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Light of Consciousness

Light of Consciousness
The Light that shines within

Jayita Bhattacharjee, M.S.( Economics)

University of Houston, Texas.

Copyright © 2013 by Jayita Bhattacharjee

Light of Consciousness


The blend of light and the wealth of spiritual treasures embedded in the depths of
human souls has inspired me to enlighten on the introspective facets of life. The
journey to life awakens us to the timeless beauties, and the eternal truths that
illumine our souls in the myriad seasons of life. The restlessness, the eternal
hunger for the mystic truth of life, the longing for divine keep us on the unending
search for the beauty of life that sings in our souls. As we sing our hearts, this
existence is filled with our mystic melodies and beauty starts gently blossoming
everywhere. Life itself is blissful blend of love and grace, if only we open ourselves
to the richness of its abundance.

This human calling for the divine beauties of every holy moment leads us to the
discovery of the treasured self, takes our souls to a path of peace that surpasses
everything, a joy that transcends all other trivial things that we struggle with, in
the realm of our minds. Be compassionate and be gentle with yourself, as you
seek to unravel the mysteries of life. You are a child of God. The light of divine
shines deep within you. It will guide you through all the phases of life, when the
days seem so long, and the night so dark. Know in your sacred indwelling space,
that it is the light of your soul that will take you through it. Underneath our
words, lies the golden silence, the bliss of a divine world waiting to be discovered
by us.

As we behold the sacredness of ourselves, the inner light, may it dawn upon our
souls, awakening us to a treasured vision with grace and fulfillment! May we rest
in the cradle of life, blessed and lovingly sheltered with the promises of an
enchanting dawn with new hopes and myriad possibilities! May every dawn find
you enlightened with a new vision of life and may every evening find you fulfilled
with the timeless contentment of life!

When the flower of divinity blooms, the joyous wonder awakens our souls to the
blessings falling everywhere. Life is a wonder to behold and it unfolds at every
moment as a blessing of abundance. Every breath is a gift from God and let every

Light of Consciousness

sacred moment be a heartfelt prayer of our hearty thanksgiving. Let our lives be a
love song echoing the tunes of a divine love! While we immerse ourselves in the
ocean of gratitude, we blossom in the waters of kindness and compassion, and
out of the waters rises a full bloom lotus unfolding the petals one by one. It
awakens us from a deep slumber that held us captive and shines a light of
consciousness on our spirits to emerge in consciousness. The sun rises in its
blissful splendor on a new day and the holy light of the beyond breaks in. Over the
mother earth, it shines in beams with a sacred wonderment, miracles burst out in
myriad ways, and love blossoms in many forms.

A beautiful tapestry of love is woven as we hold each other with silent,

compassionate gestures, with unspoken acts of tenderness. It is the divine
whispering to us in silent echoes of love. Where the divine love is bursting in
tenderness, a thousand miracles spring into existence as you leave your footsteps
on this earth treading this sacred ground; embrace life as it comes as it is the
divine holding you close in myriad forms, it is the touch of an unspoken
tenderness blooming through a thousand ways that spring every sacred moment
of our lives.

A thousand voices will whisper love that is formless if we only be love, be in love
and behold love in all that exists. In the spaciousness of our minds, what dwells is
the love for life and oneness that binds us all. May our souls be immersed in that
bliss of universal compassion as we walk along! May we never fail to wonder at
the thousand beauties that blossom as we leave our footprints on the shores of

……Jayita Bhattacharjee, M.S.

Light of Consciousness


A nexus betwixt the souls is a melodious reverberation, a bliss dipped thread,

entwined with the sacred wonderments of the beauties emitting from the depths
of their sprits. Their kinship dawns the essence of awe and wonderstruck
recognition for each other, the flowers of their souls, the fragrance of their
hearts, the spiral motion of their entwining soul waves, the dawning of a new

It opens up the flower of appreciation that urges us to behold them and bond for
their dormant, budding soul essences, the lingering perfume of which hold the
promises of a sacred alchemy.

Each of them has a momentous influence, a monumental impact to unfold the

thousand sleeping possibilities in the other. They have a notable role to play in
shaping each other that dawns their consciousness with the blossoms of bliss and
a vision that makes their hearts pounding, their souls dancing amidst the
humdrums of day to day lives.

They are the flowers of inspiration, that help each other to effloresce their
sleeping beauteous petals, to face up whatever stands in their ways of unfolding
to their fullest blossoms.

They discover the eternal truth that shines like a glorious star in the skies of
mysticism that despite the woe and agony, the phases of sorrow and flinching
pain, life is still beautiful. It has a song of its own, the music of which never fades
from the hearts of people.

There comes a time, when their relationship comes with its beauty of wildness,
and the enchantment of its placidity, the seasons of heart breaking tears, and the
seasons of wildest laughter. But the music still sings, the song still plays in the
deepest depths of our hearts. The willingness to ride the splashing wave as it hits
their souls in this journey of relationship is what keeps it worth exploring.

Light of Consciousness

When their hearts blissfully break open in the light of their love, the pearls come
out from their deepest cores, and it guides them to the greater depths of their

They awaken with a deeper love for each other, a love that kindles their flickering
flames, a love that rekindles their near dying passion for life to be lived in the
blessings of love and peace, compassion and bliss.

The ocean of truth roars in front of them laden with the visions of a love that
inspires their souls in the dawn of an awakened sharing as it flows in a silent bliss
betwixt their hearts!

They dance the coming waves in their unknown ocean of relationship making love
their token. Let love be theirs at all seasons of their shared relationship. May love
rain down on them at all the phases of their journey together! May their hearts
blossom in a full moon beauty and May a thousand roses unfold in their souls
filling each other in a love drenched fragrance!

Light of Consciousness


The path of heart reveals the light of deepest truths, is the doorway to the divine
revelation that leads to the core of our beings where lies immersed a love too
profound, a fathomless compassion for the souls whose beauty flutters at the
heart of this universe.

Love the peace of nature, the beauty of its wild pieces, its serenity immersed in
the ocean of bliss, its dewdrops of understanding silence. Peace flows from its
cradle at its own pace, own time.

It does not hustle. It does not bustle but carries its message of peace through the
streaming rivers of silence, the brook that flows through the heart of eternity and
hushes all. Listen to the call of earth, its crying plea to give in to the need of

Break open the heart in the light of universal compassion and let the waters flow.
Let them mingle with the vastness of the ocean laden with mercy for all that is in
a longing for it. Compassion when mingles with life becomes heavenly graceful,
divinely blissful.

We just have to behold the beauty of that showering, the blessings of that
merciful rain. Fall in love with the ultimate divine, and existence will open its
doors for you, unfolding all its mysteries.

That is the essence of spiritual breathing, the vision of mysticism, one that opens
our eyes and makes us glimpse into beyond that which is visible to the naked eye,
its divine wonderments commingled with bliss drops.

The flower of love learns to unfold in the light of divinity, whose touch embraces
all the mortals, whose light sheds on all the souls and bestows the gift of
immortality on our inner beings.

His holiness lets the flower of awareness grow as it is nourished by his sacred light
and the waters of his all-encompassing compassion.

Light of Consciousness

Take a deep breath. The light of his divinity finds its way through the cracks of
many hearts and it is this truthful, timeless light that lights its way through all our
souls, making us complete in our beauty.

It is through the cracks of a shattered soul that his light finds its way to give us a
sacred touch, in the glory of which, our thousand slivered pieces get the beauty of
wholeness again and our splintered pieces unite to become one again with the
divine soul inside.

We blossom again into multi-dimensional glorious beings and effloresce into a

blooming soul beauty in the realm of love. We become love and hue other souls
with its gracious touch. Hail to thee, Holy Love!

Light of Consciousness


Let the heart open in the shining light of life. May love fearlessly blossom enough
so as to face the painful and the beauteous facets of this life! May it encounter
the myriad hues and be daunting so, it can be of a helping light to those passing
through a difficult phase!

May love find its way to reach all the hearts with a breeze of deep serenity in a
world that is sometimes beyond understanding! May the pain and the agony that
we know in life while traversing this path, make us fearless in the blessed light of
a blissful love!

May we always discover that all things have their beauty and peaceful waters of
tranquility, despite the struggling times that we go through! May we find
ourselves in a world with a breeze of deep peace, an air of placidity, an aura of
hushing harmony and engulfing warmth of a heart wrapping love!

It is then, that we accept life in all its manifold beauties scattered all over this
universe. May the unending storms of life leave us undefeated as we sing in the
evergreen joy of our souls! May the kindness of a reassuring touch leave us
speechless with all the beauty of compassion!

Life blossoms in all its benevolence added with the beauties that the loving fibers
bring with it. It is the flame of love that warms our soul during the myriad seasons
of this life.

As we try to find awareness in this life’s labyrinth, may we be guided by love’s

flames of awareness! In the conscious choices of the soul, we behold the priceless
visions of the higher dimensional truths.

Life overflows with abundance filling the hearts in this universe. We need to have
the eyes to see, and the hearts to feel the beauty of that abundance wrapped in
our lives in myriad forms.

Join the river of life as it flows unceasingly through all the hearts in its splashing
beauty. May you experience total joy in the complete immersion in its waters
experiencing all that this life puts you through!
Light of Consciousness

Listen to the message of glory that life whispers in our ears. Let your heart release
the balm of generosity and compassion that warms up the seeds of love and
blossoms to the full- grown tree of life.

May your heart shine as a star of love in this galaxy of stars! May you shine in all
the warming glory and May that inner light of yours awaken your divine seeds and
sprout them into holy angels!

Let gratitude be our prayer and May we thank life for all the concealed blessings
that it showers in abundance, so we may give birth to the holy light within! May
your heart be dressed with rich loving robes of your soul’s compassionate bliss!

Welcome life with an immense jubilation, a maddening delight that can sing in all
the hearts of this universe. Be aware of your timeless blissful existence in this
world as you are one of the myriad stars twinkling in the sky with others to form a
constellation of love, a love that melts all the hardness and wipes all the tearful
sorrows lingering in the mortals’ heaving sigh.

Light of Consciousness


Embrace the blessings of life, drink deep in its beauty. Celebrate life at all the
moments of your journey as they break open in a thousand rays of light. Our
deepest longing is to feel the intricate times of this path of life as it comes in the
myriad forms of mystic nourishment.

Bow to the wonder of sacred sounds of life that sing in a thousand tunes, all tunes
coalescing in the pure joy of merging with the ecstasy of living life at its fullest,
the breathtaking wonder of the enriching now, the now that can be held in the
moment of eternity, the now that reveals all the miracles of life, that every breath
of it buds into a holy light radiating the horizon of our souls.

Every breath of life is a way of saying to our souls to touch one’s heart and
shower petals of bliss dipped inspiration on all those we meet in this sacred
pilgrimage. Having a loving acceptance for all that comes in awakens the dawn of
life and invites a thousand miracles to usher in the forms of spiritual nourishment
for the soul.

As we give in to the currents of this holy life, we join the sacred ocean towards
which the rivers of all souls are headed. While we break open from all the
windows and doors of our souls and dance in the revealing light of it, we realize
that life comes with a flowering beauty at all its miraculous moments. Every
experience that we encounter, every situation that we are in, wakes up our spirits
to reveal the manifold mysteries of life.

There is a blissful beauty in facing life in all its unknown phases, not knowing what
is coming next. It is the journey in the realm of what is unknown that adds the
sacred wisdom to the horizon of our thoughts. Each moment comes with its own
revealing light, a light that is born out of the experience of the manifold trials of
life, a light that comes out of the cave of surprises that life has in a mysterious
store for us.

Life becomes a flower nourished with all the richness that our connection
deepens with the morn’s awakening dewdrops, the golden sunbeams, soft
moonbeams and the thousand stars that make love to the sky. While our kinship
Light of Consciousness

with the mountains develops and the blessings of the myriad hues of nature cloak
us to a deep mystic level, we can sing the song of life, reverberating at all seasons
of it.

Life is a miracle that touches our eyes, our hearts and our souls wake up at its
divine call. As our hearts stand naked surrendering to the mysteries of life, come
as they may, the deepest bud of our core breaks open at the dawn’s awakening

Dance with the passion for life, the longing to behold its sublime beauty, the
desire to glimpse in the moments of it that takes you to the paradise of eternity.
Delve into its vast wonders, and every moment will reveal its sacred
wonderments entwined with a love from heaven, melting into your heart.

Sing the carols of life as they come emblazoned with its myriad lights. Chant the
glorious hymns of it, as they lead you towards the sacred path, the path of

May it linger as the cosmos shakes in its purest delight! Hail to thee, sacred
wonders of a divine connection. The eternal light of a sublime consciousness
dawns in and a thousand benedictions shower on our souls.

The music of the interconnection plays in the air around as the fragrance of our
souls release in an unleashing flow. May the holy song sing its glory in the bosom
of this existence!

Light of Consciousness


The joy of awareness birthing from love’s purest essence unleashes the seeds of
healing possibilities and shows the light of a new birth, a new beginning. The
leaves of our old identities wither away and a light of the soul shines through as
our heats split open and stand naked surrendering to the holy light as an ultimate
solace for washing away all that carried traces of fear and uncertainty.

The light of awareness comes in its burgeoning beauty and floods our souls with
an inspiration that drenches our hearts deep into it and brings our inner core out
of the dark tavern into the clear treasured light of the sun, the sun of awareness.
Let the breeze be alive with the fluttering wings of a new consciousness. Let the
holy joy sing through the air.

May our hearts dance in the blue skies with a mirth the fills the souls! May the
tumbling joy sing in all the hearts as the awareness peeps in through the sun-split
cheery clouds! May we bow our souls to the divine lit silence in a sacred
reverence that radiates gratitude, and may we be the flowering recipients of the
light of heaven that enters the caverns of fear in the soft moon lit glow!

As the lark of our souls sings, may we be swept in the jubilation of a new dawn!
The revelation of the sanctity takes us to a land where holiness lies un-trespassed
by any shadow that the negative energy might convey. There as we split ourselves
open, we reach out and touch the face of our Almighty and heaven is born in our
souls. The façade of any falsity that might lie as a dormant seed within us cracks
open under the showering of his blissful light, and we uncurl as the light
penetrates gracefully, deeper and deeper into the hearts of our slumbering

The universe is vast in its fathomless beauty, and we are intricately entwined with
each other to be a part of that creation. The time has come to burst forth our
inner seeds that hold a thousand virtues of divinity. Herein flows our evolution of
the souls as the holy seeds begin to germinate under the sacred rays of our inner
sun. We come out of our self-created cages of security that touches us with the
hand of an assurance, a solace of familiarity.

Light of Consciousness


Life stirs in the ocean of our hearts and we are never ever the same. The journey
of expansion embarks upon the grounds of our hearts. As the glimpse of
timelessness has reckoned in the realms four minds, our spirits find its gay in the
soaring to the mighty heights of the limitless joys that sing in the firmament. For
all the smiles and the tears that life gives us, may we find it in our hearts to touch
the beauty of this life that God showers on us!

As we behold on the manifold glimpses of an eternal mysticism through the eyes

of our heart, may we shine in the light of our hidden virtues and twinkle as star in
the sky of humanity! The light sheds on the myriad hidden divine aspects of our
inner being and gradually the unfurling of our inmost wings starts to appear in the
horizon of the holiness.

Life comes with its own troubles and exults at different seasons of life. May we
breathe in the sacred eternal breeze, fill our spirits with the air of love and
compassion! As we inhale that air, our hearts get pierced by the stars of joy
shining in a horizon of a far-stretching darkness. But it is the seemingly vast
expanse of darkness that awaits the light of joy, the vision of peace as the tunes
of heart keep singing nearby.

As the manifold experiences show up in our lives, our spirits gets fortified and
somewhere from within we find the strength to release our knots of the heart
and we unfold in every way being under the soul’s sacred light.

The lights of life’s lessons wash our spirits in a holiness so pure, that purity engulfs
our souls with an air of solace and empowerment. We learn to love this life whole
heartedly, embrace the abundant blessings with a heart that knows not how to
quiver and goes beyond the realm of fear.

Our essential strength gets extracted from the flower of our soul, and we give in
with a spirit of enthusiasm to whatever comes on the road of this sacred life. In
the embracing love of a higher creativity, it is our gratitude that unlatches the
doors to its resplendent beauty that life showers us with.

Light of Consciousness

Without the sincerest rains of gratitude from our hearts, the power to create, to
instill the inspiration, to turn everything into something so beautiful, that tears of
joy start flooding in our eyes, does not come. The more we adventure into the
voyage of life, the more enrichment seeks its way through in our hearts.

Trials of life instill the lessons that we need to learn, the steps we need to take,
the stones that we need to come across. And out of them emerges a vision that
has the seeds of hope that life is beautiful indeed. This hope awakens us from the
dullest of phases, the struggling seasons and here splashes a flood of joy over our

At times, when the mysteries of life puzzle you, seek shelter in the solace of
solitude. Cherish the many blessings that come with the beauty that solitude
brings with it. Look deep into it and you will find your eternal friend there. In the
depths of it, you will find your purpose that lies dipped with sanctity and it is
yours to live it out with a heart that knows not what fear is.

Your abundant possibilities have been waiting for you with a silent heartwarming
inspiration. Go! Explore them. Journey into the thousand unknown miles ahead
of you to taste the bliss of life! It is many passages of life that create us, shape us
to who we are today.

Break out of your shell as hidden inside are your divine seeds of a thousand
blissful possibilities that God has endowed you with. Penetrate through the
enclosed vision of life and reach out for this greater beauty, embrace your desires
and holy dreams that will take you to the portals of wisdom that life gave birth to.

Light of Consciousness


The true path to the ultimate happiness is to be able to sing with the stars
twinkling in the sky, to commune with the rustlings of the leaves, to commune
with the silence of nature that drops its bliss, to hearken to the song of the
splashing waves, to joyously sing in tunes of jubilation humming in the heart of
nature. The mountains have something to tell us. Let us give them our listening

The dewdrops dancing on the edge of petals have a love to share with our souls.
May we sing the song of love with all that drops so abundantly from the lap of

That drop of a glistening dew, that ray of a golden sun all melt in our soul to form
an eternal soul, one that gushes a fountain eternal which flows ceaselessly
through the heart of nature and all the living souls on this singing earth. The
human flower breaks out from the bud and reaches its blissful blossoms in the
harmonious tunes that nature playfully sings to our ears.

We attain the greater light of our hearts, the light descending from heavens and
reaching to our souls to bathe it in the light of godliness. The clouds drop down
their gentle blessings as our souls coalesce with that of nature. The whole
existence sings its song, a song of joy which showers on all.

As the wisdom of life fall like dew on the petals of our heart, we dance in the
shuddering joy of a sacred discovery, one that takes us to the gates of a heavenly
peace and enlightenment.

May the overflowing blessings of spring flood our hearts that makes us drop the
garb of self-consciousness and ego and may we bask ourselves in the light that
drips through the windows of our souls!

We face the sunrise in the hearts of our inner most being and forever we are
bathed in its light, a light that has dawned in our souls to bring a blissful
transformation, to carry us from ourselves cloaked with ego to a divine being that
had dropped the robe of self-consciousness and clothed himself with a garment

Light of Consciousness

of pure enlightenment. We learn the art of dropping the shell of ego and touch
the blissful grace of being egoless.

This divine art, we master when we realize our souls are getting suffused with the
beauties of nature. The gentle waters of river are running through our hearts, the
trees are standing in a splendid green on the grounds of our hearts with their
leaves rustling in a glorious delight, the hills, orchard groves are singing their
silent songs that knows not how to cease.

They flow endlessly at all the seasons of our souls. We inhale as they inhale. We
exhale as they exhale. And divine love drops its gentle bliss all around. We are
entwined with one another, connected each other, all being part of a greater
whole. As one cries, the existence cries.

And as one smiles, the existence blossoms in a smile of wholeness. Our souls are
interwoven intricately with one another to weave a holy interconnection, one
that can stand the test of time. This whole creation streams in its gentle flow
through us as we flow through it.

As we move into the heart of this creation, the core of this existence, it opens a
thousand portals for us where miracles come penetrating through. Existence
dances as we dance, it sings as we sing. We ride the waves of joy and sorrow,
pain and pleasure together. May we move into the clouds of this heavenly
existence and immerse ourselves in the holy joy of merging, a sacred delight of

We are a part of this magnificently orchestrated cosmic dance, a dance of the

souls in the jubilation’s greatest blossom. As we melt with each other in this
ecstasy of melting, the rain of bliss soaks our spirits and the existence dances in
its wildest joy.

Our souls commune, the harp strings of our heart play together and we form a
song, a song that sings of a cosmic interweaving, a connection that transcends the
boundaries and takes us to the limitless fields of a hearty delight mingled with an
earthly aroma, a cosmic fragrance. And there it diffuses in the breeze, the holy
fragrance of a bonding.
Light of Consciousness


The holy, glowing light that comes from the dormant seeds of unconditional love
leave us as flowers longing to follow the divine sun, the sun that shines from the
heavens above.

The thousand promises that the light holds in the sky above, the heralding of a
peace, a flight, an escape from the earthly desires, gives a sacred ripening to the
bud inside our souls.

Each day brings its own basket of love hued gifts silently waiting to be
unwrapped. Instead of clinging to the yesterday’s pain and sorrow, may we open
our eyes to the vision of a sacred wonderment that comes as a new day dawns
with a new hope and a new promise of its own.

Listen to its whispers. They waft in the breeze with an air of heavenliness. Breathe
into your blessings and there comes the portals of a paradise in full bloom. The
darkest moments of the last years are to be left silently in the lap of solitude as
today is a day when the blessings dropped in its own time with its own music on
the bosom of existence again. Come, let us gather the petals of bliss.

Unfold yourself as a breaking bud under the light of these gentle blessings. The
light of a promising sun, the clear cerulean above, the warbles of joy fluttering in
the breeze, call for the sacred blessings to nourish our souls with the divinity of
the bliss.

Unloose your heart strings at the human call in the wake of a new dawn laden
with the light of love. Soak your soul with the dewdrops of bliss. So, it may unveil
the inner flower of a bliss dipped beauty and embrace the existence in its

Fly like a bird who has tasted the joy of unbounded freedom, the one that soars,
jocund and shimmering in joy, with a soul that is sparkling in love. The delicate
blossoms of delight spread in the cerulean high above.

Light of Consciousness

Eternity is held in the sun of your heart, as you behold the beauty of a blissful
infinity in the melting rays of its light. There spreads a warble for happiness, the
silent whispers of joy in the cherished solitude of the heart. The golden touch on
the bosom of our joy calms the restlessness in an ocean of our hearts.

From it, arises the essence of love in its graceful beauty, one that longs to reach
out and connect, touch and feel the joy and sorrows of others. And so the soul
goes though the blissful journey of evolution. A song gently comes out, unheard,
unsung for so long.

Light of Consciousness


When mercy and compassion, pity and kindness blend in a beauty that is purely
divine, strains of heart notes, a melody too sweet to go unheard, plays within and
our souls joyfully leap to a dance, a dance of love where compassion melts, and
kindness streams in a never-ending flow.

Our hearts clasp the harmony of tunes and beams of love all merge in a beautiful
rainbow of an energy that reaches for a multi-dimensional energy. Love arises
from the awe of divine mercy flowing all over.

As we delve deeper into the beauty of a sacred portrayal, we search for the
mystic secret within in a drowning silence and emerge as all enlightened beings
radiating the holy aura of a divine light, light streams from the souls. Streams of
light flow unendingly together from all and a single ray of soul beam shines forth
that shines as the one light of love and compassion.

Let the sunlight of compassion, the basking in the light of kindness awaken us and
may we turn to be on the path that holds the light of spirituality.

We begin from within to be able to see an unwritten story, a story of a silent

compassion as we turn the pages of a book of sacred divinity written on our
hearts. The richly ripe love in our hearts desires for the vision of all that is and the
longings come welling and blissfully surging from the mystic ocean of our hearts.

The mystic waves of intense yearning come crashing down the beach of serenity.
And herein lies the vision of a heavenly tint on the far horizon. Some call it a
sacred glow and as the beauty radiates in its consecration, we call it the vision of
Omnipresent, the nameless, placeless, the one and Almighty.

He transforms our pain into joy, awaits the wisdom we need to learn, gives the
vision of a mystic seer that shines through our eyes. He is the embodiment of one
love and one heart that flows through all. He gives us his love in whispers and our
deepest dreams.

Light of Consciousness

His divinity is hidden in our hearts waiting to be unwrapped. May we discover it in

the deepest ocean of our souls! God is in every blissful breath we take. And out of
our sacred breaths, blessings of miracles shower and hence flows the rivers of
spiritual awareness from our hearts.

Let the light of your soul shine and may it illuminate all the darkness that prevails
amidst the hearts of those who have lost the vision of divinity, the beauty of
mysticism. May we be the soul-searchers, the mystic seers, the dreamers and the
illumined hearts with the sparkles of a universal love!

May the sound of your heart become the music of your soul with all the love that
flows within, may you dance in an ecstasy that is drunk with the divine, may your
smiles richly drop their blossoms in the aching hearts that you meet, and may
solitude become the sacred altar of your meditation!

A song of love, so it calls for a symphony of souls in the greater whole! A song that
blends warmth with the glow of love, the desire to feel what you feel , the sharing
of the agony and the ache with the melting in the bliss of contentment- that is the
song echoing from the depths of your soul into the depths of this existence.

Seek for the fountainhead, the one that gushes in the ceaseless flow of love. It
cascades with an abundance of compassion, the waters of which fill all the souls
and add a glow of humanity to this existence around. This is the secret of the full
bloom love showering on this universe to rekindle the lamp of humanity.

All rhythms, all tunes, all notes are blending together under the canopy of a
greater humanity to sing the song of a shared compassion, a sharing that dances
upon the shores of every soul in a joy that shimmers on the sands of an ageless,
timeless eternity.

The waters of love start seeping in the heart of this universe. And the world
comes blissfully alive in the streaming of the holy waters. A rebirth dawns in. Hail
to thee, Holy rebirth!

Light of Consciousness


The life will be filled with the music of the yearning soul, the song that silently
steals away the love of the universe. The beauty of life never sets back in its deep
slumber, as hidden in its journey is the flower of life.

Life comes with its gift of joy as well as its hidden gift of tears. Come as it may, the
flowers that silently fell leave the fragrance behind, an essence to spread in the
breeze, an essence of a lingering love.

As sorrow follows every joy, pain follows every pleasure and remembrances linger
behind. Despite all the memories that it leaves in the hallway of time, life is still a
gift, a gift with an unfailing beauty, an enduring love, the wild waters of which
flow with the waters of transformation in all the souls.

There is a pain behind any soul touching beauty, out of which is reborn a soul with
an enlightened vision, a vision that was never born before.

May we be able to drink life with our mystic vision, an introspective glimpse, a
kiss to the soul of this universe and a maddening passion for that which shows the
light of a heart that endures every surprise of life! Love life as it comes with its
own sweet delights. It has its countless days of miracles and endless nights of
blissful treasures.

Greet the blessed flow of life as it comes running by. Welcome it as a sacred
encounter, have it as your blissful treasure, live every blissful breath of it that
emits a thousand beams of your soul, clasp it with a boundless joy, and let go of it
when the time silently comes by.

This flower of life that has blossomed in its smiles will be withering when
tomorrow dawns in course of time. Lament not, over the wounds, the unseen,
silent agonies that came at some bends of life. For life comes with its own
enchantments at all the passing seasons.

Light of Consciousness

The loveliest poems, the sacred arts, gush out from the holy fountain head of life
that cascades its best of beauties. It has the blissful gift of silence that takes a
wearied traveler to the shades of a mystic orchard. May we sip its wine of beauty,
its taste of mysticism, as we tread softly in this passage of life!

There lies the heart of life which beats only for us with its gift of blessings and gift
of heart-splitting pain. But it also gives its beauty of a thousand miracles with a
madness that drenches the hearts in an exquisite delight.

May the breeze of this life sing the sacred love from the depths of our soul, as we
loosen it a joy that soars in the holy cerulean above! The eternal smiles lie our lips
as we kiss the flower of life, as we toss the gift of its tears in the ocean behind.
May we reach the brink of serenity that holds the promises of an eternal peace!

Light of Consciousness


May all that we touch and see be the pleasing sight of love, a love that endures
pain to the last breath and embraces the warmth of a heartfelt need.

Drink to the love that leaves its heart prints on the shores of our souls. Let the
clouds whisper love’s sweet melody, let the earth sing its mellifluous tunes, let
love dance in the caverns of this universe, so it may whirl in a dancing delight.

Love can sing about its pain and grief and toss them in a joy in a sacred alchemy of
hearts. Love is the eternal fountain, the natural spring, the timeless wellspring of
quenching waters that flows unceasingly, deepening the hearts with its blissful

Pour your heart on the pages of love and your book will be one of poetry, a
serene bliss, a divine book of fresh wonders awaiting its sacred revelation.

Far beneath the shades of pain, lies a seed that when nourished by love, becomes
the cypress of hearts, the lily of a blooming tenderness that seeks its place in the
soul of souls, the bosom of heaven.

Escape from the meaningless noise of this world and seek refuge in the lap of
nature. You will find a truth, your hidden enlightenment, the light of which
renders us speechless in the joy of this finding.

Bury your fears under the sands of compassion as love leaves its footprints on the
shores of eternity. Release your sorrows that have consumed your life. Let them
fade away in the morning’s first glowing light.

Embrace the light in the sacred joy of waking up each day. May the rising sunrays
of love awaken you with its new wonders and may hope be rekindled in your
waking soul! May it inspire your deepest dreams and desires, and may your pain
teach you wisdom while your hearts bathe their hurts in the waters of healing!

Light of Consciousness

Love is born in our hearts and as it shines in our eyes, let it stream down to the
eyes of those in need of an enlightened vision, for in the fire of love gets all the
grief burnt and so rises a love that has endured all that the seasons of life have
poured down on us.

Discover the colors that you have within, that have added their own beauty to the
landscape of your soul. Rejoice in their hues as each one comes with its sacred

You are a child of love, a ray of light, a sacred being through which this universe
shines through in a thousand beams. You are the portal to the paradise where
humanity has showered its bliss. Open your eyes to the wondrous you as bliss
silently showers through the heart of your sacred being.

Light of Consciousness


Release all the fears in the sea of love. Never let the fear storm through the
depths of your mind. May the luminosity of your soul take you to the sacred
awareness that you have to feel it, breathe with it and face it with a heart that
struggles to stand up to it with a compassionate strength.

As you are a wave of this ocean of love, the single wave that is flowing from your
heart merges in the infinite vastness of the ocean. So, your heart survives in the
looming valley of fears.

As the water gets murky from dissolving the fears, a flower grows from within the
murky waters, a flower of awakened beauty, one that gives the fragrance of

Your heart carries the strength of an ocean, whose waves splash across the shores
of an enlightenment. Your vastness is your refuge and your soul is your peaceful
abode. May you pluck the lute-strings of your heart and play the music of love!
As you sing of love, the universe dissolves in its melting joy!

When you reach out to love, it will reach out to your soul too. Let the unseen light
of your love come out and glow on this world, so it may illumine all the darkness.

Lift the veil from the cloistered beauty of your heart, and your soul will be a
natural fountainhead of the deepest feelings that dawn the era of a new
beginning. Your life will be hued with the rose petals of love and a fragrance that
satiates this universe by giving in to every soul that touches it.

You are the light that shines through the heart of hearts, soul of souls, you are the
flower through which this universe blossoms in a beauty so rich! You are the
angel that heaven has sent on this earth to sprinkle love again and turn
everything into a rose of love.

Light of Consciousness

May the spirits seeking solace and completeness be showered with the touches of
your love! May the lives you touch turn to priceless keepsakes of your heart! As
you shine in your luminous consciousness, a thousand benedictions shower on
this earth and a thousand souls bow in the deepest thanksgiving for the
showering of that mirth.

As you reach out with a love that can flow the healing waters over wounded
souls, yours’ is a life that holds the bud of beauty, a bud that sprouts to the
essence of life that blazons out in its path of truth under the light of sun hidden in
all souls. May that sun shine in the eyes and hearts of all with a resplendence that
holds the promise of a light on the way!

May his rays illumine every soul that they fall upon and may the truth reveal itself
in its full bloom glory! As the souls turn away from the caverns of their slumber,
consciousness glows in their souls. And the universe shines through the light of
their souls. The light of all the souls streams in a single ray of luminosity that
touches the hearts of all that is living and sacred in this holy cosmos.

Light of Consciousness


Drink from the stream of silence, as the waters will take you to the portals of
enlightened wisdom. The waters of a silence that wake the souls, seep lives into
them carry on its voyage and sing a song of its eternal flow.

The storm of chaos in the depths of our minds gets soothed by a timeless promise
of rebirth, a pledge to give a newer vision, one that takes us to the doorway of a
mystic light. May that light bring a thousand blessings in every breath we take!

As the silence streams in its ceaseless flow, it gives our hungry hearts a deep
solace, a whisper of comfort, a refuge where peace dwells. We can rest in the
engulfing serenity that takes us somewhere beyond the moment, beyond
everything where heavenliness rains down in all its bliss.

May our pensive eyes rest in peace in the lap of silence, so we can hear the deep
murmurs of our souls!

The streaming waters embody the serenity, a steadiness that holds the message
of silent stealth of enduringness. As the waters run deep in our souls, our spirits
bathe in an enlivenment and bliss seeps through us.

The wilderness and myriad wonders of nature carry the whispers of knowledge in
the light of awareness.

O traveler, gaze at the fountain of life, swim in the deep sea of silence and the
mystical stream of enlightenment will flow from your soul as the beauty of it is
reflected in the waters of silence.

May the waters flow in an incessant passion, bathing your hearts in the soaking
bliss of it! Hear the cascading waterfalls and get as near as the heart of life. Life is
an essence of a divine mystery.

May the silence of a blissful contemplation seep through you as you loosen your
soul in the light of silence! May you behold the unfolding of a mystic vision in the
bliss of silence!

Light of Consciousness

As you gift your being with the essence of it, a gentle whisper murmurs in your
soul! It takes you to the alcove of mystic gems, the sacred retreats where it would
have been impenetrable otherwise.

The silence pronounces something in a gentle whisper. It is the message of

awakening. Silence creates the ripples of enlightenment in the ocean of our souls.

Behold through the eyes of an awakened vision, listen to its deep whispering beat
as they dwell in the sacred recesses of your soul. That is the call which wakes you
up and brings you to the waterfall of awareness where you fall in love with life
again. And slowly the waterfall of love flows out of you in a beauty that sparkles
across this universe.

You have the greatest bliss of life as the waters of silence bathe you in their
enchanting beauty, their consecrated awareness. And many a serene peace, many
a deep sea is born in our souls that flow with the waters of a divine awakening.

Light of Consciousness


Awareness is the lute of life, the truth of soul. Play this harp of awareness by just
reaching the inner you. Sail your thoughts away in the deep sea of life and enter
into the infinite vastness. Behold and you will find the temple of awareness deep
within you.

Bow to the essence of you that which gives the fragrance of a pure
thoughtlessness. Here sings the music of silence, the song of a tranquil awareness
amidst the unruffled waters of the heart. The bud of transformation blossoms in a
thousand petals of awareness and enlightenment and here is born a flower of
consciousness in the nourishment of a placid silence.

Contentment blooms in the horizon of our lives as we breathe every moment in

the heavenly beauty of awareness. The peace, the fulfillment takes our hearts to
the sacred recesses where the sunbeams of consciousness dance in bliss.

As you wake up with your awareness in your very breath, you behold this universe
in the light of your innate luminosity. And that awareness streams from one heart
to another, one soul to another. The light of that divine consciousness floods over
all the spirits and the flower of infinite possibilities breaks open in a thousand
hues of enlightenment.

Walk with the light of your soul, the embodiment of your awareness. You are the
lamp of truth, epitome of purity, the glint of joy, the luminescence of
consciousness. Light the lamp in other hearts as you walk with the lamp of your

And it will open the eyes of all hearts to a thousand marvels around. Every dream
of humanity is born in that light, the light of soul. Every whisper of sharing and
bliss of caring turns to a song of the soul as the light touches the heart and a
thousand flames light up.

As a new you are born within your deepest core, the thoughts will leave you
unperturbed. The consciousness within that is born in the sacred womb of
awareness lets you be serene at the altar of stillness. This is your rebirth in the

Light of Consciousness

breeze of a divine awakening. You reach the temple of a sacred being that which
is beyond the realms of pain and sorrow, longing and desires. Your inner
fragrance is beyond that and you step in the horizon of all that is beyond.

May your spirit always wander around in the heart of nature, may you be the soul
that whispers love to every ear, may you be the soul of beauty in this vastness
around and may you always seek joy in the serene bliss of simplicity! As time
spent in the solitude of nature is a moment in eternity’s bliss. One that lights your
path to an illumined awareness and peace!

All the moments that you spend in the silence of nature cradled in eternity’s lap
are the thousand miracles around. May you find bliss in the unraveled wonders
hidden in the thousand beauties of earth! May love splash upon your heart with a
thousand waves of joy! And may awareness emblazon the flickering flame in
every soul!

Light of Consciousness


Plunge your mind in the realm of thoughtlessness, a vast emptiness and a divine
flame will birth in the core of your being. Your consciousness, awakening is
rekindled and the flames of a higher energy is emblazoned.

As you penetrate through you and make a sacred entry in a state where no
earthly desire stirs you, no dreams call you, but only a pure bliss of
thoughtlessness dwells at the altar of your innermost temple, and you give birth
to the sacred flower of meditation deep inside of you.

From its fragrance awakens a beauty that glows with purity and the flowers of the
soul born in bliss of silence add to its gracility.

Release all that is splashing in the sea of your mind and fly with the wings of
detachment, soar in the infinite vastness, and there lies your full bloom of
contentment. The mind glows in its full moon beauty with a spectrum of

Release the emotions in the cerulean above. And give your mind the wings to fly
in the sky high. There floats a peace amidst the serene blues. Blossom in your
present moment, as there your life shines the most in its full bloom glory!

Let loose your mind and may it be suffused with the myriad hues of life at the
present now. As the feelings come, so will they go; Delve into the depths of the
ocean of your being and in the process, you yourself will merge in it and dissolve
in your oceanic beauty.

In the path of a serene silence, the soul finds its way to its inner light that guides
him in his voyage of life in the unchartered seas. Keep your mind free of pensive
musings and you will sail smooth the vast sea of life.

Sail with the passion for life, the quest to melt with it at every moment and yours
will be an ocean of mind where the waters flow unruffled amidst the storms of

Light of Consciousness

Release the seeds of your thoughts from the mind and a thousand flowers of
awareness and enlightenment will be born there. The mind unperturbed grows
flowers even amidst the wilderness of life. Therein flows an essence of awakening
that which is born of a beauty of pure emptiness and nothingness.

As you dwell in blessings of that beauty, a call of the divine awakens you. You
come out from your slumberous being and merge with the divine, dissolve with it
in an eternal consciousness, a timeless awareness.

Your knowledge transcends, and you dwell in the beauty of infinity without
thoughts to perturb the tranquil waters of your being. The soul speaks in the
silent language of a meditative state. In that moment’s tranquility, we can listen
to the whispers of God. That is when we breathe in a waking consciousness. And
with each breath, a flower of meditation blossoms in the paradise of your soul.

Light of Consciousness


Live every moment of life in an awareness that is blossoming in the temple of

your inner being. Breathe in awareness, bask in its light and yours will be a life of
light. The universe will shine through your eyes, smile through your lips as you
walk on this earth in a pure awareness.

As you set your footsteps on this pilgrimage of your soul, wander in awareness.
Live every split second in a waking awareness, one that has ripened your heart to
a full bloom delight. It is the light of the holy awakening that shines through your
soul as you walk in the light of it. You are a gift of this. You are a gift of this
wondrous universe shedding your light with the grace of your waking heart.

Here is the deepest secret of awareness, to watch this very existence in the
breeze of a conscious awakening. Breathing in the holiness of awareness, feeling
it pulsating in your soul will keep you unperturbed in the heart of your heart and
soul of your soul.

But for awareness to be born within your sacred bosom, you need to face a
myriad of heart splitting agonies, a mountain of thousand trials. Pain purifies you
into a sanctified being, it burns you inside, but a thousand joys are born out of
that agony.

The afflictions that split you, give rise to an ecstasy, an ecstasy that is drunk with
life and its real beauty. Your soul heard the call of awakening and you woke up to
marvel at the wonders of life.

There is a feeling of pain that which could not be put into words but could not
remain silent in the depths of the heart either. It struggled its way through the
eyes of your heart, your soul and expressed itself through a bud sprouting into a
flower at the temple of your heart.

As it unfolds, you are healed, purified of all the pain that silenced your inner
being. You are awake, and you hear the call of nature, the call of love again. You
fall in love with life again and you become a spring of joy whispering in every
heart the murmurs of your soul.

Light of Consciousness

Life is only for a short while, a glistening dewdrop on the edge of a petal, on the
blade of a grass. While we rejoice at the beauty of it, it passes when the time
comes by. It is a cloudburst of joy and sorrow, a downpour of pleasure and pain
from the skies of heaven. Joy is momentary. It will pass as it comes.

Joy blossoms in the lotus of our souls, but it is the sorrow that awakens us, heals
us and purifies our spirits. It takes us to a world where we can see what is unseen
in the bud of our souls. We can hear what is unheard.

Sorrow gets deeply anchored in the grounds of our hearts, spreads itself beneath
our souls, and comes out as a holy joy that which gives a beauty to our pain.
Ecstasies start springing from the fountain head of our souls.

We are never ever the same. As we get healed, we are purified and every waking
breath of ours is a conscious awakening that reverberates throughout this entire
universe. The dawn sets in our hearts and we get the glimpse of the eternal truth.

Light of Consciousness


Happiness when unfolds in your bosom takes you not to the depths of your mind.
It is in a flight, leaving its footprints behind on the shores of your mind. The waves
of happiness splash in the sea of our souls, they rinse us, bloom our waiting buds
deep in our being.

They rejoice in the joy of coming home to the shore, the soul of souls. The sea
surges and the waves of our sea glide with a joy of life, a life that has sprung with
a thousand enchantments, an abundance of loveliness. The winds of happiness
dance in a thousand graces amidst our souls and joy cascades all over this smiling
universe. But the winds pass by.

And then comes a time when all is still. The waters of stillness flow in our hearts
and our spirits wither by some unexpected encounter of an agony, a trembling
pain that stills us within until we let the waters of peace stream in our hearts.

This is the nature of life. In a fleeting moment, we capture an eternity’s

enchantment of it in the depths of us, where amidst the universe of silence we
hear the call of God, the call of all that is holy and sacred as it rinses our souls
bathing it in the stream of healing waters.

Nothing lasts forever. Happiness and sadness are the fleeting phases of this life
and each comes with its own blessings. Each has its divine gifts to unfold. We just
need to be graceful recipients of them as they open in the disguise of a thousand

While happiness comes with its blooming of heart and spreading its fragrance of
grace and love, essence of compassion and blessings of kindness, sadness comes
with a glimpse of eternity of life in just a moment of it.

We hear the call of life, a call which teaches us to make peace with all that may
come in this journey as all that comes is all that goes. Grieve not while we are
mere wayfarers in this pilgrimage of life.

Light of Consciousness

But blessed is your journey as you are a gift of God and all else that passes by
rains as blessings on the heart of our hearts. Blissful is your place on this earth, as
it comes with a sacred message from above.

The sun rises in our waking souls and with the passage of time the sun sets in too.
But wherever you are you are engulfed with a sacred blessedness. And this
universe blesses you too in thousand springs of joy.

A blissful ecstasy enlivens your being as you behold each trial, every encounter
that life has prepared for you. Each comes with a miracle in disguise, to help you,
to heal you and to lead you to the doors of a sacred wisdom where pain has
struggled its way to give birth to a mystic vision of life, where the mystic treasures
of this journey bring you a thousand blisses.

While you meet the souls of happiness and sadness, melt and merge with each
other and you get the vision of the eternity caught in a moment.

All the knots of this life can be loosened with the joy of living in this holy moment,
the moment of now. Happiness and sadness are the waters of the same river,
purified and flowing eternally through the hearts of all.

The river of life comes with many bends, yet it flows free. Find your peace and the
meaning that you yearn for in the sacred rhythm of its running waters. Dare to let
go, dare to adventure in this unknown journey and let the waters of your soul
flow freely.

Let your hearts dance to the tunes of life as you loosen yourself in the flow of it.
The beauty of life touches our souls in a most intimate way through the tunes of
happiness and sadness.

Light of Consciousness

Keep the rivers of your soul flowing so your waking heart can contemplate the
thousand wonders of life, the flow of sacred benedictions in this streaming of life!

Life is in a perennial flow like a river meandering here and there, but whose
waters stream in a never ending, continuous flow coming with its own surprises.
Its waters have poetry to compose, the poetry of life.

The river of life in its moving flow has a thousand hues, each coming with a grace
of its own. Our lives are reflected in the serene bliss of the streaming waters of
that river. How intimate and blissful is its beauty to our souls!

May the flow of your waters take you to the brinks of eternity! When life rains in
a moment, they melt forever in the showering of bliss. Life is a beauty, beheld in
the eternity of a dewdrop.

The waters are the myriad beauties of life, coming in myriad forms. They teach us
the delights of wisdom. As the waters call, the call is the intimate whispering of
life, the many seasons of it.

The river of life sings a subdued music, the music of eternity in the glimpse of a
moment. And the spring of our souls becomes a waterfall of joy that has accepted
pain with the touch of a grace and learned to turn it into a perennial joy that
splashes on the souls of this universe.

Light of Consciousness


The sanctity of enlightenment, the light that holds the answers to illumine all the
darkness, the seeds of consciousness are hidden within you. You are the key to a
cavern of a thousand treasures. Vain is the search around you, O seeker, seek
within. Go inside the secret cave inside of you.

There lies the treasure trove. As you shine in your innermost light, from the
deepest of your depths, you shine with an unceasing glow in your enlightenment.
Your soul is the portal of the treasures that you yearn to find, that you so
relentlessly go after. It is the doorway to the sanctuary of mystic wisdom. Journey
within as it is your sacred pilgrimage, one that gives you a rebirth, the advent of
enlightenment in the sky of your heart.

Lose yourself in this kiss of the divine on your soul as it engulfs you with an
essence of heavenliness. This is the essence that brings you back to the loveliness
of the myriad enchanting moments that life has wrapped for you. Unwrap and
exalt in the miracles of every beauty that life showers on you through its rain of

Struggle through the darkness of despair as the dawn of a lingering hope breaks
through! Struggle through the night of sadness as the morning of joy bursts open!
As it is the fogginess that makes the path to a clearer sky! It is the murkiness that
grows a flower of an enlightened beauty.

It is in dying that we are reborn again, it is in the forgiving that we are healed.
The night fades away and a new dawn appears with the promises of an enthralling
happiness, one that is drunk with the wine of a divine ecstasy.

You are an embodiment of that sacred light, the holy rays that floodlight every
crevice of darkness and emblaze every cleft of dimness. The sun rises in your
heart, and it shines in your waking heart. It is through you that the world sees its
magnificent sunrise. You are the glorious glow of this universe.

May your heart shine through the rising sun in your awakened heart! May it
arouse the love of oneness in all the sleeping souls! May the sunrise through your

Light of Consciousness

heart be ablaze and arouse all the yearnings for the beauty of a universal love!
Welcome the advent of a glorious dawn in the heaven of your heart.

The day breaks in the horizon of our hearts spilling out all the light of love. The
dawn of enlightenment in your heart has an amazing loveliness, the loveliness of
a love that goes down in all the souls. And your heart dances with God in the
rhythm of a love, so divine.

Some of the most intimate moments, enchanting beauties are born as your soul
dances in a divine ecstasy. The beauty of heavenliness springs in our hearts. The
love that you whirl in the dance that you swirl in arouses your spirit and the
sunrise peeping through your heart gives birth to a new dawn, and the mist of a
universal love suffuses the bosom of this universe.

As you live the days of your life marveling at the infinite wonders of life and
realize that yours is a life blessed with utter blissfulness, and you learn not to cling
to anything of this terrestrial realm, your life becomes a journey like that of a
river, whose waters flow swift but steady.

Light of Consciousness


As the light of awareness sets in our minds, the dawn breaks over the horizon. We
breathe in the light of consciousness. The morning glory blossoms in the
sacredness of a gleaming enlightenment and here is the beginning of a new life.
The sun is making its glorious ascent. Behold in awe at the brilliance of the divine
light shining in holiness in the flaming hearts.

Delve deep into the darkness of unconsciousness. There stands a dimness of

awareness. And it is the womb of ego that spreads over the horizon of our minds
and dims the light of our souls. We are in state of slumber in our hearts.

Wake up. Arise and awaken, illumine the gems of your virtues with a dawning
light of consciousness that fades away the darkness of ego. Follow your sacred
bliss, the bliss that will lead you to the doors of that divine light at the temple of
your soul. Your inner sanctum holds the treasures that you are seeking.

Feel the rapture of being alive in the bliss of every sacred moment. Walk on the
stumbling blocks of this journey and feel the awe of discovering the golden
treasures of truth that unravel the myriad mysteries of life. And you feel the joy
of a divine rain showering on your soul. At the darkest moment, breaks in the

The dawn of consciousness always sets in after the night of deep slumber in
unconsciousness. The light breaks in from another world where virtues shine in all
their glory of resplendence. That is the revelation of the sanctuary, haven of light
and the pearls of truth. This dawning is the sacred moment of birth, birth of our

This dawn comes with the promises of a light of awareness. Spring flowers in
every soul in a maddening delight. Hearts that wake in sorrow rest in a sea of
peace as the light of heaven speeds the darkness away from the bosom of this
earth. The weeping soul heals in the light of love sent from heaven above.

Light of Consciousness

Listen to the muse of divinity, behold the peace of heavenliness and your hearts
will attune with the rhythm of God. That which you are now is a rebirth the
eternity of truth. Your soul blossoms in light as the sun rises in your heart with all
the wonders of enlightenment. And it lifts the drape of night from the face of a
sleeping soul. Hearken into the message of dawn as it heralds the light of all that
is divine.

Soak up the warmth of this soul feeding light. Streaks of a sacred light flush on our
hearts and a new birth is given to us. It clears the quivering fears of
unconsciousness, as consciousness starts pulsating in our hearts. Angels of dawn
start singing in our souls. The soul is cracked in by the breaking of a new dawn in a
thousand miracles.

Love knocks on the door of our hearts and the entire universe sings in unison as
gentle blessings bloom all around drifting in the sacred breeze. The love that is
born out of heaven rains down on our souls as we kiss this universe soaking our
spirits in the beauty of compassion.

Light of Consciousness


Life has its song of bliss, music of festivity for those who can listen to its tunes. In
the depth of life, we learn that life comes with all its moments of celebration,
despite the pain and beauty that comes and goes with each passing season.

Open your heart and enjoy the rain for the drench of spirits in its waters of
healing. It is a god sent rain, sent from angels above for us to soak our souls in.

Holiness drops down in its utter heavenliness as our hearts get silenced with a
prayer in the sanctuary of our souls. Drink in the waters of this sacred rain as the
hungry hearts yearn to soak in its bliss.

The rain passes by and here comes the rainbow of our hearts. Each moment
comes with a new growth. And the lark of our souls sings upon the bough in the
full blossom of a divine bud within us.

The season of joy is alive in its gladdening bloom. Life comes again with its bounty
of giving unending love and compassion. The tender face of a loving springtime
comes with its delight of ambrosia for our souls.

Love starts wrapping its arms around us with the touch of a divine grace. Here
lingers the maddening golden spell of love’s delight.

The sunshine of love spreads the carpet of warmth on our souls. It brings a breath
of compassion in the air, so tender yet so graceful. Our hearts leap in a dance so
divine as love comes with its days of gold. But the days roll by.

Then comes in the quiet and melancholy as it gives us the light of wisdom that all
seasons are fleeting in nature and here comes the melancholy of every beauty.
The love that opens up your soul for the seed to blossom guides you to the
doorsteps of a truth that stares at you in the face of eternity.

All that comes must eventually go in due course of time. The flower that bloomed
must wilt, the leaves that swayed must wither. Thus the universe spins on the
wheels of time. The springtime of youth must be followed with the mellower
seasons of life.

Light of Consciousness

As the moments of life roll on by, consciousness breaks in our hearts with the
knowing that the flowers of joy will wilt with the dawning of a new morrow.

As we meander along the lane of life, we ripen with a wisdom that knows how to
look beyond the moments in the silence of life and see the light of a truth.

An unseen truth penetrates our souls with a light that transcends the moments.
But every season has its footprints of beauty ere it fades to nothingness. May our
human souls drink in the glory and the blessings of life as everything that comes,
passes with a beauty behind!

Light of Consciousness


The flower of individual consciousness opens in a full bloom glory in an eternal,

unified consciousness as the nexus amongst the hearts is the ringing bell of
existence. As we live in every sacred moment in every holy breath of ours, we live
in the sunrise piercing thought the horizon of eternity.

When our soul reaches the depth of every loving moment, kisses the joy of every
waking moment, our smiles and tears, sorrows and traces of melting happiness,
all mingle together to ripen in the efflorescing of every heavenly moment of this

Catch and sing the moments in their joyous flight as they come showering in your
life, cause whirling in the bliss of life makes the moments an eternity’s sunrise of
hearts. Be entwined in the sacredness that drops at every split- second at your

Revel in the sheer ecstasy of living as life itself is a divine gift to us. Tremendous
possibilities begin to unfold, and thousands of doors open up as you fell in love
with your own existence. Dance in delight at the very bliss of breathing. This very
moment that is showered on you is a supreme bliss.

Dance in your glory, in the magnificence of your divine being and your inner light
of spirit. The seed of softness, the beauty, the eternal glory, the holy light is in the
womb of your sacred soul.

And it sprouts to a blossoming flower of your heart with the encounters and the
trials that flow in the river of your life. Together they bring a transformation, a
rich metamorphosis of your soul and the bud breaks forth in an efflorescent

The holiness of deep love that each moment suffuses in our soul gets into our
being and we flow in a deep sea of love living in an autumnal beauty in the inner
core of our beings. Love gives birth to a thousand joys within us and we are never
ever the same despite life’s unfolding river of journey.

Light of Consciousness

Life is caught in the depth of eternity’s beauty as love gives us the glimpse of that
timeless shore, those ageless moments where the waves of our heart surge in the
foaming sea of life. Life comes with huge swells of passion, all that ripen our soul
into a spirit imbued with hues of transformation.

Celebrate this existence and this gift of life given to you. Transcend the realms of
pain and sorrow and delve within to find the perennial joy that whose river is
eternally flowing in your heart.

Drink deep into those waters. That is the water of your soul, your holy sanctuary,
where you drink your sacred beauty, bathe in the waters of your inner holiness
and be reborn every moment to be alive in a waking joy that reverberates in
ecstasy, in nobility, in grace and in beauty throughout this universe.

Embrace both pain and joy. Embrace the inevitable change and struggle deep to
come out of your familiar cocoon so as to soar with the wings of freedom, spirit of
non-attachment in the cerulean sky of eternity.

Let the breeze take you to the depths of an unknown where your spirit is blessed
by a thousand unfolding where you can drink in the bliss of a holy transformation.
May your joy fly on the wings of eternity to kiss the soul of this life!

Light of Consciousness


The gentle breeze of serenity, the soft whispers of love, nature pulsating with
myriad beauties, all these raining of benedictions breathe life in our very souls. As
we flow in this stream of marveling miracles of divine beauties, our hearts glow in
a radiance trying to reach out to our souls in the light of love.

While the love of that light penetrates the darkness, we break free from the shell
and taste the joy of a new light, a new beginning to be written on our hearts. The
universe dances with its thousand ecstasies. As we loosen ourselves in that
releasing joy, the heart sips the wine of jubilation. And forever the soul of this
universe is interlaced with ours, our hearts are intertwined.

As we dance to the rhythm of this whirling universe, it forever turns to a rhythm

of our souls. It is the holy dance of our sacred self. The light of that love, that
music of that soul which universe sings to our ears is a song of God.

We learn again to live in the light of that love, we dance in a thousand exploding
beauties of it, and streams of poetry spring from the fountain head of that
maddening delight. The morning breeze has something to say. Behold! A new life
has sprung in joy and existence is glowing with the light of it in the horizon of
eternity, in the timeless soul of this universe.

Cultivate the sacredness of this life by searching your soul, dive deep in its
unfathomable depths, behold the mine of gems that which sparkle with the
shimmering purity of life. And the spirit blends with the heart of this life,
entangling each other in the bliss of love that has its warmth and light.

The river of life ever flows in our souls with its joy and sufferings. But the myriad
trials of life flow to an endless sea. And all the sorrows become joy in the love of
life, all pain turns to a pleasing light of our souls.

Life is not lost and underneath all the pain and beauty, the thorns and roses of it,
life is still a gift of God as we learn to dance in the light of it. The face that holds
the unknown joys is hidden in the soul of this life. Do not be caged in the shackles
of agony, release your soul from the fetters of all that binds you.

Light of Consciousness

May a thousand birds fly from the depths of your heart in the joy of a spinning
existence! May the fountain of life spring from your hearts delight, a joy, one that
has embraced life again in every blissful breath!

Wash off the pain from your heart with the waters of joy as you drink from the
fountain of life. Be drunk with the wine of life, and the most intimate moments of
beauty will be released in a thousand benedictions at your feet.

Life is the whisper of our very soul in whose light we learn to sing the music of
our love. And untangle the entanglements of life with the gleaming glow that love
shines with. Life has a light of its own that consumes all the pain, burns all the
agonies into a joy of soul.

Breathe into the deep silence of life, a silence that revives your soul with its
essence, and your waking soul will whirl in a dancing joy as the springtime of life is
reborn in a thousand songs that fill this universe with a heart’s delight.

Light of Consciousness


Love is a breath of eternity. It guides to an unfolding awareness, a blossoming

consciousness and an awakening enlightenment. Behold the light in the journey
of seeking and finding your sacred soul. Listen to the song of divine, so you can
listen to the song of your soul. It is his music that plays in our hearts.

Find the mellifluous melody in the harp of your thoughts, a divine harmony in the
realm of feelings. Become the flute of God, so he can play his music through the
flute of your soul.

The harmony of life is mysticism. Every sacred being pulsating with life comes and
recedes to whence it came as every song of mystic yearning went back to the
depths of a sacred pilgrimage singing though the soul of universe.

The music of our soul merges with the music of this existence and in mingling
comes the celestial bliss, that which is the spring of a love so eternal, a light so
divine. That is the song of a sacred ecstasy, one that arouses our souls. It burns
out all our pain, our silent agony and turns all in a bliss that ripens in a joy.

Here falls the raindrop of love from heaven making path for the soul to shine in a
clearer light of holiness. We transcend the realm of mind and thoughts and loosen
ourselves from the ego of self. And enlightenment sparkles in our souls breaking
through the floodgates of light.

This sacred cry of the soul for love to soak our spirits is what leads us to the
longing for the mystic wine, that which takes us beyond the ordinary moments
into the intimacy of a sacred silence where the spirit kisses the body and the soul
sings in rhythm of this existence, the murmuring of the breeze, the whistling of
the wind, the surging of the sea, the moonbeams kissing the ripples in an ocean of
love, the timeless song of the foaming waves, the harmony of the spinning
universe, the blessed blossoming of flowers.

The streaming light of this existence starts moving through us and a thousand
celestial blessings flood our spirits. We let go of our ripple of fears and flow in the

Light of Consciousness

timeless river of joy that journeys through the path of this mystic quest, a quest
that consumes all the pain and turns it to myriad benedictions.

And it fills the cup of blessedness that our soul so yearns for. And comes down
the cloudburst of sacredness! From the lips comes a prayer of enflamed
enlightenment, so it may ignite our spirits and turn us to a candle that leads to
the light amidst the darkness of many lost souls.

The breeze of consciousness whispers a secret to our souls. That it is the eternal
paradise of bliss where awakening dawns in the skies of the spirits. Our souls spin
in a whirlwind of consciousness that which shows the light traveling through the

The splendor of this universe shines through our hearts in a shimmering light. This
dawning of a new awakening, the music of a love that is universal is all that takes
us to the hearts of an unfolding consciousness in the flower of eternal souls.

Light of Consciousness


The solemn breeze around breathes the sacred thoughts of a universal bondage, a
nexus that entwines souls around in a holy entanglement, a love that is gently laid
on the dew drenched flowers of our souls. Harmony glides in happiness, as we
learn the art of beholding goodness and beauty in the splendor of all the souls.
And the gateway to the inner vision becomes an enchanted avenue for a universal
love to share.

May our hearts surrender to the sparkling beauty of this love in oneness! The
beauty within the heaven of our souls gives a glow that can make us all whole.
Our souls no longer wander lost and lonesome.

The love that streams betwixt the hearts has lit our souls with all its loveliness and
splendor. It is the connection that steals our hearts, one that is poised with
unperturbed serenity dipped in the waters of bliss.

Bless this holy dew of love. This beauty, the loveliest in its grace blossomed the
petals of many broken flowers at our hearts. Love, the timeless music of the souls
kindles the candles wandering from soul to soul and hence springs the
compassion in its universal beauty.

This eternal hunger of hearts finds its fountain to drink from, an abode of peace
to rest in this sacred pilgrimage where souls swim in the sea of unknown depths.

The light of a new dawn peeps through our hearts and the lark in our souls keeps
singing of a love that is boundless, a tune of compassion that plays on the harp of
humanity. It chases away our deepest fears, illusions and gives liberation to the
divine spirit inside so it may shine in all its splendor with the touch of a love on
our souls.

And the treasures inside shine in all their immenseness; It is the blissful
luminescence that permeates the stillness within. There dawns in an unbounded
awareness and a full moon of enlightenment shines amidst the sky of our spirits.
Bless this trail of light, a light that goes into eternity.
Light of Consciousness

Every moment of love holds a thousand possibilities of enlightenment and

wondrous portals to a deep consciousness if only we can loosen ourselves in the
sea of silence.

In the realm of our golden souls, awakening and consciousness meet each other
in a moment of silent embrace and forever our hearts get instilled with a light
that illumines the paleness in the ebbing spirits. This streak of light that flashes in
a thousand rays instills the consciousness.

As the winds of our love dance around, the thousand tears of our melancholy are
blown away. The sacred whispers feed the grief of many companionless souls; the
tidal waves of love break though the gulf of agony and here comes the splash of a
caring from the heart that feeds the hungry souls with the deluge of love.

Light of Consciousness


The glory of spirit shines through the sunlight of soul. When the darkness lurks
beneath the veils, the splendor of the breaking sunrise pierces through the
curtains and travels through the soul to shine in all its magnificence.

Darkened clouds of the heart with all the fears fades to the distant past as the
light of sunrise breaks through the heart! Heaven’s light comes on our souls as
the hues of sunshine mingle with the waves of love that ripple softly in the ocean
of our souls.

As the lovely sunrise arises shimmering on the sea of our hearts, our mind is miles
apart from the troubled shores of illusions and shadows of a thousand fears. The
sunbeams of joy chase away the fears in a shimmering delight.

The sunrise bursts forth in an intensity of hues mingled with the passion of
strength that is sent from heaven above. That moment in the sky of our hearts,
merges the truth, the purity and all commingle in the consecrated being of our

The sunrise peeping though our hearts enlightens our mind and sets a desire for
the inner quest. It gives no glimpse of fears lurking in the shadows as the
sunbeams of awakening touch our souls in the light of enlightenment.

Welcome the emerging sunrise in your hearts as you dream of a voyage in the
stillness of our souls. In its bewitching light, all the pain and the agony that we
encounter becomes a fragment of yesterday’s memory.

Surrender in silence to the sublime stillness in the ocean of our hearts. Open your
eye to the wonders of a beauty that calls in the heart, dance with its rhythm and
create a life so blissfully sublime so it will awaken the souls, unfold the bud of the

Feel the invisible embrace of silence and in its depths lies the revelation of the
truth, in a greater intimacy with solitude dwells the timeless grace of life, that it is
a gift, the essence of which lingers for life after life, for time after time in a
timeless beauty that hold a miracle of surprise in whatever we behold. Awaken to
Light of Consciousness

the call of this sublime beauty of sunrise penetrating through your heart. This
breaking dawn, the beauty that it instills, satiates the hungry souls. The light
dances in the sky of your souls and turns to a glorious sunrise, one that spreads its
beams of glory on every crevice of your soul.

Arise, awaken and surrender to this light in your heart as in your graceful
surrender lies the path to an eternal wholesomeness. Never lose sight of this
unfading glory of the sunrise in your soul as it shapes you for a sublime

Feel alive in this waking moment of light as the love of this light is the sacred
passion of the soul, one that is yearning for the invisible touch of God. Be aware
of the intimacy that you share with all, awaken to the great mystery and may
enlightenment satiate your passion for the eternal!

Behold the myriad beauties of life and you will hear the eternal echoes of a
heavenly love in this singing universe.

Light of Consciousness


The restless search for the divinity in the heart within, an eternal whisper of the
yearning in our souls to see the true light leads us to seek our inner sanctuary. It
guides us to the entrance of our inmost sanctum. It arouses the desire to explore
the myriad portals of beauty that life has showered us with.

This longing to rediscover ourselves touches the soul and blossoms the spring in
our hearts. And as our hearts bloom in a ripened love, a beauty awakens in this
universe. We behold everything with the eyes of wonder. Everywhere is scattered
the blossoms of sacred gifts from a divine love above.

Our souls are embraced and sheltered in the lap of love. This is the secret root of
the universal light, one that dances within our heart and soul with an
incandescent glow. As the dawn awakens in the garden of our hearts, embrace
the holy dewdrops of love on the flower of your soul.

With the glimpse of that timeless love, we behold the infinite creations in the
heart of this universe. Celebrate the sacraments of love and compassion in the
sacred sanctuary of your soul. Live in intimacy with your inner self and it will
unravel a thousand treasures of light. And our hearts will sing in glory, an eternal
music of a joy that is blossoming timelessly.

May the essence of our souls be the nectar of a love that is universal in its
embrace! Be alive in every waking moment. Let your spirits soar in the vast
mausoleum of your sacred being. As thousands of candles are lit every night in
your sanctuary of a love so divine, may you be rekindled with the holy flames of
your sacred spirit!

May it bring a full bloom smile when sadness clouds your sky, may it awaken a
sunrise in your heart to light the pathway for a sublime bliss! As you find beauty
in the flower of your soul, may you behold beauty everywhere! And as you get
wearied, may it bring the sunset in your heart to rest in a soft, serene light!

Live in the flow of peace and harmony as it opens the doorway to a beauty of
bliss. Believe in your inner visions, your deepest dreams as they unfold the

Light of Consciousness

thousand wonders of your being. Dreams that sleep in the depths of your soul
whisper of your eternal passions, your timeless desires for the sacred quests of

Arise and awaken. Let not your sleep at rest as the budding of your dreams leads
to the gateway of your sanctuary. The shelter for your soul is in the deepest
intimacy with silence. As it is in the silence that we behold the lotus of our dreams
and the light of our dawning heart!

Encompass the universal love that will sprout the lotus bud in the ocean of
humanity. There is sanctuary in being alone with the peace that the serenity of
silence instills in our hearts. Retreat to the inner refuge of your sacred soul.

Light of Consciousness


Sunbeams of the soul are the gateway to love, light and beauty, a love that
awakens you, a light that illumines you and a beauty that blesses you. Feel God’s
warmth flowing through your heart as the sunrise floods your soul with all its
splendor of divine love.

The grace of God shines on us though his heavenly beams. God hath blessed you
through the beams of his divinity, the sun of your soul. By the light of your inner
sun, you will behold the beauties that God has scattered in this universe in
endless bounties.

Carry the sun in your heart that will light up the empyrean of your soul in deep
delight. The universe is calling you to shine in a deluge of effulgence with your
limitless beams upon this existence. Existence needs you, the light of your soul,
the undying love of that light.

Feel the love of inner sun of your heart as it shines through this universe. Its
majestic beams are the universal light giver of a joyous energy. The mornings’
sunrise gives a glorious greeting to our souls in the light of an awakening dawn.
Welcome the greeting with a flood of love as it is a call to arouse and burst out in
the glory of your luminosity.

As the sunbeams of our hearts flood over others with the wings of love, the
drooping souls get enlivened again.

As the beams gaze on the wilted flowers of the souls, it spreads its glory on each
earthly heart. In life’s great delight, the rays of gold fall on the withered spirits
and enwrap the souls in its luminous embrace. Gently the loving beams awaken
them, whispering of a sacred message sent from the celestial realm above.

As sunlight pours in the soul, dreams are born again, a song sings again with a
glimmer of hope that all that is painful will be washed away in the glittering rays
of the light. May the bliss bathe our souls in the light of this awakening sunshine
in our hearts!

Light of Consciousness

Behold this sacred light of the universe that shines in your soul. Wake up and
wear the colors of spirit. Get in touch with your inner essence, that which sets
your soul alight with an emblazonment of your deepest passions. That is our
rebirth on an eternal plane as the divine light is moving in us with its beauteous

You are showered with an unbounded bliss and the eternal state of a divine
consciousness. Your soul in getting intricately intertwined with a thousand beams
from heaven. Love and beauty abound and peace cascades all over in the
streaming of bliss.

The divine floods of love and light flow into our souls and the overflowing deluge
binds the souls in a common joy, a common grief that brings a love that is
universal, compassion that is all encompassing. Eventually, their joy and pain
merges as one. Their souls mingle in a boundless happiness.

And their love becomes a timeless beauty. The flood gates of their souls swing
open and their hearts commingle in an ecstasy that knows no bounds.

The ocean of universal love flows at its own grace. All that is loving and
compassionate streams in a ceaseless flow of the universal ocean sustaining the
splendor of a beauty that floods the hearts of all. And waves of love wash over
the souls that ushers the beginning of a universal love.

Light of Consciousness


Our heart is the fountain of the unspoken words, a sacred bliss and our deepest
dreams. It holds the light to a holy pilgrimage of soul. Bathe in the holy showers
of blissful waters gushing out of your heart. And compassion gently flourishes
from the fountain of an overflowing love, the waters of which satiate many a
thousand souls.

Within is the fountain of consciousness, every drop of which promises eternal

peace. Delve deep and the waters of a sublime bliss will gush from your sacred
wellspring. And lotuses will begin to bloom in the tenderness amidst those holy

In the light of that dripping tenderness, do we behold this universe as the sacred
womb of all the wonders, the miracles that hold the signature of a timeless joy!

The hearts that sing the song of life, its joy and ecstasy, its pain and beauty are
the hearts that give birth to the fountain of delight and gladness, the waters of
which merge with the ocean of soul.

The heart is the eye of humanity, where love and compassion are mirrored in its
profound depths. It opens us to a wellspring of an awakened consciousness.

We are the waters from the same fountain, the fountain of soul, the spring of
oneness. Our souls drink from the same spring, that gushes in delight and the
waters run timeless and ageless, shoreless and eternally boundless over all that is
living in this sacred existence. Listen to the calling of your hearts and try behold
the fathomless beauty of life with the limitless wonders of this universe.

Drink from the sacred silence, the enlightening solitude of your soul and you will
behold the shoreless sea of this life. It eclipses all the momentary pleasures and
takes you to the holy mingling with the divine. Pure awareness breaks open in its
beams at the altar of silence.

It gives you a sacred space within your heart where you can immerse in a peace
that engulfs you with a surging tide. We are the pulsing waves of the same sea,
sea of oneness. May the waves of consciousness awaken our souls!
Light of Consciousness

There sings a song in the sacred silence of your heart which plays an eternal music
to your soul. It gives us the wings of awakening that take us to a flight from all of
the earthly sensualities and attunes our souls with the rhythm of this universe.

It makes us listen to the unheard melodies of this life, the sacred song of this
existence. May this music of bliss strike the cords of our hearts in a serene peace!

Listen to the rhythm of a celestial song, its eternal echoes in your heart. Go
beyond your understanding and feel the new beginning of a soul that loosens in

We are the strings of the same harp that plays in the heart of this universe. We
are the thousand rays of sunlight dancing on this universe. And the clouds burst in
a thousand joys of enlightenment.

Light of Consciousness


The fragrant showers of love rain on you as you breathe and walk in pure
compassion. The sweetest odors of love fill your heart and sing the songs of an
eternal spring in your soul. And suddenly the existence smiles with a rosy hue.

Our eyes convey the beauty of love in silence. Existence opens her first flower, the
flower of heart in our inner sanctum. The gladdening spring of our soul unfolds
her blushing bud of love, as eyes glisten with streaming tears of joy.

Love loses its depth in the realm of wild words. The bud blossoms in a silence, in
a rich, soulful stillness of the waters as the tides of love start sweeping over our
souls. It vibrates as the highest energy in this breath- taking universe and engulfs
all the hearts with a peace too deep to fathom.

Hearts are joined in the divine stillness and all the mortal souls shine as one as we
all reach out to others in our pain and joy. Love is the bearer of that unspoken
bonding that reaches out and touches other souls struggling to see a glimmer of
hope amidst their seasons of pain. The raindrops of healing start showering on
the soul.

Uncover the deepest truth that lies as a buried treasure in your heart. Honor the
sacredness within all, behold that each of you is a petal of a flower of universal
oneness. You all are here to encircle and form the circle of souls.

You all are here to sing the sacred music of one heart, dance the sacred dance of
one soul. This is a vast ocean where we drift between the shores of joy and pain,
delight and agony. The waves from all the souls commingle in the joyous tides of
oneness. This is where peace begins.

The eternal truth that sweeps this universe in its joy awakens in every heart.
Cherish this soulful peace till eternity. The glow of a universal beauty awakens an
essence of this timeless wisdom rains the holy showers.

Light of Consciousness

From the beginning of time, this is the treasured truth of existence. Burst your
heart open in the thousand beauties of this universal caring, rise with your
essence of divinity, your sacredness of soul and dance the dance of life together
in harmony with all.

We, the rivers of joy flow to the eternal sea of oneness and there dances the
waves in the commingled breezes of the heart. And the existence dances in its
waves of joy reflecting the light of the souls in the mirror of its heart. Awaken to
this holy dance, the dance of oneness.

May this oneness melt in a divine bliss, blossom in a rapturous happiness that
smiles in every soul alive! May every heart leap in a dancing delight on the bosom
of this enlightened universe! May we wander into the heart of this life together as
we seek light within the darkness to behold the endless beauty!

Light of Consciousness


At the sanctuary of our souls, is lit a lamp of eternity, whose flames burn with the
light of a divine love. It awakens this universe to a consciousness bursting forth in
the light of a timeless enlightenment dawning in every waking heart. Peace and
truth showers in a fragrant bliss on our seeking souls.

Compassion is the keynote of the song of love. And when the compassion rains on
the withering hearts, peace becomes the keynote of this joyful universe. It is this
lamp that lights an eternal light in the sanctum of our souls that fills us with

If love is a part of your dream to glimpse into the beauty of this singing universe,
then it will sing back a thousand songs in your soul. The heart of this universe will
be reflected in the bejeweled mirror of your heart as you two have become a part
of each other. The eyes of your heart evoked a beautiful love for this cosmos, and
in the sacred womb of your love, was a seed of cosmic love.

Encounter this universe in a moment of a sacred silence and you will see that joy
awaits you in many breathtaking wonders of love that will let your heart soar in
endless times. It is your soul that blossoms through the soul of this universe.

Bask in the light of this divine love and a thousand priceless moments of joy will
await you. That is the hidden mine of treasures silently waiting for you. See
through the eyes of this universe, touch with the healing hands, feel with the soul
of your souls and sacredness will bloom at every step of yours.

Feel the galaxy within you. You are the one through whom the beauty of celestial
stars have twinkled in joy. Shine out in its beams among the souls who sigh for a
song of love that is universal. Light the lamp of compassion in a tender glory
amidst the thirsty souls.

Dance on the waves of divine love and bliss. Dance to the rhythm of this dancing
universe. Joy has sprung in a thousand blisses. Bathe your soul in the showers of
divine love raining in a heavenly ecstasy. You are a part of this universal flow.

Light of Consciousness

Surrender in the comforting silence within you. As in the beauty of surrender,

dwells the peace that you are in quest of, the serene bliss that you so yearn for.
The waters of a tranquil joy will release all that needs to flow out and love and
light will blossom through you in a cascade of abundance.

Listen to the untangling message of your heart and let your spirit soar. This is the
morning of you as the sunrise of a new day kisses your soul. And the soft tendrils
of your love entangle other hearts with yours in this cosmic journey.

Slip deeply in the stillness within and swim in the ocean of your soul. Dance to the
end of joy and that joy will purify all the pain and be a spring of an eternal
fountain, from which flows the ageless, timeless waters of healing waters of a
sacred spirit. Let the hearts heal in the glimmering joy of finding the essence of
life again. Life that is holy, the flower of which is blooming in graciousness,
awakens the song of consciousness in all the hearts of this cosmos;

Light of Consciousness


Leave a trail of love. May others breathe in the wake of love at every moment of
their lives! Revel in the many wonders of love, as it is in its sacred refuge that we
learn to push away the fears which storm through the clouds of our minds.
Breathe with the divine ecstasy of love in the bursting of a glorious morn and
exhale its bliss in the soft twilight that sings of the setting sun.

The essence of your goodness emerges as you let the stream of love flow to the
sea of universal love. May the veils of your clouded minds be removed as you
leave others breathless in the waking wonders of fearlessness, the spiritual
journey in the heart of an unknown ocean, an uncharted pathway, the pathway to

See beyond the horizons. Walk on a trail of love, walk on a trail of compassion and
you will find behold the essence of the heart’s purity. For every pang of pain, for
every veiled sorrow, there is a way out on the trail of a song, a song of universal
love. Behind every pain that passes, a song of soul remains; a soul that sings of a
joy which struggled through tears.

Life gives us its waves of agony, but also waves of blissful joy, a beacon of light, a
gift of an eternal freedom leading our souls on the pathway to salvation. May you
find your sacred refuge in a love whose healing waters wash over your every
weeping sorrow! Bring your heart closer to compassion and your soul will come
closer to heaven. Let the song sing a dancing delight in your sanctum.

God leaves us beauteous gifts as we walk on our sacred trail with the footprints of
love. The universe dances in the glory of love. Open your heart to the thousand
splendors of love and bask in its light to your heart’s delight. The fragrant love
gives us the treasured bonding with every golden strand of this universe.

Dance in the rain of love as it the beauteous grace of life. Let love be your prayer.
May your soul be an emblem of love! Let forgiving stream in your hearts as it is
the doorway to healing. Immerse in the holiness of your heart and you will behold
the thousand blessings of humility. Embrace all in the vastness of your inner being
and there will be a love that is boundless.
Light of Consciousness

Behold this universe through the holiness of a divine vision and you will light up
this universe with the light of your holy heart. May the light of love shine on the
darkness that prevails! Seize the wondrous treasures of this earth with the grace
of humility as God shines through them.

Feel the dancing love of this universe, plunge in its joy and toss your joy to this
world. There are many unheard cries, many unloved souls, many unseen agonies,
many untouched hearts. Dance them to the end of joy with a touch of your love.
There are many unseen sights, many unsung songs. Go out in the sparkle of your
inner light and behold the divinity mirrored in all the souls.

Embrace them in the beauty of one love and one vision. Let love be the life of
your soul and loveliness touches you from everywhere. Listen to the flute of love
as the universe plays it through the music of rustling leaves in the breeze of
holiness. Life glistens with the divine dew of love.

Light of Consciousness


The golden gates of oneness open where love touches every heart and the holy
dew of love moistens every soul. There the spirit drinks the waters of an eternal
love. Gently breaks the dawn with the touch of a gracious compassion.

Another blissful day comes with the release of a fragrant love in the breeze.

The colors of love bless the smiling morn and their essence adds to life’s breaking
dawn. Uncertain as to what a new day brings, nature hums its sweetest melody
and the souls sing their songs of harmony.

The music of oneness plays in holiness and the hearts find an island in the sea of
this universe, a sacred refuge, a holy retreat, a retreat of the hearts.

Beyond the sands of time in an ocean of eternity lies this place of sanctity. Behold
the glimmer of the sacred splashing waters as they all dance to the end of a
commingled joy. The love that flows in the rippling waters of our hearts touches
our souls in the delight of a dancing springtime inside us.

The birds that sing in our hearts, the flowers that bloom in our souls, the waves
that splash in our beings, all chant the hymnals of oneness. We are the sun of
oneness shining on all, reflecting in the still waters of humanity. The captive bird
of ours hearts takes its flight in the sacred vastness of space releasing all that had
consumed the souls.

As we walk in all that is unknown, ahead of us, may we leave behind a trail of love
that would forever merge with the footprints of humanity!

May this existence that sings, leave an invisible touch, a silent embrace of love
from dusk to dawn, may the whispers of an enthralling harmony echo through the
cartwheels of time!

Love breathes beauty in the heart of this universe and lets the sacred scent drift
through the air to flood over all the souls with its holy essence. The soft and
sweet touch of it hums a universal tune in this existence plunged in its joy.

Light of Consciousness

Listen to this song and behold its divine beauty as this is the sacred breath of life.
Feel the delight that it brings to the soul. This has existed since the beginning of
time, as this cosmos spins on the wheels of a universal love.

This is the love that the existence calls for as the gentle breeze whispers by. May
its music dance merrily on the flowers of many hearts!

May it withstand all the illusions clouding our sky and when love showers its
sacred blossoms, may it dance the spirits on the winds of joy that knows no

May we immerse in a holy joy as the world smiles and dances while bathing in a
love so divine!

Light of Consciousness


The bounty of blessings rains and mercy descends celebrating the birth of
holiness. It is a sacred dawning of a new day. In the light of this holy dawn, here
comes the mystical union with the divine, the stream of bonding, love flowing in
the river of our souls. Pour out from the chalice of your pure heart.

We are the souls of love sometimes hidden as angelic beings in the first rays of
sunshine breaking through the windows of our sanctum or as a silent
compassionate touch of an understanding heart. Sometimes we are revealed as
the soft moonbeams on earth or the twinkling light of a celestial galaxy in the
bosom of a dark sky.

The universe shines in the light of our love as the gentle whispers of compassion
arise in our awakened heart. And in this land of solitude suddenly flowers of
beauty start blossoming, and life becomes a garden with hopes and dreams. Open
your heart to be bathed in the flow of this divine love with all the abundance that
it brings. Behold this universe as it blesses your heart with a thousand beauties.

Awaken to the eternal beauty hidden in the sanctuary of your soul. We are the
sanctum that holds the sacred treasures of a timeless love, its ageless beauty, its
sacred wonderment and an eternal compassion. We are a part of this holy cosmic

This is the blissful truth glimmering in preciousness. May this sacred truth awaken
our souls to a holy vision that we are woven by a sacred thread of oneness! The
eternal dawn awakens everywhere. Hail to thee, the holy rebirth of a sacred soul.

Sing a song, dance in ecstasy in the purity of your awakening consciousness, in the
sacred splendor of your heart, in the beauty of sunrise and sunset, in the gleam
and glory of this existence. As the river of grace flows within you, as you sing in
love may it hum a thousand songs in this world around! Unfold with the beauty of
your entrapped happiness and miracles blossom everywhere.

We are the musicians of this holiness warbling with our sacred tunes. Embrace
the sacred tidings of love in your heart. Let the peace flow into you with all its

Light of Consciousness

grace. May your leaping spirit dance in joy for all that existence has blossomed
with! Feel the rapture in the paths of your heart, the love that splashes on the
shores of your soul. Listen to the music that arises in the sacred sanctuary from
the unfailing joy of the seasons. Drink from this joy springing from nature’s
bosom. That is the visage of heaven on earth.

Breathe a sacred prayer in an invisible embrace with God. Divinity soaks our
hearts with all its beauteousness. And the heaven will shine through its glorious
rays of sun on you, greeting you to awaken to the heavenliness within and around
you. As the winds sweep a divine love on our trembling souls, as our petals quiver
at the touch of God, the sweet lavenders of our souls start swaying in joy.

Behold all the sights of dancing delights, hearken to all the heavenly sounds of
this existence and a thousand lilies will blossom in your heart. The blooming
flowers whisper the promises of an eternal joy breaking forth in this universe
around as the celestial beauty from the sky descends into your inner sanctuary.

Light of Consciousness


At every divine moment of our lives, we dream of either coiling up or unfolding in

a rare beauty that sparkles in the eyes of this universe. As we watch the beauties
bloom into roses, these are the moments when our once clouded illusions turn to
a tremendous sleep and the buds of our souls gently blossom in the piercing
moments of love and light.

While the call of our hearts echoes in the silver evening of life, we awaken to the
truth that life comes with both the darkness and beauty of its own. Yet the gift of
its wonders calls in the sea tides of life, as its petals dance in our divine souls in a
golden crescendo of joy. The rose of beauty begets the joy of an eternal
wellspring of this life.

May our love walk on the blade of grass in a timeless spring of bliss! May the
flowers of gracious gratitude forever float on the rippling waves of our souls!
Love, you walk this lane of life in a perennial autumn. Here lies the perpetual
sacred beauty of love that walks us through this divine pilgrimage of life.

May we give away the fragrance of thankfulness as we reach the scarlet sunsets
of our lives! May the light of your soul guide you in every trail you take, may it
shower a thousand blessings on all those that are illumined with the secret
beauty of your heart!

Live from your heart, unfold your soul with the deepest affections and the all will
shine as you embrace this universe with the beauty of oneness. And from our
hearts will bloom a flower where beauty will dangle forever in the many seasons
of life. Let us live with the silent beauty that the solitude speaks of, the light that
the heart of this universe shines with as our lips pleasantly taste this rich wine of

The beauty that will shine through the eyes of this universe in a thousand
crimson glows while life scatters its leaves of agony in its unexpected bends! Our
souls learn to blossom as the storms of life come and go. It becomes the beacon
of light that guides you in the deepest darkness it is the fragile bud that learns to
bloom in the myriad tumults of life.
Light of Consciousness

It is the rose of our heart that struggles to blossom in the many blizzards of life.
This is the garden of life where time reaps its rich harvests of joy and pain. With
all that, comes a beauty stranded with lustrous pearls of life.

May we live by the light of that forever beauty that can turn this journey to a song
of our souls, a resplendent joy that can dance on the splashing waves of life! May
happiness silently linger like a bath of golden light where the celestial harps sing
the notes of love that perches on the heart of eternity!

As we behold the one light that flames up in the hearts of all, we open our hearts
to the stream of passions and truths that flow in the ocean of all souls, we bow to
honor and the vastness of this unity and one love, the divine spark of which
ignites all the hearts.

Humanity, thee I call with the soul of my souls, to thee I bow with the petals of
my heart and it is thy touch that makes the flowers of love at the center of this
universe. May it seamlessly guide us to the immersive oneness in our lives!

Light of Consciousness


The bud of humanity bursts forth at the sacred feeling of human consciousness
and makes its way to the pinnacled peak of divine consciousness. Shine in the
light of your inner sun, the light of truth and illumine this universe in the splendor
of pure awareness.

Inside the temple of heart, resides the God in a meditative silence. Immerse in the
bliss of it as it takes you to the heaven of thoughtlessness where you soar in the
vastness of infinity, where all are streaks of light and celestial galaxies of divine

Open your soul to the soft rains of love, to the awakening of forever
consciousness. Let them soak and soften your heart in the rich tenderness of love.
Plunge in the peace and rejoice in the thousand miraculous beauties that every
waking dawn breathes into your soul.

Dissolve in the eternal light of love and you merge with the sacred divine. This is
the birth of love and light in the sanctuary of your soul, where you can see that
which is invisible in the amazing vastness of infinity. Leave a remembrance of love
in every heart that you touch, in every soul that you meet and heaven will be born
in you as an infinite miracle of its blessings.

Breathe in the eternal joy of it as it is a place of love where peace floats and
blessings shower in a divine rain. And we behold the infinite wonders that lie
deep inside us, something that is holy and pure, divine and blissful. We open the
eyes of our souls to behold that vision of sacred wonder.

And in the light of an eternal glory shines our human spirit in all its heavenly
effulgence. And in that light, a thousand birds of our souls learn to sing in a
soaring delight. Love is the voice of our hearts that gives us the light to shine. Our
souls discover themselves in envisioning beyond what can be seen, in the
nourishing silence of solitude where peace descends in a heavenly bliss.

Blessed with this gift, we open the eyes of our hearts to behold all that makes this
life a rain of sacred bliss on our souls. This awareness gives us an inner light that

Light of Consciousness

streams from our core to others. Awareness is the sacred light in whose rays all
spirits are reborn.

The cosmos shines in all its glory in the light of awareness, in the resplendence of
an awakened spirit. The sun rises again, and a new dawn sets in a sleeping soul.
Awareness is the secret of the inner light, the light that a soul goes by. That is the
deathless awakening born from the soul of consciousness.

Welcome this light with love in your heart. Gaze at everything with the essence of
awareness and your eyes will have the silence of an enlightening bliss that will
flood the cosmos with a light coming from the corners of your loving heart.

Touch all with your heart, share from your soul and you will become the light of
that every heart needs to behold. Love is the wonder that encircles the hearts in
this sacred cosmos. Compassion is the key to what keeps them apart. Melt with
each other in grief and joy, sadness and gladness and around you will surge a
miracle of unceasing love. We will always find ourselves as the precious drops in
the sea of love.

Light of Consciousness


Flow down to the ocean with your love, as a thousand suns shine in you, the first
streaks of dawn illumine in you birthing from the light of your love. All that was
grief must melt as love waits at the door. All the pain must wane, all the agony
must cease to flow as love is singing in the breeze while the soft fluffy clouds are
fleeting with yesterday’s pain.

The voice of shattered heart, the silent cry of the heart, all the hurt must breathe
its last, for love to stream in its abundant flow. As the golden rays of love shine
upon our face, a thousand angels start beaming in love in a radiance that is
gleaming in our souls. That is the blissful vision of a heavenly Elysian.

Burn your soul in the fire of love, let your heart be inflamed with the pleasing light
of love and the healing will flow over your innumerable aches. Rise with the
waves of love and it will take you away to the shoreless eternity. And the worlds
will dissolve in the glowing of your love.

Let love be your breath, the fragrance of your soul, the effulgent core from which
arises a thousand blisses. Look out of the deep of your soul and out of the deep of
love, you shine in all your piercing glory. To the portals of heaven, love is the
golden key. Let love tell you the secrets of a peace that is bliss.

The sea of love has a flow where if you plunge, you go to the timeless shore, the
eternal, deathless gateway to heaven. A vision is born where love bears all the
pain, melting it in a joy. It is the one that blooms the blessings turning everything
into a heavenly fragrance.

Love is the light of a soul, the water of its fountain, the fragrance of the inner
flower. It is the setting sun beginning to dawn again in your heart. It is the music
of love that makes this universe dance in ecstasy, it is the sacred dance of every
heart, the holy song of all the souls, the glittering stars in the darkness of nights.

Behold the sunrise in your heart, its intense love that knows to give, behold the
sunshine beams shining in the eyes of this universe. It is the love that flows from

Light of Consciousness

you to the world around. The rose of love wakes up at every dawn bringing
beauty in this effulgent, sunlit universe.

Immerse in the silence of love as it slashes over you, and a new spring will be born
that turns the grit to divine. Dance in the silent shower of love that rains on
humanity. Sing in its full blown, full bloom beauty as it is the sacred touch that
turns this universe in a divine gold.

Love is the one light that radiates through all the lamps. It is the echo of eternity
sounded within our souls. It is the key to unlock our golden enlightenment. Its
sacredness touches the universe and its holiness brings forth a cloudburst of bliss.

When love meets the divine in the sacred sanctum inside, the finite turns to the
infinity, the timely turns to the timeless and holiness soars on the wings of a
sacred love! Out of the endured sufferings came out the light of love, that shines
in all. Every crying sorrow turns to a joyous love and all comes to a blessed end.

Light of Consciousness


As it comes in all its beauty, so it goes. The only eternal thing that stands the test
of time and ages is our awareness, an awakening of the soul. As we sink our grief
in a distant memoir, a truth starts dawning in the break of a heart. Nothing stays

The shining sun has to subside, the early morn’s flower has to wilt, the hues have
to fade, and out of the temporal nature, comes out the light of truth in the cracks
of every heart. All things pass away. There lies the dangling beauty of an age old

The comfort knowing that morning breaks in after every night, joy floods in after
sorrow and smiles flow in after the streaming tears is what gives every passing
thing a touch of beauty. Embrace the cycle of life as in it lies the hidden gateway
to consciousness. This is the most penetrating awakener of our inner beings. It
leads us back to ourselves.

Reveal your wounds in the light of the sun rising in your heart. The scars, the
silent struggle, the tearless grief, they teach you something. You live out the
secret of your strength to the very end with the heart prints of divine on your
soul. They molded you to one who has endured the storms with the noblest
grace, they anchored your soul in vastness of infinity where you know how to
sprout in an eternal joy.

Your fear has dwindled, your silent grief has abandoned you. By each path that is
most holy yet carrying a melancholic melody, you meet the agonized memories of
the past. And there comes a blessed relief in knowing that all things die. And a
new light flood in, a new dawn breaks in the sanctuary of your heart.

There the joy and the beauty lie bare in all its sacred bliss. Therein happens the
unfolding of an uncertain life. The within becomes transformed in a blooming
happiness that remains unperturbed amidst the tempests of life.

Every pain, every agony led you back to your heart that has life from a timeless
fountain inside. You touch your pain and turn it into something beautiful,

Light of Consciousness

something that has a whisper and the fragrance of a lingering joy. A voice speaks
up as you step in your inner sanctuary. This is the voice of consciousness, one that
takes you to the portals of a heavenly awakening. Every step that you take is a
rebirth. It leads you home to your inner sacred sanctum.

That is the sacred way back to your soul through this wilderness of life. You are a
sanctuary with holiness overflowing in a beauty of your own. A thousand
blessings spring out of that outpouring sacredness. Whichever soul you meet,
whichever heart you touch, can partake of your divine sacredness, breathe into
your holiness and can drink from your consecrated waters that turned every
burning pain into an eternal beauty.

And the ever- silent peace will shine in the gleaming light of the dawn. Your roots
are in the tranquility of that serene bliss. Peace is the temple of divinity where
you wonder with your beholding eyes at a new you, reborn from the sacred
womb of consciousness.

Light of Consciousness


Awareness comes shining in the celestial light as truth forever emits from our
awakened hearts. Love is the flower of awareness. It is the perennial shadow
following love in its divine trails. The wholesome consciousness shines in the
sunlight of a new awakening.

In each mortal soul, the longing goes on to touch and be touched by another soul,
to learn to see the face of divinity in another, to honor and acknowledge through
the path of that which shows love, light and truth.

When people bloom in each other’s souls, love heals all the grievous agony and
the beating of our hearts whispers peace, a peace that robs us of all the silent
pain. Let not your soul walk away without reaching out to others as the flood of
love washes over all the pain.

May we live love everyday as the bliss of peace will come to take us all to an
emerging consciousness that unfolds everything at a perfect time in its own pace!
May the essence of this realization wake us up together from the illusion of

Flow your love to the universe and it will dawn an enlightenment that will fill this
earth with the sacredness. Melt your illusions in the sea of love and realize that
you are the dancing wave of this fathomless sea where joy and pain, strength and
weakness, unison and betrayal all commingle in the sacred waters of this sea.

Each of us is a wave in the sea where we dance with our own calling for love and
truth. We have our own stories to tell with our joy and the silent grief trying to
penetrate each other in the deepest of the impenetrable. Let the ocean of love
flow through you.

In the gradual interpenetration, the sun shines in our hearts, in the light of which
we drink the sap of fruit, the fruit of love, one that fills our lives with the washing
waters of compassion. And all the longings and sorrows merge in the streaming of

Light of Consciousness

Listen to this music, as it sings the song of a universal awakening that takes us to
the pathway of oneness. While we thirst for this truth, oneness guides us to the
scared portals of it by weaving us all with one thread. Beautiful benedictions, a
sacred blessedness envelops us all, as we flow in the sea of love that takes us to
the pathway of God.

Love connects us with the eternal beauty of this existence, the sacred wisdom
that the universe silently whispers of. It leads us gently back to our divine selves.
The universe is arising in us, its echo of love is our echo. Every waking moment of
ours is showered by the thousand gifts of the universe. Inhale this cosmic breath
and let the flower of your soul bloom to an awakened beauty. Take the sacred
steps that follow the wonderments of a divine bliss.

Loosen your “I” in that music of love and sing a song of gratitude from your inner
temple. And love will hum in this entire universe. Flood this existence with the
essence of an awakened you. We are the strand of pearls strung together in an
interrelated harmony where joy and sadness of all the hearts penetrate each
other taking us to our blissful abode of oneness.

Light of Consciousness


Trust is a flower of joy and mistrust bears the silent agony inside. With learning
the gracious art of a trust, life gets hued with an eternal springtime. Trust
becomes the essential root to reach out to the blossoming love.

Love creates the sacred spirals of trust and they reach their depths with their
loving encircling of each other. Surrender the bud of your soul to the flower of
love, as it is in the ultimate surrender, that you reach the pinnacle of joy. Trust
guides you to the heavenly pathway of love and surrender opens for you a
thousand benedictions of the grace of love.

Surrender to the sacredness of love, and it will show you the peak of your holy
being, Immerse in the wonders of this existence. Each divine moment, it is singing
a song, dancing a dance of the heart, painting the colors of our souls in a
thousand shades on the heart of this universe.

Surrender to the beauty of it and realize that the thousand beauties of this
existence brought you to the bliss of surrendering yourself, loosening your heart
to get plunged in the soul-stirring beauty of it. Feel it and know that there is
beauty in surrendering yourself to the sacred beauty of love. This existence sings
of love through its wonderments.

Seek your soothing comfort in surrendering to the fulfillment of love, as love

unfolds and its beauty blooms with the essence of trust inside. Awaken the light
of trust in the faces of whom you love and blessed will be the existence which
brought you to your beloved.

Gladden the hearts with a flame of trust as in its light is the light of love. Profusely
give out your trust from the unfolding your soul. Love grows out of the sanctuary
of sacred trust and lives in our hearts eternally.

Two people dissolve in the bliss of oneness as they emit the essence of trust for
each other. Trust simply falls from you in the blossoming of love. It is a tuning of
two hearts when they want to surrender their sacred beings inside and want to
play the lute strings of love.

Light of Consciousness

Let the sun of trust rise in you, as in the sunrise of faith lies the gleaming joy of a
beaming love. The communion of two hearts flowers in the breeze of trust and
surrender. Let go of the silent struggle inside and let the trust dawn in you as in its
waking light, you will be able to melt in the contentment of love.

Reach out to the sacred center of your very being and behold with your heart of
trust and in its light a thousand buds of love can sprout. Never encounter any
trace of doubt in the holy pathway of love. Let not the doubt enter the door of
love, as in its shade love loses its vitality, its very sacredness and essence of

The spirits can mingle in the releasing of each other’s fears. Where trust and
surrender embrace each other, love shines in a glory and splendor. Love but not
in a stream of clinging, but in a stream of letting go. A letting go and not clinging
gives birth to the endless nectar of love.

Light of Consciousness


Trust is the lingering fragrance of our eternal love. The holy moments of love
sprout to a surrendering release of one’s self to the other. As we grow in our
sacred blessings of love, we behold the light of it to realize that ultimate
surrender grows in the blossoming of love.

We relinquish ourselves in the sacred nature of love and be at oneness with the
other. We make the choice of releasing ourselves in the beauteous flow of love.
Surrender is the blissful discovery of the holiness of love.

And trust is the sacred bridge between the lover at your heart and the beloved.
Surrender is the holy flyover to love. The beauty of love exists because surrender
exists in every sacred moment of it. It is flowing into the way love wants you to
be, not forcing love to be your way.

It is a let-go of yourself and a let-in the river of love that flows through you. Join
the flow, splash the waters and merge into it. Wash your soul in the waters of
love dropping all the doubts and disbeliefs and attain to the pinnacle where the
timeless spring floods over the ego.

Love is a state of being with a pure awareness of the need to yield ourselves, with
no thoughts drifting in our minds. It opens our eyes to a mystic dimension one
that takes our souls to a blessed elevation of sacredness. Love transforms us
effortlessly with its very holy essence.

Go inside love, inside its sacred space and loosen yourself in its blissful light,
sacred ecstasy and a pure beauty. Awareness will blossom within you with its
ultimate fragrance of trust and surrender in love. Free yourself from the bondages
of clinging, possessing and flow in a love that knows not how to claim.

With love, you reach your sacred temple where your holiness abides. Your
awareness of love makes it the wisdom of your soul. Those who know how to
joyously die in the complete surrender know the gateway to love. Go beyond your
mind and the letting go of “I” grow in you and love will be the name of your very
existence. Become one with the rhythm of love.

Light of Consciousness

Inhale it in a let-go, surrender and exhale it in a sacred beauty, an ecstasy of the

soul. Letting go is the savior of your “I”. Shower the joy of your love over this
existence as you soar on your wings of release and let-go. Fly in the gleaming blue
of a complete non-attachment.

Love blossoms when there is no cloud of holding back in your consciousness. Love
flourishes when your mind is unveiled from the drifting of these clouded
thoughts. The richness of your love comes not from resisting but from the
gracious art of surrender. It enriches you in your journey of love.

Float on the waters of trust and faith. Relax on the serene bliss of its tranquil
waves and love will happen within you. It will burgeon within your soul cascading
your joy on this very existence around. Surrender is simply the way of love in its
purest form.

That is the origin of the light of love. It gives you a rebirth, a sacred awakening of
this divine feeling. It comes with a beauty and pain, caring and betrayal, tears and
laughter, yet it is still a gift, heaven’s choicest gift showered on us.

Light of Consciousness


The wounded place is the divine place that shows you the path to a light of the
heart. The pain you feel is a sacred pain. It is a shearing of the heart that washes
you and gives you the beam of purity and you behold everything like you have
never beheld before. The hidden suffering guides you to the light of a profound
opening of your soul.

The wound one carries gives birth to a searing, one that gives you a mystic vision,
the wisdom of a sage, a light of the soul. We are led to the doorway of a universal
empathy, the interconnectedness of life. The pain of our hearts breaking open,
gives everything a beauty, a new vision.

That is the doorway to the blissful touch, an unfolding of your soul that will gently
take you back to your inner self. Our very essence is alchemized with a touch of
divinity. The fire of longing has burned you into eternal purity. The sorrowful
longing in your heart makes you a chalice of eternal love and gives your soul a
divine essence of forgiveness.

You become the breath of God through which love is showered in a thousand
blessings. You arrive at the gateway to your own self. The dawn breaks in to
arouse you from the shearing of your soul and to transform your grief into a light
that goes into age after age, in an eternal stream.

The pain of separation turns into light with the rising of a sun in all its effulgence.
Your soul splits and a light emits forever, light that pours out tenderness and an
embracing compassion for all this existence. You breathe love quietly in the
silence of a song of your soul on this sacred universe. And thus, flows the endless
stream of your heart’s beauty.

Your pain is the breaking of your heart that blesses you with the divine seasons of
the soul. Your very sacred tears are what lead you to the portals of a bliss divine,
where beauty embraces pain and turns it into a gift of sacredness.

The fountain of holiness starts to flow from within you where your shattered grief
turned into an ageless spring of compassion. The sacred embrace of the invisible,

Light of Consciousness

a touch of compassion from the unseen pour out through your sacred waters.
Heal the wounded hearts with the waters of your sacred soul and let them
forever be at peace.

The burning of your pain turns into a spring of joy and as you heal, you heal
others with flooding waters of your love. Pour out goodness with a sacred touch
of grace in your fragrant breathing of the soul. Seek your sacred refuge in the
blessings of pain, as it is the alchemy of your soul that turns everything in the holy
wonders of joy.

As you go through the divine alchemy, you merge with a cry of the sacred ecstasy
and become lost in the unfathomable blessings of the grace dipped gifts of the
divine. There is an ecstasy in the sacred space of pain where all that you touch
turns into love, pure and eternal flowing through ages.

Gaze into that unfathomable holiness of every shearing wound, as though it is a

thousand benedictions stream in a sacred light, one that turns your pain into
beauty, a timeless fountain of joy and awareness.

Light of Consciousness


When the sky of our minds is no longer obscure, the tumults of our minds cease
to float, the heavenly light shines through with a divine consciousness. The
vastness within our beings no longer cries, as the disappearing of the clouds gives
the glimpse of an eternal enchantment.

A celestial beam lights the firmament and in that glorious gleam do we behold the
truth of the beam. Be in the vastness of the divine void and you will receive the
enlightened vision of a sage, the wisdom of a mystic with a seeking soul. Gaze in
the heavenly glory of the sun with the heart of a pilgrim, entranced, surrendering
with wonder to the deep peace in the celestial stillness.

And you will find that the answers are hidden in the sacred light of an infinite
emptiness. In the sunlight of a divine awareness, holiness blossoms everywhere
and all that you behold blazes with the wonders of God’s grace. Go within
yourself with yourself drunk in holiness.

Let the call of your spirit guide you to that part of you which is drunk in the sacred
search longing for the ecstatic union with the mystic divine. As the darkness of
clouds disappear from the sky of your minds, the break of an enlightened dawn
shines with a glow of joy.

Find the hidden fountain that flows through you ceaselessly in a stream of delight,
the eternal spring where heaven and earth intermingle together in the waters of
pristine purity. You are that river of awareness that flows past the rocks of ego
and fear washing all that comes in your journey with the waters of an eternal,
mystic love.

The vision of that sage takes you to the truth of all unseen treasures within
yourself. You can behold the light of truth in the invisible world, your soul sings in
harmony with the soul of this universe. You attune yourself with your inner you,
blending in an eternal ecstasy.

Something shines from your soul in a thousand rays of light, which is in the
unseen, unknown that transcends all the coming and going of joy and grief. You

Light of Consciousness

dance in the blissful ecstasy flowing within you. That is the rapture of an eternal
moment where you can look beyond your seasons of heartbreak and sorrow, the
enlightened vision of an eternity.

In that waking moment, the sky of your soul splits open, shattering all the illusions
and you glimpse into the timeless truth that spreads throughout this universe.
The dawn arises from within you revealing the grandeur of your heavenly beauty.
The flickering flames of fears have extinguished and arises the eternal light of
awareness from the sun of your heart. You melt in the sunrise of your soul, in the
sacred light of awareness.

The unbounded vastness of the stillness within you gives you the eye of a mystic,
the soul of grace and mercy. Compassion pours down from your eyes on this
existence around through the glow of your sacred light. You are within yourself,
drunk with a mystic wine.

Light of Consciousness


Delving into the sacred search for a mystic vision, we yearn for the sunlit peaks of
holiness. The flashes of sunlight burst over the horizon of our souls as we enter
with our flaming bodies entering the doorway of consciousness. Light floods in
with the rise of a sacred dawn, as we enter the sanctuary of our souls.

The light of our soul shines as the light of our eyes flooding all over this universe
in a thousand sacred wonders. The sunlit soul showers its holy light and the
darkness of nowhere is lit by the gleaming glow of its enlightened truth.

Within thy body is the luster of a holy light. Awaken and sing the song of a sacred
dawn arising in your heart. Those moments of loveliness where beauty touches
grace wake us up from a slumber too deep, so we can be in an eternal pilgrimage
of the heart, the sacred journey within. Tear away the veiling clouds in the sky of
your mind, let out the hidden sun in your breast.

The light in its holiness must dawn, albeit delayed, as that is the light which saves
our souls from a silent cry within. I sing in you and you sing in me, embraced in a
love eternally divine. Joy rises in a thousand beams of light from the divine bosom
of that timeless love. Hear the thousand bells ringing within you.

Soak your soul in a sublime bliss of this union. Drink the nectar of this divine
ecstasy and make your pathway to a paradise of emptiness, nothingness within.
Heavenliness rises in your soul as you dance in your inmost shrine with an
unwavering devotion. You are the perennial sea with a timeless flow of love

You are the dawn of light, the eternal bliss blooming in the heart, the mystic
growth swelling in the soul, the sacred splendor of an enshrined beauty. You are
the vision of a pilgrim soul, the doorway to a golden eternity, the gateway to a
blissful divinity. Existence dances in an eternal ecstasy embraced by your

In silence and a blessed emptiness, you behold the enthralling light of a golden
eternity. You meet your sentient being inside where love is pouring a thousand

Light of Consciousness

blossoms of bliss around. There is an unfolding of an ethereal flower inside you.

With your sacred blooming, a thousand roses bloom on this earth. There comes a
holy flow from the river of your love.

The existence is blossoming with a thousand smiles of its soul embracing the
meditative beauty of your inner being. Sacredness showers everywhere, a
holiness of the soul, never born, never died. Grasp your truth that melts in a joy
on the shores of that golden eternity. The tranquil essence becomes the blissful
essence spreading everywhere.

Disappear into the everlasting ecstasy, the eternal now of the very moment.
Disappear into the nothingness, the emptiness, where beauty stands still for age
after age, and the sound of this divine silence penetrates your soul and takes you
to a golden trance, the rapturous beauty of solitude timelessly divine. That is the
eternal moment of a conscious awakening, where you behold the light of

Light of Consciousness


Delve deep in the sea of silence and love, let your soul dance in the sea of an
eternal, blissful love, surrender to the divine call inside that echoes and re-echoes
within your spirit. A divine light will burst open in a thousand splendors from the
wilderness of your journey within and the light of love will blissfully overflow from
the wellspring of a heart divine.

Sacred whispers murmur in the breeze around, sacred breath of a heavenly love,
a sacred gracefulness of new beginning that releases the timeless waterfall of
heavenly nectar anointing this universe with a consecrated divine love and
flooding humanity with a splash of sacred waters of the heart. A serene peace
nestles deep within my soul unveiling the ancient mysteries of life.

A rising light of the dawn waves and beckons me, showing me the trails of serene
bliss, a peace immersed in the tranquil beauties of the heart. A divine hunger
awakens our souls, with a thirst for a heavenly beauty that gives birth to a
thousand beauties imprinted on the bosom of this earth.

Our hearts wake up at the first light of a gleaming dawn, and a divine cry from
within echoes in the depths of eternity. Listen to the solitude of this universe as
your soul attunes with its soul, hearken the holy whispers of that golden silence.

The sacred breeze has a divine story to tell, a sacred message to convey to your
hungry heart searching for God. Behold this holiness born from the unseen,
omniscient spaciousness, this vast infinite nothingness.

This is the sacred voice of that heavenly silence, one that releases an unbroken
joy, an undivided love, a glorious shower of peace. All that was ephemeral turned
into eternal arising from the vast expanse of that infinite nothingness.

The beauty of our soul radiated into the timelessness of space and gave birth to a
light that will immerse the universe in a sea of light, love and compassion. The
universe drinks from our love that our souls carry in the silence of a sacred

Light of Consciousness

Truth explodes from that silence heralding the birth of a holy light as we journey
through the lonesome solitudes. Feel and be in touch with this divinity in the
sacred light of a new dawn setting in the soul of silence.

The heart of silence displays the light of a heavenly beauty beckoning you to
escape this earthliness and melt in the ecstasy of union with the eternal truth.
The peace that you had been seeking for, the steadiness that you had been
yearning for comes with the bliss of a divine essence showered by the eternal soul
of that golden silence.

Let the sea of joy surge within you with the bliss of divine, let your soul be
showered with the primal wisdom of an eternal life. May the lotus of your soul
blossom in the light of God, may you welcome the blessings of life, adorning your
soul with a grace!

May your soul be anchored in the depths of eternity with the flooding of an
omniscient truth! May you be blessed with a love for humanity with the raining of
divine mercy!

Light of Consciousness


From beneath the murky waters of earthly experiences, a flower of beauty

blossoms with its petals shyly unfolding in purity and enlightenment. It shines for
what is a harmony of this cosmos, an illumination in mysticism. It is the miracle of
love, light, beauty, embracing each other gracefully, to create a thousand
wonders of life.

Our divine consciousness blossoms in a sacred love unfolding in a thousand

petalled lotus, in this mystic journey of life. Reveal your heart in a mystic light in
the pacification of your inner being, in the sacred stillness of your nature. Become
the lotus of love, compassion and divine passion opening in lush bloom from
under the murkiness of waters.

The sweetness of an eternal nectar lies within you. Drink in the wonders of life
and dance on the edge of ecstasy as the elixir of a blissful love fills this universe.
Spill out the fragrance of your soul opening up to the light of a sacred dawn;
dance in your spirit, drinking deep this beauty of life. Let the soul rise to a higher
consciousness and a supreme light of your being. And you meet the truth in this
very heaven of life.

Behold the divine wonders of this world in exaltation, reaching out to the sun
feeding your soul with all its warmth. Your soul will blossom in full illumination in
the splendor of its light. Burst forth your exquisite beauty as God unfolds in you.

Rise beyond yourself and there you will see peace is awaiting you. Your heart is a
spiritual garden where divinity leaves its mark in the blooming of flowers. Detach
yourself from all that binds you to this earthliness, release yourself from all that
holds you to these desires and you will reach the shrine of God through the
pathway of kindness, beholding the eternal and universal divine being in all.

Fasten your eyes on the universality of love. Endure the pain that meet you in
your life and light the candle of your heart, bowing to the beauty of divine. The
joy that comes out of the burning of your grief glows the universe with a love and
unceasing forgiveness.

Light of Consciousness

Take a sip of that love and sprinkle it on this world and it will turn to a thousand
pearls of a timeless joy. A love so eternal wipes the teardrops of the eyes of this
universe and stretches out its arms to embrace all and brings a breath of pure
awareness. It is pure light of consciousness.

The sun of awareness has risen within us as we clasp the universal love in our

Reaching out and touching other hearts with the grace of compassion makes us
one love and one soul, the soul that shines as a universal soul;

Life has beckoned us with its divine call. Listen to its sacred words, a holy message
of the soul of souls, as it will unveil the mystery, break forth the illusions that so
separate the thousand human souls and bind them all with a thread of rising
awareness, awareness of a timeless universal love.

Love opens in your heart and the fragrance goes to all the hearts in this world
merging your being, your center with the center of all. You all become one soul,
the soul of this universe.

Light of Consciousness


We weave a universe of holy light if we cease to be caught between the flow of

mind and heart. Let us just be, as the dualities of them melt away in the sacred
space of eternity in the holy realm of our inner being. We are fountain of
awareness, the spring of divine love.

The river of life flows through us as we perceive the changes around us with an
eye of witnessing.

We encounter those changes at the very moments that make us evolve spiritually
at each waking breath of ours. Surrender yourself to every experience that you
meet, merge your inner being with the flow of it and it will open the doorway to
the mysteries of life.

Just be in the sacred moment, the sacred now. The trials, its lessons, its blessings,
they go through you and reach you to the gateway of divine.

Do not go for the quest of answers, just blossom in the center of your being. Be
embraced by the tranquility, united and blissfully absorbed into its sacredness.

Be the center of a holy stillness that pours out all the answers, the light of
understanding which will evolve you into a mystic being. You will know to be
awake in the golden silence and not to be entangled in the duality of heart and

But just to be immersed in the tranquil stillness will give you the purity of an
enlightened awareness and your soul will merge with the soul of this holy

A consciousness will show something of the divine that which is arising in the holy
sanctum within you. Your core has beautifully merged and blissfully melted with
the core of this existence and you are one with the eternal cosmic soul. Let your
soul beyond the cage of this body in the quest for a light of awareness and you
will find the sacred peak of enlightenment.

Light of Consciousness

That which stays as a serene peace amidst the opposing ways of heart and mind;
Move gently into the silence as it beckons you, listen to its divine call as it takes
your spirit to the sea of serenity and you will be able to hear the celestial call, the
call of the twinkling stars, the message of the sunlit mountains that shine in
sacredness, the call of the swaying trees, the splashing sound of the glorious
waves, the universe of which you are an integral part.

A holy dawn, a sacred birth, a soul stirring song, an ecstatic dance will rise within
your soul and every moment will lead you to the light of your inner sanctuary. The
silence will become your sacred bliss, your benediction. The light of truth shines in
the temple of your being in its sheer magnificence, a light that gives you the
words in the beauty of silence, Awareness will come out in its own splendor and

Your soul becomes of eternal lightness, of infinite luminescence and

consciousness will glow like a rising sun within you. You pulsate with the truth and
the pulsation gives you a sacred consciousness. Become a soul with the
amazement of awareness. Let the sacred message of this divine existence pour
within you.

Light of Consciousness


Delve deep in the heart of your awareness, immerse your being in consciousness.
Melt yourself in being watchful of the sacred existence around. It has a thousand
seeds of mystery. Be in the sea of stillness and observe with the eyes of wonder,
as existence celebrates its happenings every holy moment of it.

The cloud passes away, and your glimpse penetrates into the soul of this
existence. Observe the passing thoughts. They are the spontaneous happenings
as they come and go. The existence is speaking to us in every breath of ours, in
every split second.

The ceaseless chirping of the birds, the caressing touch of the breeze on your
face, the rustling of leaves, the swaying of the floral blossoms, all are singing a
song of cosmic harmony. The wholeness of this holy existence, the totality of this
beautiful universe reveals itself as the glory of God, the splendor of his sacred

Carry the lamp of consciousness within you amidst these thousand moments of
life. Never let your inner light of awareness die, save the flickering flames and give
it the nourishing light from your soul. And every moment will have its silent
blossoms, a meditative beauty, as life will spring within you ecstatically, being rich
in consciousness and overflowing with godliness in your inner being.

Take not the path of mind, but the path of your heavenly soul, one that will lead
you to evolve inside yourself, blossoming you to a flower of this existence. The
fragrance of your inner flower will bring a thrill, a joy of life that will dance your
spirit across this cosmos.

Attune your soul with the whole and bliss will follow you everywhere. This bliss is
the innate joy, the fountain of a timeless truth. It will give rise to a well of
contentment springing ceaselessly within you, one that is not momentary but
takes you to the blissful brink of eternity.

The light of divine sails your soul on the path of divinity. An eternal truth pours
out from yourself and you become the fountain that gushes in an unending bliss

Light of Consciousness

on this existence around. As you smile silently with your soul serene, a thousand
benedictions blossom and takes you to the heaven beyond what you behold.

Thy voice rises with an eternity of truth, truth of an unending joy, as you touch
other souls in the secret blessings of your heart. And sacredness falls drop by drop
on this existence, while it melts in your ceaseless bliss.

Something in this cosmos never dies, and that is the truth which lights the
pathways for age after age, for time after time, into the heart of eternity.

You are flowering with the beauty of truth inside. A peace, bliss, a heavenly
happiness follows you as you leave your footprints everywhere. And every
moment becomes a moment of a sacred beauty.

An ocean of joy surges within you and each moment of your life blossoms to a
divine moment. You see heaven everywhere. In every breath of yours, you are in
touch with God, clasped in his invisible embrace.

Light of Consciousness


Step out of your ego and bow down to the river of love gracefully. Out of all the
suffering, the shattering grief, comes a blissful state of freeness. When the flames
of suffering have died away, then comes the flames of bliss.

The unbearable agony melts away in the eternity of a golden bliss as we perceive
whatever is around us through the eyes of divine and a revolution ignites amidst
our souls. What was heart breaking has been transformed in a heart soothing
peace, a total freeness, free from clinging to any earthly sorrows. A new dawn has
set in, a new morning penetrates us with all its mystic light.

The divine pierces us with such a holy ecstasy, a cleansing purity, and all grief
dissolves in an eternity’s joy. Be anchored in this earth yet have the wings to fly
out of your inner ecstasy, the enlightenment of your soul.

Soar into the gleaming blue of the celestial firmament, and glimpse the
sacredness of this existence, rise to the heavenliness of heaven and behold

Joy will flow through you unceasingly, knowing that you been grounded amidst
the heart of earth, have the divine wings to fly into the heart of divinity, where
happiness flies your spirit in a sacred ecstasy. Drop your mind and fly with your
heart, your soul and be one with the soul of this sacred universe.

This universe is alive and singing in every heartbeat of it. Breathe into it and
exhale consciousness, an awareness. Step out of your cloud of thoughts that
obscure your inner being and be in the state of a blissful observing, a sacred
beholding where you melt in the first ray of sunrise, your heart sings as birds sing,
your soul dances as the tender jasmines dance in delight, and joy will breathe into

Whirl with happiness as you tune your soul with the soul of this nature. Live in
this sacred earth but be of the joy of this whole existence. Let not your mind ever
shadow your state of blissful contentment.

Light of Consciousness

Let ecstasy always stream within you, taking you to the unfathomable breadth,
the glorious heights and the sacred depths of this holy life. Remain conscious and
flow with the phases of each day that dawn in your life.

Flow with the awakening morning, the noontides and the eventides. Drop
yourself and dissolve in the mother earth and the father sky. Only then you will be
in a whirling ecstasy, a state of a drunken bliss. Be aware not of your physical
state, but something of yours which is non-physical.

That is the purest awareness. Encounter the agonies that life throws at you, pass
through them, go through the suffering to behold the light of a divine dawn. That
is the endless flame of consciousness.

Going through the intense pain, the silent sufferings of your heart took you to the
blissful inner being that you became aware of. As you walk through the pain, you
step onto the pathway of bliss. Soar in the infinite blues of the inner spaciousness
and you will fly in the eternality of the soul. Your soul flows into the soul of this
universe and it becomes an oceanic existence of joy.

Light of Consciousness


The purity of truth, the divinity of it, the reaching of beyond that springs from it,
comes from the horizon of eternity. It is like a sunlight flooding this whole world
dawning from the transcendental. Truth has its light of the nothingness, the
formless, shapeless, ageless, one that surrenders to the infinity.

Truth that is known in the deepest depths of your inner being, when it is
undulating in the still ocean of our consciousness, where no thoughts are
wavering in your mind; That is the fragrance of truth. Truth brings you the
greatest bliss of consciousness. Be in the moment of truth in your profound
silence, Truth vibrates in our being. Listen to its music and be in communion with
its melody.

It sings a song of enlightenment. Truth has always been your throbbing heartbeat,
it has been streaming in the river of your being, it has been flowing over the
universe, it has been overflowing from the fountain of your sacred sanctuary
inside. Truth is the radiant silence, one that fills you with illumination of an
eternal message.

Truth is the inner core. It is the one that lets the spring of life overflowing from
within you, the innocence leading you to the gateway of divine. It is the ecstasy of
God, the purity of consciousness, the unwavering awareness, the doorway to a
sacred nothingness, a perfumed soul with the fragrance of emptiness.

Truth is the benediction of awareness. As you blossom in the grace of

consciousness, truth starts flooding your being. As the clouds of your thoughts
pass away, truth blossoms like your inner lotus in the waters of pure
consciousness, a sacred awareness;

Free from the intruding judgements, the obscuring veil of illusions, truth is
revealed in all its splendor, in its sheer magnificence. Truth is the beauty of your
nature, that which is inseparable, inalienable from you that is the indissoluble
truth that has been embedded within you since the beginning of time.

Light of Consciousness

Truth is the light of liberation, the flame that gives freedom to your soul, your
spirit. Live by the light of truth. It will give you the intoxication a divine freedom.
Cling to the truth so deeply, so you can behold the light of God. Lose yourself in
the truth divine, so you can feel the ecstasy of godliness within you. The very
breath of yours is sacred in the breeze of truth.

When you are lit with the light of your inner truth, that is the holy moment that
God comes to your core and you become a sacred womb of divinity. In its light,
you shine and make the air sacred in this universe. The light that took you along
the pathway of liberation is the light that made you the sanctuary of God, the
eternal abode of heavenliness.

Let the beautiful truth pulse within you as it brings you to a sacred closeness with
God. Listen to your throbbing beat of truth and walk this pilgrimage of your heart
in the light of this eternal truth. Drop your maddening thoughts and seek solace in
the truth that is waiting to be heard.

Feel the silent glow, behold the timeless luminosity of truth, as you only shine in
the light of its beauty, in the light of your inner being. It takes you to the bliss of
the eternal present moment giving you the wine of liberation.

Light of Consciousness


Love is the prayer silently spoken in the soul and from its fountain overflows the
waters of compassion and grace over this universe. It is the sacred temple of your
heart, the sacred temple of eternality in this universe. All else fades away in the
vastness; Love is the fragrance of the lotus of beauty that has gracefully
blossomed in your soul.

Its fragrance goes on releasing unconditionally to all in this world, lingering in the
souls of whosoever has received it. As the moment of love arises in your sacred
soul, light floods upon this world illumining all that was dark. The air sings the
melody of sacredness and holy blossoms rain on this earth in an unending song of
a timeless soul, the soul of this universe.

The grace of trust and faithfulness mingles with love’s lingering essence. It is the
fountain of enchantment, the spring of contentment, the one that gives you the
flooding waters of satiation. Drink from the bliss of it, the truth of it, the
everlasting joy of it and your soul will shower joy on this universe. Love arises as
an echo of divine in the firmament of your soul.

It immerses you in a meditative joy, that which stills your inner being and gives
you the glimpse of all that stays for time after time, forever. Blossom first in your
self-love and drop the self and you become the full bloom love for all seasons of
this life.

It is the ultimate consciousness of your soul. Love is given for its sheer ecstasy, for
in its holy showering, is the universe blessed in manifold ways. Drink out of the
infinite fountain of its waters, bathe in its overflowing joy, and yours will be a soul
that receives the supreme bliss.

Love is the timeless beauty of the beyond, the eternal truth of the ultimate. As
the ego sheds off from your state of meditativeness, love blossoms in your being
and you become the very lotus of love that brings the alchemy in your soul that
transforms all that that it touches to a sacred divine. Thousands of roses start
swaying in your soul, thousands of jasmines start blooming in tenderness and the

Light of Consciousness

perception of this world turns into something gracefully beautiful, tenderly


As the flame of love arises within you, behold its light and in its gleaming glow,
flood others in its purest luminosity. All that was illusion will flee away in the light
of a glorious dawn heralding the sacred message of love, one that sings its
whispers in this whirling universe. A tranquil joy cascades all over this world and
all that was illusion escapes in the feeling of that eternal flow;

Love that is born is the beginning of everything. A grace is born in the depths of it.
Just sharing the sacred space, being together in a silence that stills all, love is
birthing, happening in every sacred moment of our lives.

Something beautiful blossoms in our lives and everything in this universe is

transformed in a sacred rebirth in the light of love. Holiness has showered on us
and we have become the womb of love that transcends time and space. You are
the immense light of love that breathes the air with a divine sacredness. You are
the livingness filling the space with your perfumed soul.

Light of Consciousness


Be in love with the myriad beauties of life. Immerse in its splendor and let your
thoughts overflow from your soul in a poetry, a song of your heart, a music, a
melody, an enchantment of eternity. Let the music of life possess your soul, let it
whisper a thousand tunes to you in the softness of silence. You become more of
the inner awakening and less of the vision of your eyes.

You become enriched with its meditative beauty, one that stirs a consciousness in
your being, a splendid magnificence in your tranquil center, your inner sanctuary.
From there arises a holy awareness and it gives birth to a music of your soul that
is attuned with the music of this life.

It is the music of mysticism that takes you to the golden shore of the beyond. Fall
in love with what life gifts you with and you will hear the golden silence, feel the
invisible embrace of life, behold the blossoms of its benedictions, and be in awe
by a thousand showers of its beauty.

Life has music of its own, one that echoes through the ancient trees, the rustling
of leaves. It is the throbbing heartbeat of this very universe. Fall in a sacred tune
with your inner song. The dance of life takes you to the sacred state of
consciousness, whose purity blossoms in awareness.

You sing in the music of joy that life showers in a thousand forms and become one
with it in the holy merging. You fall in a timeless love with the breaking dawn, the
bursting out of a thousand buds in an eternal joy, their stream of fragrance
unleashed, the melting sunset and its lingering beauty over the horizon.

You become love as you mingle with the overflowing of life in so many blissful
enrichments. Enter the temple of life in the heart of nature, the soul of this
universe and you will gain a state of unmoving consciousness-one that takes you
to a higher dimension.

This timeless beauty of life penetrates your soul and releases your golden inner
silence which takes you to the doorway of a music of life that breaks a new dawn
within you, awakens you from your deep slumber.

Light of Consciousness

A profound silence, a pure calmness, an absolute state of blissful stillness is born

in you as you fall in love with life over and over again. It makes you the seeker of a
timeless truth. Move as the music of life makes you move, dance with its rhythm
and be attuned with its soulful melody.

Be in delightful celebration of this life. There is so much yet to blossom within you
in a thousand beauties of your soul. As you learn the art of living life in every
sacred moment of it, you will behold a thousand doors of creativity within your
inner being.

Encounter the surprises of life with a mystic vision and be empowered with its
enrichments that unfold you to a full bloom flower. Be a soul perfumed with
grace for all that life has blessed you with. Release all that has to be gone and
embrace the new inviting growth with open arms; Hear the voice of the beyond
speaking out to you in stillness and welcome that divine tune of eternity.

Light of Consciousness


The light of life shines in the glow of love. It is an eternal light arising from the
inner being. It is born out of mystic self-discovery. Enquire into your inner self.
Dive in the depths of your soul as therein shines the sacred light of your being.
Burn yourself in your inner flames and you will be reborn as a transformed spirit.

This quest for consciousness, this search for humanity gives you the birth of a
mystic vision, the splendor of an inner light in holiness. Share the message of light
with other souls as you encounter them in this voyage of life. The light that you
share with them is the love of your soul to reach out to humanity in a new born
awakening. Let the yearning explode within your soul in a thirst that never ends, a
quest that never fulfills and yours’ will be a waking up in a new dawn.

Everything in this life lasts momentarily. All is fleeting, in a state of constant

change. There is no eternality in any of these in our lives. Look deep within these
and you will behold the beauty of a timeless truth.

Be at awe with the breathtaking beauty of a sunrise and a blushing sunset, but
that overwhelming feeling lasts momentarily. Look deep in their sacredness, in
the peaks of their holiness opening in an eternal beauty and you will taste the
nectar of a timeless joy.

It is then that you are in touch with God, in ultimate intermingling with divinity.
Be drunk in your sacred merging as you are drunk with the finding of immortality.
Let the moments of your life gives you the spiritual vision so you soul could have a
sacred flowering.

Give your fragrance to the existence and spread it from your perfumed soul in this
infinite vastness. That is the complete flowering of the flower of your soul. Sing
the song of your heart in this universe, dance the dance of life in the scared
breeze around, become one with the sunrise and sunset as you behold them, and
you will reach the sacred peak of life.

You have learnt the art of living in every holy moment of it. And then comes the
moment when you realize the beauty of living life in its sacredness, in its

Light of Consciousness

thousand splendors every second of it. The flower that has blossomed in your soul
must perfume this entire universe with its aroma enriched with sacredness.

Encounter all the experiences of life as each of them has come with a sacred
message from beyond. Drink the very nectar of life in every moment of it.
Dissolve your soul into the love of this life. Live your life not in the slipping by of
the moments, not in a silent waiting for tomorrows, but in the utmost fulfillment
of todays.

And the bliss of life will descend on you in its holy showering from the divine
above. It is the wonders of this journey, the bliss of every moment of living, your
bowing down to life to celebrate it with a sacred ecstasy that gives you the bliss
which makes your life a light of that holy benediction.

Light of Consciousness


We are all connected by the sacred tendrils of love and we share our light of the
soul through the touch of compassion on other hearts. We overflow with our joy
and we let it splash over the other souls. The springs of caring are hidden deep
inside us, of which we sometimes are unaware.

Then a soulful yearning arises from within to intermingle with others in the
flowing of the waters from our wellsprings. A dawn of joy will burst open with all
its splendor and brilliance and we see beyond what can be seen, the omnipresent,
formless, invisible God in our beings as we feel this sacred love amongst all,
touching each other’s souls.

Awareness arises in our blissful inner being. Fill your spirit in the essence of the
primordial essence as it is that fragrance that fills this earth, and floods it in its
splashing waves. Dance to the end of ecstasy in the breath of it. Escape the cage
of your illusions and lose yourself in the sheer beauty of one love that flows
amongst us all.

You are light radiating with the glow of sun on this universe, penetrating the
hearts of all, urging them to awaken and behold the eternal view of humanity.
Thou art the holy being that is the soul of this existence! Rush towards the other
souls splashing them with compassion and flooding them with the torrents of
your love. You are the glow of divinity in the deepest core of your sacred being.

Let thy heart outpour in an unceasing stream. Lose yourself in the call of love.
Behold the fresh blossoms of love as the existence is singing in the sacred
wonderments of it. Love is the pathway to the sanctuary of your soul. Its essence
speaks through humanity.

All the hearts drink from this same river. It is the primordial elixir of this existence,
one that makes the birds sing in delight and the leaves rustle in an unspoken joy.
Its fragrance makes the nature sing its silent song. Love is the one that dances the
ocean waves of every sacred soul of this universe.

Light of Consciousness

Escape from the illusion of separateness and be on the eternal pilgrimage of your
heart. Suffer all that comes in the way of it, but do not swell in the grief. Listen to
the echo of love deep inside you. Be immersed in the blissful caring as it will take
you to the ocean of peace where all spirits commingle.

Peace turns all our moments in sacredness where all souls dissolve in a sea of
tranquility that is without any ripples but beautifully still in its serenity. Reach out
to the depth of your awareness as it will burst forth with a holy heavenliness. Let
there be an immersion of your soul in the truth of compassion.

Open into that spirit of love as it will take you to the heavenly pathway of
tranquility, a blissful emptiness where no thoughts drift in your mind and all you
do is beholding this existence and dissolve its sacred splendor. And all that sings in
that vast emptiness is only one song, the song of love becoming the song of soul
that hums its tunes in eternity.

Light of Consciousness


Be immersed, absorbed in every waking moment of life so the thoughts in your

mind melt away in an eternity’s vision and the bliss of totality will descend on
you. Drop the moments which take you away from emptiness inside. Slip out from
a thoughtful stage to a thoughtless stage. Every moment becomes sacred in bliss,
wrapped in divinity.

Dwelling in the now makes you hear the music of eternity, the sacred song of this
existence dropping blisses everywhere. Be drunk with the existence by being
empty inside. Wake up to the consciousness sleeping within you.

Breathe the freshness, the innocence of every holy moment. Life invites you at
every second to plunge your soul in the thousand joys that the existence is
dancing with. Share the joy, dance with the rhythm of this universe.

Let your heartbeat throb in the heart of this existence and you will behold the
wonders, feel the beauty of an ultimate dissolving with the divine. Be in the
vastness with no beginning, no end as it will open the doors for consciousness to
penetrate you, to awaken you, to be in touch with your indwelling divinity. You
will be reborn every moment, being in an unending awe.

Come out of the imprisonment that you have imposed on your very self. In a state
of emptiness, there is no coming and going of hope and hopelessness, no shadow
of illusions are chasing us. Thousands of blooming beauties are released in this
existence at every moment, if only you have the eyes to perceive them. This
whole earth, this whole existence is singing in sacredness.

Thousands of flowers are showered on your soul in the tranquility of solitude

while you rest on the lap of nature. Embrace the holy showers. Those are the
times when bliss rains on you and gives birth to a poetry in your being, the music
in your soul. And a feeling of sacred ecstasy enters you, your inner temple.

You pulsate with a throbbing joy, a joy that shakes this universe and brings all the
fragments together to dissolve them in a wholeness. Let your joy echo, resound in
this cosmos and a thousand joys will sing back at you. Life is showering in ecstasy

Light of Consciousness

on our souls if only we can dwell on an eternal now. As the flower of emptiness
blossoms within you, the fragrance will spread to your entire being. Love will flow
and compassion will stream from your core to the whole of this sacred existence

You have attained a state of attainment, a fulfillment where your soul has
flowered and the fragrance of your love and compassion, joy and divine ecstasy
drifts in the breeze around intoxicating this whole existence. The fragrance of
your soul is not moored anywhere. It breathes out its perfume to the universe
and suffuses it with an unending compassion.

The fragrance that has been released in this sacred vastness, this holy space will
heal many afflicted hearts. The blossoming of your being in the serene tranquility,
beholding the infinite spaciousness, leaving the cloudy thoughts behind releases
your inner fragrance and showers an infinite mercy, a tenderness, a soaking
compassion on all the souls around.

Light of Consciousness


Love is an overflowing joy with a sacred blissfulness. It flows with a grace, a

beauty that comes from the heart and makes the other hearts beat with the same
rhythm in a holy communion. Allow love to touch your center, your sacred being.

Live in those moments when it touches your innermost center where you can
retreat in the bliss of it. Let those moments be a part of your life, a part of your
soul. Love makes your core the temple of your being where holiness blossoms and
makes every moment divine.

Sacred births happen in an encounter with a love that awakens, that empowers us
and bliss fills the entire sacred space, where happiness grows to its full bloom
with the touch of a blessing. Do not fight love but open your heart to it and let it
penetrate you with a joy that will dance you to the end of ecstasy.

Give love as it will unburden your spirit and be blessed in the joy of receiving it, as
this is the essence of giving and receiving the thousand blossoms of love. It keeps
your soul fresh like a flower adorned with beatitude, with all its beauty and
blessings intermingled with one another.

Every drop of love tastes that of eternity, the yearning for a fulfillment disappears
being immersed in those moments of ecstasy. In the sacred moments of intensity,
love will open a thousand gateways to your soul, eternity will embrace you with a
divine closeness. The pathway of love is painful. But you never taste the sip of it
unless you have travelled the road, embarked on this journey to plunge yourself
in it.

Dissolve yourself in the eternity’s vision that arises from love. Souls that have lost
themselves in this beauty of love have received their most glorious treasure.
When the bends of life seem to give you a thousand surprises, it is love that
shines from your soul in all its holiness and illumines all that is dark, guides you to
all that is unknown.

Love that is anchored in trust and freedom, knows the heights of an unbounded
joy. Love that has wings soars to the cerulean above in the depths of a celestial

Light of Consciousness

vastness to loosen itself in the ecstasy of soaring. Your whole body becomes a
sacred sanctuary deep inside, a temple as love is divine.

Love will set a flame of awareness within you, that which will give a sacred birth
of universal consciousness embracing humanity at its deepest core. Marvel in its
joy as its waters cascade all over your soul unceasingly and splash all over you,
soaking you in a deep peace that transcends all the earthliness.

As love spills out of your soul, plunge yourself in the sacred undulating bliss of its
waters. Deep inside your sanctuary, away from everything resides a heaven
where love and compassion softly whisper their sacred sounds. A sacred flower
blossoms in an autumnal beauty in that moment of heavenliness.

Embrace its petals as they clasp your soul and let its fragrance suffuse this
universe with the essence of a love that is universal and compassion that is all
embracing. Love, truth and beauty intermingle and a universal soul emanates its
eternal light.

Light of Consciousness


Give yourself in the moment with an overflowing abundance from your very
being. Live in a holy wakefulness and all that remains unanswered will be revealed
in the sanctuary of your soul. The universe will shine through you in all its richness
and beauty. That you are awake will shower a thousand blessings on you. As you
give with the energy of love, divinity starts dawning on you. Immense beauty will
arise in your soul and existence will sing its sacred songs with a joy that knows no

God unfolds in your soul as your compassion splashes over the hearts of all.
Dissolve yourself in the heart of this universe and you will see yourself dancing on
the ocean waves, singing in the lotus hearts, being in one with the existence,
where you have been in a communion with nature, the snow-capped mountains,
the sacred sunlit peaks, the breaking dawn, the echo of the wilderness and all that
resides in the bosom of this universe.

Pause and behold the splendor of this beauty. Set out on this sacred journey as in
traveling the pathway you feel the grief and joy, the pain and beauty that lights
on your soul with the glow of a revealing answer to all the mysteries.

Life blossoms from the joy of living in its moments. Feel the connection to the
sacred light and appreciate the wonders that life unfolds for you. Flow in harmony
with the ebb and flow of experiences that you encounter on your voyage of the
soul. Behold the beauteous flowers blossoming in pain. The splitting agony turns
to a thousand smiles in our lotus hearts within from the wonders of this life.

Drop the resistance and surrender to all with an ease and grace cascading
naturally from your heart. Look at a flower and its full bloom and when suddenly
a breeze came along, the petals gently fell down with grace. They surrendered to
what came and took away its blossoming beauty.

Journey into the unknown being of within and life will unfold perfectly, moment
to moment revealing all that we need to encounter so we can be where we are
today. You melt in an unceasing joy with the existence and there is a birth of a
beautiful love in the sacred womb of your soul. A love that you have for all of
Light of Consciousness

humanity; your heart beats have the same rhythm, your soul sings the same
tunes, your spirits yearn to share some sacred intimate moments. And there
dawns a holy communion. Soak yourself in the thousand mysteries of this world.
Be absorbed in the moments of ecstasy as you revel in the joy of beholding every
blessed miracle.

Live with intensity every moment your life and your bliss will come from your pain
and grief that was once shattering your heart will now turn to a thousand
blossoming flowers within you. Eternity will open its sacred gateways for you as
you have perceived life in the timelessness of every moment.

Consciousness penetrates you blessing you with the ultimate vision of a life that is
beyond, one that etches in an eternity’s sky. Chant in the universal language of
compassion. Let the cry of your silent tears turn to a joy that sings in your soul-
song. Give yourself in grace as you breathe and live in the sacred ecstasy of love.

God whispers through you, he works through your angelic hands and he shines on
this universe through your love-lit soul. He beckons us all to his sacred sea of love,
to plunge in it and bathe in its bliss.

Light of Consciousness


Divinity lives in us as an indwelling flame. When we love, we see God in all that
we behold. The thirst of search deep within us takes us to a blissful state of no-
mind where all that rises from ego disappears in nothingness and bliss arises
taking us to heavenly portals.

Get lost in your quest and be absorbed by hunger for God. All else passes by, the
one truth that is an eternal blossom in our soul is the love of God. In his vision,
you shed your beautiful tears of joy as you feel his bliss all over you dropping with
a grace. As you free your being from all that dwells in your mind, the holy light of
consciousness shines through your soul and you come closer to all that is pure
and transcendental.

The flicker of awareness leads to a flowering of divinity within us and it fades

away every other desire. The divine moments come by, the ripening of your heart
comes and heavenly dreams give you a flight in a celestial joy, new pathways
open, a new journey begins amidst the adventurous unknown.

The search for the truth comes in and divinity is born in you, your sacred womb as
enlightenment lights up every nook and corner at every moment of your quest.
Every moment becomes so sacred, every moment a holy benediction. Every day
becomes divine with its own blessings.

Sacredness blossoms all around you and all over this existence. Prayer is born in
your heart out of love for divine. Godliness descends over your soul and soaks it in
its wonderment. You shine as a celestial light shines through you, your eyes, and
your soul. Light of eternity descends on your soul and you are immersed dropping
your “I” and melting with him in oneness.

Be enthralled by the beauty of earth, listen to the sacred music of nature, the
ancient song of the trees with a no-mind meditative state. As you come back to
yourself that is formless, shapeless innermost center of you and drink out of your
purity, you will be able to listen to the music of eternity playing its divine melody
across this existence. The lotus has blissfully flowered in your sacred sanctum.
You flower in this whole existence.
Light of Consciousness

Dive deep in your quest and your life will become such a benediction for an
eternity. A prayer will arise in your heart. It is a whisper of love for this existence,
gratitude for the shower of blessings. Surrender to the beauty of miracles that
surround you, tremble in ecstasy, dance with your every breath and existence will
dance with you.

Behold in wonder as the buds sprout in joy, as the birds sing in the heavenly
blues, as the flowers dance in the breeze, as the sacred beams of light shine on
universe. Sing in your heart, dance in your soul as this existence trembles with

Be in a wondering gaze at all that you behold in every waking moment. Those are
the times when sacredness penetrates you and you dissolve in the joy of coming
close to God. A flower blossoms in your center, spring flows with such grace and
beauty within you.

A melody runs through your being, a poetry is written in the book of your heart, a
song is sung in the sanctum of your soul. Those wondrous moments at this
existence, those are your holy moments when God pulsates through you, he
touches you in an eternity’s embrace, one that takes you to the bliss of
timelessness. All else comes and goes, but this truth remains.

Light of Consciousness


As life blooms and grows with an abundance that cascades all over you, welcome
it with joy and grace. Flow with it gently with surrender, as in it lies your peace,
your ease. Be in harmony with whatever life gives you, melting all that stands in
your way of communion.

Be in communion with people, nature and that communion is with the Almighty,
Omniscient God. It has a beauty of melting with the cosmic oneness. Be in
absolute union with this existence. Awaken yourself and behold the beauty of a
beautiful sunrise, a dawning light.

You become immersed in that beauty which takes you to your unfathomable
depths, your state of emptiness where desires fade away and the only desire
dwells is to be in communion with all that is. You are blessed in that absolute

There is music in that nothingness, a melody in those depths of silence. You

belong to this existence. The heavenly firmament above, the gleaming sunshine,
the soft moonbeams at night, the dancing stars in the heart of a night sky all are
connected to you.

You are a child of this sacred existence. This tremendous communion gives a
great release of love from within you. You are the heart, the sacred soul of this
existence. Feel the enchantment in the richness of life. The heavenliness, the bliss
of eternity, the supreme immortality is within you, the lotus beauty blossoms
deep inside you.

Travel within you, on this mystic quest and your growth will bloom with an
immense richness. When the nothingness meets your soul, godliness arises in
your heart and you get a glimpse of the Almighty. The scared shrine is within you.
You are the temple of divine. You become the light of consciousness, the ray of
awareness. You hear the sacred sound-awaken, awaken, awaken. The thousand
bells ring heralding a holy awakening in your heart where you behold this entire
universe with the eyes of love and hear with ears of understanding that is
anchored in your heart.
Light of Consciousness

Each breath of yours mingles with his. Each heartbeat of yours throbs with a love
for God. A closeness with Almighty envelops you and you are in the embrace of
totality. You become an eternal being of love. You shower your moments of
compassion on this existence, knowing that you are a fragment of it, but together
with all the souls, you create a beautiful circle in the heart of eternity.

Love is pulsating through this existence. It has no beginning, no end. It has the
music of eternity. It is felt mostly in a sea of meditative silence. Tranquility brings
us closer to what cannot be felt amidst the chatter and noise. Compassion is that
you offer at the altar of this existence and offering that you give with love gives it
a sacred wonderment. It becomes a prayer of the heart in the serene bliss of love.

The moments of silence, an enlightened awareness, the supreme blessedness,

touch of a grace, the blossoming of blessings and showering of benedictions will
make this existence sing in sacredness and all the darkness that prevailed will now
be flooded with the light of your soul.

Light of Consciousness


Mystic yearning leads to the highest flowering in the soul. You be madly in love
with divine, you whirl, you are drunk in the quest for him. You sing songs of
eternal joy, you be in celebration of this life as the only truth that stands amidst
the phases of life is the truth of God.

God is the vision of love and you become the ecstatic follower of the sacred
pathway of love and it is then, that your heart ripens and the flowering of your
being takes place.

The nature becomes divine. This call of the existence, the lap of this earth, the
bosom of the meadows-all becomes divine. You behold holiness everywhere. You
believe in the eternality of now.

Making your mind empty, it is through that gateway that you reach the heart of
this existence and knowing this ultimate truth, you revel in joy, and your life
becomes a divine festivity.

You respond to the call of love that echoes in this universe, you are wildly in love
with your life that is a divine gift from God. You rejoice in every waking moment.
Every dawn brings a new light in your soul, one that takes you to a new beginning
making each moment sacred and divine.

You are in forever awe, an unceasing odyssey of your heart. Something pulls you
like a wild current towards this wine of life. You lose yourself in it and the nectar
starts showering on your soul.

You are a being of consciousness shining in the luminosity of your soul. You listen
deep to the moment, you unfold yourself to the sacred here-now. You move
inside your seep silence your holy wordlessness is the divine language of your
heart, the richest words of your soul.

Your inner being is dancing to the silent music of your soul. You have the wings to
fly in the ecstasy of a freedom that which has a divine taste. Something sacredly
beautiful happened. You fall in love, a love that meets freedom and makes your
soul soar in the high.
Light of Consciousness

Your love for God, your divine melody of the soul brings you to an enriching
splendor, one that lights you up and lights this existence in the illumination of
your own being. It moves you towards the mystic inside being drunk with his
pilgrimage of the soul.

It takes you beyond your mind to a tranquil silence that gives you the glimpse of
this totality, a vision of the whole. This silence is the doorway to the mindlessness
that opens the portals to a sacred existence.

You enter in a world of silent understanding where your soul transcends all that
exists. You find your eternal music, your timeless melody in the nothingness and
that is singing the notes of God, the tunes of a sacred divinity.

You are free from all desires that bind you to this earthliness, you reach the
sacred peak, the holy pinnacle of no desire stage and that is tremendously
beautiful. Something sacred is born in you. A flower blossoms amidst the voyage
of this life. The divine flowering happens in you. You are reborn in sacredness, in
the sanctum of your center.

Light of Consciousness


God shines through the soul of this existence. Existence overflows in its love for
all of us. In this existence we are all interconnected. Each of us needs one another
and beautifully complement one another. The whole existence glows in
sacredness, in beauty, in truth and in the splendor of its glory. Keep the windows
of your soul open as the light of the sun floods your soul.

Merge with the sun and merge with its beams, the blade of grass, the dawn that
breaks in the horizon and you will melt in the pure joy that beams in this universe
around. Dance in love for this existence around. The gateway to the heaven lies
within you as you perceive that you are a fragment who is in related to all the
other fragments and together you all make a circle in this existence.

A heavenly peace floods you and you rest in the bliss of tranquility as your
heartbeat rhymes with that of the existence. God pulsates through you, he
breathes in you as you behold the divine picture of this commingled oneness.
When you are awakened to this new consciousness, the whole existence is
awakened to this precious realization and you have the fragrance of a flower that
blossoms in the love of universal oneness.

As you share with others in this existence, you glow in a tremendous joy of your
soul and heaven shines through you. You become an emblem of godliness. Be in a
state of graceful relaxation in this ultimate universe, this absolute totality of
which you are a significant part. Merge yourself with whatever you behold, be
absorbed in the intrinsic beauty of it and loosen your individuality so much so that
you become immersed in the heavenly beauty of what you behold.

A peaceful grace will surround you with a breeze of calmness, where you dropped
all your resistance, and surrendered yourself to this existence around. You reach
the peak of your joy, where you take no effort, but dwell in the grandeur, the
splendor of the creations of this universe. As you do so with grace and love
overflowing from the fountain of your heart, heaven resides in your soul and God
showers his choicest blessings on you.

Light of Consciousness

Your every moment becomes a moment of celebration of this life and this world
around. Your heart dances in the bliss of silence and your soul sings in the
splendor of every creation of God. Through a heart of compassion, through an
overflow of grace, through the waters of humility that flow from your inner being,
you have been able to behold everything with sacredness shining through your
inner eyes.

You are no longer temporal in your thoughts, but you belong to the divine eternal.
You have a harmonic communication with this existence. Every moment becomes
holy bringing something new, something fresh with it. It has a distinctive
fragrance, an enriching vitality that gives birth to an eternal spring in your heart.

Life reveals as a great gift to you so that you flow with grace and gratitude in an
unceasing stream from the wellspring of your center. This is the fountain of
divinity, the godliness within you. You become attuned to God and this flood of
light, love and a beautiful grace immerses your soul. You become an embodiment
of light. Every moment of yours gives you a timeless taste of the divine.

Light of Consciousness


Be enchanted and be in wonder every waking moment of your life at the

thousand beauties that you behold. The dew-kissed flowers, the overwhelming
beauty of this universe, the splendor of the breaking dawn, the sunlit peaks of
beauty radiating around, everywhere beauty is dripping around. Therein lies the
song of the universe that which can sing in your soul in a divine melody, a rich
music of eternity.

Love for life comes in and lingers there forever. That love enfolds, and the light
encircles you and saturates your very being with the essence of life. This is the
divine joy, the mystic truth that life showers in so many blessed forms. Be
immersed in the glory of life, dance the ecstasy of life, taste the rich joy of life as
it rains on you in all its sacredness.

You shake in a trembling joy, you fall in a maddening love with this life. Beauty
blossoms everywhere around you. Adorn yourself in its sacred blessings.

Plunged in holy wonders, you sing the song that has been yearning to be sung,
you dance the dance of your soul, you overflow with a cascading joy as you are
heavy with your inner fragrance, the fragrance of your heart. Your soul has
flowered with all the bliss of life and you need to spread your fragrance to all in
this existence.

You have to emit it on others as you encounter them in this mystic journey. Your
perfumed soul is waiting deep inside your being to be showered on this universe.
You find the sacred sanctuary everywhere in this existence.

Gods’ love is imprinted in whatever you behold. Look deep into life, taste it,
dissolve in it, drink from its chalice and melt in its joy. You are a flowering soul
drunk with the wine of this life. Whoever has tasted it, whirls in an unbound
ecstasy. Your heart starts throbbing with a beat that rhymes with that of this holy

You revel in the sheer joy of life, its ecstatic happiness. You bathe in its
overflowing waters of passion. Life becomes tremendously beautiful, so you share

Light of Consciousness

that beauty with others as your own joy is too much to contain. Your chalice
overflows and it flows on others too. Bathe other souls in the waters of your own

The enlightenment of truth has showered a tremendous joy on you and you
dance in the holy rain of it. Your leap in a delight that engulfs this existence; You
sing and the existence sings too. Its joy pulsates in you. You become one with it. It
is an unbounded contentment and you know not of it until you dive in the ocean
of life, leaving behind your fears and all illusions.

Move on the sacred peaks of adventure, journey deep within your life and you
will reach the peak of its sacredness, one that gives you the ultimate bliss of life.
Drop all that pulls you away from the dance of life and move your body in a
sacred movement in a holy dance with this existence. It will bring the wild
upsurge of joy, the tremendous happiness that overflows from the fountain of
your soul, but in this you will find the pathway of truth.

Light of Consciousness


As you breathe in love and peace, light moves inside your body and fades away
the clouds of your mind. You inhale in clarity. Your vision gets lighted with
enlightenment. The mystic light pours into our souls and floods us with its truth
and purity of gaze. The flower in your soul is blossoming. Wake up with the
energy radiating from love; you bloom in truth as your love dances on this
universe and encircles all in love.

We release everything on the wings of trust believing that all will be purified in
the waters of mystic beauty. Your joy comes unleashed as you surrender
gracefully to the infinite wisdom of God. Almighty heals in his own way and own
pace. Love is the supreme healing energy. Allow it to penetrate you, your being.

Your inner bud breaks and you sprout from a seedling to a flower of beauty. God
outpours his love on all making this existence his holy gift to us, his choicest
blessing. As your soul meets the light of a rising dawn, the blessed earth and the
contemplative silence, serenity rains on your soul, the tranquility blesses your
heart and you land on the paradise of peace.

You feel the liberation from bondage to an eternal freedom. Your inner beauty
shines in the wholeness, one that is tuned to this existence. You are the soul that
this universe shines through, as you are the endless flow, the unceasing stream of
blissful light. Open the gateway to your soul letting your love flood this universe
and your beauty to pour out on this existence in a thousand hues.

You are the natural wonder, God’s priceless beauty born on this earth to bless all
with the heavenliness in your soul. You hear the call of this existence to bind all in
the circle of compassion forevermore, never failing, never ceasing, on the brink of
eternity. The joy that shimmers is the priceless gold of the soul. This flowing of
light, the twinkling of stars in the heart of the night, all are perpetual miracles,
gifts of wonder, shining in grandeur.

Behold the light within you, take a moment to gaze into the flame of love arising
in you. There is a sacred universe of light and love flowing within your divine soul.
The lamp of your inner being shines bright. Every moment is overflowing with
Light of Consciousness

peace and bliss, compassion and harmony that waters all the souls. Every
moment is wrapped in sacredness and love, wonderment and a gift of

The universe is beautifully unfolding and an unending divine energy of love that is
showering an ultimate bliss. It gives rise to a new dawn, a new flight in the skies of
ecstasy. It brings you in closer intimacy with God giving birth to sacred moments
in the holy womb inside.

Your quest shakes you, wakes you and unendingly summons you to live for with a
divine mission, one that floods your being with an empowerment. It is the
doorway to unfolding your life on a spiritual plane, the gateway to God and the
sacred enlightenment. You give out a loving fragrance of your soul to this
existence around.

Light of Consciousness


Be in the fragrance of roses and listen to the sacred song of the ancient pines.
Listen to their divine whispers. You are the pinnacled flowering of the rose in your
soul. You are the myriad manifestations of life blossoming in a thousand heavenly
forms on this earth. You are luminous in your simplicity and humbleness, you are
the glowing awareness.

The immense treasure lies within you where you shine in a thousand rubies that
embosom your soul with a treasured beauty. You are tremendously beautiful in
your priceless uniqueness. As you dissolve your soul in the endless thanksgiving
for the gifts of this life, you melt in this totality and as you dissolve in this sacred
existence, your beauty transcends from a dewdrop to an immense oceanic whole.

Your soul becomes a splash of holiness on this universe as you embosom it with
the wonderments of sacredness. Existence gives you its hands to hold, its heart to
understand, its soul to rain on you an unleashed compassion. Open your heart to
it and soak yourself in its love. This existence is playing an orchestra of music that
sings to the soul of this universe.

As it penetrates your soul, a light enters deep within you and illumines your
sanctum with a truth that you are the life in every divine form. They print a deep
peace, a tranquil beauty, a serene bliss, a heart print of love on this sacred
universe. You smile and a thousand flowers blossom. You sing, and a thousand
nightingales sing the song of love that which hums in the heart of existence.

You are a miracle in this sacred existence. Cosmic melodies, the melodies of this
universe are the eternally beautiful love songs of this existence. They sing of the
love affair of your soul with that of the world around.

As you become utterly lost in the infiniteness of beauty that silence diffuses your
soul with, you taste the immense freedom by releasing and letting go of all that
were clinging to your mind. As you adventure into the unknown, you invite the
journey to bring a mystic light and illumine your center with its rays. And you
behold that the moments you are close to the sailing of the unknown voyage of
life, you become in communion with life as a whole.
Light of Consciousness

And there transpires the most exquisite beauty of your journey, the ecstatic
encounter with life. Absorb life’s unfolding beauty, its showering miracles, smell
its petals of love and delight in its priceless moments. Contemplate on them as
they will help you to return to the shores of your eternal soul. Your heart will
shine again with the light of love. An unending peace, an infinite freedom showers
in through the windows of your treasured heart.

From the root to the flower, you have grown through the mystic gifts of your
journey. It is the very passion of life that has ignited the flame in your heart to live
in every moment as it comes with the beauty of an eternal now.

As your paths intersect with others that you encounter and as your journey
intertwines with all the souls, you grow and breathe with awareness in every
breath of yours; This is life pulsating with all the uncertainty, yet it illumines with
a tremendous beauty, one that takes you to the root of all that is sacred. The
truth of mysticism, peace and serenity in the lap of love;

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As you begin to yearn for the mystic truth, as you grope for the light of life, as you
feel the throbbing desire to see the light of dawn, you start becoming conscious.
Awareness starts peeping in your soul. The miracles of life can enchant you for an
eternity, they can make every moment a splash of joy that plunges this existence
with a sacredness of beauty.

Empty your mind from the clouds and take a beautiful escape in the retreat of
nature. It will whisper some of the mystical truths of life. An immense purity, an
eternal silence dwells in the lap of nature. Love arises in your heart and touches
the soul of humanity, the center of a sacred humanity. The winds of compassion
pass through you.

Your soul becomes a part of totality, a cosmic soul. You dissolve in the whole and
it is an ecstatic joy, an exquisite feeling of merging. Drop the veil of prejudice,
remove the cloud of illusions and something beautiful remains that dance you to
the end of a universal love. Hear the unutterable truth of life, the unspoken
whisper of love that is planted in your soul.

Love gives you an unspeakable freedom, a showering of beauty and benedictions,

a pinnacle of sacredness in which the entire universe is rejoicing, and the
existence is getting drenched with the eternal rainfalls of compassion. This is the
ultimate truth of life that takes you to the great ocean. The wheels of life and
existence go on spinning within your soul showering the ultimate truth as you
passionately search for it.

Your mind is unaware of who you are, your roots, your source from which you
spring into this existence. Your mind does not guide you to the divine shimmering
truth. It is your no-mind that takes you to the doorway of divine. Drop the
wounds of yesterday, the hangovers of the past and let the bliss of a transformed
joy seep into your soul. Abandon the searing miseries and blossom in
contentment. Slowly the lotus of your heart will unfold amidst the waters of
suffering and agony.

Light of Consciousness

The outpouring of the immense sacredness of love, the rain shower of its
tremendous beauty will transform your pain into a sacred joy in your heart. And
the light of divine will pour in through the aperture of your soul. And you will be
in an intimate touch of your very being. You will experience yourself as a mystic
soul traveling this earth.

Feel and behold your consciousness, the energy of awakening as it arises within
you. You become the morning sun, radiating its light on this existence around. As
your heart passionately falls in love with this life, the awakening dawns in the
shimmering rays on your being and you become aware in consciousness. Your
journey in the depths of life has become of tremendous beauty, one that holds
the joy that transcends the time and space.

Springtime awakens in the heart of this earth as you have become a wellspring of
overflowing contentment. Your thirst for the intoxication, the ecstasy of life turns
you into a marvelous wonder. Happiness of the gift and beauty of life plays music
to your ears. Life hums its song of mystic fulfillment to your soul. Those are the
moments when sadness and joy melt together to create a harmonic beauty.

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In the inner landscape of self, the dawn bursts open, and we connect with a
harmonic rhythm with the universe as a whole. The flower of beauty essentially
awakens our heart, as we immerse ourselves in the serenity of joy, the panorama
of wonders, the placid beauty that is painted on the horizon –that calls our hearts
to breaking forth of its wondrous views.

A penetrating beauty is visible which is otherwise invisible to the ordinary eye.

The beholder that can behold through the mystic veils, the soul that can sing the
melody of divine, the heart that can feel that which is unspoken, the spirit that
can emerge amidst the uproar of this mundane life-that inner eye, the eye of the
soul can touch what is beyond reach and dwell in the lake of a placid beauty,
beauty that sings timelessly in the heart.

The heart knows how to have beauty as a keepsake, can endure many a bleakness
of life, can struggle through many storms of the voyage –just to see the first light
of morn. The beauty of being human is to be able to feel the tenderness, the
compassion that silently embraces humanity, the joy that dances amongst the
hearts being able to feel the universal sacred connection, the wonderment of a
love that wraps us all, the unspoken, gentle kindness that cloaks us all with its
softness-the silent understanding, the voice of a love silently lingering in our

While we behold the dewdrops of love in the first sacred sunlight of the splendid
morn, it awakens us, it speaks to us in the silent sacredness of our inner selves.
Our hearts get vulnerable to the transience of the beauty that rises from beyond,
of the voice that speaks a sacred stillness amongst our hearts. The joy that dances
inside us turns every wound into an enlightening wisdom, soaks our spirits with a
strength that is invincible, a spirit that is perennially green in the lush landscape of
our selves.

Love reawakens us with a sense of profound intimate connection with each

other, the embrace of a love flowing from the soul-a love that can cover all
loneliness. The human soul that is in an eternal hunger for the indwelling beauty,

Light of Consciousness

a beauty that we sometimes lose sight of amidst the noise of this world, it is the
yearning for this vision, the longing for this view that leads us to this quest and
keep us alive in the wonderments of a beauteous sacredness.

Love that gives the possibility of gifts and a wondrous imagination- which can
break open the divine door inside us and take us to a land of enchanting views
where peace prevails, and beauty lingers in the lotus of our souls.

The greatest joy and the deepest sorrow both have sacredness, a profound
sweetness that can heal many wounded souls and bring them on the path of an
eternal light.

You can see the sacred spaces between the tunes of sorrow where the echo of
sadness haunts us through and here comes the holiness of transformation. As you
dwell deep inside, you feel the intense joy, the unshakable contentment of having
found the doorway to a sacred sanctuary.

There is a tremendous joy in witnessing that divine gift as you start walking on the
path of light radiating from the glorious sun inside you. That secret, hidden
invisible world awaiting your discovery is released in the heart’s dancing delight.

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Many glimpses of earthly beauty where heaven seems to have descended on

earth, catch our hearts in an enthralling enchantment that compels us in our
deepest depths to pause, penetrate into its hidden language and listen to its silent
message-the message of divine. Our hearts bloom and await the song of
salvation, one that takes us beyond the realms of earthly desires and gives us the
glimpse of heaven. In his voice, we listen to the language of the divine, the
melody of the timeless song.

It visits every human soul with the hues of a love that embraces you, a grace that
adorns you, a spirit of beauty that consecrates us with its waters of sacredness.
We gracefully give in to the act of surrender, as in the gracious surrendering, do
we find a peace that dwells in the lake of our minds. We trust the faithful patterns
of this universe, the enriching abundance of this abundance. We trust that life will
unfold itself with all its beauty at the perfect time, a much-awaited moment.

While we are fearful of the uncertainty and frailty, our hearts whisper to us of an
eternal beauty that will embrace that uncertainty, the one beauty that calls us to
tread in darkness for the light will shine at last in our souls. Embrace that which is
invisible and veiled by darkness, as it is in the journey, that we find the sacred
light of our souls. The quest for the timeless truth, the beauty of beyond
cultivates wonder in our minds, and urges us to be lovingly gentle with ourselves.

Something stirs us to be in deep intimacy with our sacred inner beings, a cry
arises from the hearts, a voice of the soul awakens our slumbering spirits. That
which was dormant has now been awakened, that which was held captive has
been set free in the sacred light of the breaking dawn. The hunger for everlasting
beauty of spirit leads us to the eternal enchantment of soul.

That which was dormant has been nourished in the sunlit sacredness of the
beyond, the wonderments of a horizon where our hearts behold in a satiating
serenity. The first beams of love shine through and here emerges a spirit who
beholds with the eyes of a child at every handprint of God in this existence.

Light of Consciousness

It feeds the hunger that we have in our soul for a mystic beauty that will fill us
with a peace that passes all understanding that will transcend all intellect. It takes
us to the beauty of the sense and the divine spirit that is embedded deep within
us. A new child is born out of our sacred wombs.

A child that has awakened with creativity in soul, innocence in the eyes, an
eternal hunger in the soul to penetrate in the beauty of beyond; the restlessness
in our hearts for the divine beauty, the timeless echo of a yearning that dwells
deep inside us has been quenched with a gift of self-discovery that opened a
thousand doors towards the portals of enriching creativity.

It blesses the spaces between our thoughts, urges us to rise above them, for in it
we find the true light of enlightenment, one by which we walk through all the
seasons of life. This is the calling in our souls for that which will intertwine the
earthly with the spiritual, the visible beauty with the eternal, invisible one and will
blend them for an enriching fulfillment of life. This is that divine portal which will
give the enchantment of contentment, one that takes us to the beauty of the
infinity that hues the horizon of our souls.

Light of Consciousness


Under our treading feet is the sacred Mother Earth and above us is the far
stretched firmament. Our dancing hearts feel the transcending beauty of these lit
in sacredness. The universe is echoing in our souls. It is time to awaken to it.

As we behold the visible beauty, we can listen to the holy call of our souls and
catch a glimpse of the invisible beauty, pause and gaze both at the temporal and
at the eternal one. All things have a beauty of their own, some come with a
temporal one, and some stand still on the sands of eternity.

There is a beauty of the known and then there comes the unknown. Even the
unknown has to be walked through to re-discover the inner spirit that gazes at
beauty in eternity. Each and every human soul has an inner child with an
inescapable beauty of his/her own, a marvelous wonder with a primal sense of
creativity that can shape all that comes in our lives into something beautiful.

Each one of us is privileged to have an inner artist who can paint with the hues of
heart. In the presence of the eternal beauty, we feel so alive, so tantalizing as it is
the glimpse into the infinity that feeds the hungry hearts.

An act of surrendering comes within our hearts under the compelling presence of
that timeless beauty. While we pass through the struggles and endurances of the
raging storms of life, we sometimes lose sight of that which is an ancient,
primordial, sacred calling-a calling of the soul –that which will unlock the beauty
singing in the soul of universe.

We can lose ourselves completely in the seamless loving embrace of this

existence, in its everlasting blossoms of beauty, and listen to the gentle whispers
of our souls. This intricate beauty calls inside us, urges us to awaken and bathe
our souls in the wonders of every moment, embrace it as it comes and to bask in
the eternal light of its sacredness.

A thousand splendors reveal in every split second if only we can look with the
eyes of our souls. Myriad miracles are silently holding their beauty to be rejoiced
in, if only we can respond to that timeless call of our hearts. The first dewdrops of

Light of Consciousness

love have gently started falling as you awaken to its eternal echo and allow
yourself to surrender yourself and welcome every moment with what it suffuses
your life with. Greet every moment as a new breaking dawn, a dawn that opens
the door to a thousand mysteries that life is unveiled with.

We fall into the call of the soul with our deepest passion. This call invokes the
quest, the creativity the desire to transform every wound into a wisdom, every
encounter with the trials of life into that which has the touch of understanding,
which so invokes creativity in our souls.

It is this eternal beauty that holds astonishments at every moment and gives the
key to our liberation. In the light of beauty, the illusions melt, and what comes out
is something that penetrates through the souls.

Beauty invites us to carry our deepest dreams and passions within our souls to
give birth to a wondrous creativity. It carries the deepest feelings of the soul, that
which keeps us alive through every passing moment, that which urges us to pause
and gaze through the heart of eternity. In surrendering with the beauty of grace,
we awaken to the beauty of that, which is timeless, that which is born in our
sacred inner sanctuary.

Light of Consciousness


The divine call is an unfolding towards growth, a gradual evolution of our souls. As
we are embraced by the divine beauty blossoming through myriad things, our
wisdom deepens and our self-knowledge blooms in the most profound manner.
The grace of beauty dissolves all that was holding us back from ourselves and
releases our inner dreams, desires and passions into shaping ourselves as
beautiful spirits. It calls us to cease living an unlived, unfulfilled life.

As we encounter the majesty of a divine beauty in everything that we gaze at, it

invites us to welcome beauty manifested in various forms, and to behold the
divine hand prints in myriad forms. It calls us to a journey to the horizon of the
infinity, that which holds a promise of wonders.

We otherwise slip into an unlived life, until some icon of tremendous beauty
invokes an urge in us to wake up and rejoice in every step that we take in this
journey kissing the ground with love and wonder. Then and only then, a land of
wonders bursts open taking us to a paradise of enchantment.

These little things that we unravel in our lives, the divine beauty blossomed
through them shapes our souls to create a beautiful mosaic of enchanting
wonders. Beauty flows in an endless stream, runs into infinity and waits to be
discovered only through the eyes of the soul. It is the light of divine beauty and
his love that showers us with grace and an eternal truth. Life is full of luminous
moments standing in eternity, if only we know how to behold with the mystic

Everything is suffused with a majestic, divine light. It welcomes us to walk in the

trail of that light. Beauty has descended on this earth to rest in an eternal stillness
and a golden silence that is shimmering everywhere. In that sacred moment,
there is a sudden transformation between that which is temporal and eternal. We
come alive to the fact that there are many unnoticed beauties which we were
unaware of, many concealed wonders which stand at the doors of our spirits to
knock and awaken us to the bejeweled spark of it.

Light of Consciousness

The divine beauty is so gracefully woven in every moment that comes in our lives,
but we lose sight of these subtle touches of beauty while passing by. Beauty
blooms in so many delicate ways- in the dancing galaxies, the surging seas, the
shimmering dewdrops in the morn, the touch of compassion on your soul, the
caring eyes willfully witnessing your unspoken agony.

Self-discovery takes you to the moment when abundance flows in your life and
your divine spirit unveils with a touch of luminous grace, a grace that gives birth
to a thousand wonders making every moment stream into the horizon of infinity.
Beauty lies when we behold others with a compassionate heart, with the eyes of
our souls rather than our head-those are the thousand gifts of beauty.

Feel the sense of intimacy with these unspoken acts of kindness, be at awe with
our relationship with this nature, how it shelters us from the strains of life, and
how it takes us to the trail of light where the heart dances in love and peace, and
our soul shimmers in a thousand benedictions gently falling from above. It is this
quest for the divine beauty that scatters wonders along our path in every step
that we take on the shores of life.

Light of Consciousness


Emerge in all the splendor of your light and leave a light behind so others may
find their way. Raise your eyes, your vision beyond that which is visible to the
eyes, split your soul naked, and let the divine love flood your heart washing your
innate being with a light that comes from beyond.

Immerse your soul in the divine, heavenly pattern of the universe, the message of
the twinkling stars, the patterns of the divine cosmos. Glimpse into the bosom of
this beauty with an understanding of heart. This is an eternal embrace by the
existence to us. Welcome it, as your timeless shelter.

This divine embrace makes us be at oneness with the universe in rhythm of the
heart. When we awaken to the call of a divine love, consciousness seeps in us to
be a new being, one who is walking with breathing anchored in creativity and
awareness. At our deepest depths of hearts, consciousness evokes blossoming

When the yearning becomes too alive and intense, new wellsprings come into our
beings where challenges show up as invitations to face lives with a shining valor
and a heart that knows not to accept frailty. A gracious wholesomeness embraces
us and we rise up welcoming life in all its passing beauties, each of which gives us
a moment of eternity.

When we experience the beauty of this divine love, we feel the desire, the
passion to emerge from the illusion of separation into the eternal warmth and
splendid wonder of the divine embrace. The much- forgotten beauty of oneness,
the grandeur of this precious life- all comes back rushing by into the secret
corners of our hearts.

Thousand lotuses blossom inside us in the breeze of divine beauty and caressing
of its love on our souls. This love of the beyond makes us pause and be
introspective thinkers, to dance with heart’s delight on the bosom of this earth.

The whispers of this contentment, the glimpses into this eternal enchantment
invite us to endure many storms of life. The profound stillness of the penetrating

Light of Consciousness

beauty meets the dreams and our wildest passions of the souls. The existence
rejoices when you return to the place of serenity and feel at one with it. It holds a
place of warmth and affection for you, awaiting your dwelling in the breeze of
complete trust. We have forgotten to linger at the thresholds of beauty that
awaits us-in the process we have unlearned to gaze at the beauty that holds all
the mystery of living a much- contented life.

In the many little things of life, lies the wildest beauty, and the light of our
imagination illuminates our gaze and what appears to be seemingly insignificant
shines as the sacred peaks of miracles, where joy dances in every moment.

Or ordinary lives tend to be extraordinary in the luminosity of that light. Waters of

grace flow incessantly from that divine wellspring of beauty and cleanse our
spirits so we might re-discover our spirits and fall in love with ourselves.

This is the music of existence, the music of life, one that keeps lingering inside to
keep our souls alive. The existence deepens its music of soul into our hearts which
gives us a spirit of divine intimacy. This divine melody echoes the sublime
intimacy of our sacred souls with the universe.

This melody enfolds us with a love throughout all seasons of life. The beauty of
the divine music invades the heart with a love that makes us whole. The divine
love finds its way in the depths of our souls in a seamless form. And love is a
feeling where the heart lives and beats in a boundless joy that embraces the
entire existence.

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Gaze at the dewdrops of love on the grass, the promising dawn, the dancing
waves, the swaying flowers-they paint the inner landscape of your soul with the
hues of love for existence as a whole. Light is the language of love that adorns our
hearts with a seamless beauty. Love that flows with kindness and compassion
brings with it an inner eye to gaze at this existence-a gaze that pierces everything
and split them open to flood them with a sacred light.

The hues of love embellish this existence so as to befriend and embrace all in an
eternal delight of the heart. The richest hues of creation spring from our souls at
the touch of love and we imagine beauty even in the simple things of life. Love
drenches the heart and the darkness ceases as the light of sun dawns in.

The light and love embrace each other to blend everything in a wondrous
transformation. The joy that streams from the light of transformation dances in
our souls to shape it into a soul of light. Here arises the music of a timeless
transformation, an unbroken song of joy that dawns in the balance between light
and darkness, the visible and invisible.

It gives an enduring depth of a blissful stillness amidst the storms of life. Our
voyage of life is always to be carried out in the benediction of silence that evokes
peace. And in its flowing, the eternal pilgrimage of our hearts can be carried even
on the most forsaken lands of confusion and agony. A new morn peeps in and our
hearts never lose the passion to seek a new dawn heralding the promises of all
that is beautiful.

Our hearts illuminate the beauty of love that continues an eternal flow of an
ocean. Everything coalesces in its timeless flowing, the waves of which dance for
all the times left behind and all that is now and all that is to come. The sublime
wisdom of this ocean that flows from the heart has much to open our eyes to
behold miracles in this existence.

Listen to the truth that is concealed in the sacred silence. A new beauty has
awakened in your life, bringing light breaking through the dark night of your soul.
You sense an intimacy with all that is. A new sun is rising within you, in the light of
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which, the dishevelment and all the bewilderment of confusions melt away and a
fearlessness breaks through your heart with a divine rhythm of beauteous

It is the light of a new beginning, a sacred rebirth of your soul. You burst with the
joy of an ocean coming to the shore of your heart, the dancing ripples of which
rinse through your soul. As the existence loves to call the whole to have rhythmic
dance, it deepens your listening deep enough, so you can hear the whispers of
God, singing love in your ears.

Your love has allowed an understanding to dawn in your mind, an understanding

with the heart of this entire existence. The eternal beauty makes you passionate,
brings the wildest desires, the intense longing to go for the fulfillment, the
contentment that brings you to the summit of joy. Love awakened what is divine
within you, bringing you in intimacy with your sacred spirit. You came to the
sacred hearth of your divine spirit. That is God smiling through your heart.

Light of Consciousness


Dawn always has a way of peeking in our souls, bathing us with a sacred light of
its own. It is the holy awakening of our hearts that is silently waiting for the
splendid sunrise within. The dawn just pours the light inside our chalice, to feed
our thirsty souls, so we can come out of the clouds of confusion.

As the streaks of light unveil the illusions, light meets darkness at the edge of
dawn and gives us a new birth. Their merging gives the beholder some of the
most enchanting moments of eternity. The sacred sunrise is ablaze with its
splendor and arouses a divine passion, an intense yearning in the soul of the
awakened beholder.

It is a promise lovingly whispered in your ear, that today is a new day heralding a
new beginning, leaving yesterday behind. Our souls are cracked in by the sacred
sun, spilling out light. Gratitude pours forth from our hearts, as we begin to see
this world in the light of that gratefulness.

Our spirits awaken in colors of awareness, it is the hour when the darkness breaks
away from our hearts and light floods in to illumine our spirits. It is a blessing to
discover the sacred sunrise within our hearts and fall in love with our spirits again.

There shimmers our soul like a luminous white pearl, as each sunrise seems to
bring a new awareness, a higher dimension of consciousness. The night of
darkness suddenly loses its density-the seemingly endless night seems to give
away to the light that penetrates through our souls. Illusions pass away as the
eternal truth peeps in our souls.

The sacred sunrise that enlightens us is a divine light from above. The soul rises in
loveliness, as the illusions depart into the depths of a distant horizon, making
space for the holy light to come through.

The curtain of night has been lifted from the face of our souls. It is a magnificent
sight touched with a divine grace. It has an amazing grace. The illusions have
made their final descent. The miracles are about to blossom in manifold ways.
And the sky of our hearts is burning in a sacred splendor. As all the confusions

Light of Consciousness

crash on the shore of our souls, the most amazing moment of rebirth of your soul
takes place. The dawn started breaking in our souls with the light from divine. It is
the wondrous light that God made for the hearts to flourish in, the souls to bask
in for a spiritual awakening, thereby raising ourselves to an awareness that uplifts
our spirits.

The divine love wraps us breaking all the sigh of our hearts and the lark in our
souls begins to sing again. Awareness teaches us to love this existence as a whole
in all the seasons of life, the way it is and how much more beautiful it can be in
the decades to come, if we can be at one in our heartbeat matching with that of
the sacred universe.

This love of oneness will carry us through every moment of our lives in eternity.
Our deepest dreams of feeling whole with this existence come true as we live in
the light of a universal compassion. Every moment with divine is the only peace
that one will ever know. Every touch of the divine hands leaves an imprint on our
souls. It is the bursting of a divine beauty in us, touching our parched souls with a
tenderness and compassion.

Light of Consciousness


As the waves of consciousness float along the coasts of our lives, we get attuned
to the divine lyrics of our life song once again-a song which was unsung for so
long, unheard by so many. Waves of happiness are voices of our lives. They are
the pulse of the ocean surging in our hearts.

They are our throbbing heartbeats. Being nestled in the lap of nature, we try to
pick up words that are audible to the ears, those silent whispers of nature, the
murmur of the sacred breeze-listen to the revelation of their sacred harmonic
message-it has a divine note-a sacred melody of its own.

The ancient music was always playing in the rippling of waves, in the hustling of
leaves-if only our souls be in tune with them. And then the time passes in the
dreaming and searching for the hidden music of nature-that has always been our
spiritual retreat.

A whispering meadow of verdant green that murmurs as we pass, it has a sacred

wonderment- a paradise of unraveled wonders. The understandably hopeless
phases of life, the dishevelment, the jagged paths-all seems for a blessing to
descend as a blossom-as in it lies the eternal beauty of a petal.

The lotus at last blooms amidst the weariness of this seemingly long journey. So,
we can walk on the path of life with an amazing grace, a beauty shining from our
soul. As nature gets tipped with gold sunbeams, we awaken in the breaking light
of the morn. Dawn breaks in within our hearts.

And we are never, ever the same. The tone, the voice of wildness and the
unfathomable mystery- we can rest in its breeze of serenity. The longing for the
spiritual wisdom fills a thrilling pulse through us. Smell the ocean and feel the
vastness of the firmament above-let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic
vastness. It is calm and welcoming waiting to embrace us at every moment.

A fragrant breeze wandered in the heartlands of serenity fills our minds and takes
us back to the heart and soul of this existence and keeps us anchored there. Our
quest beats out the passage of time as the waves of our hearts splash in a dancing

Light of Consciousness

delight. Every pain is being washed away, again and again and there comes the
star of glory shining in the dark night along a vast stretch of horizon. As our pain
tears us asunder, for one moment, for this moment it is the mystic beauty, the
spiritual truth, that enlightening vision that holds us in a gracious wholesomeness.
And an eternal contentment feeds our souls as we escape from moments of
unspoken agony. The gold of dawn has descended on our hearts.

Words seem to be lacking. These moments of escape are the rarest moments in
our lives-that leads beauty to the gateway of eternity. Every ounce of unspoken
pain seems to roll over the waves of joy dancing in our hearts. And all that is
timeless and beautiful falls in a tremendous shower and dissolves us in a blessing.
The lotus blooms with a ray of light awakening the spirit of us, lighting the heart
of our inner sun.

We pulse to explore realizing with divine wakefulness of our spirits guided by the
tunes of a mystic quest. And here comes the endless echo of the freedom of
spirit, freedom from all illusions, bondages, just ready to soar in the limitless blues
above. What we were pining in solitude, at last sets us free.

The blissful solitude in which our beauty did unfold; the incomprehensible nature
of this life suddenly seems so unveiled in the touch of our spirits; the mist that
enveloped seems to be fading away and beauty of this journey all seems to be
shining through as loveliness echoes everywhere.

Light of Consciousness


There is nothing more beautiful than the way the mystic beauty kisses the shores
of our souls and fills us with a timeless contentment. As our hands learn how to
hold other hands with a touch of compassion, as our hearts learn to leave
footprints on the shores of other hearts, our silent struggles are washed in the
healing touch of hearts wanting to reach out to others.

Every agony holds the signature of a story of unspoken wounds. In the healing
waters of the hearts, are they washed away to turn every wound into a divine
wisdom. The simple touching of hearts leaves an eternal kiss on the souls, an
imprinted memory to live with. We lay aside all the sorrows of scattered dreams
of life and immerse ourselves in the eternal joy of the timeless divine shining like
a glorious sun in all the hearts.

He is the one fountain from whose blissful waters we all drink to feed our parched
souls. The passion to find God’s truth and the timeless divine beauty leads us to
behold the same sun illumining all the hearts in this universe with a tremendous
splendor. The light of truth is revealed all hearts shining as one, all souls humming
the same melody.

As we delight in the divine beauty and in the holiness of this existence, the
luminosity held in the sunbeams of our souls radiates on this universe with
immensity to reveal the splendor of oneness, the beauty of a universal
compassion. Our humble desires, humble hopes –together we share to create a
universal joy and delight.

Our deepest strengths are displayed with a divine indwelling spirit under the
greatest trials. And our true faith in the invisible divine embrace appears as the
gold of dawn. Here stand our spirits with a pearlescent luminosity and an
unspoken peacefulness.

We touch others with our own healing hearts and with an effortless peace, all
other souls mute in agony are healed with a gentle blessing. The spirit of bonding
amongst the souls shines forth as love sings in the air. Universal compassion is the
seed of grace, the dawning of love in human hearts. It carries with it a sublime
Light of Consciousness

beauty, a timeless happiness and a fathomless holiness. The seemingly tasteless

life gets soaked again with the rain of love that nourishes all the desperate souls
in need of a much- fulfilled contentment.

Seek not to grow in the illusion of separateness but in the togetherness of a love
that is universal. All such divine affections, this tenderness leads to holiness. The
beauty which our souls delight in is a beauty that sings the song of understanding,
a compassion that reaches out to all, a blessing that showers on all, a love that
envelops us all.

Our vision becomes clearer in the true grace and the sacred spiritual light. The
glory of our souls shines in the beauty of a divine holiness and it is in this heavenly
sight that all our earthly desires will melt and humble in the boundless depths of
his healing love. Nothing can withstand this Omnipotent shining glory of a sacred
divinity in our effulgent souls. Love for this existence is rekindled as our souls are
consumes with the grace of his divine glory.

This is the infinite fountain of a compassion that springs in all walks of life,
ceaselessly flowing for eternity. This is the love that shines in light from the Sun of
Righteousness, fragmenting into other suns shining in every soul, partaking from
the divine fountain of infinite light.

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The light is shining-the glint of light on our broken hearts- divinity is the light by
which our spirits are born-the sacred sun, the gleaming moon and the dancing
galaxies all shine through us. We show in our gracious smiles the divine child in
everyone. Flight to a mystic truth is a beauteous and divine.

There is a divine spark, a sacred consciousness in every spirit. It is a descent of the

soul of this existence in ours. A level of fearlessness, a fathomless understanding
emerges in us. This is the echo of a divine harmony, a sacred love in our hearts-a
tune that carries us through everything to endure with grace. In the midst of toils
and troubles of life, we lose track of that what is beautiful, lovable.

It is the undying beauty, the fathomless grace of a divine spirit illumining through
our souls –that envelops our eyes with a mist of love-knowing that we are walking
in his light. As we hear the note of his divine love after a dissonant passage of the
broken melody of life, we are enlivened again with his eternal tunes-that whispers
forever in our ears.

It is the edge where the divine and the human meet one another, and the souls
awaken in the brilliance and splendor of the sacred light of his grace with a
passion for beholding wonder at every footstep they take. They live with an
intense desire for creativity that every moment evokes upon. There emerges a
wholeness of every soul’s magnificence.

Life calls our souls to be transcendent and be one with God-the one love that
stands on the sands of timeless beauty. The divine love is harbored in the hearts
and we go on an eternal pilgrimage to a timeless truth that holds the beauty for
all the times to come.

The divine loves all with his truth. We witness miracles unfold at every encounter
of our lives, and we bow to our blessings for it is in the gratitude, a world of
wonders opens to us. From within we rise in our thankfulness to shine in our
sacred splendor. It guides us along the divine path of a greater becoming, a holy
transformation along the trail of consciousness.

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We bask in the glory of our new- found freedom of having a conscious choice
every waking moment of our lives. What we seek for, what we yearn for, what
breaks us is what can be found within us. It is our spiritual triumph over
unawareness. Ride the waves of life with recurring moments of stillness and
solitude, gratitude and deep breathing and the eternal truth will rest silently in
the lotus of our hearts.

Stay awake to greet the breathtaking radiance of the morning glory, the beams of
rising sun. And if ever you traverse the path of despair, then know in your heart
that the divine light will walk you through it. Images are only temporal. It is the
truth that is eternal. During the valley of confusion, the light from beyond will
take you to the divine trail.

It will be your journey walking in his love and light. And your heart will come in its
own understanding and recognition of the timeless truth by the grace of God. This
is the ocean of unlimited consciousness, an unbounded awareness that expands
beyond time and space. Your enlightenment will release you from the afflictions
of tremendous fear and courage will dawn in you with a sacred light of its own.

So, every tear of yours will turn into a divine pearl of sacred wisdom and every
wound into a beautiful blossom of blessing.

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We reside within our created personal shells, our cocoons creating an

impenetrable wall between us and others. We live with our own hopes and
dreams, knowledge and fears but rarely do we reach out to others with a heart of
caring and sharing. In the presence of awareness, in the sea of consciousness, we
discover an unlimited spaciousness.

Underneath our thoughts, beneath our vast emotions, lies a heightened

consciousness, where we slip into with the myriad experiences of this journey of
life. Spaciousness embraces all souls in this existence, without being confined by
physical forms. In the same light, awareness envelops us all.

The light of awareness that burns bright in one soul, burns in another soul too.
Every heart is rekindled by being in intimacy with the sacred spirit. As we enter
into the holy stillness of consciousness, we drop the shells of ego and all other
false illusions and align ourselves with the great purpose of the universe.

The divine bonding, the feeling of a beauteous oneness comes to those who
hunger for the touch of a universal compassion. Everything that is welcoming you
at this moment is enough for the evolution of your soul, for its ripened unfolding.

All you have to do is to respond to every call, embrace all that comes to you and
life will sing the tunes of a universal song- one that plays its divine melody in all
the souls. The way to the eternal truth is found on the path that weaves through
the myriad trials and experiences of life.

The much effulgent truth lives on a timeless frame in the light of a sacred
awareness. Our dreams and aspirations live through our hearts. Our caring
reaches out to all that exists in this existence. That is the gateway to the entire
universe residing within us.

The innate yearning within our souls to wake up from the slumber of our spirits
sets us free to journey to our sacred selves. The wellspring of strength of always is
always found within if only we can delve deep inside us. That strength which
endures all, that beauty is reflected only in the soul. Sometimes, we withdraw

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into our innermost selves, but within our sacred sanctuary, we find the light of
God, the same light that shines in all-leaving the eternal beams of an
Omnipresent God. And slowly we realize by the light of divine wisdom, that we
are one with all. It is the light of oneness. At the center of this existence dwells
the soul that beats in harmony with all other souls.

The light of this heart shines in all the darkness that one may encounter in this
voyage of life. Our sacred spirits emerge and answer the divine call arousing our
souls and we follow the trail of this light to show us the path-the path to an
eternal contentment. Sometimes, we may lose sight of the pathway of our hearts,
only to come back again as guided by the light.

Our passions of the soul align us with the divine wisdom and the luminous power
that is held forever at our hearts May the trials never detour you from your own
path, a path that will lead you back to yourself! All the treasures of this earth lie in
your heart. Within you is your pilgrimage- a pilgrimage of your soul. The center of
our souls has been lit with a sacredness of the sunrise within.

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The everlasting grace of illuminated love touches us all as the first light of dawn
unfolds the lotus amidst the murky waters. The soul is a mirror reflecting the
divine truth inside you. You are born as a child of love and pure light- so return
beck to the fountainhead of that love, to the sun of light within you.

You can have the bejeweled vision of a wondrous life started anew with all its
freshness. Nothing is lost in the journey as we travel from the head to heart-the
pathway of soul-the only pathway that is strewn with petals of love, peace and
compassion. To journey back again with all the intense passion in the soul is to
walk the path of light with all the sacred beauty in one’s holy heart.

Love is a sacred tapestry sewn seamlessly invisibly inside all the souls in this
existence. Its embrace encompasses all. And love that gives freedom gives us
wings to soar as they spark with divine wonders that heal many broken hearts.
Love teaches us to emerge, come forth anew in a sacred splendor of our inner

Love brings the whispers bearing bouquets of a thousand miracles springing at

every moment of our lives. Love plants the seeds of peace and compassion and
turns every place into a sacred sanctuary. It sings poetry in every heart.

By the grace of love, we enter a world where our deepest passions and dreams
transform our silent struggles into lessons of wisdom, every agony into a
perennial joy. Love nourishes the soul of this existence with the aroma of beauty,
wisdom and truth. And a soul that is strong does not wither, as it bears the
signature of a perennial strength sheltered under the grace of God.

Celebrate the rebirth of your inner child, whose innocence evokes wonder at
everything. The childlike wonder blossoms at the light of wisdom as dawn sets in
the heart. You will glimpse into something of your inner journey with the glory of
illuminated love and you will recognize and celebrate the sacred birth of a new
you. What we receive from this divine journey is not something that has a
temporal beauty, but an eternal one.

Light of Consciousness

Our hearts learn to behold the splendor in the green grass, the glory in the
unfolding of a flower. We fill our lives with breathings of the soul and fragrance of
the heart. That is the wellspring of our primal sympathy. We come with our
splendor in the light of things. And we welcome life as it comes.

And in the utter nakedness of our spirits, we greet all that life showers us with- be
it joy or a passing sorrow. As in the divine wisdom of our hearts, life itself is a gift.

Greet your soul in the lap of solitude and what you will find is wonderful. You will
find yourself-the child that was always within you with a wonder in eyes still

The solitude that vibrates with an enlightening silence will help to shape your life.
Love is your sacred retreat until your soul’s deepest and truest nature, the
purpose of your journey is revealed.

Once the music of revelation sings in glory, love will give its vision to beauty
within you, concealed for so long. It will surrender freely any power that you
have, for in surrendering emerges your true beauty.

But above all yourself, it will give you the gift of yourself. It will take you to the
sacred you, where rises the holy sun of your being in the glory of its luminous

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In the silent longing of the soul, we pray in the sacred sanctuary within. We
blossom as effortless beings and from the transcendence that blooms within us,
we can envision the myriad names and forms of him, the infinite diversity of his
divine revelations, of endless variety- all paths leading to the one path of

A profound inner quest blossoms with beauty as the call of God, the light of his
divinity descends on us in the sacred silence of our souls. It is a luminous silence,
where we behold his infinite names and forms-all as the same eternal play of
Omnipresence. Behold the existence of God in the infinite blossoms of

That is the one unchanging divine indivisible beauty. That is the flower of
supreme truth. He is the sacred nameless and formless, yet the diverse names
and myriad forms are his. His fragrance is the Almighty being, the enlightened
consciousness and the ultimate bliss.

We can behold his bliss in his divine universality. At every sacred breath of ours
our souls are in a blissful communion with him, in the deepest intimacy with his
being. In his name, all our fears will melt, and all the deepest wounds will burn
and what remains is the profound perennial joy of the soul, emitting the fragrance
of the lotus of our hearts.

All sorrows stem from the illusion that there are many forms, whereas in the light
of truth, we behold the bejeweled vision of all merging as One. Detachments and
disentanglements with the earthly, sensual things leads us to be in one eternally
beautiful relationship- the ultimate, eternal one with the Omnipotent and

We are a blissful reflection of a sacred spirit. The joy of peace and bliss is more
fragrant than the joy of all earthly sensations. The sacredness of terrestrial realm
rises from the innate mystic flower of our beings.

Light of Consciousness

As you drop your consciousness attached to your body and be in a blissful

communion with your soul, you become a soul-that emits the light of a dawn
breaking within you. The essence of all creation is this sacred light, the holy light
of the soul.

The same divinity sustains the myriad creations in this existence and the seeming
diversity of this universe is anchored in the Oneness of all creations. This is the
truth which when blossoms within you, gives you the nectar of liberation, the
eternal sweetness of emancipation- oneness with God. Love soaks every fragment
of this whole creation.

As you soak your spirit in the rain of love, you realize this truth, and a sense of
universal compassion blooms within you –when this truth is realized within your
soul, only then does it emerge as the ultimate truth of your spirit glowing your
being with the light of a gracious oneness.

Spiritual consciousness resides in the divine wisdom of self-realization. The

ceaseless play of thoughts in your mind will crash on the shores of your soul and
there will be an eternal dance in the ocean of your being with the higher form of
life energy. The time comes when you forsake your weak-heartedness and choose
an enlightened consciousness, whose waves ripple on the sea of your soul. That is
the purest form of self -realization.

Light of Consciousness


The spirit is an eternal wellspring of joy and consciousness and timelessly exists.
The soul is the individualized reflection of that awareness, that perennial joy but
confined within the physical manifestation. The soul has beauty in perfection and
ultimate bliss. The soul is the sacred eternal you. It is immortal.

Soul is the sacred individualized blissful spirit. Through self-realization we behold

the truth that stands on the sands of eternity. We reach the cosmic consciousness
through the realization of truth in our souls. It has to be soaked in our hearts.

Know the eternal truth through your sacred self. The higher self-awakening must
be realized through conscious breathing, the bliss of mediation to elevate our
consciousness from the limited physical form to the unlimited, boundless sphere
of a pure joy that dwells as we enter the heartland of meditation.

Then emerges a bliss that is detached to any form or sensory thing; God is the
heart of our hearts, the soul of our souls. The realization of this eternal truth is
the supreme self-realization. Happiness lies in finding the fountain of that divine

We suffuse our lives with a meaning that has a dancing joy in the sea of our souls.
Within us is the gateway to that meaning-that treasured self-discovery. Our souls
hold the treasure that we are in quest of. We find ourselves over and over again
on the shores of our lives, as we delve deep in the ebbs and tides of our
experiences that we encounter in our journey.

The portals to a divine self-realization lead us to follow the pathway to the bliss
that awaits discovery-whose essence takes us back to ourselves and our
heartbeats are in harmony with the heartbeat of this cosmos. Through that
doorway, we join the great cosmic dance. In the sea of blissful awareness, the
waves of our nectarine love arise and in a divine rapture, we realize that each
creature is a wondrous wave in the ocean of Almighty who comes forth dissolving
time and space to merge in a great communion.

Light of Consciousness

So, venture into within and seek yourself so you may awaken to illumination and
wholeness. It will scatter all your silent agony with a balm of divine. The sage
within you will discover the primal seed of the sacred spirit. As you tread in the
darkness of night, the divine will shed a light, so you may tread safely in the
unknown path of your sacred pilgrimage.

We begin to meet other souls as we set on the pilgrimage of our hearts, and they
open myriad doors for us, each of which takes us to the sacred knowledge of
wonder and mystery of life. We behold an egoless life as the knots that make the
ego are unraveled. We can glimpse that God is in every sacred form, in the divine
whole and also in every holy fragment. Joy and sorrow are passing phases of life
and are not ever-lasting things.

Amidst these passing passages of time, be unperturbed in the lake of tranquility.

The uniqueness and beauty of that poise, serenity will unravel the mystery of life.
Pain and happiness are time-born. As you come in most intimacy with your sacred
higher self, you will find a way that can leave you untouched by those seasons of
life. A serene bliss will envelop you in the midst of which the portals of self-
discovery will come to you.

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Honor the ebbs and tides of life. There is a blissful calm that follows the breaking
waves, a beauty if you have a penetrating gaze. We have seasons of peace and
ease and seasons of turmoil, turbulence. Seek the inner wellspring of strength to
weather the raging storm.

Grace showers on us as we consciously breathe in every moment, focus on

dreams and passions of our souls, instead of lingering on the receding past. That
we passionately engage our souls in the conscious living is a blessing. So, ride the
waves of life and go with the flow. Pause and count the blossoms of blessings that
you have in your life with an essence of gratitude and thankfulness.

The realization will peep in your soul that we have much showered on us to be
thankful for. The art of happiness is in being contented with all that you have and
ceasing to look further, for this moment is complete with a beauty in perfection.
The key to contentment lies in being able to embrace all the perfection, and
imperfection, the flaws and the flawless.

Welcome life in its myriad beauties. The unceasing fluctuations are what make
the flow of life, but we can choose to embrace our joy in everything we behold
through the eyes of an innocent wonder.

While carrying the unspoken agony within you, take it to paint some of the richest
hues in the canvas of your life. The seasons that gave you trials in your life can
lead you to the gateway of your own transformation, the flow of divine wisdom, a
streaming of divine blessing on you.

As life floods you with its breaking waves, you can choose to pause, cope, learn
and again to gracefully dance with them. However, as every moment unfolds,
dwell on the triumphs, instead of the setbacks. Life like a petal in the wind flows
in an instant, unless we learn to ride its continuous flow which lasts through

The seasons leave behind their harvest of pain and joy, but it is in what we decide
to dwell upon that dawns the consciousness in our souls. It is the unfading smile

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in our hearts at every passing pain, every beaming joy that invites a sun of
awareness inside us. It is this consciousness, this nectar of ecstasy that marks the
summit of life. The essence of human experiences stands out in memory, but it is
what we choose to remember and what we decide as best forgotten-that takes us
to the portals of a higher consciousness.

The currents of life that ebb and flow in human souls pulsate within us and bring
us to the awareness of making a conscious choice of what seeds to sow to harvest
love and peace. It is the flow that shapes our lives. When the waves break down,
it is then that we can find the luminous sea shells, just as in the darkness of
nights, you find the light of your soul.

The waves of our lives break upon the sandy shores of our souls but learning to
reflect on them and to join the dance, ripples forever in the ocean of eternity.
Regardless of what every moment holds for you or how the day unfolds, you can
feel empowered with the eternal song of your spirit that has its own music even
during the falling times of your life. Even winter has its own beauty, its own song,
if only we have the ears to listen and the eyes to behold.

Light of Consciousness


Divine love is a fire in human souls. It makes us dream and awaken in our beings
and create a peaceful, loving earth with heart, spirit and soul. When the heart of a
human is separated from the heart of mother earth, pain and confusion dwells in
our souls. While the life that we live in might not be free from pain, but it is our
awakened spirit that can create for ourselves a life strewn with flowers of love,
peace and compassion.

Divine love lies behind our turning and healing. Each creature has the purest form
of divine love in an earthly, sacred soul. The quest begins at the border of pain
and happiness, joy and sorrow, turbulence and serenity.

Love that struggles through the pain to smile in celestial harmony is the one that
joins all hearts in sympathy and contentment. The divine love and faith pulls us
through at times when the days seem so long. It meets the hunger of the heart.

Those whom you encounter in your life were distant strangers but from the same
feelings that surfaced from the depths within you, comes an unimaginable bond,
an invisible caring, so much so, now you embrace them in your walk of life.

Out of the solitude of silent suffering, emerges a desperate need to reach out to
others as you go through a phase of darkness that is so lonely, intense and
terrible. Out of the night within your heart, slowly a dawn breaks in and you feel
the joy of your inner ocean coming home to your sacred shore-shore of a
universal love that binds us all-where we embrace each other’s sorrow and

We also share some of the life’s beautiful smiles together. Love is the eternal
thing that merges the springtime with the winter. It is the symphony whose notes
and tunes transcend time and space. It flows over all souls scattered over this
universe, all living creatures. Life held in every heart is precious to walk away

It is a rarest music to be played in the spirits who awaken with a higher level of
cosmic consciousness, who is in a divine alignment with the existence. It is that

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music which calls peace in the soul and the breeze carries its sacred tunes to so
many afflicted, so lonely, so helpless, so desperate, much in need of a love that
can pour forth with divine nectar and fill the thirsty souls. That is the call which
every spirit responds to and joins hands with others to create a peaceful earth
where all can walk imprinting peace on the heart of this universe.

The earth blossoms with a thousand smiles, the sun beams glow in a perfect glory,
sacredness reaches its sanctified peak when all know to walk in harmony and a
love which denies none but reaches out to all for all the passing seasons of life. It
is this bejeweled universal compassion that awakens what is divine within us.

It touches our souls and turns it to a sacred sanctuary and ignites a holy spark
within our beings. It is that which creates everything and blossoms peace in
thousand flowers all over this existence. Behold the vision as in it lies the divine
secret to co-existence, a dream which we can all dream together, a path along
which we can all walk together.

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When we live every moment with reverence, things tend to embrace us. As we
walk towards everything with faith and gratitude, the existence tends to embrace
us. The light of a life vibrant in this universe awakens the concealed beauty and
splendor in all things that you behold.

When we walk on this earth with peace and imprint serenity, peace will embrace
us. When we spread the fragrance of love wherever we speak, love will walk into
our souls. The touch of divine from beyond, awakens a sense of sacred beauty
and swells our urgency to trust and behold the best in everything that is in this

The beauty dwells in the compassion that we extend towards wounds, weakness
and challenges of life. From the very beyond, emits a light that turns us into
beings of love. We take a look in the mirror of an introspective self- reflection and
treasure ourselves with appreciation for who we are, unconditional acceptance of
us embracing our perfections and imperfections, and a limitless forgiveness.

We emerge out of things that had put our spirits in deep slumber and come to
face the light again when we can view ourselves with an understanding
forgiveness and a boundless compassion.

In the light for forgiving compassion, can we be most intimate with ourselves.
When our eyes are graced with love and its beauty, then the existence showers its
wonders on us. It is this beauty which calls for the awakening of imaginations and
the noble creativity in our hearts. The divine touch is a gentle but a passionate call
for us to awaken by opening our eyes and hearts to the wonder of our
relationship with the cosmos as a whole.

It reveals the infinity and mystery of this sacred life. We return to the serenity of
silence, tranquility of serene stillness, the eternal grace and the limitless
generosity of the divine presence. Celebrate our intimacy with the divine
presence and behold this as a homecoming of your spirit in your inner sacred

Light of Consciousness

The invisible divine embrace greets us and inspires us to awaken to new heights
of dreams and passion, another vision where the mystic light shines and all you
behold is splendor everywhere. The vision of oneness intricately interweaves the
desires and needs of soul to reach out to others to love and be loved. Love dwells
in the inner sanctum and the music of this love plays timelessly- so it transcends
the time and space.

The joy of this love that dances in every soul creates a rhythm which is in blissful
harmony with others. Love made its divine entrance to the soul. Our hearts
become adorned with divinity that invokes a passion for life and appreciation for
every moment, gratefulness for the miracles that walk on our path as we behold
through the eyes of limitless wonder, a newborn child’s innocence, a smile to
release the struggles within and inviting the grace of surrender to the beauty that
each moment showers on us.

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The blessing of rain-the soft, sweet rain comes with a shower of divine love. As it
showers upon our spirits, a thousand flowers smile within us and our souls
blossom bursting in beauty. The blessing of divine rain washes our spirits. The
heavenly skies shine, and we behold a morning glory breaking forth in majesty
and splendor.

The gentle mother earth rests softly under our treading feet, holding a promise of
peace and warmth. The rains sweep gently across the heartlands of ourselves,
and as the gold of sun warms our souls, every seed that we have sown bears a
bountiful harvest of love and kindness, feeding our hungry hearts with goodness
spilling in abundance. The eternal spring times of our hearts finds us dancing in
the fields of plenitude.

The sun never forgets to shine in its glory and the rainbow follows every raindrop-
within them are scattered our heart’s thousand smiles. The smiles of our souls,
light us to glory. The joy that smiles long endures the sorrows that come with the
passing moments of our lives. God rains down blessings on us and our joys shine
like twinkling stars at the heart of the dark nights.

Every agony that silently cries within us turns into a burning joy which leads us to
a pathway that is pure and good. The doubts, the fears and illusions which
stealthily dwell in our minds are replaced by a profound, abiding trust. As we
behold the signature of Almighty all around us. His Omnipresence is what glows
us with light at the core of our beings. The awareness of the love that he showers
on us beyond measure makes us cradled in the loving arms of his being.

This love with God suffuses our spirits with a love for the existence, places us in a
divine alignment with the universe, so when we are tempted to judge, the love
that we share holds us back. As what we do to others, we do to ourselves. Every
good thought that flows in our minds reverberates across the universe and casts a
ripple in the ocean of existence.

When we are tempted to hold ourselves back from showering love, our souls
guide us to flow the love freely, as it is in that gracious ease of flowing, that love
Light of Consciousness

flows best among the hearts. The music, the laughter that flows from love is a
rainbow that chases every storm. Every trial turns to the glory of a triumph in the
melody of love.

With each passing day, the love and the alignment with the whole gives us a new
awareness which invites abundance at its richest blooms in our lives. The being
within gets infused with the rays of divine and with every breathing, we suffuse
ourselves and this sacred existence with compassion and gratitude. We live the
truth of our souls while walking the pathway in the light of that truth.

We sing and dance to the music of our souls. As we reap the blessings that rain on
us, we live in appreciation for what the divine has flooded us with-his never-
ending fruits of a love that never fails, a courage that never dims, a light that
always shines, and a spirit that always lights up the entire universe. Tossed on the
stormy waters of life, we learn to stand upright with the touch of a divine grace
raining from his love.

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When there is darkness, dare to show a smile in your heart that will beam in your
face. With the glory of a new day, dare to greet it gratefully and a heart beating in
gratitude; in the still serenity of our hearts can we see the reflection of our souls
and realize the truth that resides there.

Truth has always been knocking on the door. The light of truth penetrates
everywhere and engulfs all that in the existence, it sees all forms as one. The
whole existence is our own self, the sunlit mountains, the ever- streaming rivers,
the grassy meadows –all exist within our inner heartlands.

It awakens us to the hidden path inside. In living with the spirit of oneness and in
letting love flow freely, there is a divine grace. Love unveils the purity, the
sweetness of beauty illuminating in every face and every heart. The souls surge in
a rapturous ocean of divinity. The grace dancing in the ocean becomes full of
ambrosia. Our hearts are the sacred sun for the blooming of lotus amidst the
waters of our beings.

As the sun of self-knowledge shines, the lotus swells with a blossoming love and
spreads its beauty of grace everywhere. Grace comes from the knowledge of
appreciation that blossoms the hearts with thankfulness. In God, all the picture of
universe beams with a sacred existence.

He dances in every holy heart as the eternal spirit. It is his timeless dance in our
hearts as consciousness, self-the spirit-chanting his name is calling our sacred
hearts. We lose our I as we melt in him, merge with him just as river loses its
sacred form while it merges with the ocean.

We cease to exist in the pure bliss of union, as it is he who is dancing in the soul
fragments breathing in this universe. Immersing in meditation, anchored on god,
the Omnipresence, who shines as I, we see the illumining rays of self-knowledge.
As we behold him with our hearts, we gracefully surrender in him. We merge our
individuality in him as we lose ourselves in the ocean of his bliss.

Light of Consciousness

Give thanks to the manifestation of your thousand blessings. Or else, the innate
contentment might slip away. Appreciation for what the divine has showered on
this universe, and in your life opens the portals to divine abundance, for it is in
thanking, that we invite more, it is in heartfelt gratitude, that the divine adorns
our lives with plenitude.

The heart surges with beauty as ripples of gratitude spread in the ocean of this
existence. The heart strings that are woven with thankfulness create a beautiful
tapestry that welcomes an embracing richness and abundance in our lives and
bountiful harvests fill up the vessels of our soul. Blessed are we who thank and
receive with gratefulness.

Blessed are those who have the souls where gratitude has dawned in for the
feeding rays of a sacred sunrise so as to fade away the darkness that was veiling
the luminous spirit. May the new dawn flood the hearts across this existence!

Light of Consciousness


The sweet fragrance of silence, whispers to our souls inviting them to wake up
from a deep slumber. It beckons us to come out and emerge. The winds of time
murmur the truth of our spirits. We are that fathomless self, in which reflects the
truth of our nothingness.

No desires linger in us, no illusions dwell in the lotus of our hearts. We are the
doorway through which we search ourselves. We are that which our hearts are in
quest of. We are the beauty of an eternal nothingness, the timeless joy of bliss.
The indwelling love and beauty transcends the time and space.

We are the icons of peace, beauty and love. The soul shines in the glory of a
revealing consciousness. We are the hearts of awareness, untouched,
unperturbed by the fleeting emotions of our minds. The gift of bliss and peace is
always calling in the hearts of all.

Souls are the revelations of eternal, undefinable being. All the cosmos shines with
a bursting splendor in our beings. What remains is the timeless beauty of light,
wisdom and love. This is what always dwells as an eternal glory in our hearts. The
bliss of the beyond engulfs us and with its light, we can be free of all illusions that
veil our hearts.

The true lotus emerges in our souls, one that blossoms in infinity. For the ultimate
gift of this divine life, as we thank, we bloom in trust and blessings and we enter
the sacred space within us where we can walk without fears, love beyond
expectations and sing the notes of our soul where we can have heaven and earth-
both in a timeless harmony.

We all walk this pathway together as luminous souls upon the sacred wheel of
treasured earthly life. Our insatiable thirst for truth breaks us free from all the
illusions that hold us back and split us open to be bathed in the light of an
invisible spirit.

Our indwelling divine spirits carry the torch of light and guide us with the light of
truth through the myriad phases of life. We shine in a love interwoven amongst

Light of Consciousness

our souls –as we co-exist and co-create together. The rising of the sun cleans and
purifies our heart in the sacredness of its light, in the awe of its splendor- do we
pause and behold while sinking into the introspective waters of our souls. It is the
voice of love that we hear in the winds, it is the breath of compassion that gives
birth to life in this sacred existence.

While walking in this introspective reflection of our souls, do we learn to walk in a

timeless beauty that shines in our souls in the horizon of eternity; we learn the
whispers that are hidden in the language of leaves and flowers, in the sacred hues
of a blushing sunset.

With every fading sunset may we learn the beauty and the wonders that each day
brings endlessly. That glimpse into the heart of an eternal miracle with each
passing day empowers us with everything that is needed to flourish in the light of
a true mystic beauty-one that learns to shed its light in the face of all adversity.
We learn the language of blessing that purifies us with a ray of sanctity and
showers grace and divine mercy on all the souls.

To give thanks for the rain of blessings is to bow in honor and gratitude. Blessings
penetrate the life of every person, making it penetrable, reachable with its grace
of goodness and compassion. The gift of gratitude emerges, and it gives the
human spirit the gift of awareness.

The universal portal of compassion gives us the gift of consciousness which is the
doorway to healing and transformation. As we become illumined with awareness,
blessings rain on us in every moment in myriad wondrous ways.

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Every dawn passes into noon and every noon descends to an evening that takes
its rest in the lap of a night. The beauty of every moment where we behold
blessings recedes into the wheels of time. The mystery that we encounter in
every sphere of life, invites us to go to its heartlands and be willing to unlock it.

That is the sacred vastness of silence where we are free of entangled thoughts.
We dissolve our sense of self and behold life with a vision so enriching, a soul so
enlightened, that we hear an ancient music in the nature.

We free ourselves to shower love and gladden at their joys, rain compassion on
others while sympathizing with others in their times of deepest sufferings. Those
who behold through the eyes of heart and listen through their ears of deep
listening to relieve suffering –can truly awaken.

That is the call of empathy to the heart that is bathing in the light of
consciousness. This is the sacred sanctuary in our hearts- in whose light we learn
to walk on the trail of love.

It calls us to the sacred womb of our souls, to the evocation of an introspective

silence, in whose serenity we find ourselves. The awareness deepens, rooting and
sacredly ripening at every moment of this journey.

Every moment becomes a doorway into the portals of our souls. The sweetest
moments wait to be discovered with all its hidden beauty, as we swim in the
waters of sacred here now. And you will whisper the quiet reflection of the truth
in your soul.

While you kiss the spirit of truth on your lips, there emerges a new dawn, in
whose glory you learn to live every day. In a world full of clinging and sorrows,
cultivating mindfulness and awareness helps in a creative unfolding.

Be yourself fully and immensely. That brings our minds in tune with the breath of
a universal caring and sharing. The glimmers of heavenly treasures lie deep within
us. This light, its ecstasy brings out the integral transformation.

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It peeks up everywhere in our souls and gives us a higher level of consciousness.

Becoming more intimate with our beings, helps us to behold the glory of God in
everyone. Universal compassion is the way to weave a rich tapestry of life where
the universe divinely expresses itself in its shining splendor.

We peel off the superficial layers of life and find a shelter in the cradle of our
hearts. As we romance our sacred souls, we find that within lies our place of
comfort, our perennial joy, which springs through the myriad trials of life.

Love with our sacred self gets us through the impenetrable mirage of illusions and
dawns a new light in our hearts. Carry the sound of compassion in your soul and
you will awaken to that which shines in holiness within you.

Your spirit will serve as a beacon of light to this cosmos and it will reflect the
universe in an eternal shimmer. Life becomes a prayer of love and kindness in
which glitters our hearts-the one spark that can rekindle the lost sense of
humanity, that bond which binds us in an eternal chain of souls.

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The fragrance of compassion that stems out of love, the innate ability to feel what
others feel, the hearing of their silent cries, the ability to feel their unspoken
sufferings, to place our hearts in themselves and to feel their heartbeats as our
own, to be able to feel with them-that is when compassion is born in the sacred
womb of our hearts.

To think with depth and offer a hand in the surge of kindness, to immerse
ourselves in a streaming flow of loving relationships with people and a
compassionate bond with all that exists in this Mother Earth-a connection with all
that surrounds us with a sacred beauty, one that holds us in a oneness with all-
that is the horizon of feelings which awakens our longing to find our relationship
with the cosmos as a whole.

Sacred light shines in the sanctuary of our hearts and penetrates in the deepest
depths of us to behold the innate beauty in other souls. The light that nourishes
us illumines our minds so as to be able to penetrate into other hearts and feel
what they feel, see what they see, hear what they hear and empathize in their
silent sufferings of the heart. This moment, every moment of love brings us to the
heart-strings of love as we move outside the illusions of our minds.

As compassion blossoms in our souls, our hearts become the sanctum where
divinity dwells. As the breath of love awakens our divine essence, a new dawning
of oneness fills our eyes with wonder. As the rain of compassions softens our
heart lands, our souls are kissed with the light of oneness.

The beauty of oneness awaits us in every moment, as a beauty of beyond, one

that invisibly shines on us in its sacred light. Believe in the beauty of this love, the
splendor of this one heart shining in all, the light of this one soul illumining in the
horizon of humanity.

The grace of it washes away all the pain of separation and brings us in an
entanglement of an everlasting oneness. As we tune in to the divine energies and
flow in their unceasing flow, we tune into our awareness of our divine self. Our
innate divinity gently dissolves the veils of illusion and sets forth light of
Light of Consciousness

awakening, so we can behold beyond our limited beliefs to embrace the sacred
truth of our indwelling divinity. We are the rising sun through which a new dawn
lights the world which brings an evolution of our souls by making a cosmic
evolutionary leap in a sublime awareness.

To sing at other’s happiness gives us the light of joy- a light that heals, turning life
into a celebration of shared moments with all the beings in this sacred existence.
Out of a light of deep understanding of each other, comes the recognition of
divinity in every being that lights up the whole world with their sacred presence.
Moments of sharing and caring are a way to touch the sky of our hearts, and to
lap in the dancing joy of our souls.

Light of Consciousness


Embrace the mystery of life and what it unfolds at every moment. You are the
formless, limitless soul that exists eternally beyond time and space. You are in the
cosmos and the cosmos shines through you. You are the embodiment of a
supreme bliss and an absolute knowledge.

You are the soul through which love illumines in your sacred sanctum taking you
out of the realm of your mind. Your soul is a sacred temple where every breath of
yours is an awakening. Yours is a heart shining in splendor and illumining glory.
Your kindness creates a ripple that affects all.

Yours is a sacred source deep inside of you, where you blossom as a flower with
the freshness of morning dew. You soar with a spirit of freedom where your
breath of love blends with the cosmos and brings back heaven in your spirit. Every
moment, every divine silence will bring you exactly what your soul is yearning for
to unfold the beautiful mystery of life.

You come to the realization that life is a joyful celebration where a soul can
flourish in the songs of spirit to be sung with grace and love from dawn to dusk- a
song that sings of humanity whose tunes are those of peace and unconditional

We recognize the fragility in others and we tune in to their feelings-we

understand that we have the power to hurt or to heal others-and out of a birthing
of an universal love, we walk along the path of healers. As long as our feelings are
released, as long as they can touch other hearts, we can wash others pain in the
beauty and tenderness of our love.

When the feelings are released from the depth of our souls, they can add a
tremendous beauty to this universe around-when we learn to connect with the
cosmos as whole, we create ripples of love, kindness and care.

That lost sense of empathy can heal what is broken in us –in our hearts and
minds. The embrace of sympathy floods our souls with all that is needed to bathe
us in the waters of compassion. Compassion is the most gracious gift and blessing

Light of Consciousness

that a soul can be showered with. Human soul is the place where love gathers in
abundant blossoms. There is an intrinsic connection between human hearts and

The touch of it leads us to step out the realms of ego and our differences and to
be able to melt ourselves with the sharing of pain in other persons. Our innate
hunger to be attuned with others gives birth to a universal compassion in the
abode of our hearts.

Despite our manifestations in diverse forms, we have a profound, sacred

connection between us. There is a sacred presence of a divine eternal deep within
our souls.

Light of Consciousness


Compassion allows love to dawn and when you feel like there is a touch of mercy
you allow yourself to be embraced in the love and kindness of another person’s
embrace of affection. The great wealth of blessings shimmers from the fact that
we live the life we love, we fall into rhythm with love’s holy signature and its
sacred light. The landscape of the heart celebrates its divine beauty of the being,
of the self that transcends beyond the earthly pleasures and shines in the light of

In the meeting on the sacred journey, souls recognize each other in the moments
of eternity where the divine connection between heart to heart kindles the
flames of kinship. An awakening is born inside us, a sense of primordial longing to
tune in to other’s soul songs.

Our souls are blessed as we realize that our hearts are the forever friends of our
beings and we realize that our innate sacredness is gazing, penetrating at the
beauteous wonders of this life, bringing us back this long- lost cord of universal
compassion. This is the profound truth at the heart of fragmented individuality.

You become aware of an invitation of a universal oneness that is intensely calling

you at every moment. And blessings blossom everywhere. Every moment is a
sacred gift woven with love and compassion. Our real self, our divine purpose
unfolds, and the hidden light of our beings awakens the concealed tenderness in
all the human souls, shedding enlightening beams on every heart.

It teaches us a rhythm of compassion along the journey of life. Our bodies are
woven in an eternal way with an ancient beauty with the sacred souls shimmering
inside. As we glimpse into our sacred depths, we awaken in the light of that
awakening. That is the holy rebirth.

That is the moment, when a call of eternal beauty knocks on the door of your life.
Listen to that divine call, the sacred song of eternity. It is the moment, when the
divine and the human beauties embrace each other in a weaving of
interconnection. Our awakening and our sacred self comes to birth when we

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belong in a fulfilling relationship with others that penetrates into our hearts and
brings out the finer emotions which make life worth living.

Yearning to love and be loved, to feel compassion and to be immersed in it is an

eternal hunger amongst ourselves. The pain of separation that we carry around
within ourselves can be washed away by coming into an embracing relationship
that lets us grow in the divine space of love and compassion.

That is the ancient call, the call of love, the call of belonging with cosmos, the
sacred longing to be one with oneness. Love dwells in myriad forms, in the myriad
calls of nature.

There is a secret world that we carry inside us, waiting to be explored. Traven
down the path of the sacred wisdom into what it means for your indwelling
divinity to blossom within you.

The human soul is hungry for this longing to belong with this universe, this sacred
cosmos in a universal oneness. As it responds to this call of divine beauty, the
sublime consciousness awakens and strives to make this inner journey a path of
the heart.

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Awareness is the divine path to a glimpse into sacred eternality. The highest joy is
the touch of a peace that passes all understanding. The soul of a human dwells in
the beauties of our inner landscape, in the breeze of divinity that kisses our souls,
in the warmth of our inner sun that warms our spirits, in the waters of love
splashing on the shores of our souls.

The air that surrounds us, the love that we feel is the divine heartbeat throbbing
inside our sacred selves. Inside our silence, another world waits that is ready to be
explored. In the clarity of the divine light, we feel nourished by the embracing
shelter of Mother Earth.

The tenderness of the light, the sacredness of the luminosity washes away all the
secret weeping of a wounded heart and a sense of beauty is revealed in the holy
light of awareness. We wake up to the sacred urgency of life, that which urges us
to look inside, to penetrate into our souls, where tranquility and solitude sacredly
reign with love and introspection.

Despite its sadness and beauty, each day, each moment brings us in deeper
intimacy with the myriad encounters of life, urging us to gaze deeply at
everything. The beauty of life awakens a passion and an intense urgency that
pushes a soul towards a sacred dream of excellence.

Standing up in front of the myriad facets of life, one needs to penetrate into the
heart of it, into its diverse wonders and only when one realizes, that life comes
with many seasons. And it suffuses us with a gentleness to gracefully enter that
embrace of life. We fall into rhythm with life again.

The infinite vastness of this eternal beauty invites our souls to its myriad blessings
despite its struggling phases. Your soul is alive, embracing you, gathering the
myriad encounters of your life and gently leading you to the path that will awaken
you. It is the path where the beauty of heart is reflected. The fragrance of life
brings us into intimacy with it.

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As long as we live in the sanctuary of this passion for life, this essence, the icon of
the many facets of life will give us an eternal call. The sacred echoes of that
longing give us a taste of liberation from our illusions and unfold us to be more
open and receptive of this wonder of love, so we can join the circle of universal
compassion at the heart of the sacred existence.

We are the children of God who have broken through the dawn to bathe
ourselves into the sacred splendor and light. The seemingly long night of the
cosmos makes its way to the breaking dawn. The forgotten tunes of our spiritual
yearning to belong in oneness with this universe and our indwelling divinity come
back to the depths of our hearts.

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You are the beauty and fragrance of a flower blossoming in your soul. In the
colors of your inner landscape adorning your soul, lies the melody and harmony.
Awaken to the call of the brightening horizon and offer a gracious homage to the
divinity dwelling in your inner sanctuary.

Everything is passing in this world. Between moments of pain, comes moments of

happiness. From the formless arises myriad forms, myriad manifestations, all
blossoming with the sacred divinity inside. The unshakeable, holy love that is free
from any illusions of ego, love that shines in nobility and grandeur is the love that
is truth and goodness.

The sacred key of non-attachment opens the hidden lock to a thousand mysteries
of life. Love all, without making a stream of bondages. The divine sacred
effulgence, the illumination of a profound wisdom of the heart, the eternal light
of the luminous soul-shining in the light of that timeless love is the divine purpose
of human existence.

The nameless, formless divinity is a flower that emits its universal fragrance to
this sacred existence among the diverse forms blooming with a divine essence. In
stillness, every sigh of human brings him in a divine intimacy with the
Omnipresent, as silence is the very breath of a sacred union with God.

Our spirits melt away in the sacredness of stillness and find a light to gaze deeply
in our hearts that will lead us to the sacred cavern of our inner wealth of
treasures. In the golden silence, in the sacred splendor of it, our hearts find their
way back to each other on the pathway of compassion, illumining all in the light
of a love that is pure and universal in nature. His is the spirits that dwells on the
lotus of our beings. All that we see in this dance of cosmos is a reflection of his
sacred wonderments.

Ours is a journey from humanness to a sacred divinity-being in closer intimacy

with the holiness inside-with the wonders of life and this existence, as we hear a
sacred sound divinely resounding in our hearts as well as in the heart of this
existence. This existence is the sacred abode, the divine temple of the universal
Light of Consciousness

soul of love. Stillness brings the endless flow of pure divinity into us and we
realize the golden truth of love, compassion and peace, the gems of wisdom that
shimmers in the heart. Stillness brings an utterly beautiful blend of self-reflection
and our indwelling divinity.

We take the holy sounds of our hearts and create it into something beautiful,
something meaningful that can sing an eternal song, a divine melody in the tunes
of sacredness in the depths of our hearts. Listen to the moment of silence as it
knocks on your door. An in- depth soul sharing, letting the affinities flow endlessly
amongst the hearts makes the circle complete, our yearnings fulfilled.

And in the picture of this universal sharing, do we glimpse into the eternal vision
of God. In those moments of our union with one another, do we feel the
magnificent splendor, the sacredness of our beings. We get tuned with the sacred
rhythm of our innate selves.

The eternal truth awakens us-the truth of belonging together with all that this
universe is showered with. We are the dancing waves in his ocean of his eternal
bliss, the divine sparks of his sacred glory- all shining in the limitless sky of his
timeless splendor.

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Breathing in every moment with a sublime awareness touches our hearts, our
souls with a sacred consciousness. Our essence emits a divine awareness with a
sacred aroma of the soul. Nobility is embedded within the lotus of our hearts.

The holiness of this divine cosmos dances in the reflecting waters of our hearts.
Inflow of this gloriousness, immersion in its sweetness soaks our souls and opens
our hearts to all that we encounter in our lives. And therein begins our eternal
romance with the divine. In the depth of our sacred longings, in the voice that we
yearn to hear is a voice that whispers the eternal truth.

The unfathomable compassion, the light of love remains hidden in our realms. It is
the longing for the one truth that lives forever-that sacred longing guides us to
our divine realms. We embrace the new, radiant being shining in deep luminosity
in the sun of our souls.

Our hearts sing in tune with the holy rhythm of love, that ignites our soul-song,
the melody of divine. The divine is the self of the self. There is a great sacred
space in which the divine flowering, the sublime unfolding of our souls takes
place. The streaks of compassion paint the sky of our hearts with a light that
reflects from a love that shines far in the horizon of humanity.

Sadness mingles with joy, happiness merges with sorrow as we can perceive the
eternal formless spirit in each soul, throbbing with life in myriad forms. And then
comes our lives splashing with waves of happiness, dancing with the bounties of

We feel the preciousness of each moment with every sentient being as we get
immersed in the limitless compassion for all the living creatures whose humming
fills the breeze of this sacred existence. Sweetness of love sings in the breeze in
the sacred act of selfless giving.

With each passing season of life, all blossoms in beauty on the touch of love, a
showering of a universal compassion. The heart unfolds gradually in the light of
compassion and happiness shines through as love dawns through the clouds of

Light of Consciousness

illusions. We share the vulnerability with other sacred hearts, other divine souls
and gracefully flows the tears of sympathy for each other in the distressing storms
of life.

Then comes a time when it melts and merges into happiness with the passing of
sorrowful phases-we sing the same tunes of joy through all seasons of life, despite
what it brings in every moment. We can all sing in a harmony of hearts till our
spirits melt in the sacred fire of love. Our hearts sing a melody with the tunes of
love echoing of sacred wonderments.

Love is the perennial source of existence. As we dive deeper in the ocean of its
unfathomable grace, we immerse our beings with the waters of a boundless love
that splashes over other souls across this universe. Love is the invisible force that
gives life to our parched spirits. Love is the sacred voice that silently speaks in the
holy silence from its depths.

The breeze of love blossoms a thousand roses in the garden of our souls. Split
your hearts naked in the searchlight of this divine truth, one that fills our beings
with a sacred ecstasy. The waters of it, that pour through our selves takes us to
the sacred here now, making us fall in love with the eternal beauty of the timeless
present moment.

Our souls are a reflection of all that is beauty in purity and innocence in the light
of love. It dwells in the invisible breeze and its dewdrops shine on our hearts in
the dawn of our souls. Our souls have become emissaries of light because of
sacred glow, its eternal luminosity.

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Widen the circle of compassion to open our hearts and let loose the flow of
compassion from the ocean of your hearts. Compassion gives the eyes of your
soul a tender look. In the blessing of divine silence, we come in intimacy with our
sacred selves and we return to the deepest essence of our soul. Love is what gives
the wings of us a divine strength, a sacred transformation that burns out all our

Love is the fire in our every breath, it is the sacred heartbeat that throbs in the
heart of this existence. His unconditional grace streaming from his love washes
over us, satiating us with his embracing beauty. That love guides us to a peace
that transcends the world of noise and makes the pathway for a celestial light to
shine amidst our hearts.

The winds of love dance through the field of our souls, singing of love, love that
flows through eternity. Every sacred moment awakens in our deepest selves the
need to listen to the call of love. Love dwells as a sacred light in the eyes of our
souls, shining in all the hearts through all the seasons of life. It is the eternal elixir
of all the souls across the universe.

The sun of joy reaches the rain of sorrows and all radiates in a timeless
luminosity. Love is the sweet whisper in times of despair, a gentle divine rain to
quench the parched souls. Love takes care of each wave in the surging ocean of
life. Love is the abode of a stillness, a blissful tranquility that protects us from all
the stormy seasons of life. Love itself paints its splendor in bliss and perfections.

There is a dawn inside your soul, waiting intensely to break through, to burst in all
its sacred light. Get out in the sea of life, feel the waters, immerse yourself in its
upsurge and swell with the passion for it, the rich wine, the fervor of every
moment that makes life worth living.

Love gives birth to a beautiful smile in our souls, a smile that washes away all the
pains that life may bring in this sacred journey, giving the heart a lasting beauty-
that never fades in all the passing times of life. The enchantment of life gets
revealed in a thousand forms as we behold everything through the priceless
Light of Consciousness

vision of love. The touch of an invisible divinity is manifested in a thousand

blessings raining on the earth at every single moment. That rarest vision leads us
to the priceless path, a path where love touches everything and bestows a sacred

Our hearts burn with yearning for this search of an eternal truth, the beauty of all
times and ages-seasons come and go, yet the beauty remains. Embrace this
nature blossoming in abundance, all creatures throbbing with life-that is widening
the golden circle of a compassion that asks for nothing in return. Compassion
goes to its pinnacle point when it extends to all, when it spreads its essence over
all that is in this existence, instead of being confined to man-kind.

A new space opens, a new breeze blows, a new essence fills our hearts- the
essence of a love that knows no confinement, no labels. Love is the graceful
embodiment of emotional blossoming where compassion reaches the sacred
peak in a human’s search for self-fulfillment. The cry of compassion is the one
that calls forth the love that awakens the world. In the light of love, we recognize
our soul’s reflection in another soul and his/her pain and joy becomes our own.

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The golden gates of love open as beauty of the souls meet together in a moment
that stands on eternity. The light of love kindles their image. Love weeps its
holiest compassion in times of shared moments where two souls meet and honor
each other. The rough, wild winds of sorrow pull us together to seek shelter in the
embrace of a love so universal, so it pulls us together in times when the storms
seem so raging.

A thousand fears, a thousand illusions would melt away in the fountain of

streaming love where the spirits will drink to their heart’s delight. Out of the light
of love emerges a strength in the glimpse of which, sadness takes its flight in the
realms of unknown. The glory of love sings through the skies for eternity. Springs
is born again in the garden of our hearts.

The calm endurance emerges from the universal compassion that we all are
immersed in, the sea of mercy that we all plunge into, emits the light of a forever
compassion that is born in the sacred womb of our souls. The touch of sweet
caring, the song of gentle kindness, the soulful, sacred hymns birthing to the
tunes of our hearts-glow like fire when the path seems too dark, melts the agony
of separation, the illusions of aloneness and beam with a guiding glow on the
spiraling paths unfolding deep within us.

They show us the sacred pathway to a love that embraces humanity at its deepest
core. They speak a thousand messages to this universe in its voice of love. It takes
to a sacred place inside us, where love dwells and blossoms in a flower of peace.
It is the pathway to that essence of peace that sings the melody of peace song in
our souls so we can be at harmony with all that life showers us with.

We connect to our indwelling divinity. Delve deep into the beauty of your own
heart to walk on the pathway of your true spirit-one that will take you to the
paradise of peace. Dress your heart with the sacred beams of enlightenment so
you may serve to those wandering in despair and darkness-may your light of
awareness bring them to the light of their divine spirit and miraculous new
pathways will open for your soul to go into, being clothed with sacred light. The

Light of Consciousness

unfoldment of the heart at its deepest levels will lead to a higher realm of
consciousness. This beautiful blossoming of your soul, of your inner you, dissolves
all the illusions that once held you back from your truest essence.

There will be a beautiful unfoldment of the divine essence dwelling deep inside
the sacred lotus of your heart. You cling to the petals of your rarest flower
blossoming inside your heart in the light of the sun rising in your soul,
encompassing the timelessness in the unknown depths of your heart.

Love will guide you with its light into the uncharted seas of your sacred soul. In
the rapid currents of a holy eternity you can peacefully gaze at the eternity to find
divinity awakening in you, as you abide in your higher consciousness.

Illusion has lost its way lingering in love that has a sacred fragrance of the
sweetness, loveliness of a compassion that binds heart with another heart, soul
with another soul. Sorrow melts into hidden sacred smiles behind the mystic veils
of tears and joy.

Drawn by the waves of compassion, we feel the long- lost touch of a love that has
the beauty of a universal nature. Dance along the path of your holy journey to a
spiritual awakening and celebrate all the moments as they each contain a beauty
of eternity. The “I” melts in the evolution of our human consciousness and all that
remains is a harmonious tune of a cosmic love, one that can sing in the heart of

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Embrace the beautiful life and release with a touch of grace any energies that
might be holding you back from living your truest essence. A new beginning will
shine in your heart that you have been waiting to embrace with the beauty of
your open arms. You dissolve in that light of purity.

Release everything that does not emit your truest essence and you glow in the
pure luminosity of your indwelling divine spirit. Come in intimacy with the divine
love shining through all. Walk the pathway from your heart to mine, from your
soul to mine, as it is the pathway to love.

Breathe the essence of love into your heart, fill it with the infinite stream of
Almighty, and radiate those beams of unconditional divine love for all those
wandering to bathe in its sacred luminosity. Birthing to the magnificence of our
own sacred being, we bathe our souls in the miracles of the splendor that life
brings in every moment.

It ignites the holy divine spark flickering in our hearts and we breathe love and
light from the sacred center deep within us. The eternal sacred being is your holy
beauty shimmering in all the divine wonderments.

Yours is a journey through the myriad beauties of this life, to pause, to gaze and
to penetrate in its sacred moments. Let your life-stream flow without being
directed in the course of its flow. The most sacred beauty arises through your
being, when you loosen yourself in the depths of your soul.

The feeling of this sacred cosmic love lets us expand through this beautiful flame
of a divine love that consumes us and transforms us into that which is capable of
transcending the realms of ordinary.

You embrace the cosmic embrace and the universal love wrapped in the sacred
light of divine wisdom. With a higher level of holy light and a wisdom anchored in
your soul, you merge with your deeper consciousness and your beloved I am – a
divine presence. You raise your awareness in the light of the sacred cosmic heart
of this existence, the universal embrace of mother/father God.

Light of Consciousness

You find a harmony, a peaceful balance when illusions seem to fade away, a
balance between the shadows and sacred spark of light. You behold everyone
around you in divine love and a unity mingled with consciousness. The being in
intimacy with our sacred divinity empowers us beyond our wildest dreams.

The illusions that turn out to be divisive fall away and what is left is the mingling
of souls to melt in the joy of a holy oneness. The universal connection dawns from
the understanding that in every moment, we are the embodiments of divinity,
and as waves, together we merge beautifully to form the ocean of oneness. Love
ignites the divine spark in us to the sacred heart of humanity.

Therein lies the essence of life, the fragrance of happiness, the sound of joy, the
colors of love, the song of sharing and caring, the soothing hymn of kindness as all
illusions melt in a solitude of luminous bliss. The light of truth finally arises and all
that was separating releases its fears in the light and all that remains is a love, so
pure, so serene bliss-that engulfs all the souls to awaken them to know divinity
and their universal oneness with each other.

Light of Consciousness


Your life is full of petals of love and compassion, joy and peace-it is beautiful. In
the fullness of your inner beauty, blossoms the flower of your soul, emitting its
essence of a universal compassion that nurtures and opens the heart of humanity.
This is the sacred threshold of a divine journey into the soul of existence where
love sings its sacred tunes.

Glimpse of joy, moment of deep peace stand, on the brink of eternity. Within you
is the divine fathomlessness where your soul shines in the glory of an all-
embracing love. Something divine is coming and something holy is emerging in
the horizon of our hearts.

The sacred space dwells in the formlessness of our divine indwelling spirit and our
hearts fall in love with that which transcends the realm of form and space-that
which tastes the rich wine of freedom. You are the sacred force that makes the
birds sing, that opens the buds in the love of a breaking dawn, you are the spirit
that makes the waves surge in the ocean of compassion, so universal.

As you open yourself to the rich abundance of life and to the love radiating from
the endless treasures of this sacred life, you sow in great peace the gentle seeds
of a love that awakens the soul from its deepest slumbers. You become a song of
every soul, a dream of every heart, a whisper of love to every ear.

Love melts in you, the seedling of your heart cracks open, unfolds, thrusting out
of the wilderness of your heart, seeking for a sacred light of a new dawn. You hear
the sacred voice of your soul, as your life sings a timeless song of joy and share it
with every hungry heart that yearns to listen to the tunes of deep peace for it
washes away all the pain.

May you know the sacred breath of this life, the breath of your beloved that
caresses your heart with love, compassion and joy! May you immerse your soul in
the unshakable beauty of all that comes in life with its warmth and richness!

Beauty, compassion, joy and peace-all that stays in eternity arise from the sacred
space of your soul, where love rests in the solace of a divine timelessness. Life

Light of Consciousness

unfolds as a beautiful flower between one sacred awakening and another.

Experiencing joy and pain, beauty and loneliness- open to us the myriad facets of
life. Something of the essence of love transmits to us and brings a sacred
transformation where on the altar of stillness, we come to a place of deep rest
within ourselves. Love gives life to the parched souls as it transforms. We melt
into love and a realm of beauty flowers within us.

The essence that it emanates takes us out from the shell of our self and brings
into the light of humanity, so as to nurture it and to break the bud open. As love
sends an eternal kiss to our souls, feel its warm breeze on your hearts, its gentle
caressing cleaning you of your pain.

As we plant goodness and forgiveness, we reap all that scatters positivity in this
sacred existence. Your love is a blessing that gifts this world with all the joy. Your
soul shines in splendor in the luminous blossoms of love. That sacred light takes
us to the holy space of compassion. Forever we walk softly along the path of heart
with gentle blossoms of peace.

Light of Consciousness


Love is a spontaneous overflow of the most sacred feelings of our souls. It’s birth
lies in the emotions emerging from the sea of tranquility. It heals the wounds
inflicted by the raging storms of life. Love listens, love understands and helps us
to escape from the unexpected striking of pain in our lives. Love weaves beauty in
our lives and creates a spiral of wonder in every moment.

The poetry of love is forever alive in the souls of many across this sacred
existence. It washes away from the soul the flakes of boredom in our everyday
lives. In the peace of serenity, having a bath of our souls in the waters of love,
takes us back to our deepest bonds, the universal compassion that holds us all

Love is our sacred refuge, where we can escape from the loneliness that steals
our joy, dust that covers up the glimmer of our hearts. It is the song that takes us
to the space of silence, the orchestration of the myriad tunes of life, takes the self
to the sacred point where life blossoms into something beautiful, something
utterly pure that beholds everything through the eyes of amazement and joy.

It sings its music in all things and its echo transcends all the realms. The weaving
of our sorrows and delights, intense yearning, hope and gladness-takes us to our
sacred core –love of life and love for others-the holy fountain from which all else
is born.

Love makes you sing the music that was all along there in your soul. It makes you
dance with waves of delight, making you the throb of life in all sacred hearts. It
blesses you, so you may swim in the ocean of humanity. As you dive in the ocean
of heavenly beauty, you find the rarest gem of love, that which sparkles with the
light of communion with God. God enfolds the universe in one embrace and with
an unfailing grasp, he holds every soul in his loving shelter, who aches deep within
the secrets of his heart.

Love is an outburst of our sacred souls where the music of divinity plays for
eternity. It melts all the pain as it breathes a breath of tenderness and a surge of
kindness. We cease to be at restlessness with the cloud of our thoughts, the veils
Light of Consciousness

of our illusions get unveiled in the sunbeams of a sacred love for this cosmos as a
whole. Love is the eternal poetry written in the hearts of everyone, where
compassion and kindness whisper to all the souls. It is the universal language of
mankind. It brings the perfumes of a perennial spring in a blooming garden and
emits a sacred essence in an aching soul. Its caress heals our wounds and enfolds
our hearts like a vine of love.

This is the eternal rapture on the solitude of our souls whose music is heard in the
path of all travelers, yearning to travel the mystic path of life. Pour away the
ocean of love dancing in your soul and the universe will be blessed by all the
wonders of it. Something in you understands something in another soul and the
tunes that sing in your inner space sing in theirs too.

Together you all sing the song of a beautiful harmony that birthed from a
universal love. The sun shines through moving across the landscapes of our souls.
As you surrender in love, the existence offers itself to you as your refuge in
quietude. In the midst of the outpouring rain and despite the strong winds that
blow, it is this sacred feeling, this divine love that holds us all in the lap of

Light of Consciousness


Life is a search for truth at the wilderness of unknown and unknowable. Life is
also a treasure trove of invisible keepsakes, where our hearts are touched by the
amazing beauties and the myriad wonders birthing at every moment, in every
wondrous way. Love is the language of our hearts in which we explore our own
amazements in every precious split-second.

Life is the thoughts that breathe and the feelings that dance in the ocean of our
hearts. It is an intermingling of an amazing array of emotions that have found
their way into our lives at the discovery of thousand splendors in every aspect of
our lives.

Life springs from the deepest feelings of love. Life is a blend of joy, pain and
wonder, each singing its own music, leaving behind a lingering melody. Life is a
rhythmical creation of the myriad beauties of life into a beautiful song-song of the
soul. Life is a beautiful painting that speaks of love.

Life is the art of joy with every moment, to transform the pain into a beauty that
lingers on the soul. It is a transformation that makes things beautiful, in the soft
beauty of love, in the gracious touch of compassion-with the ultimate truth of life
as a gift, no matter what colors it brings.

A moment of wonder with a lifetime of joy that it brings, a moment of an invisible

touch that turns everything into a lotus blooming in our souls; A moment of
happiness washes away the pain that burns inside, a moment of beauty takes
away all that was fading away in the darkness and the soul shines forth through
all that was veiled. Life delights to feel the love of our souls that are singing the
richness of life, bursting out in the splendor of divine melodies.

The smell of the wildflowers, the music of the breeze and the twinkling stars –
have something to tell- that which penetrates us in the deepest depths of our
souls. The sacred music makes us the music-makers of eternity, the dreamers of a
new dawn breaking in the firmament of tomorrow. Let that music echo in our
soul’s sacred depths and splash us with the waters of eternity.

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We suddenly hear from our souls the fathomless, wordless mysteries and
understand with our hearts that which is unspoken, singing in silence of the holy
loving tunes. The loveliness of love spreads manifold radiating joy, blooming
beauty everywhere, heralding the seasons of joy and blossom of blessings on the

As we wander by the lonely shores of life, we come into a richer intimacy with
that is divine inside us, that which has a holy essence- the one which is formless
and is being emitted from all souls.

Inside, you are the sacred fragrance of the eternal divine- resting in the ocean of
tranquility. That is the gushing spring of the mystic waters of heart- that which
leads us to the path of a mystic light-one whose lamp shines bright in the hearts
of all.

Love is descending from the heavens as a rain of divine love and washing our
spirits clean-there stands the formless spirit in the sacred altar of our souls. That
which is not bound by time, form, shape, color-but the same sacred emblem of
holiness-that dances on the brink of eternity.

Light of Consciousness

The Art of Meditation

It is our human thirst for a quest, a need to search for the divine wisdom and love
that can pour into our soul and transfix us into enraptured souls, unaware of
anything around us---so our whole being can be absorbed into a wisdom coming
from the lips of a divine love. This is the beginning of time, when we voice the
innate truth engrossing our consciousness at a breaking dawn pouring forth a
priceless wisdom that streams from the abundance of spiritual ecstasy that we
dance in our mystic souls.

From this, stems the devotional outpourings of our souls, that break us to an
outburst of a heart’s laughter---so we can have a personal glimpse, a humble
hope, light of a profound truth, a wider opening of doors to unshakable faith in
divine---to a richer love for one who is the soul of our souls.

We are in search of that nectar that can give us a happiness which can be so rich,
complete and unending. For those who have sought and found that spiritual
ecstasy, which took them to the flooding of a light, a light of Beyond that could fill
their thirst---the search for them is truly over. They have found the missing piece
that had kept them so hungering for so long.

But for those who are going through an unfulfilled spiritual longing, for those who
are seeking to understand the enigmatic beauty of life, for those who have held in
their hearts a glimpse of an uncertain shore, an uncertain hope---who have
already tuned to wards the light of Beyond in their quest---May the beaming light
bring a new sense of direction for each seeker.

This life, the accomplishment and hopes, aspirations---the place of the divine light
is the manifestation of the Omnipresent creator. We are inseparable from him, as
waves can never truly be separated from the ocean. We are immutably a part of
divine and we need to see this vision through the breaking of a new light, the light
of Oneness---Oneness with God.

A richer understanding of human’s inseparable connection God, an inescapable

need for divine in every aspect of daily living makes knowing God the basis for the
approach to living life in the authentic way, the only true way that we can never
Light of Consciousness

run away from. As what we resist, persists. What we flee from chases us till the
very end. Yet, we humans deny, and deny that behind everything, plays the hands
of a higher power, a power that exists regardless of whether the intellect tries to
acknowledge it or not. Perceive the divine in your mind at your deepest depths
and create a relationship with him, in the beauty of which you can bloom and
then pray to the divine in a wordless devotion, that which silently streams from
your heart.

Meditate and let your soul flower into the lotus awaiting within you to be
unfolded. So, your conception can be the actual perception. Let the divine light
come to you as you search wildly and madly as much as you love your mortal
body, let that much longing stream from you, so it can reach the soul of souls and
bring his light to you. In prayer, focus on the wordless prayers streaming from
your heart and seek the divine unfalteringly.

Prayer is when you talk to God and meditation is when the divine talks to you.
That is when your communion and oneness with God happens in a flow of
spiritual ecstasy. This is when you realize the presence of the divine indweller in
your sacred sanctuary, the temple within your body.

This thirsting is your holy desire. If you ever dwell in the beauty of your thinking of
divine in such a manner that you feel …God is walking through your feet, he is
working through your heart, he is offering through your hands, he is speaking
through your voice, he is singing through your lips, then you will see him in the
sanctuary within your soul, as you being the ocean of life will see the wave of life
in every detailed activity.

The connection which you will feel with him will be inescapable, a bond that is
beyond the realm of life and death. An intrinsic way to seek God is to meditate so
you can focus unfalteringly on spirit, and how that balanced way of finding a way
to reach him gives the highest pleasure in a spiritual ecstasy. As someone who is
working goes into the maze of endless reasoning and someone who only
cultivates sincere devotion gets deeper into the depths of emotion. Meditation
brings a balanced way as it blends so beautifully both the emotional and the
reasoning approaches and that is when meditation blooms into an esoteric
Light of Consciousness

meditation and blooms into a highest form of spiritual practice. Offering your
heart and soul to him, loving him, communing with him is the divinely ecstatic
way to live. The esoteric aspect is needed to be consciously aware of him. This is
the intoxicating wine of God, the ageless, timeless wine of soul that when you
drink, happiness throbs in your heart. You see sunlight everywhere, that is the
beginning of a new dawn, when the light falls everywhere, on your face, on your
soul and a diamond is born in the rough. You found the richest of drinks, the drink
that can fill you for this lifetime and beyond.

A land more beautiful than temptations exists out there, if only we seek him truly
in the silent communication, if only we can get ourselves absorbed in the
communion ecstasy, the flow that goes silently between us and him---it goes
much deeper than the fleeting temptations can enthrall us with. We live in a
world of sensory delusion.

If we can conceive of divine as the utmost thirst in life, then we can break the
shackles of our limitations and can dwell in the throbbing joy of knowing God,
tasting the divine wine, do we feel a wordless joy that can throb as a priceless
wisdom within our hearts. If we walk the earth seeking happiness from all fellow
humans, it will end up in an unbearable agony, a misery beyond words---the
relationship with God is the one that lives for this lifetime and beyond---this is the
truth that is enshrined in eternity.

The illusory world that we live in that happiness will come from worldly
fulfillments, is a delusion that pushes us farther and farther away from the golden
truth. If we cease to look around and begin to look within, we will seize God and
realize that self is divinity. When we let our inner light be trampled by ego and
wrong doings, we let our souls sleep, we insult our hearts by letting them go to a
deep slumber and stand in their way by not awakening them to the light of truth.

We keep our inner divinity buried deep by our fears, we choose to leave them
frightened day after day, by the fears of suffering and death. The soul of all souls
is the soul of the Omnipotent. The wisdom behind all wisdom is the wisdom of
divinity. the truth behind all truth is the truth of God. The light behind all lights is
the light of Beyond. Balance your heart’s feelings with the reasoning of the mind
Light of Consciousness

and when the two are in a balanced mix, then plunge deep in the sea of
meditation and give in to the serenity of peace, the tranquility that arises from
your communication with him. This is the peace that will show you the light of
divine kinship. That you are a son of God and you are beyond the realm of life and

Dive deep into the realm of consciousness, that can break the ordinary realms
and take you to the realm of something beyond the ordinary, that which is
invisible to the naked eyes, and we can perceive it only with the eye of our heart--
-that which is the omniscient power of the soul. This is the shooting star of a
priceless wisdom that when bursts into its light, shows the path to a soul that is
sleeping in a spiritual darkness and see the first twinkling of a timeless beam in
the vast stretch of a night. The truth is finally revealed.

This is a truth that holds a deep beauty not for a passing moment but for all the
times to come. The deepest beauty lies in befriending yourself and only then you
can be truly immersed in the beauty of your innate divinity. Fall in love with
yourself. Therein lies our highest good as it is in understanding of ourselves, that
we understand our biggest fears and our deepest dreams and desires.

We engage in a life-long love affair with our own selves. Not befriending ourselves
is the gravest insult to our own souls. We hold the sea of immortality within
ourselves. Cosmic illusion or Maya is the one that casts a veil of ignorance over us
to divert our awareness from the authentic spirit to the world of material desires.
Cosmic illusion only holds a delusive power, not a true hold on ourselves.

There are two pathways to reach the divine. One is by loving and offering services
to mankind that have the touch of divinity, another is by transcendental means,
which is meditation that will take us to our inner soul flowering. By immersing
deeply in meditation, we realize that we are not the body, or the bones or the
breath but we are that which is beyond this mortal frame, this breath and all that
can be held within this body.

When we come to the temple of divine truth that is within us, we see that we are
beyond the realm of body and mind, but we are always flooded with light inside---

Light of Consciousness

the light of divine consciousness, the light of Beyond. We are all that is which is
rooted all the miracles of this universe. What captures the universe in a beauty to
wonder at, in an awe to behold at, is deeply rooted in all that we are.

We are souls in our truest essence. The only way to feel the depth of our selves is
by meditation, as that is when we push aside the earthly pleasures and immerse
ourselves in the richness of our innate beauty, the light that holds us within, the
light that guides us to seek something far beyond that is visible to the naked eye.
It is a sip of something that is timeless. By immersing in the sea of tranquility, do
we master the art of truly knowing ourselves. We practice the art of being true
seers, in which we can see ourselves as soul, aloof from the body.

The soul is the reflection of the transcendental beauty, the stillness within, that
which holds the beauty of eternity, that which never ceases, never dies, but
always lives, for time after time, age after age forever. The soul, is the reflection
of our authentic spirit, which is beyond the realm of continuous life and death,
beyond the joy of birth and the pain of death. It is beyond any suffering, any
happiness, any sadness of times. The soul is beyond the power of touch. Its depth
lies in an eternal beauty. A sky of eternal bliss will be opened up at last. Al flood of
sacred light will fall from the lips of heaven.

The soul lives on the horizon of immortality and lives this truth…The soul is the
breeze that carries the messages of life…the soul is that which holds the passing
beauty of every season yet weaves the memories in eternity…the soul sees the
scatter of smiles and tears yet carves them into an art that lives in an enshrined
eternity. The soul holds the wisdom that shines its light within our sanctum. This
is the truth that is throbbing within our souls. The light of this truth gives us our
liberation, our salvation. All this time, we who were sleeping in our ignorance, we
who were in a deep slumber---it is time for us to reach this awakening of

We can never be held within our mortal flesh, as our truth lies in the beauty of
immortality. The consciousness of divine presence holds the key to happiness.
Happiness is in perceiving the beauty, feeling it, but never truly becoming
attached to it. Smell the sweetness in a flower, but never pluck it and see the
Light of Consciousness

divine in it. We preserve the consciousness of our five senses, so by senses, we

can have a richer perception of the divine. We see his beauty around in
everything, we hear his deepest voice everywhere. Our eyes perceive his richest
beauty, our ears hear his penetrating voice. In loudness, we find the stillness
within, so we can hear his voice, that which holds us still, that which captivates us
for the seized moment and beyond. This is the union with the divine in sight,
hearing, smelling and in every true way. In the cave of our hearts, do we bloom so
as to be able to find the divine. We carry him with us, we carry him within us.

The blissful consciousness of a divine presence never really leaves us, rather it
follows us where we go, it keeps us alive, it gives us back what we lost, in some
way it blesses us with another beginning, as another door showed its closing. The
idea of non-attachment to earthly pleasures gives us the gift of being truly alive,
finding the divine that we so seek. We, relentlessly seek the gifts of God, but true
wisdom lies in seeking the Giver himself.

To be immersed in the Giver, is to meditate, as in this silence of meditation, do we

hear God and we truly feel the depths of his sayings. This joy that comes to our
chalice gives us the ambrosia of communion with divine, so much so, that we can
feed our thirsting souls and begin a new day in the new light of a new dawn. This
is the inspiration that fills us with awe in our deeply diving meditation ---so we
can unfold life that is a rich mystery of bliss, beauty and divinity in every moment.

It is our realization through the portals of meditation, that if we sleep on in

delusion, we will never awaken to our true flowering. If we awaken, then we will
be conscious to the speaking truth that will throb in our souls. Meditation gives us
this liberating beauty---the lesson of liberation stems from the true art of
meditation. Those who suffer are the ones who live in a delusion. This is what
dispels the darkness from the ignorance to the everlasting light of truth.

If we go deep enough in our concentration and penetrate the third eye, then we
can get a glimpse of divine. Seekers of truth strive to develop their ability to
perceive through the spiritual eye. This is the single eye of intuitive consciousness.
To develop intuition or soul- knowledge, for he who is God conscious walks with
an utmost confidence. The key to happiness is consciousness of divine presence in
Light of Consciousness

everything. We all need to enjoy the smell of flowers along our way, but at the
same time see the divine presence in it. This is the nectar of our own self-
realization. When we throw prayers at the altar of our temples, that we see the
divine surrendering to us.

The unceasing devotion is what helps us see the shore of divinity. This is what
keeps us swimming, till we get a richer glimpse of it. To be able to build a temple
of God in ones’ own soul is to be truly able to build a shrine within, the sanctuary
where we can give the flowers of our prayers, so our inner lotus opens petal by
petal. Our mind may not be able to encompass the divine, but it is capable of
feeling the divine presence.

The waves that we see in an ocean can never truly measure the ocean, but there
comes a point where the waves touch the ocean. That is when the infinite and the
finite meet and merge and the mind can feel the divinity. When our sleeping
minds can expand and touch the superconscious mind, we are able to feel the
Omnipotent---his presence. Through our love for the divine, we can express our
love for this entire cosmos, the whole of humanity and all sentient beings.

By living in the light of divinity, we can learn to greet every soul that we
encounter with love and can succeed in spreading the light of love all around.
That is the real message coming from the temple of love. The mind can fly in a
thousand directions, but conscious effort is to be made while taking every step.
With each conscious choice, a bud breaks, a breeze whispers some sweetness of
soul. Through meditation, a song arises from the soul wordlessly, an eternal song
of the divine, through which God plays flute to our ears, whispers music to our

We need to be blissfully quiet, so we can immerse in this silence to listen to the

streaming music coming from the temple of God. The art of meditation is to be
conscious of consciousness that is innate in us. We are not here in this world by
accident. Our birth has a purpose, it has a beauty, a meaning. We are timeless,
ageless souls and the practice of immersing ourselves in the sea of meditation is
to make ourselves aware of the divine consciousness that we are seeded with
right from the moment when we were conceived. This is the world where humans
Light of Consciousness

live in the realm of time. We define things, events by time. Little do we realize,
that we are the echoes of eternity, a timeless beauty in this world of time. Our
consciousness is beyond the realm of birth and death. This is when the flowering
of our mind happens, silently within. The man who learns to be at peace with his
own solitude and introspective thoughts, comes to be in close touch with invisible
companionship with the divine.

Our thoughts are our messages to our own selves and the world around. Just as
the gleaming sunbeams are a message of hope from the rising sun to this world,
that a new day begins with a glimpse of a new hope, that a new shore is waiting
for some sinking soul to find it. When we wail, it is much like the weeping night,
that moves its veil in the light of a new dawn. It is sun who turns our wailing into
dancing, our weeping into smiling.

Similarly, when we sleep in ignorance, we are caught by the chains of suffering,

the realms of birth and death. It is only by delving deep in the art of meditation,
that we can listen in silence to the whispers of divinity, that we can behold the
light of Beyond. We are the living embodiments of infiniteness into finiteness, a
penetrated image of eternal into ephemeral. Life is a beautiful, ecstatic dance.
Awareness is to witness that dance, to behold the breathtaking view of every
movement, to go through every phase of it, yet never to be attached to it.

Silence is the language of meditation, the wordless melody of it. Meditation flows
in silence, from the heart of Omnipotent to our hearts in the streaming beauty of
a deep, immersive silence. This is when restlessness turns to rest, sound sleeps to
silence, the beast of mind turns to a beauty of soul, the flickering light burns
bright and the places that scare us within are the places where we can reach with
the deepest penetration of a sacred light.

The music that plays in harmony is the celestial music of divine---so we can fill our
souls---and in every going, in every doing of our daily lives---do we invite
ourselves to be fully aware every moment, so every breath brings a conscious
choice, a cultivation of mindful awareness. As we seek retreat into the deepest
places within our heart, we realize that the rhythm of the universe matches with
the rhythm of our heart. This is the wonder falling on our souls from the lips of a
Light of Consciousness

meditative beauty. The sun that rises, and the moon that sings and the stars that
twinkle and the galaxies that never cease to spread the light are the manifestation
of divine. Penetrate deep into the introspective silence, walk through the
doorway of meditation and only the silence will linger behind, beyond the beauty
of words into a world of silence.

Meditation brings you so close with this celestial beauty, that it merges you with
the divine. It is like plunging into the sea of a meditative beauty and swimming
from one end, from one shore without knowing when you will begin to have the
glimpse of the other shore. It is shoreless, and you swim without any hopes, any
expectations. You just take the plunge and dive and as you take the strokes, you
experience the joy, the ecstasy of being one with the divine.

Meditation ceases the relentless movements of mind in a thousand directions. It

brings a sea of peace, that takes us from this world to a soul song of movements,
a poetry that can come out of the beauty , a beauty that can be weaved from the
restless mind, a weaving that can shape the restlessness into a blend of peace and
bliss, that creates verses of its own, and shapes them into a poetry of soul, a
poetry of divinity.

Suffering comes when we disconnect ourselves from our souls. Meditation brings
us in touch with ourselves. The art of meditation lies in the way, a soul is
transformed and beautified from a wanderer, a seeker to a Yogi who has finally
glimpsed the divine in this universe. The wanderer has found himself in the Yogi
within him as he tasted the nectar of an eternal bliss. Meditation takes us to the
pathway of an ongoing creation of ourselves, a continuous purification by which
we are cleansed and rinsed. Who we were yesterday, no longer exists today.

As we evolve through the shedding of layers, we emerge and re-emerge though a

continual bathing of our own souls in the sea of meditation. We swim delightfully,
we take peace with us in the entire journey, not worrying, never thinking whether
the shore will appear in sight. As every bit of the journey is blissfully sweet, and
he who has tasted this sweetness has become a true yogi at heart from the
wanderer. His wandering mind has become so peacefully drenched, that no
moment can bring restlessness in him anymore. Every moment that he has is
Light of Consciousness

cultivated with such an awareness, that beauty runs from ephemeral to the
eternal, and the yogi for once, is able to behold what he has never beheld before.
This can be the observation of moment-to -moment experience of all, if we smell
the sweet fragrance of our inner divine spirit.

When you feel lost, hesitant, disappointed or weak---meditation helps you to

return to who you are, here and now and when you reach that blissful place in
your inner temple, you re-discover yourself, like an unfolding lotus, emerging so
strong and beautiful. Meditation lets you come to this point of no return, where
you let the beauty of your heart speak through this opening lotus. Emerge to
yourself again from beneath the mud, spring again with a rising essence, so
nothing can affect your growth or beauty.

You are an amazing creation of God---strong, powerful and resilient you that
blossomed into a flowering soul in the mud that we would want to walk away
from. It is the sacred light that urges the flower to open its heart and soul to an
awaiting world. You just needed more room to bloom at your best, as sometimes
the most beautiful of things can grow in the darkest of places without the need of
light. You create beauty and scatter the seeds of happiness on your pathway, no
matter where your roots lie.

You stand above the mud, unsoiled by anything or anyone, no sadness can touch
you, no bitterness can erase your fragrance, as the sweetness that springs from
your soul has made you into the lotus that you are today. From the deepest and
thickest of sadness, did you blossom into something beautiful, and this is where,
meditation showed you the light, how to be in touch with your inner stillness, so
you can sip the silence and its beauty amidst the insane loudness of this world.

This moment brings to you what a seed brings to a flower. This moment breaks
with a beauty, the way a seed sprouts to a tree, bud breaks to a flower.
Meditation takes you to your deepest self and helps you to bloom from the hurt
that you once were bleeding from, from the aches that you once were aching
from, from the grief that you once were grieving from. Trust in the light and
surrender yourself to the new beginnings that come with it in the sea of silence
that rests in your sanctuary within.
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You are budding with the light within you. Being rooted in mud, you are aspiring
towards the divine. In the toughest of events, in the roughest of circumstances,
you heel the call of sun in an awakening day, and you struggle the hardest you can
to blossom breaking the surface and being unsoiled by all what surrounds you.

You resurface time and time again with the light of divinity that was seeded
within you at the time of your birth and meditation brings you to this sea of
silence that can show you the forgotten pathway to your inner light again. To
meditate means that we are no longer resisting anything, we are no longer
battling within, but we are giving in to everything, the way it comes, we are at
peace with it, as we surrender ourselves to the flow of events, happenings that
come and go in our lives.

We are not dwelling in roughness, but in smoothness, we are not denying or

walking away neither walking in a situation. We are gently observing things the
way they are. We make peace with them and peace with us within. We shine in a
new awakening. The sun rises within our souls. A new light has shown in us, and
we have seen the pathway to peace. When we are immersed in meditation, we
are at the sea, soaked in it within and without and here comes, the waters of
tranquility, and even though there may be restlessness on the surface, but
beneath the waters of noise, lies the waters of poise and a blissful silence.

This sea of silence, itself becomes the sea of meditation, as we dive in it in the
true sense of imagination and envision us with it, as in oneness. We accept with
grace, with humility the unfolding of life, the chain of events that comes with the
tides of life, as they come and leave the shore. All around, when we set our eyes,
we fill such a freshness of life, bringing with it new changes every moment, and
yet peace flows in the breeze. No questions are ever asked.

The waters flow uninterruptedly, and flow they must in this brook of life,
regardless of how many pebbles come along the way. When we meditate, we
expand. We expand into the dimension of infinity and eternality. We soar into the
world of aspiring consciousness. We meditate with an inner urgency. The inner
cry that arises from our souls is to reach out for the divine ecstasy, so our minds
can be untouched by the grief and sufferings that come along the shores of life.
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This joy can only be perceivable when we can come out of the shackles of ego,
name and fame. It gives a new dimension in our horizon, a dimension of
transcendence. The fact that we can transcend the old fetters of ego and behold a
new beauty in the sea of silence, sea of meditation -that alone can shed a new
light in the corner of our minds, a light by which we can walk and expand, a light
that follows the meditation. This is the streaming light coming from the
meditative mind, coming from the poise and silence, the grace of surrender into
the unknown that comes along the way.

The untamed cry of our hearts gave rise to this need for a peace, a joy that can
never be touched by the streaming of events, by the sudden losses that we face
so unexpectedly in life. We transcend into the unknown dimension, only to find
that it was there all along, waiting for us to welcome us, to embrace us in its
unperturbed joy. Calmness and poise dawns a new world, a new horizon within
us. Meditation speaks to us in the deepest recesses of our hearts. It speaks to our
souls. It reveals the eternity to us and shows us that life is never entrapped within
the mortal flesh but is rather enshrined in eternity.

Meditation gives us the most fulfilling piece of beauty, the timeless art of knowing
how to live within this world, yet to behold the shore of eternity. The art of
meditation brings nourishment for our body and spirit. It floods us with peace,
that holds the foundation for happiness. Excitement always gives us a momentary
pleasure but can never show us the doorsteps to something everlasting.
Excitement can never bring in a beauty that stays behind. It comes and goes. And
if you are a seeker of true happiness then it can only dawn peace in the real sense
of its beauty.

And this is where, you need to flow in plunge into the sea of meditative waters
that remain so unperturbed, holding grace and poise, so none and no one can
invade it. It is beyond the realm of invasion and destruction. It is beyond the
realm of coming and going. With this art comes the art of knowing how to live in
the present moment. While we strive not to live in the past or future, still our
minds relentless warbling takes us to a past that has happened years ago or in an
anticipated future that has not yet come. What has happened is a beauty of the

Light of Consciousness

past now. What will happen is a beauty that can only bloom in the years to come.
If we can surrender ourselves to the present moment, what it brings and what it
means, how it shapes and how it helps us to evolve---that alone can bring us a
realization that we so need to live in the beauty of the present moment.

This realization can only come if we can soak our souls in the meditative beauty.
That way, we no longer get affected by what past brought to us or by what the
future holds for us. We do not look for anything but only be immersed in what the
present moment holds for us. We learn how to breathe in hope, peace,
compassion and kindness. We learn how to breathe out that which holds us back
like, ego, suffering, the pangs of pain that dwell in our minds and eat us up.

We make every breath grounded in consciousness, we get anchored in the

grounds of a new awakening, in the light of a new awareness. How we breathe in,
and how we breathe out---the art of knowing what to let go and what to let in---
speaks silently to our souls. This is the art that meditation teaches us, so we can
learn and relearn how to cultivate a mindful enlightenment

And bring in the blossoming of peace, with every breath we take, with every step
we take---we can bloom in the best of ourselves. We begin to notice the details
and textures of everything that we come across in our lives and life comes with
such a clarity and enlightenment, that we failed to notice before. We no longer
get carried away by what our minds dictate us to do, but the light within our souls
can dictate our minds how to think with a conscious choice.

We learn effortlessly how to live in the moment, how to live in the breath in the
joy that streamed form the serene waters of meditation. It helps us to visualize
and create with an artist’s eye, a painter’s soul, a dancer’s ecstasy, so much so,
that we can mingle this joy with the art of living life, so amidst the chaos, we can
hear the melodious stillness. The golden silence is not an indication of absence of
anything, but a rich reminder of life’s abundance. No matter, how hard the winds
of change blow, meditation helps to light the candle that never flickers anymore,
rather tells us of an unwavering mind.

Light of Consciousness

The you that goes into one shore of meditation comes out in another beauty on
the other shore of meditation. As this is the process of transformation---how a
coal can be burnt to be a diamond that sparkles in eternity, how flames can come
along the way and yet out of this burning, comes a transformative joy that stands
out as the richest gem in the darkness of mines.

It gives birth to wisdom and leads you forward on the trails of life, while allowing
you to let go of your ignorance that you lived in all along. It gives you the light, so
you can move forward with a joy, a peace that follows your every step. It gives
you the ease in your living, in your breathing, so every breath becomes
effortlessly joyful, as you will breathe in a deeper consciousness with the light of

Meditation shows you the light that will make you conscious of your own
consciousness which you seek outwards, but the seeking needs to be within, not
without. You are the light that will guide you on the earth, in the sky, in the
universe around you. Look for the light that was seeded within you when you
were sent to this earth. A purpose, a meaning was seeded in you the day you
were conceived.

The purpose was to truly realize who you were from times immemorial, you were
a bearer of light, and somewhere along the way, amidst the chaos and brutality of
life’s unfolding, you lost track of the light that you were born with. The soul shines
always in an eternal light, it is the mind that dwells on the ephemeral. The art of
meditation is to unite your thoughts, so you can see that you are not your
thoughts, you are just a witness to all the unfolding of events that came across
your path.

As you meditate, you immerse in a deep listening to God, you listen to his
thousand sayings, to his divine melody that whispers the music of life in your ears.
It is tapping into something so profound, so deep, that we are not even aware
when we are reaping the harvest---the light of consciousness, the light of wisdom.
You witness the happenings as they come, you dwell in your thoughts, but if you
can just remain as a witness to this unfolding, then the spell will break, the trance
will gradually fade away and all that will remain will be an authentic you, in the
Light of Consciousness

light of your authenticity. You are ageless, you have no age, you are timeless, you
do not exist in time---you transcend both the past and future and only live in the
eternal moment of now.

As you enter into the flames, it will not burn your divinity, it will only burn what is
non-divine. It will not burn your innate seed of compassion, rather it will burn
away all that is non-compassionate. It will burn away all that is unholy and leave
with a holiness for this lifetime and beyond. This is the self-discovery that you
step into as you enter into the light of meditation. Meditation makes you die to all
your earthly attachments, so it can release you into a new being, that who is
capable of living life again with a sheer ecstasy of it.

This death comes along the way of your growth, in the process of releasing your
old self and re-emerging in your new self. Surrendering to things as they rush and
recede gives you the beauty of merging with your authentic self, with your
undying essence. Surrender can never be done out of any weakness, it can come
out of a tremendous strength. Beauty is born in courage, as you surrender and let
go of things not meant for you and give in to the cosmic unfolding.

You discover a new stillness, a new silence within you. This is the true fragrance of
your own being. Never cease to be open to the exploration of life, as it rewards
you with the beauty of opening each chapter, as you turn the pages of your life.
You witness the events that took place in every chapter in your life, you got in a
trance for a while. But the trance had its time and it broke, and you land in the
next phase, the awaiting chapter of your life.

No matter what it brings, sadness or happiness----that too will be ephemeral, but

you will remain, as a soul bearing the witness of all the times to come. Nothing
stays, nothing remains, but you will remain as one who could transcend the
forgotten chapters of the past and the awaiting chapters of the future. They left
you, they will leave you, but what will stay behind for all the ages, all the times to
come---is your soul. When we look with the eyes of ego, we look into the illusory
world, when we look for ourselves, we begin to awaken.

Light of Consciousness

This is the moment when we merge with ourselves that is being taught to us by
the art of meditation. We are the thoughtless awareness, the consciousness that
is buried deep beneath the thousand thoughts that haunt our mins relentlessly.
Let your brook run the way it pleases, do not direct its flow, let it go where it may
please, as it is in this running, that the river finds its course.

Let your life unfold the way it was meant to be, as it was written by God above.
You just be a witness to this great orchestration of events, you remain silent and
still, be unaffected by the meandering of the river. This art of remaining
unperturbed is brought to you by the gifts of meditation, as it brought the waters
of serenity to still you in its bath.

You are the seed that God sent on this Earth to spread the divinity around. To be
able to send out this divine fragrance, you need to be in touch with your inner
self, the long-lost fragrance of your inner being. You are the light in all forms, you
are the rising sunlight, the falling moonlight---dawn never begins without you,
nights never falls without you.

Out of all that we are desperate for, we discover a new shore, a shore of serenity,
the coastline of tranquility, which is brought by the peace and poise of
meditation. You are the formless awareness where a plethora of emotions come
and go, feelings rush and recede, but you remain still in the sea of poise, knowing
that this is the unfolding of life, through which you go, and go you must, to
discover yourself at your deepest being.

You get lost many times, in the vastness of this sea and you seek a joy that can
hold you still. Something brought you to the shores of serenity, something inside
of you is calling wildly---this is the call of Beyond---to remind you in an utter
delight…you are a formless awareness, a mere witness to all the unfolding that is
taking place. You are beyond the realm of life and death.

You are the peace that you have been in search of. You are the light that you have
been looking for. You are the wisdom that you have been wandering for. Be still
and know that in the temple of your heart. All the ups and downs of life come
wrapped in grace of their own. All will pass, it is the soul that lives beyond this life

Light of Consciousness

and everything. As consciousness never truly dies. It gives out the light that lives
from this life to beyond and forever. This is the light of eternity, that breathes a
beauty in the ephemeral happenings of life. You are the unchanging beauty who
has manifested as a changing beauty. The eternal is embedded in you as a string
of ephemerals.

Master the art of penetrating deep into the beauty of meditating. Bathe in it until
it saturates you. Let it go into your very self. The undiscovered shore is not far
away. It is not something to found eventually, as it always was within us. The
essence of truth was to be born long time back, but somewhere in life amidst the
chaos of too loud a sound, we lose the sight, the vision to the trails of peace and
homecoming. Evolving involves continual creation and destruction as in this
process of dying and rebirth, lies something undying.

While a new vision is born that takes us to the shore of wisdom, but one thing
that is left undying is our timeless, ageless soul. The light was always there, we
just strive to find our way back to its beams. In meditation, we begin to see, how
elusive, how fleeting our thoughts are, and how they change from one moment to
another. Beyond the fleeting of mind, into the sea of an ever-effulgent light, our
hearts dive into its waters, to soak our souls in the poise of meditation.

As we go beneath the waves, where everything is calm and tranquil, like the
center of serenity. There may be a plethora of waves on the surface, but deep
down, the sea remains unaffected below. In the deepest of depths, the sea is vast
and beautiful in the serene silence. As we plunge in the sea of meditation, we try
to reach that bottom of sea, our own true existence, the very point of an
unperturbed center, that which remains unaffected by all that goes on in the
outer world.

Fear and worry, all the earthly turmoil can never touch us, once we discover that
down deep bottom where lies the peace that we seek for, the beauty that
endures anything and everything that passes through the seasons of life. We feel
the love of divine in the highest form, and our mind becomes expansive and open
enough to include the entirety of life, in full awareness, both in pleasure and in
pain, joy and in grief. We feel neither overwhelmed by joy nor betrayed by pain.
Light of Consciousness

And thus, we can reach what is untouched within us. No matter, how our life
situation unfolds, this is the art of happiness as unfolded by the art of meditation.

We let ourselves be rooted in the unshakable sanity of divinity, spare our mind
the burden of over thinking, turn ourselves outward to experience the worldly
encounters that way they come and go, and turn inward to feel the unchanging
joy that is felt at the bottom of sea. We long so very much for permanence, but
everything is transient, for only a definitive time.

That is the truth, but one we relentlessly fight, one we try to run away from in the
wilderness of our hearts, only to realize that in accepting this, do we accept life
with peace and surrender. This beauty that blossoms is brought to us by the art of
meditation. There is normally a gap between the thousand thoughts that come
along in our minds. A space exists between thoughts. In the meditation, we can
perceive this gap between thoughts.

How do we perceive this gap? If this gap is beyond the realm of time, then it is
unborn and undying, beyond the realm of conditioning, which is a carry-over from
the past to the present. Do not force your thoughts to cease or change. Be
effortless, in everything and just surrender to the joy of a transcendental
meditation, where our mind can escape beyond the past and the future and just
be in the eternal present.

The cry that we hear from deep in our hearts, the cry that somehow finds its voice
arises from the wounded heart within. Healing this inner cry hold the key to
transforming fear, anger and sadness. In each of us, there is an inner child, and
we need to give our ears to his cry, turn our eyes to his wounds.

As we heal though meditation, much of the anger and suffering reaches a state of
healing through light of silence , stillness and poise that takes every wound, every
anger and turns it in an effortless joy, as the inner child within us sees the light of
witnessing the events that brought in the trauma, and realizes that he merely
witnessed the trauma, and that it showed in the past and no longer dwells in the
present. Our true home is not in the past that is hurting us, nor is it in the
anticipated future that is still years away. Or true home is in the sacred now,

Light of Consciousness

eternal now, in the deepest depths of which we dwell, but too often seem to

Awareness of this truth takes us to feel the joy of being alive, nurture the seeds of
divinity one more time, that was already seeded within us from the beginning of
time. We are forgetful. We are so rapidly caught up in the moments of fear and
anger, that we are not mindful of being fully there in that moment. That state of
being----when we are there, yet we are not there. We exist there, but truly we do
not live there., in the richer sense of the word.

We so got caught up in the relentless warbling of our thoughts, that we forgot the
true art of living, seizing the miracle of being alive. But as we dive in the sea of
meditation, we so immerse in the waters so as to reach the bottom of it, where all
is motionless, where we cannot feel grief or the pangs of pain that seem to seize
us in our daily lives, where we reach the final tranquility within ourselves again, it
is then that we regain mindfulness. Being mindful lets us blossom. That is when
our inner bud breaks into a cosmic flower, a seed sprouts only to watch it grow to
a tree.

Mindfulness comes in you, when we can truly be there, with mind and body
together. We breathe in and out with a conscious choice, mindfully, so we can
bring our mind within our body in a true harmony, that which helps us be at
peace with ourselves. When the mind is there with our body, we are truly alive.
We cease to make an effort to be alive. Life flows within us for real, that holds us
close to ourselves, makes us feel so rooted within, giving us the desire to look
within for the gem that we have been searching elsewhere.

Meditation gives us the joy of being fully alive, so we can breathe, we can walk
effortlessly, and with every step that we take, a thousand flowers smile in our
souls, with every breath that we take, happiness seems to spring from the fount
of our hearts. The universe seems to smile with our breath, with our walk that we
make so effortlessly. We carry with us the wonders of life both with us and within
us, so every step turns to an effortless enjoyment. Mindfulness streams from
meditation. We not only cease talking outside, but also cease talking inside, so we
can put a stop to the endless rehearsals that go on within. And then the real
Light of Consciousness

silence, begins to flood in our minds. This is the silence that is truly an eloquence.
It carries an elegance with it. It is powerful yet so peaceful. It is healing and so
nourishing at all times, at all moments that come and go in our lives.

Meditation gives us a more increased volume of focusing, so there is a chance of

making a breakthrough to achieve insight and wisdom. Mindfulness streams
concentration and both these can be streamed from meditation so whatever we
look at, we behold it with the art of seeing the beauty deep within it. So, when we
look at the dawn, the light may seem so bright that it may burn deep all the pain
into joy, the darkness into a light of clarity.

When we look at the dewdrops glistening on the leaves, we may behold them as
the falling dew of heaven. When we look at the flowers, we may perceive them as
the love falling from the lips of heaven. We become mindful of the wonders of the
dawn, the dewdrops, the smiling flowers and no longer do we bury hardness of
feelings deep within, but in the joy of mindfulness, we release the bitterness that
melts into a wonderful sweetness and gives us the gifts of living. But what all
these gifts came from was the mindfulness that streamed from the art of
transcendental meditation.

Here lies the key to entering the caves of human hearts, that have looked so
unreachable, the darkness that seemed so impenetrable. Meditation brings us to
the truth that the deepest and the most loving relationship you will have is the
one with yourself, where no thoughts, no feelings can invade you, and you will be
in a sea of eternal joy. The spiritual odyssey or the real pathway of enlightenment
is an unending pursuit of being real in the eternal now.

Awareness allows us to relate to the streaming of our mental processes, or the

flow of thoughts. Thoughts are much like the waves in an ocean. They come and
go but the soul remains serene as it is the ocean of pearls that lies deep within us.
When you accept yourself, when you begin to believe yourself, you see that you
are the divine.

Living in the moment, living in the sheer wonders of a new breath is the beginning
of life, a life that you can feel and glimpse only in mindfulness. This is when you

Light of Consciousness

are truly alive. This is needed in the pathway of purifying the mind that has lost its
beauty in the chattering of a thousand thoughts.

Meditation gives the insight that creates and re-creates a fount of inspiration
within you. It nourishes and blossoms the divinity within you to awaken you with
a gentle reminder that you are no less than a child of God and you were seeded
with this divinity when you were conceived in the womb of love. We all are
cosmic flowers sent to this earth by a divine design. And the art of meditation
guides us to open our mystic petals one by one, all in the right timing planned by
this universe.

It is then that we can hear God whispering in our hearts, the whole existence
singing to us, if we can just tune our ears. Transcendence which is a signature of
meditation whispers the eternality of now and guides us to give in to whatever
the now holds for us, where the past and future have ceased to exist. Mindfulness
is the art work of meditation on the canvas of body, mind and spirit. The gift of
this visualization comes from meditation, so we can behold all the wonders and
the universe simply reflects back to us in sheer joy.

The true gift born out of meditation, comes from perceiving and expanding our
inner beauty in every possible direction, in a thousand-fold. The truth that lies in
your sea of your soul, feel it, discover it, expand with it, with a meditative mind
that has finally found the bottom of sea within you. Only then do you see and feel
the limitless bliss consciousness in the eternal now and transcend the past and

Meditation gives you the song of your divine soul, the melody of divinity, and you
begin to see the beauty that had bloomed there all along within you, it makes you
hear the melody of divine, it makes you smell the fragrance of the spirit, and taste
the sweetness of your very soul, it makes you dance in an ecstasy you never
thought would be possible, it makes you unleash the sudden joy that you can no
longer hold within. You suddenly hear the truth that life is a collection of
moments. Life unfolds in a dance and you are here in this universe to witness the
dance. This is the great cosmic dance.

Light of Consciousness

Your sole purpose in life is to witness the cosmic dance and in the process of
witnessing, as moments touch you while they come and go, you may be
momentarily affected by them, but the feelings are also momentary. Nothing
truly stays forever. Nothing lives forever, no matter how much we want them to.

Meditation is an effortless effort to make you realize that you are the being in
whom the light dawns every moment to show you the light of divine. You are the
beauty that you seek, you are the poise that you are looking for, you are the
shore that you are in search of, you are the cosmic flower opening petal by petal,
as life is unfolding in front of your very eyes moment to moment. You are the
being that has the sunlight that you open your eyes for, you are the moonlight
that you so long for. In you there is a shadow of darkness and a light of clarity.
You are a part of the connected cosmic system.

You carry in yourself the huge, cosmic love. Meditation gives you the beauty
when you search for a meaning. The meaning of life goes far beyond the physical
form and finds the deepest meaning in the spiritual being, his inner self. Whether
or no the is present, ceases to carry any meaning, as we see the meaning with the
third eye that seeks the spiritual beauty and not the physical beauty. The spiritual
blooming transcends the mortal form, and this is the gift of seeing, the miracle of
enlightened vision that is brought to us by the bliss of meditation.

By this enlightenment, we become the sky that can pour the flood of light on this
universe, so all can see in the light of this breaking sky. Meditation takes you to
places you don’t otherwise get to go. It carries you through the waters of sea to
the bottom where you would not go, unless you walked in through the portals of

There you undress your mind, as you want the stillness to touch you, you want
the poise to penetrate you, so you can feel the ecstasy of a stillness flooding over
you and you are no longer a wanderer in the wilderness of life, as you have found
your roots, your ground, where you can grow for all the years to come. This
growth has been awaiting, for years, this soaking of your soul in the serene waters
has called you for so many years, but amidst the loudness of this insane world,
you walked away from it. Walk without running, pause and smell the scent that
Light of Consciousness

comes along the way, as there is no rush anywhere, there is no haste following
you. In the beauty of this, will you find yourself again. The flowers do not give out
their essence all on a sudden, they have been releasing their own essence for all
the years left behind. Walk as if every step you make is a step forward in love, a
step forward in understanding of your own self.

Walk, not because the earth has found its holiness, as it has been holy from times
immemorial. But because you have been aware, you have seen the birth of an
awakening that the ground has been holy the whole time, earth had its dewdrops
of love all this time, that you had been walking---it is you who failed to catch that
beauty, it is your eyes that failed to capture those moments.

And suddenly you see a whole world right here, right now, all in the moments of
this enlightened walking, all in the beauty of this awakened breathing, all in the
smell of the long- lost essence of the forgotten flowers of yesterday. And
suddenly you find meaning everywhere, suddenly you feel moments that bring
tears to your eyes, you come across encounters that bring life to your soul. Life
blooms in a thousand ways for you again and you are no longer the same.

Contentment is your essence releasing through you again, life living through you
once again, happiness emerging through you one more time, so we can breathe in
an awakened breath of life, to take everything in from the stretch of vastness
beneath the endless thoughts, from the sacred space beneath the mind, you
breathe your way into the wholeness that you seek, you find your way back to the
breathe that takes you to healing.

Each breath is an invitation to inhaling and exhaling, a letting go of what was, a

letting in of what will be, the release and the embrace ---the continual cycle of the
seasons of life. You can ride the breath again to find the stillness, the deep peace
that abides within, the stillness that is waiting within, for you to find it, for you to
go to it so you can be one with it again in mingling and merging.

Undying, untouched by the winds of life, this is the deep peace that is calling you,
and meditation---the true art of it is to take you back to your own essence, so you
can find your breath again, you can release yourself in the walk again, nothing to

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set you in a cage but everything to set you free in this breeze, in this smell of a
rising scent of something that looks so new, but was there all along. Let sadness
settle down, let the clouds pass away, the blues will clear again, heaven will open
again, the rain will descend again. You will fall in love again with yourself.

This is the gift of meditation that takes us to the scent of our own souls, that will
speak to us, touch us in unique ways that we never thought possible. It opens the
mind and heart to a plethora of experiences amidst which, we can still feel the
stillness within, the stillness that breathes life again in our wandering souls. Deep
inside of us, somewhere within, we are whole, we are complete, the completion
that we seek for was waiting there from the moment we were born. The
fulfillment that we seek for can be found as we walk within.

We are weaved with interrelation and inseparable beauty of this universe. The
rocks that stand in the way give birth to difficulties in seeing, feeling, hearing and
touching this beauty, this perfection. We are told to believe otherwise, to believe
all that held a lie and not the whispers of truth. And with the illusory mind, we see
what we choose to see, not the real truth that returns to the shore every day.

The clouded vision, the dull feelings, the faint hearing of the echoing truth---all
seems to stand in the way of reaching that poise, that calmness that settles down
a lost soul. To cut through this seemingly impossible situation, we need to sit
down and meditate so we can see and hear again, touch and feel again. So, we
can reconnect with this point of stillness again that can give us our balance and
our lives can begin to change again. The guidance springs from within and the
course of walk is chartered from this sense of direction.

As we reconnect with this fount of wisdom inherent within us, we walk on the
path of true homecoming. You become human again while you carry the gifts
within you for the world to see your richest gift, the gift of seeing your beauty
within. You no longer hope that someone else has the answers for your suffering,
somebody else holds the keys to your happiness, you no longer wishfully think
that some other time, all will work out to be the best of everything.

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As you have reached that poise that whispers the immediate truth---now is the
point, this is the beauty, this is the moment, you are the somebody that you
wanted to turn to for all these years, you are the someone who has the secrets to
your happiness, you hold within you a thousand doors for an immediate opening,
the grass is green for you right here, right now---you no longer have to wait for
some other time, for some other view, for some other moment, as the beauty
that you glimpse stands still in an enshrined eternity. We feel the rapture of being
rich at hearts and dancing alive at our souls.

The voices within you, that find their cry, as you leave them behind---- your old
self trembles to strip off the layers, and the melancholy leaves you behind. A new
night falls to tear you apart, and to show you the peace that may be peeping
through the opening of a new dawn. You stride deeper and deeper into the
depths of your being, trying to find yourself once again, beneath all that has
happened, you know you still live in there somewhere, somehow, struggling to
emerge with all that you have, the feeling of being alive never truly died.

It was buried deep inside, just waited for the time to resurface again with the
passion for life. This is the time, the moment for you to immerse in the sea of
silence once again to feel it, to soak in it, so you can be alive again. In the essence
of stillness, can you smell your essence again.

The bud breaks again in the light of self-blessings and your soul that seemed so
lost, begins to open in the raining bliss from the breaking clouds within you.
Heaven finally opened up inside of you, so you could bloom into a flowering soul.
You reteach yourself the loveliness that you once forgot, you behold the view of a
long-lost beauty, you retell yourself a story of the ancient times, where every
essence arising from this universe was too deep to forget, every wonder was too
beautiful to leave it behind, you remember the times when life amidst the
hardness still had its softness, when tenderness never failed to find its way back
to your wandering soul.

You retouch yourself at your deepest place, where light once showed its way, to
wash you, to glow you in the loveliness of a new day---where you bring your fears
and your shame, your despairs and devastating disappointments---but also you
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bring a new hope that has not lost its way, a new voice that still sings its way to
give you the song of a new beginning.

You come into the peace that lives among the wild things, you come into the
waters that seem so serene, despite the pebbles they have crossed in the course
of their rapids. Serenity still has not lost its way. Peace has not forgotten its trails.
This is the music of your breath, the music of your soul as in every breath, you
find a melody, a melody of consciousness that breaks light on the bud of your

This is the music that is woven with your breath, this is the song that is woven
with your soul, so you can feel consciousness once again in the retreat of your
own self, your own true nature, such that no wilderness can take it away, no
hardness can wash away the softness that sleeps within, the tenderness that
touches within.

Born of seed and sun and water---all that which lies within you, all that never truly
forgot you---the flower opens petal by petal to give you the solace of light and
hope ---that you are not lost, you have a home, you are not homeless, you are
timeless and ageless---in every breath, in every moment---you bring timeless in a
world that is defined by time---you bring a beauty that is ageless, a masterpiece
for all the ages to come.

This is the beauty of a speaking stillness. If you can master the art of adventuring
into the midst of a stillness that speaks to you, the silence that breathes in you,
the solitude that penetrates you, to shape you into someone who can see again
the eternality of every moment, then you have been gifted with the essence of

That is the priceless treasure that comes from the mines that you dig into. Only all
this while, you have been aimlessly wandering, madly searching, relentlessly
hunting, time and time again, to taste the joy for only one more time. But now,
coming so close to the brink of happiness, you realize, happiness truly never left
your side. It is you who walked away from it, it is you who pushed it aside, it is you
who forgot to clasp it.

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No matter how turmoil things look, contemplate their blissful return. And return
they must, as all things have to reach home someday sometime. Nothing can stay
wild, turbulent forever. There is a timing for everything, there is a timing for the
petals to unfold at its bloom and a timing to droop in beauty. Life whispers with
only one truth, the treasure of joy will come to you on its own, if you can only
learn to let go, and it will stay away from you if you remain desperate to hold on.
Spring comes at its own time, and there you see the verdant green of grasses. IT
grows on its own, no rush, no haste, as the grass that waited silently, could no
longer contain its richness within, but released in the advent of spring. Happiness
belongs to those who let go, joy comes to those who know that there is a time to
hold on to, and a time to let go.

Some of the finest moments come in life, as we learn to let go of the times that
we once shared, the memories that once kept us alive. It may seem that the
sadness is cutting us down, but beneath the sleeping pain, lies the joy of being
born again. Life opens again from wonder into wonder, existence opens again in a
thousand smiles, heaven opens up again with its rainfall at last. Trying to grasp
only leads us to lose the beauty of things that come along our way. Trying to seize
the moments only leads to letting them slip away in the blink of an eye. Let go of
control and let in surrender.

As we surrender ourselves to this knowing, we live in softness, the beauty in

which we can yield. And it is this beauty that is brought to us by the art of
meditation, that teaches and reteaches us how to allow things, events, people to
come in and walk out of our lives, leaving us unperturbed at the center, as the
soul that is timeless, ageless remains unaffected by this coming and going like the
bottom of a sea. It is this truth that blooms us, from bud to a flower, from
rhythms to a melody.

This is the time when you have your moments of the soul. Embracing stillness,
you become embraced. Supple, breathing softly, you are gifted with rebirth.
Unveiling your eyes, you behold a new beauty. Nurturing your soul, you become
your own beloved. Opening the portals to your heart, you become accepted. And
accepting the universe, you get wrapped in embrace. Loving the world without

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fear, trusting without questioning, offering without demanding---this is love that

you can truly feel at your soul, the love that will never leave you, never hurt you,
never walk away from you. In mastering yourself, in understanding where you
need and what you need to give the flowering to your own soul is seeing the light
of strength, a light that comes as a gift of meditation. This is the meditative poetry
that is born in your heart, once you feel the poise, the stillness that has invited
you all along to come within.

Your soul is eternal in the sense that it does not live for yourself, it lives in a
timeless horizon just to witness the ebbing and flowing, the continual coming and
going of tides in your life, and it lives as a witness on the shores of life, from past
to present to future---for all the times that came and left , for the time now, for all
the times to come in future. It gives life as it changes from one form to another.

It is formless in beauty, unfathomable in depth—such deep is the beauty, such

true is the beauty, that no happiness, no sadness can touch it, nothing can ever
move it. The past that is wrapped in grieving thoughts and emotions is the very
past that has stood along your way, to stop you from being immersed in the
present moment.

But this is the true moment, that can teach you how to be truly alive, once again if
only you dare to adventure in the opening of the present moment. To hold the
present with your hands, you need to open them and therein comes the need to
let go of what you held with your hands. That which you held for so long, let it
loose, let your heart heal in the light of a new dawn, let your eyes see the opening
of sky, that brings a breaking dawn. In the light of that new hope, open your
hands and release what you held so you can hold the present moment with all the
richness and elegance that the moment brings.

Be soft and yielding, supple and gentle, so you can wear away the rocks that
cease to move. Make your flow past those rocks, so you can flow again with the
course of your life, as in this flowing, will you find your long-lost song again. You
are the seed of light that has sprouted into a light of divinity. But somewhere,
along the way, the winds of change have blown high, so you lost the view. It is
time that you come back to your light---the light of your own sanctuary. To be
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able to see this light is a gift, and the timing is always here, right now for the gift
to fall from the hands of heaven. This is the divine hum of consciousness.
Effortlessly breathe to become totally empty, only then will you see everything
unfolding from emptiness, and a new vision will emerge. This emptiness will
reveal the secrets of happiness. The stillness will reveal the secrets of what makes
every moment so eternal, what gives transcendence its beauty.

You are the sage that may travel here and there, come across a thousand
encounters on the pathway, feel a thousand emotions, yet your stillness within is
the master of your restlessness. You never truly leave your inner treasure---the
essence that can never be seen, heard or grasped---that is seamless, nameless,
formless, shapeless---that has no beginning or end---that is your richest essence
of your inner wisdom, the light of your enlightenment.

From darkness to light--- wisdom opens. From sadness to happiness--- moments

unfold, from grief to joy--- seasons unfold, from miracle into miracle---existence
opens, from breaking to melting---life blossoms. As you witness this ephemeral
song that finds its melody in the universe, you feel inside that you are a roaming
sage, feeling the emptiness, the nothingness that will always live inside, which will
forever speak inside. Your mind will meander in it for all times to come.

You no longer hunt for happiness anymore, as it will only madden your mind, you
no longer search for it around, but come back within, to pause and to listen, to
mend and to heal your own roaming mind, your own wanderlust soul, who
believed all along, that the seeds of happiness may lie somewhere and in
someone. You realized that the path that you traveled, the road that you took, all
brought you home to your own self.

You return to the child of yourself, who has known all along the secret of living
life, who always dared to adventure in the magic of keeping it alive. This is your
inner child who has known the primordial truth of life. It was you who forgot to
remember this long-lost truth that God seeded you with, it was you who forgot to
carry the light that you were seeded with. Tune into the hum of this truth and you
will see that the child within has never abandoned you. He has been living inside
of you all along. You begin to be monumentally in tune again with your innate
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childlike vision, a vision where wonders dance in every gaze, beauty dances in the
eyes, ocean dances with love again.

This is the sign of your soul in ecstasy once again, and no grief, no sorrow can
touch you anymore. This is the gift of a speaking stillness, the joy that danced out
of it, the dance that eventually brought you home, a home which was within you
all along. Lock into the tuning, the hum of divine that breaks through the melody
in the universe. Feel the consciousness, breathe in its new-found wonder again.
This is an enlightenment that you see and know in an invisible way.

You hear the voice of god speaking through the lips of consciousness. The soul
does not need an expansion. The expanded beauty always dwelt there from times
immemorial. You just could never grasp the beauty of that expanded soul, its
blooms, its blossoms. There was always a whisper, a call, a longing, a dreaming of
something as beautiful as feeling your own soul in its true expansion, you just had
to listen to it. Stand up for the light.

There is a moment of gap between moments of happiness and sadness. This is a

moment between moments when you have a chance to touch your deepest place
within, to go inside your true retreat. How this moment finds you, is not
something you need to know, but what this moment does to you, how it opens
you into the wonders of being truly alive and being authentic at your center, is
something worth to hold onto. You begin again. Your soul journey continues
again---there is an abiding sense of contentment. You are sailing down the river of
life without ever having to row.

It is an effortless sailing---that is when you experience the joy of true flowing. Let
go of the need to push the currents, to control the flow. Who has ever succeeded
in trying to control anything or anyone? The more we try to grasp, the farther it
gets away from our reach, and the deeper is the sinking of soul. Let loose and let
in the universe. It knows the way. Via meditation, we come back to our inner
selves, where we are filled again with a sense of grace and wonder.

Yes, in the process of dreaming, manifesting and creating, we at times, may

encounter abrupt losses that cut us with unexpected sadness, that knows not

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how to make its way back to the soul, but via meditation, we cross the veil from
the dimension of suffering and enter into the dimension of bliss. We transcend all
that stands in the way and make our way into bliss, which is a vibrational state, a
state of pure awareness. And you realize, that within you, without you, there is
bliss, and nothing but bliss. In every breath, you get transported to a new
dimension, a new realignment of yourself, a connection to the spirit which takes
you to a new realm and a new reality. Live there being truly alive. The breath is
always a true bridge to the inner spirit, as the breath always holds the wonders of
connection. Breathing in, we welcome the new, breathing out, we let the old pass
away. Within this breath, lies the secret of being alive with richness and gold of
your soul.

We realize, we never truly leave something behind, or someone behind. We take

a part of them with us, we leave a part of us with them. It is the essence that we
leave behind. What is beautiful never truly dies. It only takes birth into another
beauty---sometimes it becomes a struggling melody, some other times it becomes
a story of you and me that we leave behind, on the shores of yesterday.

Your essence---you leave with me, my essence I leave with you. What we once
shared in love, never really left you or me. No happiness may live forever. But no
sadness cuts forever either. Only the soul lives from time after time. This is the
beauty that is written on our hearts by the art of meditation.

A mind that can perceive this state of happiness can truly perceive beauty in any
form. We feel the beauty in strength, when we let go and unwind, we do not
rehearse the same emotional cycles in our suffering souls any more. The story of
our lives goes on again, as we learn how to unwind and not to cling to yesterday’s

A tremendous beauty is born in this courage, and in this rare moment, do we be

in touch again with our souls. Even though we were side-tracked, we get on track
again. We just swim, and swim we must, as the shore is out there, waiting
somewhere for us to walk on it, to begin again, to rewrite again the journey of our

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The feeling that is so sublime, is beyond the beauty of words. We may lie in the
valleys of silence to weep over the fleeting times of our lives, but the light spreads
over the undulating sea of souls again, as we drink from the white wine of rain
poured from heaven above. The frenzied search that once began through the
mazes of life, is finally over as we are headed towards the shore within. Did you
ever try to speak to the soul, when times seemed so unforgiving? Did you ever try
to speak to the sky, so time can be a bit more giving? Did you ever trust, never to
question why but just to flow with the running brook of your life, knowing that
maybe there is a higher power who knows that there is a time for every beauty to
live and a time for it to pass?

Trust in it, as in his hands lies the gift of eternity, when we are re-gifted with our
inner treasures, the treasure of our souls, the gift of wisdom, the timeless,
priceless gold that glimmers in dark, the ageless truth that leads you to yourself
again, if you ever get lost, in this maze of life.

Without this truth, life will lose its meaning. There is a pressing need of for this
truth to be felt, for this beauty to be beheld, a time for you to listen and cleanse
all in the prayers of a streaming rain. Feelings whether of hardness or softness,
compassion or otherwise, need to be welcomed, greeted and recognized, as we
are made of both of them. When we are mindful of every moment, we are both
conscious and aware of the feelings that splash upon the shores of our lives at
every moment.

Waves come bursting with miracles, every moment. Sun shines, flowers blossom,
laughter scatters everywhere, happiness falls along the pathway. Raindrops fall
from the lips of heaven. A heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of this
universe, is a heart is a heart that finds peace and harmony within oneself.
Making peace with oneself is much needed, as a battle day in and day out within
is a battle that is enough to tear us apart. The essence of peace is right here, right
now in the wonder of this moment, as we speak.

When we live in the presence of peace at every moment, we release happiness on

this Earth, when we walk in joy, we imprint peace on the ground that we walk
upon. We imprint serenity on the Earth that we tread on. You change everything
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the way you walk, the way you touch, the way you see, the way you feel---your
thoughts get reflected in the mirror of this universe. And to bring you to the
essence of your true feelings, the sea of your soul---it is what meditation does to
you. Only this moment that we have contains everything—life in its happiness and
sadness comes and what is real lives only in the dimension of that moment. We
feel this moment, as we empty ourselves of the past and the future. In this
emptiness, do we find the fullness. And the art of feeling this fullness is brought
to us by the art of meditation.

When we meditate in the sunlight of awareness, in the dawn of consciousness, it

is then that we truly feel alive, and everything that seemed so senseless, so
meaningless becomes alive again in the light of sanctity. You are awake and
wherever you go, and in whatever you do, you are fully there, in your
consciousness that has soaked you to the fullest. This is the actual moment that
we have for real, all else is unreal, all else exists as a figment of imagination.

Meditation is not a means to an escape from this world, but a genuine encounter
with the solemn reality of life. It shows us the light, so we can be grounded again,
so we can find ourselves again on the Earth where we stand. Open the windows
of your soul. Allow the new light to enter, allow it to seep within you, so you can
begin a new life in the art of holding on to the present moment. Nothing lives
forever, except the winds of change that blow from time to time and whispers the
truth, that change lives forever to bring the cycles of life in a continual motion.

Every moment comes with a miracle that can never be repeated in time, in its
beauty, in its freshness, one that the world has never seen before and one that
the world will never see again. This is how you explore life, joy and bliss in the art
of meditation. We live our lives in an intense struggle most of the times, in a swirl
of haste and racing speed, in grasping and competing, possessing and having, and
in the process, we burden ourselves with the brutality of silent battles that we
face every moment within.

You already are what this universe holds in delight. Why search anymore? You are
the being in whom the sun, the moon, the sea, the ocean is contained with a
delightful mix of everything. Within you is a balanced mix, a well-diversified blend
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of beauty of every piece of universe. Mindfulness also means that you are
opening up to the many pathways of life and viewing all the varied choices
without a trace of passion but being unbiased. If you want to aware of
mindfulness, live in the breath and suddenly you will see----heaven opening up,
clouds clearing up, the flowers blooming all on a sudden, the smiles scattering on
the pathway, the petals falling on the roads lying ahead, the sky calling from
everywhere. In retrospect, it feels like that you are so deeply attached to the
stillness that holds you as a whole, and not lets you fall in pieces.

This is when you write the book of awakening on your heart, and we can write it
with a flow, an ease when we unveil the veil that we wore all along, and all this
time, while we were hesitant in revealing ourselves, we unknowingly slip
something on, so as not to feel or touch what truly lives in this moment, here and
now. So we can undress ourselves in facing the world, in feeling what we feel as
we touch the heart of this universe. Let the breeze feel fresh on our face, let the
winds whisper their messages in our ears.

May we never dress ourselves to the point, that we may never feel the truth of
this whisper, the rawness of pure emotions streaming from the heart, may we
never run away from what we feel that makes us so intensely passionate about
living life in the joy of living in this moment only, not worrying about the past that
has already left us and the future that we never know what it will bring.

Mindfulness means that we immerse fully ourselves in each moment, interface

with it in complete awareness, and experience the exquisite vividness of each
moment, the effulgence of every moment as it comes and goes, the luminosity
that seasons bring with their own beauty, each luminosity has a different type of
glow, a light that you never saw before and a light that you will never see again.
Yes, moments will come again, but what truly left you behind, do not look for it

Rather look into the intensity, the incandescence of this moment. Instead of being
lost in the thought, if we become aware of the thought’s bringing in our lives, the
whisper of its message, that in a way takes us to opening of our minds. Stay
centered, by being grounded to what holds you at your center. Focus on the
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ultimate which will anchor you from deep to deeper, from deeper to deepest---
and you will reach the bottom of the sea of your soul, where you know not how
to move, how to speak, but only how to witness the stillness that invites you to
live in the present moment. Here is the future that you promised yourself in the
past, that you would truly enjoy. Why let it slip off your fingers? As throughout
this life, the uncertainties that come along the way, you can never be certain of
the next breath, the next moment, the next time. How do you know if you can
ever be certain of making it to the next breath, to be able to breathe again in the
sheer joy of living alive?

All you can do is hope for the future to come to your doorstep. This is the real art
of seeing in a new way, the way that pushes aside the past and the future and
only brings us to the moment, as that is the point till which we made, till which
we lived to take the breath. Whoever knows what the future holds for us, for how
long? Of the yesteryears, nothing remains, of the future, nothing has yet come to
promise anything, and that is the reality that we can never walk away from.

The best that we can do is to be at peace with what this moment brings to us, as
somewhere along the way, there always lies some message, some whisper of
some truth that we never saw before and will never see again, as each moment
bursts with its unique gifts. No two gifts of no two moments are alike. Each is
wrapped with its own loveliness, own miracles, if only we can accept it, as in this
acceptance lies the peace of our restless hearts.

Sometimes, it is these moments that can bring out the best of our story in our
lives, as we live in the freedom from attachment, freedom from all that binds us
to joy and sorrow, so we can float in the freshness of breeze and can eventually
find back the forgotten art of soaring, once again the expanse of blues. So, we can
write a book alive with hues and fragrance, and the words seem to gather in every
chapter like held breath.

The air that you felt was wrapped with the essence of tears and sadness of
yesterday as you exhaled, can be the same air that you can inhale in with a sip of
lightness as you feel no attachment to that same air, except to be a witness. And
that is all you ever will be. Breath is the bridge which builds the rich connection
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between your body and the unceasing thoughts that stream from it. If ever there
comes a moment, when your mind seems to lose control in the scattering of your
ten thousand thoughts, then come back to breath to take hold over mind, once
again. The river is running now. This moment that we have, this gap between
breaths living in us. The spaces that you have between your heartbeats. The
moment that you try to capture, but it flies before even you can seize it. The
moment that you want to hold on to, but it passes before even you can call it

The moment that makes you wild in the frenzy of life, but it fleets before even
you have a chance to call it yours. The moment that passes us by, calling us to fall
in love with life again, and just when we are thinking to do or not to do, to give in
or to push it aside----the moment flies out of our hands. It is the beauty, the
energy that endlessly flows, carrying us from then to now, to tomorrow.

Listen carefully. You can hear the music of it, you can hear the whisper of it, the
story of time that runs, that never waits for you or me. Be grateful for every
breath. While you may seem to come up with did or did not come in that
moment, someone else is out there having their last breath. Breath can be the
pathway or the block that can stand in your way, if you fail to live in the moment
of it. The more you listen to your breath, the more you can listen to the voice of
your soul---what it is truly struggling to tell you all along.

While we learn to live in consciousness, we realize that awareness begins only we

learn to befriend our breath. Until we reach that point, we choose to live in
unawareness. The moment, we befriend our own breath, we can seize the light
that shines within and we are no longer lost in this maze of life. We learn so
artfully, so gracefully, that every maze has an opening, we just have to be friendly
with the moment, no matter what it brings in our life, as that is all we have and
that is all we will ever have.

What is exhilarating is to extend this awareness into the ordinary moments and to
find something extraordinary into the ordinary, so, in the moment-to -moment
experiencing of life, we can find the secrets of a rich living, that can bring beauty
and meaning to our mundane lives. Happiness lies in the breath of acceptance
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knowing that all is well, if we surrender with grace. Breath of life is the most
divine grace falling from the hands of God, a soul in surrender is the richest soul in
yielding that can take us to the stillness of sea. Know that in every breath, you are
becoming that which you have always been from the beginning of your birth---an
authentic soul, enshrined in eternity. There is a fountain of peace in each and
every breath. Every breath carries a message. And every silence has a sound. A
sound that carries a trance, a freshness, a happiness that transcends this world
and goes into beyond. Breath flows time from now to something that holds the
light of Beyond.

That deep silence carries a melody of its own, a sweetness amidst the harsh
discords of too loud the sound that streams from this world. Let the light of this
silence flood over you, let this speaking stillness engulf you. Just when you think it
gets crisp, just when you think you are falling apart, life starts all over again in the
beauty of a breath. In the fearless beauty of the moment, breathe into the
wonder and amazement of life.

Surrender to this call of life, just a flower surrenders to the call of nature. Belong
to where you are in the presence of the moment, even if you do not know, where
you are next going to be. Meditation takes you to the present moment, the only
place where life exists, the only place where life has ever existed in the past and
the only place where it will exist for all the years to come.

Close your eyes and float. Float in the vastness of sea, leaving everything behind.
As in the leaving behind, can you learn how to make towards the core of your
stillness, the stillness that can breathe a meaningful silence into you. So, all this
that comes from this moment can never go to a waste, nothing ever can go in
vain, if you can float in this endless sea without striving to see the shores. Let go
of this relentless striving that eats you up inside, let go of all that consumes you,
and let your mind breathe in the much-needed relaxation, one that can speak a
new life to your ears, some wisdom to your soul.

Say to your soul, to be still and wait for the light of hope, wait for the light of love,
wait for the light of faith, but the hope, the faith, the love ---all lie in waiting. So,
the darkness will turn to light and wisdom will begin to show in stillness. No
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matter how much of an anxiety life brings in, it all fades as you live in the breath
of this very moment, this only moment---that you truly have. There is a way to
find sanity amidst the insanity, to find peace amidst this continual chaos---just be
staying as a silent witness of your thoughts that come and go in an unending
manner. Witness the thoughts passing before you without judging them, as the
moment you begin to judge, that very moment you lose your ability to purely
witness and enter into the realm of judgement. As you immerse more and more
into meditation, thoughts begin to disappear, and you become so blissfully empty.
That is the moment when the light of enlightenment begins to appear, and you
become, so blissfully sane, amidst the insane thoughts.

Through meditation, you will find the silence again, in which you will be able to
love the whole cosmos, the whole humanity and you can be love again in your
true essence. You have to walk and create your own path for walking this path of
life. Meditation floods you with such an enlightenment, that you receive the
wisdom as to how to walk, how to cross the stumbling blocks and how to be able
to walk again, how to bend yet not to end in this journey of life. The message of
meditation is too deep for all of us.

The path is not lying there, mapped for us from the very beginning. It is a matter
of our own creation, a creation that has to come from within ourselves. It can
never be created by others. To be truly able to walk on this path in the richer
sense of the word, needs a wisdom to dawn in the cracks of our broken hearts, so
we can walk in light again and build our own path. Hence, comes the beauty, the
necessity and the need to master the art of meditation. There is an ocean within
you, sometimes that swells, sometimes that surges, and other times, it can be so
serene, so calm to take our breath away. If the ocean can calm itself down, so can
you---once you know the joy, the bliss of meditation.

Engage yourself in practicing it, so you can find the meaning behind your living—
so you can find the purpose behind your coming to this Earth, and your existence
becomes your living…so you know what stays and what leaves---and that you no
longer become affected by what comes and what goes, but you come to see---
that there is a greater purpose behind your living, a greater need for you to come

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down on this Earth. Your purpose can never be forgotten, as you can always reach
the silence of your sea through meditating.

This teaches you the very art of living. The mind can travel in a thousand
directions, you can seem to lose control of your own self, not knowing how to be
rooted again, not seeming so sure of yourself again, but with every step that you
take, with every walk gradually at every moment, you crack down the seeds of
wildness that seem to shake you, make you so uncertain. It is in this walk, that a
flower begins to bloom somewhere, earth begins to smile again, sky shows up its
blues again, and heaven seems to open up at last.

Illusions seem to be shattered with every step that you take, as the wind blows on
your face, and with the feeling that comes on your face, it lets you to unveil what
veiled your mind for so long. You are no longer a prisoner of your mind. You come
out free of all thoughts, the mind dies, and your soul is born in a new way, in
another time, a time where this walk helped you to feel the freshness of life

Clarity comes into mind as you begin to meditate. What was veiled in pride and
ego, gets unveiled again in the new light of a new day. Each time you meet
spiraling emotions with judgements, your awakening to truth can deepen
immensely. You will no longer find the need to identify yourself in the story, but
you will find a greater need to rest in awareness, that is witnessing what is
happening in the story. You become more able to abide in love and compassion,
peace and joy, to remember the long-lost truth that you are your true home.
Returning to yourself, can be the deepest and most meaningful journey that you
can ever take.

Rather than rehearsing your thoughts in your mind repetitively, you actually spiral
towards a greater sense of true freedom. The more you come in contact with
your inner silence, with your inner emptiness, the more you can listen to the
voice of God. Listen to yourself. Go back to your soul. What does it tell you? It
needs you to come deeper and deeper in contact with that great, unspeakable
silence---the silence that makes you wonder, as to why is it, that all this time, you
want on running after the chain of events that came and left your life, and why
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not for once, did you wonder…this is life, but the only truth that stays behind is
that you are here to witness and not to go through the passage of emotions that
engulf you in them.

As in this consummation, lies your end. Meditation gives you the beginning, the
very art of living life, the very taste of joy---that can keep us alive and untouched
amidst all that happens and does not happen. Meditation helps you hear the
silent whisperings of the heart. It helps you to feel love that is not an exclusive
relationship with a person, with someone or somebody, but what arises when we
are in contact with our inner being, our authentic self, the meditative beauty
within our inner silence and emptiness. This inner emptiness feels love inside
towards all the sentient beings on Earth.

It is a presence that feels like a mesmerizing fragrance. The wind can blow
through the trees, whispering to our souls, a silent and playful meditation. The
flowers can bloom and whisper a blossoming meditation, one that takes our
chaos of mind and blooms them into peace. This is the meditation that brings us
back with the oneness of life, it makes us fall in love with existential dance again.
This is the playful invitation of life that we accept the moment we immerse
ourselves in meditation. By touching silence, we touch ourselves.

Meditation also brings us close to nature, so in nature, we can be in touch with

our own inner peace and harmony. There is a message in the whisper of leaves, in
the whisper of breeze, in the swaying of grass, in the smiling of wildflowers. This is
the message that gives us such a deep peace, so much so, that we forget what
came and what went along the way, and we look beyond what cannot be seen,
but felt, what cannot be touched, but reached in our souls. In nature, lies a
beauty that never tries to change us, but to bring us back to our forgotten
essence of yesterday, the essence that we were born with but forgot somewhere
along the way.

Go beyond the ego and disappear into the silence---the inner fount of love and
truth, the inner meditative quality that takes us to the inner language of silence,
inner source of bliss. In conscious aloneness, the ego cannot find its way and bliss
begins to fall on our seeking souls. How to consciously go beyond the ego ---is
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something taught by meditation. In aloneness, do you feel the joy of being

consciously alone, that opens the door to be egoless. In the enlightened
aloneness, do you find the joy of being egoless. It helps you to be wordlessly at
one with existence and with people, to be the silent observer, never to be
affected, yet to be touched with joy and peace---so it can open the door to be at
one with the whole. Listening to the blowing of winds is one thing, but feeling the
message, listening to the whispers of it from your inner silence, and through your
oneness with it gives you the whispers of a celestial music.

We come in contact with the undefined and boundless within ourselves, where
we see the divine in a flower, in the smile of a person, in the eyes of a child, in the
freshness of breeze. This is the natural and most effortless experience of being
one with whole, and the beauty of it is brought to us by the art of meditation. Our
heart is the door to surrender to life. The door of meditation opens the door to
your inner heart. Meditation brings you home to your own aloneness.

The aloneness that brings you at peace with yourself, that brings you to the fount
of joy that which will not give you the feeling of loneliness, will never lead you to
hanker for people, but will make you fall in love with your soul. When we
completely accept our aloneness, it becomes a home of joy and hope, peace and
love, truth and meaning, a meaning that we can never find when we hanker for
love from outside. It is in loneliness that we hanker for other people, but in
aloneness, do we find ourselves.

It is in aloneness, that we find a quality, an inner awareness that makes us think

and ponder about what is real and what is not so real. Which feeling stays behind
and which leaves, what is important and what is not. You relate with people and
event, but you are always in aloneness within yourself. You need to be a seeker of
truth. And only in the beauty of seeking, will you realize, the truth, that you are
completely alone. You are unattached to everyone and everything in your life.

You can never be entangled into any type of attachment in your life, as that will
take you away from aloneness. Meditation beings us to loving words,
understanding silence, a silent listening, a present touch or to see a new, creative
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This is the time when we stop and sit still and listen to the silence and the breeze
from a whole new world begins to whisper. In this moment, you know yourself
fearlessly for the beauty that you hold within, for the light that you carry within
yourself. You had to be in darkness before you found light. You have to be lost
before you can be found.

You have to grieve before you can find peace. All make that is unspoken speaks of
something beautiful, but in the beginning, you have to go through the troubled
waters, know how to sail through the surging waters, how to face amidst all that
you thought that you would never be able to face…no learning comes easy, no
wisdom comes without suffering, no light dawns until the darkness came along
the way. How can you even see a shore, unless you try hard to swim and make it
to the sand? Behind every light that you see, lies some troubled effort to
desperately make it to the light.

Today’s light came only after the ending of yesterday’s night, as in this ending, we
see a heralding of a new hope, that can speak the truth…but this truth can only
come in aloneness, that meditation teaches us. Loneliness is a lack of something.
It is a feeling that something is missing, something is not there, due to which your
life is incomplete, unfulfilled. And you feel a pain, a need, an incompleteness, an
absence. Aloneness is presence, a fulfillment, a completion---you feel complete by
yourself, you do not want to cling to anybody.

You have aliveness, joy of being, and you are overflowing, a complete love you
hold inside, so much so that at times, you outpour some of it. You do not need
the constant companionship of anybody. Cause you are enough by yourself. Love
makes you feel complete. You two make each other complete, by sharing with
each other, not out of need but out of an energy that is overflowing from both of
you---so much so, that your energy goes to your mate, his energy comes inside of
you, and how beautiful your mating feels.

Real love transforms loneliness into aloneness. When you love another person,
you help him/her to experience the completeness of aloneness. You do not make
them feel complete by your constant presence. You want them not to be in
constant need of you. Aloneness gives you freedom and when you are completely
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free, sharing is possible. You give, and you give it away freely, not because you
need something, but because you are so overflowing with love.

Love makes room for freedom, it strengthens freedom. Love and freedom are the
two wings of the same bird that flies in sky. All growth springs from love, but it
has to be unconditional love. Love unconditionally and give without expecting
anything in return. It comes back a thousand-fold. Recognize its beauty and
receive it openly. Love as a sharing, not as a need. True love lets you soar in
freedom. Meditation and love are the ways to experience the bliss of aloneness,
the freedom to be utterly yourself.

The wonders of aloneness unfold in the art of meditation. Love and meditation
are so deeply related with one another. Love springs from the meditative quality
of a person. Meditation takes you to a state where a deep love begins to arise
from somewhere within you, anew door opening in you. You want to share. When
you love too deeply, you become aware, that your love is becoming more and
more so much meditative. You feel such a joy in sharing.

A subtle silence is entering in you, a silence that begins to enter with such a
breathtaking beauty. You are touching so intensely, your own depth. Love makes
you meditative and meditation awakens the hidden love in you, the love that you
were seeded with at your birth. You discover meditation as the root of love, the
root that you once seemed to forget, but being in touch with the root, it merely
spreads deeper and deeper into the ground below, so you can grow, so you can
rise with branches in all directions.

How do you transform loneliness into aloneness? Feel the love that you were
seeded with, as it heals the wounds that you so covered, the pain that is sleeping
beneath. Love dispels darkness and neediness. Love brings a new rhythm of
sweetness, joy and peace, it calls for a song in your heart that you did not think
you were capable of singing. You give out of your rich fullness and giving spreads
your joy. Meditation radiates love within you. It helps you to be in love no matter
where you are, with whom you are. It helps you to overflow in love, so much so
that it keeps flowing from you to all the sentient beings on Earth.

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You contain within yourself….the ocean of love is within you. IT is not a small
running river. Love is your whole being, it is your rich Godliness. You are love.
Love does not flow for only one person or object. It is a radiation of your soul. And
the vaster your radiation, the greater is your soul. The wider spread are the wings
of your love, the bigger is the sky of your being. And love becomes a song, an
ecstasy. The whole place becomes a temple of love. Everywhere that you walk in,
you fill the place with a new type of energy, and something beautiful begins to
flow between you and others.

Life is nothing but an opportunity for love to blossom. As long as you are alive, the
opportunity for you is there till your last breath. Even one breath, even one
moment of love can hold love in eternity. Meditation beings you to the truth and
bliss of love. They need to be shared. As they are not sufficient unto themselves.
Love gives freedom. It never becomes a bondage. Love is a relatedness, a
friendliness. When you radiate love, only then love becomes a crescendo. As it
achieves the last and the ultimate.

Only then does it hold the beauty of Godliness. In the lowest, love is a
relationship. It is between any two people. In the highest, love is not a
relationship any more. IT becomes a state of being. The lotus opens, and a great
fragrance is released---but only at the highest peak. At the highest, love is a
spiritual state of consciousness. Love is for the sheer joy of giving it. It has a
radiant and transcendental beauty. It surpasses all the joys that you have ever
experienced and felt. Your inner fount flows in an unending manner and anybody
can drink from your unceasing flow. You know not how to end. You know not how
to cease. You only know how to flow.

And flow you must as in this flow, can you retain your state of being. It is the is
being in love that will give you the true freedom. And it is a meditative type of
love. Meditation takes you to this highest form of bliss, where, you walk away
from an object or a person dependent love and shower love on all, not knowing
where or how to pause, as you have reached the ultimate stage of bliss. Our
meditation can also be a home base that can help us to meet life with a wakeful
presence and in much of a relaxed way.

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This type of breath to breath meditation helps us to calm and settle the mind with
deep breathing and builds a mindful presence with our natural breathing. In
stress, we learn to relax time and time again, by doing which, we learn the
pathway to homecoming to aliveness, openness and mystery that is here and
now. Perhaps the most universal place to collect and deepen attention is the
breath. The meditation begins with a breath that is intentional that has a calming
and soothing effect on our body and mind, our nervous system---and then opens
to a clear, intimate presence with our natural breathing.

With breath as our home, we practice returning again and again when the mind
gets so distracted. As the awareness grows, the breath comes to the foreground,
so it can include whatever waves of life come and go. This allows peace to return
to the shores again, happiness to gently flow again within our hearts. Here,
meditation becomes a beautiful homecoming to the breath of our life, the most
authentic breath where we return over and over again, when life becomes so
surprisingly unkind.

This meditation allows us to rest in wakeful openness. It helps us to awaken to

the space and aliveness in our bodies. When we get too lost in thoughts, we
explore the gap between thoughts. Br unveiling the veil of thinking, we discover
your true being that is your true home. You unlock your deepest secrets of who
you are by going beyond the veil of thinking. Learning how to recognize and rest
in spaciousness, allows you to discover the love and wakefulness that is your
inner fount which flows unceasingly.

You discover your interior space, exterior space and your continuous space that is
suffused with a rich awareness. And then you explore how you experience that
awareness as a heart space---vast, illuminated and tender. Meditation is also the
silence that is listening. The silence that can connect with the natural openness of
awareness. You can listen to sounds, each of which comes with a message.
Meditation emphasizes the anchor of listening. And lets our sounds wash through
us. In this acceptance, you will find homecoming in peace and full presence.

Your understanding, your receptiveness will help you to return to your true home-
--to your inner being. In daily life, we often lose ourselves in the wilderness of
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thoughts, we leave our own true home, and cut ourselves off from an
openhearted experience of life. Meditation reconnects by opening all the senses,
turning towards the awareness that is here, and living in the awakened heart
space that holds our moment to moment experience. This is when we wake up
from our thoughts and come back to our home within us. Sense whatever
blessings feel natural to offer to this human heart, as this awakened heart space is
our deepest nature. As we awaken our senses, we open to our full naturalness.

We open our sense gates, and in the beauty of that openness, we experience the
full aliveness and awareness that is our essence. We take refuge inside the
wilderness of ourselves and come home to the embodied awareness within us.
Meditation leads to open to the brook of aliveness. We open to the sound and
the flow of ever changing experience. When we connect with the changing flow of
sensations, feelings and sounds, we find our way back to the formless awareness
that is our home. The brook is ceaselessly running, flowing, let it run through you.
Totally relax with this ever- changing dance of sound and sensation.

You are the brook that you are learning to cross. Breath resumes in its natural
rhythm. Resting fully in this relaxed presence, is the gateway to the deep peace
and inner freedom. This is breathing our way to peace and freedom. When the
mind drifts, it guides us back to the center of a relaxed presence---into that core
which is the center of now. In the changing river of experiences, meditation takes
us to rest, no matter how fast the brook is running.

When we realize we are aware of the gap between thoughts, the space where the
light of awareness shines through, it is in that gap between thoughts, that the
light floods in. It shines through this mystery that is right here, right now, opening
to and relaxing into the life that’s right here. If you are inside a cloud of thoughts
again, you can always begin again, and discover the vibrant aliveness in the gap
that exists between thoughts---the space where the light shines through. Get back
into the wakeful stillness. The now, the here---that is our true home. Awake
awareness becomes your home.

The still presence becomes your essence through meditation. It also awakens the
embodied love. In the vast, transparent space of awareness, meditation
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progresses to include all experiences---sound, sensations, thoughts and

experiences. The deep meditative mind of yours becomes a sky like mind that can
be tuned to the plethora of sounds, the wide array of experiences and yet be
tuned to the stillness within that is inviting you to come home.

Meditation lets us go beyond the veil of unending thinking, lets us rest in reality,
helps us to receive life with an open awareness, takes us into space and aliveness
and awareness, awakens the loving presence, helps us to say “Yes” to life, no
matter what it brings, helps us recognize the boundless, loving awareness that we
are, makes us alert to inner stillness, transforms our fear, helps us to move from
breath to breath.

Gently helps us to relax in to a paradise of happiness, introduces us to the golden

silence that is listening, assists us to relax into attentiveness, cultivates a loving
heart within us, helps us to take refuge in awareness and presence. It also
reminds us of the unceasing blessings of love. There is a sacred loving presence
that shines through all of us. First, we tune into the vulnerable, tender place
within us that longs to feel loved, and calls in a loving presence to unconditionally
bless us.

By allowing ourselves to receive love, our hearts become lighted. We become

fully alive, so as to offer blessings to others. Meditation gives a forgiving heart
which clears the way for giving and receiving love freely, without any holding
back. Meditation also brings you to the awareness that you are here, right here,
not anywhere else, not in dwelling in the past or dreaming of the future. It also
lets you be aware of the heart space that is your home.

No matter how far and how long you have wandered, this heart space, this awake
tender awareness, is your home waiting for you to come home to. Meditation lets
life live through us. Like an ocean, when we rest in complete openness, it
becomes possible to unfold ourselves to the waves, without any bit of grasping or

This engaged presence is the very essence of freedom, of inhabiting a wholeness

of being. To meditate means to awaken an intimate presence, to see things with

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more wisdom and clarity. It paves the pathway of deep listening. It opens the
door to healing by bringing a mindful attention to our inner vulnerability and fear.
Meditation gives you a healing breath. It lets life be as it is. It gives you a radiant,
empty heart. It opens yourself to the sea of presence. Life lives through you again,
in an unhindered, uninterrupted way. You do not have to fight with yourself
anymore. You no longer are in resistance with life.

You give in to the invitation of life. How beautiful that is, how soothing that is for
your body, mind and soul. You become at ease with the tides of life. You no
longer are at denial of anything. You are so receptive of whatever life brings or
does not bring, cause, you have made peace with everything.

Meditation gives us the beauty of freedom. None of us is free from the inevitable
pain, of suffering and death. The spirit, which is our real self is free, but somehow,
we have forgotten that. We identify ourselves with our bondage and hence suffer
in countless ways. We are like asleep and dreaming that deep down we are
tortured. The reality is that you are not being touched at all. Yet, you can never
come out of your suffering and fear. The only way to escape your torture is
meditation. You need only to wake up.

Meditation is the way of self-awakening, the way to freedom from suffering and
limitation. Meditation is the pathway to remembrance and restoration of what
we have forgotten. We go through the sufferings of a memory block, which
results from the conditioning of many levels, on which we function. Our
consciousness, somehow has been dislocated from its very natural center.
Meditation is the process of re-centering our awareness, in the light of pure
consciousness, which is our pure essential being.

Through awareness of external objects, somewhere, we have lost the awareness

of our true selves, we have lost the innate beauty that we were gifted with.
Hence, we lose the unbiased consciousness. Rather than disperse our
consciousness through material things that draw us away from the center of our
being, we can take one object and through it we can reverse our consciousness.
That object is the breath, the meeting place of our mind, body and spirit.

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The breath and the body are interconnected. Breath is calm when the body is
calm, Breath is agitated when the mind is agitated, or disturbed in some way or
the other. Our drawing of a quick breath when we are in shock or surprised, and
the exhalation gets forceful. Our holding of the breath when attempting way too
intense concentration also shows this connection between breath and body.
Breath, which exists on all planes of manifestation, is the connecting link between
matter and mind, energy and consciousness on the other. By closing your eyes
and relaxing into spaciousness, you let your mind be totally absorbed in
experiencing the breath movements, as enter into the consciousness from which
it arises…the eternal witness consciousness.

We begin with awareness of physical breath, but that awareness, when cultivates,
leads us into the higher awareness, which enables us to perceive the subtle
movements behind the breath. And ultimately, we get in touch, we come into
contact with the Breather of breath, our own spirit-self. We are eternal beings,
without beginning or an end. We originate from a source. So originally, we were
un-manifest and transcendental as our source, but, just as the source expanded
into relative manifestation, so did we. In our undifferentiated being, the bliss of
perfect unity, there existed only one point, that did not upset the original unity,
but stressed it.

Then the stress point began to move internally, creating a magnetic duality. The
beginning point was the Original Breath. Then the poles of that duality began
alternating in dominance, and a cycling or circling began. This cycling began to
expand outward, manifesting as embodiment in body, until the full state of
relativity was reached. The Original breath had created everything we call “us”.
Through the branching of one Cosmic breath, one Original breath, there
manifested a virtually, infinite environment---a process known as samsara.

This breath is the evolutionary force which causes us to enter into relative
existence, and manifest therein, until-also through the breath, we evolve to the
point, where we are ready to return to the original point. From the multiplicity of
relativity, if we want to come back to our original unity, we need to center our
awareness. That manifests as inhaling and exhaling.

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These seemingly two movements, are in reality, one, and together they can lead
us back to our source. Through inhalation and exhalation, we breathe deeper and
deeper, we fully immerse ourselves as making breath as our very home, until we
at last reach the beginning point, from where we originated. The Breath becomes
both the entry and exit. We can never really return to the originating point,
without cultivation of the original breath.

The Breath is both entry and exit. Therein comes the beauty of mindfulness of
breathing. You have been in this world, before you were born and you here after
your death. The mind that where comes endless thoughts, they come and go, but
you remain. You are here forever. Experience your feeling of foreverness. True
feeling of foreverness can only spring from no-mind. No-mind can be born from

The beauty of no-mind can only spring when we immerse deep in meditation.
Explore everything with a childlike state of wonder. Dive into each experience
with curiosity and wonder dancing within you. When you are full of wonder, your
life seems to overflow with wonder. There is a childlike presence deep inside of
you who loves to simply love, play and explore life in a thousand playful ways.

Drop your seriousness in life and begin to be playful in the most homecoming
ways. Life becomes to be blissful when you let your innocence shine through. As
you engage effortlessly in being child-like, you will see that in everything you do,
it becomes an exploration of the divine. This is a stage of divine curiosity where
you can dance your way through any issues that may come across the path of
your mind. By remaining curious, you can never be upset again. You can always
stay open to your next possible experience that is coming your way.

Meditation engages us in self-inquiry. It stands in the way of mind running in a

thousand ways and puts you in the eternal paradise of bliss. Inquire yourself with
questions like…Where is the source of this thought? Where is it coming from?
Who is having this experience right here, right now? Who is experiencing this
breath at this moment in this body? Asking yourself these questions, your mind
eventually comes back to the God-source. How your mind answers these

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questions, can create deeper answers inside of you to the ancient question…as to
why you are here.

When you are ready within to be immersed in a deeper state of bliss within your
own innate fount, you become free on all levels, then you feel the joy of
discovering your own self. The more you inquire yourself, the more you get the
bliss of no-attachment to anything that comes and goes, the sooner you will wake
up to an experience of bliss like nothing you have experienced before.

Know that, you are a divine spiritual being, boundless and formless in spirit
within. This one in-depth understanding will change your life for the richer
wisdom that you were already seeded with at the time of your birth. You are not
your thoughts, feelings, or your body. You are someone, so much bigger than all
of this. You are a soul that is beyond the realm of space and time and you have no
real boundaries. The mind can never give you the truth. As the mind is too small
to give you that vastness of a wisdom.

Never walk into the illusions of mind that are waiting to trap you. Never make the
mistake of living in your head. Discover the state of spiritual bliss that is already in
the sea of your soul. Notice how your body breathes so beautifully, follow it and
listen to your breath giving you life. This bliss is your real spiritual nature. Never
completely miss this ever- running brook of consciousness.

Surrender to the experience that is arising in your life right now, right at this
moment. Surrender is the ultimate key to finding bliss. We are embodied in the
present moment for an eternity. Every moment is enshrined in eternity. Your
body cannot escape the now. The mind tries to dive into the past and future by
thinking about the past and dreaming about what has not yet come. Yet the truth
always contains you here. The moment you surrender to any mind battle that
seems too disturbing, just be present to the now.

And the issue will begin to disappear. If you are unable to surrender, let the
greatest fear arise within you. Courage lies in being able to face the fear. Follow
the fear back until you reach the source where it came from. The meditative mind
never has to worry about such illusions, as it is unattached to everything. It knows

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each experience in life will come and go. The moment you will try to stop
something from happening, bliss will fall on your soul. Bliss begins to happen to
you. Let go and let God in and simply be, the easier it will become to find the
source of infinite riches within you.

Art of meditation lies in blending heaven and earth at all times. They surrender to
the ideas of heavenliness and unheavenly, and within each moment, they find
true peace. They have a deeper knowingness, in the knowledge, that they are
always connected to an Infinite source of love and goodness inside. Their
relaxation into this source deepens and eventually grows into the wings of
spiritual freedom. Sit in silence and feel any discomfort or pain arising within you.

Surrender to the core of it. Find out what is at the core and you can then release
it with your breath. It is best to remain centered in the core of your being and
integrate your experiences as they arise, rather than get lost in the phenomena
they produce. Surrendering gives you the absolute winning power. This moment
contains an entire universe of ideas. The mind cannot keep up running with the
moment, there is too much happening in the Now moment to be contained or
controlled by the mind.

The mind is a very small vessel compared to the vastness of existence. By stepping
back from the mind, can you experience the whole universe, the wonders of it,
and its amazing divine beauty. The mind gets caught in the very subtle moments
of past and future. When you are totally in the moment, you will see the wisdom
of having no mind, and only a pure awareness remains.

When you touch the stillness of your silence, being open to everything and
resisting nothing, the Enlightening happens in the wonders of that instant. You
are an untainted being who is eternally present. It is the river of consciousness in
this existence, fully alive and awake in running. Never strive or try to reach it. It
just comes effortlessly, as any desperate effort will stop all bliss from flowing in.
Meditation is the simple experience of watching the mind and resting, relaxing in
your very essence, your inner most core.

Light of Consciousness

This is what you’re your experience of meditation is about, to be immersed in the

bliss of enlightenment. Be gentle with yourself. Gentleness is the way to land
yourself in a paradise of bliss. If you ever get lost in your journey, then this will
give you a chance to awaken by losing your old self again and again until you
realize you are nothingness again. When you have gentleness, you have love.
Maybe, it was all utterly meaningless, but you do not have to rush, you no longer
have to search for this meaning, it is only in stopping the strive, that you find all
the meaning in everything, and you will know what it means to be truly human,
why is it that at times, we are restless and at other times, we are at peace and so
lovingly gaze at all.

The unexpected song of peace on your lips will sound so beautiful in this universe,
as you meditatively love all the sentient beings on this Earth. The moments that
bring tears to your eyes are the moments that you once shared in love, and that
which streamed from your heart in a joy that can only arise from a meditative
mind. Breathe in all that is, an awakening, awareness expanding, to be receptive
and embrace everything in the way they come, and your heartbeat will tune into
the heart beating in this world.

With each breath, a wholeness, a healing enters within you. Meditate as an act of
love, of deep, warm friendship with yourself. By acting on love, there is no
desperate need for the subtle emphasis on self-improvement, for the endless
guilt of not doing enough. It gives us the possibility of an end to the ceaseless
trying on your part so much so that it can wrap your life with a knot. The
meditation becomes an act of love. How endlessly delightful and heart soothing.
Who you are is whole and that is manifested in a thousand ways, so blissfully in

Meditation beings you at peace with the truth of life and who you are. You
become illumined from within, you who for so longed from within. Despite doubt
or hopeless turns of your mind, you are not broken. The art of deep breathing,
and how this breathing can bring you to your true home once again, can hold the
key to your blooming into fullness again. Spirit surrounds, fills you, embraces you

Light of Consciousness

till your ecstatic point, till your very brim, fills from you inside out. Release
everything that is not your true nature.

What is left with you is your effulgence, your innate light and your shadow and
that you have come home to yourself, the home within you----that is your
birthright. Meditation brings you to trust exactly the place where you are meant
to be in your life. Meditation brings you to pass on your innate love to others, so
you can find bliss in giving and receiving love again---you can overflow with love
again. May you take the gifts of meditation and weave a gift out of them so as to
gift the world with the wisdom that you so received from the art of meditation.
Meditation awakens us from the trance of fear.

It transforms our fears that somewhere come along the way and takes us away
from the love that seems to struggle to sing forever. As we face fear with
mindfulness and compassion, can we awaken from trance and reconnect with our
creativity and complete aliveness, wisdom and love. The essence of spiritual
awakening is in recognizing fear and befriending it, to see deep into it, and in the
most tender intensity of fear, discover the awakened heart. A new beauty
emerges in your awakened heart, a beauty that lives with love and leaves fear in
the past.

Explore the suffering of becoming identified with fear being in your body, and the
wondrous ways that enable a liberating presence with fear. Meditation helps you
to come out of imprisonment from fear based, limiting beliefs. How to turn fear
into a blessing…How to turn fear into fearlessness---is brought to us by the art of
meditation. Bless you for your fear, for it brings a message, a message of wisdom.
Never hold yourself in fear, rather release yourself into a new You.

Bring the much- needed transformation from energy to the soft, supple flexibility,
that can so easily dance you around this universe, make you roam freely
everywhere, fearlessly---this is how you will be free from what you fear.
Everybody is familiar with fear.

It can come within a moment and throw us into such a chaos, yet it can also save
our lives. How? Fear is a natural response, but it can also be a figment of self-

Light of Consciousness

creation, such as fear of being lonely, fear of suffering, fear of death. Fear also
steps in our minds when we decide to walk into love, fear of being left aside. We
fear sharing our thoughts and feelings in case others seem to be unhappy with
the streaming of our thought patterns. From fear and insecurity, arises our
inability to trust. It appears so real, even though it is not happening now, that we
rehearse the same illusory fear over and over again in our minds, that there
comes a time, when the illusion becomes a figment of truth in the web of our

And we feel such a comfort living in that illusory truth in our minds, that stepping
out of it becomes almost impossible. It has no real substance embodies in it and it
arises when the ego self is at stake, which makes us want to cling to the known
and familiar. Such type of fear creates unneeded worry, untold apprehension, and
much unwanted paranoia. The immediate effect of fear is to shut us down and to
shut off the free thoughts flowing from the heart.

For a moment, let your body be in the stance of feeling fearful. Your posture
would most definitely change, as you would be folded in fear, not unfolded in
relaxation and beauty, you will be contracted in your heart, not unfolded in a free
flowing of joy. The heart goes out of reach and we cannot even feel love or even
friendliness. As long as we push away, deny or ignore fear, it will hold us totally
captive and keep us emotionally so frozen that we will be unable to move

We become untrusting of love, of the flow of spontaneity, we get frustrated or

hide what we feel within. Fear plays by contracting and closing the heart, love is
being resisted, it does not get expand and open the heart, embracing fear, the
heart does not taste the joy of freedom. There is a world of love out there, and
there is a world of fear inside of You---both these worlds are standing right in
front of You---Which one do You choose? Love or Fear?

Sometimes, the fear feels a lot more urgent than the feeling of love. Being love,
naturally unfolds us from within---our heart, our body responds, our arms reach
so far outward, accepting all, embracing all, and inviting all. Fear may still reside
somewhere in your mind, but love can give it a place, as love will pardon any
Light of Consciousness

negativity that stems from fear. In love, how beautiful becomes your breathing.
How it gets so deeper and fuller---how deeply it invites you to go home within
yourself. How rewarding gets your journey within.

Where fear closes the pathway of love, love holds fear somehow with a touch of
understanding and tenderness, as love in its richer sense, never ceases to
understand fear. Love is like the vast sky that is etched with sun, moon and stars
and yet it loses nothing, contrarily it gives out light to Earth, so it can be flooded
with joy and hope. Do you remember the times, you have met fear and moved
through it.

There must have been times in your life when fear arose in your mind, but you
kept going. Those are the moments of fearlessness, when love guided you to step
out of fear. Fear may have locked your heart, but courage is born out of heart’s
fullness, out of releasing resistance. Fear will stand in our way from facing our
shadow, it will stand in way between, so we cannot participate fully in life.
Fearlessness will give us the courage to dive into the realm of unknown.

To be fearless does not mean, that we are in denial of fear, it is never a state of
being without fear, rather it is going through fear, completely experiencing the
fear yet being able to walk with it being guided by love. It is getting to know the
fear, and taking it hand by hand, walk with it side by side and the ability to do so
arises as love lives within us, love breathes in us, from the moment we were born.
We live befriending fear, not unfriending it, and we can do so as we were seeded
with love from the very beginning. Fear can be a powerful emotion that can very
well demand patience and understanding.

Never try to block it as it will simply create further anxiety. As fear comes---we
breathe and let go of what holds us back. When fear steps in, our mind needs
such a tenderness, a nourishment of reassurance. Fear comes, fear goes, what
stays behind is love, as that is meant to live forever.

When fear steps in, we replace it with love. When we do this, we are inviting the
fearful parts of ourselves that bring in anxiety to get to know us, we get to know
each other by befriending each other, understanding each other, not by running

Light of Consciousness

away from one another. The thing that helps us in the process is love, how its
wonders work in a thousand ways. Meditation enables us to live with fear.

Cause in this living together, do we begin to understand fear, the unexpected

insights of it and the flashes of understanding that come across our minds which
help us into courage and a deeper awareness. By and by, fear becomes our friend.
Meditation helps us to befriend fear and to conquer it with love, by releasing love
every moment that we live, every moment that we breathe in this world.

What is there that can really shake us so as to awaken us, break us so as to build
us, that can make us kneel in the wordless prayers to God? Is the fear real or
imaginary? Fear comes with many faces, many disguises. Running away from it
will make way for fear to chase you more and more. It creates more resistance,
makes room for more tension. Transformation comes in when we have the
courage to turn around and face it, surrender our defenses, break down the
resistances and fixation of thoughts and sink into vulnerability and tender

As being vulnerable brings in a beauty, tenderness brings in a softness that allows

love to blossom at its best. By recognizing fear when it comes and just letting it be
rather than reacting to it, we break down its power and enter into fearlessness.
When fear arises, there will be something inside of you that will begin to soften,
loosen and surrender, to let go of the resistance, to release the fear, and the
moment you do it, you realize, beneath the fear, there is an enormous reservoir
of joy and you will be hugely lifted out of yourself. It is an awesome feeling. You
feel fearless, utterly exhilarated.

You hold that experience as special moments of fearlessness that gave birth to
the most beautiful feelings of releasing your illusory concepts into the eternal
embrace of love. Hold on to it, as it will give you the beauty of light, the light that
is meant to live forever. Sometimes, we have to jump into the unknown with our
eyes wide open to step into something new, a new realm where we never
stepped in before. As fear arises, as it tries to take its hold over you, keep your
body open, stay aware and never ever forget to breathe deeply.

Light of Consciousness

As in that deep breathing, will you be able to return home again. Stay aware and
fear will not see a success in establishing itself. At the same time, while
befriending fear, allow yourself to go beneath it to find its roots. What is
triggering it, why is it arising, why does it keep showing up, what is holding it---Go
find within. There maybe sadness, loss, inadequacy or tenderness. Keep going
deeper and deeper. In doing so, fear will begin to move through you without
pausing, without landing at all. And you will be able to keep going beyond it.
Remember those times, when you have met fear and moved through it. So many
times, that fear made its way through you but still you kept going.

Fear may close your heart, but fearlessness will show its way by releasing
resistance. Fear contracts but love embraces. It can embrace fear, can hold it like
the sky that holds the winds of change and the gushing rainfall. Love embraces
your weaknesses, as in this embracing, do you grow into strengths. Love holds
fear gently and transforms it into fearlessness. Love is letting go of fear, very
fearlessly. Acknowledge your fears, expose yourself to what you fear.

Never dismiss fear as weakness. Fear can be very instructive. Courage and fear go
hand in hand. Fear never negates courage, contrarily, fear beckons courage.
Where there is no fear, courage is not needed. Courage is what we call upon to
face what we actually fear. Never permit fear to run without awakening your

Fear exists solely within our imaginations. What we fear dies away, after we have
faced what we feared. The universe has given us wonderfully, enough courage to
face even our darkest fear. It becomes a very sad moment, when we succumb to
our fears without calling upon courage to step in and make its way in the darkest
of times, when we need it the most to show us its one true light.

Fear can either motivate you or it can paralyze you. The presence of fear is very
much normal. Whether you are currently sailing through the waters of this season
or barely making it, you can always punch your fear by holding onto love, so
fiercely and yet so softly, all at the same time.

Light of Consciousness

Be comfortable with fear and you will emerge into your being every moment,
fresh and alive as you meet new challenges and new opportunities to creatively
express yourselves. In moments of fear, let the breath come and go in an
unencumbered way. Breath, relax and experience at a somatic level of just being
comfortable with whatever is happening in the body.

This blessing of being able to turn fear into a blessing, fear into fearlessness, by
befriending it, not by unfriending it, is brought to us by the very art of meditation.
Trust in what is happening, in the wisdom of its intelligence, the feedback that is
coming in one’s own heart, the goodness this innate within us, that we can call at
any moment and bring it to the situation that we are facing. This blessings, this
homecoming is something we have waited for all along.

Light of Consciousness


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