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The Birth Certificate Attestation process relates to the acting of

witnessing birth certificates by the authorized
person/persons/Departments/authorities with their official seal and
signature. This attestation process also states that a specified birth
certificate has been issued by that particular department of which a
seal and signature have been used

Birth Certificate Attestation

The type of certificate attestation in which the birth certificate of a

person is verified for international purposes is known as birth
certificate attestation. Birth certificate attestation is included in non-
educational certificate attestation. The main aim of birth certificate
attestation is to guarantee genuinity of the certificate. A birth
certificate is the foremost document of every individual. Birth
certificate is an important record that holds the details regarding the
birth of a child. A birth certificate attestation is a vital strategy of a
person since it is the record showing important details like age, birth
place etc. birth certificate contains very fundamental details of a person
as in name, birth place, sex, date of birth, parentage etc.

Important document necessary for birth certificate attestation are:

Original certificate.
Passport copy.
Birth certificate attestation has a very huge significance, globally. The
attestation procedure of birth certificate will improve the quality of the
certificate in the destination country. Birth certificate has very much
importance in one individual’s life. The certificate has the record of
essential details regarding the infant and the parentage. By enrolling
the birth certificate in the government the person becomes a member
of a concerned community. A birth certificate can also be called as the
fundamental and primary certificate of a person.
Birth certificate is a document which is always needed in every
individual’s life. Normally, a birth certificate is by the concerned doctor.
Utilizing the birth certificate past the limits of your nation of origin isn’t
a simple process.

Procedure for birth certificate attestation:

Notary attestation.
Home department attestation.
MEA (ministry of external affairs) attestation.
Embassy attestation.
MOFA (ministry of foreign affairs) attestation.
The documents have to be verified from the above mentioned
authorities. Seal and signature is added on to the documents as it is
verified. Birth certificate attestation has various uses. This helps
children to travel to foreign countries. This certification is normally
required for children.

Purposes of birth certificate attestation:

To attain dependant visa.

For migration.
For higher education.
For employment.
For resident visa.
33/15,Prashant Building,Opp Garware College,Karve Road,Pune 411004
Phone: +91 9404450674, 020-48508000

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