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A Ripening situation in which peel color does not

reflect internal changes. An internal

nique, developing a starch iodine stain-
ing chart for bananas and then corre-
Index for Banana indicator of ripeness can provide addi-
tional information on the advance-
lated starch disappearance with peel
color, soluble solids, and pH in nor-
Fruit Based on ment of maturity. Carbohydrate and
respiratory changes during ripening
mally ripening bananas.
Green ‘Grand Nain’ bananas
Starch Content have been studied extensively (Beaudry, (Musa AAA group Cavendish sub-
et al., 1989; Hubbard, et al., 1990; group) were obtained from a commer-
Von Loesecke, 1950). However, a cial source. Hands were cut into indi-
Sylvia M. Blankenship , rapid, simple method to assess pulp vidual green fruit, which were then
2 starch conversion has not been pub- gassed with 150 to 200 µl ethylene/
Donna D. Ellsworth , and lished to the best of our knowledge. liter at >80% RH at 20C for 24 h, and
Ronald L. Powell
3 Iodine staining of starch has been then held at 14.4C for ripening. The
used to help judge maturity in apples starch chart was developed over ≈ 6
and pears (North, 1961; Saltveit and months using many different lots of
Hale, 1982). We adapted this tech- bananas and by drawing patterns of
Additional index words. Musa (AAA
group Cavendish Subgroup) ‘Grand
Nain’, ethylene, soluble solids,
quality, postharvest physiology,

Summary. A starch staining tech-

nique using pictures to rate starch
disappearance has been developed to
determine banana pulp maturity. The
disappearance of starch from the pulp
shows linear correlation with peel
color ( r2 = 0.76) and soluble solids
content ( r2 = 0.81). Pulp pH shows a
poor correlation with starch disap-
pearance ( r2 = 0.38). Staining banana
pulp starch with an iodine solution is
a quick and easy method for estima-
tion of pulp maturity.

raditionally, banana maturity
has been judged by the amount
of peel chlorophyll and its vi-
sual disappearance with ripening. Peel
color charts have been developed to
help standardize banana maturity rat-
ings for industry and research pur-
poses (Chiquita Brands, n.d.; Von
Loesecke, 1950). High ripening tem-
peratures (Charles and Tung, 1973)
and low relative humidities (Haard
and Hultin, 1969) often can make
bananas retain chlorophyll, creating a

Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Sci-
ence, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Former Research Technician, Department of Horticul-
tural Science, North Carolina State University, Ra-
leigh, NC 27695
Chiquita Brands, Inc., 250 East Fifth St., Cincinnati,
OH 45202. Present address: 6549 Amelia Dr., Cincin-
nati, OH 45241.
This work was supported (in part) by the North Carolina
Agricultural Research Service and Chiquita Brands,
Inc. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does
not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by
the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service nor
the USDA and does not imply its approval to the exclusion
of other products that may also be suitable.

338 HortTechnology • July/Sept. 1993 3(3)

the stained fruit. Drawings were
grouped, and 10 distinguishable stages
were determined. Each set of repre- ness correlates well with color and
sentative pictures was assigned a rating soluble solids. Use of the technique to
number (1-10) based on the percent- evaluate pulp maturity should be of
age ofunstained area. Either the rating value to both researchers and workers
number or percentage of unstained in the banana industry in evaluations
area could be used in banana evalua- when internal ripeness is more impor-
tion. tant than appearance, when color is
Both pH and soluble solids were not a usable index, or when tempera-
measured. Because it is difficult to ture and humidity problems arise and
press any liquid from a banana, 10 g of external and internal ripening are not
pulp taken from a transverse cross- well-correlated.
section removed at the midpoint of the
long axis of the fruit was placed into a Literature Cited
50-ml centrifuge tube with 12 ml of
distilled water and blended for 1 min Beaudry, R.M., R.M. Severson, C.C. Black,
and S.J. Kays. 1989. Banana ripening: Im-
with a Brinkmann Polytron homog-
plications of changes in glycolytic inter-
enizer (Westbury, N.Y.) until smooth. mediate concentrations, glycolytic and
pH and soluble solids of the ground gluconeogenic carbon flux, and fructose
material was determined. Three drops 2,6-bisphosphate concentration. Plant
of the liquid were placed on an Atago Physiol. 91:1436-1444.
PR-l Brix-meter digital refractometer
Charles, R.J. and M.A. Tung 1973. Physi-
for soluble solids determination. Peel
cal, rheological and chemical properties of
color was evaluated subjectively by bananas during ripening. J. Food Sci.
comparing fruit with color plates 38:456-459.
(Chiquita Brands, n.d.) A starch-io-
dine staining solution of 1.0% potas- Chiquita Brands, Inc. (n.d.) Your guide to
sium iodide and 0.1% iodine (Saltveit greater profits. Chiquita Brands, Cincin-
fit to the data of individual bananas nati, Ohio.
and Hale, 1982) in distilled water was obtained from at least three different
used. A fresh cross-sectional cut was banana shipments. Haard, N.F. and H.O. Hultin. 1969. Ab-
made across the center of the unpeeled normalities in ripening and mitochondrial
Bananas show a characteristic pat- succinoxidase resulting from storage of
banana, and the cut surface of the tern of starch loss during ripening (Fig.
blossom end of the banana was al- preclimacteric fruit at low relative humid-
1). The starch stains a blue-black color, ity. Phytochemistry 8:2149.
lowed to sit at a depth of 5 mm in the while areas that have lost starch remain
staining solution for 3 to 5 min. Ba- white. Starch is lost from the center of Hubbard. N.L., D.M. Pharr, and S.C.
nanas then were rated according to the the banana outward. The relationship Huber. 1990. Role of sucrose phosphate
chart developed previously (Fig. 1). synthase in sucrose biosynthesis in ripen-
between peel color and starch index, ing bananas and its relationship to the
Peel color, soluble solids, and pH were according to our chart, shows a rea-
correlated with the starch-iodine rat- respiratory climacteric. Plant Physiol.
sonable positive linear correlation (Fig. 94:201-208.
ing, and regression lines or curves were 2). The color chart stops at a #7, which
is yellow, flecked with brown. The North, C.J. 1961. Storage and ripening of
pears. Annu. Rpt. Ditton & Covent Gar-
starch chart continues beyond a color
den Labs for 1959 and 1960.
#7, to the equivalent of an almost
black banana. Individual points show Saltveit, M.E., Jr., and S.A. Hale. 1982.
that there is variation in starch degra- Determining the maturity of North Caro-
dation, particularly as the banana starts lina apples. North Carolina Agr. Ext. Bul.
to ripen. Soluble solids content and AG-282.
starch index also show a positive linear Von Loesecke, H. W. 1950. Bananas. 2nd ed.
correlation (Fig. 3). The relationship Interscience, New York.
between pH changes and starch index
is not linear, and best fits an exponen-
tial curve (Fig. 4). During normal ba-
nana ripening, the starch-iodine stain-
ing technique for assessing pulp ripe-

HortTechnology • July/Sept. 1993 3(3) 339

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