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Section B: Sample Example Question *(2014 August/September Examination)

Question 1

THAI Smile is a brand-new subsidiary airline of THAI Airways which is operated under
the management of Thai Smile Airways Company Limited. A brand positioning of Thai
Smile is 'light premium'. THAI Smile offer variety of products and services to meet the
need to passengers who want to travel in a short distance flight session while ensuring
greatest comfort and convenience for a superior air travel experience.

(a) Based on the above, identify the positioning practice by THAI Smile. Explain how does
positioning help in deciding on marketing strategy?

The positioning practice by THAI Smile is light premium aviation service.

Positioning helps in deciding on marketing strategy by creating and maintaining a certain
concept of a product in customer minds. The product position’s is the result of customers’
perception of the product’s attributes relative to those of competing brands. It is a process of
developing strategies for marketing purposes. Marketers seek to position a product so that it
appears to have the characteristic the target market most desires.

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