left unsaid, to
feel what is unspoken and to see how this relationship evolves over time…this is
the way that it stands the test of time. And this is a most uncertain and though we
all yearn for the promised certainty, but deep down this is a question that only
time can answer.

As sad as it is to know that an unprepared ending lies in the future, but it is also
worth finding out whether it can lead to a most desired intimacy in our life, one
that can bring forth two souls in the best and worst of times. It is this love that
can make a soul see beyond what is said in moments of anger and pain.

As nothing lasts forever, no wind blows forever, no pain cuts forever, no heart
grieves forever---the winds of change are always blowing and how much or how
little we can adjust to these changes is what shapes the path of our relationship.
Every heart longs for a perfect ending, but they learn as they sail through the
waters---that relationship is a journey and it does not always have a clear
beginning, middle or end----it can either be beautiful in its simplicity or dangle in
its complexity, just like some poems do not rhyme.

Relationship is about not knowing what lies ahead, taking the chances, a calling to
change, seize every moment and make the best out of it.

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If you must leave a memory, a place where you have lived and loved, yet
bitterness came somewhere along the way—then know this, that softness and
hardness are all beautifully packed together in the indwelling beauty of
relationship. They complement one another, they never compete with each other
rather they bring out the best of love even after seeing the worst. They delve in
the depths of happiness and sadness, tenderness and bitterness---yet made it
through as learnt to ride the waves in faith and it is faith that carried them

Knowing when to relive the moments of life where love sang its melody and when
to seize looking at some of the yesteryears where your emotions are buried deep,
giving the pain a chance to come out in the openness of a new light—a light of
hope and understanding, to be able to see peace again, if it has died on the way---
the ability to understand that some questions in life are always unanswered…and
the acceptance---all comes into the picture when taking a broader look at the
dance of a relationship. As it is the wanting of one heart to understand another
heart ---how each one lives his/her life through and through, how the tidal waves
of life come and go, how they splash you both with a wisdom in this dance of

Instead of glancing at the moments of crash and clash, the times of bang and
blow, at the hardness of kick and knock--- two hearts need to delve in a
tenderness that also runs deep, but struggles to resurface at times due to sudden
trials of life—let the beauty find its way…-as this is a poem to find its own rhyme,
a song to find its own melody with the gradual unfolding of something called

The moments always walk with us, no matter where we go, we carry them with us
and within us---on the way, sometimes you leave them, sometimes they leave
you---but it’s a willingness to embrace the paradoxical beauty, the curiosity to
delve in its enigma, the courage to open the doors to the whirlwinds of a
relationship and the wisdom to know when to close---and even after all that is
gone---to take a look at what stays behind---and hear the whisper …there is still
something there---something to look back at---some beauty to cry for---some love

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to hold on to. That is the ultimate challenge which makes the dance of
relationship so ecstatic.

It may hurt at times, that if both of you can never reach love in the finer sense of
it, but then a relationship is like the tides, the change of seasons---no matter how
you try to shelter it---it writes itself in its own words. Whether it will move with
the flow or reach a dead end---that is something that only time can tell. Therein
lies the delicacy of relationships, intimacy and commitment.

Knowing how to break in the ugliness of battles in its cycle, how to walk away
from the word-to -word battle and reveal the best of them in beauty and grace---
this is how you become unapologetically beautiful in a relationship---flowing,
rising, dancing and then falling---rolling over, resting and then rising again. We die
containing a richness of dreams and desires, wanting to share them with our soul-
mates, wishing to taste with them the pleasures and pains of life.

Only someone who is ready to see through all encounters and experiences in this
delicate dance of relationship, will live as truly alive to the depths of his/her own
being. Herein lies the certainty that no one really knows his/her true beauty or
have a better awareness of her true worth until it has been reflected back to her
in the mirror of another caring soul. The intuition of intelligence, the dawning of
understanding, the sensitivity, the penetrating thoughtfulness---all reaches a
much more deeper beauty when they get reflected back to you from the light of a
similar soul.

The realization that peace comes in acceptance and not in resistance leads you to
walk away from the verbal defamation that sometimes comes along the way of a
successful relationship. The understanding that love begins with a bliss leads us to
breathe in all that is hopeful and to breathe out and release all that has passed---
living in the delicate mix of softness and hardness, bitterness and tenderness,
knowing when to pull and when to push, when to silence yourself and when to
speak out----therein emerges the dancing of two souls.

This is how a relationship writes itself out. Knowing how to deal with hardness of
feelings as they come along at times, lies in understanding ---that is, if you want

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the other’s hurt to reflect your level of pain, then it is something that rarely
happens, as the two rarely meet. When the other is silently hurting inside, he
needs a light of understanding from you, a whisper of hope from your heart that
can feed his soul with a new message that he is not in this journey alone---and
that you two dwell in this togetherness, to seek solace in each other’s comfort.
Without this grasp of truth, things begin to burn in a relationship and no matter
how much you take the wounds and try to kiss them away, it never really goes
away. Therein lies the art of survival---the art of keeping a relationship alive.

Seeing the same vista, sharing the same universe, beholding the same panorama,-
--whether it is pleasing or unpleasing, satisfying or unsatisfying and coming out
with your respective perspectives about them---that can be similar or different,
agreeable or disagreeable, complementary or supplementary, parallel or
reciprocal---but at the end the beauty lies in how to match another’s unmatched
thoughts. Being there at the moments of hatred, despair and weaknesses can
bring out the best in a relationship. Herein lies the beauty of sharing and caring,
the power of understanding ---a realization that can dawn both peace and power
in a relationship. It is this knowledge that can rule out the argumentative aspects
in a relationship and bring in the finer beauty in it.

There comes a time in your life when you have to choose whether to stay or to
leave a relationship, and the choice depends on how finely you can have a
broader vista of all the waves that come in this sea of relationship. Waves they all
flow, but what it flows with and what it leaves behind---and your understanding
of it with your heart as well as head makes you choose, whether it is time to turn
the pages and keep writing the story with your partner or whether the time has
come to close the book and share the journey with someone else waiting out

It will be another choice, another book with another waiting soul—the best or the
worst of a decision lies in the grasp of the situation and choosing to live with or
live without, while the cycles of relationship take their course. This is where the
best beauty walks in a relationship and that which was screaming in worst walks
out. As some of the most tormenting decisions depends on how two hearts can

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weather the saddest phases and not just shelter in the happiest ones. This is
where the best of you and the best of him all comes out and that is when the best
of your relationship begins to dance leaving out the worst. No two souls are alike
and each one of us is perfect with our own imperfections for the journey of life
and to see through this truth can add richness to a relationship. You are not an
exemplary for his journey, neither he can he be an exemplary for yours. But you
are packed with perfection when it comes to your journey and he is packed with
perfection when it comes to his.

But you two are headed to the same destination. Just because you both wonder
about each other’s paths, does not mean that you are lost or he is lost. And when
you understand this beautiful orchestration, it starts dawning a new meaning to
your relationship. Your interaction with him can be parallel or reciprocal
depending on how well you can look inside the truth of perfectly imperfect.

In this story of relationship, there comes the possibility of moments when what
we have chosen and what we desire at the deepest are the same or not so same.
No relationship can dance forever at its highest emotional pitch. But the beauty of
fidelity prepares us for the return of those priceless moments which give us the
highest joy that we have felt---of two souls being in the deepest communion, and
the times when they have felt the pleasures of being alive while they both danced
in the deepest intimacy----and also the memory of moments when they atoned
for their doings.

Fidelity brings in something called responsibility---the charm of a relationship

might dull or lose its luster in the daily mundaneness of life, but the power and
delight lies in knowing the secrets of going out of dullness and the ways of
breathing magic into it again.

These are the times of your life when the weaving of your relationship with your
partner weaves your story. How deep your story is going to run, whether it will
have its depth to delve in depends on how deep your emotions run, how achingly
you desire to rise the waves so at the end of the day, you just do not give in to the
calling of your heart but also to the call of fidelity. And when we seem to struggle
with the understanding of both, then comes those broken verses of our lives---
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which may struggle to sing a broken melody of our relationship. It is the art of
giving in to the mix of heart and head, passion and intellect---that rules whether it
is going to be fidelity or betrayal in a relationship. Trust brings a dangerous level
of beauty in a relationship. It is like a mirror. You can behold the beauty as a
whole in a mirror and it reflects back to you in such a wonder. But once the trust
breaks, no matter how hard you try to put the broken pieces back together---it
will always be a broken mirror. The shattered pieces may fit together but they
never again go back to where it once was.

There is no denying that life isn’t fair all the time---but the sea of love is fair in its
flow and depth---it never fails, it never forgets to send the waves back to the
shore---and all the broken dreams, the shattered souls---may find their way back
to each other trusting in the wisdom of hearts. There is a delicate dangling of love
where it weaves too many threads of hope and dreams, desire and passion,
coming and going, heartache and betrayal----and the weaving of all those brings
you to the essence of who you are---the fragrance that waited so long, gives out
at last….

At times, being broken from moment to moment, watching your world turn
upside down---you may feel lost inside yourself, wondering why you fell apart for
a passion that flamed so intensely within you---struggling within the chaos inside
your mind of what could have been/should have been, dwelling in restlessness
over the unresolved mystery---but the wisdom to look within and let go lets you
soar in a stillness which shows the light of freedom. You learn that there is no
perfect beginning or perfect ending.

All that weaves is a series of events that can either trouble the waters or calm
them down---but it is the art of knowing what to fight for and what to leave, as
love even though is a song of two souls---but nevertheless, it is a conscious
choice, and it is not effortless but effortful in its ultimate saying. You can never
stay asleep in love but stay awake every moment of it, as you never know when
the magic dies or dances. Love has its own needs—its need of nurturing and
reinventing itself every day in a rhythm that matches with the flow of events in
our lives, with the plethora of encounters that come along the way. Yes, dreaming

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is for lovers---but reality says something else. By participating more into your tale
of love, saga of your relationship---you breathe life into it, you add charm to it,
and every moment gets mesmerizing with a tantalizing touch of love. No moment
should ever be taken as granted, as love never comes with promises. It is always a
journey, an adventure of two souls together---how well they match each other’s
rhythm, speaks about their dance of intimacy. Love finds itself effortlessly but a
relationship asks for the courage to create it, an effort to sustain it. This is the
unspoken, unwritten truth about the truth of a relationship.

Understanding the painful longing and how far to stretch it also adds a voice to
the cry of relationship---sometimes it may lead two hearts to get in with a
yearning so intense that it aches inside---and some other times that same nest
can seem to be a cage from where two souls cannot seem to wait to get out and
have their paths to joy and freedom. There is a love that lovers can kiss and tell,
and there is another love that lovers would like to leave behind. It is then that you
know that love comes with its myriad hues and so does a relationship.

Undeniably, love gives a meaning to your existence---but it is what you do with

that new found meaning, whether you choose to live with and within its rhythm
that speaks out for your relationship. Love always sings as an effortless song, but
relationship breathes in an effortful choice. The wisdom lies in knowing in what is
effortless and what is effortful, what is spontaneous and what is to be intended.

Relationships entail playing of energy from the deepest places of your heart.
Letting go of them brings you to an emotional void. When you lose someone you
were tied to, at your heart, it gives you a new vision, a better clarity but at what
cost? The person whom you cling to, breathed an entire universe in you and you
in the beauty of that love there came many times, when you cling to him so much
that you learnt to see the world through his eyes, feel the depths of feelings
through his heart. Somewhere in your subconscious state, you made him a part of
you. The more your identity was wrapped up with your loving partner, the more
aching can be the loss, the more unending can be your pain.

Relationships can die because of the wanting for patience and understanding,
tolerance and optimism, and the delicacy of giving and taking. If somewhere in
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this delicate dance of two hearts, one soul fails to touch another soul---then it
breaks and break it must. And in those moments of turmoil, we need to see
through the broken pieces and see what really cause the break, what got it down
to crack. Is it worth fighting for, or is it best to leave behind and start all over
again with someone else, someplace else---or is it worth staying in? Herein comes
the question, are we in a relentless search for too ecstatic a happiness all the
time? As, being in search of a paradise at every moment of your journey with your
partner, may land you in nothing but despair and pain.

Dreams while they keep us alive, sometimes do not tune in with reality. And it is
there that we need to meet reality at its best. How to love a person without
clinging to, knowing the fine line of attachment brings in much of a contribution
in the beauty of a relationship---whether it survives or whether it dies. Loving
without attachments gives you the taste of freedom, but it does not mean
abandoning a person, a relationship that nourishes your soul---that awakens you
to bring out the best in you.

Loving without clinging is also an art that the heart needs to master—too often
we mingle love with dependency, too often we confuse love with clinging. And
the more we cling, the more we lose the sight of love…the more the tranquil
waters fade away and intense becomes the turmoil beneath all that was
beautiful. How to surf this sea of love without clinging is the hardest part of this

Therein lies the fine balance between ascension and descension, the meeting and
departing of the tides of love. Not knowing how to flow with the pattern of waves
can lead to you to a downhill and to an emotional injury and then comes the
struggling journey of recovery. To get back what you once had, to find the
sweetness despite all the sadness that came along the way----is the hardest of all,
and that is what makes this journey so adventurous, not knowing what lies ahead
and hiking amongst the trails of uncertainty, living with an uncertainty, mastering
the fine mix of push and pull--- all takes a conscious choice.

But no matter how hard is the day, tender is the night in the immersion of peace.
To be able to touch up the magic of romance amidst the ups and downs in your
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togetherness, is a conscious effort. The day may come with its abrupt recklessness
in the journey, but it is the amazing yet the agonizing moments of the
togetherness that weave the ultimate richness and brings in the finer concept of
love. It is the co-existing of both and the art of knowing how to handle them that
brings out the best or the worst in a relationship. That is what turns a relationship
into either a beauty or a beast.

Along the path comes much of an emotional density but it is our intrinsic ability to
release what was not meant for us, and to take with us what leaves us with
beauty---it is this priceless gift that tells much of a tale in the journey of
relationship---whether it is meant to die or whether it is meant to live.
Somewhere in the middle, when you delve in the decision whether to stay or to
quit---comes the relentless haunting in your mind---did you ever really stay or is it
that you left without ever leaving.

It is a struggle to breath freshness amidst the stagnated leaves of your life, it is

the art of breathing life into the lifeless, it is the art of breathing love again into
that which suddenly seems so loveless, the wisdom to sing a melody in the
saddest of hearts---this is the priceless art that says much in a survival or crash of
a relationship.

Filling in the void when it seems so unbearable, breathing power again into a
powerless relationship, bringing back the fire that seemed so extinguished---
brings significance again into the seemingly insignificant relationship. And this is
where things begin to sparkle again in the dawning of a new freshness---as the
glistening teardrops turn to all that is love again. Whether to get lost or to find
your way again in this dance of wild intimacy stands on how far or how less you
want to go with the rhythms that come along the way.

In the relationship, two souls are beautiful mess, each is chaotic but added with
richness---and loving one another needs to be felt as an adventure. What is worth
keeping need to be saved and what is worth letting go need to be left as it is a
whisper of the truth ---that we leave behind whose who can be a part of our
history, but not to meant to be a part of our destiny. In the duet dance of two
souls, one must realize that while looking at the mistakes of the partner, the
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partner is not the mistakes---he is wrapped up with his beautiful identity and yes,
mistakes may cross the way---but mistakes do not define him. And love needs to
be unapologetically beautiful in the sense that it needs to stretch forgiveness
even in the hardest of moments.

In the process, if you have to cry, then cry out the pain and let the waters flow as
this is how you flow with the waters of healing. Beauty steps in incredibly when
You can meet him halfway and let him meet you the same way, and somewhere
along the line, both of you may bloom with an indwelling desire to look past each
other’s mistakes that once seemed so unforgiving, and suddenly peace falls in
with its forgiving beauty. There is nothing more rarely beautiful than a soul
blossoming unapologetically in his/her true essence. That is when love becomes a
splendid adventure. It comes out of the ordinary and steps into the extraordinary.
It shows the many hues of love, each with its own whisper.

Release what yesterday gave you, refresh yourself in the breeze of today and be
another you who can meet your partner in the new light of a new day with love to
begin with. So, you can learn to embrace the best of what you have in this dance
of relationship and move forward with him in the next rhythm about to come.
Break through the barriers of the mistakes and embrace the blessings of the
present moments that you have with your partner, open your eyes to the beauty
that surrounds you both, look into the promises of the love that you share with
him, let them absorb you, consume you so you pour in the best of love in your
relationship and together you can you both can have the best of your adventures.

This is how the dance continues, it never looks back, it leaves the yesteryears with
their mistakes and peeps into something new to be explored. So you both can
find abundance in the real simplicity of things, and together you both can see the
infiniteness in the finite beauty, and plenitude in the fewer things of life. Seize
the moments and live them to the fullest of your love---a love that ripens into
something beautiful like a poem.

The seed that was born within you and him gradually sprouts into hope and
happiness, and a new understanding comes in you both---that love is for sharing
and learning together, forgiving and healing each other. It only takes a split
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moment to forgive but in a struggling relationship, its beauty can last a lifetime.
At times, moments may come in when you might be beaten and betrayed by the
worst of mistakes, but they do not defeat you ---neither do they deny you love. As
when you look forward with all the love in your eyes, you finally find out that the
best is yet to come.

All things have their own timings, and it is in the passage of time, that you see
that the best can come out only in an openness of every details and never on
unfounded hopes, and it is then no falsity dwells and truth can dawn in every
moment so the love that you once thought you lost was never really lost at all---as
what is true never really dies---its aftertaste lingers for eternity. This is the very
least respect that a relationship blooms in as it has its own dignity, its own
esteem, its own values---something to live for. The encounter of two souls is
sacred in the sense that it was a meeting designed by God above, and it will be
always be held by a love so enduring, a tenderness so melting.

Never let the mistakes press upon you, never let them call and recall you, rather
let his being, his existence fill your thoughts with all the beauty –let the mistakes
fade in the mist of forgiveness---let them burn in the flames of yesterday. Let the
love revive you both with an intensity that feeds your hunger, so you can live
inside of him and he can live inside of you. This is the awakening of a relationship
where the imperfections live in the past and the present tries to meet perfection
in the best of ways. This is when you dare to trust and you both open yourselves
to love and intimacy. You embrace a dream and then write it out on the hearts of
faith and forgiveness.

Wisdom flows in your realization that a relationship is a mix of both security and
adventure and it is always ongoing. It has years ahead in which to deepen the
togetherness. It is a story that you two will write together, one with many
chapters and no one knows how it will begin or end. There will always be a place
where you both have not gone yet, always a side in each other that you both have
not discovered yet. Something new will always come at their own timings with its
own story to tell.

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The most priceless step in a relationship is to flow in openness---as it brings in the

so desired intimacy in a relationship, it dawns in such a forever place in the most
untamed regions of love---where two hearts sing to the song of love and each can
reflect the light of love on another…this is the candle that lights them, both at
times of hope and despair and this is the light that can see them through. Within
this light is the gift of blessing- the bliss that bathes them both in adversity and
prosperity. The power yet the peace in your relationship comes out when you
truly have an intensely powerful relationship with yourself. The moments when
you can hold yourself up as life turns your sanity into insanity, in the beauty of
that strength will you learn how to hold your relationship in the light of strength.

How not to overthink, how to master the art of overlooking that which needs to
be overlooked, how to accept some things as best left and how to find things that
need to be picked up---so much of its delicate complexity dwells in a relationship.
The greatest love stories are not the ones that you speak out but the ones that
you breathe in love through your doings. Where you act on love and not just
speak, where the bonding drives you to do the most sacrificial of things, where
the grief of one bleeds in another and where the joy of one gives birth to
something beautiful in another.

This is when you create the sacred space where love can come and rest in faith as
it this faith that can hold two hearts together in their voyage together, it is this
trust that helps them to ride the waves against the setting sun of life. Now the
waves can break but the breaking of waves can never really explain an entire sea
of relationship. And the truth is no matter how much they ebb and flow, how
wildly they billow, you can never really stop the waves, but you can only learn
how to dance to their rising and falling, how to surf them in the desired moments
of love. As waves are the voices of a relationship. And when the waves hit your
feet and crash you on the sands, it is then that you wonder ---is it the end of
everything, or is something still left?

But at the end, it is the waves of love that help you get back to yourself. The
endless waves can break in the shallow waters that a relationship may encounter,
and over the rocky bottoms, so its best to take care and make a conscious choice

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before you try to ride it. The currents can be strong and fast, wild and rapid. And
sometimes it can be a slumbering slow, but it is the unpredictable waves that you
both need to learn how to surf the swell, how to rise with its surge and how to
take it slow in the dwindling passions of love.

Love is driven by a cultivation of good friendship. It is the seed of friendship that

sprouts into something like a blossoming love. I love that blooms almost always
dwells on the fulfillment of friendship. Its beauty unfolds with the opening of
petals one by one of a soul to soul friendship. Therein lies the enrichment, the
nourishment, and the beautiful feeding of two souls. When the two hearts burn
away their fears and ways of being that do not feed their souls, something
beautiful happens.

When they open their hearts and let down their guards, a scared fire begins to
burn and each heart can feel the safety and truth of the relationship, as the fears
begin to burn away. Something meaningful is created when we step through our
fears and step into our sacred purpose---the communion of two souls and the
seeing of beauty in each other so as to move with the currents of life.

The fire of passion is lit again and it leads you somewhere into the depths of
something to live for. Knowing the song that makes your heart sing and then
being able to sing it out brings out the clarity in your mission and purpose. It may
be a difficult truth but it is the truth that can be ultimately liberating. In the
process of blooming in authenticity, you need to burn away all that holds you
back from being the best of you, stripping off all the fears and illusions that rule
your thoughts---but in the burning of your own insecurities, lies a risk---that you
might get burned away. Its about finding the courage to face the inner image of
you when you are all alone staring at yourself.

And then you begin to connect with other souls, share your creativity with them,
and you begin to see them in a different light as the flames flicker magically in the
darkness. The smoke rises, it wakes you up, brings tears to your eyes and
gradually the intense heat stirs something within. Communication is the doorstep
to intimacy. It is like the pile of wood that sits between you and the other soul.

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The pile is built of your fears, perceptions, insecurities, beliefs and stories that you
cannot find the courage to share with another heart.

When you walk away from fear and begin to courageously share what makes up
this pile that sits between you two---you are stepping into the fire and inviting
others to do the same. That is a calling which comes out from your soul and goes
to another soul---welcoming others to step in the fearless way that you did. And
amidst this courage lies an enchanting beauty of your heart. This is the stepping
inside of intimacy of two hearts. As you all stand in this fire together, the pile
burns away and both of you can be authentic to one another and can find a
meaningful beauty out of that authenticity.

What you give to yourself, you are able to give to others and it will come back to
you---it will return to you in a thousand ways. Feed your purpose and you will find
joy and fulfillment. Your shadows of fear are what you don’t own but what owns
you. You are not them---they don’t’ define you. In the shadows live the aspects of
yourself that you are not very conscious of, that are not very aware of. Let these
hidden aspects come out of their shadows and let them die in the burning flames.
When you shed your fears and judgements---you become deeply connected to
your purpose. You can shine in authenticity and let that light shine in others so
others can step put of their fears and step into their purpose and get the so
desired fulfillment.

You sit in silence and hear a song that you never heard before. This is the song of
authenticity that is born out of that burning. It changes things, and it leads you to
imagine, invent and heal. It helps you to explore, create and inspire thousands of
wordlessly sobbing souls. It helps you to push humanity forward. How else can
you stare at a broken ruin and see a treasure there? How else can you make a
work of art out of the broken pieces? While some may perceive them as a
hopeless end, someone else might be there who may see it as a beautiful shore.
Living your life like a magical flame and dancing in a meaningful, purposeful
beauty can bring out that enchanting light which can shine in another soul and
can burn away all that is holding him back.

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The glow that is born is an unforgettable beauty, a light that can speak to a dying
soul. That is the starlight dancing in the eyes. Rather than feeling the pain and
betrayal, we come to a new understanding of a new chaos, a chaos that helps to
find ourselves and to dream and create further in life. Underneath a powerful fire
lies some burning embers that create the fire. Burying those embers never
creates the fire---burying the emotions never gets you in connection with
yourself. Without the embers, a fire never burns.

Without your emotions coming to surface, you can never let go and let in of your
deepest dreams and desires. You find your voice again, you find your way back to
an awakened communication which is a conscious choice. Rather than taking it
fast, it is the choicest wisdom to deepen our bonding with ourselves, to delve
deep in the lost connection and to let our beautiful voice to surface again---as
what is beautiful never truly dies. It lives and speaks in eternity.

The path, passion and purpose in life often seem to arise from the fire that was
dying inside, but suddenly started to burn again—it burns so bright that you find
the gentle voice deep within, deep down that can lead you to a beauty so
irresistible. This is the calling of your soul. That is the path that lies ahead. The
beauty is so enticing, the call is so tempting. This is the seductive beauty of life
that immerses two hearts as it brings its beauty in the relationship. The powerful
yet so peaceful view---what else can it add other than the richness to a

As you get connected to your deepest being---your inner knowing, your values
and your shadows---you find out that all this while, all these have been patiently
waiting inside of you to meet you in your authenticity---and you find your space
to see and hear and honor another soul. Gratitude springs from that learning in
awareness and it is this grace that plays its beauty in your relationship with your
significant other. You acknowledge the wisdom that came from your authenticity-
--your being at peace with your feelings and that outpours its beauty into the
relationship journey that you share with another soul.

There is a time when you will feel the best of love in him and he will find the best
of that love in you. But then the moments roll over. And yes, there will be
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moments when you will hurt him and he will hurt you but it is the weaving of love
and hurt that makes it a beauty in fulfillment. This is the necessity of a
relationship to breathe and live. That is the needed beauty for its existence.
Without winter, how can appreciate the spring? This is the risk of the journey, but
in this risk lies the possibility of finding the love of togetherness.

Spring can never sing without the chill of winter. It can be a terrible and a
beautiful thing at the same time. Which relationship can ever defy this truth? The
more you try to skip the risk, the further you run away from finding this beauty.
Don’t you want to see it for the beauty that it is? Don’t you want to find that soul
which can sing the song back to you? It is our fear of the insecurities that can cast
our hope into shadows. If only we have the openness to embrace our shadows,
can we see the light in a relationship. You can never see the sunrise without
seeing the sunset.

Which relationship has ever bloomed in beauty without ever walking in struggles?
First, give wine to your own soul, only then, can you give your wine to another
soul. Your authenticity has an essence---it has the essence of innocence and
wonder---you need to get back the lost art of re-connecting to that essence---so
you can pour that essence in the flowering of your relationship. It is that fragrance
that feeds the blooming, it is that authenticity that helps you give in your best in
this much awaiting journey.

Creativity, possibility, connection, wonder, innocence---they all have their own

beauties to bring out in a relationship. You meet your other self. You lose all that
imprisons your mind and releases you in the boundless expansion of confidence
and security. This is your silent drive to your inner you---the way you were seeded
at the time of your birth, you just get back in touch with your own sprouting and
you bring out that beauty in your relationship so this journey together can be a
meaningful blooming---something that can be enlightening and not exhausting in
the ultimate picture---that can be feeding and not starving in the fulfillment of
hunger. It is then that you both begin to feel the contentment out of that
fulfillment in a relationship.

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Let your love for your partner span in the beauty of past, present and future so
you can see the sweetness of your love in remembering it, experiencing it and
looking forward to it in the years to come. The lasting beauty lies in the way you
look at your relationship, the way you speak to the other heart, the way you
nurture it---may all that reflect the truth that you would spend an eternity in
dancing to its rhythm, no matter what it brings. You may end up with broken
pieces and he may end up with broken pieces, by the winds of life, but when you
two face the battles together, it is then that you can make a beauty of wholeness
out of whatever is left---what was once shattered and seemed so hopelessly end
of everything---doesn’t look so hopeless----all on a sudden look so hopeful.

Your togetherness with another heart, makes the journey so worthwhile, that
beauty unleashes every step of the way. It can be a wonderful journey of love and
exploration, with the beauty of acceptance and not resistance dripping along the
way. May you meet a soul that can pour in love with the breathtaking beauty of
words and define it by the actions beyond all doubts. Let the speaking beauty of
that love come out in actions as well as bloom in words. May you receive a love
that makes you feel reborn every moment of it, may you see a heavenliness in
that love and may you lose yourself in its fragrance only to find yourself again.

May you have the strength to walk away from a relationship that makes you feel
worthless and hopeless, may you realize the differences between being worthless
and feeling unappreciated. May you inspire one another to accept yourselves,
may you help each other to see the perfection in your own imperfections, may
you both see the light that inspires each other to dream and to create more.

Life has a way of answering questions when you least expect them. At times, over
expectation of everything in a relationship, beginning from romantic bliss to
making you feel the magic within every moment, the seemingly endless list—the
unrealistic hopes that crash once they land on reality---all have their own way of
hitting a relationship---all come with their own powerful impact---but it is what
they leave behind---that needs to be mended as a whole. At some point, the
magic dies, the passion recedes---but it is what you do with the dwindling magic,
how you breathe charm in it again.

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This needs a detailed understanding of relationship dynamics---how it makes and

how it breaks, how it flows and how it recedes---this is the delicate dancing of the
waves as they sometimes to meet you both in the hunger of hearts, and
sometimes they crash on you both leaving you in a heartache that seems so
unbearable. Upon reflection, you penetrate in the occurrence of events that may
have passed you by, but they probably left you with a wisdom to look into.

The magic in a relationship comes from your own magic within. If the charm of
your soul makes you feel alive, only then, can you breathe charm in another soul.
Let your dreams live within you, only then can you help another soul to see others
to see through their dreams. If the passion within you is alive, only then can you
breathe passion in another soul. Heartache while it speaks about the end of a
relationship, it never really speaks about the end of love. How can something as
enchanting as love come to an end? No, it breathes and keeps breathing in
eternity. It is just that while someone could not be the right one for you, someone
else is out there waiting to breathe love in your hungering soul.

One of the ways to hold to a lasting beauty is to bring in the light of honesty in a
relationship. Never smear the beauty of truth by falling in for the temptations, be
childlike in the light of openness as without it, the beauty of a relationship dies at
some point. And the feelings of pain and betrayal seem to consume you to an
extent where you see nothing past pain. It is an endless surge of heartache that
never seems to go away. And it this truth that your relationship needs to be
immersed in to start with. As the beauty that dawns from honesty never truly dies

The greatest love stories always begin with the greatest of friendships. What
makes you think, that without sipping the friendship, you both can sip love? The
beauty of two hearts reaching out to each other in moments of a treasured
friendship ---much later, turn out to be the moments of an intense love. The
beauty that was once seeded in friendship finally becomes the seed of love which
over the coming years, blooms into its deepest meaning, its greatest joy. Is this
not something that you both want? Or would you want the magic to die?

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No, true hearts know how to keep the magic alive though appreciation and
friendship. It is the relationship that dies in the lack of appreciation, but love
never dies. IT lies sleeping, somewhere dormant, waiting to wake up and dance---
but it is the need of attention, the lack of appreciation that subdues the
relationship and at its extremes, causes it to die. This is the real dynamics of a
relationship. Take time to reflect and let go of your past relationships, and
recognize them for what they are now in your life… they are gone. They are
yesterday’s memory. Even though each came either a as lesson or as a blessing,
but they no longer need to hold you back.

The tides have washed away and all that is left is nothing but the memories.
Never dwell on trying to control others behavior, never let them have a stressful
impact on the peace that prevails in your heart. Worrying about all that over
which we have no control simply invited stress. Why do you want to do that to
yourself? You are better than that. You are someone who is worthy of respect and
appreciation, love and nurturing, as it is in this delicate nurturing---that you can
feel and speak love and the other can show and be love.

As much as the words have a beauty and an art of its own, but at the end---it is
the behavior that speaks, it is the behavior that reveals the best and worst of
feelings. Never dwell on what could have and should have happened, instead
relax and experience life in all its beauties, embrace all the encounters that cross
your path, know that each meeting was designed by God above, it was not an
accidental meeting---rather, that meeting had a purpose, a meaning that can only
unravel its wonders in the passage of time.

When you seek beauty in a soul---try to find that depth in not just the physical
aspects but also in who and what the heart is in an entirety. As beauty lives in a
multi-dimensional manner, not in a unidimensional way. Mingling love and
passion, openness and companionship, physical and emotional intimacy---the art
of knowing the blending of all, so each can reveal its true beauty and keep the
magic alive---that is the art of sustaining a relationship.

Any relationship is written on the sands of love, the tidal waves may flow over it,
but it is something that is engraved in eternity. The sustaining of that gift is an
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ongoing journey, it never stops as when it pauses, then it loses its beauty. You
should never dim the light, rather keep the light burning bright. As it is by burning,
that it grows stronger than ever, steps out of what was not meant to be and steps
in of what needs to be. It is in this exiting and entering, that you never lose the
venture meant to be with your partner. You may have your vision through your
eyes, he may have his vision through his eyes, but together they make a merged
vision of something that speaks of beauty.

Let your light break in the darkest his nights and let his light break in the darkest
of your nights. And together you both can see the light at the same moment,
when it is needed the most. Let the waves of love dance in your souls so it can
clean all the pending bewilderment and confusion that comes to drown you both.
May you never get lost in the ups and downs, in the battles of arguments that
come along the way---but may you always find the love that can bring you back to
him. As it is in this returning, that you can sing the song back to him. One half is
his melody, the other half is yours ---together, the two melodies create a beautiful
song of love---something that can turn a gut-wrenching pain into the greatest love
story of life.

May you be able to engage in conversation that can immerse you both in sanity ,
may passion always drive you insane, may honesty dawn a light on what leaves
and what needs to stay, may companionship never leave your side at the best and
worst of times, and no matter how rough the storms were, may you find in him
the greatest madness of your soul, may bliss fall everyday in your romance and
may your journey together always carry a magic that can sustain a life.

May you always see a madness in love that can give you both freedom and safety,
may love always give you the wings to fly and the retreat to safety, may you
forever find awesomeness in what looked awful , may you look past all that
caused you to cry and may you look into all that blooms into smiles…this is the
love that rouses a sleeping soul---that awakens the vision into the light of
something never beheld before, never felt before. This is the feeling that runs
deep, brings out all that was buried deep inside and breathes back life in the light
of love—a love to tell and a love feel.

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You are beautiful in your own blooming. In your own way. Your capacity to hold
life and love is immense so you can pour and outpour your loveliness to the other.
You are beautifully sculpted, wonderfully seeded by God with love and light from
beyond/ You are sculpted with the same truth, the same power of cyclical
changes that orchestrates the fleeting beauty of seasons, the truth of change.
May you embrace yourself with the coming changes in your life in this beautiful
season. May you find your hidden song and dance with the rhythm of beauty that
you find in the other, may you capture the spirit in him so it can fill you with life in

May you find exquisiteness in motion as your relationship moves in time. May you
find an enchanting beauty in your partner, may elegance always find its way in the
dance of your intimacy. May the deepest of your conversation be filled with the
bubbles of your laughter and may your moments together be something timeless
in its beauty. May you find the soul of a lover in him, may you feel the passionate
entwinement of love and life in him. May you find the sense of belonging, a home
forever in his loving gaze. May you find you home in his arms. May your love story
always have an authenticity. May you two always meet life in the love that you
share and may its richness dance in an enchantment for all the years to come.

May you have the wisdom to embrace the truth of your relationship every
moment of it as in this acceptance lies the promises of lastingness. All the holding
back that you ever faced when entering into the relationship melt away in the
engulfing beauty of love, in the healing depths of it. Embarking on the journey
together and running deep in commitment helps you both to see the best of your
dreams together. Let go of any past that is holding you back, as what holds you
back eats you up inside, has power over you and rules your happiness.

The past already let go of you, so why cling to it, ---some dead relationship, some
devastating betrayal, something that was not meant to be till the very end, why
hold on to it and let it come in your dreams with your present? Let go of
something that already let go of you---as it is in this letting go that you can find
the best of love in a best of relationship with someone else in the days to come.
Let wisdom fall into your perspective, so you see something meaningful,

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something to learn from your past---take in the pain of your past and see it as a
piece of wisdom that taught you something, left you with something—so you can
learn from it, at the same time let go of the yesterday’s event and let in today’s

Make sure that your unfulfilled dreams find their fulfillment in the love that you
share, that it never has a space for could have and should have. Never leave a
chance for the story to be untold, rather let it be the love story that found its own
words, let it never be a wordless melody, but a melody that found its own lyrics
from two hearts walking together in the happiest and saddest seasons of life. Let
you love never be starved, but nourished, let it never be discouraged but
encouraged by the challenges and dreams of life. Let your love have the cadence
of openness and forgiveness, let it never die out of them. Let the sunrise of your
love never be defined by the sunset of your yesteryears.

A time comes into every relationship when you harness the blessed beauty in it,
so it shows you how to transcend from the mere existence of a relationship into
an empowering love, one that can awaken both the souls into a light that
penetrates into the ordinary and turns it into something extraordinary. Never let
your fears and insecurities birth into a regret that can eventually burn away your
love. This is the power of empowerment, the authenticity getting born out of the
inauthenticity of a relationship, so it can live out its dreams that were meant to

It is this awakening that guides you both to cross the hurdles standing in the way.
It is this light of wisdom that helps you both to see the truth---that every new
moment comes once in a lifetime, every shared moment becomes once in a
lifetime love. Would it not be exciting to see the dawn of this truth and to live in
love, so you can make the best out of your journey? Wisdom lies in the ability to
see things when the time is right. Never let your fear find its voice, never let your
insecurities try to validate themselves, as it is in this battle, that your relationship
takes a hit and can very well lose the sight of its shore.

Let your relationship reveal the love and beauty at every moment, so you can
gaze at its truth and find your home there. Let it show you to return to that truth,
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when you get lost in the wilderness of your journey together. Feel the deepest
desires of your spirit and let them find their freedom, have the courage to love
fiercely yet tenderly, have the sensitivity to feel love and being loved with a
passion so intense that it wells tears in your eyes. Only then love knows how to
flow freely---as it is in this freedom that you both can sip the wildest intoxication
that you ever had.

Let the truth of your relationship get reflected by the choice of the steps that you
both take. Let the beauty come out in the light of that seamless connection, let it
reflect a love that is beyond the beauty of words. Never let betrayal and drama
cut deep in your relationship, rather let them melt away in this love, so it returns
to its shore time and time again. Rather than your fears defining the moments of
love, let the beauty seize every moment as you both ride the waves of its magic.

Never let the agony of yesterday or the fog of pain blind you to the myriad
promises that love comes with, never let the pain blind your soul so it cannot see
the plethora of ecstasies that are waiting to be found. The survival of a
relationship lies in keeping away your delusions and keeping alive that which
nourishes the love and takes it to a greater awakening. Let the nourishment take
you both to a spiritual and emotional fulfillment.

Change what needs to be changed that stands in the way, create what needs to
be created, resolve what stays unresolved, answer your own unanswered issues
in the relationship, and begin to live in your dreams of togetherness---so you get
to bask in the light of contentment as it is in this basking that you get the ecstasy
of fulfillment. Be you in the best of your authenticity, so it can lead to an
enrichment in love, an enchantment of beauty in your relationship. Never walk
away from that which is real in you, as it is this walking away, that you walk into
that which is not the best of you, that which is far from authenticity.

May your empowerment unveil the veils of fear that you ever held and may this
unveiling allow you to see the endless possibilities lying ahead in a love to begin, a
journey to embark with the other heart. Live the best of your dreams with what
you have and while you have it with your partner, as you never really know what
truly lies ahead. Because, in the ultimate analysis, God is the melodist and your
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love is the melody, he is the song-writer and you are his song---it is God’s will that
brings an encounter on your path, it is by his design, that makes two souls
commune with each other, it is by his blessing, that you two will find a retreat in
each other. It is by his orchestration, that you two will find a home in one
another. It is by accepting this truth, that you can both can see the shorelines of
love, a beauty that is mingled with much of a heavenliness.

Yes, love has its own moments that may bring you to the knees, but it also comes
with moments that are laced with beauty---if only you can have the strength to
find it, the heart to share it, and the wisdom to live in the beat it while letting the
rest go in peace. The best of love lies in the gradual unfolding of your own
refinement and enhancement of your inner beauty. The more you refine your
authenticity, the more is revealed the best of you. The more you enhance your
awakening, the deeper is the message of love that whispers music to your ears.
And that is when you both create something amazing, something ought to die for.

Be in a relationship that moves you, that lets you flow in its own currents of
dynamics, rather than holding you in the boredom of a mundane complacency.
Let the relationship nourish you with a love that can stir your soul and release the
best of your beauty. May the best of you come out of the gradual unfolding of
your story with your partner, so you can truly find yourself in your greatest
version. Let your love inspire you to burn your endless energy with choicest
actions so you can see the light of fulfillment of your deepest dreams and desires.

Speak out your love through your deeds and ways of matching the rhythm of it.
Falling in love is a wildness of hearts, but to sustain the relationship that is born
out of it, is the wildest of adventure. The sensations that you give into along the
way create some of the best of moments, that can come with a story to tell. But
then how do you sustain those sensations throughout the passage of time---that
speaks in the art of keeping a relationship alive.

Struggles strengthen a relationship, challenges may come along the way but it is
whether you choose to overcome them, defy them or give in to them---that
shapes your destiny. Will you appreciate the greatness of love so as to fight for it
or will you choose to walk away and give up? Herein lies the question of do or die.
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Will you be unapologetically beautiful in your soul or will you choose another
path? This is where the struggle lies---the struggle between the head and heart.
But at the end, your heart rules your mind, then embrace what is waiting for you,
as it is in this embracing that you release yourself in all the blessings to come.

Whether you want to cut away the bruises of past and delve into the happiness of
present ---all speak out in the wisdom of your choices. Each moment, each day
carries all the blessings of love that can empower you both and can lead you more
to each other in the wake of a new love. Your relationship is not behind you—
rather it is ahead of you, the best of moments are yet to come and while the
saddest of beauty has left you, if only you can take a look of positivity in all that
you see, if only you feel the desire to bring back the life that is in wanting, in need
of a healthy relationship. The best of your journey is by not knowing it in advance
but in experiencing it by walking every step, by treading into the unknown,
holding on to each other, to see what the unknown has in store for you both---be
it tears or smiles, walk this together in the blessings of God above.

In this journey of sharing together moments of life, let the voice of your
relationship speak to your soul and keep you alive, so you can smell its fragrance
and feel the sky in togetherness. Meet the other soul where the sky touches the
sea, where the waves meet the shore, where meeting and departing is a daily
rhythm, but in the ordinary rhythm of that melody, do you find the extraordinary.

This is the seeing where your world begins with him, where something new,
something beautiful blooms every moment. Where you can have freedom, open
air and adventure at every moment, every step of your journey together---where
love never falls so short that you cannot see the beauty together with him. Feel
love as you get out there dancing in the adventure with him, touch the light of his
soul and immerse in his sea of his waves. Be alone with the pure sky of his heart.
Let his sea cast its spell over your soul that may hold you forever.

As you immerse in the sea of his soul, it can have a such a tremendous beauty to
entice you with, that you can drown all the terrible tragedies of your life in that
beauty and can emerge with a hope that you never felt before, a sunrise that you
can both see together, a seaside beauty where you can both immerse together.
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Let the sensuous touch of his sea enfold you in a beauty that nourishes your soul,
that can feed your age-old hunger.

Explore the secret of his sea as it is in this exploring, that you find him in his truest
authenticity, his richest beauty that can outlive the rest. It is that sea of his soul
which will fill your longings for a lifetime to come if only you know how to truly
immerse in the waters and emerge as a rising star. And if you can see the light of
that connection, then you will find that there is nothing more enchanting, nothing
more enticing than your life at the sea of his soul. The sea may be a plethora of
his emotions, some of which you may love and some other may make you weep.

But it is the mountains, the wilderness, the sea inside of him that develop the
fierce yet the tender in him so the wholeness of the beauty never destroys you
but rescues you. That is the art of beauty gushing forth. The sun-kissed mountain
tops have a message for you, the wilderness in him has a whisper for your soul,
the sea in him has its own invitation---if only you have the heart to see that. All
that was restless in you will find a resting peace in his soul, all that was struggling
within you will find an emotional retreat in the depths of his sea. If you can learn
how to see the richness in the billows of his sea, and to be thrilled at the beauty,
truly then you can feel what is sublime and beautiful in the connection that you

There is no more thrilling sensation than sailing the waters of his sea, to feel what
you feel along the voyage, to see what you see, to wonder at every gaze and to
dance with the poetry of his sea and the melody of his soul. For every moment
that you see, there will be a beauty that can stir in your soul what needs to be
stirred, so it can create a chaos and out of that chaos comes peace, the so
desired, much needed peace. Let the rhythm of his waters set your soul free. And
you will grow wild and free in the place that you dream, where your longings are
filled and between the cracks of brokenness, will you see a growth that have
never seen before, in all that seemed so dark, will you see a light that seems to

In his love, do you write the saddest lines of your heart into the greatest poetry of
your life. Somehow, someday you will find yourself in that love. Loveliness will fall
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on you as dew falls on the rose in the first crack of the dawn. And the poetry of
love will come in search of you, it will stir you to rise, it will create a dancing chaos
within you, so you find the love, the beauty where you can rest leaving all your
fears behind. The sorrows that welled within will suddenly burst forth in joy. The
sunbeams of his love will meet all that was longing inside of you and somehow
out of that meeting, will you feel the filling of that void that was silently starving
and secretly seeking to be sought after.

This is the story of your love with him that writes all the seasons of your love,
every line of it mingles with truth and beauty, smiles and tears, takes you down to
the seat of thinking, makes you wonder what stays and what goes in a
relationship, what comes and what receded, the feelings that matter the most,
the emotions that drive a relationship forward, the beauty that can awaken a
dancing madness within your soul yet can give you the serenity when needed.

The love that speaks, the peace that prevails is the best beauty of all that lives in
the best of relationships---where you can drink the dew of beauty that glistens in
the silence of serenity, where you can taste the wildness of adventure yet the
calmness of tranquility…where you can sip the agony and ecstasy---both, that
blend in such a superb richness, that all which is unworthy of love walks away and
what stays behind is an unending loveliness. The gradual weaving and unweaving
of all the emotions, the feelings that came along the way gave birth to a vista that
brought you a wisdom that you can tap into for the years to come. It is not
something that falls on its own but something that is created, something that
springs on its own with the gradual unfolding of time.

Intimacy is always a weaving of heart pounding adventures in search of the

mysterious melody of love. Its beauty lies beyond the syllables, in the thirst inside
the melodies, in the hunger between the unwritten lyrics. This is a kiss of two
souls that never breaks away with time. This is a flow of two rivers that never
truly dies away. It flows in an enshrined eternity. Where the sight of one searches
for another soul. It is the meeting where time trembles, a moment when hearts
meet in an ecstatic delight---it is then that poetry comes in search of you both,
takes its voice from the rain of love, the wilderness of adventures---all mingling

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and merging. The love that comes out of the crying solitude, the haunting
loneliness finally finds its tune in the unsung song.

The best of all that is the most desired in any relationship is the effort---the
wanting to pay attention, wanting to see, to communicate and not to throw
another in the abyss of loneliness, someone wanting to make you a part of their
day---it makes a relationship bloom at its best. It does not mean that the dark
clouds will never hover over you both, or that the years ahead will always promise
the beauty of rainbows---but the best of relationships see beyond their beauty,
into the wisdom of listening without interrupting, speaking without accusing, and
in the art of realizing that there is a giving and taking ---both aspects to nurture a

The kind of relationship that can breathe in this type of a love finds its beauty in
numberless forms, in numberless times. This is the kind of a relationship that you
take as a gift from heaven above. It’s a tale of either being apart or together---
their delicate weavings that makes a story of two people. A relationship that
renews and renews forever, finds a beginning at every rebirth, has the lastingness
to push away all that comes in the way---brings out the image of what is
remembered forever---brings delight from the fount and makes you float in time
after time, age after age forever…

A relationship where the mind walks without fear and where knowledge breathes
in freedom, where listening to each other come out from the depths of
understanding, yet the clear stream of intellect has not lost its way---that is the
heavenliness of freedom where two hearts can soar and face the dancing chaos of
the relationship. It is by the wisdom of realization that by plucking the beauty of
each soul, another soul never gets to see the blossoming of that relationship. It is
by smelling the truest essence in one another, that one heart can see the
flowering beauty in the other---and with that comes the flowering of the

It is a wake-up call when you read the relationship wrong and think that it has
failed you in so many ways---rather the art lies in seeing it at every moment,
believing that the dance of magic rises and falls, and survival lies in catching it
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before it falls further. The survival lies in the art of making through the
moments—if you cannot make at one moment, then make it through another
moment. The darkest of moments always bring a light somehow, somewhere with
a most terrific, tremendous beauty. While you play and unplay the lute inside,
wondering whether the melody will live or die, while you string and unstring the
mandolin within, questioning the survival or lastingness of a relationship---you let
your thoughts dwell in clarity in the sunset peace of your day…only then emerges
a true vision what is worth battling for---is it like who has the last laugh in
everything, who wins the word to word battle or how to live in a relationship that
sees the light of day.

It is then that a new clarity is born in the purity of a dew-washed dawn. The
relationship that shoots in joy is the one that can dance in rhythmic beauty of
day’s promising light and night’s darkest moments. The tumultuous waves of life
may throw you aside, may bring you upside down, but it is how you both emerge
again in your relationship, that holds the future of your relationship. When
turmoil blinds your mind with illusions, it is how you both come out with your
own light and thunder to face what is needed to be faced---there comes out the
light of your relationship.

It is the art of finding out how to seek the end of storms in peace and not rage, in
faith and not doubt---as it is this very seed of faith that can eventually sprout and
make it through the troubled storms to see the blushing love at the end of the
day. This is the music of the eventides in the beauty of a kissing sunset.
Relationship is also a weaving of rules and liberty in a finer sense of the word to
hold on to its true beauty, where the impossible hopes speak in possibility, where
loneliness turns to a companionship in immensity.

Knowing how to dancingly dwell in the finer sense of this, is learning how to light
the lamp in your soul, how to walk in the trails of something meaningful, in the
light of that lamp, how to live with your fire alive, how not to let it die. No matter
how much the winds of change blow in, it will never blow out your lamp---such
bright is your light.

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It is a beauty where that which is eternal shines in a moment, that which is

forever comes in the fleeting beauties---where time stands still in awe and
amazement and nothing can describe its truth that outlives all. It is the ability to
endure the silence when the storms come along the way, it is the grace in
meeting the silence with patience and understanding, it is the penetrating power
of that endurance, the absorbing ability of it, where all the turmoil is absorbed
and turned into something beautiful.

To be able to understand the voice and the silence, both---in a way that the head
mingles with the heart, intellect mingles with love---that is a rare combination of
beauty and wisdom. And it is in this blending, that the destiny of a relationship is
revealed---whether it is meant to live or meant to die.

The rising sun and the dispelling darkness---what stays and what goes—what lasts
and what flees---all lies in the taking and absorbing and enduring---how to
maintain a fine balance of all of them and mastering the art of holding it, in the
finer sense of emotions---so the ending comes in a dancing rhythm and not a
sudden cry. Finding the roots in emotions and delicate sentiments adds much of a
light in how to explore the relationship every moment. It is not a known, familiar
path—but it is unknown, unfamiliar at all the times to come.

Times may come, when the music may be silenced, the richness may seem to
walk away, as the darkness of nights seems to descend on a relationship, but
whether the night will stretch in immensity very much lies on how long you brood
over the “could have” and “should have” in a relationship and how wisely you
move, to see the light of learning and living in what you learn from the events.
How gracefully you turn the past trials into the wisest lessons, so in future your
learning can become the greatest blessing of your life.

It’s the leap and sudden falls in a relationship that sometimes sets you back but all
that is past is not all that is lost…it leaves behind some of the lessons and
blessings of life…some of the best and not just the worst of times…some
moments to be looked at, some memories to be treasured, some beauty that can
outlive the troubled times…and can give you the dancing hope to carry on to the
next chapter of your life. Love is the smile of a blooming relationship when it
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beholds its own reflection in the mirror. Relationship is an endless mystery,

waiting to be explored at every moment to come with all the feelings dancing at
their core, bursting to be seen and navigated through.

When the voice of understanding touches the core beauty of a relationship, you
know the roots of it. Relationship soars as a sun-kissed mountain peak, seeking its
greatness in the heights of understanding. It is then that it finds its music in the
silence of wisdom---wisdom to dance with its coming yet ever- changing rhythm.
Where the movement is perennially moving forward yet there is a stillness within
the dancing chaos in a way that the chaos and the stillness meet each-other and
one evolves out of another’s graceful dance.

On the seashore of this endless mystery of relationship, when love and

understanding meet, the restless waters seem to find their serenity again in the
stillness of peace, the boisterous currents seem to meet a smoothness again in
the wake of a rhythmic beauty. No longer do the storms roam along the path of
relationship as understanding dawns in the need for adjustment and compromise
on behalf of both the people. It is in the very core of adjustment that the survival
and the dance of relationship continues. The realization of this is a lifetime bliss
dancing with a smile upon its lips. This is the day where the sunrise reveals its
every gold in the wake of a new understanding.

The light may sink deep into darkness, if along the way, any one of the hearts
wants to walk away from compromise, due to the underlying battles of ego. The
scent, the touch, the sound of a relationship ---they see the beauty of each other
in the light of understanding and they all mingle to bring a perfection out of two
imperfect hearts beauty. Seeing the entirety in a smeared whole, seeing the
beauty in all that is dull and dross, ---there lies the magic of compromise, the urge
to adjust and to keep the magic ongoing.

In the gusty night when the rain of realization patters on the leaves of a
relationship, it is then that one truly sees the dawn of love beginning to make its
away through the cracks of the sky. When the relationship melts into the music of
adjustment, it is then that that flute of love plays within all day. Sunsets will come
at the bend of a road while you traverse the path of relationship, but sunrise is
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still waiting to show its first gold as you become ready to unfold yourself in the
light of an awakened understanding. That is how, the song of love speaks in the
hearts of you both.

This is the kiss of heavenliness on your relationship. In that bliss, all that is harsh
and out of tune in your life, they melt into a sweet harmony of two heart’s
epiphany. It becomes the living testimony of you both. Rising to the challenge of
beautiful dreams, living those dreams every moment of your relationship needs a
conscious choice---a choice to stay away from cynicism and the hardest of
feelings---living in the beauty of unencumbered learning adventurous exploring of
your relationship that takes it to a new level as you learn that letting go of the
past that does not serve you anymore, and letting in of the present that opens up
the world of possibilities, takes you to living in your dreams.

By dwelling in the sharing and caring, the wisdom of openness, the intelligence of
understanding, you can gaze in awe and enchantment at what your relationship
blossomed into. As you be blessed with a strength to endure---you emerge at
every moment with a love that invites you, an understanding that greets you to a
newer level of your relationship. It is never love because of which a relationship
dies away, but it is the wanting of understanding, the need to reach out to each
other in the hardest of times when life knocks you down both---it is the primal
urge to touch each other’s souls at the most struggling times of your life that lets
a relationship die or dance.

When a relationship dies in lack of compassion, it is then that the saddest of all
beauty descends upon it---the shine dulls, the light gets dim. Instead of living in
the land of unrealistic hopes, that a relationship will have its sunrise every
moment, why don’t you face the realities of life, that times will come when it will
see the sunset---but then every sunset has its own beauty too. A beauty that
urges you to endure, that encourages you both to soar above and beyond what is
holding you back and to open up yourself in the limitless expansion of love. It is
this urge that will see your relationship through and will see the light coming in
through the breaking dawn of a new day.

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That is the blissful intense flame of a relationship that keeps burning bright as it is
weaving of love and intellect, passion and intellect altogether in the finer sense of
mingling---so all that was dull and fading out the shine begins to glow again. If you
can surrender to what is and plumb the depths of understanding, your
relationship can be free to move and breathe into the runnels of your soul. The
calling, the mission, the friendship that blooms into a deeper relationship---all
that needs a release of emotions and not a restrain that can stifle a heart’s cry.

It needs a revealing so as to heal what has dies inside and once again to breathe
life into it. And all the loss will find its way to feel the pulse of life again. It takes
time and time and time again, season and season and season again to walk into
the land which can turn the loss into a wisdom of hearts –a wisdom that turns the
loss of a relationship into joy again. Acknowledging the brooding darkness when
the time is right, abandoning what goes against light, fighting for love instead of
fighting against love, not taking the good for granted but trying to cherish it so its
well never dries. Take with you the counsel of the times---the times, the moments
of your relationship and what it encountered along the way---take the counsel of
those lessons and blessings---as it is in this taking that you mature to a more
enduring you.

May you have the wisdom to know how to still your fears, how to conquer all that
stands in your way. When dawn seems to be far away from the darkness of night,
hold on to the faith in your relationship so it may show you the light and sing the
melody that seems to break in the brooding pain of night. As the love that a
relationship blooms into, can never be offered without another’s willingness, but
only with a heart inviting it with an acceptance. You need to look at not just the
pain but also the stars hidden in the heart of your relationship, as it is in these
stars that is hidden the beauty of a dancing galaxy.

Now wisdom, sometimes it can be clear and transparent and some other times, it
can be mysterious and impenetrable. But if you let it dance on the edges of clarity
and mystery, then out comes a time, when the first drops of blessings will begin
to be born and it is this bliss that walks you through the phases of your
relationship. It is the filling of endless unfulfilled dreams that gives a vision of

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clarity to so may unresolved mysteries of a relationship cycle. Doing this, we seem

to cross that which seemed to be unending, we seem to see infinite happiness in
that which is finite and a feeling of eternity in every moment.

This is the music of the evening tide when all else has gone to rest in peace. As
you carry your sight of wisdom into the heart of mystery, all that you beheld as
unreachable suddenly seems within reach. All that you thought was unreadable
suddenly seems to be readable, all that was covered in mystery suddenly comes
to the light of clarity. Every hunt for a hidden melody, every voyage that you both
took was in search of this hidden ecstasy---the ecstasy of a meeting, its wine of
delight. You can never really live in your relationship, if you are not living yourself.
And to live is to be able to replenish yourself in all ways, physically, spiritually and

You can never truly light the lamp of your own relationship if your own lamp has
died away. First fill your own body with the fragrance of love, and then you can
dream and live your dream of filling the relationship with its sweet fragrance.
Everything that comes to you in your relationship needs your mindset to receive it
with an art---an art of keeping what is beautiful in it and the art of letting go what
has lost all its beauty. The ability to discern a beauty that is beyond words even in
the most ordinary moments of your relationship, and to leave out only those
which are not worth trying makes the receiving of your relationship meaningful.

It is then, that moment spring from the depth of truth when you can transmute
pain into joy, grief into happiness and something beautiful emerges from all that
transmutation---a masterpiece that you can treasure, an art that you can look
back at time and time again in enchantment. Relationship needs to be perpetually
creative and it is an ongoing adventure---the destiny of a relationship is written in
the art of creating it every moment, in feeling inspired to take it to a newer level.
By indulging in its ecstasies, you create a piece of beauty, you live a dream of
shared caring. But if you choose to indulge in the troubled times of it, then no
beauty is going to be born out of that.

Beauty lies in looking past of all that seems so unpleasant and finding a pleasant
aesthetics in all that you behold in your relationship. Yes, it may be challenging at
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times, but it is how well you handle the challenge, how wisely you come out of
them, how to choose to look at some of the most struggling phases in your
relationship and come out of those struggles---all those that rule the ultimate
destiny of a relationship. Even when everything is familiar in your relationship,
still there will be a touch of mystery over every aspect of it. Everything will ache
with a meaning that cannot be expressed in words, every beauty, every pain will
have some lyrics within that may lie underneath and unwritten. Some melodies
will always lie beneath, that seems something else, and they may stay there

But it is your ability to see beyond what can be seen, that brings out the magic in
a relationship. Living your relationship at its truest level always brings out its
essence, not for the worst but for the best. The best of times do not pile up at
your feet on their own, but it is a conscious choice that you both make to see it
blossoming, so the best brings its own bliss of beauty. The dense fragrance that
rises from your relationship makes every ephemeral moment an eternal one in
your journey. Only a burning pain can lead to the splendor of a lasting happiness.
Every door will open a beautiful wisdom of truth. They never hide the whispers of
truth, the message of hope if you can only endure to burn the hardness of
feelings that come along the way, so in this burning can you both find the flame

It is in this searching the essence, that you recover some lost petals of your
relationship, some subdued fragrance buried deep underneath the daily events in
your shared journey. The flower has not been crushed completely, as what is
beautiful never truly dies but lives within, in its unspoken beauty. And even if you
crush the flower completely, you can never stop the fragrance from coming. It
comes, and come it must as the truest of relationships breathe in love, not in fear,
they breathe in hope, not in despair---breathe in trust, not in mistrust. This is
what lets the essence live in eternity.

The scent lives somewhere somehow, waiting for you both to go and find it again-
--it is in this exploring journey, that you find the joy resurfacing, pleasures of a
pathless ecstasy springing again. It is then that the essence ascends to the lips of

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your relationship with a sweetness, a light rises to seek the sanctuary of your
relationship to find its home again---in the holiness of that realization, will you
both feel that you two are truly destined for each other. Relationship lives in the
moments truly laced with love, filled with the scent of eternity. Along the
pathway, never let your heart break loose with the sudden winds of change. Tie
your heart to another and together in the beauty of mingling, will you both defeat
the haunting darkness.

But the saddest of the nights brings out the happiest of the days. Sometimes in
the sting of your relationship, comes out the madness and sweetness of your
journey between ecstasy and agony. As it is only in the heart of storm that you
see the lining of peace. The peace that is such a sweet epiphany, comes into view,
only after struggles have found their way out. It is a penetrating happiness
dwelling in nostalgic moments of life, a memory that mingles the past, present
and the future.

It gives us the shade in sleep and solitude, it gives you the vision that you are the
universe in an ecstatic dance. The choicest of relationships almost always stems
from the desire inside to walk through the seasons, phases of it, no matter what
they bring in your life, beauty or ugliness, fulfillment or pining. But then, even
pining has its own ways of feeding its hunger, if only you both know how to fill in
the broken cracks with the light of belonging. As it is this desire that drives two
souls to meet each other halfway, to see the beauty that truly laughs, the love
that really feeds----and ultimately try to match the ever-changing rhythm. The
rhythm, no matter how unpredictable it is, if you both learn live in the changing
beauty of it, then it is enough to quell your fears and to bring you through.

You need this sea of relationship because it teaches you to be alive, how to dance
with the flow. While you pace around restless, baffled by the sudden bends that
the road takes, you both also learn how to walk in faith while not seeing the view,
but having a light in your soul that will walk you through. Coming to the very
edge, where feelings do not need a saying, where emotions meet the serenity of
silence, where everything is absorbed through a love that heals and the moon
swims back to its peace. Darkness breaks by the crash of illusions, as everything

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goes back to the sapphire blues again in the crack of a new morn. Then comes the
fragrance, so crackling and alive speaking of the rebirth of your relationship.

As you move in the dwelling delicacy of your soul between shadow and light of
your relationship, Live in the live as it will write its best sonnets on your heart,
sonnets that will inspire you to cross over that which makes you stumble, and
walk upon the earth and the mountains till you find your dream breathing in your
partner. Everything carries you to him and everything carries him to you—this is a
light that feeds the lamp of two souls---this is a flame that keeps burning as it
feeds one another, so you can feel the perfume of spring from his heart to yours -
--this is the scent of madness that gives birth to a dancing intimacy between two
souls. This is when the beauty of love blooms into a poem.

It falls to a soul like a dew falls on a flower. Leave the past pain behind, let the
past grief dwell in the past and hold on to the poem that gave birth to a beauty so
sublime that love was born out of it, a relationship was created out of it.
Something meaningful began to dance in existence, and all that was meaningless
was left in the forgotten past. Do not pluck the petals of this flower as it gives out
its perfume, as it bursts into the waters surging in a dancing ecstasy, and a sudden
wave of delight is born in you, for the first time to feel –a feeling that nothing
really stops this dance if only you know how to dance it from your heart---it is this
dancing chaos that will take your relationship to new, exciting levels, where you
both mature with a wisdom to continue this dance and never to cease.

Your relationship may play its cruel tricks on you both but instead of plummeting
into a world of despair, it would be gift to emerge into an understanding wisdom
through which truth can shine. By doing so, you let happiness fall upon you and
the breath of its spring seeks the fulfillment in you both. The breath of that
fulfillment runs from the sky of your soul to his sky and in togetherness, there is
something enchanting, something amazing in beauty. If you both ever weep in
your journey, let your hearts loose in that sea of tears, for the very tears that flow
always have another shore---a beautiful shore, if only you swim in faith. This is the
shore that lies patiently, waiting to be reached. There is a pleasure in seeing that
shore, there is a pleasure that streams from that sight as it brings some promising

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hope. This is the melody of hope when you were sinking into hopelessness in your

The dawn and evening, sunrise and sunset play together, and how beautiful is
their weaving, how ecstatic is the trembling of their lips as they meet together to
create something delightful. There is a thrill passing through the breeze with a
wordless melody singing from the shore of hope, an enticing beauty floating on
the sea of rapture. There will always be an endless rise and fall of grief and joy in
your relationship, but it is this sinking and emerging that makes the cyclical
pattern, the dancing rhythms of your relationship.

But breaking the chain of seclusion and illusions and going down to the heart of
what comes in the way will be the root of immensity of joy that can flood the path
of your relationship. And all that stands as an arid desert will burn away in the
love that shoots for the blade of grass to grow. Relationship is composed of
concord and discord, all playing the music of mandolin, but as moments come
with a deeper clarity, there comes the times when discord walks away leaving the
concord to stream its joy.

Your relationship no longer throbs with intense pain but begins to beam again
with trust and simplicity. What seemed so intense loses its severity, much of its
intensity dulls away, and all that looked so improper gradually seems to be proper
again, all that seemed so unwanted falls into perspective again. A shore never
loses its beauty if only you know how to swim to see that beauty again, to lose
yourself again in the drunken joy of it. The truth of beauty no longer gets blurred,
but it outshines that which seemed to take its shine away. It outlives that which
seemed to take its life away.

Sorrow is shattered into joy in every cloud of your relationship, and all that was
dark shines like gold as you both indulge in the delicate openness of hearts and
stream a sharing of two hearts. This is the eye-opening, soul-touching light and as
the light dances on the essence of your relationship, it strikes the chords of your
love with a thousand delights. And suddenly the sky breaks open, the winds seem
to run wild with a melody that fills the sky. And laughter passes over whatever
clouds that seemed to come along the way. Flowers start to bloom on the crest of
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the dancing waves in this sea of joy. The melody spreads from heart to heart, joy
spreads from leaf to leaf, and every gold seems to shine from petal to petal in this
flower of your journey together. This is the endless delight in the shoreless sea of
your journey together, where two souls are flowering in the first break of light.

Exploring the length, depth and breadth of your relationship through the sudden
twists and turns of your relationships and let the shouts, let the cry dissolve in the
air. As it is in this breaking, it is in this dissolving, that one finds the joy of mingling
again. Each one of you surrender your desire to control the other heart, and you
let each other soar with the highest freedom of spirit. This is the truth that
emerges as you explore the endless connections between love and spirituality.

And it is the beauty of this spirituality that sets two souls free in the relationship,
while at the same time letting them comfortably walk with each other. This kind
of beauty has its own pride, its own charm---it scatters its own gems as it delves
through the mines of its relationship. It finds its own rubies in the splendor of its
journey within the spiral of this dancing intimacy. Where no matter how
overwhelmed you both become in your hope and despair, passion and dullness---
you both can come out of the cycle that seems to engulf you and see the light of
wisdom again in the very madness of your love.

This is a wild and perfect melody in the sense, that, despite all the imperfections,
a beauty emerged so perfect with all its smears, and through the wildness dancing
chaos came out the beauty that calms the two hearts in a sea of serenity. It is
through this revolving and evolving that the beauty comes out time and time
again, a sight too hard to ignore, too deep to pass you by. This is the melody of a
relationship---when has it ever been that one soul cried and the other did not
ache, when one smiled and the other did not behold the pearls of its laughter.
This unending connection never breathes its last breath in this walk together.

Storms will always ceaselessly try to whisper mistrust in your relationship, it may
at times try to empty the vessel of your connection, but it is love that will fill it
with freshness of its homecoming. This is the connection that breathes through
the saddest of melodies in an eternally fragrant way. At the touch of its hands, the
heart loses its limits in joy and releases its infinite gifts. Times pass, moments
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come and go, and still the joy keeps on pouring. This is the connection where
pride breaks and openness shows its way, where ego melts and two souls meet
together to cross all that stands in the way. All that is harsh melts into such a
sweetness. It falls in such a silent amazement. It trembles with such a love, it
dances with such an elegance---that all that seemed so dissonant finds its music

Wisdom of heart shows a love that has the art of truth which kindles the light of
faith in your mind. With trust as you walk through the doors of your relationship,
it never puts out the lamp of your soul. This is where the flowers and the incense
pile to create a sacredness. The first gleam of light shines through, the darkness
seems to disappear in the distant horizon. And all that is sorrowful melt into a
thousand streaming tears of soul. The blossom of your heart is opening so shyly
yet so gracefully. You live in the hope of blossoming your partner’s soul.

This is the moments when the flowering, blossoming of two souls meet each
other in a trembling ecstasy, a rapturous madness---and your journey together
again picks up on the tunes of harmony. Your heart no more keeps wailing with
the restless cry within, rather it knows how to match the rhythms of change. The
far-away gloom that prevailed in the sky of your relationship now rests in a peace
that painted the sky with such a richness. Joy comes pouring down in heavenly
streams breaking through the sky. Light comes pouring down in golden streams
breaking through the dawn. Isn’t this the light that filled in the cracks of a
relationship that seems so broken at times? Isn’t this the whisper of Godliness
raining down in both of your hearts?

The dying flowers of yesterday have lost their beauty. Today’s day of your journey
has its new beginning, a new flowering. The dawn has opened its eyes, heedless
of the unceasing calls of the past---reminding you both one more times---this is
the moment when freshness breathes again in your relationship, a new
perspective is in light, some new path is to be walked upon. And the shore that
looked so dim in despair suddenly looks so bright again in the streaming gold
breaking from the sky. Darkness doesn’t fall so thick any more. The petals that
were once drooping in yesterday’s night comes out of its languor and finds its

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waking life in the gold of a new day. All that was so languid in your relationship
finds its strength again in the touch of tenderness. The light kindles again with the
burning of desire---no flame ever truly dies, it only goes through the phases of
flickering and lighting---to lose and to find itself again the dancing intimacy of a

If ever there comes a flicker of a flame, burn all that burns away your strength to
renew and revive your relationship, and come back with all that lives inside of you
both to create and live together a dream so rich, an ecstasy so pure, a delight so
trembling that all you can do is sip its wine and breath an eternity in the taste of
it. It leaves a meaning that stirs in you, it strikes the cords deep within you where
the music of dawn calls you to a new door of a new portal in your journey
together. The harp goes on deep inside, your journey becomes resonant with the
harmonic melodies.

The winds no longer seem to scream in the void of hearts, the breeze no longer
fails to whisper the tenderly messages. Herein begins the unbreakable chain of
melodies, where love and light mingle, passion and intellect run intimacy so as to
make the wisest of choices along the path—so they can make and not break, build
and not shatter---as it is in this building the castle of their dreams, that they live
out their lives. This is a journey that never gets void of richness, that tells a tale of
every event that it encounters along the way. This is when you both bring, your
arts to life.

As from the depths of your unconsciousness, springs a consciousness where you

make the choices of wisdom falling on your journey, and each step that you take
is a conscious step in the light of that wisdom reflecting in the mirror within. And
all that was shadow falls back in a shameful silence. Light floods in with such a
grace and glory---that this becomes the signet of an enshrined wisdom. The
effortless ease flows with such a spontaneity. The rotation of sunrise to sunset
does not give you that much of a setback anymore. You both know how to find
your bliss by immersing in a state of awareness. You learn the art of seeking bliss
in its highest vibrational state. The rough patches of your journey with him, no
matter how much chaos and drama they bring in, furthers your understanding of

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how to walk through them in an awareness and how to welcome even the lessons
with a grace of gratitude.

One needs to explore the diverse aspects of a relationship through openness and
sharing, wisdom and passion, a balanced blend, a well-desired mix of everything.
Never be in denial of change that comes from time to time in the dance of
relationship. The driving force behind the survival of our relationship needs to be
our search for the truth. If not, it will eventually lead to the demise of our
relationship. There are a lot of illusions that stem from the ego. Realize that you
are a past of this wholeness of relationship and you as a seeker of this truth of the
dance will eventually lead you both to a path of discovery and self-discovery in
the cycles that will come along the way.

Break loose, dance wild in this rain of madness, as it is this madness that will light
the house of your relationship. The very center of this dance is where your
relationship begins---the most beautiful place on earth where your blooming
reaches the peak and the ecstasy breaks all bounds, your madness knows no
limits. It is this dance that will untie all the knots, the dance wants you as much as
you want it, it consumes you as you want to be consumed, it engulfs you as you
want to be engulfed. This is a great message, a great whisper of love to you if you
want to grasp it as it falls from the lips of truth. Let this message dance through
you and melt in the rhythm of it without worrying about the ups and downs.

This is the dance that excites your spirit. This is the rain that makes your flowering
soul unleash all its fragrance, every moment, every step of the dance so you can
give yourself to your partner with a greater awareness, a divine awakening, seeing
Godliness in his soul as he beholds the same in your soul. This is the time when
heaven comes down on earth. You have to give in first in the dance of self-
discovery, find yourself in a new light of wisdom so you can eventually break
loose in the dance of relationship with your partner. The two are related
intricately. Only then, can you choose to kiss another soul in the silence and the
wind, both---as in serenity and the tumultuous change, you will not fail to give out
your essence, the essence that is so desired for the continuous blossoming of
your relationship.

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Never search among the leaves for what lies grounded in the roots. Therein lies
the truth of a relationship. What you write in love will flow into what he will write
in love, and what you will create from love will flow into what he will create from
love, what you will dream will flow in what he will dream, what you will whisper
will flow into what he will whisper, and together---those writings, those creations,
the dreams, the whispers---all will melt and merge in the wholeness of the
essence---the essence of your dance, the scent of your greatest love-story ever

This is the music that is truly dancing, this is the melody which makes the
wildflowers sprout, as your names dissolve in an entwining love, where spirit
touches spirit and light touches light---where love will unravel all the wonders and
shape your relationship into something new---and in the brushing essence of it ,
you both will melt all the differences that will come along the journey just to taste
ecstasy one more time.

If you can only blossom as an incurable romantic at heart, believing and living in
dreams, hopes and decency, flowing in goodness and faith---then the cry, the
sense of mystery that will come along the path from time to time will have an
end, as what is beautiful always has endless beginnings—maybe somewhere, they
fade away to take birth to another beauty. All the sound and the silence, the
sunrise and the sunset will melt to find one voice---the voice of wholeness that
can speak of love, breathe love---it will shine no matter what life throws at your
relationship like the glistening rain drops clinging to the petals---the essence of its
wilderness will reflect in your eyes, its brilliance will burn bright in the timeless
beauty---where thoughts stand still, time forgets to move, the rivers pause in flow
only to behold this rarest beauty of love.

It is a beauty where breath stands still, a song slips quietly from your lips like the
first dewdrops that gently slide from the leaves. It is only in your deepest silence
that you will find your gladdest truth that will hold the survival of your
relationship. It is a fragrance, a sweetness where light will never lose its way. This
silence is priceless as it is this serenity, this softness, this silence that cradles a
thousand stars in the darkest of nights than can outshine anything in the hardest

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of times. The drifting breeze carries this hidden truth of an unending love evolving
from the dance of relationship. This is that love where you can live rich, breathe
rich and someday die rich.

As in the madness of the dance that you both break loose---- is a reason, a
purpose, a meaning. There was a reason that brought you two together. There is
a purpose that you both met. This meeting is a divine design—a planning by God
above. It was planned before even you dreamed it, before even you envisioned it.
It waited for you to come across your path at the right time, at the right moment--
-so you can join him in this dance of intimacy which can lead to a higher evolution
in your soul---a greater awareness, an enlightened awakening where you both can
shake each other up to bring a meaning out of your very existence.

As you both are thrust into the fight of your life’s hardest battles, when you are
tempted to follow the suicidal attempts in the intense darkness that broods over
your lives---it is this love that will hold you both in an enormous power and peace-
--power enough so you both can hear its voice and give in to all that it speaks.
Unwrap this gem of love that lies hidden in you both, as in this wrapping will you
fold yourself, in this unwrapping will you unleash all the sweetness that is silently
waiting to pour out. From the beginning of you, from the beginning of him, this is
the love that secretly pulls you both to meet each other and to see each other
though the raging storms of life and to bring out the beauty in one another that
can write itself through all the battles that came across and all that are lying
ahead. Is this not the love that fills your cup, is this not the wine that you so
waited for your lifetime?

Do you not want to feel the whisper of its message? As it is in this whisper that a
relationship is born with enduring promises of a lifetime, it is this message that
helps you rekindle a fire that once burnt inside of you. Will you run again or will
you succumb to love at last?

This is the love that you can never leave, without exploring the depths of it, as in
its depths lie the dance of your relationship to its every last rhythm. As just when
you think that you are strangled in the worst of ways by the winds of change,
there comes a rare gem that you stumble across in this path of life and that gem
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is your love that sees you through, walks you through the most daring dreams of
your life. When troubled waters fill you and you feel disconnected from your
essence, turn to love so you see yourself again , hear your inner voice again, so
you can sense your own scent when life leaves you cut and dry---as it is in this
scent that you will find the lavish richness again, the one that melts sorrows into
nothingness and makes you believe in hopes, dreams and decency---makes you
see that there is a life beyond everything you have lost---death does not have to
come while you are alive---that dreams keep on living in love---and it is in this
living that you both can create the richest masterpiece that the world has ever

When the delusions of life meet you both, do not fail to capture the last remnants
of love’s colors before it is too late, as it in these colors, that you can paint the
portrait again---the portrait of your relationship. The walls will melt away in the
days to follow if only you know to live in the love that breathes in you a sanity.
This is a journey recurring again and again through the adventure of its known
and unknown trails. This is the wisdom that your wild soul needs to remember---
that no matter what trails lie ahead---the richness of its exploration lies in
togetherness, not in isolation. Break open on the road ahead, lay your soul out in
the sunshine with him, ---in the process, whether you live or die dancing in this
relationship, it will either be the greatest blessing that God can gift you with or
some of the treasured memories that you can look back at.

It is an amazing find at every turn that you take if only you know how to make the
best of turns with faith in your relationship. To be broken and made whole again,
to be wounded and healed again, to let the heart die and to live again, to see the
raging fire of love and the light again, to go through a thousand deaths so as to
truly live again, to weep in love, to burn in pain that pierces the sky and then to
dance in joy again, to sink the world in your flood of tears and then to rise again---
this is the dance of two souls in this story of intimacy.

The tragedy becomes an epic of joy, the agony starts to tremble in ecstasy, what
once began to sink now rises to sing the rapturous melody----this is learning how
to live a relationship, learning how to breathe in the dreams of togetherness,

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learning how to speak out what is unspoken in your heart---and all you do with
him in the trembling ecstasy of every moment, as you walk in the wisdom of
learning of relearning every step of your journey with him. Deep in the sea of
waters are riches of soul, deep in the journey are the rubies beyond compare, if
only you dare to adventure in the wilderness with him.

No matter how much is the drunken haze, never forget to gaze at the depths of
your journey, the miles that you walk with him, the pain and the pleasures that
you take with you, the memories that you carry with you and the grace with
which you leave everything else behind in the togetherness of this walk---it is this
grace, this humility, this carrying, this enduring and this sharing---that tells a tale
of you both. That can be the dream of your waking soul, that can be the
inspiration for your awakened partner---allow the imagination to run loose in the
wind that blows and together you two will have the heightened minds that will fly
in a soaring journey.

Only then you both can see the gold and light are one, hold your passion in the
sunrise, bring the intellect to its light---and then you can behold that dawn begins
to crack in the passion---and here emerges a sunrise that mingles passion with
intellect to flood your minds with riches beyond compare. This is the ruby of your
mine, waiting all along for you both to come and find it.

This is where the silence sings, where the darkness dances to light, ---this is an
intoxication beyond your wildest imagination. This is the mirror of your heart that
reflects his light and in the reflection of his soul, it is then that you begin to truly
shine as one light of two souls. While you start to walk out on your relationship,
the path appears where, from the river of silence you drink in the wisdom and
something beautiful starts to show, something heavenly begins to emerge. It is in
this breaking, that you both can see the emerging hope again---to build again, to
create again and to see the path again that somehow lost all hope.

This is the wisdom that blossoms into the best of blessings on your relationship
journey. In your wanting to see through the light, all your agonies melt away, all
the pain is washed away and all that is left behind are the gems of life. That is the
treasure that you both find in the forgotten past, in the broken ruins of
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yesterday’s life. It is how you view the treasure, how you get past all the ruins and
how you both continue your relentless hunt for the awaiting rubies of the future
years that makes the journey so exciting.

It is the scent of belonging, the fragrance of home, the light of his soul that keeps
you going with him, that keeps you holding his hands in the dream, the passion of
feeling alive one more time---the hope of finding an amazing amazement at every
bend as eh has chosen to walk the walk with you, to shine you in his light, when
you fail to shine on your own, to make you dream in his dreams, when you fail to
dream on your own, as it is in his essence will you find the essence of your own---
the scent that can emerge to be living and breathing.

How to dream a dream worth dreaming when the time has gone by, how to hold
your hopes high and find out one more time that life is worth living, how to
believe in a love that will never die, and to pray that God will be kind when all else
seems so unkind---is the secret wish for every soul only to see that in
togetherness, all that seems so strong melts away in something so tender. How to
echo your voice throughout your dreams can truly be inspired by your partner as
it is in his light that you find the amazing flame of your inspiration. Let your love
story be the birth of a dream, that finds its light in both of your souls. And if you
keep the fire close, it burns through all seasons of togetherness.

This is the fire that will keep the candle burning within you at all moments—so
your fears can be consumed in the spiritual fire of it---consumed enough so you
can begin to keep burning all that is ruin and wretched and make a rarest gem out
of your life with him. Fan the inner sparks of endless possibility so someday they
can turn into flames of the biggest creation of your life. As you walk this
wilderness in the light of your partner, his retreat can help you find the flame that
once died away in the tempest of life.

But no matter, how hard was the blow, by being in his retreat, his spiritual solace,
together you can rise so you can feel the fire again, have the urge to get back
what was once lost. Take a leap of faith and run through the flames with him, only
to find out that a path once ran together through and through, can only bring a

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shared smiles or tears. And that which is shared never truly dies in vain, as a load
that once seemed so unbearable finds its bearing in its true sharing.

No relationship can endure an indifference, no flame can burn high without it

being fed by the oil of another soul, no passion can live in eternity until someone
else is out there to live in its beauty, no love can ever find its song until someone
else is waiting to sing it back, no melody can find its way bearing the pain of a
loneliness---this is the light that ignites the flame within you, a flame that has to
live in togetherness---as it is there that it is born and in this sacred birth do you
find yourself again.

It gives you the escape from the flames of reality in the sense that you find a
sudden meaning, an unfurling joy, you see a side of life that you were once
unaware of, you envision a vision that you once were ignorant of, you wake up
and realize that throughout all your journey, you are one half and someone else
was out there to be your other half. This meeting was destined to happen. You
cannot fight it, you cannot defy it---rather, you can welcome it as it is in this
welcoming that you find your lost fire of sanity again.

The fiercest flames often bring the closest bonding of hearts, the enduring fire
often fans the dying flames of yesterday. How can you not respond to this call of
spirit when all it will bring is the most burning desire to be alive one more time?
Denying this desire will be denying truth to your own soul. Living a life of denial
and lies is a circle where your own soul will be crushed to a level from where
emerging will seem to be nothing but an impossibility.

The flame that is very light and flickering can run fierce in his oil. The rage of life
that can burn you down can once again be the burning flame of your soul is only
you know how to be fed with his flames in the deepest way possible. The flame
that runs wild brings you both together in the retreat of this fire, whose warmth
finds its way through the flickering passions of you both and makes you smolder
and it is in this smoldering that you both are profusely incensed to find the truest
essence, the scent of love that never dies.

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Choosing to walk away from this burning would be the mistake of a lifetime. You
can be a bee waiting for his blossom or a moth giving in to his flame---but, in this
blossoming of his soul, do you find your own blossom---in this flame of his soul,
do you find your own flame. He rises and you rise, he sinks and you sink---
together you are the missing halves of one whole beauty. Love is a perpetual,
perennial beauty in a world of ephemeral beauties.

Loving every part of someone, the simple and complex, the most amazing,
fascinating bundle of all the beauties, loving all the seasons that dwell in your
partner, seeing the good and bad, yet never trying to judge but to understand
what each beauty says, what is the underlying whisper of every beauty---is it the
answer to every unanswered question, is it the mystery that is worth being
sought after, the beauty he had in the past and the beauty that he will have in the
years to come---it is this beauty that will stand by you in the times to come, in the
years to come in your relationship.

Love that is a purest feeling emerges when the soul has reached its satisfaction.
Every piece of burned past, every bruise and broken heart can walk through in
love. This is an attraction that has a spiritual beauty, an invisible connection that
flows from one soul and finds its way to another destined soul. This is a bond that
is ancient, has its roots years back in the eternity of time and makes its voice
through the sky, no matter how hard the seasons of life are. Only with time, do
you realize that all along he is fire burning inside of you, he is the spark that brings
you to the magic of life.

This is his gift to you and by recognition of this spark, this is your gift back to him.
Instead of you both being two stories to tell, you both meet and mingle to
become one greatest story of a lifetime. You don’t just love him---you need him in
all the moments to moments---not in the sense of clinging but in the sense of
holding on to the beauty that never fails to flow from him. The winds will go on
whispering the words, the times will go on whispering the love, the seasons will
go on whispering that no matter how hard is the beauty of one season, but it will
pass away----it is this whisper of a perennial beauty that will sustain the love
which then, will sustain the relationship. While you melt in the dreams of coming

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out alive of every storm that hits its blow on you, it is this art of sustaining that
will bring you out of that storm, if only you know how to master this art.

From having been loved with this purity, this authenticity---you will no longer stay
the same. Your hardness will melt, you will be softer from being loved so softly, so
gently, so tenderly---this softness will change you for the better---it will change
your perspective on life, your vision, everything about you will have a new
meaning in a new dawn, and all that was old will fall apart and all that will come is
something hopeful to look at. He will open you up in myriad ways, he will sweep
through your life and nothing again will stay the same.

The breeze of opening that passes through your soul---this breeze will leave a
meaning in which you can live to your fullest richness. And that is truly rich at
heart never really goes away. Keep hoping, keep believing in this ultimate truth—
as in this truth you will see your soul glowing with a new beginning, a softness
that was never there before, a tenderness that will melt all the bitterness of life
that may ever come along your way---in his love will live and breathe again.

The most vulnerable moments of your life will no longer be spent being so
helpless, so alone deep down, instead someone will share the moments of
vulnerability, bringing out the best in you---it is in these intense moments that
you will find the authenticity of your relationship---in its authenticity, your
burning scars will shine like stars. Surrendering to him will bring out the
sweetness of escape from reality, the madness of love in all its colors. This is a
happening that is something beyond meeting, beyond chance, something that
digs deeper and deeper in eternity.

It was orchestrated by God above. Love dances in the most untamed regions of
your soul and in the dancing of this relationship, you will behold the beauty that
dances in his soul too---one that will give you freedom and will never desire to
tame you, as it is in this freedom that your untamed spirit will truly dance to his
joy and sorrow---giving you the completion of your other half. But then, the very
essence of love is dancing in uncertainty.

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The breeze of romance carries it, the love whispers about this unavoidable
uncertainty dangling unceasingly in the air of relationship. Which two souls could
ever skip it? That is a truth that stands out till today. To venture in the risk of
living it or dying in it, is the biggest risk of an emotional dance---at times it can
take you to such an abyss that you may never muster the courage to see the
sunrise again---you may sink and sink to see the bottomless pit---and there are
some who can somehow take the plunge, climb up again to see another morn.
Who will see sunrise and who will see sunset in a relationship is all too
unpredictable, but then such has been, the saga of an emotional journey from the
beginning of time.

If you can be half agony, he can be half ecstasy, if you can be half hopeless, he can
be half hopeful, if you can be half sinking, he can be half emerging, if you can be
half-darkness, he can be half-light. Together, you two halves make a beautiful
whole. Love is born a twin. Two souls that dance to each other’s happiness, two
souls that drown in each other’s griefs. While you are wild in spirit, so is he and in
the mingling of spirits, together you smile and cry in this untamed dance of your
relationship. From this dance emerges a home that gives you a sense of
belonging, that you never thought it existed, that it can burn your eyes to cry in
the sense of a bursting joy.

Deep down, you always needed that and deep down, he always needed it. Here
comes the meeting of the sunny sky and the starry night of your relationship,
where in the light and night of this dance, do your spirits emerge to make it
through, to see a beautiful shore and not a hopeless end. To see this shore,
sometimes you have to go through the heart break and the heartache of your
journey, but sometimes it is in the broken pieces that you learn to see the cracks
of a face that seemed to die, but somehow that is the soul that you carry in
yourself for an entire lifetime---the one soul that you can never really take away
from your journey, the one face that flashes in your mind by the scent and smell
of a song or a story, by the lyrics of a broken melody.

You feel that feeling deep down, that years can come and go but the memories
can come crashing back---they can hit you when you expect them the least---isn’t

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that the soul whom you never give up on through the passages of time---the
question that stares at you---are you going to pick up the broken pieces or will
you leave them broken as they are? Will you give in to the end of that rare a
connection or will you follow your dancing dreams with him?

It is this love in both of your eyes that sets the broken pieces on fire, melts them
in nothingness and from its flames rises a new meaning, a new dream to be lived
together by you both. To find out that you both share the same madness, that
you both ignite a fire within a hidden place resting too deep inside, that you both
can be restless with the passion of life, to find out that you both can burn and still
shine---this is the love that sets you free time and time again from the encounters
of events that life gives you at every turn---it is this love that sets you free from
your cage, sets him free from his cage and together you both fly in the vastness of
sapphire sky.

The maddest of all is to see the relationship as it is and not as it should be, to be
able to take the high and the low pitch, to perceive it not in what could have been
or what should have been, but in the intrinsic ability to take it all, mold them into
a beauty and be drunk with it so as to keep the magic alive. The best of
relationships need to be broken not in the sense of break down but in the sense
of break-through, as it is in this breaking through, do they see the light of another

The lucidity, intelligence, clear-sightedness of thoughts brings the delusions to

pieces and all that is left is a peace so desired, a peace so needed in the sunset
beauty of the day. It may be a prosaic picture lacking the poetic beauty, but it
never pushes away the madness underneath the currents of everyday life. All
humans contain a measure of wild madness that moves them in a beautiful way,
that goes beyond words, beyond explanation. This madness can save a
relationship. It can move them to do things that they otherwise never thought
possible, it takes them to places, to memories that they never really knew existed,
it makes them sing and cry, pause and dance, both at the same time. Who ever
knew this kind of a wildness ever really was possible?

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The thoughts that you write on the walls of your imagination finally see their
shape and to begin with, this is the moment when love meets its madness as
every love that was ever born has its own words, its own writings, its own vision
that is so intricately kneaded into a relationship that stands the test of time. This
madness will never let you drown, never let you sink but will always show you the
way to rise, the way to emerge in peace and with peace.

And it is in light of this peace that you both will see what you never saw before,
that you both will dream what you never dreamt before---that will be the birth of
another day, another future in another light of another vision---a vision where
yesterday dies with all its despairs and today is born with all its hopes. Owning a
sad part of your relationship story can be hard but not as hard as running away
from it so as to never want to feel love again, never want to be vulnerable again,
never want to sense belonging again, never want to return home again.

If ever there comes a day when relationship feels so difficult, then love will find its
way back to it in the way it needs to be fed again, in the way it needs to be
nurtured again---as in this feeding lies the survival of your relationship. This is the
hour of silence when amazement breathes in. Love is the kiss of two souls which
inspires the stars to rise in the sky when the night has descended on this world
with such a lonely cry.

This is the love that has endured what tried to break and emerged as the stars
dancing in your sky. This is when your relationship begins to see the light. This is
the light that has lighted your world. Now is the moment when your relationship
learns how to dance through this light. This is the place where all searches find an
end, where both the souls meet the peace. This is the story of a love song, that
knows how ebb and flow with the waves that come and go---no holding back, just
releasing yourself in its endless flow. And flow it must, as in this flow lies its
delicate dance.

This is a love that whispers its secrets to your souls, how to see the face of
heavenliness in it, is to know the truth of it’s rich harvest and in the worst of
times, when the harvest falls, love still holds its invisible harvest, love is the
unfading light when the darkness seems to run so far. To be able to see in this
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light with a clarity that goes with all that you feel is the wisest clarity that you
both can ever gift your relationship with. To be able to find a joy, a purpose even
in the setting beauty of your relationship is to truly embrace its beauty always and
in all ways. This is the live that lies etched in hearts for all the times to come. You
live by the currents of your love story, by the tides, the rising of sun and the
setting of it---all together they mingle to make a perfect love story of your life.

So the sun can wake and kiss the shoreline of your soul along with his, and the
moon can come and sing its peace in your eyes and his. This love immersed with
peace is a piece of heavenly beauty. While you lie open and giving as the sands on
the sea, love comes to you as a gift from the very depths of that sea. While you
search endlessly for someone wonderful to come and gift you with a love that can
bear the myriad gales of life, here you find someone with whom you need to
follow heart’s heavenly wisdom that will bless you along the way, on these
shorelines of your soul where waits a love story to be written out in the passage
of time.

He is the ocean that can be more than a dream for you where you can visit to find
yourself, so you can see the sun in your love, the wind in its spirit, and taste the
infinite ecstasy on the lips of love. You meet him at the point where the sky of his
soul touches the sea of your heart. Where the sapphire blues know how to dance
in the rippling waters. As endless as the ocean, as breathless as love, as timeless
as the tides, ---so is the beauty of your love story that flows in an unending

In the sudden waves of change, you both find a new direction, one that you never
found before, a new horizon shows up, a new world opens up, some painting
finds its colors, some portrait finds its richness. This is the beautiful, mysterious,
wild and free soul in you feeling what it waited for all along.

While you collect all these moments on your journey with him, these very
moments are those that craft your relationship to the greatest detail. This is the
crafting that you both desired at your deepest level. The desire to create has been
an age-old yearning, born in you both as it is this longing of two souls that crafts
two hearts beautifully to make one love story. Isn’t this the one that you waited
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life long? It comes and sprouts like the wildflowers when you expect them the
least, when all else has passed by, but love has called you one more time.

To walk into the retreat of it, to live in the breeze of it and yet to be able to smell
the scent----that is the heaven’s choicest blessing of all. Isn’t this the paradise that
is worth a try? Isn’t this the home that keeps calling you back? Is it not right to
give it a try? Your heart says yes. And it is by tapping into this wisdom, that you
delve in the depths of the cycles which emerge from the relationship journey of
your life. Whether to give in to it or to let it pass you by, certainly is your choice
and yours alone. But to build something beautiful, something peaceful that can
take you home needs much of a movement through the chaos that swirls in every

The world has never witnessed any single relationship that is an exception to this
glaring truth which stares at our face. Surrendering to this can only give us the
waters of peace, the much- needed solace that we all so long for in the aching
moments of our lives. We gather up bits of our past, bits of our present, pieces of
life and make them ultimately a gift, hoping that it will last a lifetime. It will stand
as the story for all times to come, for everyone to behold and appreciate the
beauty that lives inside.

Unleash your own inner insanity, unfold in your own madness, let it breathe in
the fresh breeze, let it emerge in your dreams that you so buried deep inside. As
in this emerging is the escape from the harshness of life. Once a dream if
flickering within, the light gleams and never really goes away and the cliffs
glimmer in its glow out in the tranquil bay of life and if ever there comes the
rushing tides, they know how to see their way. The raging sun has not gone so
unkind. It has something to say.

Each wave that you dance on with the passion of love has to ebb in the evening as
the shores look so bleak, but with the bleakness comes a promise that this is not
the end. As the tender moon too comes with a hope in the softness of its light. No
matter what the phases of your relationship goes through, dawn or eve, it always
makes its way through across the sky. No matter how loud is the roar of sea, how

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hard the pebbles are, but the waves never fail to begin and cease as this is the
cadence of eternity.

Love this sea for it brings out the best of beauty in your relationship, it unfolds the
meaning of it, it unlocks the beauty of rhythm. Relationship is full of rhythms.
Every rhythm touches with its own wonder. Yes, love is painful, but if you can
endure it, then you can sip the ecstasy that comes with it. In this agony and
ecstasy lies the cadence, the poetic madness of two lover’s souls. This is the
wildness of spirits where a wild woman and a wild man have joined in a spirit of
madness to run away in search of the hidden madness of life only to find this
search gives them the madness of love for each other.

The quest for what makes life truly beautiful eventually brings them to the
madness of their own spirits, a madness to explore each other’s souls, to honor
each other, to leave love and peace with each other---it is a complete madness to
walk away from this beautiful invitation that seems so wildly irresistible. The
waters mingle with the emotions, the rivers meet the oceans and in this meeting
flows a flow so incredibly gentle yet so fiercely strong---this is the flow of one love
from two souls---flowing never ceasing, at times slow, at times fast, never fails to
amaze no matter how many pebbles come across the way.

As life brings its own winds of heaven, with its sweetness streaming from a
thousand emotions, in a meeting and mingling, shining in a beauty so divine. That
is the awakening moment of your relationship as in the dawn of its beginning, do
all the clouds drift away that veiled its true beauty for so long. As the light kisses
this earth, so does one soul kiss another in this beauty of love.

This is the true tasting of wilderness in each other’s hearts, as in this tasting of a
true wine, do they really lose each other in one another only to find each other in
the retreat of love…this is a retreat where you go back from time to time with him
to live and relive the moments that you both once shared, the times that you
once captured in the past begin to live again for all the moments to come.

This journey can be enigmatically beautiful, inspiring and lasting if you let your
untamed spirit wander in search of freedom and pass through all phases of

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ecstasy and brooding despair. As his untamed spirit joins yours in this journey of
exploration, the power and peace of visionary imagination and the poetic beauty
of life, the insight to read in the spirit of solitude brings in the interesting mix of
emotions and weaves them in every detail so that a soul touches soul, with
beauty reaching out to another heart from the lips of love. This is the call of one
untamed spirit to another, an invitation of one dancing soul to another to join this
sacred dance.

This is a perfect mix of intellectual beauty with the passionate beauty---a prosaic
beauty blended with a poetic one that brings out the best in a relationship. The
weaving of encounters brings out the portrayal of a relationship in the best and
worst of times. The best will always give you the pieces that hum a joyous
melody, and the worst will make you learn in suffering how to make a whole out
of your broken pieces. These are the creative endeavors that seek out the joy of
participation in the infinite and eternal which you seek out with your partner. So
someday it can be a recollection of your moments together with him, an
invitation to revisit those from time to time, where you can spend your years
sailing together with him in the years to come.

In the sudden twists of life, when you both seem to lose the vision of ideal, it is
those moments that bring poetry and life together, and in its dancing delicacy, do
you both find the lost magic again. It is the sweetness of this joy you both will find
your breath again, the fire of this magic will find its trail again in the burning sky
where you once burnt the dreams. The seemingly passionless silence suddenly
blooms with passion again, the eyelids tremble in finding the lost kiss of souls.
This is the call of the running tide of life whose wildness and clarity cannot be
denied. While some moments of this shared journey will give you gifts there will
be some other moments that may rob you both of them.

There will be always be some moments that can never be burnt to give out the
comfort of a forgotten past, but there will always be a another beginning for you
and him which can take you both to a new shore. The same boat carrying the
memories and dreams, despair and hopes of you both---the boat just got a little
lost in direction while sailing the troubled waters, but it can find its way to sail the

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sea again, so you both can appreciate the new-found coastline. You both are the
shore that you left behind and as you walk your path, peace falls on your way
again from the crimson clouds above in the beauty of a blushing sunset. Storms
may come to you both, but breathe in the blowing winds and begin your voyage.

There will come a new horizon in the ocean of our dreams, a new rainbow in our
skies. This is the feeling of awesome invincibility that you both get while
experiencing life by connecting and reconnecting with it on so many levels. Your
journey with him is a voyage of discovery while you immerse in all the moments,
come as they may with blessings or lessons, they all unfold life with their own
wonders if only to have the eyes to see them, the heart to read them. This is the
journey, the voyage of eternity---as you two with flames of your own merge into
this sacred twin flame and keep sailing forward with nothing to hold you back into
yesterday’s waters.

There were waters that had already passed you by and that which has once flown,
will never flow again. The ecstasy lies in movement, joy lies in the rhythm, in the
magic of dynamics while leaving the boredom of all that is static. You two live the
lives of seers, with the bliss falling on you both---that this dance of relationship
may have many rhythms, but ultimately it is this dance of a true intimacy that will
bring it through. As many chalices may hold the same wine of spirit, ---the taste is
the same, the richness never differs, it is the many vessels that you see…it is the
many phases that you see your relationship phase through---it is the spirit of love
that gives you both the wine that you so need to drink it through.

The relationship will breathe into you, until your soul takes on its fragrance. You
both can never truly escape once you smell the scent of eternity in it. This is the
scent that fills the void in your soul, lights the flickering candle in his heart. This is
the invitation to fill your chalice and embrace the fire. As it is in this burning, that
there is purifying of you both, your mistakes and regrets, the lessons that you
learned along with him in this journey, the wisdom that fell on you both, the
insights that sprouted the seed of maturity---this is what gives you both the music
to your unheard melody.

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This is the wisdom that streams music in the flutes of your souls. In the taste of
sweetness and bitterness, in the wine of joy and grief, in the sip of pleasure and
pain, in the spirit of ecstasy and agony, do you both learn how to hold up the cup
filling each other up. It is how you meet each other in the desert and the seas,
how you honor this meeting with grace and peace, knowing that it is in the
meeting that you both find what you were in search all along---whether it was the
drunken ecstasy of love, the madness of two mingling spirits or the immersing
peace that speaks for all.

This is the relationship that was once burnt but still lived to see its flames. This is
the fragrance that once when it invades you , it touches you in the deepest of
your bruises, reaches you in places that you once buried inside and brings them
forth to light again ---yes, this scent invades you, penetrates you both but only to
bring out the healing waters in you both so you can flow with him, and flow you
must in this brook of relationship, as in this stream of currents do you learn with
him how to cross the pebbles and still make your way. How not to get pushed
away by the rushing and receding of the tides of your relationship, but to flow in
faith and trust, keeping the wisdom alive, lighting the love always.

Cut the hardness of life loose at last only to let in the most tenderizing moments
of all, as it in this sweetness, will you both get past the burning desert of
yesterday and land in to a glimmering shoreline of your souls. Blaze the illusions
that take you away from him, feel the burning that you need to feel---as in this
rebirth will your branches and roots spread in eternity with him, being anchored
with the spirit of love that is all so fulfilling.

This is the spirit that has made this brook of wine, in the taste of which, you both
taste eternity. Some relationships die in search of this wine, while some live to
taste it again and again. By dying, they leave behind a book of memories, some of
the good times once shared seem to rest in the distant past. And for the
relationships that live to see the dawn of a new day, live and relive in the
freshness of now, the only moment that they truly have, ---those are the ones
that dream of dreams, tell of tales that the years ahead may bring with them.
They are the ones who never cease to drink the wine, who never fail to loosen in

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their madness, to get wild while dancing in the rain. Be aware and awake for the
light of this love to show the trails, as it is by the holiness of this light, that you
both finally see the way. The sacred sound, the real sound of your relationship is
in the intimacy of this dance.

The dance may at times bring the streaming tears from raining clouds, and cover
you both with shadows of brooding darkness, and at times, it may give you both
the deepest longings of your heart. At times you both might have to hide your
invisible pain in a visible cage, while at other times, you may both want to be
restless to let the pain dip in joy, to let the curse find its bliss, to let the grief sink
in peace, to let the sadness melt in happiness, to let the end find a beginning. It all
depends on how wisely you both choose to walk in the trails of love and light, so if
you ever fail short of it, it is the light that holds you by. It is the longing in
between the journey between mistrust and trust, despair and hope---that makes
the journey so worthwhile. In every moment that you both crack on its clouded
mystery, you pull aside a veil that obscured the true light for so long.

All relationships go through phases of silent suffering, one that is need of an out
loud cry. Who can deny this reality? This searing is penetrating, so break away the
walls of your desperate denial, and give it out in the openness of light, so its
wounds can breathe again, it can learn to speak again by finding its true voice.
The intense flood of feeling, no matter how painful it can be, but thankfully, it is
beginning to break down into a beauty. This is the sort of wound that you both
endure, the sort of pain that you both carry, but its breaking, it blossoms into a
piece of beauty. The mystic in you finds the mystic in him, and together in this
mystic dance of your souls, do you join hands and surrender your hearts to this
wound and find a beauty inside.

This is the piercing pain that shows the beginning of bliss. The firm desire that
begins to enter to build and not break this weaving of moments together, that the
drop of pain dies once the sky starts raining its benedictions on your journey
together. This is when you both touch the sky from your hearts and kiss the pain
with your souls. This is the moment when a new shoreline of a new beginning
begins to show in the distant horizon. Bliss becomes your essence, joy becomes

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your brook, the waves become your dance, the sea becomes the scent of your
soul. This is what you take to him and this is what he brings to you, and together
in this essence, you both dance in a spiritual unfoldment and with that gradually
unleashes the scent of this union.

In a relationship, the soul has its wildest dance in the realm of love. In an artist,
the soul dances in the realm of hues. In a lover, it dances in the realm of intimacy.
In a dreamer, it dances in the weaving of dreams. The dance of soul is so laced
with a passion waiting for so long. The two souls begin to leap up being awakened
by the sudden touch of love---so enchanting, yet so coming and going----no
certainty does ever show its way, yet that is the shore that lovers long to see.
Strike the soul alive and let it dance in the liveliness of its own spirit. Love is your
innate birthright.

You both need to rise above the past, rise above your broken dreams and see the
power of pristine love gleaming in you both. Relationship has its own moments
and look deep in it before it gets too dark. As in every walk with love, you both
will receive so much more than you seek. The sweetness has never really dried
everywhere, there is always grandeur falling somewhere, some dew is glistening
somewhere, some shower is raining somewhere, some light beaming somewhere
in this path of relationship. Who ever said that there is no hope when hope has
shown its light?

This wildness of hearts in the wilderness of path is a necessity. No matter how

grand is the show of sun-clad mountains, somewhere out there is also another
show where the dew has dried away, the light has gone so dim, that passion has
lost its way. Every landscape can gleam with its own light, as there is an eternal
sunrise seeing through the vista. All that the light shines on it is truly beautiful, so
long as it is intensely wild. Between every two moments there is a door leading to
a new portal of life. In the awareness of a divine wildness, you both will heal
should you ever get lost in the wilderness of your hearts. This love, recognize it as
shoreless and boundless, will show you the shore of your relationship if the sight
ever gets so bleak. The absorption and appreciation of love is what keeps your
relationship dancing and returning home. After years of wondering and

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wandering in the wilderness of relationship, its joy and its agony--- you both can
sense the true outburst of life in the absorbing of your relationship with whatever
it brings and however it brings. Its complete madness to forget all that is rose, its
complete madness to give up all your dreams just because one did not see the

Remember that there is always another chance waiting somewhere out there
with your partner to make it through the night, to see another dawn cracking
through the sky. This is the morn when the wildflowers of your heart sprout from
the streaming tears, where all that is sad dissolves in a love too fulfilling to pass
you by, in a relationship too outpouring to let it go. If breathing and swaying,
dancing and dreaming can be the very brush with which you paint the portrait of
your relationship, then breathe in hope, a hope that can sway your souls to an
awakening wildness. Dance till your soul breaks open in the rushing outburst of

To be able to see an abundance amid the hopeless waste, and to realize the truth
that it is eternally flowing from one phase to another, one beauty shaping to
another beauty, and to rejoice and tremble at the ecstasy of an undying beauty
no matter what shape it takes, what form it takes as it goes through the phases of
evolution. At the end, if a relationship comes out alive, regardless of what it went
through, then the magic breathes alive, and lovely was its blossom in the moment
that came along the way, some fell with its blessings and some with their lonely
cry. All that once fades and dies eventually finds its voice again, in the brush of
this invisible touch, the very essence that brings back wine again to the spirits that
have lost their way, the scent that once got lost, finally found its way.

Relationship is a beautiful blending, a communion of moments, a mix of endless

messages---that is orchestrated by God above. To see beyond what can be seen,
to feel into everything, and yet to see an exquisiteness into the ordinary, an
elegance into the daily walk of relationship is the falling of blessings as both walk
your path on a new day, in a new way, in just another time. This is an enlightening
way to take a more probing look into the daily struggles of relationship where you
both can come out of its maze with such a deep-eyed, soul-searching passion,

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that what seemed so passionless in the loudness of day, what seemed so lifeless
in the hustle and bustle of life, suddenly shimmers with a passion too deep to
drink it dry, a relationship too melting to walk away from.

This is the legacy of wisdom that you both can leave behind while dancing this
chaos of all that keeps it alive. Relationship can be appreciated for the myriad
emotions that it evokes in you both. We breathe life into emotions in their
broadest sense as you both treasure the breath of life that you so needed. It is
this breathing that gave rhyme and the rhythm, a vivid imagery in the awakened
souls of you both, leaving you both with a craftsmanship of joy and grief in the
most delicate manner, bringing out the finer emotions of life, yet giving you both
a broader perspective of all that it takes to have this dance.

Relationship is the spontaneous overflow of a wider array of feelings. It takes its

birth from emotions recollected in loudness and serenity, in madness and
tranquility. It is a seductive play of sunrise and sunset of your togetherness with
him, woven in richness of truth and beauty, love and intellect, wonder and
enchantment. With the breathings of your heart, you both breathed life into it,
and all that was born was a wonder at every turn, an amazement at every bend.
In the wake of that dawn of a new understanding always speaks of a bliss in

To be fully alive in the moments of thoughtless emotions, to let the untamed

spirits flow in a madness so deserved, so as to bring out the holy cry for love, this
is the voice struggling for the cage to break open and to come out with the
wildest of cry---a cry for love, a need for its presence in the most sublime manner.
This is the love that is the finer breath of relationship. The dancing of relationship
carries you both into the deepest recesses of emotions, into the sacred retreats of
feelings, that you thought was never reachable. It is an unconditional surrender to
all that lies there, pure and pristine---it was there all along, just that you both had
to return to the awaiting retreat.

This is the returning to your relationship, the peace of your home coming with
him. The need was always there, but as the troubled waters came running in your
sea, your ship got lost for a while only to find the charted pathway again. This is
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the voyage that you so needed with him to bring live the hope of survival of your
relationship. Relationships should never be left in the hands of chance. Everything
you do as a couple creates the dance of relationship you have in the sacred now
and shapes its future in the upcoming years. Resolved issues which came along
the way can be left behind, all in the peace of past, but those that lie unresolved
come along with you going forward with him in the dance to take, in the chaos to
come. If it was a pebble in the waters of your past, then chances are high that
they might stand as stumbling stones again in the days ahead. Never push it away
to chance and dwell in the impression that it will all die down and the relationship
will be smooth again on its very own. There is a chance that it may never see the
light again.

What you and your partner put together in the dance of your relationship, that is
what will grow out of it. As you sow, so shall you reap. If you both have taken
time to break open to each other, to flow in the brook of openness, then chances
are, you both will grow together, sprout the bud of your relationship to its fullest.
Or else, chances are that you two will grow apart. Some r. Relationships die out of
a wanting of time and nurturing, not just understanding. It is a lamp that needs to
be fed. Time alone also can never build the pillars of trust between a couple but
instead how you both choose to behave with the passage of time is what should
earn trust in the best, wholesome way.

Indulging in too many risks and excessive chances may cause the relationship to
wither in the severity of winter. It may lose its endurance and may see the demise
of a twin light of two souls. Healing never happens on its own. It is a conscious
choice, an effort that takes nurturing one another’s sentiments, wanting to know
at the deepest depths what caused the injury of another soul, what led the light
to fade, what caused the flame to flicker, what happened and what did not, how
can the broken soul get back its wings and taste the love again. They say that you
may be destined to stay with your partner, but the destiny can see its demise if
the choices are not made in the best of your wisdom. Sometimes, it may batter
even the best of relationships.

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The best of relationships do not necessarily have the best of their dances, but
they do have the best of adjustment, the best of understanding of one another.
They say, that no meeting comes by accident. The universe decides which people
to bring into your life. While that is true, it is equally true, that it is you who gets
to decide which people you would like to take a chance with in search of a
relationship. This search has to be a meaningful one. As even though it is fate or
chance that may bring people in our lives, but it is ultimately us who shapes and
creates them. Relationships are not a race either.

There is no need to rush, no need to hasten. It is not a fast track run. Slow down
and in the comfort of your heart, take the time out to know another soul,
recognize another spirit, see what lights him up and what burns him down, before
you take it too far. Go to places where you can delve in one another’s depths,
spend time with him to see if you can find a magic in that being together, see if
you can find anything extraordinary in your moments shared, feel the rhythm and
then you can decide whether your heart calls you to stay or leave.

Relationships dwell in the beauty of complexity, unless you can flood it with time
enough, so that it can always run at the peak. At times, you may wonder why he
came down so strong on you, that you felt it so fiercely, and then for some
strange reason, you feel so much of a coolness sinking you in. The answer lies in
not wanting to take the time off any more because of other hustle- bustle of
everyday life. Making time at the beginning to win another heart, but then never
being able to keep the magic alive, is an expensive mistake, one that you can
never afford to make.

You would want to be seen, validated, wanted and treasured at all moments. You
would want the freshness of love alive to put the dance of events into
perspective. Love is alive and vibrant. If you can keep it stoked and euphoric, it
stays alive, it burns bright. If you let it fallow, it dies down somewhere along the
way. Love is a dance of awakening and reawakening---connecting and
reconnecting. The way of feeling, thinking and behaving all delicately weave the
web of relationship. Rekindle the moments like when you first met him. Whisper
music in his ears, ride the winds with him, dance like a wildflower, meet him in

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the moments of loveliness, and your love can spiral up---in the process, your
relationship will have the flame again. And you will have an amazing find that
nothing got lost. It just got buried beneath the daily events of life. Find the
wildness in him, not so that you can tame him, but so, that you can join him in his
wildest run ever. Find the madness in his soul, not so that you can calm him
down, but so, that you can be mad with him. And together you both can have the
madness you so desired, the wildness you so wanted.

Create the exciting and challenging moments so you can discover the world and
life again with him. Playfulness is inside you and inside him. Awaken the inner
child within you both---so you can allow yourself and him a careless fun, some
awkward moments, some wild fun. And at other times, give space for love. This is
the lest understood dynamics in the dance of relationship. Give your other half
some time and space, as love needs space to grow just as fire does. Bonding takes
time. It needs space to breathe.

Delve in the warmest of sentiments, and gratitude. Show your vulnerability and
confide your fears. Be generous enough to give space but passionately enjoy the
closeness. Share your most innermost self with him. Never fail to unfold yourself
to your greatest depths, never resist him while he desires to know you in the
intimacy of your soul. This is the greatest intimacy that you can have with him in
the warmth of your fire, as you give in to his desire for closeness and space. The
intimacy of being with him means meaning releasing compassion within you so as
to honestly vulnerable and show up with love in the greatest way possible. And
when overwhelming moments come in between you both, reconnect with him,
instead of creating space between you two, no matter what the turbulent
emotions the present moment may flood you with. Ignite the fire of love again,
and find your way to him with gratitude and wisdom.

Never dampen the fire of love. Walk in love with him from a place of conscious
gratitude. Give an emotional release, if you both have to, give out a good cry and
then feel your inner fire and the fire of love---both again at their own pace, at
their own time. Never dampen your emotions, let them flow like a running brook,
as in this flowing, you both create more space for your inner fire to blaze. Give

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yourself permission to flow your unexpressed emotions so, you can release all
that is bottled up and can be with him in the moments as overwhelm comes at
times. Awaken the fire of love again. And in this fire, burn with him till it brings
your relationship alive. Allow space for grace. Listen for the silent fall of grace
around you. In this beauty, nourish the friendship that seems so long lost. Live in
the intimate depths with him as that is a journey that can invite to slowly and
lovingly adjust to swimming in the deeper waters, turmoil currents of your
relationship. Be the heart of vulnerability. Keep going below the surface noise of
love so you can feel with him what is truly for you both in this moment. Lead with
tenderness and trust and bring out the vulnerability in him, so in this rare
moment, you both can break open and engage in a deepened sharing. Mend your
relationship, and not end for the sake of love at least. As this realization makes its
way, understanding of the most overwhelming moments seeps in and together
you burn in the holy fire, to bring out the sacredness of your relationship.

Couples are aware that love is a fire. It burns and melts at its very core. It
consumes and heats in the center. It can very much smolder and burn low, only to
burst out again with new passion and energy. Couples give themselves to the risk
of those flames. This love has a burning beauty. At times, the lack of attention and
fondness, engagement in the comfort of a long- term relationship, taking
everything for granted runs it at its greatest risks of burning a love and blowing it
up in smoke. They dampen and quench the fire of passion. And some other times,
love runs out in boredom and busyness, familiarity and habit too. Behind these
daily threats lurks a fundamental danger of losing a relationship. You or the other
get suffocated in the relationship. But then there is a risk and a reward in burning
in the flames of love. Either you keep it burning so as to keep your love alive or
you get burnt in it. Is the reward worth the risk?

Keep the thirst for togetherness. Or else it leads to the demise of intimacy and
desire. The love that risks losing itself in another is strong enough to endure
whatever burning comes along the way and seeks all the ways to keep the flame
burning so the couples make their way through the sunrise and sunset of
relationships. Countless lovers cry out for love to relieve their hunger, so as to
find their way to the dance of their own relationship. You both need time to enter
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into moments of your relationship, time to rekindle the past moments like when
your soul first crossed his on this path of life. Love helps you slip into this sense of
wonder as to how can you bring this amazement back? How can you reignite the
fire one more time? What does it take to keep the flames alive? There is an oil
that you got to spread on the canvas of your love, so the beauty painted by your
brushstrokes can invent a world of your relationship. Live your life forward with
him but never leap through the present, leaving behind the past and in a haste
into the future. Never stretch away from what is real—the solidity of love---which
creates the solidity of your relationship. As in this stretching comes the risk of its
failure. You may feel uprooted from the love and it may look so remote and
unreal. Search for something, make room for euphoric plans that can rekindle the
moments you both once shared. This way, you will never be cast out of the past
when you first encountered him in your life. Begin again, every moment, every
second, feel again what you first felt when you first met.

It will allow the depth and breadth of love. The effect will be more capacious,
more absorptive sense of your relationship. One that can renew the solidity of
your past memories of your first-time encounter and that can land your future
dreams with him into reality. Art of relationship lies not in pulling apart the
threads of perception of love but in putting them back together again. You both
need art in love---an art that can train your imaginations to linger, to pause, to
receive the textures and hues and shapes of a relationship. So you both can
participate in rekindling love on a daily basis as you both move forward with the
eyes of wisdom. Never compromise this artistic vision by struggling in obscurity.
Give in to the underlying voice of love, its needs and its dreams. Or else love can
cry with a mind-numbing dullness, and can very well set the downhill of your

Your relationship may seem to be in ashes, --- beauty, goodness and truth may
appear to be in ruin if you never take out the time to be in a delicate play of
affection. You ponder yet again over the mystery and the wonders of love. The
man in him becomes touched by a real, tangible woman in you. At times, the
seasons of love may feel chill and dark, and the breath of morning may be damp,
but it befits you if you are a pilgrim of heart. This is the beautiful season for the
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wayfarer, the pilgrim and the lover in you and him especially those consecrated to
the spiritual sign of the relationship to flourish in. This is the season. These are
great moments, powerful moments---that you both want to hold on to them in
the absence of struggle and sorrow. Great moments of burning fire do not always
endure and it may be very easy to slip back into an air of indifference taking every
moment for granted. It is then that the cry of love goes up and this too is a grace,
this too is a gift from love. It is a grace to cry out to send out a plea for its return.
Love when it is born, flames and lives, and then in the lack of feeding suffers and
dies. It may or may not come with a promise of return. The season of love can be
a season of tension.

The veil separating love from its rising and falling may be thickly clouded. It can be
breached only by you both. Regardless of the dark winter that descends on love
from time to time, regardless of the struggles you face and the challenges that
you see in it, regardless of the confusion that is out there----it is true ---the flower
may wilt but it will give out its essence if only to feed it with your soul. The times
may be rough and the years may seem to be worn out at times, but spring,
summer, autumn, each in turn will bring their gifts in the dance of your
relationship. But they will be over with their fleeting beauties and consider the
passing of all phases. While whirling in this dance, never take the rhythms for
granted. When one rhythm is born, another dies. Each in turn gives birth to a
series of soul touching movements.

The dance may be joyous, but it also may be grievous, if you fail to fan the flames.
This is the moment that you need to come to see the call of love. In this journey
together, you will try to get the richest vista, but getting there can be a trying
task. A seminal finding of relationship is love is happiness. Love can never wrestle
with loneliness. It can never feel the feelings of indifference and aloofness. That is
wake-up call for you both that it is time for you both to find refuge in one
another. An aching question---Can they find a way? This is when you learn to die
in love in order to live it one more time.

Only when you both fall from grace, can you fall in love again. And then two
voices construct a shared story, they create a shared journey. From the moment

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God has made a man and a woman, they alone are responsible for writing their
own narrative. Love is your and his first joint byline. Love is a story that you tell
with another person. It is a co-creation through a co-narration. Sometimes the
timeliest wisdom comes from the timeless truth--- what causes a love to dance
and what causes it to die. This is the mystery of being alive---being un-alone
Sometimes you may be able to grapple it with success and some other times,
maybe not. There is a light inside of you, there is a light inside of him. Burning
with delight, it lays deep within you both.

Let the flame stay alive with nothing to blow it out. Alone the light is flickering, as
fragile is its will, only to see its burning in madness while it burns in togetherness.
Never let the beauty of love burn out. Every time you touch his soul, a wildness
runs through you. This is the burning to burn the flames of your relationship.
There is power, there is peace in waiting as one---- there is love, there is heaven
as falling together in one. As in this rushing wind of love, burn in love so you
cannot contain the fire inside, so let it shine, this light of yours together with his.

Less time together leads to a loss of intimacy which manifests as a dimming the
spark. This leads to a dwindled communication between partners, breaking down
in a cycle of negativity that descends in frustration and further distance. Yet,
dance this chaos with keeping the spark alive. Breathe in positivity in the flow of
communication with him, understand his love language and find out what stays
and what leaves his pondering mind. What holds and what keeps him alive in the
roughest and sweetest of times. Growth spurts in your relationship when you
step out of your comfort zone and create something together. It is this inspiring
one another so as to co-create together, as in this co-creating breathes the magic
of togetherness.

Melt him in sudden surprises, so you will remember reasons why you got into this
relationship in the first place. This moment is the only thing that is real and alive.
Do not filter your partner with a story of the past. As the past ahs waved you its
good-bye. There is a time to end and a time to begin a new chapter in your book,
a new phase in your journey. Dwell in the joy of what makes him loved and what
makes him seen. Create surprises every now and then, not some stumbling

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roadblocks. Put the passion back into your relationship. And your story will never
see an end.

There is always an uncertainty showing its way in a relationship. The lingering of

this unresolved mystery as to what lies ahead and what lies behind, causes many
to build up walls and push others away. But there is a certain beauty to this
uncertainty in any relationship. It creates a sacred space where we can spiritually
awaken and revel ourselves in a light never seen before. We feel an innate urge to
shield ourselves during the phases of unexpected surprises, an uncertainty that
seems so unbearable. How can we master the art of surrendering ourselves to
faith and trust. Appreciate the needs and feelings of your partner and bring in
those understandings to create a nurturing and outstanding relationship. Share
your fears with him.

Do not hold back love. Become aware of your behavior patterns, your emotions,
what triggers them. Share them with your partner about what you need to
release your inner withholding and connect. Let him play the supportive
companionship so you can blossom at your best. Here in you may be amazed at
how much more trust it can create. Find out what drives your partner, what
makes him fulfilled, what gives him the aliveness, what keeps him vibrant in all
seasons. Honor and accept their answers as the truth of who they are, without a
shadow of doubt, give in to the gaze that looks deep in his soul, as it is in this gaze
can you make a fulfilling contact from soul to soul. Learn to live in trust and faith.
Stay, even when everything in you wants to leave. Instead of reacting to your
partner at every moment, choose faith and stay with him. Unfold your soul and
see what they need to feel loved. What keeps the connection flowing to a more
profound beauty needs you to choose trust, to choose faith.

Shine as an example of what you want to see in your partner. Step back and feel
what your partner is feeling and be present for his pain, his emotions. Commit to
listening with an understanding, a compassion so you can pull him out of the
intensity of his silent sobs. Listen to his words and also the silence that stays
between the words. Read into them with your heart, not just your intellect. The
only thing that we can truly control is our choices, our actions, our reactions, and

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we can make conscious choices everyday so as to create a beauty in the dynamics

of our relationship. What will be born out of that dancing chaos, whether it will
live or crash is something that never comes with a certainty, is always
unpredictable, but it is the awareness, the consciousness of how to give in
without expecting to get back anything, how to open up without holding back,
how to release yourself without fear, how to walk forward leaving yesterday’s
story in the past---very well shapes the future dynamic dance of your relationship.
Let go of what holds you in your past relationships. Understandably, certainty is
fundamentally about survival.

Yes, it is frightening to step into the unknown. It is difficult to be vulnerable.

Uncertainty makes us so overwhelmingly uncomfortable that we cling to the past,
as even though it is steeped in pain, yet it has a familiarity, it is something known
to us. Move beyond your past into the next chapter of your life. This will unfold as
the most important emotional drive. Settle for a life first where you can empower
the positive and disempower the negative emotions that struggle in your
thoughts. Let go of what restrains you, let in of what releases you. This is the way
beauty comes back again in the dance of your relationship. Engage in simple
things with him that build momentum. The ultimate breakthrough happens when
you shut the doors of disempowering, disenchanting, disillusioning mind and feed
your soul with empowering hope, faith and trust in your partner. Give in to this
love that goes beyond yourself.

Find the essence in your relationship, so you can give in more than you can give
yourself. No matter how broken you may feel, you always have something
beautiful to offer. At every exhaustion, feel the strength returning in the essence
of that beauty. This is the sustainable giving for a joyous living. You give to as to
unfold your dream relationship to a more blooming beauty. It evolves with every
step that you take. It dances in the uncertainty, but fearlessly it proceeds. Nothing
holds it back. Never compete, but create with him. It is never a competition, but a
co-creation, one that is born out of a mutual inspiration, a dance that needs both
the souls to join their hands, join their spirits. Relationship is not a place where
you go to seek something, but where you give in yourself fully and completely.
Herein lies the mystery of rekindling desire and finding your way to relationship
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resilience. The ship has to be entered two by two. Swallow your ego and never
dismiss the truth that evolution requires interaction and relationship with one
another. Relationships are necessary for your personal growth, for your own
spiritual evolution. Out of the dancing chaos of your mind, comes the opening of a
new light. Love calls you to follow him, though his ways are unknown and steep,
follow him anyway, if this is the call that stirs in you, if this is the call that you
were looking for. His needs become your own. Without you, he would lose his
way. Without him, you could never find your own. The perfection and beauty of
everything will come out revealed in its own pace, and own time. Fear always
surges in the most intimate relationships. Even then, intimacy is tremendously
powerful than isolation for unfolding of your spiritual growth. Desire that holy
moment for yourself, so you can share it with him.

Fall in love with your wild beckoning spirit, as in love that you find this union, that
shines as a communion. How you spend your time on Earth, how you create your
relationship is vastly more significant beyond the realms of your knowledge. As
you walk on the path of this creation, the light of understanding begins to enter.
The love that you create with him while living will be reflected and radiated back
to you. You are in this together with him, melting and dissolving with him. If you
hurt him, you sink in hurting yourself. This relationship speaks of incomparable
importance. When you pass beyond the veil and glimpse the beauty of this
communion, you will realize, that you have found each other and will light each
other’s way, in the depths of darkness you both will shine as a sacred light of twin
souls. It wakes you up to the importance of what is meaningful and what is not in
this earthly life, what gives salvation and what takes you away from it, what
pushes you towards enrichment of your own soul and what makes it so void, so

One moment spent together, one instant spent in a sacred mingling gives back
what was missing for so long. It gives you the lost music back to your soul. As you
ask for help even in the most wordless way, he will hear it and will reach out to
you in the offering of help. He will know how to penetrate in your wordless needs,
your silent struggles and will extend his hand to pull you out of all that you drown
beneath. Your encounter with him is a holy encounter. It is a sacred eye-gaze.
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Even it was for the briefest of moment, that was enough. In that gaze holding, did
you give a part of your soul to him ---did he give a part of his soul to you. And you
both are no longer the same. Be the light that can forgive the wrongdoings that
can ever come along the way. Death of a relationship lies in searching for the
peace in judging and trying to build up the walls in between you both. It is in the
breaking of those walls, not building, that you both see the twin flame light again.
He is another half of your soul. The universe has opened up and things start to
conspire in favor of this holy encounter. You behold the intense acceptance of
who you are through his images. You get to fulfill each other in the places where
you have been asleep. You do not have to endure the chaotic, unreliable and
challenging relationships that you have in the past.

Contrarily, as you meet your twin flame in him, you accept him as the one that
has been searching you as intensely as you have been searching for him. And
herein the myth of the one becomes so real, so alive, that you can no longer deny
it. You recognize the reason for his existence. When you begin to accept that he
has undergone through tumultuous waves of his life, you gain a better clarity that
you had to reach this point so as to welcome this relationship in your life in the
light of this enlightened understanding. As your twin flame, he has come into your
life at the precise moment when you need to learn something incredible about
yourself. He comes with an incredible wisdom, to give you an enlightening too
deep to ignore, too awakening to run away from. You need to let it soak you with
its light of wisdom. You can absorb this light to grow, to further evolve in the
understanding of his arrival in your life.

You can never measure up the intensity and passion of love that you see in your
twin flame. This is when the dance of intimacy begins. This is how a relationship
evolves with the passage of time. You love unconditionally, you no longer envision
things from a give and take perspective, but something unconditional flows in the
running brook of love. You learn that things may not rhyme or reason, yet you will
accept it. They may not have a meaning, yet you will see the most beautiful
meaning blooming in it. It may not have a beautiful beginning, yet it is in the
ordinary, unmelodious lyrics that you will find the perfect melody. This may not
be the greatest story of the world, but for you it will be the legendary love-story
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of your life. It may not reach the heightened ecstasy of the crowd, but it has
reached the trembling ecstasy of you both. There will come a time though when
the initial passion will start to stabilize, as the busyness of daily life will take over
both of you. In those moments, you both will partake the dark parts of your souls.
It is in that space, that you must learn to heal, forgive and partake in accepting all
aspects of your self unconditionally. Living in light of goodness always comes with
such an ease, but we all are made of duality. These are moments when maturity
and understanding dawns in our souls---that there is always a soul work to be
done in this realm of human experience. He will heighten all facets of you. This is
the fulfillment of your beauty. The depth and dimension of this love affair with
him will try to make you run away at times. The intensity may feel like too much
to handle. But then, there comes a time when running away and running around
gets so exhausting and finally, you surrender.

There will be some cosmic challenges where you both know that it is going to take
a phase of adjustments. You see the light of recognition that there is adjusting
that needs to be followed and together you can accomplish it You let you ego
aside and the fear will dissolve and you both will be able to feel the love, breathe
in that love again. This is when you both begin to understand that your soul was
destined to be with his many years ago and that this destiny was created many
lifetimes ago. This is the phase when you both can find a peace so tender that you
give in to it, as it was so well needed. He will pull and push you with a light of
love, with a surge of encouragement beyond any other relationship in your life.
He will not stand in your way while you follow your purpose. He may pull himself
back sometimes to find grounding in his own life. But he will return to run side by
side on your journey of life. You recognize each other’s vibration and frequency.
The mirror lives from past encounters and experiences have given birth to this
moment when you welcome this sacred love.

You are the epitome of true unconditional love. You become one in rhythm with
him. Putting a death to your egoistical beliefs and by letting go, that your souls
recognize this needing of one another, this meeting had to happen as it came
with a purpose. It didn’t happen without God’s will. And if it is a by a divine
design, then who are you to defy it? As the more you defy this meeting, the more
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you try to run, the more it chases you, the more it takes you to the truth already
written for you. You both are propelled into a wild and explosive journey to
unravel the secrets of the delights of love. The dynamics causes both of you to
evolve through a push and pull, your relationship can be turbulent with many ups
and downs. You both can unfold both separately and together to bring out the
best versions of yourselves. You can effortlessly read his thought patterns and
moods and he can effortless read you. But love flows best when you are in an
inspiring relationship and not in a co-dependent or controlling relationship. As it is
the dependency, the clinging, the neediness, the controlling that takes the joy out
of it all and leaves you with nothing. This is the rarest alchemical union that you
can possibly have with him. He is an important part of your journey to self-
actualization, to becoming your most genuine self. You have an understanding on
who he is on a soul level. The first meeting between you both becomes a glimpse
of heaven.

You carry his heart with you, you carry his deepest secrets, his aching pain, his
blooming joy. The sea of you has his pearls, the heaven in you has his stars. Great
is the sea and heaven in you that carries them both, but greater is your heart. Out
of your whole life, you give out these moments while you leave in the past, all of
your life that has gone before and worry not about all of the life to come after. In
a rapture of delight, in a trembling of ecstasy, where thoughts and feelings of soul
and senses have mingled together for the eternality of these moments. The
minute you heard that singing melody, you knew that the lover in him was in
search of you. It is the delight of discovery of you both in each other. You learn in
the unfolding of your relationship, that mere wanting is never enough, but that
you both must feel the flame of that wanting mad enough so as to want to create
it everyday. You need to see the light of this dynamics. That love can come as a
wild madness. It comes like a madness and when the madness subsides, you have
to give a voice to your deciding mind. You have to search deep within the roots of
your love, see if it is grounded deep within and in entwinement---deep enough so
as to see the parting inconceivable., the pulling apart unthinkable. As love is not a
wild breathlessness, it is not an excitement to come and go, to rush and
recede… is not the promise of an endless passion, it is not an unending desire

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every moment of the day, it is not a trembling ecstasy every night for all the
nights of your life….that is the best picture that you can have of being in love.
Love is actually what is left behind when being in love has faded away. It is the
soul union when passion itself has burned away. This is the truth of your
relationship dynamics. This is the lifelong love affair that can bring you both the
richest fulfillment that you so looked for, where you both re-gift one another with
the gifts that you found in each other. As tranquil falls deep in the restless nights
that struggle in your soul, his eyes will read your ageless soul, where the past,
present and future will melt away, and what was and what never will be---- will
never stand in the way. Somewhere deep inside, you hear its cry, somewhere
deep down, he hears it too---where he awakes your sleepless soul, takes you
away from the safe harbor of the sea, only to dance you in the surging waves of
the moonlit love. Tonight is the night that you feel the love, that peeks so tender
into your heart--- Tonight is the night that you learn to live, in the love that melts
too deep, a passion that runs so high, that only he and you can breathe in the
living melody of it.

While you try to connect with him surfing through the world of uncertainty, there
is a scent of your soul that clings to your wildest dreams, weaving the fabric of
your feelings---it never leaves but lingers, it never truly fades but engulfs. This is
the fragrance that breathes life in such a tenderness---that time unleashes this
seducing scent of souls. This is the fragrance that speaks in words, lives in a
melody that runs from time to eternity. While you sense the coming storms and
the unleashing thunder making their way across the horizon, it is this scent of
souls that knows how to harness the storms and calm them down ---this is the
fragrance of sweet surrender, where you abandon your ego and shelter yourself
in the retreat of a spiritual partnership---a communion that adds so many colors
to the petals of your life—so while you both are lost in the streaming waters of
life, this is the fulfillment that gives you a richness in the scent of surrender. This
is the perfumed eternity in the arms of your beloved, where every drink falls from
the lips of love, every bliss falls from the lips of heaven. Still waters---so beautiful,
running waters---even more beautiful, if only you can flow with the rushing
currents of it---as it is the running brook of your love that will eventually run the

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rhythms of your relationship. He entered your life as the most beautiful and
disturbing hurricane ever. The connection with him is magical as it speaks of an
intimacy on so many levels.---intellectual, physical and spiritual. You both share
the joy of similar visions and expectations. But the magical tale between you two
quickly transforms into an intense journey of growth for both the individuals, as
the dance of this relationship makes you both face yourselves and the fire of
transformation. Your relationship romance will only unfold according to the
rhythm of the journey of both souls. You both have reached a significant state of
spiritual evolution both on a me level and on an us level. You come together with
him to mirror the reflection of another soul, the growth that is needed so both
can reach the peak of their potentials. The seed was always there, the sprouting
now occurs due to the reflection of each other in the light of love, in the flames of

You both are emotionally ready to love each other from the place of self-love and
lovely is this love as it is not shadowed by a co-dependency or neediness or any
urge to be cared for. The Universe made you both cross your paths because you
both are meant to work hand-in-hand on a mission and a vision, an adventure to
be shared together. You both did not come together to live confined, but because
you both share a destiny of light which will breathe more peace and joy around
you. This relationship is your road to enlightenment. This relationship surfaces
your deepest fears and pains too but only to heal and mend not to see the end of
this magical growth of soul relationship. When your eyes meet and hold the gaze,
your heart awakes from its slow rhythm—it then pulsates and you feel how
deeply you have needed him all along. He is the mirror of your soul---and there
unfolds the stories of you, him and eternity. Love calls you everywhere, you both
are sky-bound. You wonder---is he coming?

A shelter from the storm in him you find, your restless spirit and stirring soul in
search of freedom roams in this wild vastness----a kindred spirit so eternally
bound, so undeniably familiar, an ancient tune ---this is the call that you have
been waiting for since the beginning of birth. When something in you dies, he is
the breeze that breathes life back into your soul. And the heaven you taste there
in his breath, gives you the breath of homecoming. In this surrender comes the
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freedom, returns the joy as the waves return to the shore. This is the celestial
perfume of two souls melting in the spell of eternity. This is the wine that
captures the moment in the magic that becomes so timeless. You both are
reflections of the divine dream that you so share with the intermingling of your
hearts. You both are the bearers of the light in the hearts of humanity. Meeting
him is a gigantic shift in your consciousness—it catalyzes your spiritual awakening
and causes a complete upheaval in all areas of your lives—it touches you in your
deepest places where you never felt the touch before. It only takes a moment for
memories of an unbridled love to come rushing back. These feelings spread like
the flames of fire from the soul to everywhere.

This flame pushes you onto a quest for a more authentic life by making you
question everything, not only who you are at your deepest level and the meaning
of all that you are doing but also all that you have done in the past. This meeting
causes your vibration, awareness and energy immediately to emerge and rise---it
gives your soul the resonance, the freedom, everything in now. You both truly feel
the play of the magical universe through the synchronicities that surround you.
This call to return to the original state of Oneness is so intoxicating that you
follow the call to be who you really are at the deepest level. He is the mirror of
your soul. The very gaze that you make with him makes you instantly struck. This
is the journey of two souls where a tremendous beauty is born---a love that finds
its voice ----the sky hears it, the universe feels it---and deep down you know, he
hears it too. This journey takes you back to your childhood, where the child in you
sensed everything with wonder and delight, where curiosity danced at every gaze
that you took on all the miracles in this universe.

It awakens you to find that spirit again where innocence can shine again in your
eyes, where playfulness can dance again on your soul, where your beauty will
rush again to live and not to die. You create again the life you desire and deserve.
A timeless love poem is born as you share this dance of sprit with him. There are
things that go unnoticed, love that flickers in a darkness but blazes in light, and
somewhere someone rises from the faintest glimmer of light, rising in the dawn
with curtains drawn and out comes the light of a holy beyond, in whose glimmer
you see a spirit seized in love, a love that is so enduring for all seasons to come, a
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love that makes you question your past---all that you have done---did it ever hold
any meaning for you? This is the dance of your other half, his spirit that shows
you the light of another beginning where you wonder and dance in curiosity in the
holiness of his call. He is so etched into your spirit and ingrained into your heart
that you need not worry about loving him for he is you, so many centuries ago,
born of the same fruits, split into two wombs, seeing birth to one soul, later
parted into two. This is a love that rivals all other types of earthly love, a love that
ignites fire in you to be better, to shed yourself from old, dualistic ways,---a love
that comes, a love that grows, a love that knows, a love that stays to awaken.

The strength of the whole universe is pulsing through you and him. Breathe and
stay close to this connection. This connection will not break you. Fully awake,
eyes wide open, rooted in this love---you both are ready for this. This is the love
finding its way back to itself and within you and between you and him. And you
will look at him through the windows to your soul and you will speak from beyond
the depths of your ocean. Just as Earth would yearn that only the rising sun can
understand, similarly, only he will understand as you speak from this place. He
will recognize and feel the melody, the tune, the lyrics from your every syllable.
You will love him fearlessly until the end of ages, through the entirety of an era
and for all the ones to come.

It is only him and it has only ever been him. This is the unbreakable bond that
allows the poetic union of two hearts to blossom into a fruit that you never tasted
before. You both are those destined for each other at the beginning of your
lifetime. You both may have gone separate ways under different circumstances
after which you have crossed each other’s paths again by some stroke of fate. You
both now are ready to accept love in its heightened ecstasy. The eye contact
between you both is a gaze that holds a sense of appreciation and love and holds
deeper feelings than others. It will arouse and awaken some of the deepest
feelings that you probably buried inside. Your eyes will be a mirror to your soul
and his eyes will be ready to appreciate the heightened love and return it at the
deepest level. That gaze holds the unspoken conversation, the unexpressed
feelings that you two ever had. It will say all that was unsaid, express all that was
seeded inside, one gaze will bring out all in the blooming of love to its fullest
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peaks. This is the gaze that makes a break through between two souls. This is the
gaze that connects one soul to another, speaks of a bond so silently yet so
eloquently, that loveliness falls on this love from the lips of heaven above. It is a
blissful reality that he enters and your life becomes truly a gift and a magical
journey. You still have the mundane, but there has been a beautiful shift. You are
so aware that you are here to experience this adventure, ride the wild waves with
him of something called life and learn to love while surfing the wild and the
tranquil waves. You finally give in to your wanting---you want to feel live and the
only way you can feel it is by living it, not by escaping it. But everything can
crumble from this blissful place to the mundane state again if you shift in a major
paradoxical way. You lose sight of the shore of this magical encounter, this
awakening beauty that has evoked such a depth of feelings within you. And you
start yearning for an attachment again.

He is your friend to whom you can return time and time again. He is your home to
whom you have arrived. You can never really close a door that was a doorway to
your own soul, to your understandings on the enigmatic magic of life. You never
understood what you were looking for until you met him. He is able to reach out
to your feelings even at times, when you fail to understand yourself. He brought a
beautiful shift in your perspective, he makes you awaken to your deepest longings
and gave you the love and courage to pursue them. You feel the touch, you
understand him. His presence sings in the very air. How can you day good bye to
someone who awakened you so you can sing the very one song that you wanted
to sing all along? Choosing to walk away would be a shift from the wisdom of your
heart. Embrace him in the splendor of this moment when love speaks out in all its

The best of moments that the two of you ever shared, all the memories, all the
beauty are here to stay and not to leave. You see the heaven in his eyes, you see
the poetry in his soul, you hear the music in his heart. This is a once in a lifetime
connection. It is rare and it flows so magically, so effortlessly that you have known
it all along. This is the urge that drives you to let the connection in and be at ease
with being totally transparent. Something amazing happens and you begin to
experience your reflection in his eyes. This is a beautiful energy that works in a
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spiraling manner that propels you both to know heights of expanded

consciousness. This is a love conceived in the moments of spiritual ecstasy. You
are his breath as he is yours. This is the gift that you carry in moments of
loneliness and togetherness, in heart breaking pain and heart melting joy. It is the
shimmering sunlight that you see in his eyes, it is the morning glory that you
behold blooming in his soul, it is the nightingale humming in his heart---all these
that descend on your heart and immerse you in a peace that so transcends the
mundane. This is when you have heaven in your heart. Never shy away from this
paradise. If you surrender, you can be the truth of its beauty. But if you run away,
then what you run from, persists for a lifetime. By simply gazing into his eyes, you
listen to the heaven breathing in you. By gazing into your eyes, he feels the
beauty of heaven resting on his soul. This is the melody that reaches farthest of all
the other earthly music that lives out there. The madness of two souls is the
richest of heaven’s blessings. This is the light in two eyes that reach the souls in
an instant of eternity and recognizes the kinship, the flame of pure connection,
the holiness that knows how to emerge and to make all else sacred.

How can you close your eyes to the heavenliness of this light? It was meant to
shine in your eyes, it was destined to unite two souls together. What dreams may
come that heaven may not gift them with its choicest blessings? What love can
escape the beauty of this blessings that falls from the lips of heaven? Is not this
connection born at the moment when you meet another soul which knows what
you are born to desire, and beneath the flow of all desires, the truth is you never
really had it. All the things that live in your soul are but faint glimpses of it---the
unfulfilled promises, the echoes that died away as soon as you began to hear. But
had the echo truly lived so as to reach sound from silence, you would have felt
the burning desire one more time. As there is heaven singing its music in this echo
of a lifetime. This is your homecoming. This is what you are born for, to hear it, to
sing it and finally to sing the music back to his soul. You can never walk away from
it, as the call is out there in this universe. The music reaches the sky, the melody
runs in the breeze, the universe hears it. Why don’t you hear it too? An age-old
connection, a flickering flame beginning to burn again in two souls chosen to
cross their paths by a divine plan,

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