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➢ Avoid occupied/public areas. Avoid use of shared equipment and spaces.

Elimination ➢ Virtual appointments, meetings, site visits, and training through the use of web conferencing applications (Zoom, Skype), or
video calls (WhatsApp, FaceTime).

Substitution Non-Currently identified

➢ Installing plexiglass, stainless steel, or other barriers between workers or between workers and customers,
such as at points of sale.
➢ Using rope and stanchion systems to keep customers/visitors from queueing within 2 metres of work areas.
➢ Adjusting ventilation systems to introduce additional outside air and/or increase air exchange to introduce
fresh air.
➢ Modifying physical workspaces to increase the distance between employees .
➢ Hands-free trash receptacles, soap and towel dispensers, door openers, and other similar hands-free

➢ Social Distancing Requirements

➢ Use floor markings and other barrier types to promote distancing.
➢ Cough and Sneeze Etiquette
➢ Proper Hand Hygiene and Control Procedure: Do not touch eyes, nose, mouth, and face.
➢ Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20-30 seconds. In the absence of soap and water use
alcohol-based hand sanitizer (≥60% alcohol). Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for good hand
hygiene, wash your hands as soon as possible.
Controls ➢ Disinfection procedures for specific operations, facilities, and/or work areas.
➢ Signage to communicate social distancing, cough and sneeze etiquette, proper hand hygiene and
control, and other critical procedures.
➢ Employee health monitoring Formalizes the stay home if you are sick or have had contact with a person
known to test positive for COVID-19
➢ Stay home if you have symptoms of illness
➢ If you are at work and you develop symptoms of an illness, distance yourself from others, contact your
supervisor, go home, and remain home until symptom-free.
➢ Employee Health Protection Procedure
➢ Employee Training
➢ Shift Change Procedures: Have people coming in half time or stagger the work hours. Look at existing
high-density areas and ask half of staff to work on site certain days with virtual meetings. Stagger
workdays and hours so only 1 out of 2 workspaces is occupied on any day or portion of day. Stagger
start times to avoid bottlenecks at the entrance.

➢ PPE is the last line of defence in safety controls. It includes face masks, gloves, protective eyewear
and coveralls. PPE is used to minimize exposure to COVID-19. It must be used properly to be
effective. Since this is the method with the least impact, it is important to use it in combination with
Protective other controls.

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