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My Childhood Memories
Childhood is such a golden time that we can’t forget anytime. Every people
remember and miss their childhood. In my childhood, I have so many
memories that I used to remember and talk with everyone. Here I will share
some memories from my childhood. Once we visited one of my uncle’s
houses that were about five hours journey away from our city.
I can remember the whole journey by train. When we arrived there, the
uncle came to the station for receiving us. That was a hill station, I can
remember. Then we took a jip that took us to my uncle’s home, the road
was really interesting. I still remember and miss that day.
Child Labor
Child labour is the use of children in producing goods and services.
They are employed by the producers at minimal wages, which makes
them susceptible to violence and any unjust activity. They are paid
minimal wages and are made to work for almost nine hours in a day.
The procedure of converting them to child labour is easy. The
parents themselves want the children to get involved in such
activities. These parents cannot generate the basic income
necessary for sustaining themselves. The parents are helpless.
However, some parents do not want to bear the burden of having
too many children and giving their last child to these factory owners.
Education is power
Education is the most empowering force in the world. It
creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to
opportunity. For children, it is their key to open the door to a better
life. All children deserve to receive the 'precious gift' of education.
Education is power because it gives people the ability to change their
lives and the lives of others. Statistics show that around the world
children who are born the educated mothers are less likely to be
stinted or malnourished. Each additional year of maternal education
also reduces the child mortality rate be two percent. This goes back to
the example of a parent’s education influencing a child’s life. In some
countries around the world if a child’s mother is educated then that
child has a better chance of survival at life.

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