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MODEL PAPER ENGLISH-I Time Allowed : 3 hours ‘Maximum Marks : 100 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Attempt all four questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ } You are advised to spend not more than 45 minutes on Question 1, 55 minutes on Question 2, 30 minutes on Question 3 and 50 minutes on Question 4 Question 1 Write a composition (in approximately 400 - 450 words) on any one of the following subjects [251 (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.) (@ Your schoo! has recently celebrated the International Day of Yoga. Describe your experience during the programme. (b) You've recently started a successful entrepreneurial venture. Your school had invited you to share your experiences with the students of Grades 9 and 10. Narrate your experience during the talk. How did you feel ? How did it feel to be invited by your school to share your knowledge ? Were there any obstacles that you faced during the talk ? (© “Unchecked migration into the city leads to a rise in pollution.” Write for or against the statement. (@)_ Hope (©) “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Express your views on the given statement. (© Write an original short story beginning with the following words ooo “Tknew that being late to the King’s speech Question 2. (@) To celebrate its 25" anniversary, your school has organized an inter-school cultural festival. As the editor of the school magazine, you have been asked to prepare a report on the festival in not more than 300 words using the points given below. You may include other necessary details Purpose of the festival ~ date and venue ~ budget ~ guests of honour ~ schools invited ~ events in the festival ~ inaugural speech ~ performances ~ workshops ~ awards ceremony ~ closing ceremony = student experiences [20] (b) As a member of the Student Council of your school, you have been given the responsibility of conducting a conference on the harmful effects of smoking. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, stating the steps you would take to successfully conduct this conference. 10} Question 3. Answer sections (a), (b) and () (@)Ineach of the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write sentence B in each case. 0} Example : (0) (A) Ihave found my mobile phone that I had lost. (B) Thad lost... esse Answer : (0) [had lost my mobile phone, but Ihave found it. 8 + ISC Paper Bank - XII 1 (A) All were shocked beyond belief that she had died. (B) All were so, cose 2. (A) She was so tired that she could not stand. (B) She Was 100. ssesseseeissesssneueee 3. (A) Do not torture the orphan boy. B) Let 4 (A) You are too young to understand the ways of the world. (B) You are so 5. (A) He not only sold his camera but also his laptop. (B) He sold both. art acisscnoerncas 6 (A) Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. (B) No 7 (A) Why does she always hit you ? (B) Why are... - 8 (A) ILis thought that the dacoit escaped by digging a tunnel in the ground, (B)_ The dacvit... 9 (A) He heard about the at (B) On. 10 (A) ll consult a lawyer at once. (8) Tmean. (b) Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.) 151 He was struck migraine. Due to low attendance, the school struck her name the school register. Manu set for Lucknow late at night. The furious fifties are found the Southern hemisphere. Bhagyashree lost a lot__ weight due to the keto diet. They say Arun is partial his friends. Kaushiki has a partiality __sour sweets. Taru searched her lost book everywhere but couldn't find it, ‘The management is not happy ___ his decision to go public 10 The people of that country are ruled ___ an aggressive dictator. (© Fillin the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given in brackets, lent, He ran to help the injured eeraueune Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the correct order. 51 Most people (1) (think) of banana peels, eggshells, and dead leaves as “waste,” but compost is actually a valuable resource with multiple practical uses. When Q) (utilize) asa garden fertilizer, compost (3) (provide) nutrients to soil and. @ (improve) plant growth while () (deter) or (©) (kill) pests and (@) (prevent) some plant diseases. Compost also (8) (enhance) soil texture, (©) (encourage) healthy roots and minimising or (10) (eliminate) the need for chemical fertilizers. Question 4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions (a), (b) and (¢) that follow : (1) Even then my only friends were made of paper and ink. At school, I had learned to read and write long before the other children. Where my school friends saw notches of ink on incomprehensible pages, I saw light, streets, and people (2) Words and the mystery of their hidden science fascinated me, and I saw in them a key with which I could unlock a boundless world, a safe haven from that home, those streets, and 5 those troubled days in which even I could sense that only a limited fortune awaited me. English-l + 9 8) My father didn’t like to see books in the house. There was something about them—apart from the letters he could not decipher—that offended him. He used to tell me that as soon as T was ten, he would send me off to work and that I'd better get rid of all my scatterbrained ideas if I didn’t want to end up a loser, a nobody. 10 (4) Lused to hide my books under the mattress and wait for him to go out or fall asleep so that L could read. Once he caught me reading at night and flew into a rage. He tore the book from my hands and flung it out of the window. “If I catch you wasting electricity again, reading all this nonsense, you'll be sorry.” (6) My father was not a miser and despite the hardships we suffered, whenever he could he 15 gave me a few coins so that I could buy myself some treats like the other children. He was convinced that I spent them on licorice sticks, sunflower seeds, or sweets, but I would keep them in a coffee tin under the bed, and when I'd collected four or five reales I'd secretly rush out to buy myself a book. (6) My favourite place in the whole city was the Sempere & Sons bookshop on Calle Santa 20 Ana. It smelled of old paper and dust and it was my sanctuary, my refuge. The bookseller ‘would let me sit on a chair in a comer and read any book I liked to my heart's content. He hardly ever allowed me to pay for the books he placed in my hands, but when he wasn’t looking, I'd leave the coins I'd managed to collect on the counter before I left. (7) It was only small change—if I'd had to buy a book with that pittance, I would probably 25 have been able to afford only a booklet of cigarette papers. When it was time for me to leave, I would do so dragging my feet, a weight on my soul. If it had been up to me, I would have stayed there forever. (8) One Christmas, Sempere gave me the best gift I have ever received. It was an old volume, read and experienced to the full. “Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens,” I read on the 30 cover. I was aware that Sempere knew a few authors who frequented his establishment and, judging by the care with which he handled the volume, I thought perhaps this Mr. Dickens was one of them. “A friend of yours ?” “A lifelong friend. And from now on, he’s your friend too.” (9) That afternoon I took my new friend home, hidden under my clothes so that my father 35 wouldn't see it. It was a rainy winter, with days as gray as lead, and I read Great Expectations about nine times, partly because I had no other book at hand, partly because I did not think there could be a better one in the whole world and I was beginning to suspect that Mr. Dickens had written it just for me. (10) Soon T was convinced that I didn’t want to do anything else in life but learn to do what 40 Mr. Dickens had done. Adapted from : The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafén (Translated by Lucia Graves) (@) i) Given below are four words and phrases. Find the words which have a similar meaning in the passage a ) sanctuary @) deduce @) peanuts @ doubt Gi) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage : [4] @) limited (line 6) @) flew (line 12) (3) spent (line 17) @) weight (line 27) (b) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible (@ What are the two things that set the writer apart from his friends in school ? a Gi) Why did the writer feel that Charles Dicken’s was a friend of Sempere ? i Gi) How did the writer collect money to buy himself a book ? RI (iv) How did the writer’s father react on catching him reading a book ? Why ? bi (© Describe how Mr. Sempere encouraged the writer's love for reading, (Paragraphs 6 to 10). Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalized. You will be required to write your points in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words. (8) 10 + ISC Paper Bank - XII oa Answer 1. (a) (b) Celebrating International Yoga Day at My School In India, Yoga is synonymous with any other form of exercise. As a matter of fact, Yoga in itself is a discipline in physical, mental and spiritual practices. Dating back to the Rigvedic period, this physical discipline has meditation and spirituality at its core. Many practitioners of Yoga consider this form of meditative exercise as the reason for their personal transformation. As a matter of fact, during the past decade, proponents of Yoga have been changing the way one perceives this meditative exerc Western World. Yoga has been used to improve one's health and promote the over all well not uncommon to state that Yoga promotes mental, spiritual and physical awareness, whi promotes a self-actualization in personality. Knowing these facts about Yoga has not only gamered interest in my family but I believe it has made me calmer and more certain about my goals. The Intemational Day of Yoga or Yoga Day in celebrated on the 21* of June since ils inception by the United Nations in 2015. In order to commemorate this glorious occasion our school decided to celebrate the 4"" International Day of Yoga within our school premises. This event was celebrated with much vigour and enthusiasm. My Principal gave me the opportunity to instruct my fellow mates about the importance of Yoga and its exercise models. I focused on how Yoga promotes the unity of mind and body. It was a moment of pride when I could share the stage with my Guru who conducted the exercise and mental training part of the programme. We began the programme a 6 in the morning and paid our respects to thesun witha Surya Namaskar. Our Guru slowly led us into the breathing exercises while performing the Surya Namaskar. Those not accustomed to staying stil slowly found a way to remain silent and meditative during the course of the activity. We were then shown how to perform the asanas. Despite being an ardent practitioner of Yoga, I sometimes fail to find my flexibility so I was nervous about performing the various asanas or postures in front of my fellow mates. By the end of the programme, I realized that all my worties were in vain. I could comfortably position and seamlessly move myself according to the given asana. It was a matter of pride to see some of my fellow mates seamlessly perform the asanas. We ended our programme with the Shavasana or the “Corpse Pose” so that we could cool down and tune our bodies to relax. To me this programme was a perfect celebration of International Yoga Day as well as an opportunity to put my talents to use. I would recommend that everyone take some time out of their busy schedules to practice Yoga. The peace that comes with practicing Yoga daily is truly hard to find. A Wonderful Session with Students of My School 1 stood in front of the students sitting in rows of desks across from me. Many looked bored while others looked like they would rather be playing outside than in a room listening to yet another adult talk. I could sympathize, it was less than ten years ago when I was in their seats, listening with the same amount of disinterest. It was rare that a lecture actually caught my attention and I hoped my talk would do that for at least some of those young minds sitting there. Thad a page full of the most important points in front of me, but looking at the crowd in front of me I knew that giving a speech would simply bore them further. Instead, I told the students that they were free to raise their hands at any time. I would not be lecturing them about what I did, but rather telling the story behind my products, the venture itself and the silly situations that popped up along the way. Inoticed a few students look at each other; some were curious, but others I could tell were amused. Taking a deep breath, I began speaking. As I was introduced, I could feel the waves of judgement coming from the students. I was even more nervous than I was before. I decided to change the direction of the talk, speaking about how the very first venture I planned had failed, and how disappointed 1 was upon my failure. | could see a spark of interest in the eyes of a few. Tmoved away from the podium, rolled up my sleeves and felt a surge in confidence as more students began paying attention to what I was saying. I began to move around, talking about how the failure of the first venture stopped me from trying to pull through but didn’t stop the ideas T came up with It was in college that my current venture started and the story of interrupting a lecture to run out of class and talk to another professor elicited a round of laughter from the entire room. It wasn’t long after this moment that I noticed a raised hand in the crowd. I called on the girl, excited at the English-| + 11 thought of a potential question. Her question and my answer seemed to spark the crowd and soon, I had more people asking questions. Getting called back to my school to speak to the current students was exciting, but nothing was as invigorating as actually igniting even one spark in a room full of students. © Unchecked Migration into the City leads to a Rise in Pollution For the Motion There has been a shift towards urbanization since the start of the industrial revolution. People often shift from rural to urban areas in search of better access to resources and opportunities. Migration could either be from one country to another, or from one city to another, however, all these forms have one thing in common. If the migration rate is not monitored, then there is a chance that the becomes overcrowded. The over-crowding of cities can quickly increase the pollution levels of a city. This is often because of excess waste production and an increased need for transportation. To begin with, an increasing population count would lead to increased waste production. If the migration and city expansion were being carried out in a controlled manner then the infrastructure could also be expanded at a similar rate to ensure that all the refuse was being properly handled. However, unchecked migration means that the city’s garbage disposal system would be unable to keep up with the waste being produced by the inhabitants. The excess waste is left to rot on the streets or bumt which can have a large impact on the pollution levels of the city. Furthermore, the population increase caused by unchecked migration can lead to the presence of an increased need for transport. It can lead to an increase in the carbon emission within the city due to the growing number of vehicles on the roads. Cities such as Beijing and Mumbai are constantly suffering from unhealthy air quality due to excess carbon emissions. By controlling the m levels, the city would be able to control the level of inereasing air pollution present. It is important to note that unchecked migration is not the sole reason behind the rise in pollution levels in cities. One of the biggest reasons for the rise in pollution levels comes from the construction happening throughout cities to better the infrastructure. This can have a huge impact on the noise and dust pollution present in cities, To say that controlling the migration levels of the city will reduce the pollution levels is not necessarily true. However, controlling migration can help control the need for expanding infrastructure and inadvertently reduce these forms of pollution as well. In conclusion, while migration and urbanization can have its benefits, it can also lead to a rise in the pollution levels of the city. This is especially true if the city is not able to adequately plan to meet the level of resources and structure that comes with a rapidly expanding population. Hence, it is important to have a check on the population of major cities in order to control the pollution levels, from reaching against hazardous levels. (1) Against the Motion Today the planet is on the brink of imeversible change. At this point in time, it is important to control pollution levels. However, to say that urban migration is a major cause of rising pollution levels is inequitable. One cannot deny people opportunities just because they do not dwell in the city. It is even more unjust to deny people this right just because migration would lead to rise in levels of pollution, Most people who migrate to cities do so in the hopes of carving a better life than their own hometowns would have offered. They migrate to cities from towns, villages and states in order to have a chance at bettering their lives. By putting limits on urban migration, the hope of a better life is taken away. Many people who come to cities are often people looking for employment which they can use to support their families. It is against basic human rights to take away the opportunity to order to control pollution levels. This is not to say that unchecked migration does not have an impact on pollution. A rise in the population density can lead to increased air and water pollution due to increased transportation and waste generation. However, this is a problem that can be solved or controlled by enacting strict laws and ensuring that there is adequate infrastructure in place to handle the rising and changing, population. By ensuring that the laws and infrastructure are adaptable to a changing population, the cities will be equipped to handle change in pollution levels that might occur. In conclusion, pollution levels of a city can be controlled through carefully designed laws and earn incom 12 + ISC Paper Bank - XII (@) © infrastructure. Keeping a check on urban migration would have a large impact on the lives of many who rely on the city to eam the money they need to support themselves as well as their families. Also, if infrastructure is controlled and problems dealing with an increase in population is curtailed there will be no need to take the opportunity of a better life from people in order to control the pollution levels in urban cit Hope ‘There’s something warm about hope. When it setlles over you, you feel like you can get through even the most difficult of times. I too have hoped on many occasions because the journey was not always easy. The biggest impact hope had on my life was not through an experience of my own but reading about the value of hope through the eyes of another person, Iwas sixteen when I first came across the book “The Freedom Writers”. It told the story of multiple students who lived and attended high school in the Los Angeles, California during the 1990s. It was a time when they were all facing struggles of class and race and many of them didn’t think going, to school was important at all. It was during that time when an English teacher took an interest in them, trying o help them learn about the world and showing them empathy and compassion that these students actually started enjoying school, and showing results that at that time, seemed impossible What makes the book such a compelling read was that it was written by the students. One of their projects was to keep a diary starting from the first day of class. These diary entries are what the book is comprised of. You get to see what each student thought and how they changed from their very first day in high school to their last. The message of hope that I got from this story came not only from each student facing their own struggle but finding a way to survive and to continue pursuing, what they wanted, despite the situations they had to encounter. ‘These students lived through some of the most turbulent times in history, and they came out of it strong, Many of them were the firsts in their family to graduate high school and go onto higher education. They then returned to the community that had raised them and started a movement that focused on trying to give every child a chance to have the same classroom experience that they did. ‘Through this book, I leamed that hope is not seeing the bright side of every situation or allowing the flow of time take you where you are meant to go. Rather, hope can help you get out of a dark place, but it requires you to work as well. You cannot simply hope and expect everything to go as you wish, to have hope is to work knowing that the end will be better than where you are now. People who live in Glass Houses shouldn’t Throw Stones The saying comes from the idea that people should not criticize others because each person has their ‘own fault. To criticize, belittle or poke fun of one person because of a decision they made or a belief that they hold will have its effect on you as well. The saying refers to glass houses because that is What each of our personalities and egos are. They are fragile constructions that if attacked can be irreparably damaged. If you try and hurt another person through exceptionally harsh criticism, it is likely that the stone you threw will hurt you at some point as well. There is a sense of power that seems to come from pointing out the mistakes and fallacies in other people’s actions. In today’s time, it is easy for anyone and everyone to scroll through Facebook pages and Twitter timelines to find out mistakes made in the past and use them to belittle who you are today. It is something that is extremely prominent in the celebrity culture, but it is not limited to them. What becomes important, in these cases is that the person who was the first to attack often has their own weakness that social media is quick to exploit. This is because there is no person in this world that is born perfect. People learn more about the world as they grow. These critiques might severely damage the other's person's mental and emotional well-being. Furthermore, to make such criticisms, one must have a completely clear past where they have never held beliefs that hurt other people or made a mistake. However, no matter how much you attempt to hide or delete any possible past mistakes, they exist to make you more human. To deny their existence is to deny their role in making you the person you are today. This is not to say that all forms of criticism are bad. Criticism that is constructive in nature is essential to continued survival and improvement. It is only through other people pointing out errors in your behaviour or work that there can be any forward movement in society. However, there is a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. While the latter points out the mistake in a way that is meant to be hurtful, the former suggests ways to improve or fix the problem. ) English-| + 13 In conclusion, the statement talks about judging people based on their mistakes and attacking them for it. ILis important to help people learn from their mistakes because everyone makes them, and the fact that whether or not one learns from it, makes all the difference. ‘The Perfect Escape I knew that being late to the King’s speech would be looked down upon, but I was sure that I could sneak into the hail without anyone knowing, I turned from the corner, almost at the great hall where the speech was being held when | felt two hands wrap around my arms, Before I could look at my captors, my eyes were covered and I was being dragged away. My first and only attempt to scream was quietened quickly by the cloth placed over my mouth. It felt like ages before I stopped moving. I was made to sit and the pieces of cloth covering my eye and mouth were taken off. In front of me stood my two closest friends, Princess Lerina and her Knight, Sir Druone. They stood dressed head to toe in black, looking very proud of themselves and of their accomplishment. Behind them stood three small rucksacks and another outfit very similar to theirs. [looked once more at them and their smiles widened. “No, We are not seriously doing this,” I said. “I've found the perfect ship, and everyone is too focused on dad's speech right now. There's no better time,” the Princess remarked. “Lerina, you can’t be serious ? Druone !” “The captain is waiting for us, we must move now. If you do not wish to come, that is your choice Fi.” Thuffed a breath before taking the clothes behind the partition and slipping them on. We all ‘grabbed the rucksacks and slipped out of the palace gates and made our way towards the docks and the awaiting captain. A path we had often taken now seemed new, a sense of adventure lingering in the air. As we finally moved away from the palace and the ship headed out to open seas, I looked back one last time. I could see the flares being sent out by guards searching for the missing princess, the fires being lit in every comer of the city to alert all the citizens of the incident and to be on the lookout for Sir Druone and Princess Lerina. Behind me, I could hear the laughter of Princess Lerina as she helped the captain hoist the sales and the shouts of Druone as he chased the other crew members around for having eaten his share of the pie. I sighed and walked away from the rails, fixing the bandana firmly tied around my neck. The black flag was raised to full mast as we pulled out of the harbour and I felt all my nerves tingle, I knew as did most of the crew that it was the beginning of a lifetime of sorrow. Answer 2. @ (b) Inter-school Cultural Event in Honour of 25 Years of Academic Excellence Priya Gautam 15th February 20% RPM recently celebrated its 25 years of academic excellence. To commemorate this special event, the school organized iis first ever inter-school cultural event titled “Reminiscence”. The event was truly a reminiscence of the past milestones etched in the annals of the school history. The inter-school event conducted over a period of three days from 1" February to 3" February 20xx at the school’s premises. The programme was a celebration of the school's achievements and the achievements of the school’s notable alumni: The most striking part of this event was that the budget for the event was borne by the student council. The team raised funds by inviting sponsors and organizing a school fete. The team also received donations for the event from several of the school’s notable alumni. The coordination within the team coupled with determination and energy led to the success of the event. Apart from the alumni and the chief guests of honour, around 16 schools in the city participated in this event. Each school brought about a wonderful extension of their individual school pride. Presided over by the Principal of the school, the function was attended by the local Member of the Parliament as the chief guest. Distinguished guests, alumni, and the students of the school and other schools also attended the inaugural function. The events of the cultural festival included pottery and poetry workshops, various music and dance performances and contests as well as different literary events. Nights ended with a jam night and a classical music event. During the closing ceremony, prizes were distributed to the winners of the various events. ‘The festival was lauded as a one of its kind. It was a perfect amalgamation of the uniqueness of every participant and their desire to present their best. Students were appreciated for their hard work. Everyone took home the happy memories of the festival. Proposal for Conference on the Harmful Effects of Smoking To counter the rise of various health problems, we propose to organize a conference that discusses the harmful effects of smoking and ways to go about in combatting this vice. 14 + ISC Paper Bank - XII This conference aims to guide students about the harmful effects of smoking and the health prob! that are associated with this habit. ‘©The school hall will be used for the conference, * The chief guest/speaker for the event will be a pulmonologist who deals with such cases. Additionally, we can have a doctor specializing in lung diseases from the cancer speciality ward. We propose to invite a counsellor who conducts workshops that help people combat this vice. ‘+ The point of contact for our conference will be Mr. Sharma, the Head of Department of the Science section. ©The fee for the conference has been fixed at 8 250/- per person and will cover stationery, snacks and beverages for the attendees of the conference. + At the end of the conference, the attendees will be given 50 points that will contribute to their requirement for social outreach programmes. We hope that the proposal will be accepted so that the conference becomes a reality in the life of the school Answer 3. (@ 1 (B) All were so shocked that they could not believe that she had died. 2 (B) She was too tired to stand 3B) Let the orphan boy not be tortured 4 (B) You are so young that you cannot understand the ways of the world. 5 (B) He sold both his camera and his laptop. 6 7 (B) No other city in the world is as beautiful as Paris. (B) Why are you always hit by her? 8 (B) The dacoit escaped by digging a tunnel in the ground. 9 (B) On hearing about the accident, he ran to help the injured. 10(B) I mean to consult a lawyer at once. () 1 with 2 off 3 out ain 5 of 6 7 towards 8 for 9 with 10 by (© 1 think 2 utilized 3 provides 4 improves 5 deterring 6 killing 7 preventing 8 enhances 9 encouraging 10 climinating Answer 4. @) (@_G) haven @) decipher (3) pittance (4) suspect Gi) @) Asa young child I always dreamed of working as a journalist in Times Limited. @) While vacationing with my friends, I never knew when the days flew by. G) My aunt spent her childhood travelling, across the globe. 4) Hiding under the bed, I could hear the wooden board creak under the thief's weight. (b) @_ In school, the writer learned to read and write long before his school friends. While his friends found books incomprehensible, the writer felt that he could unlock a boundless world with his fascination for readin, 0a "is goon lt Sat Chul Tar? wan «Heer of Seapenewb knave thet Goce woe friends with few authors who frequented his establishment. Also, Sempere had handled the volume with extreme care, which confirmed the suspicions of the writer. ii) Despite the hardships the writer's family faced when he was a child, his father used to give him a few coins so that the writer could buy some treats like other children. However, instead of spending the money on licorice sweets or sunflower seeds, the writer saved his money in a coffee tin under the bed to buy himself a book iv) The writer's father was a hardworking man but was illiterate. He believed that the writer should begin working immediately to reach a good stage in life. Therefore, when his father caught him reading a book, he tore the book from the writer's hands and threw it outside the window. (© Sempere’s shop “Sempere & Sons” was a sanctuary for the writer. At the shop, Sempere allowed the writer to sit in a chair in the comer and read any book that he liked. Sempere never allowed the writer to pay for the books he read, instead he encouraged him to read to his heart’s content. Sempere was also instrumental in introducing Charles Dickens to the writer when one Christmas he placed an old volume of ‘Great Expectations’ in the writer’s hands. This only helped increase the writer's love for Charles Dickens and the writer’s interest in writing, 197 word: ° MODEL PAPER ENGLISH-I Question 1 Write a composition (in approximately 400 ~ 450 words) on any one of the following subjects (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.) (@ As youngsters we generally tend to be skeptical about others but sometimes, we come across situations or people who leave behind lessons that surprises us. Write about a time when you earned something new from someone that surprised you. (b) Describe an unforgettable dream that you had. (© “Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.” Argue for or against the given statement. (@) Music. (€) “It is impossible to increase the standard of living without causing harm to the environment.” Express your views on the given statement. (© Write an original short story beginning with the following words “Again, try again. Concentrate now, it will not come easily...” Question 2. (@ Asa student reporter you were given an opportunity to be a part of the inaugural session of the Eat Right Movement in your city. Write a newspaper report in not more than 300 words, entitled “Eat Right, Eat Safe” based on the following points Fat Right Movement ~ inception ~ areas of action ~ toolkit - implementation ~ balanced food diet ~ physical diet - safe food activities - overall opinion. (b) As a member of the student Council of your school, you have been given the responsibility of organizing a workshop based on the Eat Right Movement. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, stating the steps you would take to successfully organize this workshop. Question 3. Answer sections (a), (b) and (6). (@) In each of the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write sentence B in each case. Example (0) (A) Runa plays football for her school. (B) Football Ti Answer : (0) Football is been played by Runa for her s 1 (A) Rover is too playful to be taken out to the beach. (B) Rover is so playful. 2 (A) She has many faul ®) Des; 3. (A) As soon as I saw her face, I could tell that she had important news. (B) No sooner... oe 4 (A) Who has not heard of Christopher Columbus ? (B) Everybody. 1001 is, yet she is a likeable woman, te. 16 + ISC Paper Bank - Xil 5 (A) No sooner the vacati (B) As soonas, 6 (A) No other city (B) Srinagar .. cece 7 (A) DJ asked Sujoy, “Are we going to watch the movie today?” ®) Dj. 8 (A) It has been a year since Karthik left. (B) Karthik. co . 9. (A) Oh! For a hot cup of hot chocolate now. ®) 1 10 (A) I wish our trip to South Korea was longer. (B) Itisa pity. (b) Fill in each blank with a st \s begins, Anya would leave for her vacation. India is as cold Srinagar. table word. (Do not write the sentence). 1 Whata difference the two brothers. 2. The personal interview was followed ____a written test. 3. The farmer was exhausted he had worked the whole day. 4 The cousins fought their aunt's property. 5 Aman is lazy that’s why he must prepare harder the dance exam. 6 The thieves hid the money the graveyard. 7 Baban is not aware the dangers he will face in the desert. 8 Archana was touched pity when she heard his tale of struggle. 9 The baby cub crawled ______ the cave when it began to rain. 10 There is always a large demand ‘good dentists (© Fillin the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given in brackets, Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the correct order. ‘The day (1) tart) started off poorly. We ) (going) to Khed. @) (visit) our grandparents. But the rains (4 (play) havoc to our otherwise peaceful journey. My brother. (8) (pace) down the aisle (©) (check) if we had reached our destination. But his (7) (pace) was in vain when the driver (8) (announce) that the road ahead was flooded. Our long awaited vacation (9) (be) now cut short and we had (10) (return) home without our favourite mangoes, Question 4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions (a), (b) and (¢) that follow (1) Lady Carlotta stepped out on to the platform of the small wayside station and took a tum or two up and down its uninteresting length, to kill time till the train should be pleased to proceed on its way. Then, in the roadway beyond, she saw a horse struggling with a more than ample load, and a carter of the sort that seems to bear a sullen hatred against the animal that helps him to earn a living. 5 (2) Lady Carlotta promptly betook her to the roadway and put rather a different complexion on the struggle. Certain of her acquaintances were wont to give her plentiful admonition as to the undesirability of interfering on behalf of a distressed animal, such interference being “none of her business.” (3) Only once had she put the doctrine of non-interference into practice, when one of its most 10 eloquent exponents had been besieged for nearly three hours in a small and extremely uncomfortable may-tree by an angry boar-pig, while Lady Carlotta, on the other side of the fence, had proceeded with the water-colour sketch she was engaged on, and refused to interfere between the boar and his prisoner. It is to be feared that she lost the friendship of, the ultimately rescued lady. 15 (4) On this occasion she merely lost the train, which gave way to the first sign of impatience it had shown throughout the journey and steamed off without her. She bore the desertion with philosophical indifference; her friends and relations were thoroughly well used to the fact of her luggage arriving without her. She wired a vague non-committal message to her destination to say that she was coming on “by another train.” 20 English-| + 17 (5) Before she had time to think what her next move might be, she was confronted by an imposingly altired lady, who seemed to be taking a prolonged mental inventory of her clothes and looks. “You must be Miss Hope, the governess I've come to meet,” said the apparition, in a tone that admitted of very little argument. (6) “Very well, if T must I must,” said Lady Carlotta to herself with dangerous meckness. “Tam 25 Mrs. Quabarl,” continued the lady; “and where, pray, is your luggage?” “It’s gone astray,” said the alleged governess, falling in with the excellent rule of life that the absent are always to blame; the luggage had, in point of fact, behaved with perfect correctitude. “I've just telegraphed about it,” she added, with a nearer approach to truth. (7) “How provoking,” said Mrs. Quabarl; “These railway companies are so careless. However, 30 my maid can lend you things for the night,” and she led the way to her car. (8) During the drive to the Quabarl mansion Lady Carlotta was impressively introduced to the nature of the charge that had been thrust upon her; she learned that Claude and Wilfrid were delicate, sensitive young people, that Irene had the artistic temperament highly developed, and that Viola was something or other else of a mould equally common place 35 among children of that class and type in the twentieth century. (9) “I wish them not only to be TAUGHT,” said Mrs. Quabarl, “but INTERESTED in what they learn. In their history lessons, for instance, you must try to make them feel that they are being introduced to the life-stories of men and women who really lived, not merely committing a mass of names and dates to memory. 40 (10) French, of course, I shall expect you to talk at meal-times several day's in the week.” “I shall talk French four days of the week and Russian in the remaining three.” “Russian ? My dear Miss Hope, no one in the house speaks or understands Russian.” “That will not embarrass me in the least,” said Lady Carlotta coldly. (11) Mrs. Quabarl, to use a colloquial expression, was knocked off her perch. She was one of 45 those imperfectly self-assured individuals who are magnificent and autocratic as long as they are not seriously opposed. The least show of unexpected resistance goes a long way towards rendering them cowed and apologetic (12) When the new governess failed to express wondering admiration of the large newly purchased and expensive car, and lightly alluded to the superior advantages of one or two 50 makes which had just been put on the market, the discomfiture of her patroness became almost abject. (13) Her feelings were those which might have animated a general of ancient warfaring days, on beholding his heaviest battle-elephant ignominiously driven off the field by slingers and javelin throwers. 55 Adapted from Saki, “The Scharts-Metterklume Methad.” Originally published in 1911 (@) i) Given below are four words and phrases, Find the words which have a similar meaning in the passage @) short walk @) beliet ©) irritating (@ push Gi) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage ample (line 3) @) engaged (line 11) @) mould (line 31) (@) knocked (line 39) (b) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible (Why did Lady Carlotta lose the friendship of her friend ? (ii) Why did Lady Carlotta show indifference to the missing the train ? Gii) What solution did Mrs. Quabarl provide when she realised that Lady Carlotta’s luggage was misplaced ? (iv) Why did Mrs. Quabarl express her abject discomfort towards the behaviour of the new governess ? (© Describe the children and the duties that Governess Hope or in this case Lady Carlotta had to undertake in not more than 100 words. Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalized. You will be required to write your points in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words 18 + ISC Paper Bank - XII oa Answer 1. (a) (b) ‘The Inspiring Book Character It's more than okay to be yourself, even if other people don’t understand what you're doing. This may sound vague or just random teenage angst but this is one of the biggest lessons I learnt in my life. It is even more surprising that I gleaned this knowledge from a book. Particularly, it came from the character Luna from the Harry Potter series. I had been a fan of the series since I had been gifted the first book as a present on my thirteenth birthday and looked forward to escaping to a world of magic and following the main trio’s adventures. I read through all the books as soon as I could find and enjoyed the little adventures, but il was fearless Luna that stuck out to me. You are introduced to her in the fifth book of *Order of the Phoenix,’ the fifth book in the s She is a year younger than Harry and at first glance seems very different. She reads a magazine that people make fun of and talks about creatures that don’t seem to exist in either the muggle or the magical world. One might even remark her as ‘Strange’. Let's not forget that upon meeting her, Ron. is amused and Hermoine is dismissive, considering her to be a strange younger girl. The rest of the students often refer to her as “Loony’ and consider her to be crazy, stupid and downright weird. Yet, as time passes, I discovered that she was one of the people Harry was most comfortable with, a loyal friend who was always there when Harry wanted to forget about being the Chosen One and just be ‘a normal teenager. Luna is often bullied for being different and even her friends occasionally because of her mannerisms of a loony person. Despite all this, Luna never gives up on her beliefs. She takes criticism with positivity and the constant questioning of her place in the Ravenclaw house with a smile. She knows and, at some point, seems to acknowledge that it would be easier for her if she did what everyone else, but then there would be no fun in being like everyone else. Asa sixteen-year-old who struggled to feel like she fit in, Luna became a small lesson in being true to myself. She taught me that true friends would be by your side even if they don't understand everything you are saying because friendship and understanding is not built on everyone being the same, but on the little or big differences that make each person unique. After all, if she wasn’t reading her favourite magazine upside down while speaking of non-existent creatures, she would not be the Luna that Harry becomes friends with and trusts. It is that uniqueness that makes you who you are, so it is best to be yourself rather than trying to fit in. An Unforgettable Dream ‘The world around me was dark. There was no light or shape. I was standing, but it did not feel like Twas on the ground. Scared at first, I moved around trying to follow what I hoped was a straight line. My hands moved constantly, stretched out on either side of me, and occasionally in front of me trying to find a wall or some sort of barrier that I could use to orient myself. I had walked for what felt like hours and there seemed to be no end to the darkness. I stood still, turning around for a moment, trying to see if pethaps there was any indication of my having been through the path, Thad just walked but I saw nothing. I sat down where I stood, pulling my knees close to my chest and burying my head in my knees in an attempt to control the darkness. It was then that I felt a steadily increasing spot of warmth on my back. I lifted my head and immediately closed my eyes at the brightness. Once it felt better, T slowly opened them and found that I was no longer lost in the darkness. Instead, I seemed to be in a field of grass under the night sky. I stood up slowly and noticed that I was wearing a pair of jeans and a long shirt. As the wind blew across the clearing, I could feel the rough material of the jeans brush up against my legs while the cotton of my shirt fluttered around my finger. I took a step forward, each blade of grass tickling, the underside of my foot. Each step seemed to make the stars scintillate even more. It wasn’t long before I reached the center of the clearing and spotted a figure sitting in the grass. Carefully, I approached them, unsure who I would find in such a space. It was only when I got close enough that I realized it was the character from a book I had been reading recently. I slowly sat down next to her and looked up at the sky just like she was doing. We sat in silence for a few moments before she turned to look at me. English-l + 19 “It was Lit? The nothingness ?” She asked with a small smile on her face. I nodded and her smile grew before she looked back to the night sky “You know, sometimes, when we're lost in nothingness, the best thing to do is stop and take a breath. You won't be able to leave unless you remember \o breathe.” T looked at her, my eyes widening. The next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sound of my alarm. The Bridge between the increasing, standard of Living and the Environment. © Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way (For the Motion Each student has their own pace at which they lear. This is the speed at which they will be able to process the information given to them enough to apply it in various situations and this speed will vary from person to person. Along with speed, the method which the student uses to learn will also vary. To force everyone to learn the information at the same pace and method can have a huge negative impact on the students. It can cause them to be highly disheartened and stressed. ‘One of the biggest problems with teaching students in a standardised method is the large negative impact it can have on the mental well-being of the students. Students who are unable to keep up with the class or are not challenged by the class are likely to focus less energy on completing the work assigned to them or trying to study. This can mean a drop their performances and attempting, to teach them once more using the same pace would prove unhelpful. At the same time, if the teacher moves on to topics quickly then the students are left struggling even more. It would be highly beneficial to have classes that are formed according to the pace with which students learn allowing them to work at the pace best for them. There are problems that can come with teaching students at varying speeds or methods. One of the biggest problems would be the lack of standardisation in the knowledge that the students would have. When leaving a learning institution, it is expected from students to have a certain level of knowledge and understanding of the subjects that they have studied. By varying the methods and pace at which the students are taught, it is possible that not everyone has managed to gain this required level of information within the time frame. If this happens, then the result could impact the future of these students as it would be more difficull for them to get into universities or any other forms of higher education. This is not to say there are no benefits of teaching at the same pace or with same methods, but itis important to consider the overall impact of such a design. In conclusion, it is important to consider the pace and way in which students learn when teaching, them. By forcing everyone to follow the exact same process, it is possible to alienate those who might be actually interested in the subject, but unable to keep up with the pace at which itis taught Moreover, teaching students according to their different strengths would mean that they are much more likely to learn and do better in the application of knowledge during their exams, (11) Against the Motion A system where the classes are separated based on ability and intelligence can negatively impact the future of the students itis supposed to be helping. One of the main problems with this system is that it can lead to preferential treatment for certain students. When educational institutions make space for students with different speeds to learn in ways best suited for them, they inadvertently create a place where some students hold more knowledge than others. The students of the advanced class will at some point, surpass the knowledge their syllabus requires them to learn. As students advance further in their academic and non-academic careers, they will find that those in the advanced classes havea greater chance of being accepted into top universities or better jobs. This is because universities and companies can begin to ‘opportunities to those in the advanced classes. This can lead to increasing disparity and favouritism for certain classes. This is not to say that there are no benefits of implementing such a method. It can ensure that students that struggle more with leaming can be given the focus and attention that they need to understand better. It can also ensure that all students are properly challenged and engaged by their classes. However, it must be considered that implementing such a method can create a hierarchy. This can lead to students in the lower rungs of the hierarchy getting ignored over time as more focus scary, was 20 + ISC Paper Bank - XII (@) © is given to students who can learn faster, or study more, Thus, a system that was created to ensure that all the students receive equal opportunity can be twisted to ignore those that it was meant to benefit most. In conclusion, separating students by ability and learning style would increase the feeling of dejection in students who are not in the advanced classes. The difference in the level of knowledge can act as a hindrance to students who struggle to learn at a faster pace. This method can have a large negative impact on the future of the students and should be considered much more carefully before implementation. Masi The first memory I have of music is of placing a cassette inside a tape recorder and making up my ‘own dance moves to the songs that played. I woke up in the morning to my grandmother playing songs on the radio and went to sleep at night with my mother’s gentle lullabies. Music has been a large part of my life, but perhaps one of the biggest impacts it had was helping me feel less lonely ata time when I felt very isolated. It was soon after seventh grade when I switched schools. I had not moved from one school to the other but also to a different city. While I had childhood friends in my old city, meeting them often was difficult and I knew that I would have to make new friends at the place I had moved to. I hoped that the new school I would be going to would have some people that I could talk to and hopefully be friends with. On my first day, it seemed like my hopes were answered. I found myself talking to many people and sharing stories about the place I had moved from and answering curious questions about my old school. The worry I had about not making friends slipped my mind. It wasn't long before the exoticism of being the new kid wore off and I was just another classmate. None of the people I had talked to in the first few weeks of school were willing to talk to me about anything other than classes. I could not understand the inside jokes and each time I asked to be included, I was told that it was something I had to have been there to understand. Soon, I stopped trying to interact, retreating into my work. During this time, I found myself turning to music as a way to express myself much more. I found myself listening to songs that moved away from the mainstream and exploring multiple genres. The songs I listened to during those times became my comfort and T followed for others who had similar music tastes. Over time, T found people in other classes and other grades with whom my friendship started based on listening to the same artist. While the music was how it started out, some of these people have become my closest friends. Music will always be important in my life, and this experience with it has introduced me not only to new styles, but to new people as well and both of them have changed my life. The Bridge between the Increasing Standard of Living and the Environment It is very easy to say that the world today is a much better place than it was a few years ago. ‘The cost of this improvement, however has been the rapid deterioration of the environment. The question is that is it necessary to give up progress to save the environment ? Recently, many have begun to adopt habit necessary. Many countries have agreed to try and switch to sustainable development as well by the year 2030. With both the public and the government working together to protect the environment While maintaining and improving the standard of living, it is possible to reduce the amount of harm caused to the environment. That there are both problems and benefits of switching over to sustainable development. The benefits of sustainable development are that there will be less strain on the environment. Most sustainable development projects focus on hamessing renewable energy which often requires environmental maintenance. These projects which try and reduce the carbon footprint in each country would greatly improve the environment without necessarily sacrificing the standard of living that people enjoy. Energy gained from the sun or wind will also make it easier to increase the standard of living, There is, however, a problem when switching over to sustainable development. Switching from using fossil fuel to renewable energy sources requires very different technology. This would mean that there is a need to research and develop the technology required to ensure sustainable development. This can be difficult for countries where there is not enough revenue or a high enough standard of living to economically build and maintain their own technology. This can have a lasting impact for a sustainable living in an attempt to show that environmental harm is not i) English-| + 21 on the economic growth of the country which can negatively impact the standard of living. Th especially true for developing nations. These problems can be overcome, but it would require a lot of patience and effort from both the government and the people. In conclusion, society, as il functions today will have a difficult time maintaining the standard of ing without harming the environment. It is possible to reduce the negative environmental impact while maintaining the standard of living by focusing on sustainable development rather than ‘economic development. This practice will require a lot of efforts and has a lot of problems that need to be solved before being implemented but will also have gains that outweigh the costs. The Challenge “Again, try again. Concentrate now, it will not come easily.” The voice called out from the speakers. Angellena felt like screaming in frustration. She had been locked in this room trying her best to make a dent in the steel box for hours now. Each attempt ended with bruised shoulders and an undented box. The voice came back after each attempt, saying the same thing and her frustration she was sure knew no bounds. She looked at the concrete walls around her for the first time, not around the four walls. She was hardly suxpris the constant instruction to break the steel box anything other the task in front of her. She had no recollection of ever moving from the bed at night, nor had anything been slipped into her food as far as she had been aware. She did not know where she was and she saw no other way ‘out than listening to the voice that would speak at intervals. She paused then and recollected what the voice had been saying till then. “It will not come easily, huh?” She paced around the steel box, inspecting it closely as she mulled ‘over that statement. Whatever it was that was meant to come would not come to her naturally then, she would need to focus to break the steel box. Slowly, she reached out to feel it with her hands, something she hadn’t done yet. She moved around the steel box once more, eyes closed, simply walking around the box feeling the surface, trying to locate any weaknesses she could. It. was when she felt like she had been walking around four times that she opened her eyes once more. Now looking at the steel box, she took a deep breath focused her mind on the feel of the box rather than on the task at hand. With great difficulty, she pushed her frustration and panic away, focusing instead on her breathing and the feel of the box undeeath her finger. It was then that she heard a humming noise in her ears, quiet, but constant. Soon, the humming went from being a sound to a feeling underneath her skin. She breather deeply again as the focused on the humming, and tried to feel it where her fingers touched the steel. Within a few moments, the steel around her fingers began to melt. She looked at the black circle with a smirk “I don’t think the concrete can stop me now.” ing a small black circle moving id she hadn't noticed it before, The rising panic and order to escape had prevented her from looking at Answer 2. (a Eat Right, Eat Safe ‘Aman Sharma 15th February 20%% ‘The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSAI) recently launched a national campaign knownas the “Eat Right Movement” which promotes improvement in public health and help combat lifestyle diseases. The city council invited student representatives to be a part of the inaugural meeting of this movement, which RPM gladly seized. The programme was a healthy amalgamation of the officers in charge of the programme and public citizens. The event was a true representation of the efforts taken by the government to encourage a healthy lifestyle among its citizens. The event emphasized on empowering citizens to make right food choices while requesting food businesses to reformulate their products and provide better nutritional information to the consumers, ‘The event focused on the efforts made by the authorities in urging these food giants to voluntarily reduce salt, saturated fats and sugar in their packaged products. The authorities in collaboration with grass-roots level organizations launched an eat right toolkit that included a training manual for healthcare workers at the grass-roots level. The focus of this exercise was to ensure that all children, receive their daily intake of dietary needs that fulfils nutritional values, 22 + ISC Paper Bank - XII (b) The chief guest mentioned how upcoming actor Rajkummar Rao, as an ambassador of the movement, played an important role in encouraging citizens to participate in this movement through social media and mass media. The chief guest emphasized on the role of youth in spreading about this consumer-friendly movement and ensuring maximum participation of the public The key takeaways of this event were of the government’s focus on ensuring that each person irrespective of their social background receives a balanced diet. The event also focussed on the role of exercise in ensuring that a healthy dict is followed by a healthy physique. Each participant of the ‘event went back with pearls of wisdom to implement in their locality or school. RPM too is focusing ‘on using the guidelines provided by this event to make positive and healthy lifestyle changes among the student. Proposal for Workshop on Promotion of The Eat Right Movement To promote healthy eating and safe food practices among children, we propose to organize a conference that discusses how students can play an active role in choosing a healthy and nutritional lifestyle. ‘This workshop will be instrumental in guiding the students about the harmful effects of an unhealthy lifestyle and the health problems that are associated with such a sedentary lifestyle. ‘+ The schoo! hall will be used for the workshop. The hall will be decorated with posters concerning the workshop. © The chief guest/speaker for the event will be a nutritionist and food coach who focuses on helping children make healthier food choices. Additionally, we can invile an industry expert who can present on safe food practices and/or food adulteration. We propose to invite our school nutritionist who will guide our students on the nutritional food that is available in school +The point of contact for our workshop will be Ms. Singh, the School Counsellor. ‘+The fee for the workshop have been fixed at ® 200/- per person and will cover stationery, snacks and beverages for the attendees of the workshop. © Al the end of the workshop, the attendees will be given 30 points that will contribute to their requirement for social outreach programmes. We hope that the proposal will be accepted so that the workshop helps students live a healthy life representative of their potential. Answer 3. (@ 1 (B) Rover is so playful that he cannot be taken out to the beach. 2 (B) Despite her many faults, she is a likeable woman. 3 (B) No sooner did I see her face than I could tell that she had important news. 4 @) Everybody has heard of Christopher Columbus. 5 (B) As soon as the vacations begins, Anya will leave for her vacation, 6 (B) Srinagar is the coldest city in India 7 (B) Dj asked Sujoy if they were going to watch the movie that day. 8 (B) Karthik left a year ago. 9B) wish I could have a hot cup of hot chocolate now. 10 (B) It isa pity our trip to South Korea is not longer. (b) 1 between 2 by 3 as 4 over 8 for 6 in 7 of 8 with 9 under 10 for (© 1 started 2 were going «3: to visit 4 played 5 paced 6 tocheck 7 pacing 8 announced 9 was 10 to Return Answer 4. (@ G) @)_ turn Q doctrine () provoking (4) thrust. Gi) @)_ Aru sipping her cup of hot chocolate leaned back into the ample chair. @) The parents had an engagement ceremony for the young couple after approving of the match (3) The black smith poured the heated metal into the circular shaped mould to create his exquisite piece of art. English-| + 23 (@) Ava knocked the door twice before she entered into the interview room. (©) Lady Carlotta had lost the friendship of the young lady when she busied herself in her water colour painting for three hours rather than rescuing the young lady from the boar: Lady Carlotta knew that her luggage would reach safely to her relative’s place. She was also aware that she could take the next train and leave therefore she showed philosophical indifference in missing the train. Mrs. Quabarl on learning that her new governess’s luggage had been misplaced by the Railway Company suggested that Lady Carlotta use the maid’s things for the night. (iv) Mrs. Quabarl is portrayed as an imperfectly self-assured individual who does not like being opposed. When Lady Carlotta failed to express appropriate admiration to the new expensive car but instead compared the car to a newer market model, Mrs. Quabarl expressed her abject discomfort (©) The boys, Claude and Wilfred were delicate, sensitive young people while Irene had a highly- developed artistic temperament and Viola was quite mature for her age. Lady Carlotta was to provide the children with practical learning experiences for social sciences and languages rather than confining them to a rote learning method. Mrs. Quabarl expected the children to know and develop an interest in the history behind the story rather than simply learning names and dates. Practice of French was to be incorporated during the week. She even takes into account Lady Carlotta’s suggestion to teach the children Russian. 197 words} °

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