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Self-esteem;People like me;I am a nice person;I am important;I make a difference to

the world;I am motivated;I like my work;I am succeeding;I am positive;I am

confident;I manage my money well;I am a responsible person;I am in control of my
life;I am doing more of the things I enjoy;I am achieving my goals;People make me
happy;I am happy;
Subliminal messages for personal development;I am better at what I do;I am
achieving what I want to achieve;I am fulfilling my needs;I am a better person;I am
always improving;I am a more all-round person;My character is improving;I am more
mature;I am aware of my needs;I am happier;
Motivation subliminal messages;I am motivated;I am doing what needs to be done;I am
achieving my goals;I like achieving my goals;I am working towards my goals;I feel
passionately that I must do my work;My goals are very important to me;I am happy
achieving my goals;
Increased assertiveness;I make my opinions known;My opinions are worthwhile;I make
a valuable contribution;I am important;My views are important;People listen to
me;People want to hear me;I am changing my life;I am taking charge of my life;I
react well with bullies;I expect people to be kind to me;I deserve to be treated
well;I demand to be treated well;I demand respect;I do what I want to do;I let do
only those things I like;I ask for what I want;I tell people what I want;I can say
NO;I can refuse things I do not want;I cope well when others are unhappy;I do
things which please me;
Prosperity;I am happy being wealthy;I am good at creating wealth;I handle my money
with care;I understand the value of money;I am successful in making money;Money is
my friend;I enjoy making money;I like creating wealth;I am comfortable in owning
money;I am valuable to the world;people pay me well;I am rich;
Slimming Sensibly;I am becoming slimmer;I am energetic;My health is important;I can
achieve a balanced lifestyle;I like to exercise;I exercise often;I am reaching my
ideal weight;I like eating healthy food;Sour food is more interesting;I like sour
food;I look good;I respect my body;Other people respect me;I am achieving a healthy
Stop smoking;I need to become a non-smoker;Being a non-smoker is good;Being a non-
smoker is good for my health;Being a non-smoker is more sociable;I want to be a
non-smoker;I am becoming more healthy;I hate the smell of smoke;I hate the taste of
smoke;I look better;
Winning;I am a winner;I enjoy winning;Winning makes me feel great;I am successful;I
am good at what I do;I am always improving;I am increasingly successful;I am happy
being successful;I am a success;I am completing my tasks well;I compete
successfully;I am a high achiever;I get the results I want;I win against the
odds;Victory is mine;
Rejuvenation;I am young;I look young;I feel young;I feel great;I am full of
energy;I love the way I look;I sparkle with vitality;I am a dynamic person;I feel
young and powerful;I am living to the full;
Attracting a mate;I am attractive;I am a loveable human being;People see the light
within me;I see the light within me;I see the light within other people;People are
drawn to me;I am warm and caring towards others;I make friends easily;I am
attracted to caring people;I am confident when approaching potential lovers;People
see me as a lover;I give out unconditional love;
Confidence;I can justify what I do;I am right;I am confident;I am excited about
doing new things;I enjoy challenges;I am a brave person;I am interesting;People
like me;I have lots of friends;I am good at what I do;
Happiness;I am happy;I love myself;I am a good person;I like spending time with
myself;I work towards my happiness;I respect myself;My feelings are healthy;My life
is important;Life is great;I experience joy every day;I am happy with the world;
Speed;I am getting quicker;My thoughts are quick;I can think and act quickly;My
reasons are getting better;I am learning to be quicker;
Concentration;I can concentrate easily;I can concentrate for a long time;I can
maintain concentration;My concentration is improving;I can hold an idea in my head
for a long time;I can handle many ideas at the same time;I am focused;I find it
hard to be distracted;I can think clearly;
Anti-stress;I am calm;I am not under pressure;I am succeeding;I am relaxed;I can
think clearly;Everything is under control;I find it easy to relax;I enjoy
excitement;Working carefully and methodically is quicker in the end;
Relaxation and calmness;I can relax easily;I find it easy to relax;I enjoy
relaxing;I enjoy spending time relaxing;I am peaceful and relaxed;My mind is
calm;My body and mind are calm and relaxed;I am at peace with myself;
Teamwork;Success for the group is important;I can delegate well;I can depend on my
team members;I like working in a team;I achieve more with a team;Teamwork is fun;I
forgive other people's weaknesses;I am good at coordinating people;I accept my role
in the group;
Positive expectations;My friends and colleagues appreciate me;People respect me;I
am succeeding;I like what I do;I am successful;I am rewarded for my work;I am
content;I am happy;I am healthy;My life is exciting;
Stopping procrastination;Do it now;I am confident in my ability to succeed;I am
relaxed;I like a challenge;Keep going;I like myself;I will do it now;Start it now;I
am good at my job;I want to succeed;Success starts now;
Enhanced love & relationships;I trust my partner;My partner trusts me;I love my
partner;My partner loves me;I respect my partner;I can discuss anything with my
partner;I have a good relationship;I am in love;I forgive my partner for
mistakes;My partner forgives me for my mistakes;I am honest with my partner;My
partner is honest with me;I like to talk with my partner;
Improved memory;I do remember names and faces;I do remember facts;I do remember
figures;I do spend time trying to remember;I do remember things which are
important;I do remember to fulfill my obligations;I do become better at
remembering;I am good at remembering;My memory is excellent;
Eye sight improvement;My eye sight is getting better;I can see better;I can focus
at all distances;My vision is better than it was;My peripheral vision is getting
better;I am less dependent on my glasses;I can see better when I relax;I can see
better in the dark;My eyes are improving;
Coping with exams;I can remember everything;I am relaxed;I can concentrate easily;I
enjoy studying and passing exams;I can answer all of the questions;I am
knowledgeable about my subject;I am prepared for my exams;My mind is a sponge for
ideas;I find it easy to learn;I understand everything;I do my best;I enjoy exams;
Dealing with pain;The pain is reducing;I feel fine;My body feels good;I am getting
better;I feel healthy;I feel good;My aches are reducing;Pain is insignificant;The
pain is un-important;
Alcohol addiction;I am happy without alcohol;I am relaxed without alcohol;I like
being sober;Alcohol is a waste of money;I am happier without alcohol;I can control
what I drink;I like soft drinks;Soft drinks are more thirst quenching;I feel better
when I drink water;I have more fun when I am sober;
Drug addiction;I am happier without drugs;I can give up drugs easily;I hate taking
drugs;I hate drugs;I am in control of my life without drugs;People like me more
when I am clean;
Dealing with depression;I am working everything out;I only think helpful thoughts;I
am becoming happier;I like myself;Other people like me;Lots of people care about
me;I am important;My views are important;Life is better now;I am enjoying myself;I
can change my life;
Better skin;My skin is improving;My spots are disappearing;My skin is healthy;My
skin is clean and smooth;All my wrinkles are disappearing;My skin looks good;My
skin is supple;I like my skin and the way I look;I look good;
Making friends;I am interested in other people;I am a good friend;I enjoy the
company of others;I am interesting to others;I enjoy listening to other people;I am
fun to be with;I enjoy sharing my thoughts with others;People want to hear what I
say;I can make people relax;I ask good questions;I organize events for my friends;I
like my friends as they are;I am confident;I like meeting new people;I like
myself;I enjoy sharing my feelings with others;People make me happy;I enjoy
visiting my friends;
Better driving;I am a good driver;I am aware of other road users;I am relaxed about
my test;I am a safe driver;I am relaxed while driving;I am in control of my car;I
know the width of my car;I am good at judging distance;I am good at judging speed;I
drive at the correct speed;I forgive other people's mistakes;I concentrate easily
while driving;
Better results in sports;I am succeeding;I am getting stronger;I am getting
better;I am aware of what I am doing;I am winning;I want to win;I enjoy what I do;I
can visualize success;I can train harder;I like to discover the right methods to
win;I can concentrate;I enjoy spending time learning the finer points of my
sport;My goals are clear and I can achieve them;
Fear of flying;I am peaceful when I think of airplanes;I am relaxed at airports;I
enjoy flying;I can relax when flying;Flying is rewarding;Flying is good;I am calm
when I think of flying;Flying is peaceful;I like flying and airplanes;Flying is
Forgiveness;I forgive my parents for their mistakes;I forgive my family;I forgive
myself for my mistakes;I forgive myself;I forgive my friends;I forgive the
government for its mistakes;I forgive myself for errors of judgments;I forgive my
colleagues for their errors of judgment;I forgive my manager;
phl;I get what I want, easily and instantly.; I am a good lucid dreamer.; I have
more than enough money to satisfy my needs and desires.; I am Omnipotent.

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