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Dynamics of bid optimization

in online advertisement auctions

Christian Borgs Jennifer Chayes Omid Etesami∗

Microsoft Research Microsoft Research U.C. Berkeley
Redmond, WA Redmond, WA Berkeley, CA

Nicole Immorlica Kamal Jain Mohammad Mahdian†

Microsoft Research Microsoft Research Yahoo! Research
Redmond, WA Redmond, WA Santa Clara, CA

Categories and Subject Descriptors the sellers. We also observe that perturbation in mech-
F.2 [Theory of Computation]: ANALYSIS OF AL- anism design is useful in a broader context: In general,
GORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY it can allow bidders to “share” a particular item, lead-
ing to stable allocations and pricing for the bidders, and
improved revenue for the auctioneer.
Advertisement Auctions, Bidding Algorithms 1. INTRODUCTION
Online search engine advertising is become an increas-
ABSTRACT ingly important and costly component of the market-
We consider the problem of online keyword advertising ing and sales strategies of many businesses. The cor-
auctions among multiple bidders with limited budgets, responding auctions are the main source of revenue for
and study a natural bidding heuristic in which advertis- many search engines and other Internet-related busi-
ers attempt to optimize their utility by equalizing their nesses. It is therefore of tremendous interest to under-
return-on-investment across all keywords. We show that stand and analyze the behavior of these auction sys-
existing auction mechanisms combined with this heuris- tems, and to try and ensure that the system functions
tic can experience cycling (as has been observed in many smoothly. In this paper, we consider the advertisement
current systems), and therefore propose a modified class auction system as a whole and from a dynamic perspec-
of mechanisms with small random perturbations. This tive. We first define a simple and natural bidding heuris-
perturbation is reminiscent of the small time-dependent tic for budget-limited advertisers based on equalizing
perturbations employed in the dynamical systems liter- the “return-on-investment” (ROI) across keywords. We
ature to convert many types of chaos into attracting mo- then observe that, when used by a set of advertisers,
tions. We show that the perturbed mechanism provably multiple copies of this heuristic may induce cycling be-
converges in the case of first-price auctions and experi- havior into the system. We propose circumventing this
mentally converges in the case of second-price auctions. undesirable effect by introducing random perturbations,
Moreover, the point of convergence has a natural eco- and see that this modified system converges to the mar-
nomic interpretation as the unique market equilibrium ket equilibrium (provably for first-price auctions and
in the case of first-price mechanisms. In the case of experimentally for second-price auctions). Thus our re-
second-price auctions, we conjecture that it converges sults may alternatively be interpreted as providing a
to the “supply-aware” market equilibrium. Thus, our tâtonnement process for convergence to market equilib-
results can be alternatively described as a tâtonnement rium in which prices are adjusted on the side of the
process for convergence to market equilibrium in which buyers rather than the sellers.
prices are adjusted on the side of the buyers rather than Online search engine advertising is typically sold via
keyword auctions (see, for example, Google’s AdWords,

Work performed while author was an intern at Mi- Yahoo’s Search Marketing, and MSN’s AdCenter). Each
crosoft Research. prospective advertiser chooses a set of keywords relevant

Work performed while author was a postdoc at Mi- to his products, and for each keyword submits a bid rep-
crosoft Research. resenting an estimate of his utility for a click when that
word is displayed. He also submits a maximum bud-
get which must be respected for the chosen time period.
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
WWW2007, May 8–12, 2007, Banff, Canada. When each keyword appears, it is auctioned among all
. interested advertisers with remaining budget, typically
using a first-price or second-price auction mechanism tracting motions [12]. In mechanism design, perturba-
(see [5, 1, 11, 16] for a comparison of these approaches). tion has been proposed previously as a solution to spite-
As bidders have limited budgets, the bid optimization ful bidding (bidding strategies which attempt to drive
problem they face is essentially a discrete separable re- out competition by exhausting their budgets) [10]. Our
source allocation problem [7]. One of the most popu- results further motivate the introduction of perturba-
lar metrics to assess the efficiency of various investment tions to mechanism design as a technique for smoothing
strategies is marginal “return-on-investment,” which in the dynamics of the system and permitting bidders to
this context can be taken as the derivative of the util- “share” items in arbitrary ratios.
ity with respect to the price. (See Section 3 for precise Indeed, in the case of a first-price auction, we prove
definitions.) Here we use an easily computable approx- that the introduction of random perturbations causes
imation to this quantity, namely the ratio rather than the mechanism to converge. This is by far the most
the derivative. For a particular advertiser, we define technically complex part of the paper. We conjecture
the ROI of a keyword at a given bid to be the ratio of that the random perturbations will also eliminate cy-
the utility of this word to the price of the word, both cling behavior and lead to convergence of an analogous
at the given bid. In the bidding heuristic we consider, second-price auction, a conjecture which is supported
each budget-constrained advertiser bids an amount such by simulations in Section 5. Furthermore, we can prove
that his ROI is equal across all keywords. Such heuris- that, in the case of the perturbed first-price auction, the
tics are common in practice and have been proposed in prices (and hence revenue) of our system converges to
other theoretical contexts as well [15]. the unique market equilibrium. As a side note, this also
Assume that the above bidding heuristic is employed gives an algorithm for computing the market equilib-
by a set of advertisers. Two questions immediately rium in our setting (incidentally, the algorithm is quite
arise. First, does there exist an underlying mechanism similar to that of Devanur et al. [4] for computing mar-
which causes these algorithms to converge? Second, if a ket equilibria), as well as a tâtonnement process for con-
convergent mechanism does exist, to what does it con- vergence to market equilibrium in which prices are ad-
verge? In particular, how does this system impact rev- justed on the side of the buyers rather than the sellers.
enue for the search engine provider? It is important All of our results are supported by simulations, which
to note that we consider these questions in light of the we discuss in Section 5.
bidding dynamics defined by the specified heuristics, as-
suming all bidders adhere to these heuristics and use 2. MODEL
them truthfully regardless of the optimality of such a
strategy. In particular, we do not study the properties Search engines often display advertisements alongside
of these systems in a strategic equilibrium.1 search results when a user performs a search. These
The first question, namely the existence of a conver- advertisements appear in a dedicated area of the search
gent mechanism, is more than just a theoretical ques- results page, each one in a particular fixed subarea, or
tion. Indeed, what appears to be chaotic cycling be- slot. An online advertisement auction is a mechanism
havior has been observed in actual search engine auc- for selling these slots based on the keyword which the
tions [11].2 Moreover, for straightforward mechanisms user provided to the search engine.
used in conjunction with the ROI bidding heuristic, we We consider a setting in which m advertisers bid for
can easily construct two-bidder examples which exhibit the advertising slots of n keywords. Each keyword j has
cycling, with the allocation oscillating between the bid- l slots and appears qj (t) times on day t (by “day” we
ders. These observations and examples are not surpris- mean some fixed unit of time; it does not necessarily
ing in light of the general phenomenon of heteroclinic have to be 24 hours). Advertiser i has a value vij for
cycles that can occur in both continuous [6] and dis- each click received when his advertisement is displayed
crete [14] dynamic systems with symmetry, sometimes on keyword j. Note that while advertisers value clicks,
leading to cycling chaos [3, 13]. our auction is actually selling impressions, or the chance
In order to overcome this, we introduce an online to appear in a keyword slot. We can convert the values
random bid perturbation into our algorithm. In some per click to an expected value per impression uijk by
sense, this perturbation is reminiscent of the small time- taking the product of vij with the probability cijk that
dependent perturbations employed in the dynamical sys- advertiser i receives a click when displayed in slot k of
tems literature to convert many types of chaos into at- keyword j. This probability is called the click-through-
rate. We assume these click-through-rates factor, that
is, there exist βij for each bidder i and keyword j, and
A major difficulty in studying this setting as a strate- αk for each slot k (independent of the advertiser and
gic game is the repeated nature of the game. Folklore keyword)3 such that cijk = βij αk . Thus the per impres-
theorems show that repeated games (such as this one)
have a plethora of equilibria, thereby making equilib- sion bid uijk for the k’th slot can be written as αk uij
rium analysis (without any restriction on the set of avail- for some uij . We number slots in order of decreasing
able strategies) unsuitable for predicting the behavior click-through-rate so α1 ≥ α2 ≥ . . . ≥ αl and without
of the system. In this work, we are taking a different loss of generality assume α1 = 1.
route: we fix a particular bidding strategy (whose vari- Each advertiser submits a bid bij for each keyword
ants are used in practice) and analyze the equilibrium
this strategy. 3
The assumption that the click-through-rate can be de-
For an alternative justification of observed cycling pat- composed in this way is a reasonable assumption and is
terns see [17]. used in practice.
representing the amount he is willing to pay for one im- keyword j. We assume that if advertiser i bids bij on
pression in slot 1 of keyword j (i.e., uij above). By keyword j then his day-long charge and net utility (i.e.,
extension, we assume he is willing to pay αk bij for an total value minus total charge) on that keyword is given
impression in slot k of keyword j.4 Advertisers addi- by Pj (bij ) and Uj (bij ) respectively.6 The P optimization
tionally submit a daily budget Bi indicating the maxi- problem is now to choose {bij } such that j Uj (bij ) is
mum amount they are willing to spend in a given day. maximized subject to j Pj (bij ) ≤ Bi . Through the
Although in general these parameters may be adjusted use of Lagrangian relaxation, we see that a necessary
at arbitrary times, for simplicity we assume they are condition for the optimality of bids b∗ij is the existence
updated at most daily and in the beginning of the day. of a constant λ (the Lagrangian multiplier) such that
Upon a search for a particular keyword j, the adver- for all j with Uj (b∗ij ) > 0,
tisement auction then selects up to l advertisers i1 , . . . , il
and assigns them to slots 1, . . . , l, respectively. It then d Uj /d Pj |bij =b∗ij = λ
computes a price pjk for each advertiser ik ∈ {i1 , . . . , il }.
The auction guarantees no bidder is charged more than if such derivatives exist. This derivative is known as
his bid nor exceeds his budget. Furthermore, no bidder the marginal return-on-investment (marginal ROI) and
is awarded more than one slot per search query. We measures how the net utility of an advertiser changes as
focus our attention on two particular auction mecha- he modifies his investment. Thus, for an optimal set of
nisms quite common in practice. The first is a first- bids {b∗ij }, we know advertiser i has the same marginal
price mechanism in which advertisers are awarded slots ROI at b∗ij across all keywords. This marginal ROI is
in a priority order determined by their bids. Advertis- exactly the Lagrangian multiplier λ above.
ers are then charged a price equal to the minimum of The marginal ROI is usually difficult to estimate,
their bid and remaining budget. The second mechanism and is even undefined when Pj or Uj are discontinuous.
is a generalization of the second-price mechanism. The Thus, it is useful to approximate the marginal ROI of
allocation rule of this mechanism is identical to that of keyword j at bid b by the ROI of keyword j at that
the first-price mechanism, but the pricing scheme is dif- bid, where ROI is defined as ROIj (b) = Uj (b)/Pi (b).
ferent. Each advertiser is now charged a price equal to This suggests one method for optimizing the bids of the
the minimum of his remaining budget and the bid of advertiser: set the bids bij such that ROIj (bij ) approx-
the advertiser in the next slot. The pseudocode of these imately equals some constant ROI for all j.
two mechanisms appears in Figure 1. If the prices were fixed and known to the advertiser,
For our theoretical results, we simplify the model in determining an optimal biding vector would be a sim-
the following ways. First, we study a setting in which ple calculation. Suppose the price of the kth slot for
there is only one slot per keyword. The single-slot set- keyword j is pjk . We further introduce an artificial slot
ting is rich enough to capture the chaotic behavior our l + 1 with price zero and utility zero indicating that the
results circumvent and thus suffices to illustrate our advertiser does not appear in any slot on that keyword.
main points.5 Second, we consider a continuous-time A bidding strategy is now a selection of affordable slots
version of the auction: For each keyword j, there are sj ∈ {1, . . . , l + 1} for each keyword j, where a selection
a constant number qj of searches each day, and these is affordable if the sum of prices is at most the budget
searches are evenly spaced throughout the day. We as- of the advertiser. This problem is a natural extension
sume qj ’s are large and therefore we can model this of the knapsack problem [8] and has a similar FPTAS.
process as one in which all keywords arrive continuously In fact, the idea of the ROI heuristic is similar to the
at a uniform rate throughout the day. The daily budget well-known 2-approximation for knapsack. It tries to
of advertiser i is Bi , and the total utility of advertiser i maintain the invariant that for some constant R = ROI,
for showing his ad on keyword j throughout the entire R ∈ (ujsj /pjsj , uj(sj +1) /pj(sj +1) ] for all keywords j, and
day is uij (thus, his utility for being shown during an α searches for the maximum possible R subject to the bud-
fraction of the day is P αuij ). Without loss of generality get constraint. Thus, if the advertiser has budget left
we will assume Bi ≤ j uij . over at the end of the day, he finds the keyword j with
minimum ujsj /pjsj and chooses slot sj +1 for keyword j
on the following day. Otherwise, if he ran out of budget
3. BID OPTIMIZATION HEURISTICS early, he finds the keyword j with maximum ujsj /pjsj
In this section we describe a natural bidding heuristic and chooses slot sj −1 for that keyword on the following
for optimizing the utility of the advertisers. We consider day.
the following abstraction of the bid optimization prob- An alternative way to implement the ROI heuristic
lem for advertiser i. We want to specify a bid bij on each is through a tâtonnement-like process, where the ad-
Note we could just have easily described our results for vertiser iteratively incrementing bids on keywords with
a setting where advertisers submit a bid per click if we relatively large ROI and decrementing bids on keywords
assume the click-through-rates of advertisers and slots with relatively small ROI by small increments. The ad-
are known or estimated.
5 6
In fact, it is straightforward to generalize our con- Note that we assume the charge and net utility of ad-
vergence result (Theorem 1) to the multi-slot setting vertiser i for keyword j is a function of his bid for key-
(essentially the only thing that needs to be changed is word j alone and does not depend on the bids of i for
Equation 1). However, the point to which the system other keywords. Although this is not strictly true, it is
converges can no longer be characterized as a market a reasonable approximation and serves to develop our
equilibrium. intuition for our heuristic.
First-Price Mechanism Second-Price Mechanism
Let S be the set of bidders {i : si ≤ Bi }. Let S be the set of bidders {i : si ≤ Bi }.
For k = 1 to l do For k = 1 to l do
Let i = argmaxi∈S (bij ), Let i = argmaxi∈S (bij ),
Set S = S − {i}, Set S = S − {i},
Assign i to slot k, Assign i to slot k,
Charge i price min(αk bij , Bi − si ). Charge i price min(αk max 0
bi0 j , Bi − si ).
i ∈S

Figure 1: Pseudocode for the first and second-price auctions, respectively. The parameter si is the
current total daily charge of advertiser i.

vantage of this method is that it requires the minimal algorithms of various bidders. One might wonder if such
amount of information. In particular, it does not even a system could ever stabilize, and whether the resulting
need to know the price of the slots above and below the prices would be logical in some sense (i.e., be simulta-
current slot. It is easy for an advertiser to calculate the neously “reasonable” for the advertisers and generate
ROI for each keyword in hindsight at the end of the day. sufficient revenue for the search engine). In fact, the
Based on this idea, we consider the following ROI-based following example shows that the combination of the
heuristic bidding algorithm for advertiser i. first-price auction with the ROI heuristic may result in
an unstable situation with low prices.
Algorithm 1. On each day t, all bids of advertiser
i are determined by a single parameter Ri (t) ∈ (0, 1].7 Example 1. Suppose there is just one keyword with
The parameter Ri (t) is adjusted based on the perfor- one slot and 1000 impressions. There are two advertis-
mance of advertiser i’s bids on the previous day. Start- ers a and b, each advertiser with a budget of $500 and
ing from an arbitrary Ri (0) ∈ (0, 1] for day t = 0, ad- a utility of $1 for each impression of the keyword. Con-
vertiser i sets sider the first-price auction mechanism. Assume a bids
8 $0.5e² , and b bids $0.5. Bidder a is going to win all
< Ri (t)e−² if i runs out of money
the impressions until he runs of the budget around the
Ri (t+1) = before the end of day t
: end of the day, but he is going to decrease his bid for
min(Ri (t)e² , 1) otherwise
tomorrow to $0.5, since he ran out of budget today. On
where ² > 0 is a small constant. Finally, he sets the bid the other hand, b is going to bid $0.5e² on the following
bij (t) of keyword j to day. Thus, a and b will interchange roles. This way the
allocation of the impressions alternates between a and b
bij (t) = Ri (t)uij . daily.
Note since Ri (t) ∈ (0, 1], bij (t) ≤ uij .
It is easy to see that the above example works for the
Before discussing the dynamics of this algorithm, let second price mechanism as well. The results of Section 5
us note that an added advantage of the above bidding confirm that such examples arise in a variety of plausible
heuristic is that it can be adapted to cases where an ad- scenarios, resulting in oscillating allocations and damp-
vertiser only knows her budget and the relative utility ened revenue. We avoid such situations by applying
of various keywords (i.e., the ratio of uij ’s), and not the a random perturbation to the bids of the advertisers in
exact value of the utilities. In this case, the bidding al- determining the allocation, as defined below. In this sec-
gorithm for advertiser i can initially set her largest util- tion we study variants of the first and second-price auc-
ity to Bi and the other utilities according to the spec- tions with perturbations. We prove that the perturbed
ified ratios, and then adjust these values by changing first-price auction, coupled with multiple copies of the
Ri (t). This is useful in practice since for an advertiser bid optimization algorithm presented in Section 3, con-
estimating the ratio of the values of various keywords is verges to a fixed allocation and set of prices correspond-
a considerably simpler task than estimating the exact ing to the market equilibrium. We conjecture a similar
utilities. result for the perturbed second-price auction, support-
ing our conjecture with simulation results in Section 5.
4. DYNAMICS OF THE SYSTEM 4.1 Perturbations
In Section 3 we defined a heuristic for bidding in an In order to get rid of situations like the one explained
advertisement auction. In order to better understand in Example 1, we modify the auction mechanism to
the properties of a system where bidders are using such slightly perturb the bids before running the auction,
a heuristic, we need to analyze the interplay of bidding thereby giving the bidder with a smaller bid some chance
This parameter is related to the target return-on- of winning if his bid is close to the largest bid. The
investment by Ri (t) = 1/(ROI + 1) where ROI is the perturbations are defined as follows. On each day t, ad-
target return on investment of advertiser i. vertiser i bids a value bij (t) for the day-long possession
of keyword j. When a search on keyword j occurs, we and hence the revenue of the auctioneer, converge to
perturb the bids as follows: that of the market equilibrium in the sense of Arrow
and Debreu [2] when goods correspond to the ad spaces
b0ij = bij (t) exp(−ηi ), and the money (see Appendix A).
where ηi is a uniformly random number in [0, δ]8 , in- More formally, let si (t) ∈ [0, Bi ] denote the spending
dependently generated for each bidder/query pair, and of advertiser i on day t. Let τi (t) ∈ [0, 1] denote the
δ > 0 is a constant. The auction mechanisms are run moment during day t when advertiser i spends all his
exactly as described in Section 2, but the allocation is budget (or 1 if he does not spend all his budget). Finally
determined according to the perturbed bids b0ij (t). let ri (t) denote the spending rate of advertiser i in the
Perturbations essentially allow advertisers to bid such beginning of the day before anyone runs out of budget.
that they share the keyword in any portion they please. In other words,
That is, fixing the bids of other advertisers on a partic- X
n Z δ Y
bij (t)
ular keyword, a given advertiser can choose to receive ri (t) = Pr[bij (t)e−x > bi0 j (t)e−ηi0 ]dx
in expectation any fraction α of the day-long proces- δ 0 ηi0
j=1 i0 6=i
sion of the keyword by adjusting his bid appropriately. (1)
Note that such a sharing property can not be achieved Note that the rate of spending only increases as other
by introducing a randomized tie-breaking rule; applying advertisers run out of budget, and therefore we have
the perturbation to the bids themselves is significantly si (t) ≥ ri (t)τi (t). We first show these parameters con-
more powerful. Notice how this affects the advertisers verge, namely, that after some time no advertiser runs
in Example 1. out of budget early and each advertiser either spends
most of his budget or is bidding nearly his utility on all
Example 2. Again, consider the scenario from the keywords. The proof of the following theorem appears
previous example. However, now suppose the bids are at the end of this section.
perturbed as described above and notice the instability we
observed before won’t happen. Indeed a and b share the Theorem 1. Given utilities uij , budgets Bi , and con-
impressions almost equally in expectation, and so nei- stants δ > 0 and γ > 0, there exist constants ² > 0 and
ther bidder runs out of budget. Therefore, they will in- t0 < ∞, such that for all t ≥ t0 and all i, we have
crease their bids until their bids get close to $1 at which
time both the price and allocations remain stable. In 1. τi (t) ≥ 1 − γ, and
this case the perturbation both removed the cycling and 2. si (t) ≥ (1 − γ)Bi or Ri (t) ≥ 1 − γ.
improved auctioneer’s revenue by a factor of two.
Here ² and t0 can be chosen as ² = Θ(γ min{1, δ/C 2P })
4.2 Convergence to Equilibria and t0 = (2 log C)/²−log(mini Ri (0)) with C = maxi ( j uij /Bi ).
We now discuss our main theoretical results, namely
the convergence properties of our perturbed mechanisms The above theorem allows us to characterize the equi-
with multiple bid optimization algorithms. Throughout librium of our system. Let Li (t) = Bi − si (t) be the un-
the remainder of this section, we assume there is just used portion of advertiser i’s budget at the end of day
one slot per keyword.9 t. Then the following theorem holds.
We consider both perturbed first-price and perturbed
Theorem 2. Given δ > 0 and γ > 0, let t = t(δ, γ) ≥
second-price auctions. In each of these auctions, the
t0 , where t0 is defined as in Theorem 1. Let pj (t) be the
allocation rule awards the keyword slot to the bidder
maximum price at which keyword j is sold in day t, and
with the highest perturbed bid b0ij . The winning ad-
let xij (t) be the fractional daily allocation of word j to
vertiser is then charged a price equal to the minimum
advertiser i on day t. As δ, γ go to zero, the price vec-
of his remaining budget and unperturbed bid bij in the
tor pj (t) converges to that of the market equilibrium,
case of the first-price auction10 , or the minimum of his
and the total utilities Pof the advertisers including their
remaining budget and the perturbed bid of the closest
unused budgets, Li + j uij xij (t), converge to the util-
competitor in the case of the second-price auction. Once
ities of an equilibrium allocation.
the spending of an advertiser during a day reaches his
daily budget, he is withdrawn from all further auctions Notice that convergence of the price
during that day. P vector implies
also convergence of the total revenue i pi for the auc-
We now state our principal result. Namely, we prove tioneer. The proof of Theorem 2, which makes substan-
that in a perturbed first-price auction where bidders bid tial use of the stability results in Theorem 1, is deferred
according to the ROI heuristic, Algorithm 1 of Section 3, to Appendix A.
both the prices and the daily utilities of the advertisers,
Proof of Theorem 1. We first show Statement 1,
The choice of the distribution for perturbation is essen- i.e. that after some finite time nobody runs out of bud-
tially arbitrary, and our results hold for other reason- get early. More precisely, we will show that for every
able perturbation models (e.g., Gaussian perturbations)
as well. 0 < λ < 1, ² small enough and t ≥ Tλ (where Tλ is a
It is not hard to see that Theorem 1 holds for the constant depending on λ), we have τi (t) ≥ 1 − λ for all
multi-slot case with essentially the same proof. 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Let k(t) be the first advertiser who finishes
Note that our results hold if the pricing rule charges his budget on day t. The proof of Statement 1 follows
the winning bidder his perturbed bid b0ij as well. from the following two claims.
Claim 1. If τk(t) (t − 1) < 1, then Proof of Claim 2. Let k = k(t). By the previous
² lemma and our condition on ², we have
τk(t) (t) ≥ min(e τk(t) (t − 1), 1).
rk (t) ≤ rk (t − 1) + λBk ≤ Bk (1 + λ) = rk (t)τk (t)(1 + λ)
Claim 2. If τk(t) (t − 1) = 1, then τk(t) (t) ≥ 1 − λ,
provided ² is chosen in such a way that 2C²e² ≤ λδ. where we used the assumption τk (t − 1) = 1 to conclude
that rk (t−1) ≤ Bk . This gives τk (t) ≥ 1/(1+λ) ≥ 1−λ,
To see that these two claims imply Statement 1 of proving the claim.
the theorem, set τmin (t) = mini τi (t). Claims 1 and 2
Now we will prove Statement 2. Note that ri (t) ≥
− λ, e² τmin (t − 1)). We
together imply τmin (t) ≥ min(1P
Bi (1−γ) implies si (t) ≥ Bi (1−γ) (this is because either
know that τmin (1) ≥ mini Bi /( j uij ) = 1/C. There-
si (t) = Bi or τi (t) = 1 in which case si (t) ≥ ri (t)).
fore for t ≥ Tλ = ²−1 log(C(1 − λ)), we have τmin (t) ≥ Therefore, it is enough to show that for all t ≥ 2Tλ −
1 − λ, as required. log(mini Ri (0)) and all i, one of the following holds:
Proof of Claim 1. Throughout this proof, let k = ri (t) ≥ (1 − γ)Bi , (2)
k(t). If τk (t) = 1, then the claim is true. Assume Ri (t) ≥ e−² (3)
τk (t) < 1. Note that since τk (t − 1) < 1, Rk (t) =
Rk (t − 1)e−² and for i 6= k, Ri (t) ≥ Ri (t − 1)e−² . Con- so long as ² is less than γ. We first prove the following
sider an imaginary scenario in which on day t, R̂i (t) = claim.
Ri (t − 1)e−² for all bidders i. By (1), the spending
rate r̂k (t) of bidder k in the imaginary scenario is at Claim 3. For 2Cλ ≤ γ, 4C²e² ≤ γδ, and (t − 1) ≥
least that of the real scenario (r̂k (t) ≥ rk (t)). Further- Tλ , we have si (t − 1) − ri (t) ≤ γBi .
more, r̂k (t) = rk (t − 1)e−² since advertisements in the
Proof. By Statement 1, τmin (t − 1)P ≥ (1 − λ), and
imaginary scenario are sold to advertisers with the same
therefore si (t − 1) ≤ ri (t − 1)(1 − λ) + λ j uij ≤ ri (t −
probabilities as day t − 1 and at a price e−² times the
1) + γBi /2 provided 2Cλ ≤ γ. Moreover, by Lemma 1
price of day t − 1. Therefore, we have
and our condition on ², we have ri (t−1) ≤ ri (t)+γBi /2.
rk (t − 1)τk (t − 1) ≤ Bk = τk (t)rk (t) ≤ τk (t)rk (t − 1)e−² Therefore si (t − 1) ≤ ri (t) + γBi .
which implies Claim 1. The proof of Statement 2 now follows by backwards
induction. First suppose neither (2) nor (3) holds on day
In order to prove Claim 2, we first prove the following t and t−1 ≥ Tλ . We will show neither inequalities holds
lemma. on day t − 1. Indeed, by the above claim, si (t − 1) ≤
ri (t)+γBi < Bi and hence Ri (t) = min(Ri (t−1)e² , 1) ≥
Lemma 1. For all t and all i, we have |ri (t) − ri (t − Ri (t−1). Therefore (3) did not hold on day t−1 as well,
1)| ≤ (2C²e² /δ)Bi . which implies that Ri (t) = Ri (t − 1)e² . Now using an
argument similar to Claim 1, we can show that ri (t) ≥
Proof. Note that Ri (t) ≤ Ri (t − 1)e² and Ri0 (t) ≥ ri (t − 1)e² . It follows that (2) did not hold on day t − 1
−² 0
Ri0 (t − 1)e for i 6= i. Consider an imaginary scenario either.
in which on day t, R̂i (t) = Ri (t − 1)e2² and R̂i0 (t) = For the base case, notice that as long as neither (2)
Ri0 (t−1) for i0 6= i. Then R̂i (t) ≥ e² Ri (t) and R̂i (t)/R̂i0 (t) ≥ nor (3) holds, we saw in the above paragraph that Ri (t) =
Ri (t)/Ri0 (t), which implies that now r̂i (t) ≥ ri (t)e² . We Ri (t−1)e² and so for t ≥ 2Tλ −log(mini Ri (0)), inequal-
couple the perturbed bids b̂i0 j (t) of the imaginary sce- ity (3) will hold.
nario with the perturbed bids b0i0 j (t − 1) of day t − 1
The above result shows that the prices in a perturbed
in such a way that b̂0i0 j (t) = b0i0 j (t − 1) if i0 6= i and
first-price mechanism converge. We believe that a simi-
Pr[b̂0ij (t) 6= b0ij (t − 1)] = 2²/δ. Namely, we set lar result holds for a perturbed second price auction (see
 next section for evidence of this in simulation results).
b0ij (t − 1) if b0ij (t − 1) ≥ b̂ij (t) exp(−δ)
b̂0ij (t) = However, our proof technique fails for the second price
b0ij (t − 1)eδ otherwise
auction. Given the convergence result, in Theorem 2
As the ratio of b̂ij (t) to bij (t − 1) is e2² , it is easy to (whose proof is presented in Appendix A) we show that
see that this coupling results in the desired probability. for the first price auction, the prices converge to the
Thus, even if advertiser i wins all auctions in which market equilibrium prices. For the second-price auc-
b̂0ij (t) 6= b0ij (t−1) (which happens at most a 2²/δ fraction tion, assuming our conjecture on the convergence of the
of the times), we have system, we can similarly show that the prices tend to
approximate equilibria for a new notion of market equi-
2² X 2² librium, called the self-competition-free or supply-aware
r̂i (t) ≤ ri (t − 1) + uij e2² ≤ ri (t − 1) + CBi e2²
δ j δ market equilibrium (see [9]). A supply-aware equilib-
rium for a market with additive utilities is a regular
Using that r̂i (t) ≥ ri (t)e² , this implies ri (t) ≤ ri (t−1)+ market equilibrium for a modified setting in which the
(2C²e² /δ)Bi . The matching upper bound on ri (t − 1) in utility of each buyer for each item is capped to the util-
terms of ri (t) is proved by exchanging the roles of t and ity they derive by buying the entire supply of the item.
t − 1. The simulations in Section 5 support our intuitions.
1 7200






0.4 1st price
2nd price
0.3 6000 1st Perturbed
1st/2nd price without perturbation
1st/2nd price with perturbation 2nd Perturbed

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
0 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 2: Change in bids, Examples 1 and 2 Figure 4: Change in efficiency, random instance

1000 5400

900 5200

800 5000

700 4800

600 4600

500 4400

400 4200
1st price 1st price
300 2nd price 4000 2nd price
1st Perturbed 1st Perturbed
200 2nd Perturbed 3800 2nd Perturbed

100 3600
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 3: Change in revenue, Examples 1 and 2 Figure 5: Change in revenue, random instance

5. SIMULATIONS keyword. The graph of the bid of the first advertiser

In this section, we present the results of simulating as a function of time for each of the four mechanisms
the bid optimization algorithm of Section 3 for vari- is shown in Figure 2 (the second advertiser has similar
ous auction mechanisms. In particular, we compare the bids). As we see in this figure, in unperturbed mech-
behavior of the bid optimization algorithm in the equi- anisms, the bids of the advertisers grow only to $0.50,
librium for the first and second-price auctions with and and after that remain constant, whereas in perturbed
without perturbation. mechanisms, the bids grow to $1. The revenue of the
Parameters of the simulation: We have imple- mechanisms are compared in Figure 3.11 Since the utili-
mented the simulation program in Matlab. In all our ties in this example are equal, the efficiency of all mech-
simulations, we assume that αk = 1/k (i.e., click-through anisms are constant over time.
rates of different slots follow a power law with expo- A larger example: We have simulated the bid opti-
nent −1). We assume that throughout the day, each mization algorithm with different mechanisms on larger
keyword is searched for 1000 times, and these searches instances generated at random. Figures 6, 4 and 5 show
occur in a random order. At the end of each day, the the changes in the bids on two keywords, and the effi-
bid optimization algorithm is run to update the bids of ciency and the revenue of the auctions (per day) as a
each advertiser. For most simulations, the parameters function of the day for an instance with n = 20 bid-
² (determining the aggressiveness of the bid optimiza- ders, m = 10 keywords, and one slot per keyword. In
tion algorithm in changing bids) and δ (determining the this instance, each advertiser bids on each keyword with
extent of the perturbations for perturbed mechanisms)
are set to 0.01 and 0.1, respectively. The decrease in the revenue of the perturbed second-
A small example: We start by showing the out- price auction (compared to the first-price) is due to the
come of the simulation for the instance explained in fact that after a short while, the randomness in the sys-
tem could cause the bid of one of the advertisers to be
Examples 1 and 2 for 500 days. In this instance, there
slightly more than the other, resulting in the advertiser
are two advertisers and one keyword with one ad slot. running out of budget earlier than the other advertiser,
Each advertiser has a utility of $1 and a daily budget of and the other advertiser getting the remaining ad spaces
$500. Both advertisers start by bidding $0.20 on each in that day for free.
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that in this set of instances, the revenue and the ef-
ficiency of the perturbed mechanisms are consistently
(between 79% and 97% of the times) more than the un- A. PROOF OF THEOREM 2
perturbed mechanisms. However, the difference is small We start by recalling some standard definitions, as
(between 1.5% and 5% on average). applied to our setting. Given the prices pj for keywords,
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Max Chick- an optimal allocation xij for advertiser i is any solution
ering, Uri Feige, and Chris Meek for many fruitful dis- to the following linear program:
cussions regarding the systems proposed in this paper. X
maximize Li + uij xij
[1] G. Aggarwal, A. Goel, and R. Motwani. Truthful subject to Li + pj xij = Bi
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∀j : xij ≥ 0
[2] K. Arrow and G. Debreu. Existence of an equilibrium Li ≥ 0.
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[3] M. Dellnitz, M. Field, M. Golubitsky, A. Hohmann, the advertiser i, and Li is the amount of money un-
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12 price vector if there exist allocations xij that satisfy the
The choice of budgets as a power law distribution with following two conditions:
exponent −1 is motivated by the classical observation
that income distribution often follows such a power law. • At the given price vector, xij is an optimal alloca-
Bids for keyword 6 in 1st price auction Bids for keyword 6 in 2nd price auction
0.45 0.45

0.4 0.4

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Bids for keyword 6 in perturbed 1st price auction Bids for keyword 6 in perturbed 2nd price auction
0.45 0.45

0.4 0.4

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 6: Change in the bids in a random instance

1st price 2nd price

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

perturbed 1st price perturbed 2nd price

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 7: Distribution of the number of converged bidders

Perfect convergence Good convergence
1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Figure 8: Distribution of the number of converged bidders

tion for each advertiser i. pj + Li ≤ (1 + ρ(δ, γ)) Bi .
P j i i
• For each keyword j, we have i xij = 1 (recall that
the supply of each keyword was assumed to be 1). The prices and allocation of our algorithm must satisfy
The next theorem follows from the classical results in these constraints. Consider the convex region specified
the economic literature (see, for example, Arrow and by these relaxed constraints. As δ and γ go to zero,
Debreu[2]) by considering the market with one com- the constraints approach those of Theorem 3, implying
modity for each keyword and an additional commodity that the price and utility vectors converge to the unique
termed “money”. The proof of this theorem is deferred equilibrium price and utility vectors, respectively. This
to the full version of the paper. completes the proof of Theorem 2.

Theorem 3. There exists an equilibrium price vec-

tor. Moreover, the market equilibrium prices are unique,
and can be characterized as the set specified by the fol-
lowing convex program.
Li + j0 uij 0 xij 0 uij
∀i, j : ≥ (4)
Bi pj
Li + j 0 uij 0 xij 0
∀i : ≥1 (5)
∀j : xij ≤ 1 (6)
pj + Li ≤ Bi (7)
j i i

∀i, j : xij ≥ 0 (8)

∀j : pj ≥ 0. (9)

Now let us return to the proof of Theorem 2. We show

that as δ and γ approach zero, the constraints in The-
orem 3 becomes satisfied. In fact, constraints (5), (6),
(8), and (9) are always satisfied: constraint (5) is satis-
fied because no advertiser buys any keyword at a higher
price than his utility, and the other three constraints are
satisfied because Algorithm 1 always computes a feasi-
ble allocation and non-negative prices. Therefore, the
only constraints that we need to check are (4) and (7).
But it is easy to use Theorem 1 to show that these con-
straints are satisfied approximately, i.e., there is a value
ρ(δ, γ) that approaches zero as δ and γ approach zero
so that:
Li + j0 uij 0 xij 0 uij
∀i, j : ≥ (1 − ρ(δ, γ))
Bi pj

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