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Dewdrops of Compassion

Dewdrops of Compassion

Dewdrops of Compassion
A book that sheds Light on soul in the flow of spiritual ecstasy

Jayita Bhattacharjee (M.S., M.A.)

Copyright 2014, by Jayita Bhattacharjee

Dewdrops of Compassion

Dewdrops of Compassion

This book reveals the sacred alchemy, waking up at dawn and seeing the sun rise
while the world was still in a deep slumber. Listen to the whisper of beyond and
be aware of your personal calling. It is a blessing from God above, it is his call
arousing your heart on his pathway of love, joy, peace and compassion that shine
in the sun rising in your soul. Shed off your layers of illusion, fear and guilt.
Unchain yourself from the fetters of prejudice.
The divine call in your heart is so urgent that it cannot stay unheard anymore. Our
petals of heart are scattered on this journey that we take to self-discovery. We
are the bearers of a holy light. The deep silence shows us the pathway to a
thousand miracles that we need to share with others as their roads cross ours.
Each day starts with a new hope, a hope to scatter the seeds of an
interconnection. We get back the lost feeling of togetherness and a sharing
between hearts in our inner sanctum.
The pain that eats away inside becomes a shared feeling, the grief that felt so
heavy, the path that seemed so unbearable, the journey that seemed so bleak in
the winter seasons of life, suddenly crosses the threshold and life dawns in with a
new light. We come to a sudden realization that what we yearned for, what our
hearts ached for in many a lonely day, it was all there, so obscure under the layers
of pain, that we failed to set our eyes on it. There it is shining as a priceless gem in
the heart of hearts, soul of souls on the eternity of our sacred selves.
The renounce of our earthly desire for conquest and the immersing in a joy that
transcends the terrestrial realms of life, opens our eyes to a new vision where we
acknowledge and honor the timeless, formless spirit that dwells in all in the
sacred space within. It is that stands as the lotus in the ocean of immortality. That
is the divine nectar of our spiritual wisdom. Something that was there from age
after age, something that shines in the beauty of a sacred eternity; the walls of
fragmentation have to be rumbled down, isolation has to be grounded down to
sip the taste of a universal compassion. That is what this journey is all about,
walking together, on the pathway of love, though the journey is ours and ours

Dewdrops of Compassion

Dewdrops of Compassion

Dew-kissed Compassion
Compassion is the sacred truth that blossoms in the soul of cosmos. From love,
does spring the strength, the blooming beauty of compassion, towards love does
it reach to, and in the sanctuary of a universal heart, does it tenderly enter. In
love is the blissful revealing of the innate desire to reach out and touch another
soul. Enlightened, we sweep on with our eternal, sacred spirits, emitting light of
compassion, into the stagnant darkness of suffering.
Along this immeasurable stretch of loneliness, where the secret cry of suffering
seems so unheard, there comes a distant voice with the aching urgency to be
heard of, a heart to be solaced with the first dewdrops of an understanding
compassion. Our healing touch turns the misery of pain, dust of gloom into a
lingering sweetness. The gentle breath, the shared sense of belonging to each
other, the falling in love with souls, emits the divine light of glory, a light to show
the trails of strength, a wanting that can travel along the landscapes of a sacred
universal spirit.
As the pain pierces the sky with an unheard agony, pause for a moment and
spread out the holy light throughout the infinity, as it gives away to the path of
togetherness, one that is walked on, by so many lost souls, wanderers that have
lost their paths in the weariness of pain and heartache. The rhythm of an unseen
universal love sings in the hearts of many, to share the pain of unbearable
sufferings that many have faced in the unexpected twists and turns of life. Should
you in sudden ache stop in a ceaseless wonder, then run your fingers through the
cords of heart, tune in to what your soul whispers in the silent cry of night, and
you will hear the distant call of a love that gives birth to a universal compassion.
From the sea of our souls, surges the waves of an ancient understanding-to gaze
into the sacredness of everyone we meet, and to respect the sacred pilgrimage of
every traveler, as their paths cross ours. The pain that one feels with someone,
shares with someone, cries out a thousand echoes of humanity along this vast
stretch of universe. The lotus of kindness blossoms, shyly amidst the intense
sufferings, makes its way through in the light of awareness that shines in our
souls. From form to form, we wander in an endless search of a holy compassion,
only to be enlightened with the wisdom of a spirit that universally unites us.

Dewdrops of Compassion

As one suffers, humanity suffers too, as one cries, humanity gives out its
desperate cry. Embrace the sacred truth of humanity, as compassion can heal
many wounds left unseen and unhealed. If one cannot sense the hidden beauty of
compassion, then one fails to behold the beauty of life, the heights of its joy.
A simple gesture of kindness can be more of an understanding heart, an
embracing soul in times of despair that has been sacredly woven by God, so
intricately fabricated with love and compassion in this journey of life. Reach out
to places where people are lonely and broken, sagging in spirits being vulnerable
and weak. It is the tenderness, the gentle kindness that can heal all that is broken
and can bring a thousand shattered pieces to whole.
Reveal the sacred awareness of suffering of others along with the wanting to
release them of their sufferings, to bring them out of their aching loneliness into a
shared togetherness. Enlighten yourselves in the sacred light of this holy
consciousness birthing in your spirits. Compassion is a sacred cornerstone of
humanity, an empathetic understanding of the hidden sufferings of others. It is
deeply rooted in the circle of interdependence of all living things, all sentient
beings throbbing in the heart of this universe.
The thread of human compassion binds one heart to another. Keep the heart
open through all the seasons of life, and your suffering can crack your soul to let
the light of compassion penetrate through. The pain will hang so vaguely as if it
belongs to some distant past.
The waters of suffering become so very stilled. The star of compassion finally
shines through the gleaming waters of peace. The light of awareness is splintered
into the dark gloominess of souls and here is born a spirit that is universal. Love is
folded up in the sacred silence of hearts.
Walk on the path of compassion and leave the everlasting print of love in the holy
sanctuary of soul. There emerges a wakeful sharing, that was hidden in a deep
slumber, for so long. Give freely from your heart, the priceless gifts of kindness
and compassion, let it touch every throbbing heart, let it reach every living soul
and its handprints will stay on this universe forever. Seek solace in this shelter of
an embracing compassion, O’ wearied wayfarer. Herein lies the everlasting peace,
where ache fades and healing begins, as the first footsteps of a journey.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Remember to touch every sentient being, as you walk the path of compassion.
Hear the words of kindness as it echoes in the sacred breeze of this universe. That
is the path-the holy path of life. See with the eyes of your heart, listen with the
ears of empathy, feel with the spirit of a universal soul and the beauty of
compassion blossoms everywhere. Just be immersed in it. Walk in awareness,
scattering the seeds of peace, as in tenderness, beauty sees it unfolding
Compassion dawns in with the honoring of inescapable sacred truth – an intense
awareness of the tragic seasons of life, one that paints the portrait of life
showering us with the gifts of spiritual wisdom. As we feel with others, suffer with
others, new dawn breaks in, through your sacred deeds of compassion and your
heart gently unfolds petal by petal, to pour in your soul’s empathy. The sharing of
wordless grief, the mingling of sorrows leads all to the path of heart.
The circle of compassion is inclusive, as realization peeps in ourselves, that we are
not solitary travelers in this pilgrimage of life. Beholding our oneness is the
blossoming of compassion. The lotus gently blooms as it urges us to move beyond
the lines of separation. It is an overflowing fountain- an eternal burst of kindness.
When a heart beats with sacred compassion, divine mercy rains from above. The
music of unconditional love plays its melody at every moment of life. The flow of
mercy from yourself to others arises from an unconditional giving birthing from
the heart. When you look deeply within yourself, you will behold the glory of an
eternal kinship with all beings, a treasure that you never beheld before.
Compassion shows the intense yearning of heart to merge with the suffering of
others, so as to make it a shared grief, a wordless connection between souls.
Nurture the seeds of compassion, so it adds beauty to life, gives it a priceless
meaning, a flower that can only blossom in the depths of a soul. Shed from
yourself every trace of separation, one that holds you back from reaching out to
another heart, hearing the silent cries of another soul.
Split your soul and let your kindness flood them all. Step into compassion as you
look at others with the eyes of love. Every leaf, flower, star-speaks the language
of a divine compassion bearing the divine signature of a sacred interconnection.
In awakened consciousness, behold others with the eyes of radiant empathy.

Dewdrops of Compassion

The way out of the labyrinth of suffering is the doorway to compassion, to release
the shackles of pain and unlatch the gateway to a paradise of peace. Every time,
you send out kindness to this universe, you give out gifts from your heart, one
that reaches another soul, heals another heart, soothes someone’s pain, releases
someone’s wordless grief.
Cultivate a heart of endless love and compassion will spring from it for all the
sentient beings. Feel with others, feel their suffering and let it make pathway to
your heart in a thousand enlightening ways. The essence of an unconditional love,
an undying compassion, is understanding others with the light of heart, the
wanting, the ability to recognize the suffering of others, to penetrate inside the
mind of the other.
We make our way through their body, feelings, so as to feel what they feel, to be
with their silent grief, the suffering of their souls. To be with another’s suffering
gives a holy birth to a feeling of compassion. Go to the place of others, where
they feel vulnerable and tender and release the tendency to close down and
come face to face with their pain, and when our compassionate relationship
embraces them, they bloom like wildflowers.
Walk every step on the trails of kindness, leaving a fragrance that emits a soul to
soul reaching out. Gaze deeply into the nature of their despair and suffering, ease
the intensity and guide them so they do not cling to their own pain, so they can
come see light of a new day and no longer spill suffering.
Show them the path and help them to behold life in the beauty of present
moment. Beholding others with the eyes of soul turns to a true love letter of your
life, one where words cross the bridge from yours to another’s. Our life is a sacred
manifestation of love, understanding, compassion and beauty at every step of the
way, every moment becomes glorious in the holiness of an awakening light, every
encounter turns to a divine relationship in this walk of life.
Compassion is the footprint of love, one that is never erased by the passing
breeze of many seasons of life. Whatever may lie beneath, be it despair or
resentment, gently sail it away, and join the dance of life with a love that ripples
across the ocean of this universe. Walk with the grace of compassion, as its music
is everlasting, echoing through the passages of time. Rise from your grief and be
the dancing soul of universe. Feel the peace of love and joy, embrace yourself in
Dewdrops of Compassion

the serenity of nature, the tranquility of running waters, the tender smiles of a full
moon. They are speaking to your soul in a thousand ways that have gone
unheard. The aching pain will turn to an overflow of joyful splendor as you share
it with others in this holy pilgrimage. Life has its surprises, but also comes with its
own gifts in every dawning moment. Compassion has its endless wonder, as you
scatter its seeds amidst the stretches of pain. It heals every wound, and reaches
the hearts seared by deepest grief.
Let the universe bathe in the ever- flowing waters of your compassion. As the
storm of life slowly passes, compassion will linger on the horizon, leaving forever
a sacred heart print across this cosmos. Let the kindness crack in your heart to
open your eyes, to the grandeur of a new dawn, a light of beyond from where
comes a sacred call to touch another wound, to soothe a struggling heart, to kiss a
broken soul.
May the marks of compassion awaken some pleasant dream of affection that
many have never known; as a music of heart, or the rippling of waves in an ocean
of universal compassion, and they might flood back dim remembrances of that
which was forgotten, --a love that binds us all, a spirit that runs through all-a
universal spirit.
Beauty comes in an embrace of soul, in an invisible touch of healing that washes
away all that was scarred. It was there age after age, time after time, a thread
that held us together since the creation of this existence. You are the
manifestation of all that is love, all that is peace, all that gives birth to the sacred
light of compassion. Search within and delve deep in the profound silence of
stillness. Split your heart open, dance lightly with the beat of a universal tune, one
that sings of a spirit that is formless and timeless.
Cease holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your energy, your vibration.
Your soul is a sacred beacon of light, behold its glory in awe and realize that has
awakened within you a love that is all inclusive and giving. Extend your hands for
giving out to someone who cannot give you anything in return, use your voice to
whisper a word of kindness to an aching soul, your ears for listening with
compassion and your heart to pour out love in an endless stream.
When life is lived from a place of compassion, you bring in purity and forgiveness
to heal this world. Drop everything that holds you back from reaching out to
Dewdrops of Compassion

others, and float in the splashing ocean of heart. You are the sacred beauty and
enchanting grace of this universe. Through you, the cosmos smiles, sings its
deepest songs, dances to the rhythm of heart.
The life you touch today will touch another, and the vibration will unendingly go
on. Of all you touch, the one that can be felt forever, will be the one that is born
out of compassion. Together, you give birth to a new way of being, one that has
holy grandeur. Be an eternal flow of kindness and live in the holiness of every
moment with others. Share the divine ecstasy that is in the heart of humanity.
Compassion and love are the keys to spiritual unfolding of the souls, they are the
keys to world’s spiritual evolution.
Be of service to others, and you will be a blessing sent from above. God smiles
through you, his divine mercy showers through your hands, your acts. Listen to
the passion of this universe, soar your spirit, set your wings of love free and
embrace humanity to its deepest core. No song humming out of your soul will go
unsung if you sing the melody of compassion that includes all.
Compassion withheld is like an unshed rain shower from the divine clouds of love.
Utterly lose yourself in the garden of hearts and pour your heart out in a flood of
compassion. Kindness shines in more glory than the truth, a king deed has an
unfading grandeur compared to the pathway of reasoning. Compassion might be
the only sunshine when a sentient being is seeing the darkest day in an
unexpected storm of life.
In hours of ache and pain, unremembered acts of love can give a tranquil
rejuvenation of a thirsty spirit, one who is a wearied traveler, a wanderer in this
labyrinth of life. See through each other to touch one another’s wounds, with a
new vision of healing. The tunes of utter helplessness do not last forever and a
new day dawns with a new hope of humanity resurfacing from its deepest
slumbers. An act arising out of compassion, will blossom forever in this garden of
life. Leave nothing behind, but trails of kindness and shower nothing but acts of
goodness. And the candle will radiate its beams far and wide, all in glory to bathe
this world in a flood of luminosity.
As the universe throbs with the silent agony of humans, shivers at the glance of
tearful eyes, the frail flower shivers, the swaying leaves droop down in spirits. It is
the ocean of a surging universal love that can dance with the rhythmic waves of
Dewdrops of Compassion

compassion. Love speaks through compassion, as an ocean speaks through its

Joy whirls in the air scattering love that never dwindles, a compassion that engulfs
humanity to the fullest. The wilderness of confusion, an utter bewilderment at
last droops down in a profound silence, as compassion rains in. Happiness comes
laden with clouds of kindness, while love knows no bounds. Earth becomes a
sacred piece of overwhelming joy, in the glow of a soul light. When you go
through a darkness that is intense, so lonely and wordlessly terrible, may the
sharing of pain cradle you in deep peace!
May the joy of compassion rinse your heart of loneliness and take you to a
familiar shore, a place called home! Shared grief gives a new vision, makes a new
pathway and love dances with joy everywhere. Compassion enlightens your spirit
and you are illuminated in the light of your sacred being, as you breathe in
kindness and release everything else. Be the light, so others can see their path in
the darkness of solitude and vulnerability.
You are the alchemy of love. You light a sacred fire in earth and sky, in every
beating heart and soul of every being. Honor and embrace every spirit that walks
on the path of life as all are intricately woven in the tapestry of humanity. Stay
awake in wonder of compassion, the amazement of love, as you take humanity as
your own family. Compassion is the divine spark of love, that which is an
innermost essence of soul.
Feel with all and it will bless you with moments of sacred bliss and deep peace,
surrender to the vulnerability of pure spirit. Set your wings free and fly as a bird
carrying the sacred seeds of kindness, a holy light, thus lighting the holy spirit of
the universe. By being yourself, you put an essence of your spirit, something
beautiful blossoms in this world that was never there before. And the deep love
of this wonderful universe will cradle you in its heart and soul. Never stop dancing
to the music of humanity. May we love this world to a shared feeling of
Delve deep in the silence of your being that is as vast as the holy silence of
universe. Lose yourself in the beauty of compassion as there dwells the infinite
beauty of soul. Every moment will be a spiritual moment where the moon of
compassion will shine through in the still waters of your heart.
Dewdrops of Compassion

You are the universal soul singing in the ecstasy of togetherness, safely sheltered
in the lap of compassion. And fragrance will spread itself in space from its core to
an unfolding bud, as there lingers a hidden essence that can arouse the
consciousness in a spiritual evolution.
The glory of divine shines from heaven above as you plant seeds of compassion,
as you dance to the sacred rhythm of kindness. Be in compassion, may your heart
remain forever awake, may your soul awaken to the essence of your own being,
may the waters of your compassion heal all beings.
In the sacred temple of your heart, you always had the soul of this entire
universe. Let compassion take you to the core of humanity. Bless this universe
with your kindness in every footprint you leave. When you feel someone’s grief,
and enliven their spirits, let your words be drenched with kindness birthing from
interconnectedness. When you behold, let that glance be through the eyes of a
compassion that can penetrate a suffering heart.
Release everything that goes on the path of darkness and hold onto that which
brings out the sacred fragrance of your soul. Give yourself to love like a lotus that
blossoms in the still waters of heart and a dew of fragrance will arise from this
sacred blooming in the holy dawn awakening this universe. And at last the eternal
spring of heart buds, shyly unfolds, into an enchanting flower of soul. The soul
gets splashed with surging holy songs of compassion and dancing waves ripple in
the sacred sea of humanity. Every heart throbs as it comes as the eyes behold the
shorelines of a universal interconnectedness.
The heartiness of kindness hangs in the breeze with all its tunes and melodies of a
love that is so inclusive of humanity. Every single suffering that has happened in
your life has prepared you for the strength that you now possess, every bleeding
ache that had scarred you, every burning need that has eaten you alive-that has
made you feel lonely and vulnerable, bewildered and lost, -eventually they have
guided you along the pathways for sparks of courage, one that can help you
behold the light at the end of this tunnel.
The moments at last gleam with the glow of a strength that empowers you, holds
you strong amidst the despair of many lonely times. This was the light that was
for so long, closed in our hearts but made its way through the sanctuary of souls.
The soul-how it carries a love for humanity within, as the universe carries within
Dewdrops of Compassion

an enlightening divine touch- a touch that opens the windows of heart, so light
can penetrate in the deepest spots and play its own music, the eternal holy music
of compassion.
Honor the light that dwells within the soul of this universe. Dwell in the realm of
light and truth that shines in the eye of this cosmos and you will find a pathway
out of pain and silent suffering that has swelled for so long inside of you. The
hunger for compassion, a belonging to the family of sacred humanity is an eternal
hunger of the spirit. We want to be cradled in the shelter, an embrace of
togetherness that echoes in the heart of eternity.
This is the ancient longing, where we want to be known, touch other souls and be
touched forever. It is a secret yearning that has been dwelling in the sacred
depths of our hearts. Compassion is a pure gift, a beauty of the heart. It is like a
dawning light, a playful wildflower, and it emerges in sudden, unexpected
situations of grief that afflicts other hearts throbbing in this universe.
Grace comes with the unending flow of compassion. It shows how seamless is the
divine touch, how elegant is the fluttering petal of the lotus of compassion.
Human experience evolves under the passing phase of pain and brings in a
spiritual dimension, one that breaks a new dawn in our lives. Compassion is the
cascade that flows into the drooping spirit of bleakness, gushes the eternal holy
water from divine into many a thirsty soul.
Glimpse the sacred light shining from your soul and send out love to reach the
unreachable wounds of others, to penetrate in the vulnerable spots of sufferers.
Heal them and bless them as you cross their paths in this walk of life. May you be
brought to the compassion blossoming in beauty, grace flowing from the fountain
of soul! May your heart be satiated in the wanting to belong in a family of
May you come alive with the real passion of life! May it being you all the light and
blessings that you need for this sacred pilgrimage! May you walk on your pathway
to the soul where there dwells a place of love, light and divine wisdom! May your
light leave a trail of others who have lost their way in the twists and turns of life!
May you dance lightly in the rain of divine awakening, a holy call in your soul! May
you hear the call of beyond to embrace humanity! May you be healed, and may
you heal others!
Dewdrops of Compassion

Compassion is the divine sense of homecoming to humanity. Behind the veil of

separation, behind the shudder of aloofness, we come to glimpse the beauty of
soul that lies in the bud of kindness. And in the first light of feeling together,
“suffering with”, emerges a divine spark, beckoning us to arouse our hearts to the
application of others. Slowly, the night fades, the bud breaks and compassion
blossoms in the holy light of this divine awakening within our souls.
Let the divine call awaken you to be a spiritual traveler, a mystic foreseer. May
the petals of healing and plenitude encircle your every step in the thresholds of
life! Love life again, gently unfolding the bud of your soul and life will embrace
you in ways that you have never known before.
Sing in rhythm with our innate longing to belong to a circle of humanity, and the
hearth of your sacred spirit will take you to the selfless act of offering from the
soul, the graciousness of letting go of “self” and entwining with the forever “we”.
In the sacred kinship of togetherness, your soul suffuses with others and the sky
of humanity is hued with the eternal love of heart. In the embrace of this
compassion, the human soul ebbs and flows into the divine presence! The call of
beyond awakens your life to take you to the wild possibilities within you
unknown, unexplored, waiting to be aroused. Surrender to the call of your soul as
herein lies your sacred salvation, your ultimate liberation.
The footprint that you leave on, the passion that you share from soul to soul
creates the eternal landscape of a heart that is universal, a soul that sings of a
sacred renewal, a holy pain, one that awakens your deepest self. And you are
never ever the same. The age-old recognition, the ancient wanting to belong,
dissolves what stands in the way of hearts and a sacred transformation is given
birth to in the holy womb of humanity. It is an eternal freedom, one that frees
you from the hunger of your spirits to be entwined with each other, as at last, you
have lost yourself in the deep embrace of another soul.
Walking in the light of truth, waking in its glimmer, we feel that we have belonged
for so long to some unremembered times of a distant past, where we could not
see the shorelines of humanity. Bring your love to your soul’s sacred brink, where
the suffering, the wordless pain of thousands mingles to give birth to a shoreless

Dewdrops of Compassion

The emergence of beauty where compassion falls from the divine soul, the urge
to respond to a call from within, the ways in which the visible and invisible
feelings tune into each other and give birth to a nexus of compassion-all arise
from the silent understanding of the sacred soul. Each soul is a sacred gift woven
with laces of love. Feeling with someone is where compassion unfurls, scattering
love is where humanity is born, and grace is where beauty unfolds to its fullest
A seamless, sacred flow of sharing from heart to heart-that is beauty which stands
on the shores of eternity. As the waves of despair roar and surge, the beginning
starts to emerge leaving ways of sacred plenitude. Follow the dawn of this new
opening, unfurl yourself in the ecstasy of this eternal moment where all that was
dark in the bleak of gloom, seems like a forsaken landscape. Awaken your soul to
a sacred adventure, in a relentless yearning of the spirit, dance your being to a
new rhythm, where grace falls with every dew of love shared with humanity.
You are the pilgrim of your soul. Once your soul awakens, the journey begins, the
adventure goes on and an unending longing bursts-- in the hunger of spirit.
Nothing holds you back from seeking the shorelines of fulfillment, the ecstasy of
being a spiritual wanderer, the unfurling joy of a mystic traveler. When
compassion dawns in your life, unopened dimensions of your life open up. Life
blossoms again in the heart of eternity. That is where bud of humanity unfolds
petal by petal, mesmerizing the universe in a fragrance of grace.
The ancient rhythm of love has tuned into the sacred rhythm of heart. The grace
that emerges from a wordless grief has a beauty that carries with it a landscape of
heart, one that stands on the sands of eternity. There emerges a smile that has
made its pathway through the silent ache of a seared heart, an understanding
that has made peace with the scars hidden in the most unexpected places and
surge when you least expect it.
A spiritual music is born to give words to the despair of spirit, an aching need of
soul. A melody plays for a wanting to be understood, an invisible cry to be bathed
in the healing waters. Flow in the waters of life’s unfolding surprises. When our
vision is graced with love, and our eyes with an eternal amazement, we discover
new meaning hidden underneath the myriad phases that adorn the landscape of
our souls.

Dewdrops of Compassion

When kindness awakens from deep within ourselves, heaven sings its divine
melody and flowers blossom everywhere in the garden of eternity. The call of
compassion invites us to penetrate beyond impenetrable, see beyond unseen,
reach beyond unreachable and shower a bountiful of love. Each of us is a
dreamer, a weaver who can weave the fabrics of life into a tapestry of life.
Behold others through the eyes of appreciation, acceptance and forgiveness.
When you delve into the mystery, the sudden bends in the pathway- adventure
gets woven with wonder and you find a new meaning in the relationships that
build up the tapestry of your life. In the lap of silence, gradually, the mystery of
life is unfolded. Take refuge in the divine presence within. Love unveils the sacred
riches of compassion, unravels the hidden wonders of interconnection. Love is a
perennial season, coming with the eternal colors of spring. Where compassion
and kindness intermingle at the heart of love, a new longing is born, a longing to a
sacred belonging to a kinship with the entire humanity at the heart of this
Behold everything in the holy light of love and everything in this universe will be
revealed in a thousand wonders to you. Deep inside those wonders, silently
another world will await you. Through the opening of our hearts, a thousand
lights emerge from the sacred sun inside our soul. In the holy glimmer,
benedictions of each other’s mingle in a universal oneness. Compassion is a
beautiful blend of love and kindness born out of an interconnection between
When you feel with someone, a great moment descends in the sanctuary of your
soul, a call knocks on the gateway of your heart and what is yearned for is to be
felt in the commingled feelings of each other’s lives, -their stories unheard, their
tears unseen, their grief unshared, need to be released and mingled in the
sacredness of compassion. Compassion will send you deeper into yourself, into
the most profound sacred places sleeping within you. All you need is a soul to soul
sharing, a connection that has been waiting until you were heartily ready to
emerge. There comes the inclusiveness that compassion whispers to our souls
and that is the sacred secret revealing itself to help you connect with the world
around you.

Dewdrops of Compassion

That is the treasured spiritual place where hearts can be bathed in the flow of
healing waters gushing unceasingly. Discover the sacred fountainhead of your
own soul, so you can heal others. Explore the realms of joy and pain, beginning
and ending, the sudden losses that challenge us at so many phases of our journey,
and it will take you to the eternal grace of silence, where in the profundity of
stillness, you will return to yourself.
Divinity echoes within our hearts as we find our way back to the nobility of
ourselves. The splendor of our soul is sacred attuned to the beauty that dances
within and its light we behold the exquisiteness of a commingled compassion for
humanity. Rediscover the art of living life in the light of compassion. True beauty
is riches of the heart that we need so desperately to enhance the splendor of life.
Sense the depth of mystery and delve in the heart of it to lose yourself in the
meaning of it. Compassion when bestowed on others glimmers in the light of
Love awaits the wonders of our interconnection. The subtle touches of
compassion are what enable people to live from moment to moment. Everywhere
there is love, through everything that love speaks, compassion is blossomed in a
gracious tenderness. There are moments when you become aware of some
sacred flow of connection, a soul sharing that holds an infinite beauty and dawn
wakes you up with a new light in the glow of which you realize, that your hearts
will always carry each other.
Compassion is the forgotten beauty of life, one that holds us together, one that
stirs urgency in our souls, brings us out of aloofness and binds us all in an eternal
sacred embrace. Compassion is the profound hunger at the heart of every human
soul. When we begin to sense the call of awakening that brings us to a life that
whispers of an ancient need for feeling with others. Our gazing, feeling and
touching brings us alive, takes us home to the heart of this universe where one
heart, one soul, one love sings in tunes of eternity.
In the bleakest times of our lives, we can emerge out of the layers of heart, and
can discover our pathways to each other, moments held in the beauty of eternity.
The grace of that indwelling beauty rains down a divine joy on us, one that
awakens our slumbering spirits. In the illusion of fragmentation, we have a
momentary lapse and lose the shorelines of a universal connection, but in the

Dewdrops of Compassion

light of heart, we rediscover the nexus and trace the pathway to love written in
sands of eternity.
A lovely tranquility descends on the sea, the raging waters are stilled again and
the ship at last sails through the placid waters of humanity. This is the search for
the lost melody, the song that went unsung for so long, that every human heart
wanted to feel at times of discord, the bleakest times of vulnerability, the solitude
of suffering. Every time you feel with someone in the depths of pain, it takes you
to a world that you thought never existed before. When you travel with someone,
feeling what they feel, grieving what they grieve, a new stillness goes inside you, a
new world awaits you.
Our nature yearns deeply for the flooding of compassion. Surrender to the
awakening and listen to the cord of love, its eternal call, one that is echoed
through the passages of time. In the light of kindness, the concealed beauty
shines through the valley of despair and we rise, we emerge, hearing the sacred
call of beyond. As your footprints glow on earth in that light of love, blessed be
your spirit, as your eyes behold this life with a new vision, and you breathe with
the warmth of an intimacy among souls, may you dwell in an eternal healing and
may others be embraced by it!
Blessed be the wonders that went unseen, only now awaiting to be showered
with your vision of an awakened sight, a mind that woke up to behold the mystic
mysteries of life. May you find yourself in the shelter of solitude, know the gifts of
stillness will rain a thousand miracles on your heart, may your forgiveness wash
away every bleeding wound! Forgiveness gives birth to something beautiful,
something sacred in your heart. This is a beauty that has struggled its way
through a searing heart, making peace with everything that life has thrown in
many unexpected ways. A heart that weeps in the depths of solitude and carries
with it a wound that seems to be forgotten is never really forgotten but a spiritual
transformation has dawned in that gave birth to a beauty, a mystic beauty that
emerged from the searing heart.
A sacred restlessness that dwells in the space of our hearts, that yearning to
belong to the embrace of the humanity, it echoes with its own tunes from time
after time, age after age, forever. It makes us wander from moment to moment,
in our longing for the deep peace to run through the still waters of our hearts, to

Dewdrops of Compassion

bask in the effulgence of our sacredness. Tune in the love strings with the beat of
every heart, immerse in the intimacy of souls, awakened by a beauty of infinite,
paint the canvas of horizon with hues of unceasing compassion, or else the shore
of humanity remains unseen, unknown. Embark upon a journey of self-discovery,
one that will lead you to the fragrant lotus of all-inclusive togetherness, the
longing to be heard, seen and embraced.
A world is out there, weeping in hunger and isolation, homelessness and
fragmentation. This veil of separation is plundering all the sacred, fragrant
treasures of soul. Let the soul intimacy blossom in myriad floral beauties,
mesmerizing the universe with a fragrance of peace and compassion. That is the
timeless essence of a universal love.
The threads of heart run through the universe. They manifest themselves with
their own sacred hues and textures. Different forms prevail, but the rhythm of
their hearts is same, in their wanting and desire to be sheltered in the lap of a
universal love. The forms might differ, but deep down they are all grounded by
the same vulnerability, their yearning to be felt.
The aching notes of that longing, the echoing of melody across the horizon of
universe dances that love while wiping the downpour of sorrow from human
hearts! The hunger for compassion, the longing for union, the thirst for an
embrace is quenched in the deluge of healing waters, in the cloudburst of divine
compassion that awakens the human souls, urges them to see beyond the
unseen, to penetrate into the formless, timeless spirit shining in all sentient
beings. There arises the sacred sound, the ancient melody from the ocean of a
thousand souls, the one that sings for a compassion that is universal. Blessed be
this sound of love, this holy awakening!
The sun of contentment, the light of fulfillment has arisen in full glory. The breeze
no more wails through the darkness, the season of rain clouds comes to an end.
And in the unfathomed silence, in the sacred stillness of stillness of soul, arises
the song of compassion from a thousand depths. The unloved, unwanted, the
homeless and vulnerable, the abandoned and naked, drink again the waters of
kindness and love, that can quench their very thirst and feed their hungry souls.
In the hectic melodies of life, O; wearied traveler, carry the light of your soul that
soothes your ache away! Let humanity help you in crossing a threshold with a
Dewdrops of Compassion

touch of universal soul. Something in you feels the touch, finds the lost cord of a
universal love, as that is the hidden root of a yearning to find its salvation through
the embrace of compassion.
Be still amidst the pangs of pain and let the ancient primordial love, one that ties
all sacred beings, will find its way back to you. Trust that love, it will make its way
through in the vulnerable valleys of your soul. When you are felt, when you are
understood, a new realization dawns in, one that brings you home; rest in the
shelter of humanity, release your despair in the light of your faith for it
Humanity never leaves you alone. Behind your sorrows, underneath your pain,
lies another world of love to soak you in their dewdrops of compassion. Where
before there was holding back, now there is complete surrender, where before
you lived in fear, now you live in an unleashed courage; it dawned in a mystical
transfiguration in you, one that is a treasured gem of your soul.
A world of possibilities was within you in a state of deep slumber: Love came and
awakened you. It opened up the unopened sacred realms, the portals of hidden
possibilities, showered you with the gifts of transformation, and scattered the
pearls of spiritual transformation along your pathway of life. As the pain comes
floating into our life, carrying the rains of weeping, unfurl in the eternal joy of
your sacred being to come out of the storm.
Give in to the storm, walk through it, and you will emerge as one who is never
again the same. You will arise as a being with an awakening sunrise at heart.
Compassion heals everything after all the grief has silently struggled inside you
and finally left the shorelines of your heart. The storm came on your path, shook
you up, and from the deepest part of your- self arose your empowered self. We
cannot stop the seasons of life, come as they may, sunshine or rain, as they are
gifts from universe, yet they knock on the doors of our hearts to make choices, in
the sacred light of consciousness.
You are the ancient tree who comes out burned and emptied like the falling
leaves of winter yet rebirthed in the new leaves of an eternal spring. You blossom
forth in a splendid glory of your soul. The wind has gone, the sea has calmed
down and all that is left is a beauty of the past, a blessing from above. Give in to
the grace of compassion and let no bitterness take away the lotus of your heart.

Dewdrops of Compassion

The dark clouds have dissolved for another day to dawn with all its glory. Behold
the miracle in the light of an awakened rebirth.
Compassion is born from the womb of deepest peace that runs in the moon of
your soul, stars of your heart, and the flowing waters of your spirit. Pain
surrenders to joy and the soul blooms in an unfolding of your inner lotus. Therein
lies the journey to authentic self. Love allows you to pour out, to give in
Every person whose path you cross, every experience you sacredly encounter is
filled with riches that shake your life, shape you into an empowered being who
witnessed the lull of the storm, bent but never broke. Compassion is the divine
call in your soul while love is the call of God. Compassion is God running his
divine fingers through you, showering his holy rain through your bountiful
offering to humanity.
As we leave our footprints on this pathway, we can do so in tunes with harmony,
cooperation, sharing- so it leads to the spiritual evolution of ourselves and can be
a pilgrimage of our souls. Your soul and my soul are a part of the universal soul,
one that shines in a splendid glory of an awakening vision, a divine consciousness.
Authenticity empowers us, illuminates us with a light from beyond. It springs from
the deepest source shining within us and it has its roots grounded in the garden of
our hearts. Holding power over others is not a part of consciousness, as love
knows no such thing. It breaks free from the hearts, and when it flows, it does so
incessantly. Veils of illusion are unveiled, and they no longer take hold of you, as
you are sacredly aligned with your soul.
Fear and love pull against each other. Fear is born out of illusions that spiral in the
mind. Love is born in the sacred womb of souls. Love rips apart fear in this journey
of spiritual growth. The place to embark on is the journey within you, find
yourself, fall in love with your awakened you, lose yourself in the joy and ecstasy
of your inner beauty, and the time to start is the sacred now.
Let your true nature create a harmony and authentic empowerment among
others, so together you can create a world that sings the melodies of a deep
peace. Listen to the holy call and arouse them step out of their dejected spirits.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Release the light of eternity that shines from within and illumine others in the
radiance of it, so they can behold the pathway of their souls.
Dwelling in the holy land of peace gives our ultimate attainment of joy. Clasp the
light to your heart as it helps through the surging waves of life. Feel the divine
touch of God as you empty your sorrows into the ocean of his love. Have the
strength to lightly carry the joy and grief of life, as they dance lightly on the tips of
a leaf, while it blooms and falls in the passing seasons of life. All things come and
go. Only the compassion that you planted in the hearts of all, stands on the
shores of eternity.
A spiritual awakening is a profound realization of what is real. A sacred awakening
is felt with an ecstasy throughout your body, heart, mind, and soul. It's a sudden,
penetrating energy-filled ripple that dances in the ocean of your soul. From the
perspective of the mind, you have a crystal-clear understanding of what is real
and what is illusory. Perception is there of all the things, and a new realization
dawns in that they are all made up.
This awakening that starts to peek is earth-shattering for many, because they
start to envision life from a different angle. Life blossoms in simplicity like
unconditional love, truth, and integrity to others. But in awakening, it means
giving up and letting go of all the illusions, removing the veil of all that was unreal,
that were chasing you for so long. This dawns with the light of amazement and it
comes in all shades and hues for everyone. They probably won't be anything like
it at all.
It is the light penetrating through the doors of your heart, windows of your soul
so your vision gets unperturbed in the tranquil waters of a new vision. Now arises
an immense urge to clean, heal, and expand your space, and all of this comes
naturally like a gush of a new-found fountain. Now is an especially important to
time to consciously choose in the light of awareness what is already unfolding in
your life. There is always a story in everything. Change the story as you turn on
the unfolding chapters of your life. The dawn of awareness breaks open on the
horizon of our hearts and the profound spiritual openings, the awakening-they
stay with you, and live with you forever on the sacred shores of eternity. You're
always with you. You cannot run from yourself, the one that is authentic and

Dewdrops of Compassion

Compassion is born where awakening rises and love becomes infinitely

illuminating. It is the secret of divine wisdom, that which lies at the heart of
mystery, unknown and most tender in our lives. That is the eternal bliss that holds
the key to our liberation. It holds a message of unity, a divine whisper to us, in the
holy awakening. Every beat of every heart beats at the core of this universe.
Seek shelter in the innermost space of peace. Let the stillness, the soul soothing
tranquility give you your ultimate retreat. Reach for the you that is beyond the
phase of joy and sorrow- that is the spiritual quest, a hunger of the heart. The
sadness that was so long weeping in your heart, finally finds its life forever in its
beautiful flight, forever in a journey towards the unknown, the sacred mysteries
of life. You become a never ending, cascade that has enough for every thirst of
every soul. In the midst of all your bleeding wounds, spirit breathes a mystical life
within you.
We release that which is over, whose last remnants have been left on the shores
of yesterday and we embrace a new rebirth, a new beginning. And now is the only
opening through which we can move out of the illusions of fragmentation and can
flee from isolation to togetherness as compassion flows into eternity.
Listen to your heart, so it can hear whispers from God. His grace has brought a
deluge of a love that touches one heart to another and we ripple on the waves of
a spiritual transformation. When we step into the divine sands and plunge into
the ocean of God’s love, we behold the light of peace and gentleness.
We find the elixir of a universal love and be in oneness with God. In every broken
heart, there is a love to heal the deepest hurt. In every searing wound, there is a
compassion that can wash away the bleeding ache. The imprint of divine
footsteps on the hearts of us, give us a call and we lose ourselves in the bliss of
that holiness, the silent echoes from beyond. The sea of pearls, the light of stars –
all emerge from him.
When we get lost in the wilderness and get sadly bewildered, it is his touch which
awakens an eternal spring in our hearts. The soul is kissing his invisible touch,
healing in his eternal embrace, as every vision of him is a blessing from beyond.
May every sunrise of a new day be a sacred threshold of a thousand miracles that
unfurls in joy, unfolds in peace, and blossoms in a flower of blessings for you!

Dewdrops of Compassion

How beautiful every dawn can be when it touches your day with a light of
You are the light of the universe. You are a child of God who moves other souls to
dance, awakens them to a new understanding with a divine whisper of spiritual
wisdom. You are the soul that makes the horizon more beautiful with a heavenly
splendor. Every new beginning comes from the footprints of your heart that you
leave on the heart of this universe. There is an unlocked door waiting for you to
open it. May God’s richest blessings flow through your soul to touch the lives of
those you encounter in your holy pilgrimage!
While you shower others with your love, may the rain of compassion fall softly on
your face! Before kindness blooms, it gets to start deep within the heart of heart.
Love for the sake of loving, shower compassion with the grace of soaking souls in
the waters of your divinity. May you be able to reach within your sacred self to
the priceless treasure that lies secretly awaiting your discovery! May you be able
to search within the darkness that will reveal itself to you the mystic, the seeker,
the wanderer! May you be able to see your divine Self when you shine the light of
your soul on it!
In giving love, in pouring blessings from the heart, there is a divine grace, as love
unveils the hidden beauty of all things. Let the light of your soul, pure in its glow,
soothe all the troubles into a tranquil silence and may your forgiving heart
descend on others like the peace of a scarlet sunset. Shower your gentle blessings
in the bosom of this universe, so at sunrise, every heart may unfold in the glory of
your benedictions.
May every flow of love give others the deep peace of a moon, from where arises a
sense of blessedness! As peace descends from your soul to others like the flowing
waters of an unending stream. The love that you rain on others, the sacred
blessings that you invoke on their souls, descend upon yours in a divine shower
from heaven above. Nurture the bud of love, let it sprout and bloom into love for
all mankind. Listen to others with the tranquility of your heart and see with the
light of your soul. Love is God's gift to man, the only sacred art of Heaven that has
been showered on the bosom of earth, the only divine art of earth we take with
us to Heaven. Compassion beating in the heart can be heard by the universe, it

Dewdrops of Compassion

can be felt in every heart of mankind so as to heal the silent grief that flows
inside. Love sets us free of the shackles of pain.
The soul is a mystical refuge of our profound joy and bleeding pain, darkness and
light, our deepest fear and glorious conquest, our adventure and discovery. It is
the sacred place, the holy sanctum deep within our bodies. The storms may come
and go, the rains may start and cease, but lovely is the blessing that lies behind in
the beauty of every lesson.
The journey between pain and a joy that is born out of the mystical
transformation is where the sacred dance of life takes place. The pain gently rolls
up behind us and the enlightened vision of a new day, a holy beginning unravels
before us. When the heart weeps for the searing pain, the spirit blooms in its
mystical new-found joy.
An ancient understanding rekindles to touch your soul, and our breath catches in
waves of joy, as you sense the intangible touch, of a luminescent soul, whose
essence melded into yours, where love and a divine ecstasy swirl together in the
magnificence of one. In the fragrance of a grateful heart, behold the beauty of a
dawning the thousand petalled lotus blooms in the eternity of our soul.
As you immerse in the art of self-giving, you become the soul of mankind in the
sweetness of soulfulness.
In the call of the sacred sunrise awakening within yourself, we embrace joy and
pain as different aspects of life, and herein happens the sacred birth of our souls
in the light of a spiritual transformation. It is our rebirth, the budding of a mystical
flower, the alchemical merging of your soul with the divine, the threads of
compassion that you weave in the kinship of cosmic love. This is where time melts
into eternity, in the sacred sanctuary of your soul. The soul begins to smile in a
thousand flowers.
The fragrance within gives the essence of healing, the essence of transfiguration
that gives the waters which need to sprout the seed in you, which awakens you to
flower you, that gives the waters needed for its flourishing, that gives the light for
its enrichment. You wear flowers in your soul and carry the wildest secrets in your
eyes. You speak to no one and spend hours on the solitary riverbanks. And in that
blessed silence and the fragrance of your being, the cosmos reveals all its hidden

Dewdrops of Compassion

secrets, life reveals its thousand wonders of how life always comes with a light of
creativity, no matter what the beginning or the ending.
You always smell the memories of the past and keep giving a fragrance of your
own, as your very soul seems so full at all times, in the fragrance of what was
lived and laughed, at the fullness of your yesterday’s living, at the weaving of all
its moments, as they came and left an indelible imprint on the landscape of your
soul. An eternal garden to walk in, an immensity to dream in, a sacredness to
wander in, and an essence to live in, this is the blooming of your soul--What more
could you ask for?
The fragrance of those flowers is the very innate essence that comes out of our
hearts. This is the essence that can live for years and years, and it is this essence
that we smell in other souls. No essence is different, as in the garden of humanity,
flowers may take varied shapes, varied colors, varied hues, but when it comes to
the essence of all that holds a flower in richness, that is the essence of freshness,
nurtured in the rising light of every new morning.
Sun never forgets to rise, dawn never forgets to break in, and sun never forgets to
set either. While, the cycle of a day comes and goes and takes a repeating every
day, the petals learn how to open their first folds, and how to shy away from
yesterday’s happenings and to show the rising smile by taking the full blooms. The
sun may come, the sun may melt at the end of the day, but the light lives forever.
The petals may come, the petals may droop, at the end of this light, but the
essence lives forever.
This is compassion, that looks so washed with the dews of our rolling tears. Pain
may come, but it is not the end of everything. As it rolls its rain out of our eyes, it
is washed anew with the dew of our hearts, and the essence comes from our
souls again. Our wound is kissed with this dew, so it is healed in the light of purity,
in the light of joy. We begin time and time again, with the advent of a new day.
Yesterdays’ wounds are healed in this new rising of a heavenly light of beyond.
And all that looked so impossible to walk away from, is made so possible with the
forever touch of a compassion. The flowers seem so fresh again in the sun-lit day,
in a dew-kissed compassion of our hearts. This is the dew that scatters the
glistening jewels on our petals within, that bears the rainbow hues of love, as
fresh as the dawn, and we live in the song-filled joy that overflows forever.
Dewdrops of Compassion

In Search of Peace
O dreamer, wanderer, I speak to you to shine your love with a glimmering light,
along the shimmering seashores, In the richness of kissing moonbeams, and
peace will find you, touch you and bless you. Set aside the illusions of your ego
and delve in the ocean of mystic wonders as this universe has breathtaking
secrets for you to behold. Surrendering to the unknown that lies in the next step,
the next bend takes us to the flowing brook of peace.

Step in to the path that God has designed for you and let your heart scatter the
pearls of joy, the joy that springs after your soul weeps in an engulfing grief. This
seed of acceptance dawns the light of peace, in a glow of a new born vision, as it
beholds the sky in the divine wonders of acceptance. Take what is worth taking,
keep what is worth keeping and with the waters of humility, wash away the rest.
Rise and fall with the tides of life, knowing whatever gets you through the
dimming lights of night, will bring you in the flooding light of a dawn, that will
pierce your soul.

A peace where we can plunge in, where beneath the still waters, lies the hidden
gem of tranquility, that which opens the doors to a calmness, in a tangled
labyrinth, and gives the freedom, to fly high in a stormy sky. Surrendering to what
is, takes us to stillness in a maze, and placidity amidst the chaos. Peace is in
welcoming life in its varied beauties in all seasons of life. Peace comes beautifully
wrapped, if you know, how not to let the cosmic beauty of life slip through your

Peace is a graceful dance of soul through all the dross and beauty, the ugliness
and loveliness, the bloom and the dregs of life---the way a river flows; Such is the
flow of life, whispering from the waters, singing from under the rocks, and finally
shimmering in a dawn’s promising light. Embrace this changing flow of life,
sometimes meandering like a brook and some other times widening and
deepening. With rapids coming from nowhere, peace begins, while we learn how
to flow, without holding ourselves back, from the high tides and low tides of life.
This is the gentle murmur of peace, in receiving life, the way it comes, in humility

Dewdrops of Compassion

and not in pride. It is in the graceful rhythm of humility that we welcome the
rushing currents of life, come as they may, as we can never choose to stop the
rush, to cease the flow. As life comes the way, it is designed by heaven above.
The peace that sings in our souls comes through an entwining of moments,
dwelling in love and loneliness, a delicate weaving of the dualities, an
intermingling of so extreme feelings, how they are knit together, so as to make a
beautiful tapestry of life. It is from this knitting together, that we get a taste of joy
and pain, that give birth to something called peace, that calls out to hearts out
there, waiting, crying silently inside to be washed of the agony, that struggles
within them. It is an outcry that needs to be silenced, by a song of peace that will
give them an understanding beyond intellect, a melody that sings beyond
The high tides and low tides of this sea of life, come and go, but what we live
with, what we move with, is what we leave behind, as we pass each season of life-
--a peace, whose fragrance remains as our breath, whose essence lingers in our
hearts, as in the contemplative view of life, it is peace that lets us live, that lets us
flow in this running brook of life. This is the peace that springs from the depths of
an acceptance, a release of what holds you back, from loving life---a letting go of
what crushes you inside, and a letting in of what brings you, to a silent act of
surrendering, an act of yielding, not an act of denial.
This is the peace that hears your cry, understands your ache, runs its fingers on
your soul and embraces you. Let its rain kiss your souls. Peace needs you to love
life, even in those moments, when you struggle to hold on to it, when you waver
to believe in it, when you refuse to see the light of it. The most beautiful word on
the lips of life is peace---the art lies, in knowing how to appreciate that beauty, to
live by it and to live with it---peace and wavering never run together, they never
flow together. If you have doubts dwelling in your mind, then peace will never
sing on your lips.
We relentlessly struggle in the chaos of our thoughts, when we cease to have the
essence of peace, in our hearts. Stand in life and give in to the winds of
encounters, melt in their passing beauty, dissolve in its passing joy for every
moment that passes you by, you die so you can be born again, and with this
rebirth flows in a deeper understanding, an in-depth acceptance of all that comes

Dewdrops of Compassion

and goes in the passing phases of life. With it, comes the letting in of peace and
the letting go of the raging emotions, locked within you. Peace is the sap that
your soul needs, your hearts thirsts for. Let yourself sip the sap of peace.
There is no deeper desire than the desire to be immersed in peace. Peace is the
language that writes itself, when the torments struggle too deep within ourselves.
Read into its words and blend with them and it will open the secret to life, the
obscured light to the hidden mysteries. The dawn of life always comes with its
own moments, but then comes the dusk, when you can breathe out your
struggles and you will learn to soften into the in-betweens, learn the art of being
content with not-knowing, to try to understand that which is beyond your
But just to be and believe that after all, life comes with the seasonal beauties and
that all things pass, and so do we, it is only the memories that are left behind on
the sands of eternity and with this realization comes a peace that washes over
you. As troubles walk with you, in this journey of yours, never let your hovering
worries consume you, so you fail to flow in the brook of peace, with a lover’s
imagination, an artist’s dreams and a passionate ecstasy of life. It is in this
passion, that you will wipe your falling tears, that veil your eyes to view the
heavenliness of peace, the parables of which are written, on the sands of a
timeless eternity.
Let peace reveal itself to you as you read the pages of your story. May you never
sleep in restlessness, may you never feel the urge to go back and make things
right, one more time, but may you find the peace in surrendering to what comes
and what goes, and what really stays behind. Struggle kills slowly, it consumes
painfully, the one who is in a relentless battle with life, for he who fights it at
every step, can listen to all that is an inharmonious music, a tuneless,
cacophonous sound--- no soul ever finds peace in it, no heart can ever seek a
retreat in it, no wanderer can ever find any joy in it, no agony can ever find its
way to an ecstasy in it.
It is only in the stillness of soul, in the wisdom of acceptance, that peace gazes
upon you with all its tenderness, and releases the cry of your spirit and stands by
you, in the grievous and joyous phases of your life. The acceptance blesses you
with grace and humility and the wonders of life begin to open up to you.

Dewdrops of Compassion

It sees you into your depths, as its wisdom puts its hand in your burning sorrow
and bathes you in its heavenliness of light. Let your questions rest in the sanctum
of silence and may you find peace, knowing that sometimes, it is best left
unanswered. May you trust life, even when you fail to see its mysterious beauty,
as in this trust, is seeded your much-needed peace. This is the peace that talks
about that deep part of you, that talks about, that you are far more than anything
you can see, hear or touch. This is the peace that allows that deep part of you, to
stand for those things without which humanity cannot exist. The most needed
love that rises triumphant over hate.
This is the peace that rises triumphant over all understanding, all intellect, all
reasoning. When despair comes in all its wailings, and you sense this screaming
cry from somewhere rising within, and you wake in the night, in fear of what your
life maybe, there is the peace that rests in its beauty, amongst the wild pathways
of your soul. When you come into the presence of still waters of your heart, and
you feel above, the stars twinkling with their light, this is the peace that shows
you the grace of the world, and sets your heart free, from all that has ever
chained you.
This is the grace that invites you to look life in the face, and to know it for what it
is, to know it in its seasonal beauties, to see its transience and yet to love it so
much, that you can see the eternal face of the heart prints, that every season
leaves behind. This is the grace, that peace comes with, never raising any
questions, but taking you to the doorway of an unconditional acceptance of life,
the way it comes. Our whole lives, we are in a relentless search of something,
hoping that the next material riches hold the key to our happiness. But this is a
blinded sight of life in the sense that it never walks in the mystical wisdom of our
And within, we struggle with us and others, in the illusory belief that our pride,
ego held high will give us the peace, only to find that it was a battle of our
clouded minds. It never actually gave the water to our thirsty souls, it never gave
what our battling hearts needed in this world that has gone so insane with the
agonizing pain, the crushing griefs of life. This is the pearl of realization that
shows the seeds of peace, how it can sprout, and finally a bud can blossom into a
flora of peace. Mastering this art is to glimpse in the light of wisdom of our hearts.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Healing waters of Heart

A wound that breathes in pain, and bleeds in silence is a hurt in the crevice of
heart. That very pain is an opening into the deepest parts of us which is beautiful
and tender, and all that was aching breathes into life again. A breeze passes by
and suddenly peace begins to whisper. Being engulfed with a loss that seems
unbearable, so you begin your search and you will find the rarest gem that will tell
you that all is ephemeral. Look within and there is flowing the unending waters of
peace---the perennial river of bliss, one that enters you and your soul, and floods
you with the healing that you so longed for.
As we carry our unspoken grief in the secret recesses of our hearts, we cease to
be in a flowing joy. The pain that holds us back, withholds us from having a joyous
melody in our souls. The scars that seared us hold us back from perfuming this
universe with a fragrant joy. Feel what you feel intensely, cry away the pain that is
burning you inside, so your tears can be the very light of a heart glowing in
strength and glory. Those are the pristine waters of your heart, the signs of your
flowing strength and not your weakness.
That is how a new soul is born, in a new light of a new vision, by ripping away the
old one that was sinking for so long in grief. This is the journey of heart and soul
that rediscovers itself as it sails in the sacred ocean of healing waters. This is when
I discover who I am, my being as a sacred temple. That stands as a testimony to all
the struggles withstood, the “storms endured” in the light of divine. From this
enduring, flows out what was sealed inside, with no words to voice the cutting
pain. Your healing waters begin to flow as you discover yourself in the sacred
pilgrimage of your soul.
Nothing in this universe is more flexible in beauty and more giving and yielding
than water. This is its intrinsic nature. Yet none can challenge its strength as
nobody knows to stand up to it. So, the flexible can overcome that which wants to
stand still, it can uproot the hard and non-yielding. How does it overcome the
rigid and the brutal agony? Does the water cut across the rock, does it flow
through the rocks that threaten the path of happiness? No, it bypasses it. It goes
around it. What it cannot go through, it makes another route, so as to keep the
flow continual, not a temporal one. You heal with these sacred waters, you let it

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flow, so you can flow again like a river flows, never caught by the surprises
coming along the way, only unfolding at every twist and turn that comes as a
sudden surprise. Be soft, be flexible and then begin to flow again. Begin, begin,
begin and you can rise again, stronger than before, beauteous than before.
It can wipe out the ugliest of ugly, the worst of the worse, with its innate flexible
flow, that which gives in to everything, but can weed out what needs to be
weeded out, that which can pull out which needs to be pulled out. Such is the
firmness in beauty of the healing waters, that runs in the brook of life. This is the
heavenliness of healing waters, its beauty that lies in its softness, turns out to be
a beauty, in its marvelous strength. You rinse yourself of the hurt that was holding
you back, and embrace the healing, so your guarded heart will be unguarded,
locked heart will be unlocked, leashed emotions will be unleashed, the feet that
was shackled from moving forward, will be unshackled again.
Hearts wrapped up in grief will be unwrapped again, and healing will find its way
through this sacred opening of your heart. That is the light of beyond dawning
through the cracks. You become awakened, that wisdom lies in walking away with
a wordless prayer in your heart, in leaving the past where it belongs, and treading
the path, where falls the first light of dawn. As that is the healing, that falls from
the heart of heaven. Sometimes healing pours like rain. It comes as the healing
waters falling from the bliss of Beyond, to wash away your unsayable pain. The
gates of heavenliness break open and outpours the sacramental blessings, so you
bathe in them and out comes a soul who does not see a hopeless ending, but a
beautiful shore, an endless hope. This is the beauty that is endures all and still
finds a way to shine in your soul.
You become mad and passionate once again, learning to see a new vista, that you
never saw before. Life brings you a new freedom, freedom from grief while it
wraps you with it sacred gifts, the gifts of healing and rinsing, so you can go out in
the ocean again, to surf the rapids of life with your unleashed passion. Heaven
saw something beautiful in someone, and rained itself through the healing, so
they could find their way back to you. Your grief did not steal your joy, your agony
did not steal your ecstasy, as you found your way back to them in this adventure
of life. While you explored the landscape of your own soul going through varied
phases of life, it was those trials that gifted you the healing waters that gave birth

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to a new you, an enduring you where you left your yesterdays behind and walk in
the light of a fierce courage that can face life at its lowest and weakest.
No matter what life threw at you, you still found it a beautiful place, you found a
new horizon, even though you heard a whisper of the dark, you also hear a
whisper of the Light. With every breath that you have, you did not cease to
worship life, you accepted the invitation of life, you love it back one more time,
you dare again to fall, so you can see where you can land again. You appreciate
with sincerity falling from your heart, the very breath and heartbeat of life, one
more time, just when you were about to give up on life, it is life that found you
back to its breath, not to leave you but to love you, not to hurt you but to
embrace you, not to let you go but to hold on to you.
No healing comes easy, no washing away the pain comes without vulnerability.
And it is the vulnerability that takes you to the deepest places of your heart from
where is born the most raw and bare emotions, that can bring out the best and
the worst in you. For you to heal, you need to walk in the fierce courage and this
is the fierceness that will set you free. As this very fierceness will beg you to open
up in places where no light ever entered before, and no nurturing was ever done
But as you dare to open your soul, raw and bare to this world, the universe
conspires somehow, and somewhere there is an invisible pull of hands, wanting
to pull you out of your screaming pain. Somewhere in this cosmos, there are
some listening ears who want to hear your story, so they can give you a gifted
hearing, by which you can pour put your pain into the retreat of their souls. By
this pouring, you heal slowly and gradually, and there is no ceasing of this healing.
As the universe connects all by an invisible bond, a sacred kinship, so when one
cries, somewhere else in this universe, someone is wanting to hear that cry. And
out of this wanting, comes out your kindred souls who give you the solace, your
much-needed, most-needed comfort. And you begin to stream your pain in the
form of healing tears. They are the rolling tears of your heart. Life never travels in
a straight line. It always meanders like a meandering brook, that knows how to
flow and how to pass the rocks by and flow again. This is the brook that runs
within you, teaches you and gives you the essential wisdom of living. It teaches
you the art of living joyfully, with healing tears as the most sacred gift.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Heavenliness of Love
An awakening dawn and a midnight moonbeam leave behind a thousand imprints
of unspoken love. But it has to be our souls calling out for the deepest touch of
that love, where one that finds a beauty in the opening of another heart. An
invisible touch of a penetrating love, that which sings the hearts out on the tip of
a dancing petal. Hearts are the deepest sanctuaries and those who know how to
listen to the whisper of love and how to whisper back, they are forever ecstatic in
the language of the heart. How to sing a song back from one soul to another,
often rests in the wonders of heaven on earth.
A thousand beauties spring from the seed of love that once sprouts in the holy
womb of this universe. The mornings and night-fall no longer sting with the pang
of loneliness as they release the touch of a new breath on our souls. This is the
pulsing beat of a longing, a rush for a lifelong yearning, the yearning that dances
one heart to another, the most ecstatic dance of the union of two lovers. That is
the song that makes them melt in their hearts at some of the finest, most tender
feelings of this life. This is the birthing of a love that makes us awake and alive, in
the rushing ecstasy for the wine of life.
This is an eternal hunger of souls, a desire to know the broken pieces in all the
seasons of life. A beauty that one can hold for decades to come, so all that was
shattered can be whole again, with the brushing of love on our aching hearts.
Give yourself to the promising sunrise, surrender your soul to the new beginning
that it brings, be with it. It is the breath of a new hope with which your voice can
sing to caress your soul. With a tender touch of empathy, welling in our hearts,
the teardrops kiss down our cheeks, and out comes the song of our souls. This is
love that we have been waiting for, in full bloom.
To behold the heaven in love with the breaking of a new dawn, to write it on your
heart, when the sunbeams kiss two souls and sends them a spark, is to etch
eternity in the glory of love. Two souls gazing at each other, in a moment of
hearts conjoining in silent understanding--this is when beauty breathes in
eternity. Love is the new born child born out of a spiritual kinship, a shared
moment when two hearts meet and welcome each other, greeting one another in
a light of togetherness. There is a thrill in the waking of this love, in being upon

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the rapturous secret of life. It is the purest secret that holds ecstasy, that holds
intoxication for our spirits, as the feelings unfold at every moment.
Loneliness though it burns your heart yet sees a light again the fire of that
burning. The light of love is a light that brings two souls closer, so you can recite
the song of love on your lips. We are the ripened fruits of love, seeded by God at
the times of holy birth and when the winds of life blow, they blow us to scatter us,
so love can be seeded everywhere in this universe. It is an age-old hunger for love
that souls pray for when kneeling in silence, with a wordless prayer, hoping,
desperately wishing, that there is a soul out there somewhere, who knew how to
reach out and wrap this praying soul, how to listen to this call of heart.
Your seeds shall live in each-others heart, your essence will mingle with one
another, and in your richest blossoms, you two will rejoice, through the seasons
of life, floating together yet not making a bond, knowing the rhythm of this
movement. The blend of togetherness and space, like the strings that play the
same notes, same melody, same music of a love-song, yet they stay apart. You
two are the souls quivering to clasp, and to bloom yet dwelling in the comfort of
space, so as to swim in this running brook of life. This is the love that inspires an
awe, strikes a soul with wonder, to delight in the love for attachment and the
need for un-attached love---the love in fulfillment with the beauty of space.
This is the heavenliness of love, where the sun and moon, stars and sky all live in
the lining of our deepened layers, where we can sense the light of our rising sun,
the grace of the silver moon, the hope of the shining stars, the vastness of the
sky, so as to hold all the joy and the pain that comes in the journey of love. So,
beneath our feet, above our heads, wherever we imprint our footsteps in love, it
becomes a heavenly feeling. There is a godliness in this walking, and the trails get
lighted every time the lovers imprint their love on this earth. Out of this journey
from the untamed places of our hearts, somewhere in this universe, some smiling
flowers begin to sway, some awaiting buds begin to break, some dew-kisses
petals begin to dance, some blades of grass shoot in joy. The universe opens in a
thousand laughter.
This is the heavenly fountain, that makes time turn back, that makes time stand
still in the smell of eternity. Time, that seems to wait for nobody, somehow
senses this feeling that makes two lovers melt in their agony and ecstasy. It is this

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feeling that makes time stand still, to hold eternity in every moment, as the lovers
drink the intoxication of love. With every smiling face of love, the divine is
reflected in the mirror of our souls. With every song falling from the lips of love,
the angels begin to sing with us. With every falling tear of love, the reflections are
found in the river of our souls. These are the blessings and lessons of the varied
phases of love. And as we walk through them all, heaven seems to shower its
grace in the reflection of our joy and pain, agony and the ecstasy. Time begins to
reflect every moment’s eternity in the heavenliness of love, where the souls see
heaven in each other’s eyes.
This is the love that holds it all. It is divinely designed to be a beautiful jewel in the
endless sky. This is the eye of heaven through which love seems to pour on this
universe in blissful abundance. When the whole world seems to cave in, we cling
and clasp to this love. As its heavenliness will get the lovers through, it gives them
the most enduring times, when things seem to fall apart, this is the feeling of
heavenliness that will string the hearts together. The most scared stringing of two
distant souls, that goes beyond all the terrains, that crosses all the seas and
mountains and still calls the hearts to hold the string. This is the clasping born out
of a heavenliness of love, life’s richest feeling.
This is the love that sparkles as the diamond in the sky. The diamond that cuts
through everything that pains in the journey of love, and still shines in the light of
hearts. This is the sparkle that makes lovers melt in the eyes of one another, this
is the jewel that makes clasping so worthy of each other. And it is through
mystery and madness of two souls, that love is revealed. And as it gets a gradual
opening under pressure, it reveals its most sparkling splendor in the sky. This is
the diamond that a soul can slip on the fingers of another soul. While the world
may be looking for a diamond on the fingers, in the heavenliness, this diamond is
meant to sparkle in the richest of rich feelings, that are born in the sky of hearts.
This is the glorious madness of two hearts. It may not be the loftiest intelligence,
but this is the madness that glimpses eternity in every passing moment, a
madness that glimpses heavenliness in all that it beholds, that takes sanity into
insanity, swirls you and whirls you, any at the end of everything, all you feel is
your roots growing stronger and stringer with another soul out there, clasping to
you. So together you sink, and together you rise in the ineffable light of love.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Laced with Grace

Grace is a flowing of giving and receiving, one that glows with an unspoken
gratitude, and lights the soul with the gift of life to have the beauty of it in every
breathing moment. Grace overflows with thankfulness for being given, the time
to behold God’s signature imprinted on this Earth. That is the blossoming of grace
with humility in our hearts. It is the unspoken gratitude, the appreciation welling
within at receiving kindness. Grace is in appreciating the beauty of the vastness of
horizon, painted with the rain and rainbow, myriad hues of a soul. Behold the
struggling of a lotus to burst out in a full bloom, despite the nearby mud trying to
plunge it beneath.

When the seed of enlightenment sprouts in our souls, grace shines in the light of
divinity. An awakened soul ushers the first rays of thankfulness and with it
streams the eternal brook of grace from a soul, along the shorelines of this
universe. The fragrance of humility ushers in the dawn of grace. When a new light
floods in and the universe lights up with grace and gratitude, this is the sacred
space where the Light of Grace with its Holiness shines in its sanctuary. As all the
sentient beings on this earth receive the miraculous creations with gratitude at
heart, the awe- inspiring gifts from heaven above. And in this thankful receiving,
streams grace from the deepest depths of our souls.

Blessed is the seed that knows the art of sprouting, in this earthliness as it is the
true flowering of a soul to see the miracle in the path of life, to sense the magic in
the ordinary, to feel the beauty of something rarely divine in all. To welcome the
golden sunrise and the blushing sunset, every day of your life--this is grace and
gratitude springing from within. This is the beauty engraved in a timeless,
priceless bestowal of God, enfolded in the layers of our souls. Rain is also a grace
falling from the sky that is laden with love. And grace lies in receiving those much-
needed waters to soak these arid plains of weeping souls. This is the moment
when the sky is descending on earth, and grace lies in welcoming this rainfall with
a heart laden with thankfulness.
Grace comes with the breaking of your pain, cracking the shell that you curl in, so
light can push its way, and bring you to face a heavenly dawn, in a light that you

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never imagined that it could flood you in, while you were plunged in the sea of
grief. Now your soul can stand in the sun, even though the winters of your agony
want to wither you, but you found the sunrise in your soul. Not that sunlight
never fell on this earth, not that the flowers never emitted their fragrance, but
that you failed to glimpse that falling light of sun, you failed to smell the flower in
bloom, as you were too deep in your sea of grief.
Your suffering brought this kneeling humility in you, the grace that can add
beauty, the nobility that can add richness, the empathy that can add
understanding, and you endured the hardness of this grief with serenity to bear
all that is unbearable. As you believe in the ultimate grace and tenderness of an
unseen hand, a hand from Beyond, as you are immersed in the faith of that
invisible boundless, formless divine, that shows your grace and gratitude in being
thankful for the rising of light everyday in your life, for waking up every new
morn, for it is the divine in you that is humble to the divine signatures on this
Even as the winters of your heart passed away, moistening your eyes with sacred
falling tears---the grace that fell from the sky of divinity, the love that fell from
your humble heart---all birthed into a beauteous grace---unfailing, undying, but
perennially adding its beauty to a soul, that needed an in-depth understanding of
life. Your worst times are never so worse that you are beyond the reach of a
divine grace and your spring times are never so green, that you are never in need
of that divine grace. At all times, at all moments of life, you are within the reach
and the need of that invisible divine grace that falls upon you, in light and
darkness. The moon that rises in a sky so dark, lights up the sky and receiving that
light is a grace from God. The thankfulness in appreciating all these wonders of
universe---that is grace flowing in us. Grace is a way of living life with humility and
appreciation for all that we have been gifted with.
While you wander in search of your own awakening, in the quest of your own
enlightenment---a new light whispered all this time you walked asleep as you
existed, but never lived. It is only in the breaking of your pain---in the cracking of
your suffering, that grace emerges so beautifully in your soul. The formless in you
is aware now of life’s formlessness, the boundless in you is aware of the
boundlessness of Beyond, the eternal is you is aware of the eternity of beyond

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and you begin to breathe as an awakened being. Your awakening raises you as
you live with grace in your everyday life. Life may not go in a straight line, but it is
how you accept it, how you show your tolerance, how you choose to live with the
blessings and lessons of life, that flows you with grace. Your daily living speaks of
the grace and humility that makes you cascade with beauty.
It is the urge in you, the ecstasy of a sacred communion with the divine that saw
the light of grace, walking around with your hunger and thirst, looking for the
keys to all the locked mysteries of life. The wanting of a penetrating
understanding of life suddenly gets the desired fulfillment, the satiation of a soul-
thirst, and all that comes out is a grace, both in giving and receiving. The
abounding grace becomes the hope for humanity, the light by which mankind can
live. As we all recognize that universal bond of oneness, when we choose to reach
out to others, in times when grief crushes them, that is the moment, when grace
flows in our daily living. This giving, this reaching out flows with grace.
While grace never springs from suffering, but always flows in humility in all
phases of life. And grace is always companioned with humility. But where
suffering exists, there inescapably arises grace in all facets and hues. As it is the
agony that finds an opening into the hardness and breaks it down, so it beautifies
with a graceful tenderness. While suffering gives birth to grace, grace does not
give birth to suffering. In hearts that have seen the heavenliness of love, grace
flows at all seasons, at all moments, no matter what they bring or cannot bring to
us, no matter what they shower or cannot shower on us. Grace shows itself
through, even into the caves of darkness, where intellect cannot reach but the
wisdom of our souls can, as it always walks with the light of grace. It is this light
that enters into our darkest caves.
Grace is in understanding others suffering that is spilling out, when they choose to
harbor hard feelings inside. Grace lies in not hurting them back but in extending a
compassionate understanding to their struggling situations. When someone is
intensely hurting inside, then it is the invisible pull of humanity that begs us to
understand the hurting, to be able to feel the pain that goes beyond words, and
what is driving that precious soul to hold back form inside. At times, people seek
comfort in living within their own shells. And this need arises from the curling up

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within their own private space. As the rest of the world gets too loud for them to
It is in understanding their desire to escape the world, their need to curl
themselves in their own shell, so they can find comfort in the exclusion of others
from their own world---it is in understanding of that holding back, that we show
our grace, our sensitivity to their situations. This is the invisible reaching out to
other lost and lonely souls, who are wandering, roaming aimlessly in search of a
meaning again. Grace also lies in showing undeserved kindness. It is much like
water and flows to the lowest plains, to the most unlovable things in life. Grace is
in looking even at the most unwanted areas, from where we would choose to
escape in the first instinct, but it is grace that begs us to look again with a needed
That is the blessed bond of grace, as it is that bond of oneness that somehow calls
us to penetrate, even in the most impenetrable situations. We draw upon the
divine grace continually for us to breathe and sustain our lives in this universe and
that is the gratitude that we extend to others while they are struggling with their
own breath in times of agony. Grace comes into our hearts for others, as the
dawn comes with a breaking light, that forgives the last night’s darkness and still
pierces the night, so we can see by that light. And then comes the morning with
its bursting brilliance of gold. That is God coming through yesterday’s darkness
and while this is the kindness that we receive every morning, when we wake up,
we receive it with a heart full of thankfulness.
While our own hearts seem to be so laden with gratitude, we shower some of our
blessings to understand someone else’s spilling pain, so they can receive the light
of living, and can find a way to come out of their own shells. That act of kindness
holds us together in the blessed bond of grace and gratitude. Grace is in giving
with a grateful heart, and gratitude is something we learn as we walk by the light
of God. At times of our own wailing needs, someone was out there holding a
candle for us, somebody kept us in their prayers and thoughts, and that is their
sacred space they let us in. Grace is our spiritual bread, the one that we so yearn
from divine, and while we choose to hunger for it, we ourselves need to live daily
with grace and gratitude. Grace is the gift of God to mankind and it is our gifts to
one another as we show a compassionate understanding of each other.

Dewdrops of Compassion

In the face of winds of suffering, feel the soft light of compassion on your face.
Humans speak in the language of love, and tune into the whispers of empathy.
When life seems to be falling apart, crushed with grief, when you lose sight of the
shore of hope, it is then that you feel the soft breeze on your face. A breeze of an
empathy tries to enfold you, breathes into your agony as its own, endures your
intense pain, carries you when life pushes you down to your knees. That is when
empathy penetrates its understanding within you and sows the much- needed
seed with tenderness.

So, it sprouts and anchors its roots within your soul, making its way in the inmost
places, spreading tenderness to weed out the deep seated suffering. The
hardened heart, the ocean of pain struggling in your eyes, the unheard sob
secretly tearing you apart, is all that calls for the light of empathy. Release the
voice of suffering and let the waters of empathy have their deepest flow. Here
comes the beauty out of every dying pain. That is the birth of a star wrapped in
the light of a soul gleaming within. This is the soul-light that takes us to a path
that lies beyond our pain, beyond the shackles of burden.

This is the light that releases the pearls of healing, that break open from the
cocoons of age- old secret suffering--only to give out, the sheer fragrance of
peace to a burning pain, so as to fill you with the breath of God. This is the
promise of a dawn, the sun of hope, in a new day, making its way in a struggling
soul. That somehow made the night, to bury the pain, so as to bathe the soul, in a
new light of a new morn. It is only with this shared caring, that we cease hurting
the lost and the lonely. It is with this deluge of an empathetic love, that we wash
away the grief, that eats away human hearts. It is this long- lost song of empathy,
that has been so unsung, by many a soul in this wilderness of universe.
The soul housed in your body is aware of the timeless beauty of empathy, as it
flows in the running brook to give what is worth giving, to offer what is worth
offering, to rain what is worth raining--the munch needed shower of empathy. As
empathy is the language of the soul, the language that speaks of the
compassionate understanding of another’s crushing pain. This is the time, when
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one soul hears another soul, when one heart hears another heart and a wordless
communication is exchanged between the suffering and the understanding souls.
Empathy can never flow from those who are weak, it can only run from those who
are strong, as it is in that strength that empathy runs. It is in that moment of silent
understanding, that two souls can find, what one cannot reach alone, only when
they share the sacred spaces of tenderness.
They are never alone, together they come, together they sit, as somewhere in this
universe, God sent them entwined with each other in an empathy, whose bond is
invisibly strong. Togetherness can sing a melody, so powerful yet so peaceful than
individuality can ever sing. This is the love letter written on the sands of eternity.
Bonds that are woven in empathy have a message, that the understanding of a
soul, lies in the gift of listening to not what the other can say, but what the other
soul cannot say, not what he can speak of but what he cannot speak of. True
reaching out, lies in the beauty of seeing not what the suffering souls can share,
but what they cannot share.
To be able to fathom the depths of this agony, to penetrate these most
impenetrable places, and to bring them to light, to give them the promising hope,
to show them the path in a way, a different way, where light floods in and washes
away their past and beckons a new future—that is the light of empathy. Moisten
your heart with the richest drops, that are born from empathy, as herein lies the
releasing of your silent struggles. Begin to empathize with the hearts that are
sealed with grief and failed to release them. Those are the hearts that need to live
life again, in the tenderness of emotions---as that is how they can come home
In this journey of you too, returning to where you were, when God sent you on
this Earth, as the promised seed of divine, it is the light of empathy that is much
needed, as by this light when you walk, you come home to your empathetic self,
the way god had seeded you by his divine design. This is the rising beauty of
empathy, in seeing with the eyes of a suffering soul, in listening with the ears of
an injured one, and in feeling with the heart of a wounded heart. In this seeing,
listening and feeling, do two souls see the light of kinship, in this journey of life.
Out of this empathy, is born an understanding with which you can feel others in
yourself as you enter into their hidden depths, where only a light can pierce.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Soul Surrender
There is a rapture in the soul surrender to this cosmic beauty, a peace amidst the
wilderness of heart. There is a beauty, a poise, in the repeated tunes of a
universal rhythm--that dawn breaks in after a night, and spring dances with the
passing of winter. While we live in each passing season of life, let us take the
moments to drink the waters of fleeting times. Come as they may and leave
ourselves to the surging dance of life. Let these moments of splendor, this
unending peace from the flowing waters, flood your soul. Waves rise, and waves
fall. It is how we choose to ride them, whether we choose to dance to them or
whether we choose to stay on the sandy shores—this choice is made simpler as
we walk in the light of surrendering.

Let them leave you with a seed of sympathy, that sprouts in your aching soul. A
strength in what stays behind, after all that passes, an enduring beauty carved in
our hearts. The beauty that strikes our grieving souls, is an eternal one of an
eternal sunrise, that which makes its way, to create a season of new beginnings.
The lingering sun on the horizon, its melting golden hues in the still waters, charts
our souls to something eternally serene, that whispers of a new daybreak, a new
inception that awakens us. Every beginning is carved from an ending, that has
been the pathway of the past, and the gateway to the future.

This is the echo of God, an ageless truth and the brook of life never ceases to
flow, despite the rocks underneath the passing waters. Plunge your soul in this
water and all you will feel is a healing caress. It is in its flow, that you will find the
pearls of a timeless touch. One that can revive the part of your soul, that has died
from an ache, the agony of an irreplaceable loss. And all that comes out is
something heavenly, where sunbeams meet this earth and co- create a peace so
timeless. While the seasons leave their fleeting moments of joy and grief, it is in
surrendering to the divine, that we find the fulfillment and peace.
Times come, and times go, and some of it may be beyond our understanding, but
when we surrender the incomprehensible things of life to the divine, that is the
time, when peace gently flows back. The holding off and then the willingness to
surrender, the push and pull of emotions---this is ultimately grand in the final

Dewdrops of Compassion

analysis of life, as it keeps the pathways open, always inviting but never chasing,
welcoming but never intruding. It never wears you down with its relentless
struggles---your vision changes as you change, everything around you softens as
you soften. All that you see melts as you melt in the joy of soul-surrender, a
healing peace is born in you, a soothing to find a new meaning in life, a meaning
that is going to bring you home again, that is going to reconcile you with yourself
Our true peace unleashes when are no longer in battle with our souls, our true
power shows up when we cease to be powerful, when we walk away from the
relentless, unceasing battle for power, just when we stop struggling, does life
start to flow again with ease. This is the peace that unfolds, when you flow in the
brook of surrendering. Grace flows when you surrender the unknown to the
creator, in the light of your full faith. You no longer dwell in doubts, you no longer
rise the waves of resistance. Rather you gently allow the tides of life to come to
you, and you welcome them with humility, knowing that was what God designed
for you.
Immerse in a total surrendering to life, never try to question it. Let life take its
course and you walk on its trail, let life lead you, guide you in the wildest
adventure of it. Let life consume you with its passions, let it steal your heart with
its beauty, as it is this beauty, this charm, this enthrallment that never really dies
away, while the rest withers with time. As you welcome life, with all that it comes,
you find such a healing in this willingness to open yourself in the coming and
going of tides. You begin to see beauty falling everywhere, as your heart is in full
acceptance of all that is meant to stay and all that is meant to leave.
God seeded us with a light of life, a light that lies dormant, waiting to be
awakened. Never resist life, just surrender to it, as the pain that fills your eyes,
emerges from resisting, and it is a peace that rises from surrendering---this gives
the euphoric kiss of life, the loveliest breath, that you ever had can only emerge
from the beauty of this surrendering. We tap into the wisdom, that we dwell in a
nothingness and everything else is led by the invisible godliness. Surrendering is
embracing life every moment, with whatever it brings---blessings or lessons. As
your souls bathe, in the light of life, the peace of surrendering falls from the heart
and finds it song on your lips. The art of surrendering reveals itself as you take

Dewdrops of Compassion

every sacred moment to feel alive, and never desecrate the priceless days by
defying or questioning them. Seize all the moments in their unceasing beauty,
capture the moments in their timeless view, before they become all a memory,
behold the moments in their breathless wonders, before they become something
to look back at---that is the art of living in a total surrendering.
While you learn the art of surrendering, life begins to flow smoothly and with
such an ease. You let go of control. You realize, that the more you run to grip and
grab, the more life slips away from your fingers. And eventually, it turns to a
pursuit of power. This is the chase that takes away all the pristine beauty and
turns life into a muddy dross. When you choose to let go and surrender, you can
easily visualize the boat turning around and you dropping the oars, and floating
downstream. You are in such a floating grace, a floating smoothness with the
waters, neither surging, nor sinking, neither rising, nor falling, but at ease with the
waves of life.
You become receptive and allow things to happen in their natural course. You no
longer fight it. You no longer choose to win or to lose. You just be and let things
be in the light of dawn and in the peace of a resting sunset. In this light, comes
your surrendering to the divine, trusting that all has a divine design behind their
happenings, their comings and goings, over which you have no control. You
surrender every area of your life to the divine. You trust, that the divine has
uniquely knit all the moments of your life together, the divine has beautifully
woven all the seasons of your life into a tapestry, that which can give you the
retreat of peace that you can take shelter in.
You find rest in quietness and trust and in all that stills the restlessness of your
heart. You stop striving and start resting. That is the refreshing rest of divine. You
begin to believe that whatever is broken and scattered in you, in the divine grace,
it is mended and made whole again. So, the broken in you rises to life again, the
grievous in you, can see the joyous beauty again, so the darkness in you can see
the rising sun again, in the peace of this surrendering. This is the surrendering,
that brings life to your soul wearied from the clouds of despair. Surrendering
brings the light of grace, the light of humility. You realize that as a divine child,
you look up to the creator of this universe for all the creations and understanding
this divine magnificence in God, you choose to live in the light of surrendering.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Shoreline of My Soul
Every soul is an ocean with a shoreline, where waves rush in a madness to meet
and to dance in delight. Just when you think, it is forever, they crash and depart,
but some beauty they leave behind, that tides can never wash away. Suddenly we
are feeling a sacred love, rushing to the shorelines of our souls and feeding the
burst of emotions that are pent up inside. There is a song that only this moonlit
night can sing and that is my soul song. There is a dance that only the surging
waves of my soul can dance. The whisper of this universe, the richness of a
wilderness--this is the serenity with a penetrating beauty.
The waves of the sea, the sea of my soul, speaks to me with the ebb and tide of a
thousand emotions, and I am no longer the same. The touch of the sea is inviting
me, welcoming me to explore my inner being, waiting for me to unfold, petal by
petal. And out comes many shimmering hues of my heart, coloring the horizon, as
my soul refuses to stop kissing this universe. There is a hidden restless beauty in
these waves----something so powerful yet so peaceful, where madness and
tranquility, both meet each other, where souls can surrender, and feel the joy of
being engulfed by mystery and beauty of this dancing ocean, basking in the glow
of a light on the shores of my heart.

This is where the “sand meets the sea” and the waves of my heart learn to beat to
the rhythm of my soul. Then comes the distant singing of a love so pristine, in its
eternal bloom, where the hidden beauty beneath these running waters, rush to
kiss the glow of these golden sands. And the ethereal music comes down to sing
on the shimmering sands. This is the birth of an unknown shore, where the waves
of unfamiliarity rush, and familiarity begins to crash, the colors fade and the song
ceases, but a new rhythm is born, a new song waits to be sung. As divinity settles
on the petals of this earthliness, the sacred flower blossoms in the sanctuary of
humanity, and love rolls over the waves, as everything else falls in a heavenly
bliss, dissolving this terrestrial beauty, into that which is celestial.

Then comes the moments of escape, as our souls dance in a madness of delight,
the delight of a newfound love, one that drops celestial blessings everywhere.
Love gives us this escape from all that is dull and mundane into something that

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has a celestial beauty, a retreat that has the solace, the soothing of a healing
comfort from the agony of life. The ocean always comes in a thousand waves,
some dancing, some furious, some maddening in delight, some raging. We really
never know which wave is going to hit us next and what lies ahead of us. But as
we roll over the waves and still learn how to ride them in delight and fury of the
myriad phases of life, the flower within us begins to bloom, from a bud to
unfolding, first shyly, then a bit courageously, and gradually taking the full bloom,
melting in joy, under the first rays of a morning delight.

This is the moment’s madness, the hunger to break open and love all that you
behold. This is the eternal moment, when we dance with the waves of our oceans
and touch the coastal lines of souls with love, light and grace. Tides of love come
and go, but the emotion lingers, and love lives forever, no matter how many
times, the ocean sends it back to the sands. This is eternity held in a moment of
beauty, one that the horizon is painted with myriad colors of love. While we wear
these wild flowers of love, the unloved and unwanted part of us, suddenly feels so
loved. It opens the doors to the pent- up emotions locked inside us for decades,
and deep down, we know we are beginning to melt.

Here dawns the beauty of love, to reach out fearlessly, to the deepest depths of
souls. Splash the waters of your heart over others and in this splashing comes the
cleansing of their grief, their sorrow. This is the escape of separation that tears
away the veil which dims the light of oneness. And merge in the holy bath of
Oneness along the shorelines of the Sea. Here do we glow again in the grace of
union. Step out of the illusion and step into the adventure of a dancing ecstasy,
one that will ride the waves and settle down finally along the lines of a Sea,
unknown yet so familiar, as this is the rhythm, the beat, the of a song whose lyrics
are held in the joy of an eternal union.

On the seashore of joy and grief, agony and ecstasy, our souls meet in an endless
delight, knowing that this meeting was designed by divine, and every encounter
gleamed of joy, knowing that it was meant to meet, meant to cross the paths of
each other. The sea of humanity surges ---the beaming happiness scatters its
pearls in the sea, as the souls blend in the melted happiness, while humanity sings
its song of oneness at the eventides of love. Oneness is a star fallen from the sky
Dewdrops of Compassion

into the souls of those who are lost and grieving in a world, that has gone insane
with pain, where the breath has become so heavy and suddenly this falling star
have given birth to a spring of hope in the midst of all the hopelessness. It
announced the advent of help in the sea of helplessness, it showed a light of
communion where a thousand hungry souls could mingle in a moment’s delight
and marvel in this meeting of heavenliness. This is the gift from one soul to
another, in a moment enshrined in eternity.
A tremendous silence of peace descends that becomes lighted with the blessings
from beyond---life may be entangled again in its usual surge of storms, but the
souls will sail smooth amidst the raging waters, knowing when there is trouble in
the waters, God will bring you a peace to immerse in, and you will still smell the
fragrance coming out of the flowers, the flowers of Oneness, the scent of
humanity. Without this essence, weeds grow all over this universe, and weeds are
unwanted souls, unloved hearts that are hungry for affection to come in, thirsty
for compassion to rain in. From depths beyond our sight, from shores beyond our
vision, ring the bells of this sacredness, the sanctity of a new perception--all
religions, all faiths, all races meeting on the shorelines of One universal heart.
This is the beauty that strews the earth with heavenliness, as it fills the hungry
souls with a forgotten melody of love. And with love filling in, the buds finally
break in full bloom. This is the shore, where the tears and cares mingle, and hope
blooms in the hearts of many, that the tides of life, high or low, the push and pull,
all will conspire to bring everybody in closeness of hearts and bring joy to all the
suffering souls-- those who are lonely and grieving, for it is in the delight of this
moment, that we remember the lost meaning behind our existence. Compassion
is the feeling that surges in the sea of souls and humanity smiles in this bloom of
bonding, the florets of a shared caring, while its essence fills the Earth with its
perfume. Oneness is reborn on the shores of empathy once again.
This is the pilgrimage to your heart. In the sea of your soul, you sail smooth,
knowing if you get lost among the troubled waters, you will find your way to swim
to the shores that breathe in the beauty of togetherness. There are a thousand
other souls sailing the waters, and when one soul seems to sink, others will save it
from plunging beneath. While you softly feel the bonding of this kinship, the
rippling waves of peace gently return to the shores of serenity. This is the serenity

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that calls you home, that is your richest pilgrimage of your heart. Along this
pilgrimage, do you uncover the locked mysteries, the unfound beauties of other
As a pilgrim, when you marvel at the astonishing beauties on your pathway, and
realize whatever you behold, from the sun-kissed sands, to the endless seashells,
from the dancing waters, to the frothy foam, all reveals a light of their own. And
every light has a message, a message that teaches you something. Even the grains
of sand that you hold in your palms, they are a wonder with breaking wonders in
this universe. And whatever is a wonder, bursts into a light. This is the light by
which you walk along the shorelines of your soul, with other pilgrims. They each
have their own pilgrimage. While everyone is in this deepest pilgrimage of their
hearts, but they all have something to share with you, something to gift you. No
encounter goes in vain, if only you have the awareness to develop your vision.
As you walk as a pilgrim on the pebbled shores of your soul, your feet get in touch
with the rough and rocky feel, that gives your soul strength and endurance. It
teaches you how to survive, how to live along the rocky terrains of life. No plain
comes smooth and green all year long. It is how we choose to walk along the
plains that tells us whether to smile or to cry. From other pilgrims, you can learn a
lot, share many with them, and those are some of the richest encounters that
may come along your way, to enrich your heart. As the journey to your heart is
the most authentic journey you will ever make. Some of the pilgrims are meant to
stay, some others are meant to leave, and that is something that only time can
tell. But out of all these knitting, will come endless echoes of oneness, that you
will feel and sense, in times of loneliness.
This pilgrimage along the shorelines of your soul can be an inexhaustible well of
strength, from which you can fill your soul, when you need it to be filled. Walk
with bare feet on these sacred pebbles, along the sandy shores, as every pebble
has a gift inside. Every seashell that you see lying on the sands, carries a pearl
inside. The pearl that came out of an injured soul, holds the smiles and tears of a
soul, walking through the varied seasons of life. These are the pearls of wisdom
that are released as you come out of your own hard shell of fear and embrace
other the harder and finer feelings of life. Life comes in all emotions. And to
embrace one does not leave out the other. And to be able to feel them, is to be

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truly alive. As the years roll, your emotions build something within your heart and
those are the pearls of wisdom that are released in abundance, as your shell
At times the waves may land in a breathless crashing against the rocks, that stand
still amidst the surging waters---they may strike the deepest chords of your
hearts. But in the beauty of oneness, the crowning blossoms of an empathy is no
longer in a mist of dreams but burst out of a primal necessity. It is a silent hunger
coming out of souls from the ancient times. It is a primordial need for all the
sentient beings on earth. Love’s eminence is conceived so beautifully in this
expansive horizon, painted with a sun rising in the souls, that paints the sky with
all that is love. This is the shimmering wisdom, that shines underneath all that
was grieving, and brings out nothing but pearls of laughter.
And as you walk in the light of this love, you become the smiling flower in the
wailing hearts of many, as you scatter your joy, you help others gather the pearls
of their own joy, as you scatter the petals of your delight, you help others delight
in your petals. You become a floret in full bloom at all seasons, of all times, of all
moments, that come through and through, in this whirling universe. Your smiling
soul begins to scatter richness, in the saddest of hearts and all that was dark
begins to be enlightened on the shorelines of your awakened soul. Your
awakening awakens others, your consciousness enlightens other weeping hearts.
As your spirit is enlivened, you enliven others. This is the flow of energy between
one soul and other sentient beings on this earth.
The shores of your soul will always be pebbled but it is how you choose to walk on
them, that describes your pilgrimage to yourself. Life always comes with different
waves. Some, when they hit the shorelines, they break, and it is their final
crashing. While some others, they land on the shorelines, they reduce to a
nothingness and they form again smaller waves and gradually they surge in a
wildness. It is that wildness that makes them swell. With time, they madden and
can either make you dance and can sweep you off your feet. Or it can take you to
the dangerous heights and give you a tumultuous turn, and drown you, leaving
you sobbing in pain. But it is how you choose to ride them, that says if you are
going to make it to the shorelines of your soul. The sandy shores that make you
think more deeply and feel more keenly. The pebbled landscape brings you home.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Laced with love

Your face lights up the universe and all that is grief melts into joy. Love that sings
in the breeze and awakens this universe, hearts that clasp one another as their
souls kiss with a purity of bliss. You are the sun rising in my soul, this is the
moment when all the beauty turns to gold. Love is melting in the universe with its
evergreen whispers, finding its forever home. The healing waters soak the heart,
that was once bleeding in agony and brings in a flowing river of an unending
The spiral of evolving leads us to the essence of beauty and truth as time sings by.
Love rolls down the deepest places of our hearts. The universe is dancing in the
rhythm of it, the stardust, the ethereal love song and the enchanting breeze.
Listen to the whisper of love. They are the glistening pearls of your heart that get
scattered over the universe and the earth is adorned with the pearlescent glow of
them. The golden rays of a new dawn, new morn never fail to raise the ecstasy of
a new day. Buds of love are bursting out to flowers in the lovely bloom of soul.
Love is melting in the universe with its evergreen whispers, finding its forever
A tiny grain of sand cultivates layers of luminous beauty, that holds a thousand
miracles in that luminosity. Its one of a kind beauty that grew out of the evolution
of our souls. As life struggles pushed us to cultivate and grow, those are the rarest
pearls that fell out of our hearts. But they never lie on the seashore of our souls.
We have to dive in the depths of our sea to find that rare beauty. The world, this
life is our oyster and it is up to us to find those pearls of love. The challenges may
strike the oyster shell, but it never injures the pearl. This is love, strung in a
thousand pearls. Each pearl shows you a different shade, a different color that
comes along the path of love. But such is the bonding between hearts, that while
you string them all together, it becomes the richest necklace of love.
Love was that moment, when your heart gazed on the eyes of another heart, and
that was the most meaningful gaze of your life. The gaze that freed of all the
heaviness and pain of life and brought a musical piece in your soul. At the touch
of that music, your life became a singing melody. The softness of youth may
come and go, it may be replaced by the delicacy of aging, your face may hold

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wrinkles of every smile and tear that you ever had, but the face of love wears no
wrinkles. That is the ageless, timeless face where love has bloomed in its best.
Surprises may flash through your eyes, but it will never flash through the eyes of
your heart. Every tear you have ever shed may leave its mark on your face, but it
will never leave the tiniest mark on the face of your heart. This is the heart from
where cascades the falling love. Love kisses you on your deepest wounds, in the
most beautiful way possible.
Love is an emotion that can at times seem to break your heart. To many people
are so entrapped in their shells of fear, that they think those shells are their
retreats of safety. Fear causes them to coil up into that seemingly safe place. They
shut themselves off from the heart’s giving and taking. This is the closing off that
causes the inmost spring to run dry. As love flows best in giving and receiving.
While the seasons of love may come at times with pain that may seem to break
you, but it is at that breaking that your most poignant beauty bursts out. And with
this poignant beauty, comes out the depths of love.
The healing waters soak the heart that was once crushing in grief and brings in a
running brook of an unending peace. In the depths of what is meant and unsaid,
love lies hidden in the beauty of all is left unspoken, in the depths of what tries to
flow but is pushed aside, love lies hidden in all that has ceased flowing.
Sometimes love reveals in the mist of all that is untold, so dreamer if you need to
feel love, in all the unseen and unsaid, then drink deep in the beauty that runs
beneath. Take your troubles and toss them in the sea of your dreams. Let them
sink under the fathomless waves and love will find its way. Love lives and relives,
it returns time and time again to its home. One awakened soul and another,
somewhere in this universe, greets another soul, and together they craft the lace
of love. What is once born never really dies, it takes the shape of another beauty.
Upon the sands, beneath the sun, those memories scattered and there again is
the smell of a past, held in a flower of a forgotten love. Times come and times
leaves but the petals hold it all. It becomes a poem, a story, in the smell of
eternity. What is beautiful never really dies. It takes birth to another beauty as
breaking bud of a forever essence of something too young to die. While the forms
change with the rolling of time, the essence lives by from age after age, time after
time, forever. Such is the smell of love.

Dewdrops of Compassion

There is a lace in the spaces between the threads and love fills that void, that
sobbing emptiness with an invisible delicacy, that stills with a fulfilling serenity, a
promising tranquility. It lives and survives, no matter how delicate it may seem. It
is the tranquil invisibility, that holds all that seems to be breaking visibly. This is
the lace of love that entangles one heart with another, as it tries to understand
the differences in many yet binds them with an invisible lace, that which we fail to
see, but the most treasured lace of all, which knits the hearts together with the
sweetest delight of love.
This invisible lace makes the tapestry of togetherness, and along this lace
somewhere there may be holes, but still this is the richest lace that ties us all
together, in the entangled thread of love. It may be knotted at places, here and
there, but the more we embrace our fragility and shared sufferings, the more we
empathize in the weeping agony of others, the closer we are held by this timeless,
ageless lace. The keen sharing, the shared feelings speak to our souls. It is that
sharing that makes it the richest thread of hearts. There are countless threads as
there are countless souls. But it is the spaces that seem to be of significance, and
how we fill in those spaces, how we fill in those gaps—that filling evolves from
our souls. Those are the fragmented parts of humanity. And as we choose to walk
by the light of love, it is those voids, those staring gaps that love fills in, so as to
lace humanity as a whole with a fulfilling beauty.
This is the richest lace that transcends all latitudes and longitudes and brings
everyone together in a divine signature embroidered on humanity. This is the
embroidering done in the threads of connection flowing so seamlessly from one
soul to another, in the unspoken moments of affection, in the unsaid words of
deepest feelings. Every pain, every grief has been painstakingly mended with love
and such is the creation of this invisible lace, where sadness is filtered through the
leaves of tenderness and happiness is poured in while knitting this divine lace. As
we traverse each other in this walk of life, our gazes meet at times, with a
tenderness that goes beyond words, and other times, with a chilling indifference.
How we meet others in their eyes, how we meet others in their hearts, is a
language of the soul, a wisdom that flows from the soul to the heart and then to
the eyes. This is where love rests in the eyes. The indifference may loom, as dark
and impenetrable, but while the wisdom of the soul begins to pour, the lace
seems to hold many other souls in the treasured lace of humanity, as a whole.

Dewdrops of Compassion

To touch someone's wound with a tenderness, to reach the deepest griefs in
someone's heart, to be able to carry their agony as yours, is the birth of a
compassion, an empathy in its purest bloom. I am lost without you, whispers the
soul--an ancient music that stirs us. A full bloom love that unfolds a heart, is one
that has weathered the myriad trials of life. A soul blossoms in its deepest
fragrance. The grief that we endure today, the struggles that ache in the silence
will give way to the blooming smiles in our souls tomorrow.
Let there be space in your heart for compassion to flow. Let the winds of empathy
dance between you and the souls that you meet, as there is someone out there
somewhere, who is silently calling for your compassion yet knows not how to
reach out. Be like the string of a lute, that quivers with this music, as it is this tune
that keeps the bonding, makes the sea of togetherness moving between the
shores of giving and receiving. The needy that is in need of this much needed
empathy begs you not to walk away when rest of the world has. This is the poem
that you write on the hearts of others.
Out of an insane suffering has emerged the softness of your soul, so it can
outpour the softness on others. In moments with yourself, look back at this
beauty and tap into the compassion that speaks to you. As this is the beauty that
the hearts weep for, so it can return time and time again to the shores of the
wailing hearts. The compassion that you shed on someone can help them not just
to survive but thrive, and to do it with vibrancy and life, feeling alive in the most
authentic sense of beauty. Let compassion descend to your roots, so when it
beckons you, you may follow it in delight. As its wings enfold you, you clasp to
them. It is in this clasping, that you find the joy of truth.
May you melt and be like a river, may your compassion be like a running brook
that sings its melody to the sobbing souls, may you share their pain with a
willingness to absorb in an understanding of love. As you walk in the light of
compassion, whoever comes to you, leaves happier. Maybe they came with
wounded hearts, but your light spread the love that those sobbing souls needed
to thrive, so it loves them enough, to mend their broken pieces and make them a
whole being of light. In the process, someday, they become the bearers of light.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Inspiration Showers
As we agonize over the struggles of life meandering in our pathway, we yearn
inside for our unheard cries to be heard. We search for an unseen love, we look
for an invisible touch, we wait for a gentle compassion, hoping and wishing that
peace rains downs on our souls. Every day begins with a new dawn, a new morn
to bring in a new light, that awakens the seed of divinity sleeping in our souls. We
are born with Godliness, yet we seek it outside. Rarely do we take back a moment
inside only to find out that the light is within. Take a blissful soul bath and awaken
to the bud blooming inside. Look around you and behold that blessings fall
everywhere in their own loveliness. With their own hue and beauty, earth smiles,
flowers begin to kiss the breeze. Have you heard the whisper of leaves, the song
of this mother Earth?

This is love, welcoming you, inviting you to be a new You---May you drink deep
from this chalice of love. May we all dance this ecstatic dance, may you all give in
to this surrender fearlessly without holding ourselves back, so the dance of our
soul continues, as the saga of our divine love goes on. Our souls say--understand
me, breathe into me as I breathe into you. Look into my soul as I look into yours,
and all you will see is yourself. Delve deep into this oneness of Spirits and may
you be blessed. I am inspired by this sacred dance of life. My heart explores every
moment singing in harmony, and listening to the call of nature, the surprising
unfolding of life that waits for us at each and every bend, while the beauty and
blessings fall in their loveliness and all that is aching throbs into life.
They whisper music to our hearts as heaven dances in our souls. These are the
moments held in love as the bonding stands on the sands of eternity. The
fragrance spreads and the universe begins to sing again the lyrics birthing from
hearts, that never stopped and souls that never ceased. These are the moments
when we meet and melt into a love that awakens this universe. Come to the
fountain of your soul and drink deep from the wonders of it to realize that, it is
the fountain of life whose waters make the spring in the midst of a thirsty
summer. The fount of this inspiration never runs dry, as it continually filling inside
from the brook running within us, the brook whose waters are in a perennial flow
in rhythm with the seasons of life. This is the brook that knows not how to cease.

Dewdrops of Compassion

I believe that miracles lie in the blooming beauty of flowers, in the creation of a
sunrise and sunset, in the crashing of waves on a distant shore, the glittering
moonbeams at night and the loving canopy of the blue skies. I believe that lovers
meet for a reason, they share a connection that flows from soul to soul. Look
around you, buds are breaking in love, lovers are singing in ecstasy. It is love
smiling everywhere.

I respond to the call of my spirit, I listen to the madness of my soul, I look out for
the enchanting magic, that the universe whispers to my ears and I know deep
down, I am enchanted too by all the beauties that are secretly waiting to be
explored by my yearning soul. The light that flickers inside turns to a flame and
gradually awakens all that was aching, and gives birth to something beautiful,
something pure of a promising dawn, a breaking bud, a gushing fountain springing
from the soul. I give in to an unending peace as the sunset kisses the sky cause I
believe this the way a day ends and lovely is the bloom as the moments come and

I am aware that we have no control over how our story begins or ends. Sunrise
rests with sunset, sound comes to silence, light sleeps into darkness. The longing
waves rush, but then they crash along the shorelines. Such are the tides of life.
May you all be blessed, so you can be a blessing to those who cross your path
today, may you be loved so you can be love to those in need of you today, may
you sing joy, so you can be a song to those dying in grief today. As light
approaches the shadows of life, we find that divinity is written upon the soul, if
only we have the eyes to see the unseen, the ears to hear that which is unheard
of, that which is eternal and has been flowing all along. Just that it was invisible to
the bare eye. Look around you while the breeze is whispering with love. This is
the moment when you behold the spark of divinity.

This is the moment when heaven comes down on earth and heavenliness blends
with earthliness. Let your hunger feed into your soul in an endless flow so that
your search ceases, and you step inside the light of your godliness. Wander into
the wonders of your soul, quench your thirst for seeking outside, which flows
inside, as the fount of inspiration always cascades inside. The well is filled with the
inspiring showers that drops from the blossoming spring, love that falls from the
Dewdrops of Compassion

heart of this universe. Life itself is the greatest passion and endless delights await
those whose souls are mystic wanderers and yearn to drink the joy of spiritual
ecstasy, inviting the mystic hunger to be satiated to the fullest. Mysticism that will
nourish you, sustain you opens the doors of wonder for you. They take you to the
trail of oneness among a thousand souls, one flower unfolding as many buds
break to form a thousand petalled lotus. With a caressing breeze on our hearts,
and light reaching our souls, we find that all that remains is an unending peace in
the sanctuary within.

Plant your innate divinity, effulging yourself into the soul of One love---infuse your
heart into another as the eyes of your soul look into the eyes of another soul and
all you will behold is the miracle of Oneness. Do not rush and crash with the ebbs
and tides of life. Just be the witness to all that is penetrating this universe, the
beauty and the dross, the smiles and the tears, the pervading joy and the
subsiding pain just be a wave, dancing with the rhythm of the sea and nothing will
touch you. In the serenity of your sanctuary, behold everything with your spiritual
eyes, only to find the shorelines of your soul. It will always sing the melodies of an
eternal soul-song. Tides can never wash away the prints of Oneness imprinted on
the sands of souls. This is the shore where hearts meet and embrace.

What is truly inspiring never really dies, it leaves a treasure behind, waiting for
you in hidden places, until you are ready to emerge. It watches your desire, as the
emptiness swells within you, it watches you give in to the intimacy with
familiarity, until you wonder about the meaning and purpose of your life and a
light within kindles your courage and you fall out of the intimacy with all that is
known, and tread into that which is unfamiliar. When the beauty of plenitude
calls you, the richness of vista invites you, you can accept the invitation of this
opening and gracefully unfold in the bliss of this new beginning for your soul
hears the call of a world that awaits you.
Somewhere in us lies a desire to seek the endless possibilities, as deep down
there is a part in us, that is wedded to the fervor of life. The intensity of passion
that is waiting to break us open, to be wild and dangerously free, to notice the
unnoticed mystical wonder of our life, to make some sense of all that was
mysterious, and appreciate the immense privilege of unveiling the veiled beauty.

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That strikes which was hidden all along and brings out the passionate vision which
shapes your life, so you can be alive with your beauty again. There is a place in
you that is sacred, that is seamless in beauty, that has never been wounded, it is
there that you find, your sea of serenity, your hidden tranquility that is so
soothing yet so maddening, that fills your void, gives a meaning, a reason to live
for despite the saddening experiences of your life.
They gently hold you, only to release your pain that asks but never demands, to
let go and to let in a higher power, to trust in the unknown, knowing that wisdom
lies in trusting the purpose behind it and not in questioning it. This is the
inspiration born out of trust, a trust in the invisible beauty of life---that causes the
waves of illusion to break down on the shores, in a new dawn and see the light of
an inspiration. This gives rise to a sense of belonging, a belonging to your own
true self---the meeting between you and silence, you tapping into your own
wisdom, the dawning of your understanding, the penetration of an awakening
solitude---gives birth to a trust in you, so you release yourself into the trust and
embrace of life.
This embrace, that trust, all is born from that wildest inspiration, so you choose to
walk, dare to surf into the unknown sea of life. This is when the night of your
heart breaks into a new dawn, when the darkness has breathed into a light, when
a genesis has been birthed. That is a holy inception, a sacred commencement.
Advent of something new, that knows only light, the showing of a fount, a fount
of the holy waters of life conceived from the inspiration that secretly waited
inside, the homecoming that you so desired, the belonging that you so craved for,
at last made its episode of arrival.
The inspiration that was taking a plunge, going unfelt but heard, seen but not
understood, the inspiration that gave birth to dreams--they are veiled in a mist
waiting to clear and give birth to all that is alive. Never let them pale in the lapse
of time, rather bring them to a splendor where you heart and soul can breathe.
And the advent can only dawn, when they sleep in peace and wake in something
that is meaningful, throbbing in its vibrancy, rich in its new dream with something
beautiful to offer, something promising to look back at, some beautiful landscape
with a rich vista to lose yourself in. This is your inner inspiration rising from the
inmost sanctum. This sanctum is filled by the simplistic yet the breaking buds of

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beauty. Those are the buds that blossom to fill the fount, so we can be in a
continual fulfillment inside so as to cascade our fount of inspiration outside.
When your soul gets touched, and you go insane and wild, it is then that
inspiration begins to shower from the most untamed places of your heart. You are
no longer the same. You become a free and adventurous soul, sipping the ecstasy
in delight. And this is the passion that keeps you running, until you find another
heart, that dances to your soul. This inspiration becomes your greatest mentor of
love and fearlessness, and you learn not just to survive, but to thrive and to do it
with your passion, and compassion, humor and style, so your life, when you look
back at yesterday’s moments, looks to you like a piece of art, that breathes to
inspire others, in the light of your very own life.
You stretch your heart in all the wonders of life, and this is the ecstatic fount that
cascades inspiration all over your soul, takes you to the place of creativity in the
wildest places of your heart, from where you, in turn begin to inspire others. This
is the overflowing fount, in the adventurous place of your running spirit, which is
on a continual search of the wine of life. And as it runs free, it flows and
overflows. There is no drying of this flow, as the wine of life never really runs dry.
This wine that comes from the cosmos, and all that falls from the lips of
breathtaking creations in this universe, goes to your soul, to fill you with a
fulfillment, which then flows to other souls that you encounter along your path as
a blessed shower of inspiration.
Other souls begin to drink from the fountain of your gladness and make their
hearts turn to smiles. This adventure with life gives you a fountain of youth. You
never grow old with age at heart. While you wear wrinkles on your face, but your
soul never wears any wrinkles. It is an evergreen youth. And this is the youth sets
your restless heart on a continual adventure, as life teases you, taunts you,
challenges you so you go ahead and explore it. As you explore, you get ecstatic,
you feel freshened. This freshening of your spirits keeps you running more and
more for this wine of youth. From your youth, begins to flow your inmost
fountain. And as it flows, others feel young at hearts. They become restless hearts
and they search too for this ecstatic wine. And with the passage of time, they
become adventurers at heart too. As your own gets filled, you fill others with the
same wine of inspiration that keeps filling you.

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The Voice that sings Empathy

Compassion never holds back from forgiving. As it is in opening of the heart in the
beauty of it, do we give ourselves in the rain of healing. The journey of life is an
age old ancient one, be not afraid of its mysticism O traveler. Maybe in the twists
and turns of life, we lost sight of the road a little, but keep walking with the light
of hope glimmering within. Along the path, whomever we meet, every encounter
is so rich and holy, as we look in their eyes that all we see is ourselves. There
seems to be a ripple in the ocean of our eyes, a silent recognition in the half- lit
night in our minds, that embracing another soul, will flood our own with an
astonishing light of universe. Undertake the journey together with other mystic
wanderers, so as to find the meaning of life, its hidden secrets and mysteries, how
they unfold at every step, and how lovely is the richness of their shared walking
on this Earth.

Feet walking together, hands holding together, hearts resting in one another,
souls clasping to each other, breathes mingled as one, in this oneness of love.
Rest comes in the deluge of knowledge, waking up with the peace of wisdom, that
in the penetrating silence between two souls, there flows a connection, which
sings of eternity. Releasing that which withholds us from this beauty of a tangled
thread binding our souls, only brings us closer than we think. It pushes away the
pain of devastating betrayals in utmost times of an aching need. So, we can tune
in together again, with a love that knows not the agony of detachment. So love
can find its way again in the cracks of the broken hearts.

Sharing from the deepest places of our hearts, pushes us to a compelling

vulnerability, that brings us under the shade of an empathy to soak our souls
with. A compassion to heal our hearts with a love, and with it rises a vulnerability
that gives birth to everything, that is so mystically beautiful, with its unfading
beauty rippling in the ocean of this oneness. There is nothing more beautiful that
a vulnerable heart unfolding in the presence of another heart, with hands ready
to receive. As a soul is waiting to pour in the godliness of heaven’s choicest
feelings, it becomes a secret cry, the need of a soul to be heard. And it is this
invisible pull of empathy that awakens another heart, somewhere out there in
this cosmos to hear this cry. So, the universe conspires to make this happen.
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Much healing flows in during your utmost vulnerable moments, as you enter into
a sacred space of another heart. That which hears your sob and reaches your
inmost being to wash away your pain and show you a new light of a new day. That
holds all the hope, that comes with a richness of splendor. Allow yourself to feel
the cascade of emotions, while going through a moment to moment awareness of
everything. As you dance the waves of high and low, the push and pull of
everything, you sense the unshakable, the unbreakable connection and that
makes this a cosmic dance between the souls.

Endear every encounter that you meet in life, every moment that you experience,
as it is the totality of all that shapes you into an enlightened soul. One who sees
through a foggy day, comes out in the flooding light of a bursting brilliance. A
whole new soul is birthed through vulnerability, and all the pieces that you see
shattered, give shape into something so tender yet so strong. All that is conceived
in a heartbreaking brokenness becomes the very heartbeat of life again. Beauty is
always conceived in the dark womb of pain, as what struggles to come out,
endured what came along the way. It became alive and breathing, vulnerable yet
silently waiting, witnessing the plethora of emotions, yet bearing the signature of
stillness and strength.

Pour love into the places of people, where they are unsure of themselves. While
they are swimming in the sea of vulnerability and have lost the sight of shore, you
can take them to their deepest spots, where they can love themselves again in a
bloom so full. The worst wounds are not the ones, that are visible to the naked
eye, but the ones that silently bleed inside. They are the cracks to pour your love
into. It is then that they release themselves into their most authentic beauty and
out comes a soul, that is so glowing with a light of hope. That is when a beauty
emerges in time, a new song is born, new lyrics begin to sing, and the soul is
never the same again. Amidst the surge of storm, it found its way back to the
place where the breeze whispers of the lyrics of the myriad seasons of life.

The moonbeams come again and out comes the poem from the heart. The
mysticism in the heart of each of us, the quest unfolds the story of our lives and
we turn the pages of the book. How they heal with a peace that speaks of release
and surrender, let go and let in, accept the waxing and waning phases of the
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moon. Our whole life is a search for the richness of love that blossoms in a
blessed sharing of the varied moments of life. Each moment carries its own story,
its own season of life, ripping our souls apart only to find that it is in the deepest
opening of our secret selves, do we eternally blossom in the wilderness of a
perennial spring. But then life is a voyage of heart and soul, the excitement, the
adventure of a continuous exploration of moment to moment, soul to soul.
The best part of the journey is the surprise and the wonders along the path of life,
when you least expect them, it is then that they show up in the disguise of either
a blooming wildflower or some of the prickly thorns.
While we get pricked bad enough, the hearts who can be silent with us in
moments of despair or confusion, in the hours of grief and bereavement, who can
tolerate not knowing, but they can be and just be, sharing those times with us,
those are the encounters that truly empathize our situation. They read your pain
and heartbreak, and it is these tormenting times, that the very things that
connect us with others are what keeps us alive. Out of this sharing, do you see
that the most beautiful people we have known are those who are there for souls
injured from defeat, suffering, loss and struggle.
Those are the empathetic people, who help the injured souls find a way out of
their depths. Empathetic people always shows an appreciation, a sensitivity, and
an understanding of life, that fills them with compassion and gentleness, and a
deep caring concern. Empathy brings beauty in their hearts. Beautiful people
come to absorb your pain during some of the most defining losses of your life, as
it is the deepest call of empathy. They remind you of your own beauty. And you
know the beauty or even perceive the sense of its worth, when it gets reflected
back to you, in the mirror of another loving, empathetic human being.

For everything in this life, there are two sides to it. For the phase of pain, there is
a phase of healing, for the agony of hurt there is a beauty of forgiveness, for the
ego of pride, there is the grace of humility, for the hand of offering there is a need
of taking, for the season of tears there is a season of joy. For the shame of
rejection there is the grace of acceptance, for the understanding of letting go
gently, there is the art of holding on to. This is the beauty of duality, sit with
yourself in the serenity of solitude, and you will be at peace to embrace this
compelling richness of a dual beauty. This is what manifests itself in every depth

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of life. Every glimpse of yours will overflow with these two hues of every cycle
bursting in a splendor of emotions.
Along this journey ahead, we pass through phases where souls together would
wish to gaze at each other. Delve into the depth of another, glowing in each other
under the horizon brushed with myriad hues of life, as in these steps destined
with others, making peace with life, is the flower unfolding itself petal by petal.
Slipping and falling along the way, and souls bending to heal you, so you can pick
up your broken pieces and soak your soul in love again. This is the enlightening
journey blazed with a light of wisdom. Light floods into this world by wrenching it
out of a gloomy darkness. Dawn always breaks through to heal the weeping
hearts in the rays of ushering hope.
This is how heaven opens up in the hearts of many a soul. In love we trust, in
healing all that is shattered, is whole again, in darkness we find the meaning of
light, in loneliness we reach out to a connection that secretly yearns inside, in the
tears rising in our eyes, do we seek the one and only glory of divine, who walks
with us. We find the steps of God who carries us when we cannot carry ourselves
anymore. We pass through the promising hope of spring, an abundance so rich of
summer, the fruitful harvest of autumn and then the chill darkness of winter---all
passes but we remain, even stronger than before. While we cannot go back and
relive the past, but we can embrace the seasons of change as the soul that
endured is the soul that emerges with the glory of strength.

Life seeks beauty after beauty, the shimmer of a blissful gold, the promise of
miracles unfading, but then, this is life that sings of passing seasons. Smell the
moments and find the richness of bliss in every passing beauty, as the moment
that has once passed will never pass you by again. A melancholy shakes you with
the truth staring at your eyes, life comes wrapped with all the sacred moments,
sunrise and sunset, beginning and ending. Not forever do the birds sing, not
forever lasts the sweet spring. Every season gets engraved upon your heart. You
see everything in a new light.
A new soul falls from heaven above with the whisper of a message. Embrace the
change as this is the Flight to Freedom. Life is a gift of moments that is not ours to
keep as it was designed by God above, for they pass and pass they must, while we

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live and relive through their beauty. When the time comes, we give the beauty
back to God, knowing it was never ours in the first place. Such is the Timeless,
Ageless truth of Life. Carrying you in times of your brokenness is God’s gift to you,
tending to another broken soul’s needs with an empathy--that wells up the light
in her eyes is your gift back to God.
Where day and night, agony yearns to meet the ecstasy and when hearts swell
too high with grief, empathy gives you something to live with, something to hope
for, when the storms leave you broken and bruised. Then comes some kindred
souls who dare to extend their hands to pull you out of your raging storms. It
gives you the peace where the streams of joy and grief stop and meet, where the
pining hearts blossom into a rose, where music rises from the soul, and melody
sings into the core, and look! the morning sun spreads its splendor on everything.
This is the language of empathy to heart’s ears---empathy feeding the soul and
quenching the heart, empathy raises the awareness. but there comes a time
when the two waves break and die only to realize that when life seems to break
on the shore, empathy seems to build it again, urging life to breathe again. They
are empathetic when you are striving, they are tolerant when you are weak. And
in the light of their compassion, you share your story with them who respond
with empathy and understanding. And while you open up your wounds, they
become a birthplace for love and belonging, joy and courage, beauty and
You open up from a place of vulnerability. And this opening up gives you your
authenticity. Some of the most exquisite emotions are born out of it. Someone
out there in this universe is aware of your pain, and this awareness flows from
one soul to another. This is the enlightened heart that hears your call. It brings a
closer kinship, a deeper understanding for the wayfarers. Compassion holds their
every breath and you begin to breathe in it too. If the divine has brought lessons
in your life, then they were brought to open them, by developing compassion,
learning to listen, seeking to understand, and reaching the resolutions through
meaningful communication. That is how these lessons not just bring empaths to
you, but also let you spiritually evolve.
As you delve into this tenderness, you find this elixir of life, that makes it worth
living. There is something beautiful about this empathy. It brings a softness, in

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which every frozen thing begins to melt. And amazement falls everywhere.
Wherever, this softness falls, it can be nothing but beauty. Empathy is so tender,
it also evokes grace. Humility begins to come in, when you begin to voice from
empathy. Some of the most beautiful songs are born out of it. As empathy in the
truest sense, brings communion between two souls. There is an invisible affinity,
that grows beyond limits. This connection surpasses and rises above everything.
This is the hidden elixir of life that tastes empathetically sweet, as it falls from the
lips of truth and you dance in its sea of light. Empathy strikes the chords of life,
your heart opens, something beautiful happens and the winds run wild. Gradually
life seeks its retreat in peace, as your soul seeks its retreat in an empathy, which
makes its voice in the sky of this universe. You wake up to an awakened life, that
pours compassion, you rise to an enlightened vision that brings out a song in a
richness of hues, mingled with smiles and tears. Waves surge and sink again, life
forms and breaks again, all in the tune of a forever empathy.
For the words of grief belonged to another language, and the words of empathy
await another voice. This is the voice that urges the hearts to express themselves
through the lips of emotion, or else they die one piece at a time. The voice of
empathy speaks softly, and it enters into the most grievous souls to wash them
anew. This voice that gives word to grief and speaks the need for tenderness in
this insane world, gives out its far- reaching ripple in the sea of humanity. And this
ripple reaches from one soul to another, lighting the sea of souls with the most
far- reaching light of humanity.
This is the voice that speaks of consciousness, raises awareness amongst souls
that have gone so insane with pain, that they lost the sight of beauty in life. It is
the voice of the voiceless that gives much of a hope to the hopeless. It assures
them, that all is not lost, and life is still a beauty, a gift. This is the voice that
speaks of the hidden and forgotten, lost and lonely, so much so that their silence
is loud enough to speak through this world. Within that place of silence, you come
face to face with the unsaid words, the unvoiced agony and gradually emerges a
voice that bursts into a song, which can sing of the forgotten grief of so many
sinking souls. Such is the voice that sings empathy. The intensity of being able to
feel for others is voiced and the suffering souls find a release to what is sealed
inside. Their eyes open as the sun melts into the sea of their grief.

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Struggle of an Empath
An empath who gets beaten up yet never fails to show up to a soul that is in need
of a light, who is bruised inside, who is seared with the deepest scars that life can
ever throw. Yet an empath always glows with a love that is strong enough to wrap
those who are aching inside. Who knows about an empath’s secret struggle? Let
us turn the chapter of an empath’s story to tell. Empathy urges us to go where it
hurts, to enter into places of a piercing pain, to deepen the intimacy with the
souls that have died inside. Empaths feel the need to share in brokenness, to help
the lost and lonely pick up all that is shattered. Empaths help to make a sense
when all has gone insane in this world, so they can bring peace amidst this
unspoken grief.

Empathy asks us to weep with those who are grieving inside, to cry out with those
whose tears are streaming most tragically. Empathy pushes us to be weak with
the weak, achingly vulnerable with the vulnerable, crippled with the crippled,
broken with the broken, and powerless with the powerless. Empathy is not a
kneeling towards the neediest of the needy, it is not a bending towards the
poorest of the poor, it is not a bowing towards the weakest of the weak. It is not a
gesture of sympathy towards the underprivileged world, who fails to make it in
the upward torrent of life. But it is reaching out to their agony, going to those
who have lost their sanity, understand their brokenness, their suffering whose
intensity is acute. And to help them put the pieces together and build a home out
of all that is left. It is a breaking down of the walls of speechless grief, tearing
them apart and framing them into a habitat for humanity.
This is where, every brick speaks of a spiritual connection on a profound level,
every floor a mosaic of love, so people can tune in to the whisper of faith, hope,
peace and love, one more time. This is the live music of empathy, whose notes
echo in eternity. An empath takes out the dismal portrait of a burned-out life
story, born out of devastating betrayals and eruption of wounds in a conflict-torn
life. And gives them the compassionate wisdom to escape the crippled illness of
humanity, so they can build something beautiful, framed with secured
relationships, unbroken promises and a love that never fails. Empaths try to put

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themselves with their walking feet in the situations of the suffering souls and try
to feel, what the afflicted are feeling, so as to get a sense of their suffering.
Empath tries not to turn a blind eye to the plea of those who struggle with a silent
sob but to enter the heart of a world, where sanity has gone to a bottomless pit.
This is what defines the struggle of an empath. To be there in that moment when
everybody hurts and everybody cries. To share the moments when the going gets
tough is the stunning beauty of an empath who comes with implicit promises that
let love flow freely and reach those places where it is unreachable and sings a
song that speaks humanity to our ears. Empathy is a fearless call to the
empowerment of humanity. It cuts deep to our core.
Empath rouses people to greater and deeper things, teaches them the nobility of
humility, the emergence of beauty from pain, while they are submerged in grief
and confusion, lost in a world of insane bewilderment. When in silence all they
hear, is the beating of their lonely hearts, then an empath appears to rouse a
song that sings in their souls. Just be held in the empathy of an empath, if you are
not sure of what lies ahead of you, reaching further ahead in the loneliness of
your struggle, then trust in the light of an empath, as at times, when your own
spark has gone out, it is an empath who can give a light of his own to guide you
back to your sanctuary within.
All on a sudden you find yourself in an ocean of togetherness, ripping each other’s
souls apart only to find, that this meeting was designed by God above. You and
the empath are both glad, that your paths have crossed each other’s in passing,
both have looked into each other’s eyes, conjoined for a moment of silent
understanding. One gaze, that said all that was unspoken. That moment of giving
and receiving of a light of the souls, the golden light of a sun and the glittering
light of stars. In doing so, you look into each other’s eyes and share the secret
struggle. Splashing from the depths of ocean, you meet the soul of Empath, the
soul of a Sun, who floods the universe with a light, so as to release all from the
burdens of suffering. An empath senses what you feel, an empath absorbs your
silent struggles, and helps you to ease your own pain, gives it a beautiful
transfiguration. Your burdened life suddenly seems somewhat easier, somewhat
bearable and this light of an empath inspires you to rise again, in faith of a light of
beyond, that amidst the troubled waters, you are not alone. An empath feels

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intensely, loves fiercely and lives passionately. An empath has been perceived as
emotionally very sensitive. And yes, empaths are very tenderly sensitive people.

Announce to yourself, that you will breath with a new breath---you are the
Holiness of divinity, that which flows in the empath too, your holiness your
turning a pain into a beauty, is that what this world has been waiting for. So they
can also reach the fountain of themselves and splash the world with a celestial
light. This is the emergence of your authentic self, no holding back, just releasing
the past and melting in the present. This is what the empath has poured in your
heart, by coursing in his/her heart the flow of your emotions. You feel a
connection to what is alive in an empath. Empath plays the flute to your soul, so
you can sing your heart out. And each word becomes a note of truth and beauty,
unending becomes the sound of your melody and it spirals across the universe.
There is a crescendo in your music, that lights up the universe as it bows down to
the inspiring music of an empath.

An empath can be a blessing to a soul, a rain shower in times of dire need, a boon
so rich that the harvest gathers plentiful, a fruitful sprouting of the sacred seed
within a soul. As empaths go through the cascading feelings and streaming
experiences of yours, they absorb the feelings and begin to give the joy and love
that engulfs you in much of a healing way. But being an empath can also be a
curse, as they feel the lowness of life at equal intensities. Empaths absorb other’s
emotions, due to the high sensitivity innate in them, but then, empaths are too
often crushed in a brutally brutal way, as the world cannot tune in to their
sensitive aspects of wanting to reach out, their desire to absorb other’s emotions
as their very own. This is the empath’s greatest tragedy, while being born as an
empath is both a blessing and a curse.

The beauty of empath is in the tenderness, with which an empath goes to the
wilderness of lost and lonely souls, to lead them to their hearts so they can
journey within and can come into a space that is virgin and holy. Where there is a
continuous communion between souls, where the breezes carry the message of
love if only you can listen to them. Empaths flow in their most authentic feelings
and are far more cognizant than others, but sensitivity has its own weight to bear,

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it sown heaviness to carry. Empaths have so much of an empathy that they are
intuitively aware of other’s yearnings, tastes and sensitivities and even thought-
patterns of the people they are around. Empathy, this is where time stops, and
compassion begins---hate ceases and love begins, battle ends and peace begins,
pride fades and humility begins to show its footsteps. This is the message of an
empath, who tunes in to your soul and gives you a new vision, a new light so you
can see things crystal clear of that, what was so dim and obscure. And suddenly,
the veil got torn apart and light floods in to give You, the gift of a newborn You.

This is the light of a newborn you that leaps on this earth, as when you are heard
by an empath, when you are felt by his soul, you are swept in an ocean of love.
Empath wrote you on his heart, as it is from the empathy that came out the rarest
gem of a compassion that merged two souls. This is the light that lights the
universe. Empathy is an unseen, unknown, unfathomable touch of humanity
which flows, as it is the divine, that awakens the flower of soul in an empath and
he pours in, his compassion, unbidden and spontaneously. It is the raining
empathy that soaks a thirsty soul, reaching into the ruins of a broken heart. The
yearning for this gift of falling water, has at last been heard of and heaven opens
up at last.

This is a voice of the celestial horizon being voiced through an empath, melody of
divine being sung by an empath, a song that rouses the broken and vibrates
through a lost soul, only to revive whatever hope and faith has died inside. An
empath is the touch of heaven, by the wrapping arms of God who is the seeder of
a love so divine on Earth. An empath is a miracle that you prayed for, waited for
and silently cried for. At last godliness descended on Earth, through the hands of
love that the empath waves at you. Meet him with the wave of your hungering
love and here dawns the release of your past. The winds of love have started
blowing---.the waves of a divine heart started flowing, and finally it is from the
godliness of an empath, that the adventure of your heart begins.
The waves of love while they splash in your soul, they knead you and mold you
into a stronger you, so you can rise above your weaknesses. So you can be a being
of immense strength and wisdom. So you can discover all the strength and love
that is already within you, and in this process of discovering, you can re-discover

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yourself. As an empath who is a being of immense depth and compassion can

show you the light of self-discovery. Empaths are trailblazers of humanity, who
can show the light of sensitivity in such a powerful, yet a peaceful manner.
Empaths, due to their high feelings of sensitivity have the feelings that they are in
the world, but not quite of the world. And they feel like outsiders and this is a
feeling that leaves them with such an emptiness. Empaths feel more deeply and
more intensely, in much persistent manner than those living around us.
That is the hands of God through an empath kneading you and the stillness of the
sea speaks to you. An empath helps you to greet your day, as your heart would
desire to be greeted. The day has your name imprinted on it. Touch of an
empathy helps to welcome the day as blessing, a delight for you to unwrap it. An
empath guides you, to leave something of yourself on that day. The godliness of
your soul as an empath, helps to open it up that was secretly weeping inside.
The voice of empathy is never ceasing, but whispering, clearing, murmuring and
inviting the soul to wander for the light of godliness in the abysses of pain, to look
for the spell of an enchanting solitude.
But as an empath, its essential to learn how to hold space for your own emotions,
the joyful and even the most painful ones. As you anchor yourself in every breath
of yours, you begin to learn how to witness the emotional feelings of others
around you, without attaching yourself to these sensations. An awakened empath
is emotionally very supportive, but needs to anchored within, so as not to be
affected by the flow of others feelings. Empaths help those who resist, suppress
and identify with the emotions that make them so overwhelmingly sick. Empaths
show others the light of embracing and to be accommodating towards the
emotions they feel, without identifying with them. In this process, the emotions
begin to leave, and healing begins to flow.
To lose itself in the trance of a holy contemplation, is to find the breeze of
empathy that speaks to the soul, enfolding the body and mind in its empathetic
embrace. Surrendering into emptiness, you find fullness. Each situation you flee
from pursues you---each situation you welcome, molds you. An Empath who has
crossed your path as a light from God above---soaks up your emotions, absorbing
and dissolving them, but little does the world know of an empath’s inner struggle.
An empath is born with a clairsentience, relates with your spirit and tunes in to

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your higher self, and gets you in an intimate contact with the sacred godliness.
Even though empaths help others by absorbing their pain, it is essential to create
healthy boundaries between empaths and other suffering souls. Empaths need
not soak up others pain but hold a space for them so as to give them space to
grieve while maintaining your own boundaries.
You feel the spirit of a fully awakened clairsentient in a holy empath, who gently
glides you back to the shore of your innate divinity. An empath heightens your
awareness to the peaks, takes you to the door of the godliness, that you were
born with. This is how an empath makes way into another soul, with beautiful,
inspiring and healing tears, as they are holy waters of the heart. This is the brook
that flows from the soul of an empath, where the lonely and the grieving go in
and emerge as stronger souls with a light of holiness, so as to make sense out of a
senseless cruelty, in the world which has gone so insane.

Despite resurrecting the power of light within wounded souls, empaths are rarely
understood. The world sinks into pushing them aside, even though they try to
tune in to their own god- gifted clairvoyant path, their kindling kindness. The
world fails to understand the empaths who try to absorb other soul’s
woundedness. Sometimes some empaths are lost in their secret sob, their own
silent sigh, while this world cannot make a sense of their deepest tenderness. As
it flows and flow it must, to keep an empath alive, because this is the soul that
God seeded with a light of his own, so an empath can come and flood the world
with a light from God above.

Emotionally sensitive people are beheld as weakest beings on Earth, but to feel
intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the sign of being truly alive with
compassionate vibration in their inner being. Empaths are not broken inside,
rather it is the world, that has become emotionally disabled. There is no shame in
feeling what you feel, in letting it flow with its purity. Empaths weave the fabric of
keeping the dream alive for a much more caring, humane world. Empaths have
learnt the art of compassion and understanding for those who have forgotten
because there is a piece of them that believes in hope, love, decency and
understanding. Empaths try to experience others pain as a more heavier and
denser energy. This is the redemptive power of love by which they bring others to

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light, and the sufferers become bearers of light themselves. It become s new
earth and a new world where empaths make their way into the world of lost and

The world needs them but what they need is some stillness, silence and an
understanding peace. An emerging question is an empath absorbs the emotions
of others and carries the grief of many but who absorbs their emotions, who
carries their grief, is an unanswered question till today. Empaths sometimes stare
into the solitude, hoping that it will speak to them as to how it can unburden
themselves, as they penetrate into the deepest parts of those weeping for a
tender touch, a caring concern, an awaited embrace. Empaths know a beautiful
soul when they feel one. The empath in them honors the soul in you, the light in
them honors the light in you, the beauty in them honors the beauty in you, the
God in them honors the God in you.

Beauty of an empath stirs a soul and invariably moves another soul to tears. They
are the waters much needed for others, to see the pristine beauty that God
planted at birth. To behold the rubies and emeralds that emerge from love, to see
the mother of pearl emerging from the blessings of love, to see the richness of its
shining luster flooding all over the Earth. An empath sprinkles the moments with a
blossoming laughter, with a leaping joy that knows no bounds. The sobbing souls
are unburdened, but it is the empath’s struggle to carry others burden as his own,
leaving behind a question--How can an empath unleash her/his own feelings?
How can he/she unfurl her /his own emotions? Is there a solace standing by or is
it just a devastating loneliness about to engulf an empath? Has anyone ever heard
that silent cry?

Empaths are called upon at certain moments, to endure the emotional trauma of
those left with shattered pieces. They give the sufferer the dignity in the process
of mourning, with an understanding companionship. A peace that silently speaks
to their hearts, in the event of a senseless tragedy. They bear the grieving,
carrying their grief as their own, and listens to the voice of suffering and gives
them the understanding of a healer. They are the messengers of light from
beyond. The empaths can easily experience the dense energy from others, they
can feel the heaviness that someone is carrying in their eyes and hearts. They can
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look through the souls of others and it is a gifted, intuitive ability. This
intuitiveness, this sensitivity comes from an awakened empath.

Empaths always seem to be healers to those who are emotionally stunted, or in

emotional need of healing. But being an empath can be both a blessing and a
curse, as empaths tend to draw around them the more narcissist type of people.
An empath helps to grow the flowers in the saddest parts of the souls for all that
they encounter in their lives. But, in the process, they lose so much of their own,
that they begin to carry others pain, sensing it as their own. The boundaries seem
to dissolve, and this is when it can be a curse to an empath as they also tend to
draw many narcissists. While narcissists can see or hear others, but they fail to
understand or relate to others. They are almost like brick walls. And this can be a
curse for an empath, so in the process of healing, it is much needed to maintain
healthy boundaries between and empath and a narcissist. Because empaths are
highly sensitive souls, they can connect to the soul essence of those living around.

An empath speaks in compassion, gives light to the eyes of those who have lost
themselves, rides the waves in a sea of emotions along with the sufferer. Empaths
dwell at a much deeper level of perception, they are clairvoyant, clairsentient.
They cling to the body language. They stare at the eyes and read all that is
unspoken, they are never ashamed to weep with the weeping souls, to sob with
the sobbing hearts, they let their tears flow unashamedly. Empaths give, and they
give without asking. They love, and they love being unloved, they care and they
care being uncared for. They wipe others tears when their own is flowing by, they
soak others in solace when their own hearts are dying in grief, but who knows an
empath’s struggle? If you ever meet a soul like that, please extend your
understanding, offer a kindness to peep into their battles with this world.

How pathetically desperate they are in concealing their own emotions, from this
seemingly insane world--This is an Empath’s struggle, a relentless struggle within
their souls. Empaths have the deepest feelings, and they are never afraid of them,
even if some are shadowy feelings. Empaths gather them in every details and
welcome them home to give them space to breathe. But, in the process they need
to have a let-out through which they can vent what bears so heavy on them. This
can be a healthy release for the empaths as they live as extremely sensitive souls.
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The Forgotten Whisper of Love

The breeze that whispers love from every falling leaf, carries some secret pain---
the memory of a love, a song that flows from the river of heart. Love speaks in the
dewdrops, glistening on the petals of soul---the newborn love, that is dancing in
the breeze. With the rolling of time, when sadness clings to you, unwilling to
release the dying grief of it, until a forgotten memory, an echo of yesterday
awakens you and then flows the song of a forgotten love. Sadness clings to you,
unwilling to release the dying grief of it, until a forgotten memory, an echo of
yesterday awakens you and then flows the song of a forgotten love. The heart
springs with its murmuring music, fondling the florets of your soul. Every heart
has a story to tell, it burns but endures the fire along the way, bears the season of
aches and hopes. I hear love in my heart, whispering from the fallen leaves, the
music of the breeze and out blooms a rose, with the scent of this bygone love.

As the candles of your heart melt in agony, the unrecalled love whispers in the
breeze of soul and what was buried finds its way again. Words scatter on the
unfolding petals with its scarlet blush painting the soul. This is the blush of a heart
colored with a crimson love, emerging to sing the long- lost lyrics. Cutting pain has
a different thirst, a thirst for the waters to heal, so the overwhelming sadness
flows to release and turns the forgotten whisper of ache, into an unveiling beauty
of glee. It’s the withered leaves, the forgotten memory of a love that gave birth to
a flowering rose in your soul. Out of a bruised heart is born a light, where you see
others in the same light. You see the fallen blossom of many a heart and you
spread the light of your own in many a hungry-soul.
A rose opens beneath the eyes of silent tears and lovely is the scent in the
blooming benediction of a breaking dawn. We bear the pain that is cutting inside
with a flowing smile. We touch the grief, we nurture it, we embrace it until it
shows us a way, a different way. This is how, love is born in an injured soul. In the
searing ache of souls, daylight floods in and the heart springs again singing the
sweetest melody of life. This is the sacred lovemaking with one’s own soul. Every
story unfolds at a different pace. Every heart bears life’s transient colors, each
season with its own story to tell. Each glistening tear becomes the dewdrop of
love, resting on your soul with a ‘peace that passes all understanding’. Sunlight

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breaks through the clouds at the moments of piercing pain, life which seemed so
unforgivingly painful suddenly releases its own waters of beauty and grace. And
from the eyes flows the waters of a struggling heart. It is the teardrop from
heaven above, leaving the memories to bloom into a flower. Out comes the
glimmer of a soul, seeing the dawn of joy and that is how a light is born from a
secretly weeping soul. And a tremulous heart turns a heart- wrenching pain into
something that unfolds the rosebud of a soul.
We let the mist clear its way as joy blooms along the way and let the cold rain of
winter turn to an elixir of life. The fog that was rising from the grounds of grief
gradually clears, and the fragrance of love begins to engulf you. Grief to joy, mist
to clearing, frigid to melting---all becomes the morning breath of life. At times
grief may become the ceaseless mist, that fogs your eyes when you are lost in
your world of agony and its desperate scream may pierce your soul. But love will
always find its way, at times, in the light filling the broken cracks through a
promising sunrise, and some other times through the pearlescent glow of a silvery
Love never leaves. It always lives, watching, steadfast, knowing is in our moments
of light and darkness, never changing. Every day, it takes a different version of
itself. Sometimes, weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. Love
understands what flows between the souls. Love is a beauty that brings
perfections in what is cratered by imperfections. The light of love burns out all the
darkness and illuminates the pure and the truest feelings of hearts. Love never
comes with a momentous beauty like the one you see in a blooming flower that
withers at dusk. Love has a perennial essence, a fragrance which can endure the
grief and the agony and can still breathe its scent of life. Because it is the seed
that sprouts again and again, in the timeless breath of eternity---where love
breathes, time stretches out and fear turns into wonder, sleep wakes into a
curiosity and agony melts into an ecstasy.
Such is the whisper of love. It is the invisible lamp in the darkness. It brings the
lonesome hearts together, so they can melt the sadness of one another into a
dissolving joy. This is the sacred adventure of two hearts, how to meet and listen,
with the ears of our souls. And how to take each other in the space of
understanding, and to hold one another there, in a smell of eternity.

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The Dawn and Dusk of Life

Dawning of life is the breathtaking moment of birth, when a soul is born with
godliness. Whisper of life, its hopes and dreams, smiles and tears, embrace peace
as sunset kisses the sky. Dawn breaks in our souls as a gateway to this universe,
unfolding within us, as a dawn of heavenliness, moment of falling bliss. Peace is
the long- lost song of life, that whispers back in our hearts with the falling twilight
in a glowing dusk.

Then there is the roaring dawn, when waves of life dance in our souls and the
light breaks in our souls, to face the splendor and the storms, joy and the grief--all
with a bliss from heaven above. And lovely is the bloom, as the moments come
and go, in this sunset peace, as the voice of surrender whispers to the breeze.

The shimmering gold in the rich sunrise, whispers the dawn of a sacramental bliss
and this is the color of a new life, bursting in splendor and roaring in voice, I AM.
This is the engulfing duskiness of the horizon, when the waters of our eyes mingle
with the waters of our hearts, in the bosom of an evening sky.

As the newborn gold of heaven breaks again, in an angelic light, here comes the
glory, to face the upheavals of life. This is the moment when a sunrise enters a
welcoming soul. Dusk, we are here again, as serenity descends on our lives and
the earth gets soaked in peace again, in this blushing beauty while leaving the
uproar of day, in a distant past.

A new dawn, where hope and faith rise in the golden vastness of sky, announces
the advent of wonders in a new promise, birthing in the womb of universe. From
the east to west, painting the sunset in this evening light, those who wept in a
grief, sing their hearts out in peace, knowing that there will be a birth of
sapphires, in the light of a morning sky.

Here is the dawn again, when the light becomes so richly gold that a new
beginning, heralds the essence of a new hope. And then comes the setting sun
melting with the blush of an evening rose, soon to be followed, by the velvet of
night, with stars written in a sky, twinkling with the light of a soul. In a
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mesmerizing gaze, escape the defeats of yesterday, and a light chases a promising
dawn, in the midst of joy and hope, with ‘miles to go before you sleep’.
Here we are again, as the day dissolves, with the waves returning to the shore--
letting go of what is holding back, while the souls meet the evening tide of peace,
waking from slumber, as we greet this new sunrise and the glory writes itself on
our hearts, so we sail smooth in the ocean of raging waters.

But as chaos leaves the day, our weeping souls seek the cradle of this dusk again,
so as to release all that was unsaid and unheard, and plunge themselves in the
unending waters of peace. Waves dancing with a promise, in the wake of a new
dawn, never refuse to kiss the shoreline of our souls, in the gold of a gleaming

As the waves forever seek the shore, the souls seek quietude on the sands, with
the footprints of peace. The melody of dawn soars again, whispering I AM to face
the tidal waves of struggle again, but then life is a blend of rain and rainbows, it
can either consume or enliven our souls.

As the light rises to spread the brilliance across the sky, it never fails to kiss the
broken dreams and sing the song of peace. When the dusk settles on the sky, the
sunset peace greets you again. Here comes the kiss of dawn again as sunrise
always echoes with strength, so we face the truth that stares at us, that life will
break us, but living goes on amidst the squalls and whirlwinds.

Sunset whispers back again, and you have to love, you have to feel, you have to
risk being vulnerable that will give you the sip of life in a dancing delight, as that is
life, blooming in its richest of beauty.

Dawn begins in the soul again, sun rises in our hearts again, as we take the broken
pieces of life and sculpt them into a beauty, an art of life. The peace of a sunset
paints our souls again, as we whisper a prayer inside, a communion, a
remembrance, with a peace in releasing all that was battled in a broad daylight.

Dawn shows again on the canvas of day, and here we are to pick up the battered

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pieces, to unlearn what we learned yesterday, and to relearn how to sail in the
stormy seas, amidst the brutality of its surging waters.

Here comes the time, when we hear the call of dusk, when the soul is full of
longing for the sea of peace, with a fragrance drifting in the breeze. Here is the
sunrise again, when we soar with a new awakening, to sail in an unknown sea that
is wild with turbulence.

The sea reflects the light of a sunset sky again, waters glimmering with the
blushing glow, falling from the setting sun, and here sings the soul again, in the
tunes of an unfading peace. Sometimes life may seem calm as a windless sea, but
beneath the surface are the battles blasting with a brutality. This is the smell of
life, in a boundless expanse of reality.

Eventide has arrived again, blooming in grace and beauty. The duskiness has its
own blessings, coming home to us, so we can see our depths, our souls flowering
in the spreading of a godly light on the bosom of our hearts. Here we see the
blessings of day again, that show us the light, as to which bridges to cross and
which to burn.

Tears turn to pearls of joy and curses to a disguised blessing, all in the
heavenliness of a falling peace, in the beauty of this melting sunlight, in the west.
A day is coming to an end, and it is time again to see the lesson and blessing in the
events that we encountered in the light of day. Awaken with the wisdom that
each moment brings you, be that a silent tear or a smile blossoming in your soul.

This is the holy time, when the evening beauty moves our soul to tears, this is the
time, when a peace breaks in our souls, this is the moment, when grief has found
its words flowing from the soul, to sing in this universe. Sun rises again with all its
gold, for us to dive into the wonder of mysteries with a hunger at heart, searching
for the lost cords, that make up the beauty and meaning of life.

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It is the time again for the real intimacy with your soul, when peace has its secret
signature on an evening sky. Here is a promising dawn, an awakening a passion in
our souls, to bring out the best in ourselves, with hearts graced with acceptance
and forgiveness. This is the time, when the mystical waterfall flows in our hearts
with the waters of wisdom, while the evening rose blushes, in the bosom of our
souls, as peace of the duskiness kisses the sky.
Life comes with its beauties, all ephemeral like the dewdrops holding the beauty
of a whole heaven within them yet they live so momentarily. Dewdrops, while
they adorn life with the gems of a promising morn, pass away so fleetingly. As you
try to capture its beauty, it escapes more and more into a speck of nothingness.
This is the weaving of ephemeral beauties of life and the unique messages that
each of them speaks about. Its beauty sometimes comes in the oddest of places
and it becomes your deepest passion, the irresistible calling of your heart, one
that you cannot resist, to explore the greatest adventure that lies ahead because
it brings out living and not mere existing and that is where you write your heart
out and you speak your soul out.
Take time to pause and ask yourself that when was the last time that you did
some contemplative thinking for the first time. When did you feel most alive and
where did you go to feel that enchanting liveliness? Did it feed your soul? Did you
ever want to chase your dreams, travel like a wanderlust but also to find the road
that will take you home at the end of the day.
Wherever you go and whomever you meet along the journey becomes a part of
you somehow. You never really leave them behind. You take a piece of them with
you and you leave a piece of your soul with them…what is beautiful never really
How far do you travel to meet yourself? This journey…does it fill you with
wonder, does it touch you with peace? Have you ever felt a desire deep within
your soul to run away and to carve a new path, to embark on a new adventure
and start all over again, never having to look back but to keep looking forward in
search of that missing tune, that piece of your soul which always had a wordless
emptiness, the part that secretly hungered inside?

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Have you ever felt the need for openness with your soul so as to develop
intimacy, fall in love with yourself and take every ending as a new beginning and
feel the wonders of every breath? No matter, what life throws at you, you will
trust the magic of new beginnings, you will dare to see a beautiful shore or else
why would you want to take the plunge in the abyss of hopelessness, that life
sometimes throws at you.
Do you believe in the flows of your brook that can cut through the rocks of life
powerfully yet so peacefully? Does this passion stir your heart? Do you care just
about where you are headed or also for what happens along the way? Do you
believe in an unseen joy that is coming or do you believe in the hopeless end? Do
you go insane with your calling?
Would you travel a road long enough only to find that the longer it gets, the more
you find yourself? Are you the soul that would like to make memories along the
way? Would you ever want to create the story of your life, so it can speak of
beauty, some meaning, or would you want to sit back crashing along a lonely
shore, giving up in the broken ruins of life?
Does your contemplation ever drive you into a quest for the missing beauty of
life? Do your smiles that struggle through your tears ever urge you to seek the
deeper meaning of life? Would you like to listen to your heart and live the life that
you have imagined? Would you dare to be a hopeless believer of your dreams, or
would you let your dreams die while the music is still alive?
These are some of the most penetrating questions that a dawn can bring in our
lives but with the dusk of lives comes its most soul-fed answers. Upon reflection,
the true light comes out of burning the pain in the joy of being alive. This is when
we learn to love the dawn and dusk of life.
The mist of the night will come, the darkness may spread along the river of life,
but there comes a time, when the night will beg for the dawn to show and the
light will spread again on the running brook of life. Such is the story of dawn and
dusk of life, that whispers the truth to every heart. The spring, the summer, the
autumn, the winter slowly pass, but there comes a time for the mourning, but
also comes the time when the hearts gathers its joy and scatters the endless
delight to others that come across the path. As every life has its own dawn and
dusk, the light and the dark, the delight and the sadness as the cycles go on.
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The Unheard Music

A heart breaks into a smile mirroring the light of lyrics, birthing in our soul with a
melody of our saddest notes. The longing breaks free, escaping through the lips,
piercing the sky with a song so unsung. When words fail to speak, a struggling soul
finds a way, a new way. This is when music begins, the wind whispers its own
music, the wild flowers sing their own song. A song of a suffering soul bursts into
beauty. Have you ever heard that unheard melody carrying the fragrance of an
aching love?

It is the ocean, that contains the surging waves of this love, it is the water that
gushes with an unspoken grief. O’ heart, be like an ocean, carrying the broken
cords of a love so untold. Only the sky can open wide enough, to embrace the
raging winds of life, that carries the words of a story so untold, as it weeps in the
breeze, because its music never dies. O’ heart, be like the sky. It is the drowning
voice that struggles to sing, it is the sinking soul that struggles to smile. It is the
broken cord struck by a grief that finds its path to a melody so divine, that this is
the birth of an epiphany sent from heaven above. Music, this is the place, where
an injured soul hides; this is the melody, the outburst of a melancholic soul.

When it mourns, the sky weeps in a rainfall, as heaven showers its tears of grief.
When it smiles, a pearl is born in the oyster of that injured soul. O’ wayfarers, dip
your heart in the wine of that suffering. Maybe you too can gleam with glow. To
sing is to see the beauty in a grieving soul, waiting to see the wonder of a
breaking dawn. This is the throb of life in an aching soul, this is the budding hope
that finds its music, in the light of a newborn sunrise. And the real music is not in
the notes, but in between the notes. It is in the hidden silence resting in that
interlude that holds the real music of this life. And when it flows, it makes you feel
some of the richest feelings that bring out the heavenliness of life.
Love that was ripped off in the parting moments, finds its light in this pulsating
music that echoes in the dawning sky. At times, it gets so heavy for a heart laden
with its rainfall of grief. This is the music, where an injured soul hides. How do I
speak of the unspeakable agony, How do I voice when I have lost my very own,
How do I offer a heart full in richness when my own cuts with pain, How do I sing

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when I have lost the music of my soul. I give it to the light of Beyond, I give it to
the One who glows in the breaking dawn, I give it to the one who sees stars in the
sky of a grieving soul. Whose touch you feel in the caressing of this evening
breeze, whose beauty you behold in the dancing waves of the sea, whose light
you glow with in the sunrise of your heart, whose peace you rest with, in the
sunset of your soul.
This is the light that burns so bright, that even the grief is ashamed to rise. This is
the moment when you see a beauty, in all that is left in life. This is the time, when
all that was fleeting is captured in eternity, as time stands still in the witness of
heaven above and all that is earthly becomes godly with the wine of a divine
ecstasy. This is the moment, when a melody finds its way across the sky and lyrics
are born from the rolling tears of our souls, a song is heard by the universe that
captures our souls. While moments that have fled forever can never come home
again, here is a music that captured those moments, reliving our past. As it
showers us with heavenly tears, while we walk down the memory lane in the
haunting silence of our hearts.

It is the silence that penetrates you, the truth that stares at you, the grief that
cuts you to speak the unspeakable story, that sketches the saddest beauty of life.
The scent of life never lasts as the days turn into yesteryears. Yet, there is a soul
that smiles through tears in memory of the passing years. As life echoes the notes
of transience, in moments of the deepest search, in search of a Peace. Perhaps
this is the song that reaches our souls, as we beg the years not to walk away.
Perhaps this is the song, that we walk into as loneliness finds its way. Whispers a
soul Far above the melody, far beyond the song, In the heavenliness of heaven, is
my home, where I rest in peace.
This is the music of Life, a sacred whisper of the past, from a far-away soul---
echoing in the vastness of space that no beauty lasts forever, No life lives forever,
what comes must go--Such is the sound of music, the melody of the falling leaves,
the notes of the fleeting seasons, the music of a passing beauty--Such is the Saga
of Life. All things come with a transience. While the transience leaves us with a
heart so laden with a falling rainfall, but this is the cycle of life. Such is the grief
that is voiced with a music that gives words to the inexpressible agony left
behind. The music that escapes our lips travels to our hearts to speak of the tears

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rolling from our eyes. The grief can seek a path to flee and it is the music that
chases grief away, distances it from our souls.
This is the art of music, the art of heavenliness, that can come down on this Earth
and sings its celestial beauty, and the only art that can bring heaven and earth
together, in a blend that can dance with life. Just as the oceans dance in your
eyes, just as love dances in your soul, they say, that when grief cuts your heart,
music can give you the escape from reality, you let the tears roll, but it is God who
makes music out of them. It can carry you back in time, the lyrics, the melody,
that one song--knows how to strike a cord and out pours a music that is the
wordless prayer of our hearts. As you close the eyes of your soul, it is the music
that sets you free.
The real music is not in the melody that you play, but it is in the wordless melody
that you cannot play, it is in the silence hidden between the notes where, the best
music is where you can seek retreat into, its notes can take you to the shores,
when your soul knows no other way. An unspeakable joy, an unshakable trust, an
undying melody--all emerge through music. It carries you at all seasons of your
life, when you thirst for a drink from its fount, when you cry for its heavenly
embrace, there falls the touch on you, as music gives you hope for the hopeless,
help for the helpless with its melody of healing. Undeniably true, that we never
really know what music, life will play for us. but how we choose to respond to its
melody, whether to cry or to melt, whether to greet or to run, it can always be
into the tune of our highest wisdom, our deepest enlightenment.
Music is the place where you can curl yourself back into yourself, be that lonely
and grieving or joyfully desiring to stream. It is the rhythmic movement of sound
to reach the heart and touch the soul, whose beauty transcends language. This is
the art, that can bring you into the embrace of tears and memory, so much so,
that it becomes a poetry of the universe. It is a scattering of pearls, the pearls that
bring out a philosophy, the stopping of which, would be denying life to our souls.
Music is the echo of homecoming, to souls lost in loneliness. It gives us what life
at times denies to us. It gifts us with that travels from our ears to our hearts.
What travels to our hearts, makes us think, makes us wonder and gives answers
to many an unanswered thing. Music brings you the heavenly delights of the soul,
where all the tragedies of life escape and you can rest in the serene retreats of its
peace. This is the peace that endures all that leaves and takes us back in time.

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As you fly into the music of your own heart-song, what you sing, that becomes
your lost voice found again, your life breathing to you again, your winter fading
into spring again, your grief melting into joy again. Music that can strike a fire in
the hearts of many where the flame has died, a melody that can run the hiding
tears in the eyes of many, lost in the troubled waters of life---that is the sacred
music swirling in this universe, speaking life again in the darkest of nights, in the
loneliest of moments, in the saddest of seasons, so as to give the breathing of life.

It is the poetic flow running from the hands of divine, the moonlight that never
fails to fall, when all else in life looks so dim. It is the water in the midst of a
desert, it is the love falling from lips of heaven, the desire born in the hearts of
lovers, the home for which the waves meet the shore. You take your weeping
pain and turn it into a sight of beauty, something that you can connect to,
something that becomes a part of you, as a beauty that runs too deep into your
soul, so much, so that it burns your eyes in a breathless joy.

Music takes all that was undissolved and dissolves them into a joy that takes birth
into a new fount---this is music that you wake up to, this is the melody that stirs
up the deadest of souls in the darkest of nights, as its notes beg the souls not walk
away from this undying melody, that speaks life into lifeless and breathes love
into the loveless, and breathes softness into the hardest of hearts. In this
melodious murmuring between the notes, there is always a hidden space, where
we can silently crawl again into that inviting place and curl into our own solitary
retreats. This is where we hear ourselves the most, where we see our souls the
most that is the musical retreat, where it can give us solace and soothing balm, on
so many wounded hearts, carrying so many untold stories.

Every song holds some lyrics and every lyric speaks of some stories, flowing from
somebody’s smiles, somebody’s tears. Those are the enduring lyrics that bursts
out with the pearls of joy and grief, giving out the pearlescent glow of life’s
emotions, that are raw, bare and rare. They speak of the finer feelings of life, that
which makes up the very fabric of human life. It is those finest moments that
make you take retreat in the retreat of a music so achingly beautiful. Life can
splash all over you with its own waves, as you can never stop them, they can
chase you till the very end, you can do nothing about them, but the times, when
life seems to be a little unkind, a little unforgiving, those are the times when you
can take your suffering soul in the heavenly retreat of a life-breathing music.

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Life, where Fear Ends and Love Begins

Awaken the mystical you within you, so the lotus of awareness unfolds at every
mystical touch, where fear is released, and love is embraced in every dancing
wave of life. As you surf the waves of your choices, painting your life, your story
unfolds at every moment, the past melts away and a new life is birthed where you
are the mystical surfer of love, escaping from fear.

Each wave of love that you dance with leaves you wanting more and the thirst
never dies, as you dip the brush of your soul, in the love that flows from the brook
of godliness. This is where you immerse with what holds you back, and a new
mystical soul is born in that sacred cleansing, in a new light, the light of Beyond.
As you unlearn and relearn, do and undo, fold and unfold, you gasp in this
dancing delight of life, every moment penetrates you, with a light of
enchantment. And you dissolve into nothingness, only to give birth to a soul
which bursts in a mystical beauty. Flooding the world with its mystical fragrance.
This is the rhapsody of a mystical life bursting in a thousand hues of the heart,
each color coming in, with its own pearl of wisdom, each wisdom to shed a light
on all that is dead in you, to shake you so as to awaken you, in this mystical light.

Sometimes your deepest fears rally you, at times, they invade you and they slip in
and attach to you, but release it in the mystical awareness of godliness. As the
divine is closely nestled with you, you are sailing this sea of Life with God. You are
the one, who is cradled in his embrace and where love is released into you, every
moment, that fear tries to make its way. You unfold shedding the layers of fear
into a new moon, that kisses the sky with its silvery beams and when the night
weeps in the vast stretch of a gloomy darkness, fear may come and crush, fear
may crumble your mind, but it will never topple over your soul, as wisdom is the
speaking language of your eternal soul.

This is how you blossom, when life gives you the unforgiving heartaches, it is the
sea of godliness, from where you rise into the mystical moon of your being, where
the light sings to your soul, and all that echoes are the lyrics of an euphoric bliss.
You blossom in the bosom of this universe, as you diffuse this mystic light of soul

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healing, bright on the broken souls, reaching in the unreachable places of

ravaging darkness, meeting and mingling with the lost and lonely, and breathing
life back into them. This is the love, that recaptures your life again, enfolding you,
embracing you, in the deepest depths of your heart. This is the heart that
adventures in the search of its dreams, and no search goes in vain as every
search, every quest is an encounter with God at all the roads and bends of Life.
The seed, the spark hidden in you, the divinity that is written in you, you live out
the secret of your divine seed to the very end and you spring after weathering the
winter. You are home at last, escaping from fear and entering into love. This is the
heavenliness of life, the journey that takes you home after you uncover yourself,
and land in the paradise of your own soul. This is when fear stops speaking to you
and love starts humming its tune. It is the melody that takes you to the mystical
essence within you.

This is the sea of wonders, from where we rise up to greet love in our newborn
mystical soul, surviving the deepest of the lingering fears, and coming out with
eyes to see the shimmering beauty. Ears to hear the singing melody, minds to
envision the truth of truths, rising with a heart, that burns with joy at a sunrise
and having a soul that makes peace at the sunset of a day. This is the moment
when you clasp love in a breath of eternity. The rain of fear does erode the seeds
of faith, the mix of grief and anger does escape into a faithlessness. But out comes
the sunrise in our souls, when we endure the pangs of pain, in the richest
discovery of our own selves, when we give in to the waves of love, and do not
hold back from letting them splash over our souls.

Clasping love, embosoming it, gives you a strength that you never knew of, a light
by which as you glimpse the world, you behold a smiling joy, bursting into
thousand pearls of unending happiness. This is the joy that releases grief, that
breathes out every iota of pain, that you ever held within yourself and gives you a
new rebirth. It is the moment, when the waves of fear break on the shorelines of
our souls and ebb away, as the lyrics of life sing on the dancing waves of love,
making their way home. Events of life, ebb and flow like the waves of the sea.
They swell with faith, love and joy as relationships swell with passion and
intimacy, but then comes a time, when they wane through the phases of space

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and separation. Life is written in chapters of trust and betrayal, but to stand at the
edge of this sea of life, and to view the ebb and flow of tides, and be awakened to
the rhythm of it. This is the truth that sets us free. We leap in delight, at the
rushing tide of life, splashing in a passionate ecstasy, yet we pull back, as the
clouds of fear engulfs our minds, and the thought of joy receding from the shore
creeps in our minds. But the only freedom lies in the welcoming the fluidity of life,
life comes with its seasons of changes, you either enjoy it or endure it, as it comes
and goes, in joy or grief, but come it must in this fluidity, as this is the unceasing
ebb and flow of life, but it never ceases to return to the shore.

Mysteries of life unfold in this ebb and flow. While security never rests in our
souls by either looking back at what it was or by wondering if it will always rise in
a crescendo, Or shine in a light on a pinnacle or whether it will hit the rock
bottom in a canyon--we have to dare to take the plunge and dive-- facing the
devastating lowlands of life, lying there in an abyss, where the light of life has
died away or to rise and glimpse the light again. Life goes back and forth betwixt
the phases of fullness and void, the tapestry of human relationships, the details of
life intricately woven together, capturing and releasing the joy, sinking in and
rising from grief, the clouds of hope showing in our sky, when seeds of faith begin
to sprout in our souls.

But as the roots of faith spread to our core, we learn to release the heaviness, we
let it flow from our hearts, and it mingles with the waters of a gushing love
springing from a fountain of godliness that was within, a lifetime back. It is
beyond what our eyes can see. This is the enchanting light, seeding our souls with
faith in life. Faith is the song, the dream, the whisper as love falls from the lips of
angels above, this is the sea of faith where we immerse in a holy bath, as we leave
behind, the cloak of doubt born in despair and tragic losses of life. Life has its
bleak and blight phases, but it also brims with a heartfelt joy as we make
memories along the way. Moments of awe inspired by a sweeping ocean of love
or a majestic mountaintop vista brings in the gem of truth that anchors us in the
present moment and gives us the freedom to flow in the much needed, much
wanted flux of life. We can see life from a place of joy, love and gratitude, no
matter how unforgivingly unfeeling, life seemed to be. There are moments when
sadness comes in epic proportions, and it is an overwhelming deluge of grief, that
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we plunge our souls in, but no matter, how powerful it is, there is also a peaceful
side to this story. That life has a mystic beauty, if we see it from the simplest
moments of wonder and gratitude---the miracle, the gratitude of being alive,
when someone else is out there having their last breath. The moments when we
dip our souls in gratitude, for the miracles that never cease to be miraculous, that
is the moment, in a sacred stillness when the light shines from within, and splits
the sky, that floods the terrains and mesa of this world. It soaks a soul that has a
thirst for love. This is the Phenomenal beauty of Life.

Trek with the divine, in this wilderness of life, and you will find yourself in the lush
paradise of hope and faith, love and peace. This is the pilgrimage where God sees
through this cycle of your walk, where valleys make it hard for you to map out
your faith, but this is when God wants you to grow. It is the stumbling block that
he placed on your path, so you walk by faith knowing he will see you through.
God has placed on your heart, a mystical passion that has birthed from love,
where you feel a burning desire, to pour out love in your broken places--and of
others. The light of divine that is inside you, is greater than the darkness that
threatens to overtake you. This is how faith and humility deepens, your walk with

At your lowest, let the seed of hope sprout in you--at your darkest, let God be the
light to walk you through, when the path seems so unending and words seem to
struggle. Let the tears roll over your cheeks, as they are the silent prayer to God,
in times of trials of life, he will either calm you or the raging storm. This is when,
you release your fear into the mystical arousal within you and surrender yourself
to love. The journey of the heart is the path of a mystic soul as the heart plunges
into the river of mystic passions, with a detachment yet with a touch of madness.
The heart knows to respect the veil of separation between transient and enduring
as the soul knows that the star in the universe glitters with a light that shines in
the vastness stretched in darkness in the bosom of night.

The soul honors the light in others and engulfs all with a love that flows like a river
as each carries a hidden brook inside of them and all meet and mingle together to
form a greater love that blesses this Earth. This is the rarest gem of love that asks
for nothing and gives nothing, yet it flows and flows forever. That is the rhythm of
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the waters of a divine brook streaming endlessly, from birth till death as designed
by God above.

The purpose of this divine flow is to ceaselessly flow not for a temporal one, but
for a lifetime. Be soft and flexible in this flow of love yet subtly powerful, where
wildness and serenity meet together, madness and placidity dance together, all in
the rhythm of your heart and soul. You are not a broken piece, you are a whole
bathed in a heavenly beauty, you are the moonlight of this night when the night
seems so heavily dark, you are the breath of love in every wandering soul. But
sometimes fear holds you back, from remembering this tapestry of a divine
beauty that God has woven into you, as you fear the transience, the coming and
going of a beauty of a love too deep to last. While you leapt into this world, at the
moment of your birth, you were sent here to scatter the pearls of love, that fall
from the heart of heaven. As those are the pearls of your heart, that chase the
fear away forever.

But you are in communion with divine, this is a sacred oneness and until you dive
into this faith, until you cease dissembling, you can never melt in the joy of this
intimacy with the divine. So you can be the holy bearer of a light that can dawn
upon others. Your birth has a purpose and when you escape from fear, it is then
that you become resplendent with godliness. Let your eyes meet the eyes of Love
for so it is meant to be. You behold love and you wish to be held, in the bosom of
a richest love and so it does. You are love as it was written on you at your birth
with a divine hand. It is love that you are seeded with and not fear. Fear is the
unwanted maze of your illusion, which seems so familiar to you, as you made it
your cocoon, but it is this godly love that you are born with. Honor this love, as it
is in this love that heaven came down on you.

This is a whisper from the shore of beyond, when the east winds blow, and the
morning waves call the spirit. This the wave of a godly music and light. This is the
time when the eyes wake up in the mist of a heavenly light, as the dewy eyes
awaken to the truth, they flee from the fear that betrays our souls. They weave
the love’s richest tapestry. It is this moment of burning deep, when sunrise is at
its peak of the peaks, this is the moment, when you hear the song that finds the
sun inside you and glows you into a treasure so rich. It is the ethereal gold--this is
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the moment of a wordless melody of the soul--the moment, when you see this
sunrise with your heart and not your mind, the moment when you experience a
beauty so intense, that it burns bright in your eyes with tears. This is when love
begins to dawn on you.

Love is where you find the voice of your own soul, heard in the music of your
sacred stillness, its melody echoing the woven sounds of sea and breeze, all in a
delight of this rapturous beauty. This is the symphony of the night. This is the
moment, when the hues of heaven are falling in light. As the morning breeze
murmurs in the musical wilderness of our hearts, the sunlight woven with love
falls on the path of this mystical soul, whispering peace in the cradle of nature,
inviting the heart to fall in love, leaving fear in the distant past. As this is when,
life begins, while the soul dissolves in the fragrance of mystic life. The eyes have
their pensiveness in the deepening gloom of fear, but love written on the moon
hangs in the enshrining silver light, as the wild rivulets of the heart flow to merge
with a love that surges in the dancing ocean of Life.
The wanderings of the lost and lonely that crept once in the tranquil plains of life,
in search of a love, now pause in stillness like a drooping bud, as it finds a new
glow woven with love. This is the tapestry, that a hungry soul had been wandering
for years. The breeze that bears the sweetest music of love, awakens the soul,
breathes in the mystic love, to take away the sigh of a soul wearied from the ebb
and flow of life. This is the breath of heaven, falling on your sleeping soul. This is
the cosmic hand playing its lute to your ears, as you pine with a thirst for love in
the bosom of this awakening dawn.

We need to return home to the temple of our innate light, love calls us home and
it is our minds veiled with fear, that make us homeless, void of bliss and peace.
How love and fear intertwine in human lives, but love keeps bringing the mystical
wisdom, and how it helps to make us endure, the great bleakness that life
unexpectedly throws at us. You are vulnerable to the transience of happiness, and
from the pangs of pain, you cling to fear making it your shell. Human souls, they
hunger for the beauty of love so much, so that they feel alive in the presence of
this godliness innate in a beauty. This is called Homecoming. It is when you kiss
the moment of truth, when you face the greatest joys and deepest sorrows of life,

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that your soul still whispers. I sing Love as this is the light that God flooded me
with and this is the Light that enlightens me in the darkest of the dark nights, that
have crossed my path. In the deepest of the depths, I have known the pain, yet at
the end of this voyage, it breaks my bud, I hear the calling of this mystical love, in
the moment of a dancing ecstasy. This is the welcoming invitation of life, where
the shells of fear break and a thousand pearls burst open endlessly, giving out
endless echoes of love. Those are the pearls holding the wisdom of life.
It is not like a calm sea in a storm, it is never like a night without a moon, as there
is always the other side of life that begins in the light of love, and that is the pearl
of life. The pearl that breaks the fear, the light which crumbles the darkness of it,
that is the richest light of our hearts, in which all fears can dissolve and give in to
the invitation of love, to begin life with a new vision, a new promise, a new
beginning. This is what makes the light of life, keeps you rowing the boat in the
waters, calm or troubled, come as they may. You can never really escape sailing
the seas, but while you sail, it is love that keeps you sailing forward. And if your
sailboat sails backwards, then it can never truly see the rising sun of life. You may
spend uncounted hours, staring at the waters, looking at the sky, fearing when
the storm will darken the day, but love always shows the gold of its light as every
dawn makes its way.
While you watch the waters, there will be times when you can hear the quiet slap
of water on the rocks, the gnawing of the stormy face on your sailboat, the waves
may toss, the waves may turn, but sail you must in the light of love. As in this
light, you get to sail amidst the raging seas, and a moment will dawn, when
tranquility will spread again on the waters that seem to rage. It is then, that you
get to see the serenity spreading on the sea of life again, as this boat keeps sailing
in the resplendence of love leaving the darkness of fear behind. Engage in deeper
conversations with yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror within and gaze into
your eyes. What do you see? Is it a fear of life or is it an inviting love that calls you
to life? This is the most meaningful gaze that you can ever have with yourself,
knowing it is love that can give you, your wild freedom, it is love’s deepest calling
that can give you the fierce passion for living, and not the shells of fear.
Those shells will make you stumble, as you choose to walk on the sands and
respond to the wilder waves of life. So, love freely and wildly.

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Dancing waves of Life

The ocean dances in joy as the waves never cease to come home to their shore, O
Soul, you too dance in ecstasy, the joy that gives birth to you, every moment that
you peel off all that was old and greet the sacred new. This is the bosom of peace,
the abode of holiness, the sanctuary where your greeting of life is enshrined in
love, that gives a sacred birthing to the wonders of you, revealing you in the
beauty of Godliness.
Our life is an art of blending the surrendering and the awakening, the letting go
and the letting in, bidding adieu to the past and welcoming the dawning new. This
takes you to a new adventure and wonder of life, to the awaiting next page. Life
affects us, invites us, to dance to its continually changing rhythm. This is the
mystic beauty, the Godly wonder of Life. As we endure the haunting surprises in
the sudden trials of Life, the Godliness breaks in the Sea of our Souls and out
shines a Light, that reveals the wonders of Holiness, bursting in the hues of
The beauty is revealed in the unspoken words written in eternity, in the
unsayable emotions rising from the Sea of hearts, as love waves in the dancing
waves of Life, each moment birthing a ripple with the new wonders that are
whirling in the Ocean of Life. This is the moment of a sacred truth in the moment
of a beautiful silence. Life rests in the spinning of mysteries, out of the womb of
darkness, a new wonder of Joy is born, out of the spiral of trials, a new hidden
mystery unfolds in the Light of Heaven.
May you richly experience life as a gift, woven around the wonders and mysteries
Life. There is always a mystery lying ahead of you, secretly, silently waiting for you
to step in the wonders of its maze, there is a tangled beauty singing in its
labyrinth, for those who have the ears to hear it, there is always a truth sleeping
in these mysteries of life, waiting for you to uncover it. This is the mingling of joy
and mystery of life, the unfolding of a labyrinthine, the untangling of an entangled
life, gifted from heaven above, to be enshrined in our hearts with love that
echoes of eternity. Waves may come and waves may go, but they always dancing,
at times with a surging beauty, at times with a falling one, but throughout all this
rising and falling, there dances something. And what is dancing, is the cosmic

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dance of life. This is the sacred, dance that reveals its wonders with every waves
that comes and every wave that crashes.
This is the Enigmatic beauty of Life, the esoteric song, singing itself every moment
as you die and relive again. The breeze carries its song, as the soul whispers its
music. In the darkness of life that you brood on, at the roughest patches of it, just
when you think, you are at the edge dangling in doubt, whether to flee or to fly
and life will burst in the brilliance again, in the richness of hues that you so yearn
for. In the nocturnal gloominess of heart, life will come again with a breaking
dawn, so you release yourself in the trust and cradle of it, to embrace it in the
sunlight of your soul.
In the valley of darkness, light will flood again as no sadness weeps forever and no
happiness sings forever. This is the spinning wheel of Life, it unfolds in the heart
of time. In every event, in every experience that you encounter in the Path of Life,
you bloom and come home to the hearth of spirit, the spirit of Life. As joy and
grief, both gather within you, while you are in this pilgrimage, both bring in their
own shares of lessons and blessings, awakening you to come home to your sacred
self. Look in the eyes of Life and you will find the light of Wisdom there. When
you encounter the tempest of Life, it is there, that you find the seeds of
awakening, that with the passage of time sprouts into a richer You.
This is the real intimacy between You and Life, as you shoulder the burden of life,
there comes moments, when you are crushed with your deepest fears of being
unwanted and uncared for. But it is the tempest of life, when you stare right into
the eye of a squall, that you face the light of Beyond, that you never thought you
would. It is when you face the gales of Life, the whirlwinds that seem to leave you
with nothing, when all else seems falling apart, in the midst of hopelessness---that
the Light of Godliness, comes down on the bosom of your soul and carries you.
This is the mayhem of Life that has flooded you with an awakening, so you rise
and emerge as someone, who can read the signature of an awakened soul in the
birth of a rising light.
Above your head when lies the winds, below your feet when the ground
crumbles---then comes the moment, when within you lies the deep peace,
knowing that in the sea of storms, the waves of Life were in perfect ebb and flow
with the rhythm of your soul. You and Life walk together, hand in hand, anchored

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in an enriching mutuality which you co create together in this Dance of Life. When
this flower of Life blooms in you, you awaken into an eternal Spring.
The winters of Life never wither you to your core---woundedness does find a way
through you, when you can weave all that you have encountered, into the richest
tapestry of Life. The melody sings everywhere---the wisdom emerges to satiate
the needed hunger for life---despite what life had in store for you. Gazing out at
the dance of waves, takes us to the brink of thought, that it is the reality of
impermanence---that keeps flashing back at the corner of our minds, by reflecting
on the ebb and flow of tidal waves of life.
The crashing, flowing, yet rising again---the dynamic portrait of life---a pictorial
beauty, bursting out in the brilliance of reality---you dive in the depths of that
sacred calmness of space, escaping all the upheavals above and around you. We
must cope with the waves of life, that threaten to engulf us and here comes the
thought in the range of our vision. Is it swimming or drowning in this dancing
ocean of life? Whether the ocean of Life will buzz with its dormant strength---or
whether it will lead its waves to crawl gently to the shores again, as the gasping
waves wait for the full tide---the ocean sings its own symphony of Life again.
While riding the waves, at times, the pulse of the ocean is steady and then they
uproar and rise to gushing, gurgling waves of Life---there will be the invitation
from both, the lapping waves that will cradle us---the humming of a wave-song
that will comfort us. But then comes the moments, when the quivering ocean will
harness its majesty---but delving deep in faith, do we make peace, in knowing
that streaks of divine light, will soak the sea again with its beauty---calming the
rage and we will glimpse the sunrise-gold shorelines of life again. It is this light,
that lets us grasp the truth of life, be it the speck of light, beneath the canopy or
be it the sunbeams that furtively make their way through the cracks.
Whether it is shimmering or settling into a steady glow of life, it leads us to see
the invisible in the visible, and there emerges an understanding of the light of life.
As what gives out light in this sacred stillness of awakening has endured burning,
it is the burning that lit the candle in the temple within. This is the gleam of light
that asks the darkness to leave---this is the pulsing light, that soaks the sea of our
souls, the mesmeric beauty of the sea surges, with the flowing waves of peace,
that writes its lyrics on our hearts. The sky may seem dark at times with the

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stretch of a gloom, but then comes the moments, when it gets threaded again,
with a lining of silver, and once again, do we slumber in peace, beneath the
canopy of a sky, filled with much of a serenity. As we wait, we hear the echo
again, coming from the rumbling waves of an enraging sea, with our hearts
beating in tremulousness. This is when life growls again from its fathoms.
The riptides of life heave as the sea foams---rushing to oppose the smoothing
serenity of life, after the incoming waves of peace, pile up on the shore, the sea of
life swells again with the waves slamming the rocks before the final release with
the passage of time, the winds of life die down. The breaking of the waves can
never really explain, the whole Sea of Life---but it shows us, the pathway to an
assurance, and in the ebbing and flowing of life, the sea song never really dies
down. As this is the song of life, enshrined in the light of Heaven, it echoes in the
corridors of eternity---enticing us, to emerge from the waves of doubt and to ride
the waves of faith.
It is in this surfing---that we feel the ecstasy of freedom, the salvation from the
bondage of attachments---because it is in letting go---that we lose ourselves in
the flow of passion, a passion for life. This is the art of flowing while surfing the
mystic ocean. As you watch the turns, the fog draped ocean of life, blurring your
visions, in the uncharted course of your voyage, not knowing, what lies beyond
the next bend, you hear the sudden whisper of the roar, before the bend. It is this
deep roar of the torrent, that takes you to the lowlands of doubt, pushes you to
the brink of insecurities. While the boisterous waters of your life, engulf you, the
sound of the crashing waves seems to split you and the sea of your soul freezes in
silence, in fear of how to race, the rising tides of life.
But have faith, that sunlight will dance again, on the sea of your soul---you will
hear the murmur of peace again, the sea will melt again, life will surge with
laughter rinsing your soul. This is the very heartbeat of life, come as it may, with
laughter or the roars, but, after all, life is still a gift. Every moment showers us
with a thousand gifts, all bringing in some miracles of their own. Every miracle
holds so many promises, every promise giving us some hope to live for, some light
to walk by. This is the light that invades the darkness. And the sound of the sea
will break on the rocks that stood in your way and joy will ripple and roll into the
mystic light of Beyond---this is how it floats all its secrets out to the sea. This is the

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echoing sea, carrying with it the whisper of waves---singing the music of life. This
is when the melody of life follows the river to the sea, and the sea to the ocean,
an unending flow, enshrined in an eternal rhythm.
The soul gets caught in the mystic current of life---this is the truth, which sets a
spark in our souls, telling us never to run away in the gloom of life, but to be a
dreamcatcher, an adventurer of soul who can dance with life. It is a quest for
wonder and reaching out to the stars written in the sky---as the seed of life is
conceived in the womb of this universe. This is when a new world is discovered,
and magic breathes in air, and we learn to love the invisible shores of life. This is
how we light the candle of life. From time to time, you may hear the running
whisper of the current, but you flow with it, to feel the contentment that holds
the ultimate beauty of life, as life in its richest sense is a gift, and the miracle of
being alive, gives the hope of having another breath, every new morn, leaving the
last night behind.
Every dawn forgives the previous night’s brooding darkness, it comes with some
promises, which we can look up to. Every light bears a divine signature. And the
divinity is imprinted on so many creations. This is the creation that leaves its
beauty resting in the nooks of this earth. This sky, that falling rain, the florets in
full bloom, all carry something of the divine hands. This is the signature that
creates the dance of life too. Every rhythm of it is created by a divine grace, a
heavenly symphony. This symphony falls from the lips of the heaven, and as it
escapes those lips, it travels to our hearts. This song is the call of divine, and it
awakens up, so we can choose to be graceful in the movements of our dance. So,
we can completely give ourselves in, to this enigmatic beauty of life.
This enigmatic beauty comes in a poignant way. And the more our hearts break in
the bursting manner, the more we find the treasures, that life holds for us. These
treasures reveal, with the unfolding of this seemingly incomprehensible cosmic
dance. And this is the unfolding that gives us the wisdom of hearts. We begin to
live in the light of this wisdom. This is the light that guides us from seemingly
small to something significant, that which holds the greater beauty of life, both in
meaning and its diverse colors. Diversity comprises the tapestry of life, knitted
with a thousand strands of phases that come and leave our lives. Both the coming
and going of seasons, bring out the poignant beauty of our hearts.

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Opening of a Closed Heart

In the gray morning of life, as the rain of pain seeps into your soul, you hear the
whisper of a heart, hidden in agony and faintly making its echoes--do you hear--
do you feel--the rain-washed, wind-swept gut wrenching ache? The tides of pain
come and go--but the memory makes it linger and it’s the spiral of continued
pain, that has its way of playing round and round. That is a broken melody of a
lost love, that has died in the past---but makes you re-live the events and invites
you to breathe in them and cling to them, instead of gently letting it go.
In the wake of a dew-kissed morning, we fall in love with a soul, and we live and
die by their doings and not doings. Our happiness fades like a passing shadow---
we get consumed by the engulfing darkness, as much of our joy and grief is
seeded by another soul’s loving and unloving sides. We paint the landscape of our
wildest dreams of love and passion, mingling into an intimacy so rich---that we
tend to float, in the clouds of our fancied imagination, as the sapphire blues of
those clouds, keep our spirits alive and makes our soul sing.
And the other soul gets entangled in our dreams, whether we are awake, or
asleep---we begin to live in our web of illusion, which we weave with the illusive
fantasies of our thoughts. The ego and the personal projection, dance and play
with each other, in the ebb and flow of this relationship. These days, it is a
wonder to find the trails of happiness, as it seems to be shrouded in mystery. Fear
emerges from there and we get seeded with doubt. Trust seems to be dangling in
air, and we lock our hearts, veiling our mind-sets, clogging every pathway of
releasing fear, rushing away from the channels of a healing communication.
There is that tremulous vulnerability, that can be so powerful, yet it can be a such
a peaceful melody of life---you were seeded with authenticity at your birth, as it
sprouts, and you are born, your authenticity spreads a compelling hue on the
landscape of other’s souls. They rush to open up to you---letting you in their
sacred space, and as they let you in their spaciousness of their souls, do you sense
again the smell of life. Because life feels rich with beauty, in the feeling of this
kinship. This is a long-lost feeling, that which is forgotten in the busyness and
illusory islands, created by mankind, in a world that has gone so insane with pride
and pain. It is the veil of pride and the shell of pain that blocks a heart from

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opening up in the sacred light of authenticity. As the pride is crushed and as the
pain slowly turns to a pearl of wisdom, that is the moment, when a heart learns
how to open up to the in the light of faith.
Let love flow like, at times a steady brook and then with its wild current---but just
go with the flow, as love is the doorway to the spiritual awakening, the gateway
to an enlightenment---the pathway to the light, that can reflect on the sea of your
grief. Soak the waters of your soul with its healing flow. As you unlock your heart,
you will have another glimpse of the world, in a newer way, that can possibly be
the entrance to a deeper awakening, a richer understanding of this cosmic world.
This can be an eternal rebirth, and there can be a fulfilling change---that has been
locked away inside of you, waiting to be unlocked. A world of possibilities is
sleeping inside you to be explored, an enchanting vision is waiting to be
envisioned this whole time.
This is the roar from the sleeping darkness, a call to wake up in every moment, as
it holds the magic to being alive. This is the key to the silent world, that lies
hidden in us, wrapped in beauty, only to fall in the waiting hands, so as to release
its gifts in a mystical brilliance. This is the darkness, pierced by the flashes of
lightning, to unveil the passions, dwelling in the shadows of a heart---inviting the
heart to rise up, despite its thousand shattered dreams. And suddenly you
shimmer magically, in the morning sunrise of your soul. This is when, you cultivate
your spiritual awakening, when your pain stems from your past trauma, that
stood in the way of unfolding your heart.
But to live richly and wholly is to be in touch, to taste the joys and sorrows of life,
which nourishes your mystical self and fosters your spiritual sense. You make
sense of the vastness of nothing, and things fall into place again with a loveliness
of meaning. This song of a heart will be like the wings to a sleeping dream. The
way we sing, is by letting go of the past, by letting it flow in the brook of love,
instead of bottling up the anger. Breathing in with a heaviness of heart, never
helps the waters heal but hurt, it is in breathing out with compassion, that we
breathe in love.
Be open in receiving the flow of love. Let love in instead of burying your fears,
embrace them, do not seal your heart but let love unlock it, as its music never
dies. Love and the wonder of acceptance showers you with courage, that you

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never thought you had. Let them rain on you, as it gives you the space, to find
yourself again. Greet the dawn that longs to spread its light. The seeds of love and
joy is seeded in you, when you were conceived in the womb of this divine light.
Wandering around, in search of this seed---outside of yourself is like a wave
rushing and crashing, in search of an ocean. You need to return to shorelines of
your soul, as this is the home. Roaming around in search of this water, will not
bring you to the brink of the ocean, as the ocean is flowing within you.
As the heart delves deeper, in this oceanic flow of love that you hold back--You
connect with your mystic self again---you are on your pilgrimage, to behold the
unfolding miracles of life. As you send your heart, soaring into the heights of an
unbounded love, it abandons the road of locking its heart, and opens the
windows to its soul. The soul plunges into a quietness without loneliness. The
rhythms of a long-lost melody, drift slow and sweet. The swirl of a chaotic
conversation, that you once struggled with in your mind---all seems to fade away
and you unwrap the secrets of joy again. You discern the piece in this beautiful
mosaic of life. You no longer live, in the shadows dried up inside---you drift in the
stream of joy and sip the love again, that God once filled the chalice of your heart
with. This is the haven of peace that you have been in search of. This is the lost
You find the long- lost melody---you rise again, weaving the strands of your soul---
peeking through the veil of gloom and hopelessness. The clouds of despair begin
to clear, you no longer roam in the wild aching solitude. You are lost again in the
trance of a golden dawn, your sorrows no longer run deep, and the music of love
finds its way back to your heart. There is a broken piece in all of us, but in a
moment of trust and tenderness, life takes your breath away, and you slip into
the sea of empty space, where you trust again in the giving and receiving flow of
love. Life caresses you again with a touch of madness, so you can spring in an
enshrined eternity.
This is the wanderlust soul, emerging again, allowing the closed heart to open,
that shines in luster and spirit. The heart that once lost its zest for life, and
became a homeless, sleeping heart losing its authenticity, to express itself in a
rich brilliance, finds its pathway again to the sacred kinship between heart and
spirit. The sacred connection bursts out in the feeling of kinship between one soul

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to another, between one heart to another. And in this bursting out, is revealed
the true splendor of glowing hearts.
Your heart no longer has to endure this wretched loneliness. Your fearful
emotions fade away in a distant past, and the stab of pain that once penetrated
you, loses its power over you. You get through the labyrinth of love, you no longer
feel caged, as you face the dawn of truth, that it is time to break free. The heart
houses your sacred spirit, which is beheld as the essence of your authentic mystic
self. When your heart is flowing like a musical brook, being free of emotional
woes, a sacred, warm, and welcoming space shimmers for your spirit, to trace the
light and dwell there.
A painting comes to life again. Your soul breathes in colors again. And, when your
spirit is happily housed in your heart, your full authentic mysticism blossoms, as
you are opening the gateway, to all the desires into your life again. You hear
music in the leaves again, you behold peace again, where the Earth meets the
Sky. Dip your soul in the light of sunrise, and dare to claim the sapphire of sky,
because the caged soul always sings for freedom. You can never breakdown the
darkness, by keeping it caged inside of you. Vulnerability is a beautiful feeling of
free-falling into the unknown, as you watch the crumbling walls of guard, crash
around you. Be achingly vulnerable.
Forgiveness destroys the cage, the moment you touch and embrace the art of
forgiving. You burn down everything, that stands in the way of your moving with
the flow of life. The cavern of your soul yearns to invite the light of love. Streaks
of light open your eyes, radiating you with the wonders of an unfolding life,
caressing you with a breeze of mystic surprises. You float in an amazement and an
unforced compassion and kinship, is born within us and reaches out to other
kindred souls. Forgiveness is showered every day and you set yourself free, and
find the lost connection again, in this intricate tapestry of the universe. This is an
amazing wonder, how to find yourself with others, in this vast sea of souls, how to
realize, that even though it may seem like, we are all stranded in our separate
islands, but in the light of truth, we are all glowing in the light of a universal
And then fall in the peace of knowing, that you have showered forgiveness on
yourself too, and made way for others to forgive you too. This is the hardest act

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of all, but the first true act of letting love in. You are born a wild, mystic soul and
love is born, in the untamed places of your heart. In the dancing of that wildness,
do you dare to find yourself again.
As the endured storms of life, cleave a rift in your heart, it paves the way for a
heart-opening to allow for the flow of a river. It flows and heals, with its deluge of
tenderness, rather than a heart-crushing pain that takes turn to a freezing in fear
and shielding from pain. A voice rises into the sky of our hearts, the unguarded
heart, that is shattered open is vast, vulnerable and passionate, so it can open its
petals of love, in the dew-kissed morning, as your tears blossom in the eye,
whereas a heart-break leads to a pushing away of love.
There is a sheer heart-rending beauty of you, living as a vessel of love and sharing
your gift. This is beyond the soft bloom of a feeling, in being momentarily touched
or moved. It is when you cry for the blessings of love, when you witness in
gratitude, the moment when passion and love merge, so it softens even the most
guarded, hardest hearts into an awaited opening. If you feel the rift, if you’re
moving through life, feeling broken open, then let the delicate emotions of the
process seep into you, as tears stream down your cheeks. Gaze in the peace that
it is the rain- soaked grief, that will blossom into a love- soaked soul. It won’t
drown you but will keep you afloat.
Behold life with a heavenly gaze, life as a gift from God, see the awe behind the
smiles of life, not just the piercing pain behind its woes. It is not just another day
to get through, see the flowering changes, by plunging your mind in the depth of
idea, that today is a blessing. The flood of encounters and feelings, the richest gift
of sight, sound, taste and smell, is a jewel falling from the lips of heaven, the
priceless blessings sent our way. Never lose sight of the view, that life comes
wrapped in so many blessings. It is the vista that adds richness, while you are
wild-eyed with wonder.
This is the timeless rhythm of daily life that we need to tune into. Your story may
have the ups and downs, the highs and lows, but time will dim the memories of
the taste of pain, as you learn again how to sip the joy, by drenching yourself in
the wonder of now. The memories are scattered on the sands, beneath the sun,
near the waters running by. As what is beautiful never really dies, it takes birth to
another beauty, a poem, a story held in the petals of a flower from a breaking

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bud, smelling of the past again, but holding a forever essence in the smell of
The pouring rain of beauties, falling in the loveliness of grace, brings you in a flood
of reality--that sadness has slowly melted away, as there blows the winds of
change. As the days slip by, you immerse in piecing together the past. May you
open your heart wide enough, to see other soul’s uniqueness as a beauty, a
wonder. May it create an awe, while you capture a lifetime of memories. May you
never slip, into the gloom of judging the differences.
As you delve into the truth of who the souls are, you shower yourself with the gift
of seeing their light and receiving the blessing of their humanity, where the
darkness of differences dissolves, and out comes a new light, where the souls
melt in the joy of a one love. By dawning on a shared humanity, we are blessed
with a flooding feeling--that we are leaves of the same tree, dancing waves of the
same ocean. Our paths maybe different, but it adds more richness and depth to
our blessings. Fall in love with your life, one day at a time, even if your heart was
being torn asunder, fall in love with yourself again. Plunge into having a romance
with your own soul.
Unravel the wonders of you, as you leave behind the unforgiving times. Seize the
moments, that flood you with love, as it is in this capturing, that you can you burn
your past. The upcoming times can give you the richest gold of life, and the tides
of change will come again as you embrace those moments. This is the magical
moment, when you release your pain in the memory of past, and by doing so, you
emerge from the past as a whirlwind of change, sweeps you off your feet. By
dancing with life, in the richness of the present moment, the years of pain fall
away, and it dwindles to a memory, that can only drift back in time, but it is a tale
of the yesteryears and the immersion in the richness of present moment, can take
you to the cradle of a timeless serenity.
God seeded us with love, at the holy moment of birth. As humans, we are always
in search of love. Look around, love always pours through the windows of heaven,
clouds may drift to veil the sunrise of love, but the sun still rises, in a thousand
dying souls, bathing the vista of your heart with a glow of hopes. Since the
beginning of creation, the one thing that knit all together is the strand of love,

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that weaves the harder and finer things of life. The most beautiful knitting of
things that seem different and not alike can only be knitted in love and with love.
It is then we see the sun reflecting in your eyes, as the sun already breaks free of
the clouds of your soul, that you shimmer, as you soak up the light. Yet we are in
search of the hidden answers, in search of a running river of love, a streaming
happiness that knows not how to end. And as the rhythm of thought drifts swiftly
in our minds, we know not how to cease and just be, letting whatever comes,
come, and whatever goes, go. And because we are always drifting, in the stream
of this life, rushing but never pausing, swimming and searching, we miss the
glimpse of what otherwise would have come as blissfully floating, had we stayed
still for a moment. This frantic search veils the richness of gold of heavenly
wonders written on our hearts.
Rather as we respond to the urge, to soar beyond this earthliness, and tune in to
the call of our spirits, letting love be the silent witness of all that we encounter in
this walk of life, allowing love to smoothen the eddies of emotion, the vortex of
rushing sentiments that swirl through our hearts, the wounds maybe deep, they
may cut rough, but the awareness of love seeded inside us, has to be
Something happens between you and life. As life touches you, you are touched, it
is your awareness of you as a seed of love, that sprouts and life as a heavenly
flower starts to unfold, its petals of wonders for you. How you face life, how you
meet life from a faraway distance or with a gaze too close, that is your story--how
you run away from life locking your heart, for how long and how you muster your
strength to meet life again, is your love story--a love story of you and your life.
When you clasp life to the bosom of your heart, in a fear, you clutch your soul to
the attachments, that keep you away from letting your heart to be laid bare, and
flowing with the ebb and flow of life, but as you let your fear dissolve in the
sunrise of love dawning in your soul, you reintroduce yourself to yourself.
Gaze at the sunrise in your soul and let the sun of your soul gaze back at you--this
is the moment of meeting and mingling, where your light soaks up all the
struggling pain of your life and brings you back to yourself again. And then you
can behold yourself, as a rarest beauty who shines as the standing ovation at the
end of life’s wondrous play. You are the retrospective beauty of life. You are the
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glorious line connecting the dots of your life. You are the fulfillment of all that you
ever desired, and not a mere existence in this world.
The truth of this realization will dawn on you, as you begin to open your closed
heart. The world may think that you are wanting to die, but in your deepest
depths, you are wanting to be found. You are a treasure waiting to be mined,
from the most unmined places of this earth. As your body carries the wisdom of
age- old wrinkles on your face, it is the wrinkles, that carry the wisdom of times,
the wisdom of ages, and the wisdom of life itself. This is the timeless, ageless
Beautiful are the twinkling stars written on the midnight sky. You are the light of
the rising star, reaching out to the darkness of a painfully stretching night sky. You
are the star that pierces this universe, in the bosom of a weeping night. You are
the star that makes its way, in many a grieving soul, as the silent aches of life
come sweeping across everything.
You are love, seeking for the long- lost love, the truth of your beauty waits for you
to unfold, through the rich portal of awareness. Life always comes in momentary
colors, so set the heart free of its momentary hues and let it soar, with the river
flowing within you and at times it roars, then murmurs and gurgles over the rocks,
so stumbling, and then the pebbles and the shimmering sand. Finally, they
meander along the birthing sea.
Grief came with its own message to write it on your heart, but it has a momentary
hue. You are the eternal glory of heaven above, twinkling in the painfully painful
night sky of a million aching souls. Let your heart release the past and melt in the
joy of the present, so it can stir the life within others. Their shells can crack, and a
blade of grass can grow, a flower can bloom, a tree can reach the comforting
heights of shade, while anchoring its roots, penetrating deep into the souls. You
are the unending flow of bliss, singing the blessings of life in the hearts of many a
sleeping-souls. This is when the clouds of pain drift aside and night turns into a
dawn again, into many a weeping-souls.
You light the candle, and the light flickers in every temple within a soul. It is this
timeless love of your heart, that turns pain to painless, death to deathless and life
to a timeless beating of the heart. The brook of your heart with its flow will open
a thousand flowers within the aching souls.
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Never dwell in the shadow of fear, the life that lives is a life that listens to the
music of this universe, as that is the music of the passing griefs and joys, the lyrics
of a wound is never engraved in eternity. The light of joy will fill your sky again,
and that is the light of gold, the richest of the riches, and this is the faith that you
must walk by.
It is the lyrics of life, how it comes in a plethora of colors, in the richness of
passing stories, that every happiness and pain weaves so passionately. That is the
beauty, that sets the heart free, where time stands still to witness the freedom of
heart. Set it out of the cage and it can find its wings to fly. Let your heart
soundlessly whisper, into an aching void of many a heart.
As the fog of fear melts away, your heart hums an unheard melody, your bud
breaks, dancing to share its fragrance with the passing wind or any pilgrim that is
on this way to a holy pilgrimage. Each encounter of grief that you sink in, will end
in a birth of a new spirit, that emerges as a glorified you, as your life blooms with
awareness, beauty and the eternity enshrined in your being, the most ecstatic
pilgrimage to your inner self, the living portrait of Godliness.
As you face the gem of truth, that what you are searching for, is in search of you,
the light that you seek for is seeking you. You are the glow that lights the
universe, as God lit your soul during your holy birth. Life creates a spark, before
your soul is kindled, so you can be consumed by the fire and gleam like gems in
the sunrise of your newly born soul---sunlight floods your being, along the vast
stretch of your heart. A beauty blooms, and an art is born out of all that. You
discover and rediscover yourself out of a thousand births in this lifetime. This is
the understanding, that seeps peace into your soul.
The cavern that you so feared to put your feet into, was the very cavern that held
the mine of rubies for you---this is how a rock turns into a gem. You are the
treasure-trove of heaven’s choicest gems. You are the dew-kissed flower, the sun-
blazed soul, the moonlit beauty of the weeping darkness of this Earth. Love the
calling of life with passion, dance your soul, so you can break open with all your
Godliness. Life is a gift from God, but a beautiful living, is your gift back to God.
The mine of gold within you shows you the light amidst the height of heights of a
struggling day, while flooding the cosmos with the golden glow---while the ruby in
your soul, encloses the redness of the blushing sunset and soaks the cosmos with

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a “peace that passes all understanding”. No lesson goes in vain, as in the trials of
life, you the uncut diamond turns to a gem lighting your soul---a heart that can
swim with a smile, over the depth of sadness. Your bosom may ache but a
splendor so heavenly was born, out of a diamond in the rough.
You are the eyes of Heaven, the jewel of joy in the sky of humanity. God seeded
you with the shimmering light of a morning sun, so the cosmos can sparkle in the
gold of your soul. Your sun breaks through the drizzle of many weeping hearts, so
why ache and cage your heart, as it only saps of the beaming joy. Breaking your
heart open, lets other aching souls drink from your soul, as you raise the ecstasy
of life, so others may sip from the nectar of your passion, as you live your life
from the dancing passions of your heart, then your story will bathe many aching
souls with the flood of healing waters.
This life is yours to witness whatever it is. The broken or unbroken lyrics, said or
unsaid words---spoken or unspoken agony, it is all yours, it is your story but as
you let your story, unfold from the mystical place of joy and gloom of life. Your
soul speaks to other souls, as it is alive and awake to the subtle shades of reality
that swim in this sea of life.
Let the rain of love kiss your locked heart---let it hum the song of Life---painting a
picture of infinite beauty, let your heart be unlocked at the sight of mist over the
vast meadows, sunlight dancing on the leaves, moonlight silvery on the waves.
The evening light of peace that smiles the clouds of fears away always brings in a
hope of a promising dawn. Love brings out your inner child who can teach you to
be frolic again, to be bursting with curiosity again in a thousand wonders of life
and will take you back to your forgotten childhood, one more time. The childhood
that will take you back the light of curiosity at even at the slightest wonders of
life, is the very light that will save your soul in times of crisis, and will gently lead
you back home, to yourself.
You are the unbounded and unchangeable awareness, with a holy light flickering
in your inner temple. You are the one that paints the hues of joy, on the sky of
weeping souls, as they grow into deeper and deeper shades of gloom. You are not
a mistake, rather you show them the way, how a life unfolds to its full bloom and
the way spring always finds a way, to turn even the bitter winter into enticing
meadows of greeneries and wildflowers.

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Release the pure fragrance of love---you are the lotus opening in other hearts, by
the grace of God, writing the lyrics on other souls, crafting them with your love.
This is the highest music of the Earth, the ecstatic melody of hearts weaved
together, souls crafted together by a love seeded in you, as you are a Wonder, a
Child of God, your love is a penetration of an enshrined eternity in the woes
spilling in time. You are timeless in a horizon of time.
When you felt so alone and abandoned in the sea of grief, imagine what a
loneliness the waves must have felt in the darkest of nights. When you are
huddled in a corner, with eyes peering for the invisible beauty, jumping at every
creek and whisper---remember, you are that which you are seeking for, when the
howling of winds bends you, remember, it is a bend and not the end. This is when
you drink life in its totality, and the lute of your soul plays in silence. Let the river
of your tenderness flow and find the secret grief and the pangs of pain will itself
crack the rock. The river will find its course as this is the holy moment, when the
soul emerges from the sea of grief---bathed in the light of God. There is a wisdom
that emerged from the language of silence, birthed in the reclusiveness of soul.
Sing the melody of a heaven arising within you---a godliness playing the harp of
your soul. This is where, an unchanging stillness speaks in purity, innocence and
peace. Bliss wells up within you and it rains on every swaying leaf on the
shimmering sands of the seashore, on every flower that smiles, but you can taste
the bliss only in the shrine of your soul. Then you behold the bliss everywhere,
the bliss that shakes off all the fears and puts the color of love again on the soul.
We are intricately connected, when one weeps, existence weeps and when one
smiles, existence smiles. Our lives blossom through each other and within each
other. It is this tapestry of connection that has knitted us together in the love
threads of our souls. The thread may be invisible, but it is the richest thread of
heart, that runs from one heart to another, transcending all the barriers that
stand in the pathway of humanity. The thread is the one that holds all the diverse
colors of a thousand souls and turns them to a universal heart, a soul that knows
no color. And this beauty emerges when we rise above all race and religion. To
feel this connection, is to truly see the light of humanity in the illusory islands of
our minds. This is the thread that begs us to step out of our islands and speak to
other kindred souls, and glow them with the light of love, that reaches all the

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impenetrable areas of this world. The pull of this invisible kinship is too strong to
deny, too enlightened to walk away from, too enlivening to push it away and run
away from. It is time, that you recognize and honor this connection and revere
the immensity of this bond. This is the pull that draws a human towards another,
one sentient being towards another sentient being, takes one hand and places it
into another desperately struggling hand.
Existence mothers you. The cosmos is your home and you are not soul wandering
aimlessly. When existence is at the peak of ecstasy then blessings shower in full
blossoms and it is you, that the full bloom showers on. So never lose sight of the
shore of love, as when you suffer, existence suffers but when you break open,
existence breaks open. This is the connection that brings a shared contentment, a
shared suffering amongst all the kindred souls, all walking by the light of this
Love always brings us the hurdles of relationships, the daring adventures of
intimacy, and we hurl ourselves out into the unknown. The path is so full of
surprises, that we uncover feelings which we never felt before, but why embrace
fear, as even the purest soul never escapes life, without suffering a heartache. It is
the reality that we need to face within. For once, if we gaze into the eyes of our
souls, instead of our minds, we will find the key, that holds the happiness to our
hearts, and it would open the doorway to love and not fear.
When you love, the seemingly fearful becomes so very lovable and the love that
you carry within, gives you a light, a freedom to unshackle you from the shackles
of fear. You sign the treaty of peace with your soul as this is the time to burn out
the pain and set the heart free from its cage. It is a flight to an eternal freedom,
no holding back. It is a soaring into an enshrined liberation. It is the ancient fear
of wilderness of love, the adventure into the unknown. It is the fear of walking
into the storm that holds you back, but the sun rising in your soul, whispers to
surrender and embrace love and life, as this is the gateway to bliss.
The setting sun invites us to peace, no matter what the day brings, you embrace it
as a lesson or a blessing. No lesson goes in vain, as it gives you the wisdom to tap
into during the times of your need. Every lesson that you are ever gifted with
empowers you with a strength to face this world again, rising from the lost battles
of yesterday.

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You are wrapped in awe at the wonders awaiting everywhere for your discovery,
and you never pause to be amazed at the glimpse of them. This is your insight
into the mystery of life, that which unravels the myriad joys of this life, gifting you
back with a rising light of happiness. What you once thought of emotions run dry,
the well of life void any water at all, suddenly seems so full again. It is your
insight, your eyes holding the curiosity, your heart reminiscing your inner child,
that bursts into amazement, time and time again.
You hold eternity in every moment, as you know the time that comes, never
comes twice. And you can either live it or regret over unfulfilled desires of yours.
So, you choose to spend every moment in living life in its fulfilling beauty, so the
moments that once pass you by, never feel like unlived. You appreciate the true
meaning of time and how it runs and runs like a flow. From your appreciation
rises the gratitude of your heart towards life itself. And you no longer live in the
shell of ego or pride. You step out to glimpse the pearls of life, the very pearls that
can bring a fulfilling richness in your heart. You see heaven in flowers that smile at
you, you see heaven in the springtime, that spreads its verdant greens over the
fields. This feeling dawns over you when your heart opens time and time again in
the amazement of love and a thousand doorways open in front of your very eyes.
Where you never saw a wonder before, you begin to see it now. Even at the rain
shower in the midst of wailing hearts, you see heavenliness falling from the sky.
This is how, your wonder fills your heart and you begin to see life in a new vision.
Not that, you never had sight before, but that, you probably never had this vision
before. The vision of how to see this one life as a blessed life. This is the saga of
wisdom, the saga that strings all the awe-inspiring moments and makes a rainbow
out of rain of all the smiles and tears that came along the way. And you can paint
your soul with this rainbow, if you choose to open your heart and love freely and
live fearlessly. This is the Godliness of gift that you carry within you. This is why,
your music never dies---the flute never ceases and the story of what you did, with
the stones that life threw at you. This is your love-song, that carries the richest
lyrics of your heart, that teaches others how to fly, how to soar when the fount of
life runs dry. As you smile knowing, wilderness is the wine that you drink from,
and this wilderness cascades from your eternal fount of love that never runs dry.
This is the wisdom, that you carry in your soul, the wisdom that paints your soul
with an ageless color where time stands still, and all the illusions choose to run

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away. Embody your wild nature, as in this wildness lies, the intoxicative beauty of
your spirit. It is this intoxication that will make you drunk with the wine of life, the
richest wine that will fill your heart and soul, leaving all the heartaches behind.
When you become unapologetically yourself, that is the rarest, finest form of your
soul beauty and that can only spring from love, never ever from fear. You with
your wildest dreams becomes a soul with a vision.
Make the mountains your strength to walk by, the running rivers to flow by.
Engage in the deepest conversations with the forests in your heart, as that is
where lies your inviting wilderness. You break free from being trapped in fear,
and love sets your soul free from being trapped in grief, and suddenly you see the
sun rising everywhere. All around you, is an absorbing light, and wherever you
look, the light that you behold absorbs all that you are struggling with. With every
new dawn, with every new morn, you see the splendor absorbing the dross.
And when you look within the forest in your heart, it is in those evergreen
pastures, that you find your evergreen youth. You are young at heart. And a
young heart that has a youthful soul needs to run free, as in this running do you
find the key to your abundance and bliss, that will wash away your emotional
blockages and will set you free from what once trapped you in grief and pain.
Amazing things begin to happen when you become limitless and joyful,
adventurous and intoxicative in your heart. You are never ever the same. You
gazed at yourself in the most penetrating way possible, and out came the most
authentic you, in the pristine purity of your rarest pearl.
This is the pearl, that lay all along in your created shell. The shell that you formed
out of a firm closing being trapped in your cutting grief, being trapped in your
unvoiced agony has finally broken to give light to the pearl of your soul. This light
is here to make you dance to the waves of the ocean, to make you listen to the
what pounds your own heart, and how to make you listen to the songs of this
earth, songs of this life and to make them a music of your soul. This is the music
that makes you grow into timeless gifts. Courage and daringness begin to course
through you and you become a forever adventurer, young at heart, intoxicated at
spirit. This is the dare to dream, dare to adventure, a forever journey of a restless
lover of life, who has suddenly found his youth again, his springtime again in the
midst of his wailing heart.

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Trusting our Hearts

We all yearn secretly to trust ourselves, as our souls have been the most
penetrating emblems of love and peace. It was enshrined in ourselves at our
moments of holy birth, as God seeded us with love and light, so when the world
would rustle, the root would rest in us in faith and peace. Nothing is more
comforting, than our souls to be our own true refuge, our place of retreat.
We want to swim this sea of life, with faith dancing in our souls. It can rise when
we hit the rock bottom---we can emerge when we are sinking, we can rise when
we are drowning, this is when, we have a sacred surrender to ourselves, our
innate wisdom and love is enshrined in our hearts, so it can shower us and this
cosmos with the gifts that God seeded us.
With faith dancing on the waves of our souls---our lives begin to surge in the leap
of trust, as the brook of our hearts carries us to the greater sea of life. The desire
to contain us, the enduring of our souls, to surf the moments of life, to be able to
melt what is frozen inside, to come to the edge of life and yet learning how to fly,
is what holds us, what raises us upward, knowing how to swim in the pulsing
current of life, while pushing your struggles out to the sea.
This is when you live in the trust of the Godliness lighting your heart, when there
is an unending mile of trackless sea---sailing through the troubled waters, but the
heavenliness of heart knows, how to make it to the shore. This is the story of a
trust, your surrender to yourself, a faith, that you will taste of happiness and
sadness, the currents of life coming in clarity and bewilderment, madness and
serenity, yet you will walk into the sanctuary of your heart, your own retreat.
Any mistrust impacts our reaching out for an intimacy with others, our ability to
carry ourselves, so as to bask in the splendor of love-lit moments of life. Our
heads like to weave the web of fears and separation, but it is our river that carries
our doubts to the sea, so as to cleanse the waters of insecurity in the currents of
But our being able to embrace again our innate goodness and the light of
compassion, empathy and mindfulness, paves the pathway to an evolution of
soul, so its trail, can change the course from struggling with the illusion of

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insecurity and separation, to shining with the light of truth, that we are
intrinsically connected to one another.
It is also a relational trip, where you listen to the whisper of ongoing changes and
behold the discoveries made along the way. At times, the river sparkles and at
times the river runs dry, but where the river once flowed, it will flow again, this is
the sound of the sea, the music of life. Crossroads may be encountered and at
times, you may lose sight of the shore, but the bud of relationships, unfolds from
infancy and blooms into maturity, but the walls of separation that get built up
along the journey, do crumble and mistrust dies away, as we cultivate a mindful
awareness and smell the fragrance of Godliness in every soul.
By cultivating an awareness, we can gift ourselves with a mindfulness, an
enlightening of our minds, so as to behold things as they come, go and transform.
This is the smooth, swirling current of life, there is an eternal war between the
sea and shore, the waves of life ripple and roll, and do come in a delight to meet
the shore.
But then comes the moment, when they must part, as it was a passing beauty,
and instead of dancing on the waves of illusory eternity, we can learn how to surf
the waves of transience. We can accept the truth, how not to take anything for
granted, but to live in the wake of light. We can accept in the dawn of
enlightenment, that every coming of something is momentary, and
impermanence is the melody that we ache to hear. But transience is the beauty,
that we see so painstakingly.
The shadow of ego follows us everywhere, and we get caught in it trap. But when
we crack wide open, we come in touch with all the pain that struggles within us,
and unveiling the illusions of mind. We uncover the depths of who we are. We are
the full blooms of tenderness and kindness as God seeded us with those seeds.
We are not the flawed ego-selves. We encounter the myriad trials and
tribulations of life, we surf the mystic waves of life, we dance to their rhythms.
But we are not defined, confined or pulled by the tidal currents of those
encounters. Trust seems to emerge from the sea of our thoughts, and the truth
dawns in, that we are shrouded in mystery---vast, deep and beautiful than the
streaming thoughts, patterns and behaviors. This wave of awareness deluges us
with the joy of a soaring freedom of how to react. How to send a message to this
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world with the healing waters, a mindful thinking and to flood them all with the
light of our own awareness, so it gets reflected on others and washes away the
dross of earthliness. The washing happens only to uncover a purity, a
heavenliness in all that seems so struggling in a sea of bewilderment. With the
light of awareness, we break the waves of confusion, we ride the wild, raging sea
of illusions, because we hear the cry of freedom. We are no longer the wandering
souls in the sea of confusion, but we are the adventurers that can ‘ride the storm’.
This is our Voyage in the troubled waters of Life.
As we emerge, untouched by the raging winds of life, that strips us down to our
barest defenses, we discover that life comes with unexpected delights, just like it
has its sudden twists and turns. We fall in love with this passion-driven dance of
life, and despite all that happened, that was raw and ugly, we uncover the beauty
and truth beneath what is visible to the naked eye. This is beauty as a state of
being, the pathway we choose to travel from stress to stillness. By choosing love,
we move from ego to a beauty of the essence in every relationship that crosses
our paths. We move beyond the illusions of mind and can unlock love that was
seeded in us from a lifetime ago.
The path is everywhere, as we uncover the jewels hidden inside us, weaving
together the strands of wisdom. We find that the magic of a sacred life is
everywhere, buried in our emotions, relationships, thoughts that weave the web
of our lives, we go into an endless quest to find the magic, only to find that we are
the mystery waiting to be unraveled. We are the waters that we have been thirsty
of. We emerge from the messiness in this journey of becoming human. We come
out of what is seemingly so unfamiliar and stand with our souls, raw and
vulnerable, only to find that we are what we have been looking for all along, a
song, a dream and a whisper of love.
In this journey, as we embrace both the joy and heartbreak of the path, we also
witness the wisdom, that shimmers from every experience that we encounter,
whether it comes as sadness or bliss, despair or joy, wretchedness or ecstasy, no
matter what the end is, grace is still grace soaked up all with its own beauty, be it
soft or fierce, and beauty is still a beauty, as it shines with a Light of Beyond. As
God speaks to us, we learn how to overcome fear and let trust take its way. This
light is one, that provokes our inner beauty to emerge, so we no longer live in the

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gloomiest of glooms and this is an awakening to the intimacy with life that goes
beyond words. What stands in the way becomes the way, as we move beyond our
struggle into the joy of surrender.
As you trust your heart, you act from the sacred sanctuary of your inner wisdom.
Let the heart flow in an openheartedness, as it is the richest center of feeling and
knowing, and the depth of its ocean is profound. It is our most intimate region
where we touch ourselves, whether we embrace us or another kindred soul,
where we nurture our deepest feelings that go beyond words and sing of an
unspoken beauty.
We go to seek refuge, in the deepest retreat of our hearts, where we can hear
another soul, so we can hold each other, with our wondering eyes in the serenity
of peace. We voice the harmony by the rippling waves of our hearts and love is
the wave, that breaks upon the shores of our hearts.
But as the wave ripples in the dancing ocean, it invites another wave flowing from
the sea of another soul, so in a flow of togetherness---they can have the dance of
love, rolling from the openness of hearts---they dance the waves of empathy,
they paint the vastness of stretch with the hues of warmth and aliveness in
priceless moments of a shared connection.
The sky of our hearts is an unending horizon, where eternity takes its every
breath in beauty. From that connection, wisdom emerges, that flows with the
beauty of spontaneity and is unconcerned with the course and direction of the
flow, whether it be the troubled waters or the waters of placidity.
The trust on our hearts and not on our thinking minds opens up the gateway to a
different type of knowing and trusting. By flowing in the river of an unguarded
trusting, we unlock the doors of acceptance and compassion, within the shrine of
our inner beings, breaking free from the barriers of what holds us back. This is the
pilgrimage of our souls that has its footsteps of eternity.
As we discover why our innate sensitivity of hearts was locked, we go back to the
old emotional wounds that surface and resurface, that echoes and re-echoes in
the horizon of our hearts. Their pain reflected in our eyes, the voice of that agony,
shame and despair, the sound of that melody, the power of their touch, all wells
up within us, as a seemingly bottomless dark pit, while the sensations of sharp

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pain pierce us that are born out of devastating betrayals and despair, all of which
added injury to our souls.
Opening and trusting our hearts needs the flow of courage and our willingness to
be achingly vulnerable, the compelling need to cry out to its depth, as by this
opening, do we meet our old griefs with the light of understanding and
compassion. As we get bathed in the flooding light of that love, we become
deeply aware of the serenity of peace, its melodic stream that goes beyond the
realm of words, and glows as the heavenly wonder in our eyes.
The growth of a soul lies in getting out of the streaming thoughts of our heads
and dwelling in the sacred space of our hearts, as the music, the dreams and the
whispers of healing come from a beauty that can be found in the priceless
moments. Our soul searches in a penetrating solitude, and the spiritual pilgrimage
speaks about this journey, this transition from head to the heart, mind to the
soul, intellect to love, as this shift has the rhythms of eternity.
Dawn lights again and pales the age-old woes, when our attention streams and
learns to trust the flow of our hearts. We feel, we have come to the retreat of our
home, both the sanctum within and the haven of this cosmos. With this
enlightening, the pearl of wisdom emerges from the broken shell, as the waves
return to the wailing shore, pining for love and the trusting of our hearts begins
its flow again, finding the melody of our souls.
A voice whispers that says to follow your heart, but how do we tell, if we are
getting ensnared in a net of delusion, and riding the dance of emotions, or we are
tuning into the whispers of an enlightened soul. The vision of an awakened heart,
this is the wisdom of our hearts as choose to follow its path, because that is a trail
where love and understanding meet one another. Love without wisdom weaves a
web of relationships, that can be wretched and suffer from devastating betrayals.
We lose sight of the shore of faith, and painfully guard ourselves. We struggle for
words, releasing our breath of cutting pain. We had hoped something beautiful to
be born out of that love, but little did we realize, that not every dream lands in a
reality, and not every love gets to have their home.
Awareness and clarity of vision, pierces our illusions without tainting the other,
leaving enough room for us to have a fine-tune with illusion and reality, so we can

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have a glimpse of them as they are, the way things stand, not the way we want
them to. This is how love and wisdom meet each other eye to eye, this is the
awareness where passion and intellect, meet and mingle.
The moment comes when the mystic wisdom breathes into our sunken souls. If
we act from a place of inner wisdom and if there is sudden twist and turn in the
path of life, it only takes us to an awakening, that a lesson has been brought as a
gift, as our lives unfold much more like a meandering river. The river of life is cut
by the greatest rocks, from the beginning of time, but on the rocks are the
timeless drops of life and under the rocks, flows the eternal brook that sings of
in one drop of water you find the secret of life, it flows like your life unfolds at
every daring step that you take into the unknown, uncertain trail that lies ahead,
you do not resist but just flow like a brook, no matter what the melody of life is,
whether it is floating in times of pain or dancing in delight, you listen to the
hidden rhythm of life, and with the rolling of time, it perpetually merges with your
own essence. This flowing is your homecoming.
While life at times may go unseen, its past unheard, but the water has its every
word imprinted in the saga. The brook of life that dances and sings and satiates
your wanderlust thirst, the waters of life shatter against the stumbling rocks, that
come in the way, until the rocks give in and peacefully settle around the secret
space, but as life unfolds, at times, we give out our silent cry and looking at our
sorrowful souls, life whispers that it is in the cracking of pain, that light begins to
make its way. This is when wisdom breathes in as we begin to crack our own
shells of pain.
This is the pearl of wisdom that shines in our hearts, that gives us the light of
message, that we need to take a deeper and intimate look, at how we are living
life. The stream of choices that we make, we do that by taking a leap of faith,
delve in the depths of life, with a trust in our inner wisdom that is born out of
stillness, not out of chaos, a belief that the hands of divine will turn the wheels of
life as we embrace the wisdom of our soul because that is the house of
The river of life carries us into the recesses of emotions, retreat of feelings that
was thought of impenetrable. Guarding the mystery of our inner depths, can
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never really let us merge with the flow, it only pushes us away from making the
gem of choices if life. Life will descend to scatter its jewels of message into the
darkness of illusions, if we continue to live in an illusory world. It is how we
traverse them, how we shatter the misfit choices, in the puzzle of life, that beauty
will come to soak life, with the waters of an unending peace.
This is the winding, enigmatic beauty of Life. Let the wisdom of heart reveal to
you, as a light of an emotional freedom, let it come as a silent flow of knowing
and trusting, in the sanctuary of peace, where you rediscover the light of your
being, the fragrance of your essence. Let it come to you in an enlightened vision
or in the beauty of a dream.
Journeying through the subtle layers of hearts, sheds its light on the reality, that
an emotional injury to the soul, leads to the building up of a dam, to see the
shores of safety, so the heart does not sink, in the deluge of grief. But courage
and vulnerability, reopens the sensitive depths of wounds of the injured souls.
Healing often flows in, through the loving acceptance and attunement of another
heart, in the form of a shared connection that sings from soul to soul. A wordless
bonding, that speaks to both the hearts, that are knotted together, in this
labyrinthine beauty of life. This is when, the rambling of our minds ceases, and we
hear the cry of truth. Follow the heart and plunge in its wisdom.
As the heart heals and clears, depth of its depths unfold, and suddenly we
encounter what feels like our sacred sanctum, the temple of our soul, where lies
the fragrance of our essence. It is the untamed place in our core, where relational
intimacy either dies or dances, when we are connecting as spiritual friends or
aromatic lovers. We become attuned to the voice of our soul, where the music of
life, becomes a path to wisdom.
Rather guarding yourself from the possible heartaches, pursue your dreams,
because your one true life is worth getting your heart broken at times, as it is in
this breaking, that you unfold, and you find the emerging of your own essence.
Living unguardedly, offering vulnerability to another heart is the highest form of
intimacy, and it is in this giving, that you can receive love. Embrace uncertainty.
Some of the most beautiful chapters in life, are written in the most unexpected
phases of the journey.

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Sip the pain along with the joy and taste them both while you can….as this is the
drink of life…it is from this sipping that you leave behind the wonders of your
lifetime beauty that is woven in other hearts. Walk into your chaos and never
leave them as it is in this walking, that your authentic self emerges as a lotus
unfolding its petals. Chaos gives birth to the most powerful yet so peaceful
emotions of life. From this chaos is born the dance of your soul….
That very moment teaches us the truth of life. From this chaos emerges a sacred
stillness that can walk in serenity of mind when the web of relationships will seem
so tangled. This is the light that is born from the saddest beauty of life. Whether
another heart pushes you or pulls you, drains you or fills you, loves you or leaves
you, hurts you or helps you, the relationship is still a part of your growth, as it
comes either as a lesson or as a blessing.
Encounter and experience this journey with others by deeply mingling with them
into this inner sanctuary together. Sense into the subtle layers of your heart. Gaze
into the depths of another heart for out of this relational intimacy will spring the
beholding of divine, as it in this reflective gazing, both of you will tend to evoke a
soulful level of intimacy.
Taste the sacred waters of this touch as it is in this touching that two hearts are
fulfilled to the brink of their longings. Be open to what unfolds in the moment,
both within you and between your meditative companion…It is then that you
transform your shared vision into a light of love, a sound of music.
When the heart opens and awakens, your deepest tears of allowing life to enter
into your sacred sanctuary…starts flowing without and you open into a cosmic
heart, where you embrace the collective suffering of humanity that overflows too
much for just one heart to contain, for just one soul to bear. What one endures in
the haunted silence of solitude, many can share that enduring, when one finds it
unbearable, many can share the burdens as they all carry the suffering together.
Let your soul run wild and free like the bursting of a waterfall. This is the sound of
laughter from the soul as it learns the meaning of beauty and love. From inside
your soul you hear the voices giving birth to this song of togetherness, a melody
of the deepest intimacy, a fulfilled yearning. Endless souls go into endless
adventures together, helping each other flower to their fullest bloom. Embrace
other’s suffering as your own and gather it into yourself.
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You all bear the unbearable depths of agony in a shared connection and the river
fully flows through the heartlands of you all to free you from the dark flow of grief
and misery. Some invisible beauty, some mysterious force pulls all of your hearts
and melts them, dissolves them in a flow of oneness as they gaze together in the
immensity of pain and the intensity of joy. Your understanding penetrates
another soul and together you conjoin for moments of lessons or blessings.
The awakening is the reawakening of your innate divinity. The kindling is the
rekindling of your own godly spirit. You need to access the portals of your
wisdom…no matter what the struggle is, do not curse it or rehearse it in the
tossing and tumbling of grief, but just surrender it to the releasing flow of healing
waters. This is the emerging wisdom of your heart that blends self-love, self-
acceptance and understanding in the inner sanctum of the soul.
Be fearless in pursuit of what causes your soul to dance. Listen to the silence, as it
speaks to you, listen to your heart as it sings to you. May the choices reflect your
love and not your fears, your hopes and not your despair, your dreams and not
your illusion as it is in this dream that the divine seed in you sprouts to its fullest.
You are powerful beyond words, you can either enslave or empower yourself.
Your illusion can either plunge into the depths of misery or it can take you to the
heights of a dancing ecstasy.
Let happiness be your voice and let your grief sink into silence. It is from the heart
that you live and from the mind that you only exist. Choose the path that feeds
your heart and soul. Listen, as your heart speaks to you as that is where joy
resides. Respond to every call that sets your heart to break open and dance as
this is how you find your home. Heart is the true home of your spirit. Look
beyond your thoughts and listen to the whisper from the sacred space of your
Grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind. Come forth into the light
of love as it will fill your life with the breathings of your soul. Look not at what life
took away but, what it left behind. Doing so, you will find love, even in the
dimness of life.
May your heart drink from the spirit of life and spring like a wildflower. The heart
is such that when sigh and cry struggles through its lips, you fall in the most
graceful empathy and when the heart gives out its wordless melody of love in the
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stillness, you fall in the most splendid romance with your being. This is the music
of your heart that takes its voice from the breeze that whispers love to a rambling
mind, love that kisses an aching soul, melody that rises to escape the gloom.
Let your feelings breathe in the openness of heart, so you can write them on the
pages of your life as you get to taste its brightest and bleakest beauty. Because
life comes in a platter of both. It is a blend of breath and breathlessness.
There is no place like home and home is where heart sings to its richest ecstasy.
Surrendering to the unknown, to what is waiting to be birthed leads us to face
some of the deepest fears of life, falling into homelessness, treading through the
path of uncertainty with your heart split open in a naked beauty, the unknowing
of what lies ahead, yet the knowing that it is the journey through the bosom of
unknown trails of life that will take us to our inner sanctum.
This is the inward spiral to your pilgrimage, while you uncover the mystical beauty
at every waking moment, the chrysalis for your self-consciousness from a sleeping
to an awakened soul. This is when you return to the peace, that underlies all fears
of your life, the sound of peace being eternal unlike the sound of fear.
As you immerse your soul in solitude and seclusion, you trek inside the pathway
of surrender where you release that which is unspoken, unheard of, as life threw
its surprises of despair and helplessness. This is the whisper of surrender. See
what it holds for you and where it takes you. Suddenly words come out of your
heart into this mysterious beauty of seclusion, as you unwind your thoughts and
release them in the waters of peace, and you are able to meet life, in its richest
beauty, before despair clouds your vision.
You glow in the light of your inner treasure, the rich landscape of your soul. This is
your sacred essence beneath the layers of pretense and defense. It is the incense
that burns to give the fragrance of your soul. The mine of rubies lies buried,
waiting to be rediscovered, as they sparkle with the richest redness of our hearts.
As you embark on a journey, that lies beneath the surface of your slumber, where
the shadows of illusion weave to cloud your mind, your voyage within makes you
shine in the shadows and glow in the gloom.
The joy that underlies all grief, the hope that underlies all despair, the spring that
underlies every winter, paves the landscape of this life. The fear of powerlessness

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over life’s brutal surprises, the courage to face the fear, so you can embrace life
again, you can love it back again, despite it so being unforgivingly unforgiving, the
knowing that joy can well up again at the sight of wonders--this is when sunlight
pierces our souls again and you find the treasure in your depths.
It is what you have been hungering for all along, and you uncovered it in your
adventure for bliss, surfing through the wild rapids of waters. While immersing in
the deepest stillness of it, we find the elixir of life, the richest ambrosia of souls.
We satiate the hunger that was struggling through our hearts and once that
yearning has been fed with the bliss and beauty of life, we are rooted with
humility and serenity of peace. This is when, we arrive from existence to living life
in fulfillment.
Life will hurt you, but it is what you do with what it leaves you—whether to sing
the melody of spring, means to embrace the coldest of winter or to embrace the
aliveness of presence means embracing the gloom of absence too. It’s by stepping
into the maze, that we step out with enlightenment, it’s by sinking under the
waves of existing, that we emerge as the waves of life.
This is the daybreak on the meaning of living in richness, one that shows the light
to an escape, a dream, a retreat, that adds meaning to all that seemed so
meaningless, that adds hope to all that felt so hopeless, that adds beauty to all
that looked so dull and dross, that adds imagination to all that felt so
unimaginable. This is the seed of beauty, the seed of wonder, that sprouts with
endless possibilities, that sounds and resounds with a song of divine, singing in
Your soul was seeded with wisdom, and now you blossom again into your wildest
dreams. For every seed of godliness, there is a harvest of greatness, for every
seed of purpose, there is a harvest of meaning, for every seed of light, there is a
harvest of enlightenment, but the richest growth blooms in the darkest of nights
and that is when, the light shines through the canopy of our minds.
The beginning of this light starts as a seed, as you kindle your wisdom and insight,
tasting the times of your life. When you met life at the very edge of it, those are
the moments, that give out the spectrum of beauty, a glimpse into the in-depth of
insight, where a light pierces the shadows, dawn penetrates the clouds, and a
beauty makes its way, through the suffering souls. The wisdom peeps in, as we
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navigate the troubled waters of life, and trust emerges again, where there was a
staring emptiness before.
That moment you are in tune with the blessed beauty of your heart, you learn to
trust and navigate again the deeper currents of life. You may be beheld as a one
star glittering in the sky, but it is with this richness of heart that you make a
constellation of the myriad seasons of your life, each with its own light, each light
with its own message of trust and mistrust, betrayal and fidelity, belonging and
exclusion, the incoming and outgoing of some of the finest emotions of life.
The darkest times of our lives surface when we keenly feel the pain birthing from
a struggle and cry out to God. Our battles with grief and loneliness, fear and
rejection or our wrestling with pride and ego often get the better of us. But by
losing ourselves in the faith of God, we find a way back to our hearts, we behold
his splendor, glimpse his majesty.
With the howling storms of life, we seek the cradle of God and just when we think
all is over, behind the curtain of darkness, the divine shows his light in our souls.
We open up the vulnerable aspects of life, sharing with God in words from our
hearts, breathing from our souls, a silent sobbing that is too deep for words.
Trusting our hearts, our wellspring of goodness, touches our ability to have an
intimacy with others, and brings us to the shorelines of our souls, assuring us that
we are enough. We are perfect souls with all our imperfections, as God seeded us
with his divinity. This divine message from heaven above, nourishes the liberating
beauty of trust in ourselves and in other pilgrim’s souls along this pilgrimage of
what we call life.
The goodness that lives through us, the beauty that breathes through us and
helps us to reembrace our innate godliness when we encounter so much of an
apathy surrounding us. In the midst of all the crying souls, how do we find our
pathway to peace, in the face of insane brutality, how do we return to the
intrinsic goodness that once lit our souls, how do we return home? How do we
escape from the limiting appreciation of self? Why do we view ourselves as a
sliver of who we are and forget the pathway to our majestic wholeness, the
splendor of greatness?

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When we know we are the vast ocean, why can we not relate to the waves with
love and compassion, trust and respect? That can take us to the sea of freedom
when tides of struggle show their way. Plunge below the waters and let the
currents of life take us where they may…cause the waves will hit the shores and
crash with pounding grief till they find their way back to the ocean again.
This is when the waves of sadness break and learn to dance again as the ocean
swells. Waves of emotions are engendered by the winds of life. When the clouds
of darkness veil the celestial love buried in our hidden depths, we navigate life by
the course of ocean swells, along with the winds of life and waves of feelings.
If you can read the message of the ocean, you will never be lost no matter what
the waves bring you. Tap into its bliss and uncover the wonders of life again, as
you trust the ocean of your heart, navigating its waters. The ocean will take you
home, as the waves never forget to return to the shore. Swells in the ocean of life
are waves that stay behind after the winds and raging storms have died away.
Swells have the beauty of stability amidst the chaos of life, can be felt more than
beheld. This is when you surf the awakening wave.
Let self-compassion rain on you with grace, beauty and wonder. Awake from the
trance of mistrust, step out of the shadow of doubts. Be aware of the painful
squeeze of constricting beliefs, the voice of shame or anxiety or fear. Let
awakening be your mental whisper noting that something has been trying to
struggle which can dim your inner light. This is the conscious acknowledgement
that can show you the light at the end of tunnel.
Drink the sunlight of a new day or else you will be left alone to hunger for the
breathtaking beauty of that day. How you escape the shadow so you can sculpt a
life of beauty, how you step out of self-abandonment and step into self-
acceptance--that is how you find the essence, the insanely beautiful rhythm of life
again. Rather than absorbing the darkness, begin to emit the light, so you can
imprint your holiness on this universe. Speak to the soul that plays with shadow
and light, speak of the endless ache, the dying grief in your eyes, that comes in a
process so as to consume you in the midst of a staring silence.
This is how, you extract the stones of sadness and turn them into waves of
delight, so what seemed to be painfully frozen shows the first signs of melting.
This is the moon of peace, the heavenly bliss, that you find again as you drink the
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moonlight. It is not the fatal failure nor the imprint of success that echoes, but
how you face your battles, your struggles and still have a courage that continues
in face of the sadistic beauty in the deadliest nights of life. Your journey within
revealed the truth and beauty of your unfolding heart.
You stood up to the claim of your innate divinity, you found your way back to the
song of authenticity, you hear its whisper again in the sun of your soul with the
advent of a daybreak, you fall in for its hums in the nightfall of your heart, you
dissolve and die in the tides of life, so you can be the light again, in the midst of a
sunlit day or a moonlit night. You made your break through to the glimmer.
Ease into that which is boundless, allow that experience to be there, just as it is
and recognize the stream of sensations, feel what you feel as they run through
you. Glide in the wave of emotions, learn how to surf fearlessly, while being
aware of the painful feelings underneath---pause and let be, unclutching yourself
from the clutches of fear, releasing your heart from the grip of uncertainty.
Touch and feel life, so you know what makes you sigh and what makes you smile,
as you surf the waves in a breathless grace--plunging, floating and rising, while
daylight begs you to keep riding this wave of life. Out beyond, where your soul
knows not, how to touch the gloom of bottom into the deeper wild of life, there
your wisdom begins to emerge, as you learn to dance the wilder waves of life.
When the awaiting waves sweep you higher to show you that the ecstasy drops
glistening, on the edges of life, it is then, that your heart breathes and your soul
speaks and soars to fly.
While your heart curls and screams almost without sound, surfing the waves of
consciousness---it leaves with one more thought and speaks for one more
moment, that there is peace to be found in the retreat to the shore, with every
passing wave that leaves, and this is when you know that you have come home
from whence you came.
It is the pearl of an exquisite quest, the coral of your voyage, the mystical wine of
an eternal mystic and it has no ending, no beginning but the flowering beauty of a
pulsating love that birthed into quest, a search for keys--key to the heart trapped
in fear, only to find that it is love that sets all free---This is the beauty that
breathes in spirit, and this breathtaking beauty bursts in the open, when your

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faith in the wisdom of your heart seems to be undulating, no matter how troubled
the waters seem to be, and how clouded the sky looks to be.
You are your own soul surfer, as you surf life the way it comes. As you surf, it can
teach you about love, life and beauty, how to catch the perfect wave, as that is
the voyage beyond the end. That is a soul surfer’s quest, to find the peace on the
sea of life and yet to dance the waves of faith, a delving into a life with meaning.
Those are the phases of a dream, so delve and explore the depths of turbulence,
yet arise with a dancing ecstasy for the passion of life. This is the wild wisdom of
your heart, a wisdom that calls for the sea of life.
Surf life to explore the passion, life and a part of you that aches for the mystic
light, surfing the waves of life, gives you the blissful taste of heaven. It slips us of
being there in the present moment, in the miracles of now--that moment, those
split seconds, this is when you bathe in the healing of a melodious ocean, to
emerge and re-emerge again in the face of unknown waves.
One of the ways to trusting your heart is learning to listen, if you greet someone
with the openness of your heart, he/she will read the breathings of your soul in
that offering, will feel it and will meet you in the same oneness of emotional
influx and possibly will break open the shell and mingle with you with an
unwavering faith. You will receive an energy of kinship of a similar frequency by
this meeting and mingling.
This is how a relational intimacy is born. Whether that intimacy makes or breaks,
whether you build or blast it in the face of fear in this sea of uncertainty. That is a
choice that your heart and soul has to make, while surfing the waves of life. It
may be a push or pull, but it is the bigger wave of evolution that sweeps us with
ecstasy. That is the joy of dancing with our souls blooming while facing the winds
of time and change.
Release the flow of thoughts, that get you stuck in the trap of time. The sooner
you can let go of this stream of your feelings that keeps you tied to the past, the
smoother will be the flow of the waters in your running brook. As that is what you
were born for, you were born with a purpose, a meaning. You were not a mistake,
feel your heart and you will synchronize your brain with the rhythm of its beat.

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Hence will come a deeper understanding of the messages, that the sea of your
heart wants to give to your brainwaves. Let your heart and another heart first
have a duet of matched rhythms, a beautiful synchrony where the connection
sings of togetherness. The secure connection arouses and gets felt to its depths.
You need this felt sense of faith, security with another soul, this longing to belong
in a togetherness, the emotional responsiveness between two hearts.
If they mistune and lose each other, then the desire to search for the lost cords
helps them to tune in and recreate the harmonic flow again betwixt their souls.
Such is the much-needed beauty of emotional responsiveness. As human bonding
flows, emotions are the signals that push or pull and orchestrate the music in this
dance of love.
It is the universe speaking through your emotional wisdom, a wellspring of
guidance from the depths within. Our heart is the untamed abode of emotions
where nobility and compassion stems from and trust the awareness of your inner
guidance that ushers you through life, instead of suppressing this voice of inner
wisdom. Let your guidance stream into the waters of wisdom, where it will flow
with serenity and inner peace and the tapping into a “universal wisdom” when
the wellspring lies within our hidden depths. That is the fountain which gushes to
guide us through life.
While the head is capable of the most creative works of art and bursts with
brilliance with reasoning and intellect, but it can also be hopelessly out of touch
with your inner essence which is the flowering of your authenticity. The source of
wisdom emanating from within gives the insight of who you truly are, but the
head fails to be in touch with your philosophical beauty.
Your heart is untouched by the chaotic storms of life, never suffers from a setback
from pain or fear, but melts with joy, creativity and love. The heart is a wellspring
of richness and is the shimmer of a wealth, that can never be lost because that
glow is a light of eternity. It is the core, your essence spreading out, your soul-
flowering that gives out the infinite love and compassion, that lies within you. Let
the moments be filled with the fragrance of your heart, as you listen to its tunes,
let the dusk slip into your beauty, as the sunbreak rolls over into a twilight.
Give thanks for this joy of living, as it shows the beauty, yet shows you the way to
endure the storms of life, as deep in the roots, the flower within you has spread
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its essence, shining inside of you, your lamp keeps its light. This is your moment of
birth, where you honor your flow betwixt the moments of awakening and
surrender in the dawn and dusk of life. This philosophy streams from listening to
your heart, not the intellect. From the chaotic phase of life, will come the dancing
stillness in your heart, just like the darkness owes its birth to light after the splints
that feed the fire to burn your soul. The wildest imaginations will be born again to
light your souls. It is this blending of extremes, these mingled opposites, that adds
beauty to life.
We exist in this arena of struggles, in the untamed regions where dualities crash.
The sensation of this overwhelming depth, where battles may never seem to
cease and the running between that blazing light and a resting peace causes life
to evolve in a cosmic spiral. You emerge with beauty, because the light that you
carry inside you, is birthing from this evolution of your soul.
This is the starlit beauty hung in you from the blessings of heaven above. There is
no darkness so dense, that light cannot pierce, as you are the star wrapped in the
light of your heart and out came the galaxies and dancing starlight of your soul.
Sunlight that filters through the leaves of your soul, shows the truth that begs
your heart to stay as you are not the things that happen to you. So, find your way
to wholeness like flowers thrive even after they are stepped on. Wildflowers grow
in places where they are least expected. Leave the events in the beauty of your
past and dance gently with life to grow again, so the uncreative mind withers and
the creativity learns to breathe in.
Welcome the discovery of new vistas of life, seeking to discover the awaiting
treasure at the summit, as you adventure in the unknown wilderness of life,
delight in the taste of your dreams and hopes, as it is the unknown lands of life
that take you to the bosom of possibilities. This is how you start the wildfire in the
wilderness of journey, so it can burn the darkness and bring the light.
You have to find that place, that brings out human side of you, which sings of a
soul, a love, a dream, a whisper by tuning to the calling of your heart as that is
what sets you free. The nights of life may flame with fire but listening to your
heart, will cast you into the blowing wind, set you ablaze, so you will burn what
needs to be burnt, endure what needs to be endured and yet rise like a phoenix

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from the burning ashes. This is the pioneering journey into the unknown heart of
life’s densest mystery.
Listening to your heart makes you recreate the moments once lived, you relive it
with the breathings of your soul and time seems to stand still inside of your
memories, that were once buried in the past, as you journey through centuries of
shattered hopes and dreams, there comes the crackling waterfall of wisdom
gushing with the waters of heart which makes you trust your intuition, tap into
your innate instincts. This is home in the stretch of heart, that is so dense with the
leaves of life, so musical with its melody, so rich with its lyrical beauty, that every
soul who walks into it, melts in its unfurling joy.
You tap into the wisdom of your heart and romance the endless possibilities of
life, that open a new world for you. You create the stone decking and landscaping
of your life, with an art that breathes in the passion for life. You learn, how not to
get lost in its maze but the art of coming out of it, the wisdom of knowing--how to
build and not to break with the stones thrown in the twists of life, to be able to
map the terrain under the densest canopy of life, brings out the raw beauty of
heart that is pristine yet enigmatic, in a way of its own.
While you explore the unexplored valleys of doubt and despair, you reveal the
tantalizing beauty of heart, as you venture into the dramatic turns of life. You get
struck down by the deadly nights that ravage your life, and suddenly you hear the
whisper of your heart, that is the mystery ailment and the magic-moon of nights.
The most fearful part is the venturing into the unknown, the bridge between
comfort zone and fulfillment. Any transition brings in the waves of discomfort
rippling in the sea of our souls. Stay open to the world of possibilities and settle
into the trust. Step out with that leap of faith, as you venture in the uncertainty of
what lies ahead, as this is an invitation to the spring within you, to the light
growing inside of you. As the challenges speak to you, this is the way, desire is
born in you, a desire to be an adventurer at heart and soul.
As your heart beats to the tunes of this journey through wilderness, you can
throw yourself in the uncomfortable unfamiliarity---going back to the root of your
soul, with the freedom to explore, experience, grow and dream, to try and come
again to the root of your soul. Escape from the understanding of your comfort
zone, into the entrance of the most untamed, wild abodes in life, surrendering
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your decisions to your heart and soul wisely, tapping into the wisdom that
streams from your soul and become yielding to the unknown, knowing that the
uncertainty holds the abundance of growth, the much- needed, much- awaited
spiral of evolution.
Your sacred energy is not contained in sleeping in the comfort zone, but in
evolving your consciousness, your spiral of awareness, to have a reverence for
humility. The wanting, the willingness to admit, that there is a missing piece of
your life which can add an essence, bring you to the deepest fragrance of your
soul-flowering. If there ever was a time, when the shift was needed from being
sacred to being sacred, then be open to greet the shift, and welcome the
encounters that cross your way, to dawn this transition.
Address your deep hunger for this pathway, that can shift you from fear to
courage, scared to sacred, loudness to softness, noise to silence, knowing that
stillness will speak, if only you know how to tune in to its whisper. Live a life that
speaks of passion than of dullness, a life that can bloom with the madness of your
soul, the wild dancing into the unknown, letting go of what seemed so known, the
courage to break open the oyster and to discover the hidden pearl with its light all
along within the soul.
Your heart has a voice, when life is too loud for you to hear, when your thoughts
will haunt you, immerse yourself in the stillness, voicing itself out of a sacred
silence, as in this stillness you begin to hear things, the wisdom of your inner
voice just knows how to flow choices from the sacred core of your being, as it is
the birthplace of your shrine, a consecrated melody and the enshrined message
voices from there.
That is the solemn message of serenity and never let it be crossed by the logic and
expectations dwelling in your head, the wanting to have approval from the world,
the desire to have validation. Viewing life through this lens can only feed your
head and not your heart, feed your ego, and not your deepest emotions, as love is
beyond the realm of ego and pride, it knows not how to boast but how to plunge
in life’s finest emotions, that adds beauty with its richness.
All that was earthly and lost its voice in the hustle-bustle of everyday tides,
suddenly becomes so sacramental and angelic, with a touch of an invisible hand,
which is the divine print of love, as the inner knowing is beyond thoughts that
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chirp in our minds and it feels so right, as it flows in synchrony with our deepest
Take time to be still and uncover the beauty of meditation. Immerse into the
mindfulness, as the silence helps you to hear the stillness speaking to your soul.
So, tap into that priceless wisdom of your heart, and envision that which is
beyond your vision, see that which is beyond your sight, imagine what is beyond
the realm of imagination, as that is where, the divine shows the hallowed light.
Then you emerge as a sacrosanct being, to whom breathing can be as sacred as a
breathless wonder, ordinary can bloom into an extraordinary, words can turn to a
celestial melody, time can learn how to stand still, and give birth to a timeless
beauty. This is the quest for an inner quietness, in the midst of life’s struggles.
Take a moment there to rest, steal a view of the heavenly vista and reflect on the
path that you have chosen---whether it was grand or inspiring, or whether you
hear the calling to let it go, and choose a path that can give you the vista which is
beyond any horizon.
Look out at this vista with an intimacy of your soul, so the light of sunrise will
glimmer on the waters and the blush of a sunset will rest in peace, all mingling in
the beauty of your heart and soul. This is the vista of grandeur, bursting with the
rawness of it, with its hidden rhythm and melody. Events and encounters are
ephemerals of life---they pass and hardly glimpse before they settle back into all
that is enduring. Even the briefest of encounters, has something to give,
something to add to the vista of life, so as to illumine the intermittent pieces, that
add up, to paint the broader landscape of life.
Make your inner sanctum a cathedral, where you can worship, where you can
pray with the breathings of your soul. Going to that sanctum is going home, that
path of wilderness is a necessity, as at the end, it is not the path that you walk,
but the illusions that you cross, so you can walk into the gold of your soul. This is
the journey that has seen unseen sunrises, unnoticed light, that has waited to
break on the shorelines of your heart, if only you have the time to pause and gaze
back at it.
When the winds of life call, you know that somewhere in the journey, it has found
the answers that you were looking for, and you just have to go--this is the calling
of beyond, that which has come to meet the hunger of your soul. Your trails may
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be winding and lonesome, crooked and uncertain, unknown and mysterious, but
at the end, it leads to an amazing view, the most awaited grandeur that can feed
your soul and quench the thirst.
And glorious is the greeting, that life gives your soul. Each peak of emotions
ascending in your heart, teaches you something, be it joy or grief, only when you
have been on the deepest valleys of fear, can you ever feel the magnificence of
beholding the vista of joy. Being sunk in the lowest pits of life gives you the
humility to add thankfulness in your life, only by walking into the griefs of life, can
you walk deeper and deeper into that beauty.
This is the joy that glimmers in life, as it is beyond any struggle, beyond any
change, beyond any time in the midst of an eternal change. As sunrise sleeps into
sunset and your soul sings into a poetry of life---all poetries hold some stories--
the ones we dream, and the ones we create with the encounters of our lives,
while our souls speak in whisper--"God knows I have tried”.
The clearest way into the maze of universe is through its forest of wilderness,
because when you clasp to a single piece of beauty that writes itself, you clasp the
entire universe in an embrace of that beauty, and the peace of that oneness,
flows into you as sunshine flows into leaves.
You drink that beauty, the way nature drinks that sunlight, despite the winds of
life’s draining energy from you at some seasons, but the breeze will blow its
freshness to you, and blessings will drop their loveliness, when the passage of
time--it will whisper your essence back to you, so you can find your voice again--a
voice that once gave rise to a thousand melodies of life--each melody with its own
note, own message, singing itself in this universe.
Just listen to your heart, and the melody will filter all that was too loud and will fill
in with all that is too soft, where you can see all that is golden and stands written
in time. In every walk with life, you receive more than you seek, you drink more
than you pour from your own wellspring.
You learn the language of the crashing storms of life, the deluging floods that
splashed all over you, yet you came out alive, you emerged--not as a sinking soul,
but a rising soul, not as a dimmed star, but a twinkling one. You acquaint yourself

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with the stumbling rocks, yet you learnt to come in intimacy with the heart of this
To see life through a lens that can be daring yet so embracing, distant yet so near
holds the key to many questions. The dew never ceases to glisten, the drops are
never really dried up, this is the eternal ecstasy drop, that keeps you moving
towards the eternal grandeur of life--this is the flower, that we have been in
search of but fail to find, as rarely do we know how to clasp it, but not to crush its
essence--how to hold it gentle so we do not possess it-- that is the art of holding
on which comes when we tap into the wisdom of our hearts.
Life seems to be in no haste, no rush of anything, but a gentle carefree, careless
melody, echoing and re-echoing in passage of eternity. You dissolve in it, you
nurture it, you speak to it as you drink deep its beauty. This is the true freedom of
your soul, the key to unlocking the mystery of life. The blending of our souls with
life is our communion, that emerges as a star of heavenliness in our lives, as in
this losing in the tracks of wilderness, that you find yourself, to paint your beauty
in the sky of eternity, with heaven witnessing the holy hues of your soul.
Thousands of wearied souls are waking up from this slumber of their comfort
zone and are hiking the uncharted miles, exploring how it feels to be in the wild,
just to hear the voice of trees, the whisper of meadows, the echoing of
mountains, oasis blooming in the bosom of a desert, the gurgling of streams and
the flowing beauty of brooks--how it feels to be a human soul, searching again the
divine melody in the bosom of wilderness.
This is the journey from losing to finding--as you find the peaceful solace--the
desire to discover--as it is this journey, that holds the answers to our mystical
questions, as we fondle the unspoken boons resting in the secluded beauty of
nature. All souls may seem lost in the hustle and bustle of a chaotic life, but
within us, the wilderness still lingers--what we dream in the sleeping souls, we
live, and we live it through the voice of peace, a peace to be found only in the
searching for something eternal.
The ecstasy of surrendering when the craving for a mystic peace runs so intense,
that we can barely contain it within us, and then, that we seek the warmth of that
solace in the breaking of a new dawn. This is when we feel our most euphoric kiss
in the moment of a heavenly bliss. It releases when we follow our wild cry of joy
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and grief. That is our life calling to us, as dewdrops blossom glisteningly in the
dawn of life, showing the signs of a sacred awakening, while the day rolls over
from sunrise to sunset.
When you go far beyond the horizon of a known, the din of human racing slowly
fades away and we lay open the feelings in our bosom--open to the sea and sky of
serenity, perfect in their beauty, yet pushing us towards vulnerability and being
unguarded, unnoticed, we dive into their wonders, voicing our secret cry of soul,
trying one more time to give a melody to a wordless struggle of us, witnessed by
God above, so it turns to a song of peace, to all that is left behind.
Heart is the sanctum of an emotional outcry--an unpolished diamond, a sacred
soul singing in gospel of truth, so virgin in purity, so raw in beauty--that an
untamed wilderness, forever finds its lost melody there--where you can hum
loneliness and stealth, dropping the cloak of a known familiar and embracing the
beauty of the secret dreamer. The lost mystic in the chaos of life is finding the
way back to a stillness that speaks inside.
The desert beauty of heart runs dry in the winds of change, the chaotic storms of
life, yet the beauty is sublime in the sense, that it gives birth to an outcry so deep
that it penetrates the most impenetrable rocks of life, so much so, that something
enlivening is born which frees the light. It unleashes the grandeur, where beauty
is never cloaked again but draped in the greeneries of love.
Lured by the intimacy with yourself, you travel, you carry your heart, you carry
your soul with you, within you--so it speaks to you, in your most unspeakable
moments, reaches you when the world fails to reach out, hears your most
unheard stories, notices your most unnoticed grief, voices your most wordless
struggles. This is when you walk into the wild--to find a rapture of delight in the
wilderness of intimacy with your own soul, one that dances in the stillness that
speaks, a serenity that sings.
There is no dream too big for this intimacy--as this is the kinship, that leaves us
wanting for more. It is an adventure that was waiting in our souls all this time--
you waited until the flames of your life flickered so faintly, that it seemed right to
blow so it could die, but from somewhere within, you heard the cry. Let it live one
more time, while you seize the embers of life, so they do not burn away of what is

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left behind, and in this moment of homecoming, the soul learns to live one more
time, in the desert and wilderness of life.
The waves, the winds of life live in us, to teach and to change us for the better, to
humble and to sanctify us. This meadow of a personal wilderness of our souls
entwined with the wildflowers of life, brings the wisdom, that dawns in through
the details of every breath, where we meet life in a raining of the past, the
whisper of now, and the winds of a future yet to come. This is what an intimacy
with life does--it teases you, taunts you and finally lures you in the freedom of a
new- found joy.
As you gratefully and prayerfully walk with divine, you find all that is within and
around you, for the blissful yet brief moments in time, as each moment unveils its
wonders---you used to be a wanderer, seeking your belonging, and then life
bathes you with the welcoming waters of a forever homecoming. Never before
have you felt this breath-taking spirit, until you danced this passion for life.
Your whispers were heard and released, as a dancing stillness of your soul, where
you plunge in peace, harboring no sadness, as every grief inspired you to dream.
A thousand times, life may have touched you, but never ever, have you sensed
this bonding of oneness with the wilderness of your inner world.
Just trust in the wellspring of your divinity and believe in your dreams---as, that
which once made you, can never break you, that which once sang in you, can
never go unsung--that which once gave out its cry, can never go unheard of. All
you have to do, is to find the pathway back to its voice again, write the beauty in
the breathings of heart and plunge in its essence with your soul.
Never lose yourself in sobbing for joy, as it lies hidden within you, waiting for you
to awaken, inviting you to live in the world of a dreamer, and then in solitude, the
possibility of rediscovering yourself again, where you find your truth, your
penetrating essence. This is where, you immerse yourself only to rise again, you
plunge in this sea of calmness only to emerge again.
The ocean knows its song---the shoreline, where it echoes and re-echoes, as the
tide tries to return its home and awaken the sleeping souls. Lounge in the
memories of a past so aching, that breathing becomes a struggle, but also look
into the dreams of coming years, to feel once more the clasp of your past yet to

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awaken, so you feel the touch of life--of what might bring a rain of boons, a
blissful shower in the years to come.
Which dream was born that never crumbled? Is this a betrayal enough to silence
you in pain? Dare to dream--dare to fly, in the stretch of all that’s unknown,
where the soul meets the sky---burn and burn more, so you can shine a little
longer in this aching hunger, seek for a path that waters you with peace, but
peace needs to come in its own timing and own way, as this is your journey and
yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. This is
when, you walk into the Light of Beyond--a message from eternal, each step
etches you deeper into the penetrating beauty of that, where time surrenders
and decides to stand still. Such is the beauty of beyond. This is the time, when you
make peace with the sunset of your soul, and in this moment, you ultimately
make peace with yourself, with your restless heart. You trust it unwaveringly, and
out of that faith is born a light, that lets you walk by in the light of your wisdom.
Listen to the music of this peace, look deep into the evening beauty, as it
whispers. It is time, to step out and give a face to your buried dreams, and you
learn to live your half broken, half alive dreams, until they breathe in your soul
with a new light, that emerges from the sanctum of your being. From within you
rise, and you go back to a life, so it can give the universe a meaning, a purpose
that is worth remembering. These dreams are born in your wildest beauty, and
their birth is possible, as you choose to step on this earth, in the undulating faith,
that what you do from your heart is what will hold you high.
Only then, while you stand barefooted on the shores of endless possibilities, can
you listen to the earth whispering your name. And you can open up so you can
embrace the change you want to be. As you learn to love the sound of your feet,
learning to walk away from the things that do not speak to your heart, you walk
by the wisdom of your soul. This is the wisdom that sheds light on your trails, and
while you touch the soul of this sacred earth with the soles of your feet, you step
every moment in an enlightened consciousness. You know your struggles, but
eventually all of your struggles dissolve into the light. You dance to the rhythm of
your own song, as you listen to the music of your soul. This is the music that is
born while you trust your sacred heart. So, the lyrics are no longer clouded with
sadness and despair but with an intoxicating joy of life.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Dare to Dream
Crossing some kind of invisible line, you come to a place you never thought you
would land into. This is the place where you call from. You whisper awestruck at
the beauty waiting to be unveiled, that goes directly to your sanctuary, deep
down, where your souls secretly hunger. This is the soft, untouched, unfading
you---you can love yourself in this moment, no matter how much your past calls
you---see past any veil that clouds your essence---delve in the beauty of
dreaming, with life nestling against the sunrise and sunset. Your dreams are your
retreat, where you sleep immersed in peace. That retreat is yours to return to at
any time.
In the chaos of life, when the days get so long and nights so restless with an
overflowing stress, weaving the web of waking dreams onto the canvas of beauty,
you walk into the spring of truth---that you have your own folds to unfold and
own knots to untie. This feeling of a sort of intimacy with life, when for a moment,
you know all its wonders, without anyone having to reveal its mysterious
wonders. While you look into the eyes of life, it looks back at you, and speaks all
that was unspoken within you for years. It gives word to your wordless beauty
sleeping inside---fragments of your inner life, that were captured in time,
suddenly seem so released. And they begin to flow in the beauty of surrender,
and out comes the dreamer, the lover in you who dances in an ocean of intimacy.
Creating a vision, giving it a face from its dream is about stumbling, tripping and
failing, as from there arises the desire, to give birth to a spring where we greet
the moments when we dare to dream, when we contemplate on the stumbling
rocks of life---so we find the place, where melodies lead to pure murmurings of
life, and we imagine of a beauty so intense, that it wells up in our eyes. This is the
longing that is among the human’s deepest needs.
Dreams are what inspire us, and art is what defines us. It is the dreaming from the
heart of your hearts, that gives rise to poetry, music and melody of life. Don’t let
your dreams die while the music is still alive. Let the song descend from your
heart, as that song streams the light in a world, that has gone insane with pride
and pain. That is the oasis of peace in the midst of an arid desert, so the long- lost

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dreamer wakes up in you, who can shape the future in the beauty of a dream,
with lessons and blessings from the past.
Throw your dreams in this universe---give them wings to fly, as you never know,
what it will bring back--a new hope, a new love, a new beginning. Dreams die of
weariness and withering, so you, with your deeper instincts choose them---so
they never doubt to trust your taste of life. Never let a day come, when the
dreams struggle to live in a bud, which is more aching than to be in their bursting
Each dream represents a life within you, a life possibly not born until it arises
within you, and it is at the light of this meeting that a new life is born. Dreams
show you to look into life lyrically, poetically and musically. It brings out the
contemplative beauty in you, you gaze within yourself, a gaze that penetrates not
just you but this universe, as it is this gaze that lights up the soul of this cosmos.
While you plunge in a bewilderment by the tides of life, dreams will pull you to
the shore, they will send you from the ocean to the sands as they sense your
wanting to pause and to breathe again---they veil your despair, your helplessness
in the raging currents of life, and at times, they come to gift you with an
adventurous curiosity that bursts out with an undying, unfading zest for life.
The beauty of a dreamer is not to dream of the ordinary, that tunes into the
mundane aspects of life, but to dream of the extraordinary that gives rise to an
esoteric beauty, that takes people to taste the wine of life, to sweep them in a
wind of passion---so they open up and not conceal the raw emotions of life, so
you can breathe and cry out through the weaving of your dreams.
Go back to the state, when you were alive while being asleep, as in the dreaming
of your dreams, you can nourish them with the virgin purity of your soul. It is an
act of birth and rebirth of your inner child, each time anew with a desire to live,
longing to break open one more time. As the old dream dies, a new dream is born
the moment and you rest inside of it. It is when you push it aside that a drowning
dream tries to hold on to you, to clasp you tight, so you do not kill your sense of
wonder, your hunger for mystery, your desire for beauty and your thirst for what
keeps you alive.

Dewdrops of Compassion

You don’t find a dream, it finds you in its own timing, own pace, as a dream to be
born, is written by heaven above in the beauty of stars, that never fail to give out
the light, no matter how hard a darkness weeps in the sky. Never surrender the
beauty of your hopes, and your dreams to the vision of others, as the light of your
voyage does not reside within the blinkered vision of naysayers. Your divine
wellspring will show you the path of turning dreams to a reality, a living from the
heart, that will take you to a joyful living in light emerging from darkness and give
you the truth, that it too is a gift, where your destiny meets your dreams. Dare to
tap into that greatness of meeting--the light of that greeting.
At times, you might run into some brick walls only to find a way around them, so
you can travel to the light in the midst of an uncharted sea. A dream that inspires
everything and gives hope in a hopeless situation, gives beauty in the saddest
seasons of life, as it leaves the sleeper and arouses the soul to be awakened.
When you swim in the sea of unformed vision of beginning anew, shaking off all
that was no longer serving you, and fighting out the hopeless battle of life----there
is an emerging dream that gives you a sacred inspiration in the light of divine.
That is when, you chose not to abandon life but to embrace it one more time. This
is your sweet surrender to the dreams, craving to taste life one more time, hoping
it will dance you till the end of its ecstasy. To find out the truth of life, you meet
encounters that bruise your spirit, you greet people in your blindest faith, when
you were so desperately hoping to see the light of a communion in them, wishing
to see the mingling and dissolving in one another, but you wake up to find out
that reality clashed your thoughts so hopelessly. Yet out of that clash is born an
awakened soul, out of that hopelessness is born a dream, that writes its beauty
on your heart, wishing to catch your glimpse, so you can let your spirit dance
again in the sleeping beauty of a lonely night.
By facing what is inside your soul, stripping off your shame and fear, you develop
an intimacy with life again, not on your terms, but the way life comes with its
varied beauty. You choose to stay and not abandon. You make your way to give
your dreams a voice and the sight of all that you thought was beautiful, but never
had the time or place to give birth to hope or a song--all those that died out
before they were meant to be, all the saddest beauties arouse your deepest
longings to portray them meaningfully, so they relate to the unfulfilled needs and

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desires of your being, and here comes the light of your dreams, the meaning
behind it, the purpose to show you your inner essence, to whisper one more time
that it is far from over.
With a leap of imagination, we delve in the excitement of possibilities, as you
write your dream on a paper, that once seemed so blank, as emptiness once
stared into your face and hit you hard, and then emerges the pen of imagination
that turns a vision into a shape with the ink of your heart, and out flows a dream
born out of the wildest imaginations, flowing from the untamed regions of your
heart. This is the portrait moves some to tears of joy.
This is the moment of return, when you drink truth and beauty, where you can be
entwined with your dreams in a boundless expanse of imagination with the
universe dwelling in your vision, in your blessed solitude. We do not weave the
imagination so as to escape the reality, but to dwell there in the lingering
sweetness of its beauty, a beauty that can take the shape from a raw vision,
spinning a world where you can be so dancing in an intimacy with your dreams
and desires, after you have survived the bleakest of circumstances and the
hardest of battles.
And then emerges your dreams to turn the seemingly impossible dreams into a
possibility so real, all in the fondling of your deepest dreams. Dancing in an
imagination is a gift for those, who know how to dream wildly with their hearts. In
the dreams, you sail over the seas that wash away your distant past, a past that
seemed best left unsaid and suddenly emerges as a light in the sea of memories,
and you know deep down, the light never truly died away, but kept flickering
inside, so as to burn it into a flame, and give birth to a dream, a hope in the
deepest intimacy with your soul.
You blossom in richness in those wildest dreams, as those that can be seen have a
passing beauty, but those that can never be seen, their beauty is one of a kind--
the one that breathes in eternity. It is those richest dreams, that give birth to the
spiritual evolution in your soul and you are no longer the same. They burn away
all that was bitter and sad, lonesome and grieving, and ignite a spark within you, a
spark from where an inspiration is born, a new chapter, a new story gets written
with the pen of your dreams. This is the passion for life in a midnight’s dream.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Never forget the invisible hand moving with an amazing ease, as that is the story
behind the scenes of life. If you have ever seen any dream peeping into your
mind, then it must have dwelled somewhere and somehow. And it takes you to
wander, into the darkness of the unknown and by the dim light that you travel,
you sense a kinship that you carry, and along the pathway, you may glimpse
something that can catch your heart and soul.
This is an eternal night that gives a rebirth of light and life, as you grow up and
grow old from all the encounters that you traversed in your life. You seem to
reach the unreachable vision, as you catch the glimmer of that light and you
penetrate the most impenetrable places inside, as you see the shimmering hope.
You fell in love with the story of your life, from where hopes are born, and passion
comes in, to make you dream more and live further. This is when you leave
behind something of you, and you take with you something of all that you
encountered in life. So, they never truly die but dissolve in you, to blossom you
into a flowering essence, so you can fill the deepest longings of a human soul and
feed the hunger of a thousand hearts.
Never shatter this dream, rather carry it with you, within you, to let it be, so you
can melt into its sheer ecstasy--the passion of being alive. This is the beauty of
dreaming, the art of living life where imagination and passion thunder, and the
portrait of life once more, reveals its vibrant hues. The events that dim the vista
of your life, later on turn out to be those that enliven you, so as to give a new light
to it, a new face that emerges from the drowning waters. It is a labyrinth but rich
is its intricacy in the weaving of desires, memories, fears and passions. The
nightmare of yesterday turned into a dreamscape for the years lying ahead. It is
the moment, when the sun of this universe greets the sun of your soul.
It is a wonder, how simplicity and imagination entwine together, to create a
boundless empathy, so it rinses you to make room for new hopes, inviting you to
drink from the wellspring of a new creativity, welcoming you to sip the emotions
of life again, so where you once lost yourself, you can find yourself again. You no
longer struggle to remain, rather you are an overflowing of your beauty, that can
no longer contain within, but flow on others with all the passion—that is the
streaming of hopes that never died, dreams that never disappeared, but stayed
alive, made their way through the first light of a breaking dawn.

Dewdrops of Compassion

You found your way through the moonlight, you broke the spiral of your illusions
and saw the dawn again, that gave wings to your imagination, so you can fly again
with the freedom, that soars from your soul. You take back the power to choose,
and walk in the path of making choices from the wisdom of your heart, which
paints beauty to the canvas of your dreams.
You walk into the shattered pieces of some age-old dreams, that were forgotten
in the passage of time, and you make a wholeness from that brokenness, and you
sculpt them into a visionary dream. The streaming wisdom turned you into a
sculptor, a dreamer---someone who can make some sense out of all that is ugly
and turn it into a piece of living beauty. Never walk away from life, walk into your
life, as in this walking, don’t curse the storm as with the passage of time, you will
realize that it too was a blessing---the winds of change may rip you to pieces, but
in time, you will see something whole emerging from it. That is how, we are
refined by the scars of life, the bruises that they leave behind, mold us into
someone more humane.
The glistening tears that well in your eyes, eventually turn into a light of your soul
that whispers--You are a masterpiece, not some shattered piece. It’s what was
buried deep inside, that found its way, and all that was broken got rebuilt into a
beautiful sculpture of life--a mosaic of love and beauty, where emotions mingle,
and hearts speak with their wisdom. Listen to your heart, it knows the way. Life
doesn’t seem so brutal anymore, pain doesn’t seem so unforgiving anymore, as
tenderness makes its way and you emerge from the chrysalis of awareness. The
shell broke, to give light to an injured soul and down the solitary lane, walks the
soul that is a bearer of light to all those that have lost their sanity, questioning
what is left behind.
Is there any beauty to behold again, any softness to seek solace in, any love to
look back at, or any memory that refuses to die? This is the light that you pass on,
to those lost in their insane pain of lives, as by giving out your hand, you give out
your soul, to enliven someone, who has lost their only hope, as by this entwining
do you weave the dream of togetherness in the illusion of separation, and lovely
is the dream that dances them till the end of Oneness. It is what you have always
yearned for, in the hidden recesses of your heart. With the rolling of years, came
out a new you, and the wonders of you unfolded with the passing of time. A new

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bud opened up holding new possibilities that whispers --do not be afraid to dance
in your dreams, as those are the moments when your deepest yearnings, that
which are left unsaid come out spoken. The hidden beauty is no longer hidden,
but it echoes its message. Listen to its whisper as no mystery can shroud its virgin
beauty, because it was born out of the purity of your vision.
When you were distanced by the illusion of doubts, you coil inside. And you begin
to dream when you step out of all the shadows, that are beheld in a darkness.
When an unseen force of all that is bitter and hard, can no longer seep into you,
then comes the moment, when you slip into the beauty of your dancing dreams.
It manifests your spirit, as in the vision of your imagination, you shed off your
layers of that, which obscures your true beauty. You no longer wear the face of a
smile, that is struggling within to release all that is bitter and ugly, painful and
Instead, you can peacefully sleep into the beauty of peace, a peace that unfolds
you in a thousand ways, that is your innate desire, that waited all along within
your soul, whispering that it is your vision---this is what you are born for. You are
inspired by your dreams, as in the struggle of a daylight your mind is trapped by
an image of yours, where you are not yourself at your fullest bloom. You can
never read yourself by that image, you cannot relate to who you are at your
deepest core, you relentlessly struggle, for that relational intimacy with yourself,
as you wear that mask.
Your inner wisdom is where you can tap into your endless possibilities and can
listen to the whispers of your heart and soul. This is the point of merging where
you dissolve in the sayings of your soul, in the guidance of your heart. Your inner
and outer worlds need to blend in the sheer joy of mingling. From there can arise
your dreams turning into a reality, where you no longer wear a face, that hides
your deepest feelings, but you are at ease with yourself, as what is flowing within
you, is going to flow from you, into this universe.
And blissful is that water, as you realize in a new light, that every setback that you
encountered, gave rise to an upside. It begged you to dream more, to try one
more time, a dream that inspires you to turn them into a reality, is your waking
consciousness, an awareness that speaks through you. Every ending has another
beginning, the battle that you once thought you lost, maybe in that losing, you

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can find yourself again. Look for the light of beyond, that comes in the form of
something or someone in your life, with a message, a hope, a whisper--so you can
start all over again, and your story continues, as your dreams begin to rise again
with their beauty falling in loveliness in your aching nights.
Let the dreams walk with you, when you sink back into despair and hopelessness,
walk with your dreams, as their beauty never evades you---their essence never
leaves you, rather they fill you, in your sleepless nights. This is when clouds end
and they pass away. Life doesn’t seem so shrouded in mystery anymore, as you
listen with your heart to a whisper from God. You no longer get lost in the
wilderness of life, that once seemed so unexplored and unending---has been
understood, standing at the very edge of life, yet daring to dream again, wanting
to live again.
As you clasp the beauty of your wildest imagination, you finish all that was left
unfinished, you come back to those places that once haunted you. You visit those
memories that once made you leave, and you come back to pick up all that you
left, because your dreams did not die. They were somehow waiting to be aroused
and at the whisper of God, they arouse you, they call you to respond with all that
you have, so you do and do not die. Herein lies the charm of essence, the
wonders of imagination, their dancing at the perfect timing, their coming in your
thoughts, so you create a beautiful canvas of your envisage, a portrait of your
contemplative thoughts, their wonders, the unceasing joy that paints itself with
the hues of your creativity.
All dreams continue their trails in beyond, as the soul breathes in eternity. What is
of utmost beauty, is not the first or the last glimpse of anything, but the
enlivening spirit of your creativity, the weaving of your dreams, the web of your
imagination, how rich it is in intricacy. The details of your vision which
encompassed life from all aspects, including the deep as well as the shallow, the
eternal as well as well as the ephemeral---as all of it, molds the events into a
beautiful image with the rightful inclusion of every single facet.
As all that it takes to create a multi facet beauty, that creates the spiral,
eventually leading to its vortex. This is when a beauty is born, as your dreams give
rise to a piece of beauty, a beauty that makes an impression on the heart of

Dewdrops of Compassion

The art of knowing how to find a path in the valley of despair and to find the
tracks in humanity again, how not to let other’s journeys leave their footprints on
yours, but to let your own unfold at its own pace with the its own encounters,
how your soul dancing in the prairies of wild imagination can be the preview of
life’s beauty that is yet to come.
It makes you open new doors, takes you to the portal of a new wisdom, painting
your life with the brush of an artist, not with the reasoning only, but with the
richest hues of heart, stealing the beauty from all that inspires your heart and
feeds your soul, giving in to your hunger, that is silently waiting to imprint its
signature on your own story. The walk of your life is capturing and recapturing the
moments that release the miracles, that we fail to behold.
It is not so much what you take with you to feed your hunger, but it is what you
do with them, how it comes out as an art, a portrait, a canvas of inspiration that
others can behold, and be inspired with your richness of molding, your art of
sculpting. Your heart begins to understand the beauty of transformation of a coal
to a diamond in the rough.
It is a necessity of the heart, to create a jewel from all the deepest desires and
thoughts. You immerse into a place of peace, where this world knows not how to
break in---you plunge into the secret dreams and delving into an intimacy with
them---you emerge again with your sunken desires, that you once buried inside.
This is a piece of you---a piece that never truly died, but waited to be given a
voice, an art to be expressed. A painting was born out of it, a poem came out of it,
a song sang itself out, the melody broke into a thousand weeping souls. This is
one of a kind creation, the fire that once set ablaze all that was smoldering. It
burns bright, to set a spark in other slumbering souls---this liveliness, the zest, the
pulsing life that streams from you, the voice that speaks through you, is beyond
the realm of time and riches.
A sleeping soul can take a worst tragedy, and be sunk into the depths of its
sorrows, but it takes a soul to be an artist, to turn it into a piece of beauty, it takes
a heart to be a creator so as to create a masterpiece out of the broken pieces,
that which fills the eyes with wonder, immerses them in a peace beyond words.
You find your passion out of a most unforgiving tragedy, and you burnt with it, so
as to give birth to a dream, that you could work on.
Dewdrops of Compassion

This is for you, who can bring a little weaving of your creativity, run your fingers
through the figments of your imagination, to bring a piece of beauty, that can give
a purpose to your existence, and can make your living worth living---this is when,
you lose yourself in the sheer ecstasy of living, as you have tasted a joy that you
never sipped before.
Do not create, so others can appreciate it, but because it belongs to your spirit
and reflects the light in you, that this universe bows to, so others can feel this
godliness of your beauty. Create so your creation becomes the book of your life,
create so your creation stands out as poem, or a song, let your life be the very art
through which you express yourself in a beauty so sublime. May it be the richness
of your creation.
Heed the call that arises within you, which gives you an inspiration from Beyond.
We experience a plethora of feelings--joy, love, ecstasy, wonders---as well as grief
and suffering, humility, pain and anguish---Being fully human is to go through
these, embrace them as they cross your path, greet them in the most humanly
way possible, and yet to live fully and richly so you can engage yourself in the
living of your deepest dreams.
May you become the creation of your creativity, the image of your richest
imagination, as therein lies your essence--the soft, untouched, virgin you, with a
beauty once beheld, never forgotten. Make dreams more intensely and
beautifully---so it becomes the answer to questions that cloud your mind, that
haunt you in a waking light, that inspire you in the gloomiest of glooms.
You explore the delicacy of your finest feelings, yet besides all that, you go
through the plethora of some of the strongest emotions, that can emerge with a
fierceness so intense, so it can turn your life upside down, and then is born the
creative impulse that arouses you, and you grasp it as the propulsion of life. To be
able to see beauty in that bloom, is a rare gift and to create an art out of your
own life, with all the throbbing passion that you have, is to live art with the
beauty of your dancing soul.
Honoring the dawning of your dreams, the desire for creativity, is an appreciation
for conscious, beautiful love, as it makes you rise from within, and you have an
enlightened encounter with the divine presence speaking to your soul---essence
of truth sings in our dreams and our imagination---all creativity has a blooming of
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truth of yours and mine. As you pour forth your soul, in the melody of this
timeless dream---the part of you that ripened in tenderness and imagination, rises
again from the valleys of the lonely walk, and emerges to show you a world, that
is absorbed by the flooding emotions of richest dreams, so much so, that it
becomes the living, breathing soul of someone, washed in the heavenly light of
It is the birth an awakened imagination, an enlightened dream, where an
unconscious soul, saw the first light of consciousness, and all that was
meaningless, suddenly sprang up and became meaningful---the art lies in turning
the invisible beauty that is subtle and hidden, and to turn them into something
visible to the ordinary eye, so it can dawn in a sight ought to die for.
From the past of emotionally hued memories, the shaking soul comes out and
stands, with the roots anchored too deep, and all that was withered, shows the
first spring of hope, in a world of imagination and possibilities---with trickling
tears rolling down within.
Once you have sipped your desires, your soul would want to escape the reality, as
it holds much of an earthliness in its ephemeral beauty. It is by exploring the
unexplored expanses, in setting the untamed regions of heart free, that you can
taste your deepest dreams---this is the wine of life that is unending, as its essence
breathes in eternity.
Mystery is always veiled in ignorance and the true unveiling happens in
imagination, and out comes a soul, who can see an astonishing beauty, the beauty
that speaks of life. And our densest imagination gives birth to an extraordinary
vision, that which is esoteric and ethereal---lit with a celestial light, which
awakens us to a life with its timeless story. It never ceases, it never dies---but lives
in eternity.
This is the imagination, that painted an exquisite view of life in its grandeur. How
life can be trapped within the web of emotions, how it can be so caught up, that
we may lose the sight of it, forgetting the vista of life in its truest sense, and then
one day---how life can come out of that entrapment and show the blooming buds
of hope again.

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In this daring adventure of life---but the spirit of adventure lies in the way life
invites you in and lets you breathe out your weariness and leads you to breathe in
the passion for its vibrancy---its irresistible attraction draws you down, into the
abysses of your imagination, down to that innermost recesses, which never cease
to amaze a soul.
You gaze at the expanse that you can paint with the hues of your dreams,
whereas others spend their whole life, looking for the beauty and meaning of it.
Faith in the eternality of this light, makes you cultivate your thoughts that make
you endure the storms, that life brings you in, but you need to wait for the best
that is yet to come. There lies the genesis of a new world, a new beginning, where
creativity and wisdom blend with a love so pure, so virgin, that it takes your
breath away, as you gaze at it with an awe-struck wonder.
This is when life speaks to you, as the beauty makes its way to your soul. Your
instinctive desire is to leave your imprints on this universe. Your unlocking of
experiences, your gratitude for the encounters that come in your path, your going
through the agony and ecstasy of relationships and the meaning they add to your
life, and what you master with time, the art of letting go with grace and gentility,
the beauty of what is worth holding on to, weaves the tapestry of life.
It is then, that creativity takes its birth and keeps you away from sinking into
melancholy. Dreaming becomes the essence of life, and you learn to breathe in
them. It is what you carry within you, wherever you go from the beginning of time
that helps you to create the landscape of your reality from the seed of your
dreams. This is what you were gifted with, this timeless ability to create and
inspire, so you can help others come out of their own shell, and reveal their
hidden pearls of wisdom.
We emerge from dying every moment and life burns us into something new,
someone new who sees life with the gaze of an innocent child, as if awakened by
the first light of morn, that which inspires an aching soul to rise up and be
inspired, to blend the magic and imagination in a blissful mix, so it can make the
day to day life bearable and breathable, and at the end of a day, passionately
Celebrate this creativity as spring has awakened the fragrant blossoms, and no
soul can breathe without this fragrance, that makes life so meaningful, so sublime
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in its beauty, that all that was dross turns to walk away---this is the inspiration
that whispers music to our souls, and we learn to dance with it, before we learn
that, there comes the storms and surges in life that isn’t so musical.
But despite the passing rages, there comes the bowing to the single priceless
moment, when we realize that we feel alive in the passion of life, in every
possibility of our vision, we sail smooth, when we accept and honor the many
beauties of life---the contradictory and complementary beauties of agony and
ecstasy, joy and grief, light and darkness that are clashing and harmonizing bands
of thoughts and feelings.
The root of all souls lies in both the expressible and the inexpressible, sayable and
the unsayable, spoken and the unspoken sides of life, willingly immerse
themselves in all aspects of beauty that sings music to the ears. Feelings and
emotions delicately weaved together, feelings and perceptions entangling each
other, so imagination can dance in again, through the gloom of nightfall and
adorn and preserve this web of imagination, as it in this web.
That you find the way out of the gloom and find your way in the light of life again,
the art of gently slipping out of the wretchedness of daily life and falling into the
bliss again--this is the journey into the spirit of life. There is something glorious
about kneading out into the firmament, the depth and breadth of one’s own
imagination and its expanse, so you can create a canvas and project your desires
and your dreams upon it, to your hearts deepest imagination--the glory of it all
shining in the far-reaching light of it, that purges the cynical, unforgiving aspects
of life, as your dreams envision, what it could be in the bosom of life, once more,
rising again and facing life the way it comes.
Rewriting the script of life, as your creativity was enhanced to its fullest beauty
with the myriad experiences of life, as you craft and recraft the vision of your
dreams, all entwining with one another, to give birth to a purity that comes out of
a heart, which has been bathed in the healing waters. Being breathed to life
again, so life in its turn can speak through that soul again, in a living, breathing
way that arouses the lost melody and reminds the once forgotten tunes of life is
the best beauty of all.

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All the wonders that feed the hope, all the beauties that feed a soul, all the
dreams that feed a vision, how they live in your mind, once they start to dawn in,
the way they bloom shyly yet with much of a fulfillment, says it all.
The art of seeking heavenliness in life shows its face again, in joy and grief, hope
and despair---gloom and bloom of life, when you stop and enter the space that
speaks of sacredness, the place that shines in light, where imagination and
possibility breathe in again, serenity makes its way again, with the dawning of
hope, that what was once impossible, shows the light of possibility again.
What once looked so unsightly can have the bliss of a sight again, what once was
so appalling can be pleasant again---what once was so uncomely, can be comely
again, so you can find your voice in the running brooks, in the swaying leaves and
scriptures that are written in the lessons and blessings of life. With those come
the wisdom, that helps you find the missing beauties in your life.
You rise from the ashes of your unfulfilled dreams, and become the light of life,
that makes the way in someone else’s darkness. You become the melody in
somebody else’s aching soul. Life starts intoxicating you again, by looking into this
joy, we break from the world of our struggles and we master the art of mindful
connection. The winds of change are always blowing, they can bring you either
your biggest struggle or your greatest bliss, your worst agony or your greatest joy.
And in the gifts of those priceless moments, you can see life again with a new
vision, a new perspective, and we learn how not to take a touch as a blow, or a
sound as a noise, or a misfortune as a tragedy, but how to live so as to see joy as
an ecstasy, a friend as a lover of life and belonging together. We sense some
compelling, inward urgency, an urgency to see the splendor of life and to behold a
heavenliness in all that you see.
Life may beat you down and crush you with its agony, but the art of life is in
learning to know, how to get back your ecstasy, the sheer rapture of living life,
how to breathe life again back to your soul. An entrance into your inner retreat, a
flight into an immersing solitude, breathes back life again, that is when, the awful
things of life turn into some of the most awesome beauties. Dare to come into
the dancing dreams of your soul, that show you how to live, love and gently let go
of things not meant for you.

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Dreams sweep all that was old and dying inside, so new joy can find its space to
make its way in. It shakes the falling leaves and gives birth to all that is green,
inviting life one more time. This has a message as you are the manuscript of this
divine happening, and it happens through you, as life speaks through you.
The universe is not somewhere out, it is within you, as the divine shows in your
soul. Behold the treasures of life and carve a new life on the rocks, that life threw
on your way. Life’s essence is the rarest one and it comes with the wisdom, with
which you get up every time life knocks you down. This is the strength that you
show every time you stumble.
Life calls from everywhere. The question is, how do you respond to that calling?
Do you choose to ignore, or do you accept? Do you push it aside or do you give in
to the invitation? Do you leave it aside or do you want to dissolve in your love for
life? Will you let life dance inside you again, so you can learn the art of living or
will you sink into the dying grief again?
The wisdom to choose as your heart guides, comes to you as you tap into your
instinct within--the cry of your heart to live and drink in its beauty, for one more
time---Life is a beauty that scatters pearls, if only you can see that, in the serenity
of solitude. Elegance emerges one more time, as you learn how to surrender to
the beauty of uncertainty, knowing what to keep and what to let go with grace.
This is how, you find the reflections of light on the encounters of life, that come
along your way.
The laughter and the sorrows, the faces of them are where life writes itself, and
welcoming them the way they come, gives us the essence of an ultimate truth. As
life comes, how you move, your movement becomes the revelation of the dance
of life, whether you abandon life or celebrate it, depends on whether you bestow
your faith in the calling of your heart.
Every breath you take, every word you speak, recites the poetry of life on your
lips and glows your imaginations in the sacred depths of your soul. Dance more in
spirit with the life and less in the motion of your thoughts, as it is the gateway to
awaken the dreamer within you, to arouse the lover inside you, to inspire the
artist sleeping in you, to solace the grief that was bleeding in you, to enlighten the
darkness that was glooming over you, so you can be a dreamer, a lover, an artist
all over again.
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This is the birth of a life that goes beyond the language of words, because
somewhere along the way, there struggles a yearning from deep within, a craving
for a love affair with your life, begging to draw you even closer. That is all
consuming, so engulfing, so much so that you cannot push it away. Breathing in us
the courage, to face this adventure called life, enlightening us to unveil life while,
it is shrouded in a mystery, is the priceless awakening that we are gifted with.
The passion lives within us all, some find it when joy can wash away grief, and for
them, the living itself becomes a passion too deep to ignore---With every step you
take beneath your feet, life becomes a movement, and when passion blends with
it, that very movement becomes a dance of life. Your thirsty soul finds the flowing
waters, when your existence becomes the passionate dance of your heart.
It is then that you live to capture every moment, in a beauty that you know will
never pass you by again. Trust the light of this beauty, as it knows the way of life.
Inside of you dwells the fear and the courage, connected yet separated, two sides
that make each other complete, as life whispers what the truth of duality, so you
move with your spirit, and life answers the call to your wandering heart, and
suddenly you pause to tap into the wisdom that life seeps into you.
Life is made fair and lovely for the eyes that behold it, for the heart that knows
how to find the beauty. You fly towards its splendor and unveil the thousand veils,
that fall down every moment, only to reveal that each was a blessing in disguise.
Eventually you find your way through life, in its own language, and the unfolding
of its splendor makes you bloom in a full-blown beauty of your heart. You create
and re-create yourself, this is the weaving of your hidden beauty.
Life, sometimes it smiles through a sunshine, sometimes it shows through the
smiles of a new born baby, the intimacy between kindred souls, some other times
it laughs a thousand laughs through the blossoming rose, or some dew-kissed
flowers. You unlock the fullness of life, by turning a stranger into a friend, a house
into a home, chaos into stillness, conflict into peace, and denial into acceptance
and turn fear into an understanding.
It burns all that is struggling inside and brings out the beauty of refinement, the
grace that adds richness to your soul, the immersing in appreciation, sincerity and
finding out, that you have more of life than what you once had. When you let go
and let God be in this journey of yours, it releases a joy in your life and adds to the
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flow of brook that runs within you. Life never goes away from you, just because
you struggle to return to the life, it may stir you up, but it will call you back. It will
seize you, consume you and then kindle you. It will be your burning fire, yet it will
give you the sweetness to last. You and life seek one another and out of that
seeking, dreams are born, a dream that is timeless and limitless.
Every long-lost dream leads you to create more, run wilder into the hearts of
imagination, as you run with the faith that your lost dream, your broken path will
be blessed till the very end. The star that lights every broken soul, leads him
straight to home. As you fall to your knees and sing a broken melody, you cling to
the divine to give you the embrace of a lifetime, you hold on to the promise of
this lifetime, with a faith, a trust that was seeded in you at your holy birth.
Empty your heart of that which knows not how to run wild, which knows not how
to dream, as it in this running, it is in this dreaming that one loses himself. This is
the art of losing in the mystic beauty of life, so as to find oneself. The running that
sets you free, the dreaming that makes you create, the pouring out of yourself
that lets you fill in is the most adventurous running of your heart. Come to your
heart, for you who are hungry will hunger no more, for you who are thirsty will
thirst no more, for you who are a seeker will seek no more, as life is here, life is
now, in the treasured ruins of a broken heart.
Bruised may be your heart, but do not let your spirit sleep and give it a vision to
wake up to, give the words to the soul to speak, a voice that speaks out the
deepest desires and the aching needs of a broken heart, as it in this speaking, that
you find the splendor of life, one more time. This is the treasure that lies hidden
and asleep, this is the peace that breathes in you, when you are in search of your
dreams. Just when you are longing and leaving the faith and hope, just when you
are running and crawling into the emptiness that eats you up, right then, the rain
comes wishing, you can soak your soul in its falling of bliss. Believing in life one
more time is the moment, when the heaven meets the earth with an euphoric
And suddenly you know that you stand along the shore of his ocean, and the sun
still rises, and light still floods the earth, to make you realize that there was just a
broken piece in your life. Just when you think what life would be like without faith

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and love, light stirs you up inside to show you, that a bend never has to be an end.
You can either crash to see a hopeless end or swim to see a beautiful shore.
The dreams you envision, shape you and your world in profound ways, and if you
want to live that dream that brings you joy and ecstasy, then be conscious of the
ways you dare to live, be conscious of the ways you dare to choose what does or
does not speak to your soul. As how you choose to live, will outline much of what
and whether you dare to dream. Conscious living springs from the soul. And as
awareness raises you to wisdom of heart, you become aware that as you tap into
your soul, you can unlock the doorways of bliss and abundance.
This is the wisdom that can dance you to the wildest of your dreams, that can
make your heart leap in the wildest imagination. Daring to dream begins from this
wisdom, the ancient wisdom of soul. Not that your soul never knew it, but that
you failed to glimpse its light, as your heart was taken over by your clouded mind,
when despair, ego and pride seemed to cloud your sky every now and then. With
the endless trials of life, as you gain and regain your clarity, and your sight gets
polished and re-polished, you begin to have a vision.
With the rising of this vision, do you begin to dream again. As you can now see
things better, you can now feel what speaks to your soul versus what speaks to
your mind, the subtle differences between knowledge and wisdom and the
beautiful realization that knowledge at some time pales away but it is the wisdom
that leaves a legacy behind. In the light of this truth, do you dare to dream from
the most untamed places of your heart. As dreams rise never from the tamed but
from the untamed, never from the fearful but from the adventurous hearts.
As you dream by the light, you become more aware than compared to the dreams
that you dream at night, as the night always comes with a brooding darkness. The
darkness that veils your clarity and takes you to a clouded dreaming. Your
thoughts, your vision may be clouded by this brooding sadness that descends at
night. You change as your visions take another shape, another form in the
dimming of the light. But, as you dare to dream in the rising light of a rising sun in
the advent of a new day, your clarity takes you to a sacred vision. You see a new
purpose, a meaning that holds so much beauty for you. Your perspective breaks
into wonders. You become a wonder to yourself and you dare to rise from
yesterday’s lost battles and you dream again.

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As you walk within

The journey within our souls weaves the provocativeness and the wisdom of our
hearts. It is an enchanting invitation to walk inside, to lose ourselves in the
vibrancy of every moment, so we can delight in the ecstasy of finding ourselves
again. The beauty of a contemplative spirituality reflects the wonders of
mysticism back on our souls, and light floods in to rediscover the emotions buried
deep inside.
Many go on an endless quest to heal what is unbearable, so as to hold them all
together and glimpse the clarity of vision, the heights of a spiritual awakening, the
bliss of a revelation. There is joy and heartbreak, agony and ecstasy, both along
the path, and as we witness the streaming wisdom flowing from them, in the
form of sadness or bliss, despair or joy---we realize, that we can embrace them
with grace, no matter how it comes, be it sweet or fierce, as it is still a grace sent
from Beyond.
The journey of blooming in authenticity, is not easy as it emerges out of a
plethora of adventures and needs an understanding encounter with the totality of
who we are, be that beautiful or ugly, tender or brutal, compassionate or
These encounters, each one of them carries a message, bears a light of a wisdom
that has something to give, something to contribute towards the fulfillment of
life, an introspective and a meditative journey within, the beauty of blending
them both, how they are fulfilling each other, how the blessings and lessons of
each encounter outside, can lead us to a reflective awakening inside.
Bringing awareness to our deepest emotions, leads us to face the hardest yet the
saddest of them, like sadness or rage, fear or shame. As we come face to face
with the naked and alive emotions, come as they may, we deal with the raw
beauty of ourselves that is so virgin and pure.
And in the wonders of those moments, we need to pause, be reflective and
immerse in the pondering mind. We need to slow down and acknowledge the
happening of what happened, the presence of some of the most struggling

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phases, and seek for a different pathway, that can be more inclusive of change
and understanding, shift and healing.
You come in contact with the most raw feelings hidden within you, all seeming to
emerge again and you return to the exploration of the most unexplored places of
your inner being--to try to explain all that seemed so unexplainable, as you see
yourself more grounded, more anchored and most meaningfully healed.
There is a deep fear coiling within, that lives inside the shell created from the
encounters of each saddening experience, because it feels safer there to curl
within its depths and lay asleep, abandoning the aliveness of your true self. Let
breath, life and awareness mingle and let them speak to you, whether a self-
abandonment or a self-acceptance, whether an acknowledgement or a denial,
would breathe life into you again and show you a more enlightened path.
Into the mystery of your seen and unseen beauty lies joy and heartbreak, sadness
and bliss, happiness and despair---out of this wonderful plethora arises the mix of
balance. And there emerges a question of whether you would choose to live in a
loneliness or companionship, joy or a sinking grief.
Is the weaving of encounters going to lead you to a portal of wisdom, so you can
be more awakened on your walk within---are you going to glimpse the sacred
sight of a universe dwelling within you? The love seeded in you, the light born in
you, or will you choose to curl back again, in that unenlightened but seemingly
safe and familiar place?
Sharing the discoveries of our new landscapes, our desire to breathe out of what
we are struggling with inside, seeing confusion and hopelessness when all else has
gone so dark---can give us the fulfillment of what was unfulfilled within us, meet
what was unmet within us, realize what was unrealized in us, and finally
consummate all that was left untouched in us.
For it is out of our profound sharing, can we give others the pathway to our inner
sanctuary, that can lead to a fusion of feelings, a mingling of emotions, an
exhaling and inhaling, all of which can give birth to enlightened choices and a
streaming of bliss.
When we are in acceptance with the truth of not knowing everything, when we
open ourselves within and journey through the darkness so as to find a meaning
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of all that seemed so meaningless, the unexplained explanation of the gloom, the
illusory, the unwise choices that we make being mind-driven, becomes clearer in
the awakening light of clarity. Our futile struggling in a sea of helplessness ends
and suddenly we see a beautiful shore, where there are thousand souls who seem
so unwanted, uncared for, yet each hungering for a love from others, each
desiring to share with others and walking together with them, being sensitive and
open, awakens us to the enlightening truth of oneness. It gives us the fulfillment
of bonding, that we so desire, and what once was fragmentary now becomes
whole, the void that was once left so untouched, now becomes consummated.
The richness of human journey breathes here. Listen to its calling and whisper it
to another soul and let it whisper to another in this universe. So, the
enchantment that begins with the whisper from hearts echoes and reechoes to
make its imprints in the hearts, as in the wilderness of our hearts, there lives a
child deep within us, passionately curious, where all the unanswered questions go
back, to knock the door time and time again, in search of the light.
Beneath the penetrable face of adulthood, lies the forever face of childhood with
that undying childlike wonder in eyes, that stirs the soul to the heights of passion-
-a passion to explore what was hidden, to discover what was undiscovered, a
desire to invent that was never invented, from the seemingly known to what lies
as really unknown. The enthusiastic desire to reach out to the seemingly
unreachable places, the urge to look for a meaning in what seemed so
meaningless for so long, all begin to blossom in the light of an awakening truth.
It is the voyage, the journey between who you once were and who you are
unfolding as, the gradual blooming of your soul with the plethora of encounters
that cross your life, the uniqueness of their individuality and the richness of their
totality--with their beauty of blending yet each with its uniqueness, bringing
something of their own, that can shed a light on this journey, that dawns a holy
shift in a soul from an unenlightened state to an enlightened being.
The art of silencing the sounds of our daily existence so we can hear the whispers
of life, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts, this is to live, to be
born every moment of it, slowly yet so richly as the plethora of moments take our
breath away.

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Every moment speaks bliss to you fluttering from the tree of life---suggesting you
to emotionally release that which holds you back and embrace that which
whispers of a new beginning. If you give your ears to listen to the truth as it
whispers, your eyes will begin to behold an unseen beauty, and your heart will
begin to receive it as life blooms back in a thousand ways.
The despair that you cling to, keeps you away from seeing something new. The
hardness that you hold onto, pushes you away from breathing into the
tenderness of life. You need to be free flowing in the river of now, as that gives
birth to a life that gives sacred sparks within you. By giving yourself in the river of
life at the present moment, you never lose, but you open the pathway of a
thousand loves, thousand benedictions streaming towards you. You pour out your
compassion, and existence dances with an ecstasy, that runs beyond your wildest
May giving become the song of your soul, so you can immerse in the bliss of it, so
the sun of sacred wisdom shines on you and benedictions flood on you. Let giving
become the sound of your soul, so you can make a music out of that, which can
feed the hungry, clothe the unclothed, shelter the homeless and take in the lost
and lonely. It is in the beauty of giving, in the splendor of that moment, that you
as a wave merge in the ocean. You dance as a wave in the ocean of humanity,
with a hidden light that waited for so long to burst out.
This is the time, when your heart closes the eye and kneels in a silence that
touches the soul---this is the moment, when you see God shining in you, and then
comes the time, when your heart rises and turns to behold and all that it beholds
are the wonders of life, dancing around in an unchanging madness, a swirl of
This is when beauty kneels down beside you, to urge you to come to an intimacy
with life, to love it with all your rawness and vulnerability. There is a song seeded
in your rawness---there is a beauty bursting in your vulnerability---there is a seed
inside all of this---this is the seed that sprouts to life, that gives birth to a love-
song, the song of life.
So much life breathes in your giving, the pure virgin beauty of your heart, and at
the capture of moments, you find that giving is where love breathes, and love is
where life breathes, when two souls join in a holy communion---a sacred act,
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wrapped in a sacred moment---when the souls breathe love into each other--
speak life to each other in a moment of glimpse---as it speaks of a beauty that is
beyond the words.
Bless the souls as they come and go as in each arrival, in each departure, comes a
song, a poem, and a wordless prayer. The richness you bring to others lives
becomes your own and Godliness is born in a melody, the richness they bring to
your life, becomes their own and Godliness is born in a poem, and the beauty that
you all bring to each-other, becomes the heartfelt prayer of you both.
Souls in communion is a beauty too rare to escape, as there is nothing more
powerful yet so peaceful to behold, than a heavenly sight like that. A communion
which has the fragrance of love, the light of a new sunrise, the bliss of
heavenliness, this is the mingling that captures the moments, draped in loveliness
of the love-lit souls breathing together.
In search of the deeper meaning of our lives, we need to let the silence sing and
the stillness stir our hearts, so the touch of it blossoms into a sacred dawn. This is
the dawn that unveils what was so veiled, for thousands of years. This is the light
that breaths timelessness into time. Every moment of our life is a rich love story,
where we have so deeply fallen in love with life, and every breath whispers our
deepest passions, our most intimate desires.
Even the briefest moments speak of our innate passions, that make life worth
living, a beauty that is so naive yet so full, a sight that is a piece of art, an art that
burns bright in our hearts.
Life whispers its beauty through a thousand hues, that all speak their secrets to
you. This is when time stands still, as it looks beautiful yet so enigmatic. One sip of
this wine and you dance in an ecstatic delight, because these secrets of magic,
have been living in you all along, only now they burst into a morning light.
The beauty has sung its song and you have danced. Life has come, and reason has
faded, as it is its magic that has lived from time to a timelessness, and you inhale
the fragrance of its sunlight and moonlight, while they fall from the lips of heaven
into your hungry heart. Life has its seasons of wilting or blooming, but at the end,
life is still a life with a charm of its own, falling from heaven with a beauty that

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leaves a lingering kiss. It is the kiss that awakens your soul to dawn, as this is the
sweetest epiphany of life.
You search for the words. You search for the space where you really meet
yourself, and you come into a light, when you see the perfection of the moments,
the blooming beauty, the singing epiphany, yet the fleeting nature of it all--they
all escape into a speck of nothingness. That is the streaming of life in a river of
sacred now. It flows and flow it must, but what really stays, is the beauty that it
leaves behind, the moments that you once had. You weave something out of
them, sometimes it gives birth to a poetry, some other times, it takes the shape of
a beautiful art, an art that shapes you, molds you and you are no longer the same.
When magic mingles with those moments, it is then an epiphany rises within our
souls. It is this melody that calms us, when the storms of life do not know how to
calm down, it is this sacred tuning that sings us a lullaby, when we get so battered
and bruised in the ugliest battles of life.
Life may strike you, it may batter you, it may haunt you, it may hurt you, but
never let its epiphany die as its music brings you alive from darkness to the light.
This is the wonder of wonders, the grand show of all which breathes life again to
those who have given up hope. Here is the reason you are in search of, the
journey within, never to quit but to keep on walking. Why would you ever want to
step back from your journey? If need be, go back to that place where you came
from with new beginnings, new hues that make a meaning, that leave something
behind in life, so we can behold the old landscapes with our new eyes, that hold
so much of hope.
And we can begin the ventures of our hearts beneath the skies, so much so, that
life brings passion back into your soul and you meet yourself in life, time and time
again and the beauties of life that we carry with us, make our moments so soulful.
So, when melancholy speaks in the deadest of nights, it is the treasured beauties,
the loveliest of what stayed behind in the bloom of nights, that keep us moving
on, so we can make through the nights, when sadness makes its way.
So, madly indulging in life’s treasured moments, gives us the light in pursuit of
which, we search our whole lives. The remembered beauty, the loved seasons of
life, all come with a message of light. Enchanted you look at life, as it comes with

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an intoxication of liveliness, yet the boredom of dullness, a blend of both--a

beautiful merging and a sweet mingling, and out of it all, comes the wine of life.
How you crush them all to a drink, that ultimately becomes the elixir of life. It is
this sip, that makes you weave the wreath of love, that speaks of the gladness and
delight. The rich hues of life, that makes us forget the aching moments of life, the
love that rests in eternity, pushing away the sadness that is more brooding in the
loneliest of nights, the melancholy that is more weeping than the wordless grief,
finds its song anyway in the awakening of love. This is life coming in colors that
you never thought you would see.
You say---Life I love you back, dancing to your depths and surging to your seasons,
because it teaches you something, gives you the encounters that make you a new
you, in the mingled beauty of the sacred mix, as you see everything with a vision
so meaningful, a sight so powerful and a beauty so peaceful. Nothing goes in vain,
as all of them add up to a meaning so sublime, like its beauty dwells in the layers
of a surreal mystery. It can be seen, yet so much of it lies in the unseen, a beauty
birthing in an enigma ought to die for in its breathlessness.
Never ever let your mistrust seep into your thoughts, never let your passion for
life die, if there is even a faint light of hope to be alive, as it is in that breathing,
that you breathe passion again, the dancing surge of life. Never let your hopes
down beneath your footsteps, as it makes your body heavy but your heart wild.
Let your footsteps and your thoughts carry you down the awakened path of heart
and soul, as that is where, you leave your footprints behind and somewhere in
your life, you may want to look back to return to the moments, that took your
breath away, while your feet were taking the steps to move forward.
Let your passion chase all the clouds of mistrust, let your soul be apologetic, in
the path of life, may you leave the footsteps of wisdom, so others may follow
your footprints---this is the wonder of staying alive, so others may be roused in
the wake of your liveliness, and they can keep searching for your footprints on the
sands of time. Speak your life in the journey that you take, on the path that you
travel, so your life can speak to all in a way, that helps them to dream, to create,
to hope and to sing, so the moments of their life can come and visit them, with a
passion that can rise again. A joy that can sing the beautiful tunes of life, in words
that can write a poem on their hearts, such should be your pilgrimage, so others
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can feel the heart-felt need to be on the pilgrimage to their souls. This is your
awakening, so you can awaken others---so live and leave your footprints on the
shimmering sands, and others can find a way to return to their shores and give life
to their dreams, breathe passion in their life, sing joy to their souls when the
music seems to die. In your footsteps leave the essence of life, so others can smell
the fragrance and carry the echo of a life that speaks.
Let your day breaks come with the essence of life--knowingly or unknowingly,
may you feel the joy of being alive, in a ceaseless wonder, as the dreamer awakes
and begins to dream again, the sleeper wakes and begins to live again, the lover in
you is awakened by life again, the dreamer in you is inspired by life again, the
child in you is dancing again, the singer in you starts singing again. All are
breathing passion into life again.
Written on the shimmering sands and lived on the waves of life, is the story of a
soul, the saga of a journey--the endless, undying moments of love, that life brings
to your shore and how they wash away all that was struggling inside of you, and
blurred out memories suddenly find their way, to emerge but leave the shore in
the beauty of a gentle washing away.
This is the joy of wandering around within the soul from deep to deeper,
revolving deep within in search of its essence, so it will flood you with a fragrance
of who you once were, and what you once had in this wilderness of life. With the
realization of this, comes a lingering peace all over the soul, in knowing that
amidst all the melancholies of life, you stand like a momentary gold, a sun rising
to take away the night. This is the sun-lit heart of yours coming to sight, as you
take your footsteps within.
When you begin to walk within, passion moves your soul, and life starts speaking,
so all your unfulfilled desires, your unquenched thirst, your unfed hunger
gradually gets fed to the core. As you are fed, life starts whispering its secrets to
you with a magic, a beauty of its own. It is this passion, this ecstasy of life that
sews your pieces together so securely, so you may bend but never see the end of
path, as the enchantment of seeing will always keep the pathway open. The
unfolding of your life gives light.
And it is by this light that you keep on walking. And by the faith of this light, you
see that there is a time to walk and a time to pause, a time to search and a time
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to rest. As in this resting, heals the crushed spirit, the broken body and the
bruised soul, as it turns your weeping into a dancing delight and in that deepest
moment lies the most exquisite beauty of life.
This is the power springing from life itself. This is the art of life mingled with love
and madness, frenzy and delight. This is life dancing through you, living through
you with all its hues. Getting breathless from the beauty of life as it consumes you
with all its bittersweet beauty, you dance its waves and let the sea of life dance
through you. As your heart holds this ecstasy, it outpours and itself in the sea, so
you can taste the wine and become life itself. Life comes with its own tenderness
along with its harshness, but at the end, life endures everything and has its way of
sending you back to the shore.
And when you find a way back to your essence along this journey, you make
music along the way. And life is rising again, with its sun and moon and the light
that rekindles you along the journey. And all that once pricked you gradually turn
to roses in bloom swaying along your way. This is the journey when you find
yourself, time and time again. No rush, no hurry, just breathing in and breathing
out with awareness and all things begin to mend at their own time and own
season. This is the vista of life, where the landscape is something so beautiful,
and the surrounding space so immensely sacred that you turn a prose of life into
something as beautiful as a poetry.
And its beauty cuts its way across the emptiness of mind and wisdom leaves its
trail across the path of all that seemed so unwise and light leaves its path across
the sky of darkness. This is when the heart in you awakens and the fragrance of
seasons smells so rich. This is when you enter your privileged space where you
can blossom with the unfolding of your own wisdom.
This is the dream of gold breathing in fulfillment. This is the beauty inexhaustible
in its horizon that answers to your call. This is your homecoming. This is what
knocks you breathless and brings out the best in you, so you live with a beauty
that never leaves you. The moment the sky opens, and dawn breaks in, new light
starts coming in and new voice starts roaring in urging us to awaken, begging us
to walk away from all that drowned us in grief.
And with dusk we walk up the hills of life to watch the afterglow clinging to the
tops, with peace falling everywhere, and we realize that this sacredness, this
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space to walk within, is also a space to reflect, the stillness where we immerse in,
is also a stillness where we contemplate within, the sadness that rips us apart is
also the lesson that blooms our wisdom. This is the secret of seeing the pearl
amidst the desert wastes, this is the pearl of wonder amidst the treasured ruins of
life, this is the gem that shines in a forever light, where solitude lounges in peace,
and all else rests in the serenity of your soul. The endless mingling of hues and
them all cascading down the hills, as we go from the dawn to the dusk of life. This
is the place, where souls meet the peace with a welcoming smile.
You become the walking story of your life, the walking poem of your beauty
inside---such deep is your journey within your soul. Tasting the deep pain as you
go to the depths inside, healing yourself up when you think you are falling apart
silently inside, can make you reach yourself to a depth that you never imagined
was possible. Something deep in the soul awakens as things fall apart. A chord
gets broken or lost and only then does it begin to understand, the struggling
journey through the phases of loss and devastation.
Descent becomes the new way of unfolding of your soul from its very beginning.
Every sentient being falls from the womb of life when the waters of the inner sea
break and out comes the time when we learn how to breathe on our own. As the
ego that you once lived with begins to see its first crumbling. The ego that once
whispered to your mind, that once everything falls into place you will begin to
sense peace. But when you hit the rock bottom, and your peace chooses to leave
you, you realize that to find peace, to bring it home is the much- needed thing
and all else will fall into place. This is when you begin your journey within.
You are no longer just breathing, you are being fully alive, as someone who can
shake off all that holds back and dance into a new light. It brings out a side of you
that learns how to whisper to the trees, how to laugh with the flowers, how to fall
in love with the sunsets, how to listen to the running brook, how to worship the
stars. This journey within broke wonders inside of you, so you can now see what
you failed to see before. Sipping the happiness from life’s gladdest moments can
seep in the ecstasy of life, the true delight that can feed your soul for your
journey to go on. The moments that once broke you, challenged you, finally uplift
and expand you. The heartbreak became your heartbeat. The once lost wine that
fed your soul is now forever found as you journey back into the passage of time.

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You are the beautiful song waiting to be sung, you are the beautiful poem waiting
to be written, you are the beautiful story waiting to be told. This is the beauty
falling into you, this is the dream birthing in you.
We are all perfectly imperfect. No two flowers are alike, no two snowflakes are
alike, but there is an expansive space for each one of us. At times, we collide as
we join and at times, we damage one another. We get impacted by the winds of
change that take place along the journey. But that is the beautiful reflection of
the grand orchestration by the divine. We are all being driven to the same
destination. But it is our journey that is uniquely meaningful to each one of us. At
times, we cross path into one another, and we face the inevitable changes. But,
therein lies, the truth of reality. Despite all, we are still headed to the destination.
No two flowers hold the same colors, the same essence, yet each flower comes
with myriad petals that hold the light of beauty. This light holds the truth of joy,
the truth of purity that springs from our hearts. Each flower gives out its own
essence, its own smell. Yet the universal truth is, the flower gives out its smell
even to the hands that pluck it, smell it and crush it. It leaves something behind
that lingers on the sands of eternity. The hues maybe different, but the giving
away of its essence even when someone stoops to crush it all, is the same. This is
the essence of love, that lingers behind, long after it has left.
Aloneness gives you this speaking vibrancy of life, what matters and what does
not, what stays and what leaves. If you learn how to sit with it, it gifts you a more
introspective, richer you, where you learn that the most ecstatic freedom comes
as you look into yourself for your desired happiness, as you realize that joy always
comes from your own sanctuary, the light always glows in you at your sanctum
and that the divine has never really left you in the real sense of leaving. At times,
when you fail to glimpse this truth, seek comfort in knowing, that while you were
weary on your own, to walk on the sandy shores of time, and when it looked just
your own footprints, but in reality, it was the footprints of the heavenly divine
who carried you through in the roughest battles of your life. Some of the most
beautiful paths can never really be found without feeling lost and lonely, as the
best of the pearls can only be seen in the nights that seem so long, at the times
that seem so unkind. The richest of the riches gradually seem to come along the
way, when you seem to give up. And that is the best of your journey.

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The compassion that heals

No one soul can walk this path other than by themselves. This is their walk and
theirs alone. By walking this path in the light of compassion, hope, forgiveness,
understanding, do they glimpse the endless treasures of compassion. In this walk,
you can only lose what you get attached to, what you bond with and what you
cling to, that raises the fear of losing someone or something. Life needs to be
touched delicately, with grace, with understanding and life needs to be lived in
moments of relaxation that lets the soul breathe with compassion at every step.
The moment you begin to live life by strangling it, it feels like an ultimate choke.
So let life happen to you, let life come to you, instead of you rushing towards it,
strangling it, coercing it in the unwelcoming manner. Move with the waves of life
as they come, but never lose the sight of compassion, as this is the very drop that
satiates so much of an awaiting thirst.
Clinging to anger, anxiety, possessions can never really show us the true beauty of
walking in compassion, as clinging makes the heart feel so heavy. It becomes a
closed heart, not an open heart that can release the heaviness of clinging, the
hardness of feelings, and out of the heaviness do we feel the chains tied to our
ankles. These are the shackles that stop our movement in grace, in humility and
block us from immersing in the richer feeling of compassion, in understanding
that can give us the joy of feeling truly alive and interconnected with all.
Even if the events take an unexpected turn, even if things unfold differently,
never lose yourself in the grief of losing, as grieving only comes from the clinging.
The art of living life comes from the gift of non-attachment. And this non-
attachment does not leave us with any ray of expectations. So, all the encounters,
the weaving of interconnection becomes unconditional. And out of this arises, no
fear, no anger, no sadness, only unconditional love, a love having strength enough
to forgive, if the need be and to shower others with a gentle rain of compassion
breaking from the sky of soul.
This unconditional love is the lighted torch whose rays can be spread on all the
other struggling feelings that seem to pervade our minds and bring them under
the flooding light. This unconditional acceptance of others as we cross their paths,
comes from the teachings of contemplative wonders, the teachings that dispel
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darkness, and invite the soothing waters to flow over all the seems so barren
sands of life. These are the soothing waters of compassion. So, healing is their
flow. Better than trying to seize a situation and turning it to the way we need
them to be, it would be in the light of wisdom for us to be in control of ourselves,
in control of losing our minds over clinging, anger, anxiety, mistrust. As by
engaging in these illusions of minds, we lose track of the light of true bonding, and
what it takes for two souls to feel the connection and what it takes for the
connection to live on the shores of eternity. This is the wisdom that teaches us
how to walk by compassion at every step, how to make compassion our very
breathe that can give life to us and others.
Life itself can be painful with unforgiving thinking process, that may lead to a
raging wind, bringing a tempest in ours and others lives. But looking at the
tempest, it is wise to think that the tempest was brought to its worst by boiling
anger inside, or our inability to forgive someone for something. Out of this
unforgiveness, arises a heaviness that sits on our hearts so heavy, that it freezes
with time. As we forgive, roses and lilies bloom on our hearts. And the thorns
even though they might seem to prick, but it is the flowers that wipe away the
pain with their blooming smiles.
Rage for whatever reason stems within us, but with years of contemplation, can
be transformed so beautifully into a fierce compassion. The very rage that once
seemed to engulf you, can be transformed with understanding and looking down
at the roots of rage, and at trying to uproot it with the light of wisdom, a wisdom
that teaches us to give the light of unconditional love, the light of understanding,
the need and necessity of peace , the light of forgiveness, all that is needed to let
the rage turn to a living compassion. A compassion that can speak through the
gentleness, through the healing, through understanding, can begin to flow, so
what was once a blinded rage can turn to a fierce compassion and in its
fierceness, will you find a melting love, that can melt even the hardest of rages,
the most unforgiving of the tempests that can ever arise in one’s whirling minds.
So the secret of compassion is to wipe out all the anger, all the rage, all the roots
from where they stemmed, so forgiving has a chance to penetrate and to reveal
itself in a thousand wonders. How does it reveal itself? It reveals its glory in the
light of acceptance of every soul as a divine soul, being seeded with all the divine

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traits at the time of their holy birth. They were seeded before even they were
born from the time they were conceived in the sacred womb.
We lock ourselves with fear as openness triggers confusion in our minds and
makes our gaze very hazy, so very blurred, so very dim, that it takes away the
clarity of our thoughts. And we do not feel sane enough to face the issues, we feel
like somehow, somewhere we are probably losing sanity, we run away in fear, we
veil our hearts with the endless chatters of our minds. When we gaze at ourselves
with clarity and compassion, our illusions get shattered, and our whole
perspective changes, life somehow seems to be more amazing, the world
becomes so very softer, life become so much softer, all around everywhere,
beauty begins to fall again in softness and amazement. This is the bliss of
compassion as it paints the landscape of our souls.
The aggression that we can entail on our minds is by walking away from the
respect and courage to look at ourselves with honesty and gentility. This looking is
deep within us and others. This gaze can be so meaningful as we take away the
illusion of separation and take every meeting as a holy encounter, between us
and all others. We realize that we are the beautiful sky, endless in blues and so
dripping in love from the heart of heaven, and all else that consumes our minds is
just the passing of weather. We all have a hidden darkness and no soul is beyond
that. This is where duality stems in. Light is seeded in us, but the gloom of
darkness is also sleeping, and at times awakens and makes us act that goes
against our higher consciousness.
This is when the call comes to lose, what needs to be lost. And then the journey
begins and as it unfolds we realize, that a beautiful relationship is a journey that
begins very much from “me” to “we”. This is how the journey goes on, as we
stumble against the blocks of our paths and cross them with light of our hearts. By
this light, we learn how to unfold us and others in compassion. And as the entire
web of humanity gets untangled in the gentle rain of compassion, the weaving
gets firmer and richer, all living in the serenades of unconditional love, accepting
that the darkness that glooms others, is the same darkness that can gloom us. As
we live in the acceptance of this truth, we begin to glimpse the light of
understanding, that softens us to accept others, for who they are and how they
are, and this acceptance gives us peace, knowing we can never walk away from

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that which is also in us. What we see in others, is very much what is sleeping in us,
in a sub-conscious way. Our vision changes, and we soften, we begin to melt. We
become conscious of the understanding that we are not the healers and they are
not the wounded souls. We stand as equals, in the perspective of duality. We
share this most speaking truth in common. We cannot leave them behind.
Those are the moments flooding in clarity over us, they are here to teach us what
is that is holding us back. They teach us how to open up and when to take solace
in the retreat of other souls and lean onto others when we are about to collapse
emotionally. Leaning on can be a healthy emotional release of what is suffocating
us inside, so we can lose ourselves in others, only to find ourselves again
emotionally. This is the light of interconnection. Denying this light, would be to
deny humanity, the entire web of its existence. We are all an island in the ocean
of it. This is what keeps us interconnected in this cosmos, in this universe. Go
forth under the sky of your soul and you will listen to the truth in its sacred
To the extent, that you did not understand in the past, your own doings and not
doings, so you are continually gifted with a series of lessons and blessings, so they
can ultimately gift us with the light of wisdom. You get the teachings that you
need to open you heart time and time again, to fill you with what was so unfilled
for so long, to make its way inside the cracks, so a light enters, the much- needed
light of wisdom, and such an amazing fulfillment happens. And you know that you
are given everything you need to unfold further. This unfolding is a gradual
process, as the light comes, you suddenly blink and waking up to come out of
your shadows of ignorance, your mind hesitating whether to cross the threshold
or not, and as the light comes so effulgently, you cannot hold yourself back.
You just give in to that streaming light, to that resplendence, as your suffering
soul suddenly got a heavenly release in this new awakening light. That was the
most difficult time for yourself, when you were facing your soul, your duality,
your egos, your beliefs, but finally you made it and you crossed it anyway. You
begin to see that all souls have a wretched and a glorious side. Both together
make us see that joy and pain, blend in our lives to uplift us and also to humble
and soften us. It brings us to the brink of truth that what softens us will eventually
let us see and feel the truth in our souls, that what is needed, is to gaze at others

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with a compassionate heart. As at the end, compassion is much greater than

At the beginning, you run and run as you see the duality in others, but the fear
gets closer and closer. But then you come to the edges of a cliff, you begin to see
some vines there. Those are the vines that give some fruits of love, an
unconditional one that overlooks the dark side and yet teaches you how to love.
Overcoming this biggest battle of our minds, is the most challenging thing to do. It
is the moment when the light of wisdom battles against our ego. As you see the
hanging vines, your ego climbs down while your heart holds on to the vines. This
is the delight in the preciousness of every single moment as you live life to the
fullest and polish your dull mind for a more refined wisdom, the one that can light
you and others in the glory of resplendence.
When things fall apart, and you are completely thrown out of your home, you
break to a thousand pieces, but in this breaking, you become awake. To the
extent that you were in a deep slumber, it may take you more and more opening,
more and more breaking of your illusions, but you experience each moment as
something so new, something so fresh that it rejuvenates you for the better, for a
more sacred you, the you that can be so humble and softened, that your vision
changes in the purity of an emerging wisdom, maybe for the first time, but there
is always a first time for everything. You have to begin somewhere, at some point,
at some time. Maybe the timing has come. So, we do not retreat into ourselves,
we do not close the gateways of our hearts, and dive in to the experience of a
plethora of encounters. It is this plethora that gives us the richness of a gentle
compassion. It is that which brings unity in diversity, peace amidst a chaos.
We never become whole with fear and trembling, rather we become some
shattered, fragments of something that once was of a fulfilling light, until we learn
how to look deep into what is threatening us. So, we can stop struggling and we
can start facing at what is directly staring at us, the fear, the agony, the running
away from it all, that brings down the rolling tears of a wordless cry, so blatant yet
so scathing may seem the pain, yet so wordless is its falling, and fall it must to
make us roll our lives, but out of this rolling comes a time, when we learn how not
to bypass the fear, but how to stare back at what once threatened us with its own
stare. This tells us where we are, where we once were, and where we can be with

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the rolling of time to live a more compassionate living. As an explorer in this

ocean of humanity, we may be drawn to find out what’s out there in the deep
waters without even having the courage to face what may come along the way,
what we may or may not see, and how to face that and yet come out alive with a
peace at the end. How to make peace with what we see or do not see, and what
enduring efforts do we take to write what needs to be written on our own hearts
first, before writing it out on others.
It may be just the beginning of a great adventure, an adventure with our own
souls, how it needs to be shaped with the rolling of times. How we may discover
the tamed and the untamed parts of our hearts, how we may flinch at our own
darkness, and how we may dare to begin and begin and begin, time and time
again, all that first goes into our soul shaping, our own pilgrimage. This is the
longest pilgrimage that we ever need to take to give in to our own demanding
thirst. And in this pilgrimage, do we begin to see the light gradually getting into
our cracks, and giving us the flooding of a wisdom, yet to be learned.
This is how you cultivate fearlessness and gradually awaken with a compassionate
heart, embracing rather than denying the most painful aspects of our own selves.
But then, what we feel as pain today, may begin to fade with the rolling of time,
as we cultivate fearlessness more and more, as we journey within deeper and
deeper, the fears begin to melt away in the light of an understanding journey, in
the light of a compassionate nurturing of our own selves. The places that scare
you are the places where you will most likely find yourself, where you will most
likely free yourself, from all that is choking you inside. Our habitual patterns are
almost always rooted in fear, and we need to uproot this fear with fearlessness,
we need to uproot this ego with humbleness, so we can walk within with a light of
understanding our own selves.
There is a threshold that we hesitate to cross, and this is our most challenging
time. This is the moment, when wisdom has to breakthrough, it has to take us to
a place that lies beyond fear, that which is openhearted, and so tender, so very
soft, that in its softness, melts all the hardness that kept us away from seeing into
who we once were, and who we can become someday, if we can ever really cross
the threshold. This is how, our journey goes on. How we transcend ego that

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resists life, that resists openness, and how we welcome humanity in the light of
compassion, is what makes the journey so interesting.
We always wonder into what can give us a profound sanity in the midst of
insanity, how to get to the light of wisdom amidst the sea of ignorance, how to be
well rooted and anchored on a shaky ground or when the earth may not feel
beneath the feet. How to live with a beautiful soul and practicing compassion
amidst the insane brutality, is something that needs a cultivation of our own
openness, a cultivation of our own understanding. How to embrace the chaotic,
uncertain and challenging waves of our lives is the path of our gradual awakening.
We can begin to see everything and anything in our lives as a holy encounter,
whether it is pleasant or painful, as a holy encounter, that is meant to gift
ourselves with something timeless and priceless. Every encounter teaches us how
to live beautifully with whatever comes along the way, how to awaken ourselves
from our own pilgrimage, how to accept uncertainty and change, how not to get
frightened but to keep on daring, to go in, step by step, one step at a time, and to
see the light revealing, more and more every moment. Each moment brings
something more, so we can keep our journey ongoing. So, we look forward and
not backward, so we learn to rise every time we fall, so we get fearless every
time, uncertainty shows in again.
The encounters, the coming and going of events are so dense with insight, so
dense with wisdom, that the light begins to emerge, and in its light, do we
continue our walk. So, we can understand the groundlessness of fear, and the
path to forgiveness and understanding. So, we do not let anything harden our
heart, but we can walk in the path of softness, the one that can melt an anger,
our ego and give our souls an amazing beauty. So, we can absorb and understand
the teachings of soul. So, we can connect to every page of our book and
emphasize on mindfulness, befriending ourselves, and to transform suffering
from pain and struggle. So, we can be in each moment, as life comes in every
And the truth of it bursts into all wonders that can be so eye opening for every
soul, that is struggling to come out of the darkness and be the light, so others can
see their own path by your luminosity. The light that gives us the wisdom, is so
very introspective that it can speak eloquently about living life with all the

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struggles as well show the treasured wealth of the soul. That is the unmined
wealth, which gets excavated in the light of wisdom, so you can live by a spark
and as well as, set a spark for others to be ignited.
Only compassion, inching ourselves closer to creating a web of kinship such that
the divine may see the glimmer of it. Soon we imagine with our understanding
heart, this halo of compassion. And we imagine no one standing outside that
circle, moving ourselves closer to that margins, so they will eb erased. And
compassion will leave its indelible footprints on the shorelines of our souls. We
stand there compassionately with those whose dignity has been denied, we give
them our shoulders to lean on. We go deep, travel deep among the homeless
slums, the jobless people, the poor and the powerless. Somehow, we listen to the
urge to locate them, to stand by them in moments of compassionate
understanding. We join the easily despised and the readily left out. We choose to
situate ourselves right next to the disposable, the lost and lonely, whom society
has deserted, whom the world has forgotten, who are struggling day in and day
out for a desperate inclusion, so as to be included somewhere, somehow, so that,
a day might, when we choose to stop throwing people away.
The depths to which humans are capable of descending can be frightening, but
they can be conquered in the powerful yet peaceful voice of compassion. And
with the right voice, the same humans who once descended can reach the
heights. It can be surprising to see how kindness, compassion and understanding
can all blend and make the wildflowers grow even in the most unlikely places,
forcing through the stern rocks of hardness and brutality, the flower of
compassion somehow blooms its way. To the degree that you didn’t understand
in the distant past, how not to hold back from this feeling of spontaneity, that
which cannot seem to help flowing, yet you restricted it as you were fiercely
protective of the soft spot, the one spot that gives you the waters of tenderness,
the waters that soothe you in times of unforgiving hardness, the waters that you
so needed, in times of solitary retreat, that spot is gently let out in the open to
help us see where we are stuck in the flow of life. The letting out of that spot is in
those moments where time can be our perfect teacher, and it can walk us
through our most difficult times, when our own struggles can make it very
difficult to be at one with ourselves. We are gifted with the gift of teachings in the
form of life that gifts and regifts us with myriad openings, so they can open us

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further and further, until they teach us what we need to know. We open when we
keep taking refuge in the retreat of fearlessness, of walking away from all the
savage fierceness that stands in the way of veiling this awakening of yours. Spend
a lifetime to take off this fierceness of ego, so light can fall on you again, light can
shine on your soul again, and out of all that so savage and fierce, there can be
born something so soft, so amazingly tender, that the very tenderness can be
defined as a speaking beauty of your living soul.
Rejoicing in the simplicity of life, takes strength, to see the extraordinary in the
daily sunrise, to see heaven resting on your soul, as dusk seems to paint the sky,
this kind of seeing arises from the heart. And this seeing takes courage, takes
strength, takes passion for life, takes your heart to break open and to delve into
the mystery of beauty. And once the heart becomes this tender, the gush of
compassionate waters can seem to cascade, on those who are the forgotten, the
homeless, the poor and the powerless. The powerless have a soul inside, that is
speaking in a silent pain, screeching in the pain of being left out by the society. So
much so, that their life can seem to be a desert, with so much of barren sands to
tread on for miles and miles. But a compassionate standing by, a compassionate
understanding can strip all the emotional barricades, so their strength may not be
prone to losing every bit of their worth.
But if you think about it, no desert, no matter how barren it is, speaks only
through the sand dunes. As one may wonder while watching the sand dunes, one
may contemplate on the desert landscape of his life and out of his contemplation,
something may throb, something may gleam, and there he may begin to see the
light. That is the light of understanding life that which arises from the wonders of
contemplation. And there comes the sunlight of awakening, that which holds
much of a gold on earth. You are the solitary pilgrim who has to travel far to be
there to see the light of contemplation that can give birth to the awakened light
of understanding. And as long, as we have not glimpsed the light, we may be the
poorest at heart while having the richest of wealth.
This light is the cure for the wandering hearts., restlessly searching for the new
paradise, somewhere else, someplace else. But life has a different meaning,
viewed in the eyes of depth and beauty. Time has a way of burying grief, time has
a way of absorbing the pain, so the grief that once seemed to engulf you gets

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shifted like the sands of a desert and swallows the entire screaming pain of the
past, erasing them from the map of our minds and eventually from our memory.
This is what defines time, in the first place. Things that seem so monumental in
the moment, will one day begin to wither and wither, until it returns to dust, at
the very end. Will it completely erase? No, but at least, it becomes bearable,
breathable and life seems to flow, one more time. So instead of building and
raising high the walls of separation and ego, why don’t we break them down with
our understanding and compassion and try to reach the invisible stratum of
society who are crying for some understanding, who are in so much need to be
loved and understood, for at least once. The lost and the lonely may mask their
loneliness with silence, but the feelings are there, deep beneath their breathing in
You can step a foot towards them, so they choose not to hold onto pain anymore.
You can accept them, and acceptance is a gift that you can gift them with
compassion, showing them that there is still a light that can stream of from a
more humane understanding on a deeper level. So, their living on life’s terms may
improve with your stepping in, with your showering of some kindness
somewhere. So, they can let go of the debris and filth of life and can believe again
in the soulful beauty of life, so they can have clarity again in their seemingly
wretched life. So, they can have an enlightened vision of what they can have, and
what they can do out of all the brokenness that seems to consume them.
The left out feeling that brings much of a grit in the minds of the lost and lonely,
may seem to be so overwhelming in sadness, that all that is good may seem to
have gone away forever leaving nothing behind. But as you plant compassion
within yourself, you sprout and your sprouting sprinkles compassion on others. By
making yourself more humane in this insane world, you help others to write the
story of their lives, about the pathway back to what’s beautiful, when the way
back seemed so very impossible. So, they can make a life in the real sense out of
all the grits that came along their way. It is how you choose to perceive the left-
outs, the forgotten, that will take them to be inspired once again, to feel the
flame again and make a wealth out of all that is left in their lives. So, their
challenging situation can be turned to a blissful one, so deep down inside of them,
way down deep, in a place previously unknown, they can hear your

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compassionate whisper, that reminds them that life is worth living, no matter
what came or did not come along the way.
This opening can open us so deep in the light of understanding, that we can take
the pain of this world, feel it, soak our minds with the pain of others, and
transform it into an understanding compassion for this world. The way to turn it
into compassion is to see the unwanted, unacceptable side of our own selves and
to feel for it with the kindness that streams from your heart, with the love that
flows from within. So, we can transform the unacceptable into acceptable, the
unwanted into wanted and we do not struggle any more, we do not fight it any
more, rather we go through it with the light of kindness and there comes a
moment when we learn how to accept it and make a beautiful transformation of
the whole thing, so what seemed to be struggling inside, is no longer a struggle. It
becomes a beautiful alchemy happening within our souls. And when we can battle
it within, we can also open the gateway to our hearts for others as well, and
transform their pain and suffering, into compassion with our understanding.
So, when things fall apart, it is this invisible touch of compassion that plays with
its divine grace and brings out the sacred alchemy, so broken souls can see the
light coming and dare to rise up again. And if you ever seem to hesitate in the
process, then always hold on to your own affirmations within. They roar inside
when there is a whisper in your minds telling you that you cannot. You can
overcome the whisper that wants you to walk away from your own alchemy. You
can face the challenges of those silent voices that are meant to push you away
from your sacred self and take you to those fears and edgy feelings. If we try to
walk away, then we need to be more in touch with our basic groundlessness.
Touching every soul with the light of compassion, is embarking on the spiritual
journey within, a journey that may seem like taking on an insignificant sailing boat
and then sailing it out in the open, wild sea. The shorelines may seem so
unknown, we may never know when we may have a sight of the land, and it may
seem so daring, we may encounter fear and uncertainty, but amidst this fear, sails
our boat. The waters may be swelling, may be falling, but with an unwavering
thirst, we need to sail in the faith of this light. You see the wisdom of no escape
from this voyage, you see the light of no return for this pilgrimage, as this is the

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pilgrimage of your own soul, gently taking you back to forgotten place, called
home, somewhere deep within you.
Cutting our expectations for the suffering leads to a seeking of wealth within our
own mines. The seeds in the unconscious lie there, those are the seeds that are in
need of a light, the light of understanding that shows the doorway to compassion.
In the light, do those seeds sprout and all things that fell apart seem to bind
together, and all that seemed so loose come together again, binding all the
fragments together. This sprouting happens when we learn to be kind to
ourselves and to others, see all things in the light of forgiveness, that lets kindness
flow and heal all those that need to be healed. Somewhere along the path, we
realize, that we need to cultivate this path of compassion with cheerfulness, as
seeing the light in us, makes us see the light in others.
The thing called compassion stems from understanding and understanding in its
turn stems from our own ability to be able to carry others pain in us, to see
other’s suffering in us. It is much needed to have a sense of gratitude to all the
difficult feelings that emerge within us, as it is those feelings that begin to awaken
us, it is those struggling feelings that we confront within, and that can wake us up
from our own slumber. Tides of feelings will come, and they will eventually go at
some point of time. But what will happen is when we get pulled by them, we will
never ever be the same. Something tremendous will happen inside of us, some
gigantic waves will wash us away upside down and the lens of our vision will
become clearer.
True compassion stems not from needing to help out those who seem to be much
less fortunate than ourselves, but by being able to recognize the sacred kinship
with others, by realizing that what puts others down to their knees, is like putting
us at our knees, and by absorbing this feeling, do we realize what a tragedy that
is. It is this feeling to look into someone else’ s eyes and to see their pain as yours,
to look through someone and see yourself in that person, this sacred feeling of
oneness, that evokes compassion. We never really know, how much is too much
and how little is too little, until we put ourselves in other’s shoes, and while we do
this to feel that needs to be felt, to see what needs to be seen, to realize what
was so unrealized before, compassion begins to stream down from our souls. We
at times try to escape all kinds of feelings when we meet our edge, as many un-

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surfed feelings stare at our face, as we learn that is still so many un-surfed places
in our hearts that need to be chased. When we can accept suffering in our lives,
and not resist it in any way, but just to learn how to accept it and transform it into
a teaching, a pathway that can open up the enlightenment hidden inside of us,
then it can be an awakening to our true, authentic beauty. This awakening can
only happen from the freedom of struggling against our own duality, our own
struggling feelings that surface and resurface time and time again, in our minds.
Countless souls, rather every soul that you encounter goes through suffering at
some time or the other in their lives. But it is the ability to connect with the
suffering and the willingness to face it, to look deep into it, to roam inside of it
and to ask for answers, that lets us see the light that emerges from suffering. It
leaves something behind. All of it does not go in vain. All the sentient beings on
earth go through this feeling, no one can escape it, as all humans pass through
this same cycle of pleasure and suffering. But as we connect with the roots of
suffering, as we travel deep down inside of it, we search and search for that
answer, until it fills us, until it gives us what we need to know.
Only in an open space within ourselves, can we truly see or hear or feel the roots
of life, that can allow us to connect with what really happened and what did not
happen, what got so taken away from us, in the brutality of the incoming tides of
life, and what stays behind after all the brutality has made the escape. This
connection is truly felt in the open and non- judgmental space within, which helps
us grow and evolve in our authenticity. When we sit together with pain or
discomfort and try to understand it in the aloneness of moments, in times that we
are in communion with ourselves, those are the moments, that we truly see the
light that stays after suffering has left us.
When others are in suffering, or when you are in the times of suffering, you can
learn how to endure it and also how to make it awaken you. As in this awakening,
lies your melting. You soften as the entire process changes you for the better. It
makes you so very humble, so very insightful. You can see things that you never
saw before. Your hardness sees the light of warmth, and in the very touch of
tenderness, the frozen indifference begins to see the first signs of melting. Your
entire nature seems to soften so amazingly. And you are no longer the same way

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as before. You became a transformed you, where softness adorns your soul, so
very richly.
As you uncover your basic, undistorted energy, you become comfortable with the
uncertain and unknown. You no longer try to control the uncontrollable by
searching for security and unpredictability. You no longer yearn to be safe and
comfortable at all times. We can never really skip uncertainty. This not knowing is
a part of the adventure. As we cultivate the limitless qualities of love and
kindness, compassion and understanding, we find the tenderness touching in pain
and sorrow, and they touch with a deep gratitude. Behind the hardness in rage
and the tremendous shakiness in fear, we fear the melting touch of tenderness,
so warmly it touches us in places that we thought of impossible to be healed.
You become alive to the gradual process, to the slow unfolding of life, and it is not
a one- time thing, but that which unfolds as per the divine design time and time
again, in the pathway of your life. It is a lifelong journey, that happens in the
rolling of time. You learn what to accept and what to reject, what to welcome and
what to walk away from. And this too, is a lifelong learning, but in all the learning,
while you see your own situation in its best and worst, and we can connect with
others in that perspective. So, compassion flows from us out of that
understanding. Not that it never was within us, but that we befriended who we
already were, once again, as we got in touch with our inner light, and we realized
that befriending others under the wings of loving-kindness is the way to go on
weaving the connection in a richer way, with the passage of time. This is
mindfulness, that whish gives us the light of vision with compassion for what it is
that we see. Mindfulness helps us relate with the detailed beauty of our lives. It
helps us see, hear and feel, in the true sense of seeing and hearing and feeling. It
is a lifelong journey to relate to the immediacy of our detailed experiences and to
respect every situation enough, so as not to judge it.
We step back from judging people when they are completely thrown out of their
nests. They do what pushes them to do, to be fully awake, to be completely alive,
as they are fully human. That’s what makes them experience each moment as
fresh and renewed. And from the awakened point of view, we need to respect
them enough, so as to let them have a breath of fresh air, in their own way. As
that is unconditional acceptance of all the souls that we encounter while crossing

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the path of life with them. People come back to that breath, over and over again,
the one breath that made them forget the brutal battles of life, people come to
smell things again in the beauty of joy and kindness, in their own doings, in their
own timings. And it is never for us to judge them for what or why. The best we
can do it to try to understand them. While we meet them in our pathway, it is
never by accident. We are always somewhere in the middle of this cosmos, this
smiling universe. Everyone whom we meet enters our sacred space, to teach
something, to give something and to take something. What they take from us, is
what we give them, and what we give them can either help them or hurt them. By
giving them a loving-kindness, we can give them an unconditional acceptance in
our lives, a peace, an assurance that they are imprinted on our hearts,
irrespective of where they come from. Their footprints on the sands of our hearts
is indelible. And that is a gift that we can give them, out of a compassionate
understanding. This gift can give them a light, so it can take them back to their
own light.
All the deep satisfaction of the fulfillment comes from engaging in these
moments, in the feeling of being alive, when we connect with the fluid of life and
encounters that we meet in this world. This is the ever- changing dynamics yet
the one thing static that breathed in authenticity from yesterday to today and will
in the coming tomorrow, is the mindful compassion. This is the one thing that
holds humanity in one piece as time rolls like the sands. There comes a time,
when we are able to relate to other’s sufferings as we are able to pierce through
others soft spots and feel what they feel, and this is the beautiful discovery of the
side that is egoless, the side that lives in humbleness.
And you show them the light, so they can see that things falling apart is also a
kind of healing. They come together and sometimes before even you know it,
they fall apart again. This coming and breaking does leave behind, some teachings
of life. And the gentle rain of compassion lets them to relax the struggle as they
learn how to accept the going of things in your life, so life becomes more soothing
for them and they see the light of living in the present moment, and not dwell on
what left along the way. With your gentle rain of kindness, can you make their
shifting easier. It doesn’t mean, that they are never going to hold sadness in their
lives, it only means they are going to hold it somewhere within them, yet will be
able to feel the happiness of their lives. So, they can think of the fleeting sadness,

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and be able to rejoice again at a star in a night sky, a bubble in a running stream,
the flashing of lightening in a summer sky, a flickering flame and a dream. And
yes, the embodiment of kindness, the carrying of compassion might be hard by
our long- ingrained patterns of our dark thoughts but as we are entangled in our
web of humanity, we can connect with them somehow, someway.
You can light their spirits with your own light, that can help them to read into the
intensity of tragic situations, like very much in resemblance with the intensity of a
crescendo. They can feel the music of life, like when the music sings high, it spills
so much of an enduring sweetness, and suddenly if the music ceases, then we
tune into the silence and we begin to stream in the silence as a part of music. The
music maybe lost its melody, its lyrics, its tune a while ago, but the everlasting
effect of its undying melody lived, so it never ceased even though, realistically it
This is a wonderful feeling of a spaciousness in which all that you feel and behold
is so sacredly beautiful, in which grief gets softened, anger gets melted, and there
is a sense of ease all around. You do not resist, you merely feel the sweetness of
life, and this sweetness lingers so much, so that what was thought to be as
impenetrable as a rock, suddenly gets the first feelings of softness, an amazing
feeling. Life breaks everyone, at some point of time or other, and afterwards,
some people are stronger at the broken place, as they somehow cling to the light
of wisdom, the light that can see them through, no matter how bruised or beaten
they were.
The most painful thing is losing yourself in the broken things of life, so much so
that you forget you are a divine child with the light always inside. And you
deserve so unconditionally to find peace, to find happiness, that which can give
you the fulfillment of life. It can all come to your door, once you begin to see
things through compassionate eyes. It makes you compassionate towards
yourself. It gives you the light of self- compassion. And in that light, you see for
the first time, that you have a greater understanding of life and universal love.
The compassion that you can extend to others, you can first extend it to yourself.
The forgiveness that you can give to others, that same forgiveness you can first
give it to your own soul for the things that you didn’t and couldn’t’ do right. And

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as you forgive yourself, you become softer inside. You learn to live again, despite
the broken pieces of life that stare at you.
You expected to be sad staring at the broken pieces of your life. Part of you
probably died each time, something got broken, something got torn from the
book of your life. But that’s the way, it happens with the tree whose leaves shed
every fall, and the sadness comes out of your soul, in rolling tears, and then
comes the spring when the branches of a tress get their leaves again. In the
winter, the brook that gets frozen, in summer it would flow again. The frozen
beauty may be the saddest one, but it is never the lasting one, as it will flow
again, the brook will run again. And all that seemed to be taken away from your
life, may not make sense, but with the passing of kindness, the pieces will be
whole again. They will have a place again in your story. You return to your scared
space where you used to see your blossoms. It is this open space that has the light
of wisdom, the light that you will lead you when you are blinded by pain or struck
with grief. It is in this space, that you will return time to time, to see the gentle
blossoms of life again.
You can never get away from yourself by shifting from sadness to anger. Try to
understand it, rather than judge it, try to be with it, try to sit with it, rather than
carrying a wordless anger within you and around you. Only then sadness will learn
to melt down in you. Only then will anger decide to leave you. Leave the
judgmental side of you aside, as it dims the vision and gets in the way of your
understanding. The understanding that will give you peace, the peace that will let
the unresolved feelings fall away and let beauty rise again, this kind of
understanding can only stem from compassion.
At times life breaks you first inside, before it allows you to rise. And this breaking
happens before you can see the light again. If it does not break you, then it may
silently kill you inside. This is the coming of wisdom. The wisdom that gives you
the clasp of peace, the peace that will wash away all the struggles that rip you
apart silently in the screaming nights, the peace that will need you to be the best
of you, to be more authentic at your deepest level. When you are at one with this
light of wisdom, you will know how and why you broke and what can come out of
all this. What goodness can still make its castles, so the waters can never wash
away, but they can live on the sands for an eternity. To live straight and upright,

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and never to be washed away forever, but to be able to survive in the gales of life,
needs a compassionate understanding of yourself first, before you can extend it
to others.
This awakening leads to an appreciation of music amidst the noise, joy instead of
pleasure, soulful connection instead of gold, creativity instead of wealth, passion
in the deeper sense of art, all these findings that can evoke an awakened life. It is
this realization that leads to the search of that light, the light that can truly bring
the human souls to an enlightenment. This is the awakening that transcends
knowledge and gives birth to the wisdom of soul, the wisdom that you can find
and live and do wonders through, but not something that you can give words to it
so as to teach it to someone. Words can never offer this kind of wisdom, a
wisdom that transcends everything and communicates silently with the souls, in
the speaking light of it.
We have all been seekers, but we have ceased to question the things that make
humanity weave in the sense of beauty. Without compassion, we become so
alone, so utterly alone, that sadly we withdraw into our innermost selves. And
this withdrawal pushes us to a way of bitter suffering. But retreating back to our
innermost selves means that we are going back to the place, where all is pure and
divine. If you ever know, if you ever feel what love is, it is because of peace, it is
because of compassion that blossoms into peace. To have true compassion in the
richer sense of it, means to realize, that we are the day and night, the sun and
moon. Our purpose is not to become each other, or to seek what we are into
another, but to recognize who the other is, to learn how to see the other in the
light of his own, and respect that light enough, so as to realize that we are each
other’s opposite and complement.
If we have to choose and judge, then we must spurn ourselves first, so as to see
the light of wisdom, in which we will step away from spurning others. To be able
to tune in to the harmony, to the whisperings of the universe, to be able to
connect with the totality of life, is a mysterious, innate harmony. So whatever
good or bad events may come and go out of our ways, we can breathe some
meaning into it, and transform it into something of value. This all leads us to a
way that can show us the light of transformation, where we see that it is
compassion that endures and can endure whatever comes and leaves somewhere

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along our way. While we realize this as we walk in a spiral and climb upwards in
the path of life, we see that compassion carries us all in this journey of struggles
and smiles, and it is this compassionate touch that makes our walking together
stronger. So, every gesture, every touch of soul, every glance with compassion
that can bring happiness to a person who knows how to wake it.
Gaze into the fire of life, into the inner thoughts, and as soon as the inner voices
begin to speak, you listen to them. That is the voice talking of what lives to make
the weaving of humanity, keeping, going and breathing. Surrender to this voice.
This is the voice that speaks, that guides, that lights the souls amidst the darkness,
amidst the hesitation, and still keeps us going, amidst that which is thought of
impenetrable. When egotism ends, and one begins to live life in the light of
maturity, the maturity that takes us to the greater understanding of humanity in
the richer sense, that is when compassion begins. Till then, as long as egotism
exists, we do not get to see the first blossoms of compassion and its wonders.
It is in the shadows of ego, that we veil our thoughts and judgements, and in this
veiling, do we perceive life, its richness in terms of extending kindness, mindful
cultivation of self- compassion and compassion to others. And when we extend
this openness of our own hearts to this universe, holding the cosmos under our
wings of grace, do we blossom within us and do we help to blossom others. Or
else sadness can be real. People can live their lives and smile around but still be
broken inside. Now your life story may not be all pleasant at all times. It may not
be sweet and harmonious, it may taste of bewilderment and perplexity from time
to time but living life in the light of greater truth will help you to find a way out of
the perplexity, out of the bewilderment straight back to yourself, where you can
hear the gentle voice again, the eternal hymns again, the hymn that sings of
loving kindness.
Compassion is stronger than power, just like water is much stronger than
boulders, that stand in the way of a running brook. Some things may seem so
gentle, but in the gentility lies the resilience, the endurance, the power to survive,
no matter, how brutal is the blow. Gentleness is stronger than hardness, as in this
gentleness lies the power to take and to endure what comes and keeps coming.
As in this taking, in this enduring, lies the strength, that which can outshine
severity. Severity can never bring any goodness, any light, as what is strong must

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be persistent but soft like water. The water that is fluid and so soft may seem so
weak, but in this softness, lies its ability to surpass a rock and still continue to
flow. That is the secret of its flow. Same is with compassion. Compassion can flow
and flow it must, to continue the running flow of humanity. Have you learned its
secret, that there is no such thing as hardness on its way? As compassion that
runs in softness, in tenderness can overcome any hardness that can seem to block
its way. Compassion is never finished and closed. Compassion brings relating
between persons. Compassion is always a flowing, unending river. It knows no
stopping at a certain point. As it is an ongoing phenomenon, a continuum. It
knows how and where and why to cease. As this is a flowing between hearts,
between souls. It was seeded within us at the time of birth. So, all the yearnings,
all the sorrows, all the pleasures, all of them together will find the missing chain,
the missing link, the link that holds every opposite together, the links that sadness
and happiness together, the link that can bridge the joy and pain and can still
make us see that life is beautiful. All of these events are streamed together as a
music of life by the gentle rain of compassion. So when hardness comes and hits
you, and all you see is a brooding darkness staring at your face, and you wonder
wildly, if and when you will ever come out of it, it is compassion that will make
your darkness fade away with passing time.
This is the voice of compassion that you silently need to listen. This is the water,
which to humanity is not just water, but the voice of life in the world of humanity,
and the voice of sacred being, and ultimately the voice of perpetual becoming,
the voice that gives back life at times, when we seem to lose the sight of life. This
is the wisdom, that goes beyond the years, that can learn from every experience,
and can also let life flowing even when it throws challenges. And this flowing is
made easier with the eternal flow of compassion. This embracing of all extremes
from the same stream of life is made easier by the running compassion. You may
lose yourself a thousand times, and you may dwell on non-being when hardness
may hit you hard, but although it may take you away from yourself, it is by
compassion, that it will take you back to you again. The return is inescapable, as
in this return is your return to your home. You will find yourself in sunlight again,
in shadow or in rain, you will return to this light again even when life seemed to
be so unforgivingly burdensome. Only then your soul know peace, only then will it
find stillness, only then will it find richness and tranquility, the serene beauty of

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life, that which will make life worth living, for time and time again. This is the
wondrous view of life and humanity as a whole, seen from a lens of compassion.
When you are absorbed in pain, you can simply look into someone else’s eyes,
because you feel like there is nothing to lose. By looking into his eyes, you
connect on a deeper level with a meaningful silence. It may be a wordless
communication, but in the wordless mystery, it has said it all, it has given out its
every pain. This is a sharing in silent thoughts, that flow from one heart to
another, the shared silence that conveys the beauty from one soul to another.
When we can connect with the fluid, the changing flow of things, only then can
we connect with the realm of dynamic flow, and feel the feelings of being alive at
all moments, as life is a continually passing beauty, with passing seasons, with
events and encounters that come to pass in our everyday lives, each bringing
something, each gifting us with something, every gift bringing some meaning in
our lives, shaping us to be who we are today, evolving us continually, as we grow,
we are helping others grow in the light of our own spiritual growth. As we grow in
curiosity for the richer wine of life, we see that the taste feels so much lasting, as
we engage in the bitter and the sweeter wines of life.
But life even though it comes, in all shades, is certainly lot richer at the heart of it,
when compassion seems to accompany every thought of ours, when we can put
ourselves in other’s shoes and walk the walk that they walk. It is wiser when we
act not in the knowledge, but in the wisdom of our souls, as this is the wisdom
that can carry us in light with others and this journey, though it is our own,
though it is our walk after all, still it is in a way, a shared journey, it is our walk in a
togetherness. What clasps us in togetherness, is this invisible thread of
compassion, that binds us for all times. This is the thread that gives our souls a
connecting beauty, a clasping chain, that we feel around us.
When things fall apart in our lives, it is a kind of lowland in our running brook, but
that lowland, that swampy marsh teaches us how not to slip the foot, or get stuck
in the swamps, but to keep running in the flow of the brook, as in this dynamic
flow, we can keep on flowing, in the sharing of compassion that falls from every
heart and flows to another heart, in this shared clasp of humanity, the clasp that
pulls us all together, in one piece, so when one smiles, the universe begins to
smile and when one suffers, the universe seems to break. And out of these smiles

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and tears, is woven this clasp in eternity. As you see things in this new vision, you
have a different beauty and a different grace. You become a flame of light to
yourself and others. You become so much of a beckoning light, the magnificent
herald of a majestic dawn.
You realize that life comes with no written promises. Each moment might eb the
only moment of your life, so you welcome whatever it brings, and you make the
best of its blessings and when lessons come along your way, you learn to take the
light from it, so you can transform it into a light of your own soul, where you and
a thousand others will get reflected in the light emitting from it. This is the light
that wakes you up rather than letting your soul go in deeper and deeper sleep.
You shine in your egoless beauty, that is a fount of perennial joy. As in your
egoless being, you are unsure, and every moment is unknown to you. Your vision
makes you so very bowed down in humility and you live every moment in
playfulness, exploring life, taking nothing for granted and accepting everything as
a gift from the divine. Each moment, because it is so unsure, no matter what it
brings, it appears a gift to you, a gift from heaven above.
You know not what each moment will bring, how it will come, how it is going to
dawn in your life, with a light or a night, and you are unsure of it, as you do not
take anything for granted. Your egoless being in you emerges and gives you the
light of grace, in which you are flooded, and you shine in your won grace. Your
grace gives you a resplendence. And you become conscious of life’s uncertainty at
every moment, and this consciousness raises awakening in you. Your awakening
brings out the light in you that has emerged so strongly, so powerfully, yet so
peacefully. We let everything soften us and make us kinder and be more open to
what makes us scared, as in places that scares us the most, those are the places
where we find too deep a light of our souls.
This is the light that penetrates us in the most untamed regions of our heart, a
light that guides us from us to our sanctuary within. This is where, we learn how
to glimpse around the whole world with the eyes of compassion and softening, a
kindness far to be told, a truth that whispers in the heart of humanity, the truth
that tells us to rise above the narrowness. You begin the journey with a light of
hope glimmering within, the hope that you can probably find the ground beneath
your feet, with the word probably in your thoughts, as you take nothing and

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nobody for granted. So, you begin with nothing and a place that sees no certainty,
of finding anything at all. From the place of that scared humbleness, when you
embark on your search to find something, you embark holding the light of
compassion within you, the candle in your heart never dims. As you now know,
what comes in your life, can go away, all before even you know it. It is this
knowing, it is this not taking anything for granted, that makes you walk with
compassion all along this path.
The humble side of us, the egoless part in us lets us be relaxed with what we do
not know, what lies ahead of us, with not being sure with who we are, so we can
take a leap in the unknown and follow the wisdom as to what to choose and what
to reject, as in this decision lies the ultimate evolving of the soul. The evolution
lies in being able to choose it, to follow it. You can be the tidal force of an
awakened love, that which can bring tides of change in your perspectives. And it
is this relaxing part in us that lets us be so absorbed in compassion, that we begin
to soak others in our own wellness of souls. By being so soft and so willing to be
open inside, we bring openness in others. We take our light with us and we let it
go in the apertures of other sobbing souls. They grow when they are loved in the
light of understanding and in the light of compassion. As they heal well, they grow
to their heights in the fully rising light.
This is the wisdom that inspires you to go inside your introspective wonders. So,
your confusion evaporates and your ego dissolves, your hardness melts and you
grow in the continual light emerging from the meditative wonders of your
introspective thoughts. In the light of this wisdom, do we see that as others burn
inside, in the fragility of their moments, as others start to have a burning pain in
their hearts, you too be inclined to share a part of their fragility with you, as in the
preciousness of every moment, do you feel what causes the rain to roll out of
their eyes. From this shared feeling, a shared understanding, can grow a deep,
clear, limitless compassion towards all the sentient beings that you encounter on
earth. By doing this, you are riding on the sun’s light back to the sun within you.
This is the heart and basis for the cultivation of mindful compassion. As you clasp
to this light, even the most turbulent emotions of life will fail to seize a fierce hold
of you, as the wilder waves will surge and then eventually rear and retreat back
into the serene calmness of the ocean. This is the light that will deepen,
embolden, and strengthen whatever is fearful inside of you, so what was so timid

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and shy will find a strength in their resplendence in a new light again. There
maybe a thousand walls built within you, out of fear and doubt, confusion and
despair, but in the light of gentleness and humility, go slowly towards the walls to
see them and break them, so what built up inside can all be shattered in a second,
so fear that kept you away from tearing them apart, can be the very same fear
that was crumbled down to a thousand pieces. And with the crumbling down,
emerged a light that was so promising, so awakening, that all the illusions got cut
through by the timeless diamond of an awakened mind, by the ageless light of an
enlightened soul.
The struggles while we deal with them, we touch them and smell them, while we
get to know them well, and see their roots gone in depth, we realize how to be
daunting in the simplicity of life, how to view each fear as reasonless, senseless,
and baseless, how to keep moving with the fear crumbled and love awakened, so
life can be lot more simpler to live in the trusting of an open heart and unveiling
the veils of a closed mind. We remain open and receptive to whatever arises in
the vision of an open heart, we remain tranquil and serene to what we see and
have faith in what remains to be seen. So, what we can see, shines in the light of
divine, and what is not yet seen can rest in faith, knowing that the unseen and
untouched can be yet to be discovered in the light of faith. This is the light that
we need to trust, that we need to let it unlock the locked areas of life, enlighten
the mysterious parts of life. So, we can go to the places that make us feel scared
the most, so we can enter the places that seem to tremble in fear the most, and
some day can come, when we might overcome this trembling and give in
ourselves to the free flux of life, come as it may, in the known and unknown
beauties of life.
And in those moments when we learn, how much we cannot control, how much
we have no say over, then we learn to let go of all that remains as a holding back
of life to flow freely. We learn that sometimes, we choose to live best in letting go
of things that we have no control over, and that it is in accepting and leaving
things the way they are and accepting and welcoming the incoming and outgoing
tides of life, that we learn to live life the fullest and happiest. And all the longing,
all the yearning can be put to sleep in stillness of thoughts, in the serenity of
heart, in the tranquil acceptance of the way life comes, in the peaceful yet
powerful way living life at its simplicity, so inside our temple, life will hold its very

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breath. We learn sometimes, happiness lies in stepping aside, letting go of our

needs and just be welcoming in what life gives and making peace with what it
does not give. The unconditional acceptance of this eternal light that cuts through
all our inclinations to cling to things and sets us free, eventually releases us in this
walk of life, eventually gives us the much- needed freedom to walk amongst the
forests, amongst the calling wildernesses, yet never get fearful of the roaming
fears, learning how to get unburdened of them, and be able to walk freely in this
soulful way of living. So, every single moment becomes expressive of the truth of
our lives, the truth that says that life is best when lived in the light of compassion,
life flows best when lived in the light of grace, life becomes peaceful when lived in
the light of faith, that the universe has its own way of opening things in the right
time and in its own pace.
We set aside the things that hold back compassion from our hearts, that hold
back harmony from our lives, and as we float in the flux of life, we can feel the
feeling of fulfillment in our lives, in the shared tenderness for one another, in the
shared loving-kindness for all the sentient beings, so living can emerge form
discordance and can be so concordant, so very harmonious, that life seems to
flow in the beauty of simplicity when we choose the path of compassionate
understanding, compassionate reading of every soul that we encounter. And we
can see things in the light of forgiveness and kindness, as we understand that the
only permanent thing that really stays in this flux of life is the impermanence.
As we realize this, we become softened, we become humble by the continual
impermanence of shifting things, by the gradual impermanence of changing
things. And while we realize this, we may be saddened, but then we also see the
greater truth, that it may hurt us, but what hurts us, eventually makes us stronger
in the broken places. Search not for a happiness that walks away from this truth,
rather find peace in accepting this whisper of a truth of impermanence. As it is in
accepting this truth, that your hardness softens, your anger melts down, you
sadness that freezes you inside someday begins to see the warmth to meltdown,
and in this melting do you learn how to accept others for who they are, knowing
that behind everything lies a story, a reason for why they are as to who they are.
This knowing gives peace, and to feel this immensity of peace, you need to be
accepting and welcoming of the continual shifting of the sands of life, the rolling
of things in the truth of impermanence, and when you accept this, your heart

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turns to an amazingly melting heart, that melts even the toughest of feelings. No
encounter, no experience ever really goes way, until it has opened us completely,
so completely that we crack inside, and take in the light needed to be taken, and
fill ourselves with the light that need to be filled with, absorb ourselves with the
wisdom that enlightens us with, and let that enlightenment guide us for the
moments to come in the awaiting years. Nothing ever really invades us other than
our own confusion, other than our own blurry vision, and it keeps confusing us,
until it takes us to the edge of clarity, until it unfolds us time and time again, until
it breaks us over and over again, until it uproots us from what we believed in
illusion and roots us firmly in what we need to know, in what we need to learn. It
will guide us how to open up instead of pulling back, as in the light of opening, do
we learn how to see others in the same light, how to extend forgiveness to other
souls, how to see forgiveness as a road to heling ourselves and others, how to
sense freedom in that act of forgiving.
When things seem to be shaky, so much so, that we seem to lose our core, we can
be on the verge of something, so we may feel that we can either fall or fly and
soar. You realize that your shakiness has brought you to an incredibly soft and
tender place, where you are vulnerable to your deepest, you can be so virgin in
your feelings, so much so that in your feelings, you can be unbelievably soft and
tender, so melting, that it goes beyond all words. And that tenderness can go to
an extent where it can so split you up, so you can feel your soul, bare open in that
absorbing light of beyond, so much so that you can heal and extend that healing
to others in the light of forgiveness. We can keep touching that most tender
place, that vulnerable place, from where the most beautiful emotions are born,
and out of that birth, something comes up to clasp the humanity as a whole.
We may often think, that protecting ourselves from pain will keep us in the shell
of safety, but that safety can sit as an armor that can keep us imprisoned from
ourselves, from our truest authenticity, the authenticity that will let us glow in the
softness of our hearts, the authenticity that will let us reach others and will let
others reach us, the authenticity that will inspire us to cross all barriers, and still
be able to reach that soft, tender place in every soul that we encounter. From
that encounter, is born a thousand moments when two hearts give and receive a
thousand sacred words, every word speaking of some wound, some battle fought

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and lost, some ego bruised, some hurt left unsaid, some feelings buried deep
down that finally come to light again in the rawness of authenticity.
Compassion stems from not having condescension with your unwanted,
unacceptable things that may seem to you like that. When you can love others
well without an air of pride, without an air of ego, but a breeze of gentleness, a
breeze where humility and understanding make their way, it is then that you help
others grow and thrive to their richest potential. This compassion flows best as
we understand the dynamism of life, the forever flux of it, and humans reactions
to them as humans, their mistakes and their learning, and their continual evolving
in the light of divine. As we understand this, as we let in the light of forgiveness
shine within, we gradually lose our need to be aggressive, we lose our need to be
brutal to others, we lose our need to disdain others to satiate ourselves, and all
we feel is a seamless understanding, in whose softness, do we feel the blessings
blossoming again, both within and without.
Give away what you most love in your life. If it is love, then give away love. If it is
an understanding you want, give away understanding to those who are least
understood. If it is compassion, then give away compassion to those who are in
much need of it. Whatever you are in thirst of, give away that in the richness of
abundance. Only then, can your own be filled with that which you silently crave
for. Often times, what we seek for in the silent depths of our hearts, that is what
seeks us the most. What we are in search of, searches for us. What we hunger for,
hungers for us the most. But then, this is a journey of finding yourself.
Begin this journey from a point of despair, when all else seems so hopeless. Begin
this journey again, when you think you have failed, when you think faith has lost
its way, begin this journey again when you think light has drifted so far away.
Begin this journey again, when you think all else has left you, and you all alone
stranded in the middle of nowhere. Begin, even if you are all alone. It is in this
beginning, that you will head home again. In this journey, will you find a way
towards the sweetness of life again. The sweetness that will whisper again, in the
light of truth, life will drop it blossoms in the garden of humanity, when
compassion has showered on all the sentient beings. Only then, can you emerge
with a new light, to uncover all that seemed so lost, all that seemed so lonely. And
loving-kindness will release again from you and will enter the gateway to many

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awaiting hearts. Accepting unwanted things and feeling the need to work with
them, to go deep inside them, to study them, to read them is a necessity, a much-
needed thing. As all sentient beings on this earth have some unwanted,
unacceptable things that we want to walk away from. These makes up the duality
in all of us. Acknowledging this duality, will let us work with them all. And in this
working, do we need to let ourselves give in completely. As every encounter that
you have in your life, has something valuable to teach you, some priceless
wisdom that will walk you through at the phases in your life, when you thought
walking forward was an impossibility.
Every one of us has a chapter that we never really want to read aloud. Everyone
has some pages that we wish wrote them well. Everyone has a book, where some
chapters are written in the fulfillment of those moments, and some chapters
were written, when the moments were most unfulfilled, yet they had to be
penned down somewhere, someway along the path of our lives. And that pen
began the journey of our own books, the book of our lives, that we wrote on our
hearts. As you write this book, you lose a flood of tears. And while you lose it,
something beautiful happens. You enter so sacredly into a pure, expansive,
cleansing state, called compassion, the flow of which spreads its soothing grace all
over your soul.
You feel it everywhere and for everyone and it is a beautiful experience. The one
of a kind experience, that you waited for your whole life. The more you shed it,
the more it becomes real to you, the more it becomes beautiful to you, in so
many ways, in so many blossoms, do they surround you, and your inner being is
washed in the rinsing waters of healing. By bathing in a sea of compassion, you
yourself are rinsed, you yourself are washed, every covered wound of your own is
uncovered. In rays of light, do you surround others, do you take others under
your wings, and in this taking, do you begin your journey taking others with you,
taking others besides you. And this is your book, a book of your journey and even
though, it is yours and yours journey alone, yet this is also a journey in
togetherness, in the sense, that all the paths that you cross on your own pathway,
have something to teach you and they never crossed yours accidentally. They
crossed yours for a meaning, a reason. They help us to see the discomforts, the
struggles of our lives in bigger clarity, a clarity in wisdom, a clarity so our inner
mirrors will radiate the resplendence of our own souls, and in that rising

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resplendence will we see, the wonders that can emerge from a compassionate
giving to all souls.
Compassion needs the very sight of sympathy, the sudden feeling of sadness as
you watch another soul trembling in pain, and you begin to tremble inside. This is
the feeling that seems to be so acute in you, that it instantly makes you and
another so familiar with one another. The curtain moves aside and what has not
been seen for so long, suddenly gets seen in the first rising light of your soul. The
gesture of the compassionate embrace seems to fulfill what seemed so unfulfilled
for so long. The strength of your soul isn’t seen in the power of your ego or
judgements, but in the love with which you embrace a suffering soul. When
suffering hits a soul too much, that he feels like being pushed against the wall,
that crosses all lines of sanity and can probably be defined as insanely cruel, you
embrace the most insane sufferings that drive another soul to the edge of life.
You embrace them with a compassion that surpasses all the needs of
communication, you embrace them in a wordless understanding, an
understanding that the more love you give them, the more it heals them and you,
both of you simultaneously. The more compassion you can shower on them, the
more it can empower you and them. It is from this understanding, that
empowerment comes to you. It is such a beautiful feeling of an unspoken
communication, that all that you can speak falls short of what is exchanged
between two hearts. That is the moment, when you embosom your own sacred
light, the light that taught you how to embrace the suffering souls, so you can
absorb their pain, so you can carry their grief, and be such a blessing to them.
When you embrace other sobbing souls in the gentle rain of your compassion,
may you be a blessing, may your embrace bring them the touch that they so
need. May you be the soul that they needed to meet on the path of their life, as
in this meeting, do you and they find that soft, tender places that was so
unexplored before, and as one’s eyes rolled down the tears of hearts, suddenly
you felt the immense need to release your own shared feelings, the sharing of the
same feelings that find something called joy in this universe. In this embracing, do
they find the healing and so do you. This is the flowing of the sacred rain, from
the heart of heaven in your heart so it can flow from yours to theirs. This is the
beautiful rain of compassion, the sky broke loose, you broke loose and everything

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in this universe breaks loose in this feeling of connection. Stars seem to dance in
the wordless yet precious connection, at times they will dance to the rhythm of
two joyful hearts exchanging an unspoken bond, to embrace the heartache, the
silent grief that has been sitting on you, frozen for years, like a sculpture of
sadness that knows not how to melt, but over the years they froze to make an art
of beauty. As you embrace another in this treasured connection, you are holding
another person’s struggling agony inside your arms, inside your chest, inside of
you. This is the embrace with the limitless potentials to release their stress, to
release their killing struggles, and as they release their grief, it expands the heart’s
From deep within you rise, out of your conscious choosing, you are able to truly
share and give to those who seek their pathway again in this wilderness of life.
This is your conscious encounter with the divine presence in every soul, on the
pathway of life. When two souls embrace each other in the pathway of life, you
both live inside each other’s light, a place of tenderness and vulnerability, where
both of you meet and greet the divine presence in each one of you, acknowledge
the heavenly encounter, hold it in your arms with the rain of compassion,
showering on you both. This is the time when you listen to the wisdom of your
heart, the wisdom that tells you to reach out to another soul, to make them
believe in themselves, once again, to tell them that there is so much to celebrate,
so much to live for, to breathe, to bask in the light of beauty, to embrace every
soul that crosses your way. So, when life gets colder, it is the compassionate
embrace that makes life warmer in the light of love, in the light of faith, in the
light of hope, in the light of joy again.
This is the moment when you both are embracing gratitude and humility, in deep
acknowledgement, that what comes in life may be taken away in the fraction of a
moment, so it is wiser and graceful to accept all that comes with much of a
gratitude, much of a thankfulness, and life will give its harvest in a thousand ways.
You enclose other’s pain, you enclose other’s wordless agony in your
compassionate understanding and an embrace of that soul, so much so that what
kills the other silently inside, can truly escape and all that is left is a limitless
loving-kindness, a genuine understanding of what is needed, when life pushes you
down to your knees. In this light of compassion, life can begin well once again, it
begins so enclosed, and so warm and protective in the light of another kindled

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spirit. This is the much- needed compassion that lives and breaks through the
chains, and understands that everyone smiles in the same language, everyone
loves in the same language. It is this feeling that understands the need of going
beyond language barriers and immersing in the universal need of all. Even an
understanding gesture can win a broken heart, can win some struggling feelings,
can wipe someone’s streaming tears, can bring a smile to someone’s face. It does
not mean, duality does not exist, it very well does, we just need to embrace this
duality and still be able to smile again, still be able to believe again.
You will eternally be looking for this understanding, and this is the wisdom that
will bring you to the faith in life again, the faith that even when the light seems to
go out, it is still there, somewhere flickering inside. And that to be alive, is the
most beautiful miracle of all. Healing is a lifelong process. It is never a one
moment thing, never washes away your grief in an hour, or a day. It is a continual,
ongoing journey, with miracles of washing, cleaning, rinsing and healing
happening every moment, every day. Each moment always brings something new,
something beautiful, something more exceling in power and strength than the
previous moment. And with all these happy tears of joy, the tears of the frozen
past seem to melt, and out comes the birth of a new beginning.
Sadness may always cling to you somewhat, but in the process of cleansing your
own soul, the clinging does fade away with time, it does wither away with time,
so you can embrace your own soul, stroke it and nurture it, until you are content
to sleep in your own heart. It may at times be awakened by a sound, a smell or a
distant memory, but you can live again. A feeling of sadness may grip you at
times, but you will be stronger as you let others reach out to you, as you let
others see you in the most beautiful vulnerability of yours. This is the place, this is
the time, this is the spot, where you will heal with the rolling of time, and as you
heal, others will heal too. As it is connected with all in the web of humanity, and it
is an undeniable connection.
The journey maybe very well fraught with challenges, but it continues, as life itself
is a forever flux. When has it ever stopped? This is the unstoppable flow of the
brook of life, where we may pause a little, at the lowlands, get wearied a little at
the marshes, but we begin again, only to lose ourselves in its flow again. What
you embrace in a moment of loving kindness, what you embrace in moments of

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vulnerability, brings you closer to another soul and forms a bond that you can
never truly walk away from.
You may fall, crash, break, cry, crawl, hurt and finally surrender, but with the light
of compassion that will heal you, you can rise again. But what makes you fall,
eventually will make you rise again. What crashes you, will eventually make you
whole again, what breaks you, will eventually invite you to form the wholeness
again what makes you cry will one day show you a beautiful shore so you can
smile again, what hurts you will one day soothe your hurt again, and what makes
you surrender will show you the light of peace in this surrendering to life again.
But it is compassion that is courageous enough to see and accept you at your
most basic, raw, and unremarkable self, and still want to embrace your
ordinariness, and then comes a time, when with the eyes of compassion, can
someone see the extraordinary splendor of your heart.
The light of life may seem too low at night, but in its arms, it always embraces you
tight, in its arms, it always clasps you close, so it can give away more of its love,
more of its understanding, more of its compassion from the heart of heaven to
those entangled in the web of humanity. You learn to leave the mysterious
sadness, the mystery of the unexplained abruptness that comes in life’s twists and
turns, but you gaze at the sky, at the twinkling galaxies, at the speaking
constellations, at the stars that fill the sky, and that light spreads itself in the dark,
so much so, that you see your soul in that light and seem to come out of the
weeping night. So, does everybody and all that leaves you, gives you something. It
gives you a wisdom to live by, that after the night, comes the dawn. What you
lose, may break you, but someday, in the healing touch of a thousand other souls,
you will find it beautiful and possible to rise and be resplendent again.
The old you will leave to make a place for a new you, a more authentic you, in
which you learned and relearned, time and time again to rise and re-rise, so when
things fall apart, when life seemed so unforgiving, when life seemed not so
friendly, not so understanding, and brought in the seasons of the shivering chill
and despair to sink in, you take your wisdom with you and learn how to grow, and
wait for the rising spring again. Some may struggle to understand this spiritual
evolution of yours, but those truest to your heart will never fail to see this
amazing light coming out of yourself, they will greet you in the light of

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understanding, and will learn to embrace this new you. Kindness is divine, and we
can be empowered if we embody it. It is this natural feeling that somehow shows
its path to compassion and peace. So, someday, we can embrace it. As we
embrace the magnificence that is inside of us, we learn to see and embrace the
magnificence that is within humanity as a whole, and in this seeing, we see what
we failed to see before, the web of humanity, where each one of us is
interconnected with one another. We can feel this interconnection by residing in
silence, as it is within that deep silence that the universe with all its peace resides,
humanity sings in its authenticity. So, you see that in the essentials of life, the true
path to happiness is to find your joy and share it with others. So, when struggles
seem to come along the way, all of you can rise and stand together, and when the
time comes, all of you can reside together in a state of peace, with your souls
entwined in an eternal brotherhood and sisterhood. This is the warm embrace,
the eternal summer, in all souls, where spirits are blazed again the fire of kinship.
Life is forgiving, and it can be simply amazing, no matter how many times, you
fall, hurt, break or crash. If we flinch and look the other way, then we are in denial
of life itself. Instead, if we go along with the ride, embrace the story and embrace
all the characters meant to be written in the book of our lives, then we embrace
all that life wants us to explore, as every page is something for us to treasure in
our own way. If ever, confusion comes along the pathway, then embrace that
confusion as confusion alone is the starting point for discovery, direction and
Those are the moments that you know yourself, and you have a tremendous
chance to know life, at its best and worst, and that’s the way it is. You need a
sense of what your life means and brings to you. Out of this need for the sense,
do we keep exploring life, in a most liberating embrace, the embrace that clasps
life to you, yet leaves room for the space and emptiness, so you can have the
emotions that envelop you as well as the liberating capacity to let you feel the
void, to see life both at its best and worst, and to know what sense, what
direction is life bringing for you, what purpose has it stored for you, what vision
can you see through the eyes of love and intellect, reason and understanding,
both of them. And at times, when you dwell in trials and tempest of life, may you
be open enough to receive compassion and may you be open to shower the same
rain on others, when needed. This is the much- needed rain that you and other

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souls need in this walk of life, to be the water, that can bypass a rock in the flow
of life. As you touch the peace that speaks softly in your heart, you be the waters
that life needs you to be, you be the fluid that can overcome any rock,
irrespective how tough, how hard it seems to be, you always find a way through
your persistence, the light to cross the barriers. It is this light of life, that makes us
overcome all that pebbled the pathway, and flow we again, pausing here and
there maybe occasionally, but once again we break loose in the flow. This
beauteous flowing is made possible by compassion cascading within us, by finding
the fount that has always lived within us, the fount that never stops flowing. So,
those who are wearied in life, those who have lost the light, will come by your
eternal fount, that never ceased flowing, during summer or winter. Times may
come, times may go, the breeze may blow soft or hard on your face, but the
compassion will cascade eternally on those who are in thirst of it.
So, souls who hunger or thirst for it, will burst into songs as you soak them in your
ever- flowing waters of compassion. Compassion can shake the mountains of
barriers, the hills of doubt, when needed, and a little compassion can really go a
long, long way to show the path to someone who lost it completely, someone
who gave up in the brutal battles of life. Though the waves of life may bring
sudden deluge of grief, but it can also bring deluge of compassion, as we meet
many blessed souls across the way. So diverse is the facet of life, so myriad is the
divine beauty. Compassion that flows is always the eternal fount of forgiveness,
the forgiveness that others can bestow on you, while you slip from the path and
the forgiveness that you can bestow on others, as others seem to slip from their
The ultimate beauty is not in what is written in your story book so far, but in what
remains to be written in the rest of the pages left, in the remaining of your life
story, that truly says it all. Your mistakes, your past may stare at you from time to
time, but they certainly do not define you, they prepare you for who are
supposed to become. Life can start all over again, even though you have felt the
crisp touch of it, the chill shiver of it right in the middle of winter. The muddy
waters may make it seem so impossible, the feet may sink deep, the struggle may
seem to choke, but the very mud that holds your feet, will also prepare you to
come out of it, so you can rise and truly emerge in the light of life again. We are
here to unlearn the teachings of the illusions and learn the teachings of the

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wisdom the wisdom of the soul, as in that teaching, can we learn to write the
remaining pages of our story, as the words may flow by in the stream of life. And
as long as you can the river inside, the brook that runs within, you can always find
your way home, and this is how your book goes on as you turn the pages, one by
one. When you live life from your soul, you feel like a river running in joy, and it
from this running joy throughout all seasons of life, that makes life worth living.
You may slow down and meander, and you may go around the boulders of life,
but the needed thing is to stay current.
The beauty is in the journey, as you continually unlearn what you learnt yesterday
and relearn in a new light, in a new hope, and continually evolve with the rising
joy, that never fades but thrives and grows with the rolling of time. It all comes, as
you keep flowing having this connection within in the web of humanity, knowing
that you are a part of it, and what affects you, affects others, what rips you apart,
rips all apart. It is this faith, this shared journey that makes the river running
possible and joyful. This is to be gratefully alive. This is to listen to the river that
always sings the sweetest of songs to reach our souls, to take us home, where we
can all find ourselves, in the river of silence. It is the song of a universal
compassion, that keeps us heading home even at times, when we lose the sight of
the shore.
So, we can smell the daisies of life once again, see the sun once again and believe
in life, once again. You lose your soul again in the swaying trees, in the whispers
of ever-changing leaves. The you that wept yesterday, sheds again the tears of
rising joy, as the stars tell stories of twinkling hope and the flowers that seemed
to droop in sadness, grow towards your light, the river begins to call your name,
and you hear the call of life again. Is you look at yourself then, you suddenly
realize that the mysteries of this universe are hidden in your eyes, the beauty of
this cosmos is hidden in your soul and you are awakened to the mysterious
beauty of it, with the awakening touch of it all, in the calling of compassion from
this universe as a whole.
The gleam of your river’s waters at dusk will lead your way homewards. You may
falter at times, but flow you must, as int his flow, goes your life. As compassion
does not falter, loving-kindness never ceases, as it comes from the fount of divine.
The river will always cut a new path, when it meets some gigantic obstacle, and so

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does compassion, find a new way to make you keep flowing with the flux of life,
no matter what life has thrown at you. You met get carried away by the surprises
of a river’s unfolding from time to time but cultivating kindness will bring you
back again in this flow, as it is this one life, and beauteous is its flow. As you learn
how to trust its beauty, as you learn how not to walk away but to walk in,
whenever waves of surprises, as you learn to surrender to the inviting call of life,
you will find all this time, when you were taking your own time to make a
decision, the river was always waiting there, it is you who paused a little to be in
its current, and there you are again, trying to catch up with its current, once
As life always has a music for those who want to listen to them, earth always
smiles in flowers, for those who want to see them, the breeze always has a
whisper for those who want to understand them, and the river always has waters
of grace for those who want to learn from them. It is we, who need to open our
eyes to see that enchantment, to feel that tender sweetness, to smell that the
universe has always carried in its breeze. And we open our eyes of heart to do
that, only when we can see everything through the eyes of understanding, a heart
of compassion, a soul of light. Nothing is ever really lost as long as they are
embedded in our memories. They keep coming back, the good and the not so
good ones.
But living in a sacred entanglement in this web of humanity, makes space for
others to wash us with their compassionate waters, and calls us to do the same
when they need ours. It is this act of giving and receiving love and compassion
that invites us to give in to the welcoming wonders of life. And realizing this truth
can be the best gift you can give to yourself. And it would be the greatest wisdom
in your life, to see the light of that wisdom when the universe is showing you its
wonders in abundance. So, you know, you are not alone. The fact that you are
alive, is the greatest gift of all and the realization of this with gratitude, with
humility will make you see the light of compassion, the light in which all else in
this life seems so insignificant. So, your very living becomes a piece of art,
something from which you can rejoice in the artistic tapestry of all the moments
you collected somewhere along the way, sometime along the way. It is this
tapestry that teaches you how to make time for others, how to give time to
others, as they make the priceless memories embedded in the seashells on the

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sands of eternity. To be compassionate is more needed than to be right with

intellect and reasoning, if you need happiness to face life, with all its seasons. The
compassion that needs listening ears, that needs a giving heart, that compassion
that needs you to understand people whom life has pushed down to their knees,
this is the compassion that rains down happiness on people, irrespective of
religion, caste, creed and language. It transcends all, it surpasses all that stands in
the way, and gives the wings to soar high in the endless blues. This is the
enlightened wisdom that facilitates love and compassion. This is the moment,
when you realize that everyone you meet in your life, has a story, that everyone
you encounter has gone through something that has changed them forever. And
all are secretly searching for some compassion to take shelter in, some
understanding that can keep them emotionally nourished.
The seeds of wisdom are sown by compassion, the seeds of wisdom are scattered
by kindness, and in the sprouting of these seeds, lies the beauty of living life. This
is what brings the deep awareness of the suffering of another soul. As it is always
the kindest of hearts that have felt the softest of feelings. And it is in this feeling,
that one can truly feel alive, not just for the sake of living, but to live in the
authenticity of life itself, in perspective of what it brings, in perspective of what it
holds for us. It is in befriending the lost and lonely, that we find ourselves in the
light of compassion and finally in the light of life again, the very light that we
seemed to lose sight of, comes down again to rest on our souls.
Be kind to every sentient being on this earth. Be kind to everything that lives, be
kind to everyone that you meet, even if it is for the briefest moment, as in that
kindness, can you give something to others, a hope, a light, some love, some
priceless moments that they can look back at and hold in their hearts. So
someday, when life seems to show its saddest seasons, it is these acts, these
gestures of kindness exchanged in the encounters of life, that can make their
sadness seem a little softer, that can make their pain seem somewhat lesser and
life may seem to be more breathable, more bearable, in the roughest times of
survival. Learn compassion, soak your soul in the light of it, so you can share it
with others, as it is in this light, do you find your own healing, and do you help the
hurting souls to heal as well. It is a pathway of healing, it is a pathway to find
everyone from the lost tracks, and to give them back their own lives to
themselves, all in the light of love, all in the light of hope, all in the light of faith,

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so they can believe in the miracles again. The beauty of life is knowing who you
are and in finding what lives even after what has left our lives, even after what
will never return, no matter how many years we have spent struggling our
emotions with the cutting sadness of our lives. So, you can live life by choosing it
consciously as to how you are going to ride its waves, not by deciding how to
settle for it. There is a bridge between living life and settling for it, the difference
that makes you choose whether you are going to live it with the eyes of intellect
or the eyes of your understanding heart. Life comes with its own rolling waves,
but if we look at it from the eyes of reasoning, then at times, we may feel to
understand the bigger purpose, the greater mission and vision of the divine plan.
So, at times, it is best if we surrender to the unknown, giving it to the divine what
we do not understand.
Instead of weeping over the closed doors, if we can rejoice at the opened ones,
waiting for us, we can listen to the whispers of the welcoming breeze. As you
learn in the rolling of life, how to quiet the mind then the soul will begin to speak,
and every view that was dim and so obscure, will be resplendent, there will be a
colossal outburst of sunshine in everything that you see. You will learn how to
pause, take a deep breath in moments of doubt and hesitation, and with that
pause, the anger subsides, and love resides, time and time again. This is the way
you nourish so you can flourish, as in this flourishing lies your blossoming, the
blossoming that can make you learn the art of living life. You learn never to
confuse the seasons with a lifetime, how to take seasons for what they bring and
how to gently blow them away in the freshness of a new beginning.
You see that the greatest strength of yours lies in the tenderness of your heart. It
is your tenderness that makes you powerful, yet very beautiful, as in the
gentleness lies the indwelling beauty of your soul. As you mirror what you love, as
you reflect what you want, life reaches out to you in a thousand ways. And out of
all your mirroring out of all your reflections, comes out the blessed wildflower of
your soul, and in this blooming, speaks the stilling beauty of your spirit, that
beauty that stills all the struggles and shows others the light of your sanctuary. In
this light, as you live, you will find that your life becomes a creative adventure,
you learn how to release your expectations and welcome the journey, so you feel
your perfections despite all the imperfections that you have. And as you live in

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this tenderness, it gives you the power, so you never let the seasons of sadness
define your future. And you will find the abundance that surrounds you.
One day, we all end in the ocean, but to begin with, we begin in the meandering
streams. And then comes the moment, when we all are carried along in the flow
that is destined for us, in the flow that we are meant to live, for better or worse.
This is the flow that takes us to the awaiting ocean, in the outburst of sunshine
and rain of our lives. There will always be the moments of life that can be
heartbeats and hurricanes of life, but it is up to us, how we choose to react in the
heartbeats that make our life sway in sweetness, and the hurricanes that throw
challenges in our path. Still, eb fearless in the pursuit of that which sets your soul
in responding to the call of life, that which takes you to your wildest imagination,
that which invites you to take the adventures of life.
What cannot be said will always be wept, and in the rolling tears, will roll your
moments of sadness and out will flow, your rolling of joy once again. So, you learn
to live that spark again, to kill that sadness again with the light of your own
sanctuary. So, your life becomes the thoughts that you breathe and the words
that you pen on the pages of your book. So, you live through your creations that
are meant to live forever. It is always darkest at night, before the dawn, yet the
light lives somehow, to make us walk through with the light of compassion, as this
light travels from one soul to another. You take the night and turn it into a dawn
of your life, you take weeping darkness and turn it to a light, a light that will shine
within you and can show you the path and be an exemplary light for others.
This is the light that nobody can take out of your soul, something that nobody can
steal, something that no one will lose amidst the meandering pathway of life. For
in this light, lies the depth of life. Or else it would have been a beauty without a
breathing meaning into it and without this indwelling depth, it would not have
breathed into anything enduring, anything sparkling. It is this light, the light that
shows the seeds of compassion and loving-kindness, that will set your soul on fire
again in the battered weathers of life, that will call you to live again, that you get
to see and live life for real again. This is the light that shapes you, that molds you,
that carves your very heart and evolves you every moment. This light will take us
to the treasures of life, the treasure that help us to make a life string of shared

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feelings with all the kindred souls, a sharing that somehow takes us back to the
connection that we once thought, was lost but suddenly find it gleaming again.
The real beauty of life is never really seen, but it is discovered. It is in exploring all
the moments, it is in navigating life to all its depths, that you get to glimpse the
hidden and the unhidden beauty, the beauty that stares right on your face and
the beauty that is so subtle, so speaking through its stilling silence, so soothing
amidst its roughness, so serene amidst its chaos. That is the beauty that needs
you to go deep into an exploration of the ocean of life. And as you fall in the
tumultuous turns and twists of life, the entangled web of humanity will bring you
back to this thread of humanity, that gleams amidst this weeping darkness,
amidst this sobbing silence, so you will return to yourself, to your sanity, to your
sanctuary of peace again.
The art of living lies in how high you can rise again, when you hit the bottom. This
is the art that whispers words of wisdom to your ears, in the silence of your
struggles, in the depths of your soul, when you are fighting yourself, time and
time again, over and over again, turning ever page of your book, to see if anything
is still left to be worded, if any unfinished things are still waiting to be penned
down, it is then in search of this truth, that you wander from heart to heart, from
soul to soul in this web of life, in search of this missing peace, the peace that will
clasp all the broken pieces together. This is the moment, when you tune into the
shared connection again.
This is the light that can make you walk in the light of faith, to a river so deep that
runs within you, giving you the light of trust that you can cross the boulders,
shake the mountains of doubt and insecurities that may come along the way, so
what lives is the living, breathing light that can set your soul on fire again, that can
ignite what was lost again, in the hidden tears of your heart. Let your struggles
stream, let your difficulties stream, as you flow towards the ocean. Delight in
these adventures of life again. As it is in this delight, that you find the light that
struggles to come out to make you feel alive. And so, once again, beneath your
feet, you will feel the grass growing. You will feel the sand shifting and making
room for the fertile soil to come again in place all that seemed so hurtfully barren.
You will always have this piece of your heart that will look back at the times that
brought in the sadness that wept you, but then again, this light of compassion

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from other kindred souls will show you the times when happiness will melt you
again in the warmth of the awaiting light in your very own sanctuary. This is your
search for meaning, the meaning of life, and in this very search, do you realize, do
you glimpse the lost light of compassion that seems so very forgotten in this
world that has gone so insane with pain. But to be able to see the light again, you
need to stand in the lighted place, where the light is shining bright, so it can light
you back again in the bliss of your own soul. This is the pathway, the roadway to
the rising happiness in you again. This is how you will see the astonishing beauty
of your own being again, in the amazement of its astonishments, will you find
your own light again, will your own spark again, that was once seeded in you at
the time of your birth. At times, when your own has gone out, you stand in
someone else’s luminosity, so other souls can pull you into their light, so other
hearts can commune with you by means of a wordless communication that which
silently flows from them to you, and in this communion will you find your
astonishing light again.
This is the light that will burst you open in to a new galaxy within you, so you can
see the colossal outburst of a universe, all along waiting within you. This is the
light of faith that will split you open, and this light can only be glimpsed as you see
others in the light of compassion. The light that brings back wonders again shines
both ways. It emerges from the interconnection between you and others in this
entangled web of humanity. Pure compassion that flows from this conscious,
infinite being of light from the lighted galaxies in other souls to lead you back to
the galaxy in your soul. This is the marvel in creation, the most timeless marvel,
that you see and feel only in times of sinking sadness, when you feel that sick void
and someone else out there in this universe hears your cry and tries to pull you
out into their own light, so you can find your way home again to your own
gleaming galaxy within your own soul.
You realize how beautiful you are like a glittering diamond in the sky. For a
moment, you lose sight of that beauty, when others see your silent struggle,
sense it, feel it, and try to pull you into the retreats of their own souls, so you can
see yourself again as the timeless, ageless diamond that can cut through any
sadness that comes along the way, so you can glitter in the sky, one more time. So
when life knocks you down, you can roll over through the passing time and can
see the smiling happiness again through the colossal outburst of a thousand

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wonders of this dancing universe. The universe was always spinning in the ecstatic
dance. Its just that you failed to notice, you failed to feel the ecstasy of this
ecstatic dance, until some invisible hands from the web of humanity felt what you
were feeling, sensed what you were sensing, heard your screaming pain and
chose to wrap you under the wings of their unconditional compassion.
This is the compassion that gives birth to forgiveness that needs you to own what
you did, to own the mistakes that you made. But not to beat yourself up for it. As
you are human. And to be human is to understandable make a mistake
somewhere in this path of life, but the way to live would be in choosing not to do
it again. This understanding can lead to forgiveness and help you in flowing again
in this flux of life. There is a fluidity in compassion, a beauty in empathy, and a
grace in showing forgiveness to others. This is the road to spiritual maturity. So,
you will not be held in the history of your past, in the history of what once
happened, but in the future of what is lying ahead of you.
This is the truth of reality that can set us free, from holding on to the pain. In
letting forgiveness to flow, do we cleanse our souls, and purify our hearts.
Forgiveness is the best form of love. Until we forgiven someone even after taking
a glimpse into their darkness, we do not get to feel what love in the truest, purest
sense is. This is how you rediscover your heart, after everything has fallen apart.
So your past can be a learning experience, can hold all the encounters from where
you learned something, that taught you to be who and where you are today. So,
in living life, its not how you forget, but how you forgive, not how you choose to
listen but how you truly understand. Forgiveness also shows you not what you
see, but how you choose to see things, it also sheds light not on how you let go,
but how you hold on.
This is the much- needed self- forgiveness that is needed for self-healing. And
compassion needs you to forgive everyone, including yourself. This is the pathway
to recovery of your troubled soul. This is the healing water that you so need to be
in the current of life. To move with the current, to be in the running brook, you
need to be compassionate with yourself. You need to be understanding with your
own heart. When you choose to forgive, you take away the power of what
troubles you, you take away the power of what rages you inside and a serene
peace descends on you. Forgiving yourself is something beautiful that you do for

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yourself, it’s a grace that you shower on your spirit. It is in this grace that your
soul gets bathed, your heart gets rinsed, you feel so unburdened, and so
unchained, that you release yourself in a new breeze. Compassion helps you to be
unchained and while you release your silent sufferings in the light of forgiveness,
you become contented. You rejoice in the way things are, and every moment gets
glorious in the light of compassion. Every moment becomes a wonder in the light
of healing. You behold wonders everywhere, you behold miracles everywhere, as
you got unchained from the weeping of your own soul. True forgiveness is not a
passive acceptance of yourself, but it is a conscious choice to follow the direction
of your divine nature. In this consciousness, do you raise the level of your
awareness, as you choose to follow the divine path and not the primitive path.
This choice is not easy, and it only stems from compassion. It is that light that
takes you to self-healing, to self-recovery, to walking on higher levels of
awareness. That is how, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself. When you
get lost in the sea of confusion, trying to understand how or why things
happened, how the waters got so troubled in your voyage, it is forgiveness that
shows you a light. This is the guiding light, the light by which you will sail for all
the times ahead. The accepting mind accepts what was, what is and what can be.
It is in this acceptance, that it finds peace, not in resistance. And this
unquestioned acceptance stems from a serene understanding, in serene
forgiveness, that what will remain unchanged can best be accepted, to live a life
in the light of love and healthy living. You can finally release your past. Letting out
your past does not mean, you forget it for this lifetime. But it only means that you
saw the healthy release that was so needed for all this time.
There is beauty in simplicity, and it is the light of compassion that makes you see
that beauty, appreciate that before it is too late. It makes you give a chance to
new adventures of life that spark life again, it makes you give living another
chance by letting go of the past that clutches to you in pain, that cripples you
from moving forward. So, you no longer dwell on fighting your past but in building
your future. It is in this building, that you find life flowing in a flux. There is a
moment, when you have to choose whether to hold on to this clutching the most
unforgiving past, or to see the beauty again in the simplicity of things that lie
ahead. And this choice is made a lot simpler, a lot easier when we live in the grace
of forgiveness, the beauty of empathy and the light of compassion. Living life at

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beat in this light, can make us see things through a different lens, a perspective
that lets the heart beat again, that calls the soul to rise again above the sinking
grief. And this rising is made so very possible as we see the moments in the light
of grace, in the light of humility. This humbleness makes us forgive ourselves and
others, as we become embracing of humanity as a whole, while at the same time,
we learn how to embrace ourselves, to fall in love with ourselves again.
Pain is a part of life and the challenge is to find a way to break through it. Life
comes in all shades, in all colors. The wisdom speaks in embracing the pain and
then letting it go, in clasping it and then releasing it. So, we learn from the pain,
maybe it had a lesson to teach, a lesson that can leave you with some trail of light,
so you never follow your past mistakes any more. You learn from them and pave
a pathway where your wisdom can guide you and your choices. It fills you with
gratitude and that in turn takes you to a higher awareness, a more enlightened
consciousness. Your past taught you something. So, you carry this wisdom within
you, with you, so it can shape you into someone who can make enlightened
choices in the days to come, in the moments ahead.
You feel the feeling, whether it is joy or pain. But never become the feeling, never
become the emotion. You witness the emotion, allow the emotion and then
release it. As you yourself are your greatest impediment, if there is an obstacle
facing your way, that it is you. You are the biggest boulder standing on your way.
And the way to defeat, is to rise above your own self. Win your challenging mind,
win your chattering mind, in the light of grace and compassion. Walk in the light
so you can silence the endless illusions that veil the light within you. So, when we
lose our way, and the darkness seems so huge, and the path so confusing, this is
the light that glows in faith, that glows in compassion and makes us find our way
to life again.
So you can find joy in your journey, it can be a journey of health and wellness
again, in the spiritual retreat of your own self. There is a serenity, a calmness, in
the scatter joy that you can enwrap under your wings and can finally portray
them on the bigger canvas of your life. Some days, joy may be a real battle in your
life and some other days, joy may be a gift, wrapped with love and sent to you.
Those are the days, when your heart smiles at its best. But to know how to find a
smile again when the days may not be gifted with joy, is to win the challenges

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within. This is the obstacle that makes life a journey within. And it is the biggest
journey that you will ever make, but in this journey lies the unlearning, relearning
of everything, uprooting and rooting of the essential things that build the breath
of life. That is when, you learn how to fall in love with life again, that holds the
secret of your eternal youth.
Everyone you meet is fighting some secret battle in the silence of their souls, in
the depths of their own minds. You are not the only one fighting a battle. But to
find joy and to sparkle in joy is an indicator of deep wellness, a wellness of your
soul. It gives a message that your heart is living well in peace and graceful
acceptance of what you have. It illuminates your contentment. The joy is the
witness to the unfolding of your life in higher consciousness. It is the battles that
reveal the unfolding of life to you, that reveal the pathway to compassion and
acceptance. And by an unconditional acceptance of what comes and leaves your
life, can you feel the fulfillment of your life.
Fulfillment begins with you, not with what you have and do not have, not with
what you own and do not own. This is the delightful truth, that it all begins with
you and within you. The truth that you search for everywhere, is the timeless
pearl that has been lying in your shell all along. Joy is what gives fulfillment, not
pleasure. It is the understanding of the fine distinction between them, that
creates joy even in weeping. It is this ageless understanding of this wisdom, of this
truth that creates contentment, so you can hold yourself, so you can contain your
sorrows in the light of faith, that it too shall pass and will endure its seasons. And
when the time comes, there will be a colossal outburst of laughter again. As this is
life in a beauteous weaving of all the collected moments, but life is still beautiful,
an adventure, a continuous journey of creativity, unceasing, unending, as the
ocean never knows how to stop rolling its waves.
This is life and the birth of a fulfillment that knows how to trust and to hope and
to endure what comes along the way. This is the feeling of fulfillment that knows
how to find the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life, and it is always the
possibility that keeps you going, the belief that there is a beautiful shore
somewhere, that keeps you swimming. It is the light of this faith, in whose glow,
you find your fulfillment again. So, the light can shine again from the lamp of your
soul, and the lamp keeps burning from the unwavering faith that you immersed

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your soul in. It is in this unwavering faith, that you illuminate yourself, when life
knocks you down to the ground. So, you become a visionary, a carrier of light
within, in the resplendence of which, you find the eternal fulfillment inside of you.
You don’t dream of life first, you blossom in your own light and then life comes to
you in a fulfillment. This fulfillment of life is something that does not come to you,
but you go to it, you walk towards it. This is the journey that has been waiting for
you all along. It is this journey, that needs you to scatter compassion on those you
meet along the way. While the walk tells you, while the walk teaches you through
the myriad encounters that come and leave your path, it is the collection of all
those moments that gives you the art of feeling the so needed fulfillment. This art
you master it well, as you learn how to see others through a lens of compassion.
You will meet differences in perspectives, but this world has different people with
unique beauties, with unique thoughts. Each one is uniquely beautiful. The
differences do not separate you, do not need to alienate you from other fellow
travelers but they are meant to shed a light on how deeply each one of you need
one another. It is the existence, the acknowledgement of these differences that
brings the need to bridge the barriers between you and others. It is not meant to
broaden the gap but to close it. As in this web of humanity, each one of us needs
one another. It is this understanding, this realization of the intense need for one
another in the heart of hearts, that teaches us the wisdom of our souls.
So, you give another soul, something from your soul, so you give another heart
something from your heart. What you need for yourself, you give it some one
else, entangled with you in the same web. This is the much- needed compassion,
that need to be scattered among the souls, all woven together in the web of
humanity. The smallest gestures of kindness are always lot more worth than the
greatest intentions of reaching out. As what you do, is what you gift people with,
and every gift that actually comes out of your heart, is an act in kindness. That is
when you truly reach out, in the most blessed manner possible. It is in this giving,
that you heartily reach out to humanity, beginning from one to many, lighting like
a star in this sky of humanity.
And it is this act of giving that will bring out the light of transformation within you.
You will become more blessed in giving, as you will realize that by giving, you have
gathered many blessings sent your way. You will fell the greater joy in reaching

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down and lifting the lost and lonely. It is in this lifting, that you will feel the joy of
a silent compassion, working its invisible hands. In compassion, will you find
yourself, in compassion will you lose yourself. This is what makes life, that helps
us find the true purpose, the meaningful beauty of life. While making a life is not
the same as making a living. What we do to feed us physically, is not the same as
what we do to feed our souls. Feeding our souls needs us to do something that
will go beyond ourselves and extend its hands to others, extends its hearts to
others. It is in extending compassion that will bless other souls, the ones who
starve from it are the ones who can truly be blessed from it. And in reaching out
to them, do we feel the invisible pull of humanity, do we see the invisible thread
of entanglement. In this light, do we truly rise above ourselves and grow limitless
and boundless.
You see the light of humanism that whispers that all you have is each other, all
you feel is the shared connection that makes life so worth living, that makes every
moment so breathtaking, that makes every hour spent with someone a gifted
friendship. This is how you root for each other and with time, as you water them
well, as you nurture it well, you all can watch each other grow. So, you all
understand each other, in pain and silence, and as you are anchored deep enough
in the soils of humanity, you realize that while times may come, when the storms
may blow, when the winds may be rough, but the connection will always find its
roots so as to reach out when it needs to be reached.
You receive the blessed wisdom in your soul, how to grow and how to heal. As
you shower kindness on others, you shower it on yourself. As in this rain shower,
not just others but your own gets healed, your own gets soaked and those that
were barren and weeping, its not just them but the entire humanity got fed to
their hearts. The echo of kindness is truly endless. The gestures, the words the
extending of hands, it may seem so short, but what they leave behind is
something so enduring, so beautiful, that it creates a ripple in the ocean of
humanity. This is the echo that speaks in a quiet sky, when the world may seem
so distanced, each from another, with a thousand walls in between them,
standing so tall and erect. This is the kindness that gives out the light which
dissolves the walls between the egocentric humans, secretly suffering inside,
yearning for some love and tenderness, yet living under the illusion of ego, under
the illusory definition of life. Kindness radiates the light that cuts through this

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illusory definition of life. This is the timeless, ageless light that cuts through the
unspoken sadness, which thousands and thousands of humans like to live aa life,
but in reality, that is the saddest, sickest version of life. As a life that brings tears
to all, in the secret, silent depths of solitary retreat, is no life at all. But our own
created version of life which can feed our ego. To be able to hear that which cries
beneath the unheard cry, to be able to feel what remained so unfelt, to be able to
enter the deepest recesses of someone’s heart, where loneliness ahs deprived
him/her of any sunlight at all, is to be able to touch the soul. When you can touch
this way, when you can feel this way, when you can hear this way, it is in that
moment, that you begin to walk on the sacred ground, you begin to evolve in your
sacred space. You reach a higher level of consciousness, a raised awareness. As
somewhere, deep within, you hear the voice of compassion that urges you to rise
above yourself.
This is how you get loose in the waters of compassion, you feel the feeling that
makes you so light-hearted, that you soar in a delicious ambience, and while you
soar, others soar with you. It is never a feeling that you feel alone, in the solitary
retreats of your soul, but it is a feeling that loosens everyone, unchains everybody
and all immerse in the sea of compassion. They unburden those feelings that
burdened them in the trap and yet they were silent about it all along, living in the
shadows of false beliefs. And suddenly as one gets loose in the streaming
compassion, the world gets so loose too. The chained struggles, the chained
hardness gets so unchained, and feelings begin to flow in the graceful ecstasy of
just flowing. There is no ceasing, there is no abrupt turning .and once it begins to
flow, it causes a ripple, which in turn, affects others.
They may bring their own darkness, but if you can find it in the light of
compassion to love them in the radiance of your own light, then it is bringing
another soul in the light of your own, who in turn can be effulgent on some other
soul that is much in need of a light. The radiance goes on from one to another,
thus lighting the brooding darkness, that has descended on pain and eventually
there comes a time, when the light becomes the way out.
This is the compassion that breaks the divine silence between two souls into a
thousand feelings, each feeling relating to one another, each feeling streaming
from one heart and knocking heart to open it, to make a pathway, so it can enter

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it, and clasp that soul. This is the wonder that works through the hands of
compassion, that makes something extraordinary from the ordinary, that finds an
art in the way of daily living, that creates a beauty in this struggling life.
Your life may seem to be infected with battles, and life may seem to be at the
very end. But it’s not over till it is over. It is not the end, till it has seen the end.
And the journey is valued by what you carry in it, by what you carry within you
and with you. This is the journey that can be difficult and joyous from time to
time, but the challenges that may make the journey so stumbling, can be the ones
that help you, one step at a time to move towards the light, the light by which you
will carry on the rest of the journey. It is this light that will lead you to cross the
agonizing battles, that pose as impeding boulders along your way. From
somewhere within, you find that voice mustering up, so you can rise again, you
can step forward again, to endure what comes along the path. You collect
moments, you collect those pearls of joy, in whose glow, you can make peace
with the lost battles of life.
You have to discover yourself before wanting, before needing, before picking up
of what is left from the lost battles of life. Battles like that, once they are ended, it
may seem an end, but in reality, it leaves so much of an aftermath wrought in
unkindness, wrought in brutality left. You lose a vision of life, that you once
thought was beautiful, you live with some fragments within, that know not how
to be whole again. You often ask yourself…What are you left with? What do you
live for, and how do you make a sense of the broken pieces of yesterday? You
stare at them in desperate helplessness, and they stare back at you. But it is those
back-breaking battles of life, the unforgiving darkness that paves the pathway for
a more resilient you, a warrior you, who knows now, how to rise, how to emerge
again. As dawn always comes after night.
It is in the valleys, that our faith is built. It may seem that the journey is not
walking any more, as the brutality of battles have seen the cold, bitter end, but
just when you thought, it is the end of all, it maybe a new beginning. The best
may be yet to come, if you walk by the light of faith and surrender the unknown
to the divine. This faith needs a grace, a humility, a bowing down to the divine, in
peace. As the journey can be carried on with peace residing in your heart, not by
fighting, but by surrendering, not by resistance, but by acceptance, that

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sometimes, the light shows after the battle is over, after you feel that you have
seen the end. It is then, that you wake up and see the end is not the end. It was
just a bend. This rising is awakened within us, as we walk in the light of
compassion that makes us humble enough to accept all that comes and goes in
grace and humility.
When you choose to be at peace with your inner self, you have no more battle to
lose in the real sense of the word. You can accept every outcome with a peace
that defeats all understanding, that defeats all the aftermaths, that defeats
despair and all the hard feelings that stay behind. Choose to find that retreat
within, where you can immerse in deep peace, a peace that sees serenity in the
creations of divine, a peace that sees the signature of divine in this universe
everywhere. As you behold this kind of peace and feel it within, you really have
no battle to lose. As you have no more battles left. You see light in everything,
you see a glimmer of peace in every hopeless situation that would otherwise
seem so heart-breaking, you hear its echo over a thousand loud cries of life. This
is the peace that raises your voice in the midst of all turbulence, and still sees a
victory over everything, a triumph even in the most failing situations, a triumph
that knows how to rise above all that is holding back, and still feel the joy within.
So serenity can live in the midst of chaos and destruction, so tears can turn to
smiles in the midst of all that is so hazy. Sometimes, joy may seem yours and
sometimes, it may seem a world away. But the peace that you carry lets you see
the triumph in this moment, in this breath, not in the next breath, not in the next
moment. This is your path that has its own fair share of sadness and battles and
brutality. But the encounters that you come across while you are in this journey,
can hold the key to some doors that seem so locked. You never know, who you
meet can show you the doorway to a wondrous gift, that can change your life
forever, that can bring something timeless to you. And while they cross your path,
it is never by accident. They have been brought to you by a divine design.
And when you have this peace within, the possibilities are endless. There you see,
many lands, many journeys, many joys despite the many battles that you faced.
This is the peace that makes it possible to walk through fear and to come out
scorched but still breathing, still living, and still taking life as the greatest gift, the
blessed miracle of all. The epic battles no longer seem so epic anymore, the

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haunting defeats no longer seem so haunting anymore, the frightening past no

longer seems to frighten anymore. And we can rise again, we can behold again, all
because of the peace that we carry in the light of faith, the faith in divine. That
faith that if I am a child of divine, and so is another soul, and as human angels, we
are all interconnected, interrelated, transcending all barriers.
Wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing, and every moment you need to be
gifted with learning and unlearning the old. Wisdom speaks in your realization
that you are an embodiment of love, you are empowered by love. When you
realize that the journey is your dream, not the destination, then the pathway to
life becomes your very vision, you sacred mission. It gives you the ecstasy, the
pathway to fulfillment. Every moment that you walk, you feel the ecstasy of being
alive. Even the briefest moments hold something for you, an advent of something
that you never beheld before, a feeling of something that you never felt before.
The wisdom becomes the speaking beauty, the wisdom that speaks compassion
to your heart, the wisdom that whispers kindness to your soul, that gives you the
root of humanity. This is the root that gives you the left-overs of life after all the
battles have been won and lost, after all the ego has triumphed and been bruised,
you finally realize, that it left nothing behind. As what truly lives behind, is the
feelings of tenderness that binds you to another, the love that you gift someone
with, the kindness that you are gifted with. These are the gifts that truly live
behind, these are the gifts that are worth living for.
You are a being of love. But you make the mistakes of identifying yourself with
your plethora of feelings. You never were your feelings. You never will be your
feelings. You merely witness them. They come, they go. You stay being rooted,
being anchored in your own embodiment of love. You witness everything as love.
You are embodied with love and you feel love everywhere and in every creation
of this universe. Your mind and your feelings are born out of it. Yet you take them
as intimately related to you, and it is this illusory thinking that sets a boulder on
your pathway. You are born as a being of love, you are seeded with compassion.
It all happened the moment you were born. Your sacred birth gifted you to this
earth. You take all these gifts and you regift them to this earth. But somewhere
along your journey, you lose the insight of this wisdom and your mind comes into
a powerful play, with a thousand chattering battles. And you lose sight of the

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divinity in others, and you become consumed with so much of a hardness inside,
that you leave your sacred purpose behind. You become entrapped in the ego
battles and you are no longer the same. You seem to forget that happiness can
never be a temporal thing, but something that is eternal. These egoistic thoughts,
these false beliefs, these misperceptions of other humans, that we perceive in our
minds, are all to give us the egoistic satisfaction. We misperceive that as
happiness, and it lives for some time. Then it fleets, and we are in search again of
something else, something new that can give us a temporal satisfaction. And this
fleeting continues, from now to ever.
As we fail time and time again to look into our own vast being, our sacred space,
our real self, so we run. But we run from our own selves, our embodiment of love.
We never give much thought as to what can gift us with a happiness that can
endure this fleeting of all satisfactions and can make us search for that space
again. That space, where love and compassion mingle and become a beautiful
piece of art, all together. As you can raise your awareness, you begin to see the
space in you and in another. This can only happen with a raised awareness. As the
awareness in another heightens too, the two of you can meet in the sacred
spaces and that is compassion, that is love. This is where you both meet.
The mind creates the chasm, the gorge, the seemingly dark canyon. It is the heart
that chooses to cross it. The chattering thoughts that reflect egoism, self-
centeredness of individuals always create the dark fissure, the bottomless pit, and
it is from the heart, that we choose to rise, that we hold on to emerge again. The
day, your relentless thoughts die, that is moment of the birth of your wisdom. The
wisdom that will speak to you, guide you in the light of a new awareness, will pull
you out of all those created pits of yours. That is the beginning of a breakthrough.
You flee from pain and you search for some pleasure, a pleasure that will live, that
will endure, that will give you the taste not of temporal but of eternal. And when
you seek for this eternal thing, your constant seeking and leaving of something
old for something new, one day brings you to the doorway of your inner light.
You get exhausted and out of this exhaustion, you search from door to door, you
knock from door to door, hoping, wishing that maybe something new can gift you
with a priceless gift. And then you find the relentless searching that you did was
only for your own sacred space, a space where compassion has resided all along.

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If you could feel this unfelt feeling, a while ago, then those moments that went to
a waste, would have been lived, in the true sense of living. But then, this is the
journey that you embark on, this is where you venture, in finding your own true
spirit. Whatever comes to you, comes by a divine design, but the joy and pain
streaming from it, is created by you, and their entering in your minds is created
through you. You are the creator of your own inner fount. How it will flow, what it
is going to cascade, is all designed by you. As you let your mind speak, your
sorrows, your illusions, your cutting pain, they begin to flow. As you let your heart
speak, your happiness begins to cascade, your ecstasy begins to cascade. This is
what you have been in search of all along.
There are times when the soul may want to sail for distant places, where it can
find something deeper, something that crosses the old and searches for the
enduring beauty. That is the search of a distant land, where you can feel deeply
rooted, so you can anchor the ship of your soul. You find that land, you are more
anchored, as you make love of your own sacred space. In the heartlands of your
own inner flowering, do you find that joy to flower deeper and deeper, further
and further. You find that you were born as a seed and you sprouted. You grow
your roots well. You flower, you fruit. Your sprouting, your flowering, happened
as you went beyond your mind and entered into your sacred space. This is where
you know, that you are embodied with compassion. Your compassionate
understanding was there all along. And as you feel this, crossing your mind, going
beyond your illusions, that is when your flowering begins.
You watch your mind and you discover yourself as the mere watcher, as the mere
observer. You become motionless, as you observe the ebb and flow of feelings
and thoughts, that continually come and go. You become the light behind the
observer, the light who sees into beyond, the light who seeks and seeks. You are
the light of a seeker, you are the light of a sage. You become a sage at heart, sage
at soul, you gradually reach the point, where you cross all the thresholds of
needing and desiring, and you become more of a seeker. It is in this process of
seeking, that your unfolding, your flowering happens.
Every light begins with a darkness. Every flowering begins with an ignorance. As
you become a seeker, as you become a sage at heart, the darkness in you begins
to dissolve and your heart begins to walk more and more towards light. The

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journey from darkness to light, gets affected by the weather and its endurance,
the winds of change and the bearing of it. But the darkness gradually leads you to
your own enlightening in the more and more wisdom bearing heart of yours. It is
from there, that you begin to shine in a colossal splendor. All around you, there is
a colossal firework within your soul. Everywhere, you turn around, you see light
and nothing but light. The fireworks that plunge into the sky of ignorance, sky of
darkness and shatters it all, to break forth a new light. When you meet another
soul on your pathway, you clasp that soul in the light of this light, that which
carries compassionate understanding in an unspoken silence and you know you
have befriended that soul in that wordless moment.
The darkness may race at first across your mind, but light will come through
across the sacred space. Its reflection will dance in exquisiteness and will chase
your shadows away. That is when you become rich with potential wonders of life.
All it needs is an enlightened glance for you to breathe alive for the first time, to
come alive, to feel alive again. That is a phenomenal happening, when life begins
to breathe in you in the real sense of being alive, and all other illusions have fled
away in the breath of that moment. In time, you learn that you can never
stockpile anything that gives you a temporal pleasure, as they exist only in time.
And it is only joy, an enduring joy that exists in eternity.
You become an artist, a creator, a dreamer, as you meet these fireworks, this light
in your scared space. This is your new- found happiness, not that it never existed
before, but that, you failed to glimpse your fount. The space that always had a
direct and eternal appeal to your soul, that appeal that was enigmatic, complex
yet so simple, that which seemed to be a labyrinth, yet was the most simplistic
beauty that you entered it through the haze, the pathway of which was a spiral,
and the further you went away from it, the more it coiled you inside in search of
There may be moments of suspense and surprise along the way, the feelings of
transience, the transience that puts an edge on beauty, but your venturing will
lead to you to either fall or fly in that space. At first, when the light begins to
break, the pulsing strobes may touch you from time to time, but then comes a
moment when the fiery dandelion of your soul will see the eternal light, that
makes its way across the sky of your soul. There will be thousand starbursts of

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light breaking through the brooding darkness of the sky, and the light will rise in
brilliance. This is the point of no-return, and you keep look forward. You keep
going home, as you venture further and further. The brilliance and mobility of this
light is far too going, is far too reaching, but you went elsewhere, and when all
else failed to give you the eternal wine, it is then that your search began to coil
you intensely, so you could come back to that space, where you realize that you
are love, you are a being in love with all that is, with all that you encounter, with
all that you behold.
It is this space, that can sprout the lotus of compassion, every petal of which
unfolds in love and forgiveness. And it is in this sprouting, that you find inner
peace, that you fine the pathway to forgive others, to forgive yourself. Until you
find this peace in your heart, you will forever be thirsty, while trying hard to
immerse in a sea, in search of the healing waters. Compassion is what heals. And
healing flows into peace. This is knowing the own self. And as you walk through
your rising challenges in your life, you unfold your divine nature. Your divinity
unfolds. While all the times, your divinity was in a deep slumber, waiting for you
to walk into. Knowing thy own self, you accept that life to be lived in joy, needs
acceptance of others and seen them through the lens of forgiveness.
As you see through this lens, your light sees forgiveness as an essential means of
healing. And while you choose to forgive and to set yourself and others free from
being prisoners of the past, you realize it from your sacred space of compassion.
That is how, your soul begins to flower. You begin to cry and somehow, someone
in this universe hears your cry. Someone feels your need, someone is touched by
your falling tears. And that someone extends the hands to pull out yours under
the wings of compassion. That is an act from the sacred space. When these two
souls meet in their own sacred spaces, that becomes love.
This is your being in touch with yourself. You are in constant connection with your
sacredness, from where all answers begin to flow. You are aware and into your
self-awareness, your blessings begin to stream in abundance. Bliss begins to flow,
bliss begins to come in such a deluge, that wherever you go, and in whatever you
do, bliss showers on you. You begin as a silent observer, a place of intentional
cognizance, and you witness every detail that enters and leaves you. From there,
you find your center of love and sacred space, where there is a continual bliss.

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From this bliss, as you see things, your perspective goes through a tumultuous
change. You spiral and eventually reach the vortex of love, that which has been
locking splendors for you all along. And finally, you find the gem of life. The seed
in you has grown to a tree, found its unshaking roots, that go down in search of
depth, finds it and holds it steadfast. It holds you steadfast to your own
sacredness, from where bliss cascades. And this is the bliss that follows you
everywhere, in every encounter on your pathway, as this space teaches you how
to love yourself and others, how to forgive, how to make space for them in your
life, looking past what they did or did not do, how to take them back in your life
again. Your sacred space, in its beauty is light, the unfailing, undying beauty, that
which effulges through time after time, that is light in sanctity. And this is the
same light that guides all, that wraps all. And what wraps all under the same glow,
is the light of compassion.
From wherever you are at any point of time, from that point to this sacred space
realization, is your most needed pilgrimage. This is the pilgrimage that can take
you ultimately to the divine realization, that what lives inside of you, also lives
inside of another soul, and what lives is the divine light. When you are swept in
your own flood of tears, wondering how to reach out to another, your outer and
inner seeking will blend into one, and in that moment, will you receive the
breakthrough, that what binds you to another, is your light trying to reach
another beating heart, that too, is a carrier of this sacred light. The light was there
all along, in the sacred space. This is the unspoken nearness, the unspoken
tenderness, that brings nearer to the nearest, in the very breath of compassion,
the very center of every beating heart.
The dance of creations may change all around you and others, but in this core,
you will always be the same. This is the space, where your sacredness resides in
the breath of eternity. It can never change, as this is the center of every life. In
this unchanging, unfailing light, will you be filled, will your soul be suffused with
the glow that crosses all the shadows, that transcends all the darkness, so you can
take a leap of faith into the unknown, and come to another soul, knowing the
light that infuses you also infuses another soul, the light that gives birth to your
sacredness, also gives birth to someone else’s sacredness, making you both the
children of divine. Pain and pleasure, they exist in time. So, never be perturbed by
them, as time defines them. Time will rule them out. Be untouched by them, and

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move in the joy of one enlightened relationship, that is with the divine. While all
else comes and goes, this is the one relationship that you can cling to, as it will
live with you and within you. It is never meant to leave you. It is the relationship
that endures all that blows and all that shocks in this path of life. This gives the
glimmer of something eternal, something that has the breath of eternity. All else
is fragmentary happiness. It may be an appeasement, but it is never a fulfillment.
Those are in need of self-gratification, some temporal satisfaction, but it does not
have the enduring light. The one that has is the light of compassion. This is the
compassion that transcends the ego and reaches out to all the souls. This is the
compassion that disentangles the knots that constitute the go, that unfurl the
egoistic beliefs and knit them with authentic flow from the heart, and not the
mind, the authenticity that knows how to unravel the wonders of the heart and to
reach out to all the sentient beings on this earth.
This is the realization that can flower only in a self-effulgence silence, the silence
that is luminous on your soul. The darkness of isolation, the darkness of
separation, can be so resplendent in wisdom. It can be a truly blessed and a
sacred gift. The night can show you the pathway to the light, and at some point,
the night and the light both may seem alike. As you become deeply contemplative
of the mysteries of life and humanity and this universe, you realize that there is
far more to life than what meets your eye. It is your realization in the luminous
silence. You welcome the cascading night falls in your life, you delve deep into the
contemplative wonders, you enter into your sacred retrospection and there you
hear the call of humanity on your inward journey.
At this inward journey, you are met at the center of your being by the invisible
pull of connection, the connection that breathes in compassion. You feel no rush,
no haste. You feel so understood, so unhurried. The deepest things of life, and the
meanings that really live behind are searched by you in this luminous darkness,
the sacred darkness that can eventually show you the light. You reach the interior
dimensions of your own authentic self, and you realize how sacred you are. Your
entrance at this most interior space comes when you come to the bottom of your
existence. And compassion is the feeling that bursts into light into this wrenching
humanity. It is this pull that we feel what binds closer and closer in this vast
seemingly segregated world. As you come closer and closer to this truth, you
realize that all this time, you knew nothing of what bonded all the sentient beings

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on this cosmos together. And that all this while, your living in the illusions of ego
and self-esteem, may have fed your head, but they never truly fed your heart and
soul. To be feeding yourself, so as to wake up in a joy that suffuses you, is to
realize your entanglement with others, is to embrace that one thread that is the
most invisible strength behind the visible. That sacred space within you, is as
spacious as the vast universe. And in that breathtaking spaciousness of your
heart, do you realize that compassion, that keeps you alive, yet the most
forgotten thing, emotions that you run away from, that you so bury deep inside,
sometimes chase you till the very end, until you find what you ran away from, was
your raw, bare and rare beauty. This is when you become spiritually illumined,
and while living in this world, you see the relentless ego battles among humans,
the continual illusions in them, yet you remain unperturbed by what you see.
Compassion sheds its light on all the beings, those who walk in the light of it at
their hearts, and those who walk away from it. Simply that, those who choose to
walk away from that light, are still sentient beings on this earth, and have
somehow failed to see the glimmer of the most eternal light that keeps this
universe whole, that keeps this cosmos dancing, that keeps this creation dancing.
Like the sun radiates its light on all, both the virtuous and the sinner. But every
sinner can have a new beginning, as every light begins with a darkness
somewhere, somehow. They go deep within the darkness, and someday, they
bottom out their existence, and when they reach that meaningless bottom, only
then their search begins, search for something beautiful, something meaningful.
And it is this search that eventually brings them to the looking and delving and
what clasps all souls together, how we are all linked to one another in this shared
This is the light that comes from a thousand suns of a thousand souls, all residing
in this universe. Those are the beams that flood this earth, that wash away the
illusions that seem to darken our minds. It is this light that penetrates, that
pierces the ego and enters that sacred space of those un-awakened to this
gimmer of truth and urges them to open their eyes and to begin this pilgrimage to
their own sacred space where this light is beaming. This is the unperturbed truth
that exists beyond pain and pleasure. As pain and pleasure exist in time, they are
defined and contained by time. But this eternal truth is timeless. Those never
awakened before, they do not wake up from their illusions. They awoke to the

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wonders of bonding among all the sentient beings on earth. They see the light in
their sacred space. This awakening helps them feel the connection with humanity,
in the light of compassion. You are as connected to this cosmos as a branch is to a
standing tree. The cosmos can never exist without you, it will see a cessation
without you. As it expresses itself through you, it whirls in an ecstatic dance
through you. As you spin, the cosmos spins, as you dance, the cosmos dances. As
you weep, the cosmos weeps, and as you flower, the cosmos begins to see the
smiling flowers. The realization of this, awakens you to a thousand possibilities, to
a greater wonder. You, who were asleep before, awoke to the unleashed truth,
the unfurled joy of connection. This is when, the sun within you bursts into
You, who were in darkness before, now saw the light. Your light began with a
darkness. All things exist in this void, in this gifted darkness, that later on turn to a
luminous space within you. It takes you a gifted suffering, a luminous darkness to
enter this sun within you. Your light finally made through the clouds. All the
forms, they may seem different, but in truth, the being is always You in all of
them. So, when you see another, you see you in another form, and that is the
perception in the light of compassion again. When your heart transcends the
mind, when your feelings can rise above judgement, above form, above your
created perceptions of others, it is then that it is love in oneness. It is then, that
love turns to a light of compassion, the light that you awoke to, being in touch
with this connection.
Your consciousness will look through the eyes of another, your awareness will
gleam through another soul. All souls are formless spirits, in the being of love and
acceptance. This is the truth that glimmers in darkness, this is the feeling that
makes one soul hear another soul’s desperate cry. It is this need that bonds all
sentient beings. When you see another just as a being, you will find that being
looking back at you, in the same thread of connection, in the same invisible bond
of feelings, of emotions that brings out your bare and rare beauty. As we interact
with people the way they are every moment, we share a part of their walk with
us, we let ourselves in to delve into their sorrows, and feel what they feel, think in
their light and give them a piece of our hearts. This is where an interaction begins
between two hearts in the light of a compassionate understanding. This is the
compassion that heals, and in the light of this truth , do we feel the connection to

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ourselves and the connection to this cosmos as a whole. This is the moment,
when you are no longer disconnected to your own self. You no longer sense the
lack in your contentment. You no longer sense the void, rather you feel a deep
peace in your fulfillment. The sensation of a meaningless existence gradually sees
the end and you feel the connection that fulfills you, that gives your existence a
meaning, that breathes in eternity, that which is not defined by time. You started
as a beginner, you travelled through the darkness, you went through all the
encounters, and with a mind of a beginner, you began, but gradually you emerged
and arose to that light of an effulgent sun within you.
Light can never enter the darkness within you without illuminating you. It has to
give you introspective effulgence, so you are illuminated from within. In that
effulgence, do we see, that as we walk towards love, it is a leap towards the
divine. You are the divine chisel that is used to create masterpieces. This is the
illumination that pierces the darkness to drive it away. Before the illumination, it
was the poverty of the soul, it was seeing grandeur in delusions. So you struggle
through the cowardice and courage, the ignorance and then see the light of
insight. You keep your eyes along the beams, past the crevices that the light
sneaks through, out past the swaying boughs and chirping birds, and the blue sky,
to the blazing light whose vision is embedded in you. You can see the light for
what it is when it beams on you.
What we see is with our eyes. But the enlightened vision does not happen with
the eye, it happens in the area, that lies in the back of the brain. Sight sees
whereas vision imagines. Sight is for seeing the pictures as it is. Vision is for
painting the pictures most artistically, with the eyes and imagination of an artist.
Sight is for walking paths, to see with accuracy on which path can you walk. Vision
is for determining which path can be walked upon, with the best imagination
possible. Sight see with the eyes that reside in your head. Vision sees with the
eyes that reside in your heart. Sight sees what appears, what seems to be
happening. Vision sees what is really, truly happening. Sight is for seeing what is
visible. Vision is for seeing what is invisible to the naked eye. Sight is only for
seeing, whereas vision is for dreaming. With this visionary insight, do you see
other kindred souls all entangled with you, and the cosmos so deeply connected
to you, as finger is to a hand. You are the finger, cosmos the hand. With this
comes your understanding of where you stand in this sea of souls, and in the light

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of this understanding, do you see the light that surpasses all egoism, that
surpasses all barriers and brings two souls to meet and to welcome in the
unwavering light of brotherhood and sisterhood.
Sight gathers all the facts whereas, vision applies truth to the facts. Sight is for
gathering all the information and vision is for the revelation of greater truth by
shedding light on all the information that we have. Sight is for the present
moment. Vision is for the future, that is yet to come. We envision it, so we can
see a beautiful shore someday, somehow. Sight is for coming up with the
question. Vision is for coming up with the answer. Sight is for seeing the problem
the way it is. Vision is for searching the answer to the problem that seems to
block the way. Sight is for today, the present moment. Vision is for tomorrow,
that which is about to come, in a new light in another moment. Sight is for seeing
what it actually is. Vision is for what it could be, in an enlightening beauty. Vision
is the creation of the most artistic possibilities in the light of an imagination. So,
you can find clarity and connection, insight and wisdom that speaks to your soul.
The seeing yet not seeing what needs to be seen, is the lack of spiritual wisdom,
that can actually propel you forward to the next level of life. While you see with
the eye, what you behold is actually seeing with such an insight and intensity that
goes way beyond more than a physical processing of the light that enters your
eyes. To make sense of what you see is to behold and to flood yourself with
insight. Seeing without this enlightening insight, is seeing without understanding.
It is seeing without discerning clarity, without a meaningful wisdom to see, look
deep into the connection of things.
The most important kind of seeing is the enlightened seeing, the visionary sight,
the sight through which wisdom enters your soul and begins to speak, begins to
guide you when darkness seems to be brooding over your heart. It abounds your
love and compassion, more and more with the rolling of time, so your insight can
be majestic in depth and clarity and light may seem to effulge you when all it was
so very dim. As you see with your inner eyes, it enlightens you more and more, so
you see everything that enters your eye in the light of spiritual wisdom, with the
eyes of your heart, so you see all the sentient beings with a compassionate
understanding that surpasses all the knowledge. So, you can comprehend with
your speaking wisdom the length and breadth, the height and depth of what you

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see, and you can enter into the realm of that which is unseen and can see that still
with the light of your visionary imagination. You walk upon a higher ground that
transcends this temporal realm, while considering the needs of your inner being
on that journey inward. This is the recognition and reawakening of your inner
being. Every soul thirsts to know the true meaning of life, to understand the great
mystery of it, and to see the light of its unveiling mystery. That is the revelation of
truth in all its splendor. This is the revelation for which you begin to journey
inwards, in search of which, you walk away from all that gives you a temporal
pleasure, to quest for something fulfilling, that can endure burning and still begin
to light you always inside. This is the revelation of connection to the entire
humanity, as you see all in the light of understanding, in the light of kinship. That
which binds you to all the other sentient beings on this universe.
Our greatest strengths come from our hardest struggles. The glory inside of us lies
in our capacity to see beyond what can be seen. Our vision though it has enabled
us to see out to the stars in a brooding dark sky, and also into the tiniest bits of
inner space where our vision has given rise to glorious art, and intricate forms of
communication, so the world can be lit up with a meaningful beauty. This is the
spiritual insight that can be your most penetrating preacher. When you know how
to speak to it, how to listen to it, you can learn the truth, you can listen to the
whisper of it. It preaches the primordial teachings of life. A seed is hidden in it, a
spark, a beginning thought, that is life from eternal life. You were made to weave
and reveal the eternal in your smallest detail.
Your strength is the light of your faith. Out of that strength, a thousand other
smiling flowers bloom out of your very existence, and a thousand other seeds
spring out of you. You live out the secret of your seed to the very end. As you
walk by faith, that there is an indwelling divinity within you. Out of this faith, you
live in profusion, out of this light, you live in abundance and it so overflows, that
others come and gather from it, what you no longer can contain. This indwelling
divinity is your sanctuary, in whose light you fight the hardest and noblest of
fights, the most brutal battles that teach you ultimately the light of humility, and
at the very end, you learn is all that lives and all that stays, is the light of a
compassionate understanding among all. A lending of a helping hand, a lending of
a listening ear, a lending of an understanding heart, is what brings peace to all the
insane battles that rise from our ego. As they disappear, leaving the aftermath of

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brutality behind, and it is a compassionate vision, an understanding heart that

comes and tries to make sense out of all. A longing to wander tears your heart,
when you hear the tree within you, rustling in the winds of change at evening. If
you listen to this rustling for a while, you may begin to understand that the
longing reveals its seed, its hidden meaning. Your understanding comes in the
light of your spiritual wisdom, what the rustling conveys to your heart. It is not a
means to escape these injuries to your soul and the continual sufferings. But it is
an innate longing to go home, for the memories of those that make life. And you
find that path of compassion leads homeward, and every step gives you a birth.
There are too many in this universe who are suffering from the poverty of soul.
The loneliness, the despair, the unwanted, the unloved feelings all make the
humans suffer from an extreme poverty at their hearts. It is out of this poverty,
that they sink into a world of sadness, and as time rolls, this sadness becomes a
defining sadness of their lives, so much so, that it consumes them on a daily basis.
And they know, no other way out. They give in to their helpless ways of sinking
and suffering. Yet no one, extends a hand to pull them out of that saddening
situation. As we fail to see things and people that go beyond ourselves, in the
light if humanity. And the world has become so crippled, so hungering for
emotions, that their souls seem so robbed of joy.
It is then, that you can endure in seeing what is invisible, in feeling what is robbing
the souls of their very food. This is the vision of the spiritual insight. And when the
vision fades, the feeling fades, the passion fades and the inner fire goes out. What
we see is what we can see, but what we do not see is what needs to be seen with
the wisdom, so it can stir up emotion, feel the need of others to be needed. This
is the wisdom that speaks, the truth that burns in our hearts, that urges us to
awaken and to feel the needs of other hungering hearts. As we hear this cry, we
develop eyes of our hearts that can see, but that which has never seen before
spiritually, ears of our hearts that can hear, but that which has never heard
before. And things will enter into your heart, that have never entered before.
Even when circumstances look so bleak and impossible, it is a walk in this light of
faith, that turns the seemingly impossible into very much possible. This is the light
of faith in humanity, that as you go down, somewhere in this universe, an invisible
force works to extend another hand towards you, so you can see the light again.

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In the most challenging and unnerving situations, it is this light that will show you
a spiritual epiphany. Your faith becomes your spiritual eyes, as you walk in that
light of that faith, that compassion endures all and binds all, after all the battles
that life threw at you. It is this light that has opened your eyes to see past all the
judgements, all the misperceptions and wrap all under the wings of loving-
kindness. This wrapping gives you and others a peace, that surpasses all the
illusions, a peace that surpasses all that stands in the way, and the flooding of this
peace can come only by walking in the light of a compassionate understanding.
It is in your luminous darkness, that you find, your sadness does not make you any
less of a human being. Rather, it makes you beautifully expansive in more ways
than you know. It makes you feel so very connected, raw, open in your bare and
rare beauty. You become completely alive. And your aliveness is found in your
darkness, as it is then that your rawest feelings burst out, and as they burst, your
soul bursts in such an innocent splendor. It is in the innocence of your heart, that
you reach out to others, that you yearn to feel that connection with others, and
you feel that thread again. In pain, you seek out for this universal thread. And this
pain, that seemed to bring out a brooding darkness over you, suddenly it turns to
such a luminosity. That it becomes a luminous darkness, gifting you with a
speaking wisdom. This is how your soul speaks. This is the signature of your
luminous soul on this cosmos, imprinting itself as it tried to reach out to other
souls, in search of that sacred connection.
The experiences, the trials and tribulations are the means by which we come
close to one another. The weaving of these experiences, the way they are divinely
designed and brought into our lives, they are meant to makes others cross our
paths for a reason. And those meetings are not by accident. And it is uncovering
the purpose behind those meetings, in unlocking those locked doors, that we
discover, the uncovering and the unlocking can happen as all the hands in this
universe reach out together, in a response to the call from this cosmos. And this is
you, at your raw, bare and rare beauty. This you, are a blessing, are a divine being
at your core. This you are a miracle, born on earth as a soul beholding the divine
wonders and carrying it within, imprinting those wherever and whenever you
walk around. And this divine feeling inside of you shows you the light of loving-
kindness to all that lives in this cosmos, and in the light of that kindness that you
extend to all the other sentient beings, do you feel the light of compassion

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lighting your sanctuary. Being lighted with this spirit, you no longer feel any
heaviness, rather you feel the gifted light, that helps you soar. It helps us gift
ourselves more with health and abundance, peace and soulfulness. You stand tall
and straight, even amongst the most turbulent phases of life seem to chase you.
Your uprightness is being emotionally supported through the invisible kindness
that showers on you from every soul, from every sanctuary that is enlightened
within them, and together, they rekindle your own spirit, so your own sanctuary
sees the light again.
By wanting to cling to the norms of society, we feel the need to cling to the belief,
that we will live in the undercurrent of shame, if we let our hearts out in the
open. When you align with compassion, the separation dissolves and the invisible
walls that you built out of illusions, they begin to crumble. And when you place
this seamless faith in the divine, the universe begins to respond in more ways
than you know. And when you begin to meet other souls with compassion, it is
then the wonders begin to fall on your soul, and you begin to find your way back
to the cosmos, the core of it, the very breath of a universal connection that
mingles with your breath.
As what you feed will grow in your soul, will bloom in your heart. Your feeding
gives the spiritual nourishment that will flourish in another soul. And embedded
in every emotion is a message, a whisper of truth, a truth that lives in eternity. As
you open your heart, as you unlock it more and more, as you travel within it
deeper and deeper, you explore the beauty of all that you are, you explore
yourself to the limitless heights that you can soar and embrace all under your
wings. This is learning the language of your sacred authenticity. It is in learning in
this language, that you can fearlessly go towards the light. This is the passionate
embracing of your soulful light. With more and more unfolding, you become
further and further reaching towards the flame that burns all sorrows, that burns
all grief and keeps you lighting from within.
Honor this thread as it unlocks the precious mystery of life. We all walk our paths
alone, yet in this aloneness, lies our togetherness, a journey in a compassionate
holding of hands, a compassionate sharing of moments that we collect as we
walk. And those moments are all spent in this invisible feeling of loving-kindness,
that we feel for other kindred souls, in the solitary retreats of our hearts.

Dewdrops of Compassion

Compassion does not exist in time, it exists in eternity. Compassion is not defined
by time. It always was in the silent pull that we feel towards one another, in the
speaking eyes, through which tenderness flows, in the speaking heart, from which
all emotions flow. When times hit you to the rock bottom, choose this
compassion, as it will muster you to walk through the turbulent times of life.
When you see others in the eyes of compassion, you see oneness as you are one
with all that is. When you look at other’s eyes, all you see is yourself, your soul in
the other soul. This is the rarest feeling, but the most authentic feeling at the
same time, that brings out the true meaning of life in oneness. Shake off all your
illusions. Fall in love with what this cosmos holds, and you will fall in love with
humanity. So, you can grow, reinvent yourself, and become more authentically
you at your core.
This is the most sacred spiritual practice that you can ever do and it is born out of
stillness. Release what holds you back in fear from others. Release what keeps
you in your own net. In releasing your own fears, will you let go what stands as an
illusory fear, and in authenticity can you really reach someone else. You see the
same spark of infinite energy and limitless potential in all the souls that you see
and feel in your sacred soul, and your energy vibrates and meets others in the
same frequency. Life throws many phases, some easy to go with and some
struggling to flow with. And if you are awake to this poignant beauty of life, then
chances are your heart will break time and time again. But while it breaks, it
reveals myriad wonders. It calls out other souls, to reach out to the calm of your
This is the power of speaking wisdom, the power of compassion as it walks in a
lighted trail, lighting all the places where it walks, lighting all the souls where it
touches. And when everything you touch is from the light of compassion, every
word you say turns to a prayer, every time that you touch turns to an embrace, an
embrace of two souls, where the silent suffering of one is understood by another,
where the silent struggles of one is absorbed by another, and in this kinship do
two souls meet and welcome one another in the flow of loving-kindness. This is
when you are fed with the ceaseless energy of divine love. This is the uncovering
of your deeper levels of joy, which in turn leads to your spiritual manifestation,
until the joy that streams from your divine fount is mingled in your every breath.
What is much needed is to keep the heart eternally open to this poignant beauty

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that holds this universe as a whole, the wholesome beauty of oneness, that rises
above the fragmentary happiness of our lives. And while you spread your beauty
in this cosmos, your divine fount showers its waters of compassion on others too,
and while you rise, they rise too. As you shine, they shine too in the same light of
loving-kindness. The light that never dies, the light that never fades, but uplifts all
in a sacred alchemy of hearts. You act from this higher consciousness to every
arena and that brings a transformation within you, which in turn transforms
others with the rolling of time.
This is the light that comes from the spiritual flame within, and ignites you so you
can see the light, so you can hear the call of compassion. These are the wonders
that hear is silence. Now, is the silence enough for the word to be heard?
Somewhere along the continuum from self- loathing and hard feelings, to a be
happy journey, there is a road to channeling this disparity into rediscovering and
unlearning and relearning things in the light of a visionary. When hard times hit us
to the ground, it is then that we make silence our companion, and we retreat
there, to allow our yearning, our longing, the disparity between who we think we
are and who we want to bloom into, to become not a well of belittling but a
fertile ground for discovery.
It is the unfulfillment that prods and invites us for growth and change, it is the
disquiet that urges us to seek for a change that can give us the much- needed
fulfillment. And then you begin to see with the eyes of heart and the ears of
listening to hear the breath of divine. This breath gives the music of the soul,
music that turns the plaintive sound of the lost, an ancient reed flute that laments
the separation of the reed from the reed bed and turns the lamentation into a
music that leads you into a road of self-discovery.
Our unfulfillment, our void could be the awakening of out longing for the eternal.
When we are simply at the edge of our personal emptiness, the feeling of a
meaningless void, it could be the needed step in the unfolding of our eternal
belonging, in the opening up of that space within us which gives a meaning that
lives on the sands of eternity. There is the desire that still calls you, that still
invites you to go further beyond, where you need to plunge into the waters too
deep, in the sea of your soul, to feel what is still so unfelt, to hear what is still so
unheard, to look deep into what probably was missed in the busyness of life, and

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to find that feeling. The feeling which once when seeps into you, takes you to
such a fulfillment, that you know no temporal pleasure could bathe you that way.
This is the feeling that comes to fulfill you, while emptying you of everything else.
And this feeling is the invisible compassion that binds you to all the other sentient
beings on this earth. The desire that was the messenger of your life so unlived,
called you to explore the untrodden fields where the richest of treasures lay in
gold. And you feel the most sacred feeling of compassion. This is the richest
feeling that blesses the space between two souls.
Your heart that for so long was finite heard the call of infinite feeling, the feeling
of a limitless loving-kindness, that which is boundless. Life teaches you a lot when
you hit the bottomless pit, and its is then that you are ready to receive the
warmth of kindness from other fellow travelers and you feel the gifts of your
luminous darkness. It evokes compassion in you that in turn, evokes forgiveness
in you. The light of forgiveness that gives you freedom in your soul and lets you be
glad in each other’s presence. These are the feelings of eternal, this is the feeling,
that was probably unfelt before, in life’s smoothest tidings.
But there comes a time, when the tides may splash against your feet, you may
fall, not knowing how to rise. And then, you feel the need to feel the greater truth
of life, the sacred whispers of eternity. The whisper that tells you to forgive
others, as in the light of forgiveness, do you learn to be compassionate to others.
Forgiveness is not just for creating a new relationship with others, but it also
creates a new relationship with yourself. A new light, that you see for the first
time, not that the light never existed before, but that this light brought you
something, gave you something, talked something meaningful to your heart and
you listened to it not through the eyes of intellect but through the eyes of your
You will have to bear all that life throws at you, to realize the eternal feelings of
life, the feelings that truly live beyond this lifetime, the feelings that imprint the
signature of your soul. Those are the feelings that the tides can never wash away,
the winds of change can never take away. Those are the lost feelings of
compassion, the feelings that never walk away, rather they stay behind and evoke
the feeling of oneness that you are connected with humanity as a whole. It
creates a bountiful harvest in your soul, and you realize the more you give, the

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more you gather. It is by walking through the shadows of the landscape of your
soul, that you felt all these lost feelings once more, the feelings that get so dim, so
obscure in the busyness of life, while living every moment in the faster lanes of
life. The clinging to the material riches makes us so driven by all that, that we lose
sight of what really matters in life, what is meant to leave us some day or the
other, and what is meant to live forever. You go through a dialogue between the
conscious ego and your sacred soul. And as you go through all these, back and
forth dialogues, you uncover and engage your most deeply held desires.
This is the way to your illumination, to your sacred enlightening. That was your
gifted darkness, where the clouds are pierced by the morning star, as the light
begins to waft from the bare treetops and paints the sky silver again. Dawn
becomes so very much, a welcoming turn in the revolving waltz of daybreak and
nightfall, darkness and light. This is the spiritual evolution in the sacred dance of
the revolving waltz of happiness and sadness, joy and pain.
As when you walk in the darkness, you see a great light, the light that can dispel
the darkness and propel you forward in the next step, in the next rhythm, in the
next movement of life. And as you dance this waltz of life, this waltz of emotions,
in this revolving, does your soul get to feel the most tender feelings of
compassion, an understanding of how all humans are intricately connected in this
web of humanity. Some of the hardest battles of ego are fought through and a
graceful amazement follows you everywhere. The darkness can feel so pervasive,
so engulfing and never-ending.
The winds of change may howl around the corners of your soul, the shrunken
fruits and the dry leaves of the past may still want to cling, scratching the rooftop
of your safe shelter, but you know in your deep down, that a time will come, a
day will come, when the roof top will come breaking down and all will fall into
pieces. Clouds will fly across the sky, the bare trees silhouetted against the cloudy
skies, and in the wilderness of the woods, down by the brook, will you see the
glimmer of the lost light. The light that will come through and through, amidst the
breaking beauty, the roughest seasons, the tearing roofs, the crumbling walls, all
that will leave in the blink of an eye, but what will truly live behind is these
eternal feelings that live in every heart. As there may be myriad colors of the skin,
but there is only one color of the heart and that is compassion that embraces all.

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This is the time again for that story that is rising from the sacred space of yours,
from that divine depth of yours, where you sit by the fire in your heart, with all
the lingering feelings, listening to the ancient call and the one rising out of your
heart. And you gather them all in the candlelit retreat of your own soul, as our
faces are lit by the firelight of our own souls, to let go of the hardness and a
healing release comes so gracefully to make us see that it is compassion that
walks us through all those times, when life seemed to bend us to our knees, when
the seasons seemed to push us down to our knees, so much so that we needed
someone’s lending hands, someone’s understanding heart, someone’s listening
ears, so we could rise and feel the joy of being alive again. This is the threshold
timing between the sacred light and the so very gifted darkness, when we can
walk out of the retreats of our own soul into a sky lighted with the galaxies.
Have you ever heard the speaking silence just before the dawn? The calmness,
the quietness, just as the darkness is about to end. This is the breaking moment,
when you come face to face with yourself, and you look through your darkness,
and it seems to be a gifted darkness and it seems so luminous, so full of
luminosity, that everything becomes so effulgent, some wisdom seems to stream
from that out of the weeping darkness. That is the gifted darkness. This is the
sacred silence, where you discover as to what is temporal and what is eternal.
What lives beyond anger, beyond resentment, beyond any hardness of feelings,
so you can penetrate deep within you, and see what dies and what glimmers. So
you can be yourself, by yourself. So you can be expansive and glowing, with a
sense of solemnity to being oneself, in the core of darkness. That may be
something invisible to others, but to you it is the visible luminosity. And as you
rise in that light, a thousand other souls get lit. In this light, you shed all your
attachments to material desires and you rise for the invisible thread of
compassion, that which is only visible to the eyes of the heart, that whose longing
can be heard only by the soul, that which is the universal language of the heart.
Love this silence, as in this silence the elegance of eloquence. You can sit down in
the middle of this silence, taking it, absorbing it, walk through it, and come face to
face with life, with what it gave you and what it took away from you. The silence
where you will see something, hear something. Something throbs, something
gleams, as this is the enlightening silence. What does it tell you? Do you hear it? It

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gives a universal cry by all souls inhabiting in all sentient beings. They may be of
varied skin colors, but the souls have no color. And the cry comes out same, from
every sentient being on earth. That is the cry for loving-kindness, as the world has
been so short of it, in this age of void and emptiness. And reaching out to that cry,
being able to hear that cry, being able to meet those lost and lonely souls with
compassion, is a need so unfulfilled, a cry so unheard. That is the fulfilling silence
of an unfulfilled heart, that can find the answers in that luminous darkness, where
luminosity can burst forth in all its splendor. There is an astonishing light in that
night, in which, some buried things burst upwards, almost wordlessly, into the
light, so you feel that whatever was silenced after all clamored to be heard,
though silently.
Pain may fall, slowly and gradually, drop by drop on our human hearts, until by
the grace of divine, by the light of almighty, it turns to wisdom, the wisdom that
beckons us to rise again. This is the wisdom that companions you through the
wilderness of life, that befriends you as you walk through the shadows created by
shivering fear. So the seeds of wisdom planted in your heart, roll away the stones
that become boulders to growth of your soul. You learn to live in the middle of
your own duality, with the befriended wisdom that can give you the enlightening
answers to life’s some of the most pressing questions.
This is the wisdom, so pristine and sparkling, to grace the drifting leaves on the
dull ground. Those branches of yesterday, curling and fanning into an astonishing
light of an enlightened wisdom. This is the wisdom that revels in a burst of
beauty., that celebrates the weaving strands of light and darkness, the chill winter
and the blazing summer, the sparseness and the warmth of the hearth. It calls us
back to life again, in the glimmer of hope, in a renewed sense of reliving life, one
more time. This is the beauty of grace, that dwells between the troubling
darkness, and the yearning for light, embracing them both while filling the
essential space between both of them. Thirst that lives in the moments between
the darkness, leads to us exploring more and more in the bosom of this brooding
dark, and there we go, from step to step, filling in the gaps with the eyes of our
hearts, keen to learn, and willing to begin, time and time again.
This is the wisdom that cascades from the bare branches that once seemed not so
bare, that once were full of youthful green leaves, and still speaks in the falling

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times. This is the wisdom that lives in the turbulent times and reveals the light of
underlying wholeness and unity of life. This is the dawning wisdom, that lives into
our relationship with others, or connects within to silence, or listens to this
breathing earth, so we can hear the soft footfalls of our own unfolding wisdom,
that plays its part in the breaking of the spell, and in reclaiming our lost
connection again. This is the still point within, the sacred place, where there is no
movement, no ascent, no descent, just a sacred stillness, from where wisdom
speaks, as you listen to the stilling silence. This is the divine presence sensed in
sacred places. This is the sacredness that beams in the inner radiance of life, the
unseen force that brings about a sacred alchemy, and nourishes all but is never
limited by it. There is a mystery that is never completely grasped. It is this
unfailing mystery, that compels us to travel within.
While the sacred place is within and without, there are many shrines that you can
travel to, endless holy places where you can go to sit in a peaceful retreat, but the
most enlightening wisdom, the holiest of holy places lies within. Never forget this
sacred spot, as this is the place from where every light streams, as this is the
temple of divine, your sacred sanctuary. This is where you bathe your sacred soul
in the resonance. As you enter this sacred space, it may be challenging at times,
but you push it open in the rising of the sun within you. So new wisdom springs
up as an ever-giving, ever -renewing gift, the new creation birthed from the
sacred light of humanity, as a trust to walk in compassion again. We walk by faith,
in the sacred sanctuary of our hearts. And that is the faith that pulls us into our
space again and again.
The scared space allows our consciousness to emerge, to hold all that was sinking
in pain and still look past them, reach out to others in the spiral of growth, and
come out as more humane and tender in the light of humanity. The gap between
our thoughts and judgements is the sacred gap and it is a process of learning of
how to live consciously in that gap. This is the process that needs us to unlearn
and relearn things in the light of grace and forgiveness, in the light of a higher
awareness, how to look past out thoughts while not letting the head rule our
hearts, not letting the judgmental mind have its loathing laugh. This is an access
to a deeper realm, a place where all the peripherals are forgotten, the eddies at
the edge of things are walked away from, and you enter the sacred silence of a

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youthful green, where you are becoming a soundless vortex, swirling through a
speaking stillness.
This is home, where your heart never feels famished, and your eyes never seem
so thirsty. As this is the home of wisdom, the home from where you get so
replenished in the sacred cascading within, the cascade whose beauty can never
be truly caught in the semantics of aesthetics, but in the aesthetics of heart,
where beyond the dialects the waters witness to a spiritual attitude towards life
itself. This is going beyond the power of words, beyond the back and forth of
unceasing dialogues that you have with yourself and living life in the sense what
makes you feel alive in your scared space within. As you remember the sanctuary
within is the hearth for a sacred fire, that is the dwelling for the holy flame. This is
the flame that lights and relights the lost flame of humanity. It takes you to the
sacred space, where you begin to hear the sacred whispers rising from the sky
and the sea, the whispers from the entire creation. This is the whisper that calls
you to rise above the individualism and come to the core of humanity as a whole,
to glimpse the light of it, in this entire cosmos.
We may be hurt, badly bruised in our lives, but while we go to the places that sing
the forgotten songs of humanity, we hear our own voices singing to ourselves.
That is a not a new call, but a forgotten call, a call rising from the core of who we
truly are in this web of humanity. But somehow, we forget it, running in the
nowhere of life. And as we hear the ancient song, it takes us to a place where we
bow down in reverence and awe, humility and wonder, as a way of going back to
all the lost feelings. So, when we hear the song that humanity sings, we recover
amidst the aftermath of the lost battles of life.
We may have mountain of challenges within us to go to that pinnacle, to that
sacred vortex, but the contemplation of the mountains to keep the rising
challenges aside and to look past them, to get immersed in a sea of silence and to
rise again with a wonder and awe, in our eyes, to light again our own spirits, in
the light of faith and reverence, opens us to a sense of sacredness in our homes
and communities, a cultivation of the art of living in harmony and a
compassionate understanding. As it is in realization of this sacred space, that we
hear compassion speaking both within and without. Until then, we roam in the

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peripherals, we travel a lot from here to there, till we make our entrance in this
grandeur of sacredness.
This is the sacred place where you feel safe and secure, where your boundaries
can expand, where energy is gathered and held, where you are alive with the
seen and unseen. There, what was normally hidden, came forth. They offer us
gateways through which we can pass. This is where we invite our spirits and
welcome it fully. We get immersed in the authentic nature of our spirits, we listen
to all that it has to say in the pathway of life, living as individuals while at the
same time, being intricately designed in the web of humanity. There is this sacred
place in each one of us, where the entire cosmos resides, where the entire
universe dwells.
With compassion, we enable all sentient beings to grow in their most beautiful
form, to attain a completeness, a wholeness, something that can take the
fragmentary parts of our souls, the broken pieces of our hearts, and can bind
them together into a wholeness. This tenderness awakens when we no longer
shield ourselves from the vulnerability of our sufferings, from the bruises that we
carry inside, from the basic fragility of existence. This is the kinship with the
suffering of others, this is the kinship with the injured souls of many, where we
feel the connection with other’s lost battles and their emotional bruises over it,
and we try to reach them with a tenderness, that can awash them to make them
feel anew, so they can rise and ride again the waves of life, come as they may.
Compassion plucks us out of the world’s frenzy, and centers us in loving-kindness.
It silences the screaming pain within us, to allow the peace of compassion, the
voice of divine to speak, and to speak freely. So, we can learn to be at peace with
ourselves and those around us. This is the living peace that arises from the
contemplative compassion that we can practice with other kindred souls,
inhabiting this earth. This is when contemplation and action merge to see the
practicing compassion on this earth. It is in understanding the finest feelings and
the hardest ones of every sentient being, that our ease flows with ourselves and
others, and we see ourselves in a graceful rolling of human emotions. We no
longer, fall breathlessly, wondering how and when to rise again. We master the
art of riding and re-riding the waves, no matter, how hard is the blow.

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We begin to do things that nurture life, that sustain living in a tenderly

understanding way, that we seem to understand with our hearts, while our heads
may speak otherwise. Compassion is a kind of flame, that is surprisingly healing
almost in a soothing manner, that enters the seared places within our hearts,
where it was all burned and broken, almost incinerated, and with the rejuvenated
touch of these healing tenderness, does it fill the lost spaces again. Those frozen
minds begin to melt in the warmth of that flow, so tenderly bathing you in the
healing waters, so you can live, laugh and love again. And you realize that you are
an awakened, unconstrained and a limitless soul.
That is the greatest gift of all. It takes you out of your ego and fills you with such
wonders, that you can rise above. The feelings of terror and madness that seem
to consume this world, eventually subside in the flowing of it, and grace begins to
flow with such an ease. Compassion is not a helpless empathy, but it is an
enlightened awareness for all the sinking sentient beings on earth, whose cry is
barely heard, whose needs are barely met, who are still everywhere hoping and
wishing that someone out there, heard their cry, someone out there felt their
needs. It is the ability to feel with others, the ability to reach out to the most
hidden places of other’s souls, and to see them in their most vulnerable places.
No one is singled out in their losses, nobody is singled out in their suffering, and
all living beings are vulnerable to loss, attachment, and limitations. It is only in the
presence of a compassionate understanding, that we can open our wounds
without dwindling our wholeness, our dignity. In the presence of a tenderness, do
we feel comfortable to be in our own authentic light, without wondering about
our self-esteem, or our ego. The egos melt in the light of compassion and
authenticity flowing from another heart.
For those who have compassion, woundedness is not a place where souls come
into a judgmental place, but it is a place for a genuine, authentic meeting
between two souls. Knowing the divine is the fount of compassion in our lives. We
realize that our separation from others is the result of egotism. And that egotism
leads us to define ourselves as individuals. But as we experience the divine in
everybody, we experience the universality of life, and the sacred oneness with all
things. Over a lifetime of learning, do we begin to meet others from a place of
compassionate understanding. We truly learn to meet all the sentient beings from

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a place of tenderness, as we yield to an unfolding loving-kindness. Out of this

contemplative compassion, when we meet others, do we befriend each other in
the true sense of the word, and this is the understanding that emerges from the
speaking stillness, the stillness that speaks, the stillness that guides the lost and
lonely, the broken and bruised. It gives a poignant reminder of the beauty that
lies in the wilderness of woods, the beauty of life that robs in the light of
compassion , the beauty that resides in knowing and acknowledging the light in
others, and that times may come, when someone’s light may seem so dim, and it
is your light of understanding that can gift them their own lights again, by taking
them back to the entrance of their own sanctuary, one more time.
As a human, you can never really fail to understand another human, when you
see the soul through the lens of compassion. This is the lens that once gave the
world its enlightened life, a life that seemed so lost in the busyness of
materialism, that, we humans have somehow lost the trails to our inner wisdom.
But this is the light that seems to balance, the seeming hunger for material riches,
that appeases the tremendous thirst for material desires, that seem to grow every
single moment of our lives.
Amidst this rising hunger, when compassion comes, it is then, that we realize the
keen awareness of interdependence of all sentient things on this earth, how we
all see each other as individuals, but how deeply we are connected to all and it is
this connection that fills us whole. It is this wholeness that we are in need of, so
we do not move from one riches to another, instead let our souls abide happily in
realization of this meaningful oneness, the one thing that breathes meaning in all
else that seems so meaningless.
This understanding arises in the most magnificent space in one’s own heart. And
this space is created by your own understanding, and not just by your desperate
need to be understood. This need arises as the heart readily needs to be in
perfect alignment with the vibration of other hearts. This space is lighted by the
giving and receiving. You give out something to feed others with the oil of your
own lamp, only then someone’s heart will give out their oil from the lamps of
their own soul as giving and receiving are fed by each other. One cannot exist
without the other. Your own sacred space can be the fountain and the furnace of
the hardest and the softest of feelings, where you can explore and the further you

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explore, the more you realize, how brutally hard feelings can be overcome by the
most tender feelings of your sacred space.
The same furnace that can blaze high in anger and egotism, can also bring the
tender compassion when the lamp of one’s soul keeps burning bright. The lamp
can never be ablaze at all times, unless at times of its own need, someone’s soul
pours out their own oil. It is in pouring and giving, in filling and emptying, that
one’s heart remains so fulfilled, that the same sacred space always seems to be
cascading, in a continual flow. In giving and receiving, you are choosing to be
related to the creation, and that is a conscious choice that you are making in the
light of a universal oneness and the acknowledgement of it.
It is our deepest suffering, that we hear the divine call in our human hearts and
see the falling wonders of compassion, when life pushes us down to our knees.
This hearing of call happens in sacred spaciousness, where the soul understands
that it can receive all the messages from this flowing of life, but it is not going to
understand everything. A part of it is always going to remain awed and mystified.
And it is this acknowledgement of non-understanding, that makes us surrender
the unknown to the divine. In this surrendering lies a grace, and this grace leads
compassion to stream from our lighted souls. What we do not know, what we fail
to understand, we give that to the divine.
As we embrace the breath and beauty of life, we remain open to the poignant
truth, that what comes to us at any given moment, can all be taken away in the
blink of an eye, and it is this truth, that makes us cultivate compassion in our
everyday lives. Its with the thankful heart, that you discover many gifts of life,
take every miracle as a hidden blessing, and it is this feeling that makes you see
everyone and everything with the eyes of tenderness. That makes you fiercely
and unapologetically you, the you that understands life the way it is, and the way
it comes, the you that accepts the currents of life, and knows while, we can never
stop them from coming, we can choose how to float, and how to keep floating,
and yet living life in the true sense of the word, at the same time being in a
harmonic ecstasy.
Compassion flows in a grace that passes much before us, be it as a chirping bird
song that sings way after its song has ceased, merely because, we heard it as the
song that breathed into our wearied spirits as a miracle. Compassion is the

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opening into the best and the most beautiful form of grace, that human beauty
has ever known or felt. As you realize, that life is what happens to you when you
are engaged in making other plans, as the divine has some other plans for you.
You see this, as you realize that there is a part of life, that you will never
understand in its most awed and mystified form, whose beauty will always be
shrouded, and what will always be shrouded, evokes an acknowledgment by you,
to the divine, in realizing how insignificantly tiny you are compared to the
magnificent awes that is divinely imprinted on this universe.
This is the acknowledgement that evokes grace in you, as you surrender in
humility to the grandeur and power and the peace that you have been gifted. But
the truth, that it can all be takes away in a moment, in the blink of an eye, gives
you such a humility, that from this humility flows a grace and compassion towards
all the sacred sentient beings on this earth. Grace has spring, green and living
from the compassion that has rained upon you from other kindred souls. It has
welled up from your deepest springs, and it has come to you in steadfast brooks.
Compassion is a means of awakening a greater sense of gratitude to humanity
and for humanity. There is a calmness, a serene feeling in a life lives in
compassion, which feels so much like a quiet joy, the one which runs through
your every vein, and gives you the anointing flow, the flow that silences with a
soothing peace, a soothing that feels in the heart but has no words for it, this is
what life feels like, when you live it in the light of compassion.
As we catch more and more of our inner sun, the daylight slowly widens towards
our center, and we find ways to let this natural light linger, to grasp its soulful
presence. As life may come in the still-chill airs, we can always look towards the
green and golden light of summer, when you will be among the trees in the
wilderness of your heart. As amongst the trees, you will be in a soul-awakening
wisdom, seeing how well they spread their roots beneath the soil amidst the
battering weathers. This is when you learn, how living as an individual, you are
still so intricately connected with others in the thread of a universal oneness. How
when one weeps, the universe seems to weep, and how as one smiles, the
universe blooms in a thousand smiles.
You become drenched in light, where you are not so distant from the hope within
yourself, and you can see the goodness, the discernment in yourself again. So you

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go back by the river within yourself to learn and to explore how you might deepen
the ways, you talk with yourself, how you might deepen the ways, you commune
with your soul, and how when the times come, you may master the art of having
difficult conversations. So, you can ground and center yourself, so you can cross
the wide gulf and open the gates between your heart and mind. This grounding
within you, helps you to see the essentials of wisdom, that make you see the
priceless pearls, the timeless pearls that give you light and set you free from your
egoistic beliefs, and bring you from an individualistic path to a shared path on this
sacred journey.
The cracks are everywhere, wherever you set your eyes to. The cracks are
canyons. You look around and you see all your imperfections, shadows and
bruises. So around you, the swaying trees may stir their whispering leaves, and in
that stirring it may begin to shake the old knowledge and shed a new wisdom, a
new light that flows from the branches, and the shaking leaves. As, while you stir,
the old is being shaken off, and the new comes forth, with wisdom pouring every,
and life beginning. There is grace in this birth. And this is how a new light is born.
The old cracks may show you the illusory minds, which set up lofty walls between
humans as a means to have the ego rooted deep, but this new wisdom with its
pouring light sheds the illuminated wisdom that shows the tapestry of connection
between a thousand souls crying for the keen sense of humanity.
This is the moment, when a loving listening begins. When you listen to the words
of divine. This is a time of intensive listening. This is the music of silence, music
that teaches you the art of listening to the wisdom of lyrics when the situations
seem to be challenging, too struggling. This gives you the wisdom to carry on your
sacred journey through the challenging times of your life. So you discover what is
essential and true, at times when life strips you bare. And you learn, how to add
the dimension of meaning to your life, so you find it purposeful. While learning,
this meaningful dimension that can add much of a light to your life, you shake off
your old knowing and relearn something new as the branches within your tree
become bare and regain leaves in the forthcoming spring. This is the spring time
of your wisdom.
You meet other souls in this wisdom of your heart, where you realize that they do
not speak any language but communicate with yours in symbols, metaphors,

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poetry, shared silence, visions, some of the deepest and finest feelings of life, and
then in reviving the feeling of being alive. That is how, you recognize other
kindred souls in this huge world and you develop a kinship with them, a
connection that makes you believe in the light of compassion, a light of
understanding life from another perspective, the one that pulls you out of
darkness and brings you forth to an awakening wisdom, the one that shakes you
off to build your vision, to give you a new path for treading with others, so it can
be a purposeful journey together, a meaningful experience to be deeply felt by
You make your life into a contemplative life where you put together vision and
action, where the two can blend, and contemplative wonders can be built in our
daily lives. This is the contemplative light that makes our daily living meaningful
that which gives the value of foresight and the wisdom of hindsight, and the
enlightening insight. You make choices in the light of this sight and those choices
become the matrix of your life. And with these choices, you realize what a gift it
would be each day to encounter other souls. It is a pure gift of beauty, gift of life.
These surprises can be a gift each day as they come completely unbidden. We
don’t create them. Your sunlight is given each day and your world is reborn each
morning, and we are given a whole new vision of humanity, where every morning
we wake up and see everything in this connection, and life seems to be so very
beautiful in this amazement.
Primordial freshness is renewed each and every morning in the breeze of
humanity. You live closely to the rhythm of connection and you watch the
heavens intently, how they burst into wonders for you, as you see everything in a
celestial light, the light of heavenliness in humanity as a whole. This vision comes
as you begin to mine the soulful dark in times of solitary retreat, and in this
mining, do you begin to behold those enlightening pearls. When you have a deep
familiarity with darkness, and know its possibilities for dreams, story-telling,
adding more meaningful dimensions, finding inner horizons and touching the
sacred space within, it is then, that you begin to honor those long nights of that
brooding darkness.
There are times when silence is more beautiful than speech, as in that speaking
silence, you settle that which is unsettled, you bring out that beauty, the one

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which sees peace as the smiling flower, peace that endures the chaos, and rises to
see the light in the advent of a new dawn. This is when a translucent, undeniable
light is cast over all, to guide the way along the rough path, to light the trails in
the intense darkness. This is when the trees stand etched clearly in the silver air,
as we walk along bathed in this light of soul.
This is the wonder that evokes gratitude, the gratitude that makes us realize the
wonders of falling compassion, and how they all help us to tread the paths, when
the night seems too long. This is when timeless enters the realm of humanity and
makes it sacred and whole, in our vision. And we pause to stop and touch the
holiness and stillness of life, and this needing remains. Being in touch with this
inner light, our encounters and the experiences become so very revelatory, and
our hearts can become much more inclusive and spiritually enhancing. And days
seem to come that overflow with connection, in the most profoundly beautiful
way possible.
This is the inspirational insight that fills your spirit and your body, where you see a
glimmering of a sense of hope, that fills with such a light, the light that fills you
with gratitude. To know that the true art of happiness never comes ready on a
golden platter, but it springs from our own actions and that it flows from
sprinkling compassion wherever you go, gives such an immensity of peace,
knowing that humanity always has its smiling blooms. Out of this compassion
comes all the beautiful relationships where our love for each other rises above all
the hardness of feelings, all the separations of egoisms, all that pulls us apart, and
we can rise together in the most meaningful relationships.
We all are different humans, and each seeks our own purpose, for the fulfillment
of our souls. The routes may be different, but each can seek to satiate the own
soul by walking with compassion in their own way, to find the fulfillment. And
even though we are the travelers on different routes, with different beliefs, our
essential bonding runs at our core, at our hearts. All humans are a part of a whole
beauty, called universe, or cosmos, and even though we might experience our
thoughts and feelings as very much separated from the rest of this cosmos, but it
is our egoistic perception that has built up a lofty invisible wall in our illusory
minds. That is the delusion that we have created on our own.

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We have imprisoned ourselves in this delusion, by our choices, and it is some of

the saddest choices that we made. They are not enlightened but the most
unenlightened ones made by us, lacking the clarity, the wisdom, the insight so
needed to uplift our own selves. So, we fail to embrace the whole of nature in the
circle of compassion for the cosmos as whole and we extend it to only a few. And
these selective choices emerge, as we behold everything through a restrictive
lens, and not a broadened one. We wake up from this delusion of consciousness,
and dare to merge with humanity, in the broadened sense of it. So, when life
passes through all seasons, do we dare to feel best at our hearts, knowing that we
made the amazing choices to bring amazement in kindred soul’s lives.
We grasped every chance, and we gave something back to this universe, we gifted
it something that burst into a thousand wonders on the pre-gifted connection
that was bestowed on us. As you explore your inner landscape, you tread on the
varied places of your unexplored soul, and you gradually reach the beauty and the
dirt, and with the rolling of the illusions, and the emerging of the feelings, do you
wake up with the awakened feeling of connection that transcends all the colors,
all the religions, the race, the culture and brings people together so they can meet
each other in the light of compassion. So, all you can do is to reach out and touch
other human hearts not just with your embracing hands, but also with the
warmth of your heart.
By this giving from compassion, you do not become poor, rather, you gather more
in broadening your circle, and it comes back to you in a manifold way. This is a
feeling that we belong to each other and it is the rarest feeling in this world,
where illusions have so very created so many islands, that we live in our own
islands of vanity and ego, satiating our egoistic beliefs with the pride and
prejudiced thoughts. But when you feel with compassion, then you feel with
other. It is a shared feeling, and the joy gets so much more intensified, so very
multiplied, but the pain seems to be lessened to such a relief, that it becomes so
very breathable and bearable.
This very light of compassion propels us to greatness, it urges us to rise above
what we are, and to see everything in a light that we probably never saw before.
We learn how to bend, how to reach people and how to lift them up, when they
need to be uplifted, how to cheer them up when they are singing in deep

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depression, so they can feel the freshness of the new breeze. In reaching the
unreached places of people’s depressing hearts, do we reach that sacred place
that carries the opening into the breathtaking beauty of theirs. As of ten it is their
deepest wounds that let the light shine into something truly and most genuinely
It would be the most daring thing to befriend the ones who have somehow lost
the smell of their innate sweetness in the brutal battles of life, and just somehow
floating barely to hang on to the very edge of life. Those that are unsure of
themselves, those that question themselves whether they are going to see the
shore at the end of the day, if they will return to someplace called home, or if
there will ever be a home in the true sense of the word, where there is a hearth,
and a lighted fire to kindle all those who make it truly a home, for them you can
reach out in the light of connection. You can carry their feelings inside of you, and
feel what they feel, and share it with them, so this very act of sharing can lighten
them all. At the same moment, it won’t make you heavy, as every act of kindness
given returns back to you a thousand ways.
Our compassionate action rises from connection, and our own issues seem to
dwindle in significance and they move to the peripherals of our minds and others’
issues seem to engage ourselves in thought. We begin to see our own issues in
seemingly much less significance compared to others, and we seem to be grateful
for what we have with a thankful heart. This is when you truly know another
heart, in deep silence from the sacred space within you. In this knowing, do you
understand how to see the suffering coming out in someone’s eyes, how the
suffering coming out in someone’s wordless pain and that soul is in need of an
invisible heart who can reach out to the crushed.
At times, the pain is seeable, at other times, it is un-seeable. Sometimes, the cry is
audible, some other times, it is inaudible. At times, it is expressible, at other
times, it is inexpressible. It is up to your keenest senses to be able to read, see
and hear that which is invisible to the naked eyes and ears. And you can feel again
what was so unfelt before. When you plant the seeds of compassion, it is you who
becomes a smiling bloom amidst this chaos that so very seems to consume us,
amidst the darkness that seems to dim the light that rises to shine from
somewhere deep within us. So, the walls between all the humans will crumble

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and fall, and compassion is free to spread its wings. Your thankful heart soars and
spreads its thankfulness in the form of showering kindness on those who are
hungering for it, as the hunger for loving-kindness is seemingly too great.
You don’t leave people behind and let them face life completely on their own,
rather you look back and care to give them your most precious time, some touch,
song gesture of kindness, so they do not have to face the brutal battles of life all
alone, they do not have to see the sad seasons all alone. You are a part of that, as
you make them a part of your journey. We can never own each other’s sadness,
but we can always offer them what is ours to give, we can offer them a piece of
our hearts, we can offer them a willingness to share some of their pain, a
willingness to share some of their most defining sadness.
There comes patches of roughness and hardness, somewhere along the way, but
then there comes the patches of life, when they meet some souls who care to
share some of what they have, so life may not seem so bleak, so life may not
seem so weeping, and the warmth still stays to kindle the spirits in the season of
love and compassion. Yes, life may give you lessons but those lessons are not
meant to close your heart, but to open them by sprouting the seeds of
compassion, by making you learn to listen, by making you a seeker of
understanding instead of speculation.
Life never brings you perfect people, perfect moments, as if everything is offered
to you in perfection, then how would you ever learn to spiritually evolve? You
grow as you learn how to face imperfection and to see perfection in all that. Being
compassionate does not mean we suffer for them, but we offer them the
likelihood, the light of hope, of going beyond the separate self in which suffering
is held in such an agony. As one experiences agony that is something hard to give
words to, and impossible to understand while it grips you, you go insane. And it is
then the cosmos showers compassion on you, so you can organize and not
Since the dawn of existence, everybody fears pain and it is a part of life,
something we all try to escape from. And we fight and struggle and rage with all
that we have. You seek relief, so the pain is not sealed without healing. And the
sun seems to disappear, and your spirit seems to be weighed down so heavily by
depression. You constantly wrestle for your oneness with the humanity and the

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light of divine. And you howl, in agony, in a pain that seems so unceasing. The
search for this peace is bigger, deeper and agonizing. Your tortured voice echoes
in the mountains of your inner landscape.
The tidal waves of grief flood you when you are at your lowest, the immensity of
the depression like an unsurmountable ocean. It swallows you whole. It is a
broken record player, with a disc on repeat, time and time again, where the
broken music plays over and over again in your depths, and you rehearse them
over and over again, the wailing disrupting any possible remnants after the
battles of life. And you wrestle through your sleepless nights. And the raindrops
begin to roll down your eyes, falling, swirling, unfurling, cascading, and the leaves
in your heart begin to sparkle, dazzle and smile. They seem to take endless delight
in playing hide and seek. And out comes your grief, in such an escape and finally
you learn how to live and relive again. You grasped the wound, so as to feel the
healing bathing you in such a peace.
As there are other broken hearts in this universe, that can mend your brokenness.
The universe sends the souls with the same beauty to the needed souls so as to
send them the healing, the understanding that they need, and as one is tearing
her heart out, someone else is out there to understand this tearing, to give the
healing touch, so what seemed unbearable gradually seems bearable. The pain
that was knotting and twisting in your body, sees an escape. And you no longer
lose your grip, you no longer lose your mind. And where memories frozen into
unconsciousness slowly begin to melt.
You fall on your knees on the barren ground, staring at the sky for the rain of
mercy. And the sky opens for him for the wanted rain of healing. These are the
needed waterdrops. And the rain fills the cracks beneath. Nobody gets to see the
pain and agony, as it is so softly all gone with the gentle rain of heart. That rain
offers a sanctuary of spirit. You pass from a walking agony to the point where the
healing begins, where you no longer scream. You are no longer seasoned in the
solitude of suffering. Your healing becomes your companion. But the sadness that
breaks your heart can sometimes lead you to the very light that heals it. At times,
the greatest agony bears it, so as to break it, rupture it and finally mend it with
endless delight. The delight of healing and then to rise from all that held your
voice back, from all that held you in your broken emotions, and finally it gives you

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the light of joy again. While agony is something that you can never escape, but
because of what it teaches you, you can feel the beauty, tenderness and the
freedom that is bestowed upon by healing. This tenderness is like the wind
against your face, inviting you to break your past and to come out of it, and to
start from the scratch again, to rise in the light, as todays’ light is not defined by
last night’s darkness. This is the invitation to fall in love with the light from the
rising sun over the sea of our souls.
This is when you are struck by the symphony of compassion, by the birdsongs that
invite you to awaken to the new morn, and the humming along of the awakening
cosmos. This is the moment, when your listening ears hears all the cosmos sing in
such a healing, all the universe hymns of such an awakening, that your yesterday’s
grief falls down and new joy begins to rise from somewhere deep within you. And
around you plays the music of the dancing cosmos. And we can seem to hear that
music only when we hear from the awareness of our open hearts. And that is the
moment, when we are truly alive.
This is the heart that realizes that there are songs written in stones of grief, only if
we know how to make lyrics out of them, as well as in the sound of a wordless
grief. Those are the lyrics that overflow with the shedding of sadness and rejoice
at the bountiful riches of this divine creation. This is the bitter with the sweet, the
sadness with the happiness that blend to make a rich harmony, a painful delight
in tasting the finer wine of life. This is the art of life, to take the bitter with the
sweet, to accept the sadness along with the happiness, to take the whole of life in
all its seasons, the way it comes in its strengths and weaknesses, and out of this
graceful accepting, can we make peace in one rich celestial harmony.
And with you, ever leaf, every flower, every blade of grass begins to smile and
sing again. The earth becomes a harmonious earth, as you take your sorrows and
turn them to a joy that kisses the earth every time, you take your stones of grief,
and turn them into some lyrics that run across the sky. This is the profound
brightness of life. This is the song, this is the light in which we move and live. And
when one finally arrives at the point, when the sadness is forgotten and becomes
immersed in the ancient rhythms of life, when sorrows melted into joy as the only
enduring trail, one begins to live. This is when we see life at its origin, its
beginning, its cycles that puts us in kinship with all that lives, trees, stars, sky,

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birds, all the sentient beings and the creation. To drink from this fount of all that
lives and breathes is to be able to expand into a visionary state at heart, and to
draw ourselves infinitely closer to all that creates the beautiful unity and the
diversity in the heart of this creation. This is the enigmatic beauty, that is so
poignant that it opens us time and time again to glimpse at its myriad wonders.
This is the moment, when you look into your heart, when you look into your
childlike innocence, and that is not the beginning of the end, but that is your
return to yourself, to the child that always wonders in the eyes, to the child that
wanted to unravel all the mysteries locked in this cosmos beginning from the
landscape of the soul to the landscape of this earth. This is the child that you
return to, this is the child that calls you home.
In every heart, there is a light, in every stone sleeps a story. Life has all its phases
that can make it a mystery or a sea of misery. It all depends on how you view it.
Whether you see any unraveling light in even the deepest of griefs, whether you
see any gems in the lessons that life taught you, that depends on your lens of
perception. You can choose either to learn from it and to carry the wisdom in you,
or you can turn the falling leaves of life turn you into someone so bitter, that no
happiness can see the light entering through.
And this is the art of living life, how you live it is how you choose to see it. And
your choices, once again dwell on your ability to return to your visionary light
within, the light that can guide you and take you to your inner child, who has
been waiting all along to be found. This is the light that weeps for humanity, has
given birth to the divine in its very visionary light, and glows its strength on the
constellations of hearts. Century after century, this compassion toils, and it seems
so heavenly shot with colors of culture, sewn with the threads of denial of
hardness and knitted with the love of acceptance of all.
And heavenly it has been so long, as humanity lives by its essence that is his soul,
and the essence equally so divine that is his flesh. And to survive on this universe,
we all need to be able to share this light. This is the light that speaks life, speaks
purpose makes humans a masterpiece, and weaves them into someone beautiful.
Compassion forces all souls to accept all the past, to look past them and still make
life a beauty of eternity in the sense of sharing moments with one another and to
make that sharing a timeless connection, an ageless stranding of moments

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together, in a wordless understanding of the sacred space exchange between two

To struggle against the weight of heaviness eclipses not the moon of your dreams
but it surely shows you the unfailing signs of hearts wanting to reach out. Every
decision you make in life, every step you take in life, stems from this ancient
primordial need of compassion that wants to reach out to other hearts, that
needs another soul to come and understand this ancient feeling that has resided
in human hearts ever since the beginning of creation. It is this need that humans
are in silent begging from one another yet seem to be wordless about it out of the
shameful feelings of ego and pride that seemingly engulf them.
This is the compassion that gives clarity to the vision and clears the horizon. As
compassion gives vision to a sight. With your sight that you have you can stumble
on what stands in your way, but with your vision you can always create a pathway
to every rock that barricades your way. Every roadblock is created when we see it
with the eyes of intellect. But while we see it with the vision where compassion
dwells, no roadblock seems to stand. Every barricade seems to have an escapade
solution. This is what compassion does, this is the raining of compassion, when it
takes the sight and turns it to a vision.
When we see with our preexisting sight, it is a mere illusion of individualism.
When we add our vision to it, it is then that we are able to truly see the needs of
others around us, and that is the rarest gift that we can give to other kindred
souls. You become a visionary and you see it as an opportunity, to be daring at
heart. You become an adventurer at heart. As you walk in the faith of compassion
that it will see through every barricade that seems to impede your journey, it will
walk you through every boulder that cuts your road, and you will still make it
through. When you walk by this light, it gives you your purest authenticity and
authenticity becomes the language of your soul, as a visionary. While you become
the visionary, you just do not see the world, you begin to see the universe. You
begin to behold the cosmos even in a smiling flower. And whatever you behold,
and in whatever you behold, you see beauty and this vision stems from
As your own heart is dancing in love, you make others dance too, and this is the
most ancient primordial dance of hearts singing and dancing in the merriment of

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souls. You saw what was there, and with your vision you made the seemingly
impossible the most possible one. You made darkness into a light of visionary, you
turned the wretchedness into something beautiful, you turned the lost and lonely
into the hopeful ones, you beheld a cosmos into the seemingly insignificant ones.
This turning of sight into a vision springs when compassion sprinkles from your
hands on everything that you touch, when compassion cascades on everything
that you turn your eyes to and the entire universe seems to speak in the language
of authenticity.
With compassion, the authenticity that springs in you makes you a visionary and
being a visionary, you can seem to thrive and flourish in all circumstances. You
flourish because what seemed so drought and weeping in barrenness, suddenly
turns everything within you into a smiling flower. This is the smiling face that
stemmed from compassion rising within you, from your ability to share the grief
that others are carrying within them, from your giving out a piece of your heart to
someone else, to somebody else who so needs an understanding heart, an
understanding silence of what held them in a shell and what kept them apart
from coming out in the open.
This understanding stems when you see the light of your own authenticity and
choose to live by it, does the universe open its smiling wonders for you. You tell
yourself that it was possible along the way, and possibility stemmed from the
opening of your heart to fill the crevices of those who are lost and lonely and
somehow in search of that missing light again, the light of living life to its fullest,
the walk by faith in the visionary light and not by mere sight again. There is always
a spiritual battle between hard feelings and forgiveness but only the visionary, the
wisest of the wise and the compassionate souls will rise above this battle and will
choose to see all sentient beings in the light of forgiveness, as to make mistakes is
human, but to forgive is divine.
Walking in the path of forgiveness, when the need comes, and still having this
shared journey with all, is the rarest form of compassion. And it is this that makes
the walk together worth sharing, worth walking. That is soul dressed in a divine
beauty, speaking the language of unconditional love, in a voice of truthful melody,
and eyes holding a light of vision, that may seem to embrace all under the wings
of a compassionate understanding. Visionary souls are those who see by the light

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of evolution and awaken others to evolve in their insight, so they can rise and
awaken others. This is a ripple of awakening in a sea of souls. And this ripple goes
on expanding further and further. This awakening may be caused by one soul, but
it includes in its vision the art of living in the light of forgiveness and compassion.
The two are so deeply interrelated. One cannot exist without the other. This is
when you begin to understand the powerful and peaceful beauty of a spirit that is
trying to master the visionary art of life, the art that teaches to walk away from
looking for the right or wrong in others, but to look at each other so as to
understand each other, to know how to travel this journey with a compassionate
forgiving at heart. This is called pursuing a life with the ones you love. And this is
called visionary and brilliant. This living has a splendor, a resplendence. And this
living is lived by visionary people, who have insightful souls, wisdom rich vision,
the wisdom that speaks with compassion and kindness.
It is in seeing humanity with this lens, that you see what others fail to see, as you
see by the divine light that reaches far ahead in darkness. As if you walk by your
sight, then your sight can only take you where there reaches the light, but when
you walk by your vision of humanity awareness, then your vision can take you to
places where darkness broods so intensely, but you can take your steps anyway,
as you walk by the light of a visionary and this light asks you to walk by the sight
of forgiveness, and in this faith, does compassion cascade from you and showers
on all those where it is needed, and leaves no room for harboring hard feelings.
This is the so-called awareness of the thousand single threads sewn together, to
weave humanity as a whole.
You know the connection now, you feel the connection now, and you begin to
know what humanity in the truest sense is, how vibrant it is, how igniting it can
be, and this is the beginning of your wisdom. This is the enlightenment of a
luminous silence, the wisdom of a gifted suffering. As you suffer, you feel the
agony run down every cell of yours, and it is then that wisdom breaks to you in its
wonders. And as you be lighted with these pearls of wisdom, you begin to know
life, the beauty of its truth and gradually, you begin to know yourself. While you
unfold in your won wisdom, you are unlearning, and relearning everything in a
new light, and this is the beginning of your authenticity. Your light is spreading
along the horizon. You are no longer engulfed in a brooding darkness. No wisdom
has ever existed without a touch of exploration, without a touch of adventure.

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And this is the pure art of living life. As the purpose of art is not to focus on the
outward look of things, but their inward beauty, their inner meaning. That is the
authentic beauty of a piece of art. And we live in this beauty, as we master this art
to see wisdom that begins to break from a luminous darkness.
Wisdom crumbles sadness. Every hard feeling grows old under the power of time,
and is eventually forgotten and left behind through the lapse of time. and walking
by the light of that wisdom you bear the misfortunes of life with grace and dignity
making the best of your circumstances, you become your own companion. And
you find happiness in solitude, as solitude shows you the light that pierces the
darkness. This is the light that you may fail to see in the chaos, as your mind is too
busy in traveling a thousand directions.
And you are caught up in the frenzy of it all. Stilling the mind often takes you
homeward, to the source, the origin of light, and this is when in silence you sit
with yourself, going over what is left after the battle has been fought and lost,
deciding what to do with yesterdays’ fragments, whether to push them aside,
whether to walk them on, or whether to make a meaning out of those left aside
fragments and try to build something whole. The whole that can come out in
beauty, the process of molding and shaping them into an art may be the best
piece of wisdom that this luminous darkness can ever give you, so you can rise
and emerge to your true self, so you do not crumble beneath your smiles, so you
hold the light within and walk by the light of your enlightened heart, and you
know you have fought it all, not for the sole purpose of fighting and winning, but
for the visionary purpose of finding a peace that outlives all that comes and goes
in life.
This visionary purpose shows you the trails of wisdom. And wisdom is something
that speaks to your conscience, that awakens your conscience, inviting it to walk
by the light, even when all it sees is the darkness. This is the speaking wisdom, the
guiding wisdom that guides the lost souls, that emerges from the heart and sees
the light in the soul. See this wisdom light, listen to its endless echoes. As it’s not
what you say to your head that has the final yay or nay, but it’s what you say to
your heart that will bring out the whispers of wisdom. Recognizing this wisdom
does not diminish you in any way, rather it magnifies you with glory, with pride. It
takes whatever was shameful in your darkness, whatever was hidden away from

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surfacing and gives them the nurturing light, gives them the reason to thrive, and
to find a will to live and not to die. This is how you grow, this is how you thrive
and rise again. And as you grow, as you thrive, your wisdom leaps in a boundless
manner. You leap forward in the light of your own being. This is the most
astonishing light of the sun of your soul. And this light is the gift of the darkness
that seemingly engulfed you.
Out of this darkness, breathed this light in your very being, so you could choose
the trails of wisdom, and that choice was a conscious choice, out of an
enlightened heart. So, on your journey, while you cannot control what happens to
you, but you can control your attitude to all that what comes and leaves your life,
while you can never stop the waves of life to come and splash all over you, but
you can master the art of riding the waves, either in graceful rolling over the
waves, or in a breathless falling. While every sunset of life may hit you hard, and
push you down to your knees, every sunrise of your life invites you, begs you,
needs you to rise up and ride again, one more time.
So, you learn how to master grief and not let grief master you. So, you learn how
to master your pain, and not let the pain master you. It is after all, the agony left
behind, that shows you the light of connection to life again. In what seemed, and
in what looked like, everything was lost, you may find the reviving pieces again,
the ones that guide you home, the ones that give you ageless wisdom, to
transcend all that stays and all that leaves, and to rise above everything so as to
shine again in authenticity. It may seem strange, but as the heart keeps breaking
and breaking, wisdom seems to keep emerging and emerging. As all things in this
world have two wings. And for every wing of pain, there is another wing of joy.
For every wing of pride, there is another wing of grace and humility. As your heart
keeps breaking, it is your pride that keeps crumbling and crumbling, and as it hits
you hard enough, you bend and bend more and more.
Eventually comes a time, when you are blown hard by the battles of your pride,
so as to sit down on your knees and look up to the sky. That is the moment, when
you are in a perfect position to pray. And while you talk to the divine, it is then
that your wisdom begins, it is then that your heart gets lighted more and more
and you reach further and further towards the wisdom of soul. Those are the

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pearls that come out of your enlightened heart, as it learns in the evolution of
your soul.
There is a wisdom that emerges from the head and then there is another type of
wisdom that emerges from the heart. As the heart that is bent and broken, learns
a lot more from the wailing, more from the weeping that all the teachings that a
book can offer. The book you read, while you turn the pages gives you a
knowledge, fills you with information but it never seeps inside of you, it never
gets to your very being. So, all that you take in, lives in your head and you master
that learning as you take all that from the pages turned over and the chapters
read over. But it never goes to your heart, and till then it stays as a knowledge in
a limited way. It never sees its wings to fly in the freedom of truth.
And for every wing of tears there is a wing of smiles. Every time you cry, you heal,
every time the rain rolls out of your eyes, you become softer, gentler, in your
grace and wisdom. As you learn that some of the breathless beauties of life, that
comes with no promises, that comes with no certainty. And you realize that you
can take anything or anybody for granted, and this learning makes you accept
everything with a touch of gratitude. This is the gratitude that makes you accept
life at its best and worst and you become authentic at your own self. You accept
the worst with the best with grace and gratitude. And this beauty comes from the
wisdom of your heart.
This is the wisdom that never leaves you. Knowledge is given to you by books.
There comes a time, when you may forget the knowledge, and you may feel the
need to touch base with it, as you roll over the chapters. They touch your head,
maybe your heart too, but not unfailingly. As you never felt them with your very
vibrancy of your own soul. Those chapters came out of someone else’s soul. They
were never yours to begin with. As you learn the wisdom of your heart from the
book of your own life, this is something that is truly yours. The feelings, the
emotions that made you write your own book came out of your own authenticity.
Compassion shines like an evergreen emerald in the hearts of many who are in
much of a need to feel the eternality of the verdant pastures in the midst of
wailing sorrows. Kindness will find its way to the heart of someone you love,
whether it is far or near, it goes home always to where it belongs to the hearts of
those who are suffering from an injured soul. Compassion is the very water of life,

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which where it showers, drenches the deserts of many an afflicted sufferer, and
brought many a silent sufferer to much of a needed healing. In its light, you learn
how to be soft and tender, and in its beauty, you learn how to weave hearts
together, how to knit them with a thousand threads of love, how to pierce every
wailing heart and silence the sob. It knows how to see the light amidst the
That compassion becomes the true art of living. The art that dances itself towards
the light, the art that paints the canvas of your life with so very rich colors, that
someday, it sees every wailing soul smiling through. Kindness flows down as the
barren ground submits itself to the vastness of the raining sky and receives with
grace what comes. Is the suffering soul worse for giving in like that? Open
completely, so the ears of your spirit will listen to the murmurs of a flowing
kindness. So, the heart will understand with a compassionate wisdom that never
tires to listen to the language of kindness. Compassion is not your emotion, it is
your very existence, it breathes such a tenderness in your existence.
Go inside your heart to see how it feels and as you travel deeper and deeper
inside, you will find the whole world silently weeping, so many injured souls
silently sobbing, that you will feel the whole world is sobbing beneath all the
smiles, the whole world is in need of the rain. So pray to see the divine in you, so
it gives out the divine calling to send down the rain, to send down the holy rain,
so it can flood again on those who are weary and crying for the rain outside, they
may receive the rain inside. Inside this receiving will they be healed, and in this
washing away over the silent suffering, will those find their own light again, so as
to light the earth with their lighted trails wherever they go and in whatever they
At times, you hear a voice through the doorway calling you and as you turn
towards this calling, it eventually saves you. It is this calling that sends down the
rain on your parched soul, it is these waters that give what was so ungiven before,
that offer what was so unoffered before, that relieves what was so unrelieved
before. And this is the blessings of the rainfall. Compassion endures everything,
and still lights the sorrowful souls, gives them the hope that never withers, gives
the souls an eternal youth. You learn and realize that the only way to escape the
labyrinth of agony is to forgive yourself and forgive others. Forgiving yourself is

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the most essential step in compassion. And if your forgiveness has no room for
yourself, then it is no compassion at all. The more you hold back forgiveness, the
more your pain is intensified and prolonged by a thousand echoes of wailing. Your
destiny in a way gets connected to the destinies of others. This is the feeling that
sits on you as you carry compassion within you for this universe. You become the
lotus of compassion, whose petals open, one by one as life evokes the finer
feeling in you, as life brings out the most un-awakened places within you.
How much can we hope to know about someone’s silent suffering, somebody’s
deepest anguish, someone’s sleepless nights, somebody’s wordless sobbing,
unless we have gone through all of them ourselves? Looking at others pain and
trying to understand what they understand, trying to feel what they feel, even if it
is for the briefest moment, can bring an at least genuine attempt of caring for
themselves as our own, so as to push the judgements aside and for once walk the
walk in their perspective and feel the clenching sorrow. It takes a good grounding
on the same ground, a good footing on the same situation to feel the clinching
pain, to absorb the hidden beneath the not so hidden.
As you imagine yourself with even an iota of compassion the situation in which
they landed, the brutality of what left them in that inescapable misery, only then
can you shudder inside at the horrifying nature of pain, and what it can do to
humans how much they can break them into bits and pieces. And recognizing
others pain and not walking on them, can always be a much- needed thing that so
many sentient beings can feel so cared for. And it is this essential feeling that is
the basis for the throbbing of humanity. This is the throbbing that keeps humanity
alive, in the sense that it keeps life flowing at its very best.
Compassion is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected
to each other. We can never be disentangled. Our connection to one another is
grounded in love and compassion. Our connection to each other is anchored in
loving-kindness. And it is time, instead of walking away from this connection, we
celebrate it, we honor it and we acknowledge it. And herein lies the authentic
beauty. Beauty in not in your pleasing looks, it is the wisdom of your soul, the
ability to feel what others feel, the urge with which you plunge into someone
else’s agony and feel it as your own. It is the love that you feel to save another

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struggling soul walking this path of life. This is where you look truly beautiful, in
your purity does come out your rarest beauty.
Keep your heart soaked with compassion, for from it flows the eternal springs of
life, from it cascades the eternal fount of kindness. In this spring, lies those
essential healing waters of heart. Compassion always refreshes every soul in the
washing, rinsing and cleansing process. This is the dew of wisdom, that one needs
to behold every morning, as they begin each day. As lot depends on one’s
perception, the way we perceive reflects our own beings. And in this reflection,
do we see other souls as our own kindred ones. All disparities dissolve, and they
all look fresh in the morning dew of kindness.
This is the most enlivening dew that ever seems fresh on the leaves that seem to
have a drooping beauty. Like every heart that needs to be bathed sometimes, in
this dancing chaos of life, so those that are way too weary, failing to lift the
burden and still be able to walk the path, they can walk the walk, after enlivening
their own spirits. So, they can engage again in sharing with others, caring with
others and living with other sentient beings in a meaningfully connective way. So
your kindness can be a life to other souls, your compassion can be a smile to a
sorrow, your light can be a world to someone’s failing life, your reaching out can
be a universe trying to reach out to a lost and lonely soul.
This is the unfading beauty of your spirit which is the authentic beauty, that
outlives all the other beauties that you adorn yourself with. And this beauty
dissolves all that stands in the way of disentanglement from other souls
connected to each other in the web of humanity. This is the beauty that tries to
understand the painful and troubled road trod by others, and as you grasp this
understanding deeper and deeper, you go to the core of your own authentic
beauty. You realize that no heart has ever suffered when it has chosen the path of
compassion in search of happiness, because every moment of its search was an
encounter with the divine and with eternity.
When you hold hands with loving kindness and choose to walk the path, you will
never be crippled inside. As when you will have your suffering from the battles
that life throws at you, you will emerge as the strongest soul in the light of
compassion, and every bruise that you bear inside will have a story to tell, a story
that will inspire others. But we must learn to respect life less in the light of what

Dewdrops of Compassion

they do or do not do, but more in the light of what it sheds on our souls, in the
lasting way. As at some point, we realize that we are lost in a maze without that
understanding. No trial that we encounter goes to a waste. All that we suffer and
endure, creates our characters, purifies our hearts, makes us more tender and
charitable, worthy to be called as children of a divine light, as it is through sorrow
and suffering, massive toil and tribulations, that we enlighten our hearts. There is
always a solitude of suffering, when you go through darkness that is lonely,
intense and terrible. Words become powerless to express your pain, and what
others hear or cannot hear from your words is so distant and different from what
you are actually going through.
But to listen creatively to the hidden silence of someone’s sorrowful mourning, to
understand its secret in its wordless mystery, is to lie concealed in the silence
between the moments of suffering, or in the depth of what is unsayable between
two hearts. Life always travels through something good and something not so
pleasant at times. This examines every aspect of our heart and soul. Momentarily,
we may lose the attraction and magic. If your soul understands the journey, the
geography, then we can trust this indirect, enigmatic, oblique beauty of life. If you
do understand, it will take you where you need to go, and it will teach you a
kindness of rhythm in your journey, it will teach you the poignant beauty of your
heart until it chooses to walk with compassion.
Sorrow awakens you in the night of your heart, in the valley of your despair. It is
like a morning rising within you, a new sunrise in the horizon of your heart. You
begin to transcend fear and gradually courage shows its face somewhere deep
within you. When fear leaves you and courage awakens you, it is like a rebirth, a
new beginning. Peace sometimes may rest in the night. Trees, lofty mountains,
vast fields and spaces, are released from the chains of life and they reside in our
hearts when our souls are free and breathing in the grandeur of life, its miracles,
its beauties. It is then that peace sometimes takes its sleep rest from the burden
of exposure to its brutal battles. Each thing goes back to its own nature, its virgin
beauty, within the shelter of the dark. Darkness seems to be the very ancient
womb. And this nighttime is the womb. Our hearts, our souls come into a playful
adventure and out of this exploration, the brooding darkness absolves everything.
The struggle for winning always falls away and we rest comfortably in the retreat
of peace in this assuring retreat of the night.

Dewdrops of Compassion

The fight for identity and impression seems to fall away as we take shelter in the
cradle of peace, and it in this shelter that our daytime battles come to rest and we
seem to be in touch with the wisdom of our souls, as to what lives and what
leaves us for the better or worse in this walk of life. Our hearts come to play a
thousand echoes of what sings in our minds and we gain a sight of wisdom in our
souls. All the possibilities of heavenly wisdom are asleep in your soul and
suddenly they seem to surface in your hearts, as you look back in the light of your
enlightenment. It is a meeting between the thoughts, in the roadways on your
mind, then suddenly you see the flash of light that gives a recognition to the
wisdom emerging leaving those racing thoughts behind, and that wisdom
emerges from your soul. The embers of kinship between you and your heart begin
to glow and this is the kinship that propels you find the comforting assurance in
There is an awakening between you and your sense of knowing the wisdom of
your heart, the wisdom that speaks the language of your soul, the language of
your authenticity. This wisdom is the most surprising visitor and if you ever try to
flee from it, it will pursue you. And all the other racing thoughts that relentlessly
chase you, you can transfigure them and thus still their unease and help them find
peace into taking them to the cradle of your wisdom. Rather than banishing the
uneasy thoughts that at first glimpse appear unwelcome, you bring them home to
unite with the core of your life, so they are not in diversity and this is how you
transfigure them into a peaceful beauty that gives you the home within you. This
is the wisdom arising from an illuminated heart that speaks in the words of
compassion and a loving-kindness. Cultivating them would be honoring humanity
at its highest.
The soul is the inner face of your life. The joy and the grief, the smiles and the
tears the battles won and lost, strive to make your inner being so very rich and
beautiful. It is here that compassion gathers within you and kindness multiplies
inside of you. Compassion alone can awaken whatever is divine within you. In
compassion, you grow, thrive and come home to your sacred self. The home is
where the hearth of your own spirit is, and this is where you come back, finding
your roots again, your anchor. It is lovely to meet ourselves, where our faces at
the very core are very deeply wrinkled, a mind that has been deeply inhabited,
and then to look into the eyes of our souls and find the light there.

Dewdrops of Compassion

This is the light of connection between you and your soul, where your meditative
eyes can see the light of compassion and the peace that it evokes in a searching
soul where racing thoughts meander by. This is a sacred experience between you
and your deepest depths. It is this light that can truly read the eternal signature of
your individuality and soul. Your signature is imprinted in compassion on your
soul. This is your most authentic identity. You can never lose this identity of yours
as with it you were seeded and with time, it sprouted in you and over time, it
spread within you, so it began to flow from you to others. Inside your image,
beneath your vision, and above your thoughts, the peace that silences all the pain
secretly dwells and wisdom resides in abundance where it can decipher your
With compassion, all you can ever achieve is a sense of your most authentic
beauty. You gain vivid glimpses of its light, hues and contours. You feel the
inspiration of its endless possibilities and the wonder of its mysteries. And what
was unlived in us begins to live and relive in the light of humanity, a shared
connection, moments shared together, strung together in this thread of
humanity. And even though life may more wearily and painfully at times, we can
still set them aside while living in this light. As this is the light that never gives to
corrosion. A luminosity shines out from you to the world. The tenderness that
radiates a sense of wholeness and wholesomeness.
This was the search for the lost chord, and this is the chord that once when we
get back, we find the roots to ourselves again. As this is what we were born with,
and behind our birth, this was the divine design to send us to the earth, so we
could spread the words of loving-kindness, so humanity healing at all times. This is
a beauty that has emerged from your brokenness, this is an amazement that has
surfaced from your woundedness, and it is a beauty infused with feelings,
emotions that deal with the tenderness of life, this is a beauty that has the
blending of the hardest with the finest moments of life. A beauty that is not the
same as the beauty of the perfect form.
It is a beauty that has taken the imperfect beauties, the brutality with the broken,
the suffering with the reviving, and have turned them into something beautiful,
that is worth looking at. It is a beauty that has suffered its way through the aches
of life, gone through the agonizing moments of life and still found the connection.

Dewdrops of Compassion

This is the beauty that finds the whole among the fragmentary bits and pieces of
life. It somehow gives a wholesomeness, a healthy perspective on life again.
Not all brokenness gets to see a daylight, a creation, a piece of transformation.
Some remain lost in the forgotten silence, some weep secretly in the hidden
depths of wailing hearts, some never get to see another day in the rising light,
some stay like that forever crushed in pain. But life goes on anyway. It does not
get any better for them. It just gets different for them, each and every day. Life
comes with a new face, every moment. They wake up to the same bottomless pit,
to the same swallowing pain. Nothing changes for them. The grief that engulfs
them, almost always swallows them, so much so, that no soul ever hears their
wordless cry. It just gets twisted more and more in the coming days of life.
Whereas, some others get to go through the grief, let the moments cut through,
that transfigures that pain into something to live by, into a light that can guide on
this unguided journey.
And every grief turns to a sacred gift woven into a heart of wonder, a heart of
gratitude for all that life holds in store for is, for all the miracle of creations where
the divine signature rests in eternity. This is the heart that has bloomed in grief
and spring seems to awaken everywhere. This is the season of bountiful
harvesting where the pain takes you where you would rather not go, where the
grief takes you where you would rather not enter. Though the curtains of
yesterdays have been pushed apart, deep down, your heart is always owned by
something, deep down, your eyes are always searching for something. This has
grown always invisibly within you.
What touched you was already torn, what softened you was already broken. The
act of seeing begins your transfiguring the torn apart beauty into some softness. It
blesses you until you have wept your way to see your most authentic self again.
The real self where your forgiveness stills all the pain, where the light of
compassion silences the hunger of the pain. It is an immense privilege to see this
beauty again, the beauty of the mystical wonders of life, how simplicity can
breathe in again through the complexities of life. This is the beauty of being alive.
We are here once again. And we are wildly and dangerously free. This is an
intoxicating freedom, where our souls roam in search of that which was never
beheld free. Something set our hearts free and we break the chains, we leave our

Dewdrops of Compassion

homes, and we adventure in the wildest of places in search of that intoxicating

wine of life, that keeps us fulfilling at every moment that comes on the way. The
light awakens the concealed beauty, the light enlivens the drooping leaves, the
light revives the falling tears and turns them into a gold of wealth. We step our
feet with reverence for this creation and the cosmos trusts us as we trust it with
us. The understanding heart enters the embrace between us and this dancing
cosmos. You opened the gifts of suffering to open this solitude within you, so it
can bring a thousand other gifts to this awaiting world. And as you turn your
suffering into your gifts, you receive your soul again in its authentic beauty.
You come closer to it, closer to the beauty that you were born with, closer to
what you were seeded with, when you were sent to this earth by a divine design.
You learned how to live in this world, how to be amidst this dancing chaos and yet
enter the serenity of stillness that can bring out the bursting wonders of your
gifted suffering, how the entire process of transfiguration brought you closer to
your soul, how it brought you home, the place where you truly belong. How you
gazed into the face of grief, was what shaped your life. How you viewed it was
what brought a mystical view into your material life, how it stilled your relentless
search for the material riches and how it brought you home to the riches of soul.
This is the eternal spring, where the breeze is so kind and the smiling flowers
blush with a new beginning. The flowers that blossomed from the breaking buds.
Your grief was the secret root from which all the longings grew to know life in
more richer style with more intricate details. The mystic in you knew that the
eternal search liberates the longing and the morning into its surest and wondrous
creativity. This is what made your longing much wiser than our traditional sense
of safety, and the truth of familiarity. This becomes the secret garden of peace,
where you hear the gentle whisperings of mysticism again, where in all the
finesse, greatness, the truth of life rests in its bowers, and the beauty of this truth
cascades its smiling flowers, where every petal shares with us the light of truth to
walk by, and the word of truth to live by.
This is the truth that also gives you a mystical wine, so your eyes are always
graced with wonder, so when you look at the mundane of this world, at the
saddening seasons of life, you see a light in everything you behold, and this is the
gift of vision, a vision that takes you from the realm of ordinary to the realm of an

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extraordinarily gifted sight, that it becomes a blessed vision. That is the evoking of
the divine sleeping within you, as you see his signature imprinted everywhere.
You begin to read them, you begin to decipher them, so you can see through the
light and come out of the wailing valleys of life. This is wisdom of gold that springs
from the heart and never grows old. Times may come, and times may go, but this
is the lingering wisdom that lives for time after time, for age after age, forever.
The truth of life lights in its embracing towards the weaknesses and woundedness
of life, the battles fought and lost, the staring failures of life. In this embracing lies
a passion and urgency to bring out the best in you and the best of what is left, so
it can call forth a dream of creativity, something to be created in urgency and
excellence. This is the urgency of heart, this is the call of our soul that teaches you
to see when you only learn to view yourself and others in the light of a forgiving
compassion. This is the invisible embrace between you and your soul, between
you and this cosmos. And it came through the opening of your heart in
tenderness, as the sufferings gave the birth of a light to begin with, the birth of a
luminosity to create with, the birth of a sun to rise with, from somewhere deep
within your soul.
This is the coming of springtime into the shivering chills of a bleak winter. And it
came with a forgiving compassion that awakened your life to unchain you forever.
The weather may send you shivers down your spine, but as you shiver, you
unlearn, and relearn everything how to shake yourself off from the yesterday’s
illusory learnings, and to view everything in the light of a blazed summer. The sun
comes though amidst the glooming clouds. The gloom gives away to a breaking
bloom and this is the bloom of your heart. The voyage of learning never ends, it is
a gradual rolling of your varied phases of life. And beautiful are the landscapes as
you land here and there, from time to time.
The ship may anchor in the smooth waters, and it may struggle during the
troubled ones, but the real anchoring in at your heart, finding your roots, digging
deeper within, and looking further and further into yourself, until all that you
stare at, is you---a much empowered, authentic you, who stands still amidst the
howling storms of life and comes out alive.

Dewdrops of Compassion


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