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2/9/2021 Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist

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Sleep Hygiene Test

34 questions


6. Do you have a bedtime ritual (e.g. a warm shower and 15 minutes of reading)?

 Yes, every night

 Yes, most nights

 Yes, some nights

 Yes, occasionally

 No

7. When you finally curl up in bed, do you find that you can't "shut your brain off"?

 Almost never - I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

 Rarely - a thought or two may cross my mind, but otherwise I can ignore them and get right to sleep.

 Sometimes - there are days when it's hard to stop the flow of thoughts running through my head.

 Often - I end up lying awake a few hours thinking about one thing or another.

 Almost all the time - I find myself lying awake every night thinking about something for hours at a time.

8. Do you take any medication or herbal remedies? If so, are you aware of any sleep-depriving side effects?

 No, I am not taking any medication.

 Yes, I am taking medications but there are no sleep-depriving side effects.

 Yes, I am taking medications and there are sleep-depriving side effects.

 Yes, I am taking medications, but I don't know whether there are any sleep-depriving side effects.

You are nearing the end of a work week from hell. You have been going to bed late and getting up early every day this week. You would like
9.  to get home tonight at a decent time and go to bed early, but a friend is bugging you to go out with him/her for a couple of hours. What do
you do? 1/2
2/9/2021 Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist

 Apologize to your friend and decline the invitation. You absolutely need to give yourself a break tonight.

 Accept the invitation - you can catch up on sleep another night.

 Accept the invitation because you feel obliged, but berate yourself for not listening to your body's cries for rest.

10. Do you exercise?

 Yes, regularly

 Yes, on occasion

 Yes, but rarely

 Never


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