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CORONAVIRUS is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus.
The virus break out from the wuhan, a small town in china. In
the very mean time the virus spread across the world. In
India the first case of the virus was seen on…..then the
government tried their best to stop the virus from spreading.
It announced Janta Curfew, 14 days of lockdown. But due to
our carelessness and ignorance the virus continued to
Now lets understand, how the virus spreads??
The virus passes on through saliva,mucus through coughs
and sneezes which can tavel upto 3-5 feet.
Therefore, wearing masks and maintaining social distance,
washing hands with soap and water was made mandatory.

The symptoms may appear 2-14 days after the exposure to
the coronavirus.
Shortnesss of breathe
Muscle or body aches
Loss of taste and smell
Congestion or runny nose
Sore throat
Womiting and many more.
How to protect ourselves from the disease?
We can protect ourselves from the virus by adopting Covid
appropriate behaviour which include:
By wearing double mask when outside.
Maintaining at least 2 metre distance with another person.
Avoid crowded places as much as possible.
Wash the hands frequently for atleast 20 seconds with soap
and water.
When outside use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
-eating immunity building foods
-Doing proper exercise

And most importantly get vaccinated as soon as possible.

It is essential to break the chain to stop the virus spreading
this much faster.
So, Stay Home, Stay Healthy, and help making our country
free from the virus.
Be an awared and responsible citizen.
A Request,
Don’t act selfish. Help and support the poor and needy
around you without making them feel low. If you are capable,
then please give money, food or anything that you can to
help your fellow beings. Please show humanity.

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