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74 Additional Gods

Compiled by Telgar


This collection of Gods comes from many sources. It does include canon gods that are found outside their
normal Pantheon listings in the Hero Book. Such Gods have page references for more information. Only
members of canon-established Pantheons are listed here. For sub-Pantheons and Fan-Written Pantheons, I
suggest checking out those documents directly, or the Expanded Quick Reference PDF.

Grammar and spelling have been checked and the entries standardizes to a single format. Aside from that,
the only changes have been removing references to non-canon material.

Thanks to all the authors for writing all these great Gods and putting them out there for us to use! Credits are
in the back. Some authors were not listed, and go unknown.
The Aesir Delling is the one who set into motion the events
leading to the Fate-bound doom of the Aesir, which
he now works frantically to undo.
Beowulf For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 109.

The warrior hero who defeated Grendel, Grendel’s Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
Mother and a dragon while becoming a great king in Manipulation, Epic Perception, Epic Intelligence,
his spare time. Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Fertility, Health, Illusion,
For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 75. Jotunblut, Magic, Mystery, Sun, War
Abilities: Art, Fortitude, Integrity, Investigation,
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Occult, Presence
Guardian, Jotunblut, War
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude, Melee, Survival, Hodur
Thrown AKA: Hod, Hother, Hoth

Bragi Hodur is Baldur’s blind half brother who, according

to legend, was tricked by Loki into killing Baldur
The Aesir God of Poetry, Eloquence and while he was impervious to all but the “insignificant”
Performance, he is happily married to the Vanir mistletoe. This angered Odin who sired Vali to
Goddess Idun, who grows the Apples of Eternal kill Hodur the next day. The death of Baldur was
Youth. prophesied to be the first of a series of events that
For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 69. will precede Ragnarok wherein most of the current
pantheon is fated to be slain. This myth is still just a
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Perception, prophesy presently, however, as the events leading
Epic Wits, Jotunblut, Magic up to Ragnarok will occur closer toward the end
Abilities: Art, Awareness, Brawl, Empathy, Integrity, of the Aesir’s existence. Hodr is also prophesied to
Presence return as a deity in the post-Ragnarok pantheon.
Currently, Hodur stands as the Norse god of
darkness. Little else is known of Hodur except that
he is blind and that few of the Aesir respect him
for his perceived betrayal of his brother, the likable
As the God of Peace, Compromise and Just Resolu-
Baldur. He is on rare occasion referred to as “Hodr
tions, Forseti stands out among the warlike Aesir.
of Battle” perhaps suggesting aptitude in combat
For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 70.
despite the debilitating lack of sight. Some consider
his moniker as “Hodr of Battle” to suggest that Hodur
Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Epic
himself represents the blindness of war among the
Intelligence, Jotunblut, Justice, Mystery
Aesir, how it sweeps over and strikes down guilty
Abilities: Academics, Empathy, Integrity,
and innocent (particularly his brother Baldur) alike.
Investigation, Politics, Presence
Still, his presence stirs uneasy feelings among the
other Aesir and various other just deities.
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Dexterity,
The All-Father of the Vanir, though since the Epic Perception, Darkness, Jotunblut, and War
absorption of his Pantheon into the Aesir, Delling Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Melee, Presence,
has stepped back from politics and kept to himself. Survival, and Thrown
Only in recent times has he come into active circles Rivals: Baldur, Frigg, Odin, Anubis, Shango, Xipe
again as he is approached by some of the other Totec, and Zeus
Vanir who question if the time has come to separate
themselves from the doomed Aesir before Ragnarok.
He is the husband of Night and the father of Day.
Idun who meet her recall a woman of determination and
patience, misty eyed, with a sharp wit, slow to anger
Goddess of Youth, Fertility and Longevity, she is the but easy to placate.
Vanir who grows and guards the Apples of Eternal When Skadi sires a scion, it’s usualy with handsome
Youth. Her husband is Bragi, one of the Aesir. or strong men. Her children tend to be the outdoorsy
For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 71. kind, with a love for hunting and an appreciation
for the cold, with her enjoyment for pretty baubles.
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina, She takes care to arm them the best she can, but for
Jotunblut, Fertility, Health the most part they’re left to their own devices. They
Abilities: Animal Ken, Empathy, Fortitude, Presence, function well in groups, but work best alone. Like
Science, Survival Skadi, they’re capable warriors, but are not easily
roused to fighting.
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina,
Epic Intelligence, Frost, Psychopomp, and Jotunblut
Vanir God of the Ocean, tamer of fire, father of Freyr Abilities: Athletics, Survival, Marksmanship, Brawl,
and Freya. Oldest of the Vanir and one of their most Awareness, and Melee
revered leaders. He lead the Vanir in their war against Rivals: Uller, Loki, Artemis, Tsuki-Yomi, and Horus
the Asgard, after which he stepped aside as ruler.
For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 72.
Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Stamina,
Epic Strength, Fertility, Fire, Jotunblut, Sky, War, The son of Sif is the God of Archery, Hunting and
Water Skiing. He acts as Odin’s lieutenant when the All-
Abilities: Awareness, Brawl, Command, Control, Forti- Father is away from Asgard.
tude, Politics For more information, see Scion: Ragnarök p. 74.

Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Perception,

Skadi Epic Stamina, Frost, Jotunblut, Justice
AKA: Skade, Skadhi, Skathi
Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Marksmanship,
Melee, Stealth, Survival
Skadi is the Jotun-born Goddess of hunting, winter
and the cold, wife of the sea god Njord. She came to
Asgard to avenge her father’s death, but agreed to Wayland
AKA: Volund
marry Njord as compensation, seeing nobility in him
and they divide the year between their homes. An
The Scion of an unknown God, Wayland is a
avid hunter with a sharp tongue, and gray eyes, she’s
craftsman without equal. He has influenced or
most at home in the wilderness, skiing effortlessly
fathered some of the most important inventors in
through the mountains for her quarry. Despite her
history. He was imprisoned by an ancient Finnish
sometimes blunt personality she has a weakness for
king who wanted Wayland to build magical artifacts
beautiful things, evidenced by her crush on Baldur.
for him. With the help of one of his brothers, Wayland
Despite her proficiency as a warrior, she will never be
was able to build himself wings and escape from his
goaded into combat. She doesn’t openly love or hate
prison after impregnating his captor’s daughter.
the other gods, but neither does she love her giant-
For more information, see Scion: God p. 262.
kin or the Titans.
In modern days, Skadi has taken on a number of
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Earth, Fire,
roles. She prefers cold places and has been an
Olypmic level skier, a mountain climber, wise martial
Abilities: Academics, Art, Control, Craft, Occult,
arts instructor, an arctic biologist and even an Inuit
woman who is somehow in the right place at the
right time to do some good for someone. Those
The Amatsukami Amaterasu considers her personal duty.
In the World, Benzaiten favors roles that allow her
to exhibit her skill with art and science, as well
Benten as her unbridled energy and thirst for life. She’s
AKA: Benzei, Benzaiten, Lakshmi taken on roles such a beautiful Noh actress, an
adorable and energetic manga writer or even an
One of the Seven Fortunes, Benten is a goddess old scientist with a twinkle in her eye that few can
associated with Beauty , Grace, Love Wisdom and the resist. She has also taken on roles such as political
Arts (particularly Dance and Music), as well as Luck. activist and school teacher, allowing her to speak
She is also a sea goddess with strong associations out for the underpriveledged and shepherd her
with water and the ocean. people into something greater.
Benten most often appears as a demure woman Scions of Benzaiten are generally blessed with
of indeterminate age, often young, but not girlish, unnatural luck. They always seem to survive, even
but full of life and wisdom. Her grace is flawless, under the worst of odds. Intelligent, energetic
and often she will have a musical instrument at people, her children often go the extra mile and
hand to enhance her lilting voice. Benten is used to work harder than anyone else simply because
getting what she wants and is always surrounded they enjoy the work or feel it needs to be done.
by the finest things in life, but will never be forceful, And all they achieve is usually accompanied with
she is above all things subtle and respectful, even an artistic flair that few can match.
to her enemies. Similarly she gains great pleasure
from pleasing others , but not so much as to be Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
sycophantic, or gauche. Benten has been a geisha, Intelligence, Guardian, Magic, Sound, Tsuki-yomi,
and dancer, and a musician, and even at times is the Water
wife of a Zaibatsu CEO or Politician. She teaches the Common Abilities: Academics, Art, Empathy,
way of the Silken Glove rather than an Iron Fist. Occult, Presence, Science
Rivals: Amaterasu, Raiden; Isis, Hermes, Loki,
Associated powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, Quetzalcoatl, Tlazolteotl, Erzulie, Legba
Epic Manipulation, Magic, Tsuko-Gami, and Water
Abilities: Art, Awareness, Craft, Presence,Empathy, Himiko
and Politics
Rivals: Aphrodite, Amaterasu, Persephone, A powerful shaman who once ruled over the
Tlazolteotl, Frigg, and Raiden Yamataikoku people, Himiko is a wise politican
and has ruled more than one empire. Under the
Benzaiten name Jingu she became Empress and presided
AKA: Biancaitian, Bensaiten over the conquest of Korea and Manchuria. Her son,
Hachiman, also ascended to divinity after his mortal
Like Marishiten, Benzaiten was not born into the death. In the modern world she rules empires of
Amatsukami. Originally a Scion of Sarasvati of finance and business.
the Devas, Benzaiten left her parent pantheon so For more information, see Scion: God p. 266.
that she might make her own mark on the World
without being stuck in the shadow of her mother. Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Charisma,
Eventually, she would come to the Amatsukami Epic Appearance, Mystery, Sun, Tsukumo-Gami
and offer her knowledge and luck to Amaterasu. Abilities: Command, Integrity, Investigation,
Though hesitant to accept her, Amaterasu finally Marksmanship, Politics, Presence
relented and welcomed her to the Amatsukami.
Since then, however, she has considered the Kishimo-jin
young transplanted god to be a threat to her AKA: Kangimo, Karitei, Kariteimo, Kishibojin, Koyasu Kishibojin
position of leadership of the Japanese people as
Benzaiten claimed to be the protector of both Kishimo-jin was originally a Hindu demon who had
Japan and the Japanese people, something hundreds of children and loved and doted on all of
them. However, in order to keep them fed, she would Konohana Sakuya-hime
kidnap and sacrifice the children of mortals. This
behavior continued for ages until Buddha showed Konohana Sakuya-hime, commonly known as
her the suffering she was causing by abducting the Konohana, is the blossom-princess and symbol of
youngest of her children and hiding him. After she delicate earthly life, and is the Goddess of Mount
had searched the universe and not found her child, Fuji. She is the daughter of the mountain god
she went to Buddha for help and he asked her to Ohoyamatsumi. She is often considered an avatar
compare her suffering for the loss of one child of of Japanese life, especially since her symbol is the
hundreds to the suffering of other mothers for the sakura, or cherry blossom.
loss of their only child. Realizing the magnitude of She is the wife of Ninigi. She met the god on the
what she had done, Kishimo-jin repented and has seashore and they fell in love; Ninigi asked Oho-
since acted as the protector of children. She has also Yama for her hand in marriage. Oho-Yama proposed
since acquired reputation for easing the pain of labor his older daughter, Iha-Naga, instead, but Ninigi had
and for blessing a woman with a child in the first his heart set on Konohana. Oho-Yama reluctantly
place. Kishimojin, known as Haritei in India, was one agreed and Ninigi and Konohana married. Because
of the Goddesses involved in an exchange program Niniji refused Iha-Naga, the rock-princess, human
similar to Bast. Only she chose to remain with the lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura
Japanese as a Buddhist goddess rather than return blossoms, instead of enduring and longlasting, like
to the Hindu and back to being overshadowed by stones.
Kali. In modern times, Kishimo-jin’s face, lovely in Konohana more often than not manifests as female,
friendship and terrifying in wrath, graces the fertility but has taken male form in the past. In any case, she
clinics to help young couples conceive. In the legal has assumed the role of maiko, geisha, musician
system, she is a prosecutor of child abusers. She (with an affinity for the shamisen and tsugaru-
has also been the manager of an orphanage, or as jamisen), a “harajuku girl”, a hostess, and tour guide.
a private foster mother. Or as the teacher that every Her scions are typically interested in traditional
student accuses of being evil, but who goes to great or exceptional arts that require grace, intricacy,
lengths to aid and shelter them. As an immigrant delicacy, beauty and most of all, perfection.
goddess herself, Kishimo-jin is also a fervant force
in acquiring equal rights for all ethnicities in Japan. Associated powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance,
Kishimo-jin’s scions love children like her and most Sun, Fertility and Tsuko-Gami
of them take on callings as the defenders of children (Alternate) Associated powers: Epic Stamina,
in one form or another. Some can be gruff or scary Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance, Fertility, Health,
in form, recalling Kishimo-jin’s previous demonic Tsukumo-Gami
tendencies, but for the most part they are cheerful Abilities: Academics, Art, Athletics, Integrity,
and energetic people. Kishimo-jin is also a frequent Presence, Stealth
adopter of the scions of gods that cannot reach Rivals: Iha-Naga, Durga, Green Tara
them, or of those that have fallen in battle. Nor does
she concern herself much with ethnicity in choosing
lovers or adopting scions.
Goddess of Light, Mirage and Illusion. She is prayed
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Appearance,
to for protection in times of war and to hide soldiers
Epic Manipulation, Epic Perception, Health, Justice,
from their enemies.
Guardian, Darkness, and Tsuko-Gami.
For more information, see Scion: Companion p. 212
Abilities: Stealth, Craft, Larceny, Medicine, Empathy,
and Integrity
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Dexterity,
Rivals: Zeus, Hera, Odin, Loki, Aphrodite, Tlazolteotl,
Animal (Boar), Darkness, Sun, Tsukumo-Gami
Baron Samedi, Erzuli, and Kali
Abilities: Awareness, Empathy, Integrity, Larceny,
Fortitude, Stealth
Masamune wells, and any blessed by her shall be eternally safe
to drink. She is also the goddess of mourning, and
Born to a swordsmith’s wife and fathered by many find her weeping at the many tragedies in the
Hachiman, the man history would know as world. Nakisawame is a Minor Goddess, and hasn’t
Masamune took up his stepfather’s trade and made reached her avatar stage yet, but she’s working on it.
it an art form. While rarely battling titanspawn When travelling the World, Nakisawame loves to be
directly, he forged many of the weapons that close to the water. She most often appears in coastal
Amatsukami Scions carried into war. His divine towns or places that have many rivers and wells.
father approved, and inducted him into the Whether she’s a doctor treating a water-borne illness,
secrets of forging relics. By the time of his death, or a matronly woman collecting water, or perhaps
the name “Masamune” had taken on an even she’s a widow, staring out to the sea for a man who
greater significance among Scions than it has will never return, water is always present. In her less
among mortals. It also earned him a divine seat in joyful moods, she can be found as a funeral singer,
Takamagahara, at Hachiman’s left hand, as the god an obituary writer, and maybe even a graveyard
of weaponsmithing. warden.
In the centuries since his death and quiet apotheosis, Even though she cannot pass on much of her divine
Masamune has not been idle. He handles the heritage to her children, Nakisawame often grants
creation of the majority of relics that are gifted to her children visitations. She encourages them to
Amatsukami Scions, either creating them himself find their own way in the world, and don’t make
or overseeing his tennin smiths. Weapons are his her mourn them, for she saw what happened to
forte, and while he has great pride in the traditional her father, and doesn’t want to end up like him. Her
swords and knives that carry his name, he has children tend to share their mother’s affinity for
developed a respect for modern weapons and water, being ship captains, marine biologists, and
welcomes them as an opportunity for honing his the occasional funeral singer.
Masamune, in the rare times he appears to mortals, Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance,
often wears the guise of a Japanese man in late Epic Perception, Tsukumo-Gami
middle age and dressed casually, with glasses Abilities: Art, Awareness, Empathy, Integrity
dangling on the end of his nose and the merry Medicine, Science
sparkle in his eye of a grease monkey tuning a
lovingly-restored sports car.... or of a lovably- Ryujin
crackpotted mad scientist. This is an accurate
reflection of his personality. He is also something of The Dragon God of the Sea, Ryujin is nominally
an otaku, and he draws many of his inspirations for a servant of Susano-o, but in truth the Dragon
weapons and devices from the anime he watches. He concerns himself with the ocean depths while the
has few Scions, as most of his time is spent working more famous Kami deals mainly with shorelines and
on projects, and those he has are much like their sire. the water’s surface. He is a tempermental, angry
and violent God. He is said to have once punched
Associated powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Strength, Jellyfish after being tricked, pulverizing the creature’s
Earth, Guardian, and Tsukumo-gami skeleton forever.
Abilities: Art, Craft, Integrity, Marksmanship, Melee, For more information, see Scion: God p. 143.
and Science
Rivals: Raiden, Hephaestus, Ptah, and Thoth Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic
Strength, Animal (Turtle), Moon, Tsukumo-Gami,
Nakisawame Water
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude, Occult, Politics,
Born from the tears that Izanagi wept over the body Presence
of his beloved after she was killed by Kagatsuchi,
Nakisawame is sister to the likes of Amaterasu,
Susanoo-o, and Tsuki-yomi. She is the patroness of
The Atzlanti but that plan did not quite work out. Torn between
his Catholic faith and the truth of his origin, Cortés
is uninterested in the Overworld and the Gods.
Chalchiuhtlicue He skulks in shadows and avoids the spotlight,
AKA:Chalciuhtlicue, Chalcihuitlicue, She of Jade Skirts, appearing only occasionally to champion the
Acuecucyoticihuati independence and prosperity of Mexico.
For more information, see Scion: God p. 264.
Chalciuhtlicue is the goddess of the rivers, streams,
lakes, child birth, and presides over the baptism Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Charisma,
of warriors. At one time, she had domain over Earth, Itztli, Sky
the fourth world until it was destroyed by a great Abilities: Animal Ken, Brawl, Command,
flood, she would learn to use the waters to her Marksmanship, Melee, Politics
advantage which is why she is the goddess of
water. She is married to Tlaloc and lives with him Xiuhtecuhtli-Huehueteotl
in Tlalocan with her child Tecciztecatil. She is often
depicted as a woman with a aquamarine colored
Xiuhtecuhtli-Huehueteotl is the Turquoise Lord,
skirt that seems to flow like water, sometimes there
the Lord of Fire, a well-loved god of the hearth. As
are children playing in the waters of her skirt. She
the fire stolen from Mictlán, Xiuhtechutli is a little
is a nice woman but can anger quickly and that
bit of the Underworld, brought to the World of the
shows when the waters and rains are strong and
living in order to sustain life. Xiuhtecuhtli embodies
damaging. Sacrifice is made to her by pouring blood
duality, contradiction, and mitigated hardship in
in the waters of her temple or even the bodies of
all his aspects-- he is warmth in the cold, food in
deformed or dead children.
midst of famine, and a moment of comfort and rest
She is often seen dressed in simple clothes
to ease fatigue and pain. He is a god of power and
and in roles close to the water or children, or a
royalty, but also of humility and the lowly. His flames
combination of both. She has played the part
represent the light of day, but he is also a lord of
of a Lifeguard, a swimming coach, a midwife, A
the night, keeping watch over mortals during the
member of the Coast guard, a Nanny, and once
sunless hours. He is sometimes believed to be a
she was a marine Biologist. Her Scions tend to be
manifestation of the distant god of duality, Ometeotl
like there mother, their moods shift like the waters
(“two-god”), and his nagual is Xiuhcoatl, the Fire
their mother loves, they are often strong and
Serpent, which Huitzilopochtli wields in battle as an
independent or in total contrast they could very
well be dependent and childish depending on the
As self-contradictory as his aspects, he sometimes
mood their mother was in.
appears as Xiuhtecuhtli, the strong husband of
Chalchiuhtlicue, and a youthful god of kings and
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,
warriors, potential and promise. At other times,
Animal (Dolphin), Water, Fertility, Health, Chaos, and
he appears as Huehueteotl, the old god, decrepit
and bent with age. Both as Huehueteotl and as
Abilities: Empathy, Melee, Presence, Integrity,
Xiuhtecuhtli, he receives the same sacrifice: whether
Athletics, and Medicine
offering blood and hearts, the first mouthful of food
Rivals: Hera, Freya, Frigg, Poseidon, Eruzlie, Sobek,
at mealtimes, or dozens of small, live animals caught
and Susano-o.
in advance of his festivals, supplicants offer sacrifice
to Xiuhtecuhtli-Huehueteotl by throwing them into
Hernán Cortés the fire. As long as a building’s hearthfire is burning,
the Turquoise Lord is present within, keeping
One of the most conflicted Gods in any Pantheon, watch over the household from deep within the
Cortés destroyed the civilization of his divine subterranean turquoise shell where he resides.
ancestors in part of a conflict between Quetzalcoatl In the World, Xiuhtecuhtli-Huehueteotl works to
(his father) and Tezcatlipoca. The destruction of the counteract dangerous extremes, making undesirable
Aztec civilization was supposed to allow a rebirth, situations a little safer or more pleasant. He has been
a night cop in a dangerous part of town, a battlefield how to get it. The twin sister of equally-attractive
medic on triage duty, and the head chef at the best Xochipilli and former wife of Tlaloc, Xochiquetzal has
restaurant in town. His Scions are similarly in nature. discovered (after being stolen from her husband and
Whether they’re illicitly spray painting beautiful seduced by the Black Tezcatlipoca) that she’s happier
murals over a dusty, dried-up downtown, or running not being tied down. Xochiquetzal always goes hand
an after-school program for disadvantaged kids, they in hand with luxury; she loves living the high life,
excel at giving people better living conditions. If with all that entails. She is a fierce protector of new
those people are more than happy to offer a grateful mothers, and a proponent of the idea that women
sacrifice in return, what of it? control the world because they control men. Clouds
of butterflies, entranced by her beauty, follow her
Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Epic Charisma, wherever she goes.
Earth, Fire, Guardian, Itztli In modern times, Xochiquetzal enjoys making
Abilities: Art, Awareness, Command, Fortitude, policy indirectly, by influencing people in positions
Integrity, Thrown of power. She has been a corporate consultant, a
feminist blogger, and an illicit mistress of suggestible
Xochipilli politicians. She also likes to enjoy mortal life as a
AKA: Xochipili luxury jeweler, a glamorous model, a florist, or a
brothel madame. All her mortal guises have youth
Xochipilli is the god of Flowers, dance and beauty, and beauty in common, and flowers are always a
as well as games. He also has associations with part of her fashion or her surroundings.
male ecstasy and eroticism and even entheogenic Like their mother, Scions of Xochiquetzal are usually
drugs. Xochipilli is free spirited and carefree and more than willing to leverage both their great
rarely taken seriously by his fellows in the Atzlanti, cunning and their great beauty, and are usually well-
save for his twin sister Xochiquetzal and the female liked, as well. Some are lepidopterists, avant-garde
counterpart in all the same realms. Xochipilli is fashion designers, or political lobbyists, while others
also patron of games including the Ball Game of attach themselves to politicians, drug lords, or Wall
Aztec fame. While the game may be dedicated to Street magnates, in order to exercise a subtler power.
Huitlipoctli or one of the more militant gods for
a specific event or purpose, Xochipilli quietly but Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
firmly asserts himself as the Lord of the Game. Manipulation, Animal (Butterfly), Fertility, Itztli
Xochipilli often appears in modern times as a Abilities: Art, Craft, Empathy, Fortitude, Politics,
handsome young man and is often seen with flowers Presence
in his hair. He is quick to laugh, rarely acts seriously,
and is often under the influence of entheogens. He Xolotl
frowns on materialism and often appears with skin
flayed as an example to his followers and Scions. He The dark twin of Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl is the god of
has been a landscaper, prostitute, professional sports bad luck, the evening star to his brother’s morning
player, botanist, pharmacist, and drug dealer. star. In spite of his negative associations, Xolotl
feels a responsibility toward mortals, and does his
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic best to care for them. Together with his brother
Perception, Epic Dexterity, Fertility, Health, and Itzli. Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl stole fire from Mictlán and
Abilities: Art, Athletics, Brawl, Presence, Thrown, and gave it to humanity. Xolotl leads the dead on their
Science (Agriculture). arduous, four-year journey to Mictlán, and he guards
Rivals: Aphrodite, Freya, Cihuacoatl, Erizuli, Shango, the sun faithfully during the night. He does his
Hachiman, Apollo, and Isis. various jobs dutifully, knowing he’s unlikely ever to
get any proper respect for his hard work.
Xochiquetzal Xolotl is fearsome to behold. He appears as a
skeleton, his bright red bones scorched by fire. His
The goddess of desire, wealth, and feminine sexual feet are on backwards (so that he can lead the way
allure, Xochiquetzal knows what she wants and to Mictlán while keeping an eye on his charges),
and he sometimes replaces his skull with the head
of a dog, in imitation of his canine assistants. Xolotl
is usually accompanied by several large, hairless
dogs (one breed, the Xoloitzcuintle, even bears his
name). These loyal hounds assist Xolotl in his role as
a guide through the Underworld. When Quetzalcoatl
journeyed to Mictlán to create the People of the
Fifth Sun out of bones, Xolotl went as well, in order
to create dogs. In exchange for people taking care of
dogs during life, Xolotl decided, dogs would care for
people in the afterlife. Many ancient Mesoamericans
were buried with dogs, to ensure they wouldn’t need
to journey through the Underworld alone.
In modern times, Xolotl has been a wilderness
guide, a seeing eye dog trainer, and an insurance
agent. Like their father, Xolotl’s Scions are typically
humble, long-suffering, and a little scary-- drawn to
roles where they give people important assistance
in times of need, and usually receive no thanks

Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina,

Animal (Dogs), Guardian, Itztli, Psychopomp
Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Awareness, Fortitude,
Presence, Survival
The Celestial Intelligence, Health, Taiyi, War
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Command, Empathy,
Marksmanship, Presence
Bureacuracy Rivals: Guanyin, Nezha, Sun Wukong; Horus,
Isis, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Freyr,
Quetzalcoatl, Hachiman, Izanagi, Erzulie, Ogoun
Though not originally a member of the pantheon,
the spread of Buddhism of China brought
this young god into conflict with the Celestial
Bureaucracy. Like many who found themselves
in a similar situation, Pancika was pulled into
the pantheon and given a place in the hierarchy.
Many are surprised to learn that despite his
Buddhist beliefs, he still maintains his role as a
general. He is a skilled warrior and a leader of
men and demon alike when it is necessary to
put his skills to use. Additionally, the handsome
young god is a patron of fertility and is said to
have fathered over five hundred children in his
time. He is a consort of the Guanyin at times,
though he does not always share her fascination
with peace and mercy.

In the modern times, Pancika is often found

serving as a military leader on the battlefield. His
young features and strong body serve to inspire
his troops, while his sharp mind leads him to
many victories against his enemies. Wherever
he goes, however, he always leaves children in
his wake. He is eager to take shore leave, always
manages to find a young woman to spend time
with, and inevitably leaves her with a child to take
care of.

With the abundance of Pancika’s children in

the World, one would be surprised that he has
so few Scions. The truth of the matter is that
while Pancika is eager to father the children and
procreate, he’s not exactly an ideal father. He’s
distant at best, neglectful and ignorant of his
child’s existance at worst. What few Scions of his
are Visited often grow to resent their father for
his absences, often latching onto other gods who
serve as guides and fill the void. Often, however,
this neglectful attitude leads his children to be
adopted by other gods of Celestial Bureaucracy or
even of other pantheons.

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic

The Devas
The Vedic Goddess of the Dawns. She is portrayed
as warding off evil spirits of the night, and as a
beautifully adorned young woman riding in a
golden chariot on her path across the sky. Due to
her color she is often identified with the reddish

Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic

Charisma, Health, Justice, Samsara, Sun
Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Awareness,
Fortitude, Presence, Survival
The Dodekatheon away from war and conflict.
Demeter’s hates to sire Scions, and rarely adopts
them. While Demeter is far from being a virgin
Caligula goddess, she has never enjoyed the touch of men
(or women) and would never procreate by choice.
Known in life as a madly hedonistic, arrogant and However, fate seems to deem that she be a victim of
perverse Emperor, Caligula elevated himself to being forced upon, and once every few dozen years
Godhood via the Imperial Cult. He intends to re- Demeter will walk the world in the form of a young
establish the Roman Empire by whatever means and vulnerable girl, and will be fated to be forcibly
necessary. laid upon by a mortal rapist. Why the goddess allows
For more information, see Scion: Demigod p. 214 this is unknown: certainly the revenge Demeter will
invariably lay upon her aggressors would suggest
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic that she resents their abuse. Regardless, Demeter has
Manipulation, Arete, Chaos, Magic great love for any progeny that ensue, despite that
Abilities: Command, Integrity, Investigation, Larceny, they are products of rape, and treasures each and
Politics, Presence every one of them. Sometimes, it can be said, she
can be a little too interfering in their lives, and more
than one Scion who has failed to act in a manner
AKA: Ceres, Kabeiraia, Chthonia, Erinys, Malophoros, Aneisidora, that meets her particular code of conduct has been
Thesmophoros punished by their mother.
Demeter’s Scions tend to inherit their mother’s
Of the twelve Olympians of the Dodekatheon, it is connection to earth and the cycles of nature and
Demeter who seems least suited to the war against her disdain for society. They may be quiet farmers,
the titans. A goddess of grain and fertility, sponsor of back-to-nature ruralists or even antisocial geologists.
marriage and holy law, and of the nourishing earth, Many suffer from swings of mood - seasonal affective
Demeter represents the more passive and genteel disorder and bipolar disorder are common to many of
side of the Greek pantheon, though her capacity for them. They rarely have much propensity for violence,
vengeance when slighted is easily as great as that of and can seem disinterested in the Titan War. However
the other deities. they also often have a great sense of justice and
Demeter is the elder sister of Zeus, but never vengeance, seeking to take revenge on those who do
threatened her Titan parents as he did, and took harm to them, or who abuse women, usually through
her place within the Dodekatheon only once the careful manipulation of social situations rather than
usurpation wars were over and done. In fact, any by outright violence. An abusive husband who finds
malice she does bear tends to be more for the himself hated by his family and (ex-)friends, who is
other gods and goddesses rather than for her Titan finally driven to take his own life, may well be the
forebears ~ Poseidon once pursued her and forced target of a righteous Scion of Demeter.
himself on her, and her daughter from that coupling
(Persephone) would one day be abducted by Hades Associated powers: Epic Stamina, Epic Manipulation,
to be his “love”. Animal (horse), Fertility, Earth, and Arete.
Demeter sometimes takes the form of an elderly Abilities: Animal ken, Control (horse riding),
matriarch, regal and seemingly calm, but with a sharp Empathy, Fortitude, Integrity, and Survival.
tongue if wronged. More often she chooses to take Rivals: Poseidon, Hades, Pan, Quetzalcoatl, Thor, and
the form of a wild mare, and takes great pleasure in Min,
running with horses across the few wild places left
in earth. She rarely has any inclination to join in the Eris
battle against the titans, much to the chagrin of the AKA: Strife, Discordia, Enyo
other gods and goddesses, and generally values her
isolation. Her rivals are those gods who feel it is right The Olympian Ares is not a tame god, personifying
to force themselves upon women - she will interrupt murder and war, but his darkness and malice pales
her solitude to spite them, but will otherwise stay in comparison to his sister, Eris. While Ares sees war
as a means to an end, and sponsors noble hero and Hebe
bloodthirsty killer alike, he at least is dedicated to AKA: Juventas, Ganymeda, Dia
the war against the Titans. Truly, Ares has his dark
side, but in contrast Eris is darkness incarnate. Eris The Goddess of Youth, Hebe is the daughter of Zeus
is relentlessly wrathful, reveling in the pain and and Hera. She married her stepbrother Heracles
cruelty she inflicts on others. Modern Discordianists when he rose to godhood. She represents everything
argue that the truth is more complex than this, that that is good and fun about being young, and she is
while Eris is goddess of terrible things she did not sometimes said to be the most beautiful of Goddess’s,
create them, but regardless she and her Scions are though other goddesses often disagree.
fearsome indeed. She wis able to bring youth back to the old and
Eris chooses to manifest in forms that allow her to wherever she walks spring always comes. She is the
revel in her role to bring strife and pain. Whether a cupbearer and heaven and always makes sure the
diplomatic agitator who deliberately pushes nations other gods and goddess have plenty to drink. Of
towards war, a punk-musician calling for violence course she also helps her mother Hera to her war
on the streets of America or an African warlord Chariot, and even bathes Ares after battle. Hebe
commanding the pillage and systematic destruction enjoys being young and never looks a day over 18.
of villages, Eris thinks in terms of scale. She is not In the Mortal world Hebe is always young, always
interested in small-scale suffering – strife on a grand helpful, and always caring. She has been a school
scale is her only goal. maid, a young kindergarten teacher, a nurse, a
Despite rumors to the contrary, Eris is not a daughter, and a teenager. She doesn’t like cheating
servant of the Titans, and in fact has a good on her husband but he of all people, being a former
working relationship with several members of the scion, knows how dire the battle with the Titans is and
Dodekatheon, most especially her mother Hera, who that his young bride must play her part. Her Scions
she respects as someone superior in guile and power are very similar to her, they are young, helpful, and
to her. However, Eris is not a nice person, and has caring. They know the world is in danger but they
little time for heroes and noble virtues. aren’t warriors, most prefer to help behind the scenes,
When Eris is mother to Scions it is usually because to make sure the warriors are ready to fight and make
she respects the achievements of the mortal fathers. sure they are welcomed home with joy.
Exceptionally cruel men and spreaders of discord
and strife may draw her lust and she will seduce Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,
them or even take them by force. Epic Dexterity, Arete, Fertility, and Health
Her Scions, in contrast, often suffer their mother’s Associated Skills: Art, Athletics, Awareness, Empathy,
creative cruelty as Eris takes the time and special Integrity, and Medicine
effort to make them suffer on an individual basis. Rivals: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bastet, Freya, Hel, Sif, and
Abuse creates abusers, and her children are often Damballa
viciously cruel themselves. Scions of Eris in the
past have included professional torturers, S&M Hecate
prostitutes, serial abusers and political rabble- AKA: Hecate, Hekat
The Goddess of sorcery, necromancy, crossroads and
Associated powers: Epic Wits, Epic Manipulation, War, witches, Hecate is associated with the Dodekatheon,
Chaos, and Arete. but she predates them by a fair margin. The Goddess
Abilities: Athletics, Command, Craft (torture), a quiet, lonesome figure who avoids company, aside
Empathy, Melee, and Politics. from is the dogs who always trail her. She is maternal
Rivals: Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and protective, despite her dark proclivities. The
Hestia, Demeter, Freya, and Amaterasu, Weird Sisters of Shakespeare’s Macbeth made a
strong impression of Hecate and she often appears
in the guise of a trio of identical, elderly women.
Never desiring the spotlight, Hecate prefers to
keep to the shadows and guide events from the
background. She has appeared in the World as Awareness
the anonymous cadre of personal assistants to a Rivals: Huitzilopochtli, Apollo, Amaterasu, Artemis,
powerful CEO, the unofficial advisor of the chairman, and Horus
and the best friend of the mayor’s wife who is always
asked for advice. Sometimes Hecate appears as a Heracles
night-shift security guard or a phone psychic who AKA: Hercules
has nothing but bad news.
Scions of Hecate often find themselves drawn to Everyone knows the stories of Hercules, the son of
darkness in various forms. Their mother is rarely Zeus and a mortal woman. He has taken his place
more than a distant memory, but messages or signs among the Olympians as the God of Strength.
from her tend to appear at crucial times in their lives For further information, see Scion: God p. 260.
to guide them. Hecate may even insert herself into
their lives as an eccentric aunt or strange neighbor. Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity,
She loves her children and is fiercely protective of Epic Stamina, Epic Charisma, Arete, Guardian
them, but the typical role of motherhood is just not Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude, Marksmanship,
Hecate’s cup of tea. Melee, Survival

Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Arete, Animal Hestia

(Dog), Darkness, Death, Guardian, Magic, Mystery, AKA: Vesta
and Psychopomp
Abilities: Academics, Control, Medicine, Integrity and Hestia was the first-born of Rhea and Kronos, and
Occult elder sister to Hera, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon and
Rivals: Artemis, Baron Samedi, Frigg, Hera, Isis, Kalfu, Hades. Long before the age of heroes she gave
Shiva, and Tezcatlipoca up her position amongst the twelve Olympians
to Dionysus, in order to tend the sacred hearth of
Helios mount Olympus. Hestia has little interaction with the
mortal world - she rarely journeys beyond her sacred
hearth. however, she was revered greatly by ancient
God of the Sun, Helios is one of the lesser deities
Greeks and Romans as the chief of the goddesses
of the Dodekatheon. Looking at him, you wouldn’t
and as matron of hearth and home.
think this was the case. Generally blond-haired, his
Hestia remains in the Overworld at all times,
eyes shining with inner fire, tall and proud as the
and the sacred hearth she guards is nothing
noonday sun, he is the sheer fire and fury of the solar
less than the Divine Fire that empowers all
disc at its zenith, driven by an inner fire and an epic
gods, goddesses, demigods and Scions of the
resolve. However, a deep sorrow lurks in his heart.
Dodekatheon. It is thought that should the Titans
His son Phaeton once drove the chariot of the sun,
succeed in extinguishing this fire, the deities of the
failed to keep a steady course, and crashed far into
Dodekatheon would be stripped of power, and
the sea as a falling star. Helios has been regretful
unable to sire any further Scions.
ever since then.
Because she remains in the Overworld, and because
Helios only has occasional dalliances in the mortal
her virginity is absolute, she has birthed no Scions.
realm, and in modern life, has been a poet, an artist,
Very occasionally, however, she may adopt a Scion.
an academic, always brilliant and deeply troubled at
Scions chosen by Hestia will always be virgins, and
the same time.
will be beings of exemplary virtue. They may come
His scions are brash and arrogant, but are also full
into her service late in their legendary progress,
of resolve and courage, and they often fight with
perhaps serving under another deity for decades
bravery and skill.
before seeking her out. Certainly they would need to
have the strength to visit the Overworld, and reach
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Intelligence,
the Sacred Hearth first, though some particularly
Sun, Fire, Sky, and Arete
noble souls claim to have reached her in dreams
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Occult, Fortitude, and
rather than through physical journey.
Scions of Hestia will always select a single area to Nemesis
protect, and will not leave that area for the rest AKA: Rhamnousia, Rhamnusia, Invidia, Rivalitas,
of their lives. This might be a single city, or a holy
temple, or just an area of sacred wilderness. They Nemesis is the beautiful and terrible goddess of
will rarely join bands of Scions, nor engage in the indignation and divine retribution, both against
Titan War directly, but will rather care for and nurture those who escape punishment for evil deeds or
their chosen territory, protecting the people within receive undeserved good fortune. She has served
it and the land itself. They will almost always be as judge, jury and executioner to countless victims
somewhat otherworldly, removed from society and over the millennia. Her justice is swift: she does not
uninterested in impure pursuits. permit her quarry to live for more than an instant
once they are found guilty. She is the balance to
Associated powers: Epic appearance, Epic stamina, Tyche and her good fortunes, ensuring equilibrium
Fire, Guardian, Health, and Arete. of happiness and unhappiness in the mortal world.
Abilities: Fortitude, Integrity, Medicine, Presence, Nemesis’ eternal mission is not to maintain law and
Occult, and Awareness. order, but rather to ensure balance. She will often
Rivals: Set, Loki, Prometheus, Zeus, and Hera wear a winged form and favors arrows or thrown
weapons when she must execute a transgressor
Janus against her perceived sense of injustice.
Nemesis hates the Titans because they take power
Janus presides over change and transitions such as that is not rightfully theirs anymore, and she hates
the progression of future to past, of one condition their servants for prospering against the will of the
to another, of one vision to another, the growing up gods. She also hates those who come into wealth
of young people, and of one universe to another. or power through unjust means, or who simply
He watches over the happenings that pass from the are powerful but do not deserve to be powerful.
Overworld into this. As the god of beginnings and A ruthless CEO who spends his money on self-
endings it has been suggested that he has acquired indulgence would raise her ire, as would an adored
Kronus’ purview over time, a suggestion which Janus idol who breaks hearts and spurns true love. Even
fervently denies. a good man who is the subject of jealousy from
When Romulus and his men led their raid to kidnap others would be hated by Nemesis, as the goddess
the Sabine women, Janus caused a hot spring to erupt, of justice hates those who create envy in others
making the would-be attackers flee. In honor of this, without realizing it.
the doors to his temples were kept open during war The sons and daughters of Nemesis pursue similar
so that he could easily intervene. The doors and gates goals with sometimes brutal and calculating
were closed during peace an event that occurred only proficiency. While some Scions of Nemesis find
four times in eight hundred years. themselves drawn to enforcement (for example
Janus appears now in one of two forms, clean-shaven as policemen or lawyers) it should be noted that
and of some indeterminate age between 20 and 40 or Nemesis is not a goddess of law, but rather of
as a more elderly, bearded gentleman. He favors jobs vengeance. Nemesis and her children do not believe
in the mortal realm which relate to his godly duties, in unflinching adherence to the rules, but rather to
security guards and museum curators are his most the redressing of perceived wrongs, via whatever
frequent guises but he has also been known to take means are necessary. Their sense of justice can
positions in funeral homes and on maternity wards. often be out of step with the society they exist in:
for example, to a true follower of Nemesis, it is a
Associated powers: Epic Wits, Epic Perception, Arete, greater crime to be a wealthy philanthropist that is
Guardian,Moon, Prophecy, and Sun the subject of jealousy than it is to be the poor and
Abilities: Awareness, Command, Investigation, Larceny, jealous worker who murders that philanthropist.
Occult, and Politics
Rivals: Heimdal, Huitzlopochtli, Xipe-Totec, Izanami, Associated Powers: Epic Wits, Epic Appearance, Epic
Raiden, Set, and Horus Perception, Arete, Sky, Justice, and Psychopomp
Associated Skills: Awareness, Command, Integrity,
Investigation, Marksmanship, and Stealth residing within the caves and deep places of the
Rivals: Tyche, Aphrodite, Loki, and Huitzilopochtli earth, harkening back to her roots as a being of
the ground and soil.
Persephone Whether it’s in the World or on her rare visits to
Olympus, Rhea always looks like the epitome of
The daughter of Demeter and wife of Hades, she is motherhood. Often matronly, though never old,
a divided Goddess at the best of times. She presides there is still enough beauty within her to draw
over both life and death, depending on season. the eye of the men who see her. She is always the
For more information, see Scion: Demigod p. 155 perfect example of a child-bearing potential. If a
man is looking for someone with whom to raise
Associated Powers:Epic Appearance, Epic Dexterity, a family, Rhea always appears in such a way as to
Epic Wits, Death, Fertility, Psychopomp make herself the perfect choice.
Abilities: Academics, Empathy, Occult, Politics, Though Rhea has many children, and thus
Presence, Stealth many potential Scions, it’s rare that she grant a
Visitation to them. Like any doting mother, she
Quirinus wishes to protect them from the harsh realities
AKA: Romulus of the World and keep them safe from the harm
which might befall in them in the Titan War. Not
One of the twin founders of the Roman Empire, to mention the troubles that may be caused by
Quirinus was born as a Scion of Ares, raised by introducing a new member of the Dodekatheon
wolves. He is a warrior, a dashing ruler and a patron who can call such luminaries as Zeus, Poseidon
of Rome. and Hades “brother.” Still, in these desparate
For more information, see Scion: Companion p. 216 times, all avenues are being explored for winning
the war. And even the children of the divine
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Animal (Wolf ), mother have been known to be granted power so
Arete, War that they may enter the fray.
Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Command, Melee,
Presence, Survival Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
Intelligence, Epic Manipulation, Animal (Lion),
Rhea Arete, Earth, Guardian, Health, Magic
AKA: Cybele, Magna Mater, Idaea Abilities: Command, Craft, Empathy, Occult,
Presence, Survival
Like many of the gods, Rhea began as a Titan. Rivals: Apollo, Hera; Geb, Isis, Frigg, Tlazolteotl,
She is the daughter of Gaia and Ouranos and the Izanagi, Izanami, Baron Samedi
wife of Cronus. More than that, however, she is
the mother of the Dodekatheon. From her were
born Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and, Saturn
most importantly, Zeus. It is her act of deception A complex figure and often confused by modern
and bravery in order to spare Zeus from Cronus’ minds with other, similar figures, Saturn is a bitter and
paranoia that bound her to the World in the form melancholy god. Under the ancient Romans, Saturn
of a goddess rather than a Titan, making her one was a god of harvest, calendars and the passage of
of the oldest goddesses of the Dodekatheon. time. Greek syncretization lead Saturn to adopting
Rhea represents the divine mother. She is the many aspects of Cronus, the father of the Olympians.
patron if motherhood, the protector of children To further cloud issues, Cronus is sometimes identified
and the goddess which all mothers turn to for with Chronos, the personification of time. Fatebindings
help when parenting becomes too much of a lay particularly heavy upon Saturn and, as a result, he
chore. Rarely does Rhea appear on Olympus, often finds himself confused about who he is. Angry at
preferring her sanctuaries in the World and humanity and Fate for his uncertainties and at history
continuing to live among humanity (though for largely relegating him to a minor role compared to
always in disguise of course). She is also at home his Olympian children, Saturn keeps to the Overworld
in all but the most extreme cases. When he comes to
the World for his (brief) visits, Saturn is an elderly but
strong man who occupies positions of authority, but
lacks real power. He’s the political figurehead, the CEO
with an uncooperative board, the honorary chairman.
Castrated by his son, Saturn can no longer sire his own
Scions but in rare cases he will adopt a Scion out of a
sense of duty. Even if willing to adopt a Scion, Saturn is
a disinterested parent and typically stingy with Boons
and Birthrights. The adopted Scions typically grow
to resent their father, returning his indifference will
their own cold bitterness. Misery loves company and
Saturn’s familial relationships exemplify that truism.

Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Stamina, Epic

Strength, Arete, Death, Fertility, and Stars.
Abilities: Awareness, Command, Fortitude, Melee,
Science, and Survival
Rivals: Atum-Re, Miclantecuhtli, Kali, Quetzalcoatl, and
The Loa followers, serving as an actual priestess at times.
Though since the Titan’s release, more and more
of her worshippers have been lured over to the
Agwe service of Mami Wata, mistakenly thinking that
they are worshipping La Sirene. She hopes that
The Loa of the Ocean, he takes on the shape of a her active hand will prevent that.
fisherman or other ocean worker.
For more information, see Scion: Demigod p, 164 Her Scions have a habit of following in their
mothers roles, being both seductive and
Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Stamina, mysterious, always alluring but impossible to
Animal (Fish), Cheval, Psychopomp, Water fully catch and pin down. They serve in similar
Abilities: Animal Ken, Awareness, Control, Craft, professions and their charm and good looks
Fortitude, Thrown typically serve them well as they deal with other
people as well as other Scions.
La Sirene Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
AKA: Yemojah, Mawa-Lisu, Mahu
Charisma, Epic Manipulation, Animal (Fish, Sea
Snake), Cheval, Health, Magic, Moon, Water
At first sight, the wife of Agwe might be mistaken
Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Larceny, Medicine,
for Mami Wata, the head Titan Avatar of the
Presence, Survival
Drowned Road. But looks of course are where the
Rivals: Damballa, Kalfu; Isis, Sobek, Artemis,
similiarities end. La Sirene is a mostly benevolent
Poseidon, Tlaloc, Susano-o
goddess, though she is also a diety of passion and
can be a fickle and mischevious deity when the
mood strikes her. Mademoiselle Charlotte
AKA: White Lady, Saint Barbara
She’s far older than she lets on and though she is
one of Agwe’s wives now, she has also been lover
Unique among the Loa, who typically manifest as
to Damballah and many other gods in the past.
humans of Haitian or African descent, Mademoiselle
She is one of the most ancient of the pantheon
Charlotte represents European and Caucasian
and often equates herself Damballah’s equal, if
women in the voodoo religion. She is beautiful and
not in stature, then at least in power.
sophisticated; always clad the latest fashions and
When in her natural form, she appears as a
wearing heavy cosmetics. Educated in the finest
mermaid, with the tail of a fish or sea snake
European schools, Charlotte prefers to speak in
(depending on her mood) and the upper body
aristocratic French, but even when speaking English,
of a young African woman. Often she’s seen to
her accent is thick and her vocabulary is expansive.
be nude from the waist up as well. Still, she’s
She is capricious in her kindness and something of
perfectly capable of appearing perfectly human
an outsider in the Loa pantheon, being more likely
and has nothing against wearing clothing, albeit
to aid the wealthy and educated than the needy.
of an often revealing nature.
Nevertheless, in the battle against the Titans, all
As Agwe’s wife and goddess of the sea’s mysteries,
Gods are needed to lend a hand, and the Loa have
La Sirene has been found in many roles in the
reluctantly accepted Mademoiselle’s offer to help.
mortal world. She’s been a deep sea diver, a
In modern times, Charlotte chooses positions
medic in a small coastal village, a marine biologist
of wealth and authority. She has been the PTA
and many other roles. She has also served as
president at an elite private school, a French food
a prostitute, a porn star and a fashion model,
critic, a diplomat, and the wife of a prosperity gospel
as her beauty is easily the rival of Erzulie’s. Not
televangelist. Wherever she appears, she is the
to mention she has more charm and seductive
sophisticated foreigner, always looking gorgeous
and making you feel inferior.
Finally, at times La Sirene has been known to
Mademoiselle Charlotte’s Scions are rarely as vain
take a more active hand in the running of her
as their mother, but they come close. Blessed with
wealth and good looks, the pleasures of the World
have come easy to them, and they tend to pursue
private interests as opposed to service-oriented
professions. Academics specializing in European
history are especially common.

Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,

Epic Intelligence, Cheval, and Guardian.
Abilities: Academics, Command, Empathy, Politics,
Science, and Presence.
Rivals: Erzulie, Shango, Horus, Hera, Amaterasu,
Baldur, and Tlazoltéotl.


An angry, terrible Goddess, Marinette is the daughter

of Erzulie Danto and spent her mortal life deeply
involved in the Haitian Revolution. She supported
the independence of Haiti, but also the persecution
of French nationals and whites in the newly
independent nation. Her werewolf followers and
mortal pawns committed innumerable atrocities.
Marinette is a Loa of furious wrath and cares nothing
for the means by which her ends are attained.
For further information, see Scion: God p. 268.

Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Appearance,

Animal (Owl and Wolf ), Cheval, Justice
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Command, Integrity,
Occult, Politics
The Pesedjet In modern times, Hapi appears as a pot-bellied
male with a beard and pendulous breasts hidden
under loose fitting clothing. His skin tends to have
Bes a bluish tint. He has been a ship captain, farmer,
AKA: Bisu, Aha oceanographer, fisherman, and cook. Hapi’s Scions
tend to become overweight as they age both
A fat, bearded dwarf, Bes is ugly to the point of mortally and divinely. Many challenge themselves
being comical. Not originally a god of Egypt, Bes’s out in the wilderness, especially white water rafting,
origins are unknown though he resembles gods and many fight for cleaner water.
from central and southern Africa. Nonetheless, the
Pesedjet took him in and made him one of their Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Animal (Fish,
own. Along with Tawaret, he protected children and Marsh Birds), Fertility, Heku, Psychopomp, and
women in labor and became a popular household Water
deity though no temples were dedicated to him. Abilities: Animal Ken, Control, Fortitude, Integrity,
Also seen to drive away ill humor, he became a sign Science, and Survival
of joy, human pleasure, music, and dance. But Bes Rivals: Poseidon
was more than that, he was also an early god of
war and was seen as the demonic Aha: ferocious Hathor
and able to strangle animals with his bare hands. AKA: Het Heret, Het Heru, Het Hert, Hat Hor, Athyr, Baalat
Despite that, he was and still is a protector of Ra.
In modern times, Bes retains his good humor An ancient goddess, Hathor was originally seen as
and charm. Never one to appear as anyone but the personification of the Milky Way and a greeter
himself, he revels in his grotesque appearance in a of the dead in Duat. After the death of Bat and the
charmingly good-natured manner, making all feel assimilation of her duties, Hathor became associated
comfortable and good about themselves. He has with joy, love, romance, fecundity, dance, music,
been an OBGYN, stand-up comic, folk musician, and alcohol and perfume. She is the abundance in life
shaman, using his divine powers to bring happiness and intricately connected to the female gender. She
and protection to those under his care. also has a fierce temper that can only be mellowed
Bes’s Scions can’t help but be good-natured and with alcohol.
jolly regardless of their short stature, husky build, In modern times, Hathor blends her fierce protective
and less-than-average looks. People are naturally nature and love of women and children to come
drawn to their positive outlook; and despite their to the World as an OBGYN, counselor, midwife, and
appearance, they are never without companionship. detective in a special victim’s unit. As a goddess of
alcohol, love, and dance, she has been an exotic
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, dancer, ballerina, vintner, and perfume maker.
Epic Strength, Animal (lion), Guardian, Heku, and Hathor’s natural born Scions are very much like their
War mother: fiercely protective of women and children.
Abilities: Art, Brawl, Empathy, Melee, Occult, and Because of her very nature, Hathor adopts Scions far
Presence more often than she births them. Adopted Scions
come from all ranks and professions and have been
Hapi disowned by their divine parent or abused by their
AKA: Hep, Hap, Hap-Meht, Hap-Reset natural parent.

Often confused with Horus’s son, Hapy, Hapi is a Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,
god of the annual flooding Nile and the fertility Animal (cow), Fertility, Guardian, Health, Heku, and
brought with it. He was married to Bhuto in the Sky
north and Nekhebet in the south and thought to Abilities: Art, Craft, Empathy, Integrity, Medicine, and
have created the universe and everything within it. Presence
He is aided by crocodile gods and frog goddesses as Rivals: Isis, Sekhmet and Aphrodite
he travels Iteru.
Imhotep unique. Certainly not camera shy, they use their
divine gives to draw others’ attention, especially if
A Scion of Ptah, deified millenia ago as the inventor someone else is garnering more than they.
of architecture and the first physician. Imhotep has
had a hand in some of the greatest construction Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Stamina,
projects in human history. Imhotep has great Epic Strength, Animal [dung beetle], Health, Heku,
affection for the Boris Karloff movie representation Sun
of himself, but somewhat less love for the remake. Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Fortitude, Integrity,
For further information, see Scion: God p. 258. Presence, Survival
Rivals: Atum-Re
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Wits,
Death, Health, Heku, Magic Khonsu
Abilities: Academics, Art, Fortitude, Medicine, Occult, AKA: Chon, Khon, Khonshu, Khensu
Khonsu is the God of the Moon, Time, and
Kebauet Knowledge, and Travel, and is the Guardian of Night
Travelers. Khonsu was an ancient god that existed
The serpent-headed Goddess of Embalming. She before the formal formation of the Pesedjet. He is a
presided over the placement of organs into canopic boon companion of Thoth in his love of knowledge
jars and was associated with mummification itself. and games. As defender of Night travelers, Khonsu
For more information, see Scion: Demigod p. 148 watches over those beneath the light of the Moon,
in particular the Crescent, with which he is most
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic associated. Ironically in more modern times Khonsu
Manipulation, Animal (Serpent and Ostrich), Death, has become more associated with certain aspects of
Heku, Justice vengeance as well as guardianship, always acting in
Abilities: Academics, Art, Craft, Fortitude, Medicine, the light of the Moon.
Occult Khonsu is a young man contrary to most deities
associated with Time, and is often pictured with the
head of hawk, and with the disk of the Moon on his
AKA: Khepera, Kheper, Chepri, Khepra shoulders. He tends to appear as a young man with
bright eyes, though he is slightly on the smaller
Once a major god in the Pesedjet, Khepri side. His mortal guises have included astronomers,
ceaselessly pushed the sun across the sky during librarians, and even night watchmen. Rumor has
the day and through the Underworld at night. it has even donned the mask of a vigilante on
He became a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and occasion. He tends to have a quiet demeanor until
resurrection. When Atem-Re gained prominence, those under his protection are threatened, then he
Khepri was relegated to the “aspect” of Atem-Re of becomes a forceful fist of vengeance.
the dawning sun. Not pleased with his now minor Scions of Khonsu tend to follow in the footsteps of
status, Khepri fights to gain a more important role their father, leading quiet lives, though they tend to
in the Pesedjet. be night owls. They are intelligent and capable of
In modern times, Khepri appears as a muscular dark complex investigations, with subdued but strong
skinned, clean-shaven male. He has been a weight personalities.
trainer, bodyguard, and martial arts star. He loves
and strives for attention. If he can’t be the sun god, Associated Powers: Epic Wits, Epic Perception,
he will be something better and brighter and he Animal (Hawk), Darkness, Guardian, Heku, Justice,
charges his Scions to do the same. Moon, and Psychopomp.
Khepri’s Scions are extremely competitive Abilities: Awareness, Integrity, Melee, Investigation,
individuals, especially when against Scions of Stealth, and Thrown.
Atem-Re. No matter what field they are in, they Rivals: Artemis, Horus, Vidar, Sobek, Hoder,
strive to be the best, the brightest, and the most Tezcatlipoca, Tsuki-Yomi, and Kalfu.
Khnum Animal (ram), Earth, Fertility, Health, Heku, and Water
AKA: Khenmew, Khnemu, Khenmu, Chnum, Knum, “Divine Potter”, Abilities: Art, Brawl, Craft, Integrity, Medicine, and
“Lord of created things from himself”, Her-shef, Khnemu Khenti Science
Netchemtchem Ankhet, Khnemu Khenti Per-Ankh, Khnemu Khenti- Rivals: Anubis, and Tlaloc
Taui, Khnemu Neb, Khnemu Neb-Ta-Ankhtet, Khnemu Hehep,
Khnoumis, Khnum, Khunum, Qebh
AKA: Kamutef, Menew, Amsu, Menu-ka-mut-f
The source of the Nile whose waters brought life to
its surroundings and whose flooding brought silt
and clay that was used on Khnum’s potter’s wheel. Patron of traveling caravans and god of male sexual
Husband of Satis and father of Anuket, Khnum was potency, Min was a pre-dynastic god of the sky and
one of Egypt’s most important gods as the builder of thunder and important for the fertility of the Nile. His
the human body and the god who poured out the image was brought into the fields and the people
Nile from his body. When Re rose to prominence and danced naked in his honor to bless the harvest. He
Napy (a son of Horus) was given the Nile, Khnum was is the god of the Eastern Desert, offering protection
relegated to making sure that the right amount of to travelers and traders from Gebtu to the Red Sea.
silt was released into the water during inundation. He was also cherished by the miners and men who
In compensation, Khnum was also given an quarried the stone at Hammamat. He is the god of
important part in the Pesedjet: protect Re on the men and male virility.
solar barge and create the form and soul of the In modern times, Min appears as a handsome,
pharaoh. Though the time of the pharaohs are long sexual, dark-skinned male with a large penis. He
gone, Khnum continues to guard both the dead has been a porn star, model, fertility specialist, and
and Re. As a potter, he continues to mold the body rugged farmer. Min is never short of companionship
of a child and its ka (spiritual double) before birth, and many of his lovers have found themselves
especially the body and ka of the Pesedjet Scions. pregnant even when they have protected
Khnum had harbored some resentment for a time. themselves. Unfortunately, Min cares little for his
However, with the Titans’ recent escape from their children until they have become adults. His male
prison and the rise of Scions in the world again, he children usually received their first visitation when
has taken his role as potter and molder of ka very they were fifteen or sixteen. However, as modern
seriously. times require an individual to be an adult for legal
Khnum appears as a ram, a ram-headed man, or matters, Min waits until his sons’ 18th birthday. He
as a human male with the horns of a ram. Though rarely, if ever, visits his female children. Instead, he
he no longer wears the plumed white crown of will disown them through a deal with another deity.
Upper Egypt, he does have a tendency to sport Min’s Scions are incredibly handsome men with an
white hats. In modern times, Khnum appears on undeniable sex appeal. Like their father, they are
earth as a counselor of sorts. Molding the ka is all only without companionship if they wish to be. Most
well and good, but molding the ba (the soul) is just of Min’s Scions become fathers shortly after their
as important. Khnum fathers Scions for that very first sexual encounter. They are considered a “man’s
purpose. Scions of Khnum tend to be counselors, man” whether they are athletes, doctors, teachers, or
sages, wise men and women, holistic healers, and artists.
teachers. They believe that the soul and the body are
interwoven and the health of one affects the health Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina,
of the other. Some Scions of Khnum take the potter Earth, Fertility, Health, Heku, Moon, and Sky
aspect of Khnum literally, gaining mastery in the Abilities: Brawl, Marksmanship, Medicine, Presence,
craft. They see the clay as the human body and soul Science, and Thrown
and think that to master the craft by understanding
its properties and abilities they gain an insight into Neith
AKA: Nit, Net, Neit
molding the soul.

Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Intelligence, Goddess of hunting and battle, Neith was viewed
as the patron of the warrior and of the warrior’s
weapons. She was said to craft the weapons that protection on several levels. She protects the dead,
were used in war and to guard the bodies of the the gods, the pharaohs, mothers, and families. Still,
slain so that their remains would not be defiled she is, first and foremost, a mortuary goddess. She
and could have proper funeral rites performed is the wife of Set (who has little interest in her) and
for them. She is skilled with the bow and carries a mother of Anubis (she had hoped to attract Set by
shield to guard those under her protection. She is disguising herself as Isis, but got Osiris’ attention
also associated with weaving and the loom and is instead). Her magical powers equal those of Isis
said to weave the death shrouds for the fallen. (although she does not have Ra’s name to play
around with).
In modern times, Neith appears as a stern woman. Nephthys found that she likes the modern world,
Not elderly, though it’s clear the years have not appearing whenever she is not needed in the
been kind to her. Often she serves in roles that Overworld. She has been a cemetery manager, a
allow her to guard the dead. She serves as the city famous TV medium, an escape artist, an insurance
crime scene investigator who protects the corpse executive, and a telephone psychic. She is very
of a crime scene or as the technition at the city animated and has a great sense of humor for a
morgue who tends to the remains until they can death goddess. She likes jewelry, particularly golden
be picked up by family. She is the mortician who necklaces and amulets. Nephthys takes a very dim
prepares the corpse for funerals. She is always view of tomb robbing and will often punish anyone
armed and always ready to protect those the she discovers taking the possessions of the dead.
corpse from desecration. These punishments often take the form of a curse of
Ironically, however, she has also spent her fair Nephthys has a decent number of scions due to her
share of time serving as an arms dealer and a husband’s inattentiveness. Many of her scions take
gun runner and many of the bodies she watches a protective role, choosing a person or object that
over have also been killed by the weapons she they decide needs defending. Woe to the titanspawn
provided. that destroys such a charge. Those scions that do
not take up a guardian role often seek to return lost
Her children rarely recieve the same attention souls to the underworld that they emerged from.
that the corpses of he dead do. While she Visits
them and bestows presents and blessings upon Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Epic Wits,
them, she is often busy tending to the dead to Darkness, Death, Guardian, Heku, Magic, and
truly offer much else. Should her children die, Mystery
however, she will always be the first to appear Abilities: Awareness, Fortitude, Investigation, Occult,
and defend their bodies above all else. Politics, and Presence
Rivals: Sobek, Set, Hades, Odin, Loki, Miclantecuhtli,
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Kalfu, and Damballa
Intelligence, Heku, War, Water
Abilities: Art, Command, Craft, Marksmanship, Sekhmet
Melee, Occult AKA: Sachmet, Sakhet, Sekmet, Sakhmet, Sekhet, Sacmis, Nesert
Rivals: Bastet, Horus, Set; Apollo, Artemis,
Athena, Hephaestus, Thor, Vidar, Huitzilopochtli, Originally a warrior goddess of Upper Egypt,
Quetzalcoatl, Susanno-o, Ogoun, Shango Sekhmet was considered an aspect of Hathor and
Bast. However, it is Sekhmet whose bloodlust is
Nephthys satiated by wine, thus Hathor came into existence.
AKA: Nebet-het, Nebthet The two are separate deities. Like Min is a special god
ruling over men and their virility, Sekhmet rules over
Nephthys is the dark counterpart to her sister, Isis. women’s menstruation. Sekhmet stalked the land,
Where Isis is birth and light, Nephthys is death and destroying the pharaoh’s enemies with arrows of fire.
darkness. This does not mean she is evil. In fact, She is the bringer of disease and the means to cure it
she is quite the opposite. Nephthys represents and, thus, the Patron of Physicians. And in the days of
the Pharaohs, she was sent to punish humanity. Whether they keep that tongue under control
In modern times, Sekhmet appears as a black- is another matter. Most of her Scions have little
skinned woman with red hair and “fiery” eyes. patience for or love of criminals and “wrongdoers”,
Sekhmet still believes that what she does is the and many take some powers of Justice to ferret them
most appropriate for the situation. Her temper is out.
still legendary, but can still be softened with a bit of
wine. She has been a specialist in counter-terrorism, Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Animal
a tough marine, and a weapons contractor. On her (Scorpion), Death, Guardian, Health, Heku, and Magic
softer side, she works at a women’s clinic or shelter Abilities: Animal Ken, Fortitude, Investigation,
for abused women, healing both physical and mental Medicine, Melee, and Occult
wounds. Woe is the man who messes with a woman
weaker than he. Out comes the lioness and down Seshat
goes the abuser. As rough and tumble as Sekhmet is, AKA: Sashet, Seshet, Sesheta, Safekh-Aubi, Safkhet
she prefers the comfort of women to men. She is not
adverse to a roll in the hay with a man she finds as a Daughter/Consort/Wife of Thoth, Seshat is
superior specimen, however. the goddess of writing, astronomy, astrology,
Sekhmet’s Scions are much like their mother. They architecture, and mathematics. She is also the Patron
are quick to temper and ready to fight, but a drink of Libraries and all forms of writing. Seshat assisted
of wine, especially red, will calm their anger. Most of the Pharaoh in the stretching the cord ritual in which
the time her Scions do not look for love (or lust), but the foundations of temples and other important
when he or she finds a mate, the purring begins. Just structures were assured the sacred alignments and
don’t make these Scions too angry. the precision of the dimensions.
Having once recorded the Pharaoh’s life in days,
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Animal [lion], Seshat now travels the World and the Overworld
Health, Heku, Fire, Justice, War, and Sun recording history as it happens. She usually appears
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude, Medicine, Melee, as an average, somewhat bookish woman with
and Presence practical, neutral-colored clothing. She has traded
her stylus for a laptop and PDA. She can access
Serqet Thoth’s massive library and upload information with
AKA: Selket, Serket, Selqet, Selkit, Selkis, Selchis, Selkhit, Selqet, the touch of a button.
Serkhet, Serket-hetyt, Serquet Seshat’s Scions are as equally adept with computers
as they are with the Dewey Decimal System and
Serqet, the dangerous scorpion goddess of magic, come from the rank of librarians, history professors,
both protected the masses from and punished architects, mathematicians, astrophysicists, and
wrongdoers with snake and scorpion poison. She astrologers.
protected Isis and Horus from Set. She joined Ra on
his Solar Barque through the underworld to protect Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Wits,
him from Apep. There, she also helped the newly Animal (leopard), Heku, Magic, and Moon
deceased orient themselves. She was the goddess of Abilities: Academics, Art, Investigation, Occult,
marriage and conjugal union and protected mothers Politics, and Science
and children against the scorpion’s poison, as well as
protected the canopic jar that held the intestines. Tawaret
In modern times, Serqet appears as a small, pretty AKA: Taurt, Tuat, Taueret, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, Taueret, Opet,
woman dressed in whatever her profession dictates. Ipet, Apet, Ipy, Reret, Rert, Reret, Rerit, Rertu; Thoeris and Toeris
However, under her calm exterior lay a sharp tongue
she’s not afraid to use. Her words can sting and be as Tawaret started out the demon wife of Apep and
poisonous as the scorpion or snake. She has been a the original god of evil, but as the Egyptian people
doctor/surgeon, a zoologist in the arachnid and/or began to see female hippopotamuses as less
reptile section, a pest control agent, and a mortician. aggressive than the males, Tawaret’s role changed
Serqet’s Scions are as sharp-tongued as their mother. to one of protection, especially the protection of
children. She was seen as the goddess of the annual drought. Thoth found Tefnut, who was hunting
flooding of the Nile and the harvest it brought humans in the form of a lion, and managed to
with it as well as one who protected against evil by convince her to return to Egypt. She seems to have
restraining it. gotten over this and forgave Shu, although she likes
Although a lesser god in the roles the Pesedjet to work against Thoth in revenge. She is depicted as
perform (she was a household deity), she was still a lioness-headed goddess.
considered the consort of Apep and, eventually, Set’s Tefnut does not often visit the modern world. She’s
concubine after he took over the role of the god of appeared as a big game hunter, a worker in a water
evil. However, she deserted Set and took Horus’s side purification plant, and a wealthy elderly woman
in the two’s fight over the Egyptian throne. who wears a ridiculous amount of furs and jewelry
Tawaret had other roles as well. In the Book of . Tefnut believes heavily in the superiority of the
the Dead, she is the goddess who nourishes the Pesedjet and does not often meddle in the affairs of
deceased and devours the wicked and guides outside pantheons. She is generally unconcerned
the dead to the afterlife. She is also a guard of the about the war with the titans and believes that the
mountains in the west where the deceased entered gods’ victory is certain. This does not mean she’s
the land of the dead. She also helped with the blind or stupid. She prepares her scions for the
rebirth of souls. Tawaret prefers dealing with the upcoming battles as much as any other god. To
souls of recently deceased children. mortals, she is vain and conceited to the point of
In modern times Tawaret usually appears in the frustration.
World as a pregnant young woman whether she is Tefnut’s scions tend to have a streak of their mother’s
pregnant or not. Tawaret’s true and preferred form arrogance. While they can work well with the scions
is that of a hippopotamus with the arms and legs of of other pantheons, they prefer to either work alone
a lioness and with a back of a crocodile. She takes or with scions of the Pesedjet. Like their mother,
on roles such as social worker (in children’s services), many don’t see what the big deal is about this little
obstetrician, pediatrician, and guardian ad litem. She war. Often, they have to be shown that fighting is in
is aggressive and fierce when confronting those who their best interests before they join the battle. When
have harmed children in some way and will stop at they do fight, they are steadfastly loyal to the gods.
nothing to see that the wrongdoer is punished. This
has led her to actions that most mortals would love Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Wits,
to do but cannot for fear of legal ramifications. Animal (lion), Fertility, Heku, Sky, and Water
Tawaret’s Scions are like their mother in that they Abilities: Animal Ken, Awareness, Investigation,
abhor those who harm children. They tend towards Melee, Stealth, and Survival
occupations dealing with children and pregnancy Rivals: Sobek, Thoth, Zues, Loki, Tlaloc, Susano-o, and
where they can do the most good. Xipe Totec

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Animal Wadjet

(hippopotamus), Fertility, Guardian, Heku, AKA: Uadjet, Ua Zit, Nekhbet
Psychopomp, and Water
Abilities: Animal Ken, Empathy, Medicine, Melee, Sister to Bastet and fellow protector of the pharaoh
Occult, and Presence like Sekhmet, Wadjet served to protect Atum-Re as
Rivals: Anubis and Set his personal bodyguard. Bastet may have dispensed
justice in his name and watched as his eyes for signs
Tefnut of trouble. Sekhmet may have kept him safe on the
field of battle and slaughtered his enemies in times
Tefnut is the goddess of moisture and rain. In ancient of war. But it was cobra-headed Wadjet who served
times, she kept the land of Egypt fertile by making as his bodyguard at all times and defended him
sure the inundation occurred without fail. Long ago, during times of peace.
she left Egypt after an argument with her husband,
Shu (likely over his decision to separate Geb, their A prophet of incredible repute as well as a healer,
son, from Nut), and went south, leaving Egypt in she is also well known for striking down the
enemies of those that might harm her charge leaving their homes. From the most mundane
before they even know they’ve been slain. As binoculars and long-distance scopes to satellite
the protector of the pharaoh, she also serves to surveillance and laser-guided missile systems, the
protect all of Egypt, rarely leaving her homeland flow of military information in the modern world
for less than a life-or-death situation. has drawn the full attention of Wepwawet.

In the World she always manifests in Northern His Scions are often the best at getting
Africa. She serves as the hired bodyguard of information about the Titans and their servants
the rich and powerful, a cop in a dangerous across enemy lines and back to those who can use
neighborhood or as a security guard at a museum it. They may not all serve as soldiers, though many
full of priceless artifacts. Her dedication is always of their families come from military backgrounds.
an inspiration to others and when her skills are They specialize in getting into hard to breach
needed she always deals with the threat fast and places, getting what they were after and getting
efficiently. out without raising an alarm. Knowledge gained
by the Scions of Wepwawet has already won more
Her Scions, when she gets time away from her than a few battles in the Titan War.
duties to have them, are often tasked by Wadjet
herself to fight against the Titans. The world is in Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Wits,
need of protecting and the children of the cobra Animal (Wolf ), Heku, Psychopomp, War
are going to be the first line of defense if their Abilities: Awareness, Command, Melee,
mother has anything to say about it. Marksmanship, Stealth, Survival
Rivals: Anubis, Horus, Set; Ares, Hermes, Heimdall,
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Odin, Vidar, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl,
Perception, Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Animal Hachiman, Legba, Shango
(Cobra, Vulture), Guardian, Health, Heku,
Prophecy, Sun
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Fortitude,
Integrity, Survival
Rivals: Isis, Set; Ares, Athena, Zeus, Baldur, Hel, Tyr,
Tezcatlipoca, Amaterasu, Damballa, Kalfu

AKA: Upuaut, Ophois

Wepwawet began life as a Scion. A soldier and

military scout of great skill. And that legacy lives
on with him even today. Wepwawet is a god of
war, specializing in military intelligence. He is the
patron of scouts and spies, specializing in getting
behind enemy lines, learning their locations
and positions and then returning with that
information. He also serves to protect war-time
messengers who may carry valuable knowledge
useful for the field.

Wolf-headed Wepwawet manifests in the world

as a swarthy, sharp eyed soldier almost always.
He has taken a great fascination in the modern
world with all of the various ways that humans
can watch and spy on their enemies without ever
The Tuatha dé often not the product of rape as he has little time for
the niceties involved with the courting ritual.
When Arawn awakens his Scions it is because he
Dannan needs them for a particular purpose and sets them
forth on that purpose until they reach godhood. The
war isn’t always the main purpose. Most of the time,
Amatheon the Scion’s are tasked with tracking souls, dispatching
AKA: Amathaon
Titanspawn undead, and the like, things which he
doesn’t have time to do himself.
God of agriculture and husbandry and patron of
farmers, Amaethon is a ploughman of extraordinary
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance (frightful), Epic
talents. He was the only man who could till a certain
Perception, Darkness, Death, Enech, and Psychopomp
field; one of the impossible tasks Culhwch had been
Abilities: Command, Fortitude, Investigation, Melee,
set before he could win Olwen’s hand. He is also
Occult, and Presence
one of the few beings allowed entrance to Annfwn
Rivals: Hades
(the Underworld) without invitation and able to
return unharmed. It was during one of his sojourns
to Annfwn that he stole a sacred dog, a lapwing and Arianrhod
a roebuck from Arawn, King of Annfwn. This action
directly caused one of the most epic events, Cad Beautiful daughter of Don and Beli, Arianrhod claimed
Goddeu (the Battle of the Trees) virginity to hold her brother, King Math’s feet so that
In Modern Times, Amaethon appears as a healthy he may remain alive. Her brother, Gwydion, tested
and muscled individual. Although he looks quite the her by having her jump over his magic wand. She
innocent sort, Amaethon has a devilish streak and instantly gave birth to a yellow-haired boy named
tends to cause trouble wherever he goes. He has been Dylan and another child, later named Llew Llaw
a gambler, thief, and carnival worker. His Scions are Gyffes, whom she had cursed. Humiliated, Arianrhod
rarely different. Trouble follows them whether they retreated to her castle, Caer Arianrhod (Aurora
want it or not. Borealis) where she remained in hiding for some time
with her female attendants presiding over the fates
Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Chaos, Enech, of the departed. Arianrhod is the keeper of the silver
Fertility, and Psychopomp “circling wheel of stars”, also known as the Oar Wheel,
Abilities: Fortitude, Investigation, Larceny, Science, a ship that carries dead warriors to Emania (Moon-
Stealth, and Survival Land).
Rivals: Arawn and Loki In Modern Times, Arianrhod has appeared to her
worshippers in a pale white chariot to choose a male
to get her with child. She has also appeared as a
mysterious lady dressed in silver-white. She has pale
skin, thin red lips, and blonde hair. Arianrhod rarely
Arawn is the King of Annwyn (the Underworld). He
stays long on the earth. She has the child in her castle
is fond of taking his hounds (white with red ears) to
by the sea and gives him or her to the father to be
help track down lost souls. Once while pursuing a
stag, a chieftain named Pwyll drove away his hounds
Scions of Arianrhod tend to be a pale imitation of
to set his own upon them. Arawn challenged Pwyll,
their mother. Once a Scion has received her mother’s
who agreed to help him defeat Hafgan. Once Pwyll
blessing, she is lucky if Arianrhod pays much attention
defeated Hafgan and Arawn regained his throne, he
to her afterword.
and Arawn became close friends.
In Modern Times, Arawn charges his Scions to track
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Enech, Magic,
down lost souls and destroy those that must be
Moon, and Sky
destroyed. He usually appears as a grey-cloaked
Abilities: Awareness, Control, Integrity, Melee, Occult,
individual with a pack of white hounds. He is rarely
and Presence
anything but who he is. His Scions are more than
Rivals: Artemis and Tsuki-yomi
Blodeuwedd Cerridwen chased Gwion, who continually changed
AKA: The White Lady, Flower-Faced shape, until she caught him and swallowed him. She
instantly became pregnant and bore Taliesin, whom
Crafted from flowers to serve as Lleu, Scion of she couldn’t kill because of his beauty.
Arianrhod’s bride, she was also his downfall. She In Modern Times, Cerridwen appears as a hunch-
wasn’t so fond of the prospect of being a housewife, backed hag. She offers knowledge and wisdom, but at
and charmed a hunter into killing him. Blodeuwedd a steep price. She has been a fortune-teller, witch, and
was turned into an owl for her misdeeds, but her teacher. Like her other children, Cerridwen’s Scions
story doesn’t end there. For she is The White Lady, a are either very beautiful or very ugly and have a
goddess of transformation, and such a setback could tendency to get themselves in trouble by seeking for
not delay her for long. Technically belonging to the knowledge in places better left alone.
Mabinogi sub-pantheon, she focuses of vengeance
more than even her fellow Welsh. Her mastery of Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Intelligence,
Magic means that no slight is ever just forgiven out of Earth, Enech, Fertility, Magic, Mystery, and Prophecy
hand, for god and mortal alike. Abilities: Academics, Art, Investigation, Occult,
When traversing the world (which she does often), Presence, and Science
Blodeuwedd is not constricted by roles that many of
her fellows do. Though, she prefers roles that allow Coventina
her to see transformations and the dichotomy of AKA: Cuhvetena, Covventina, Disappearing Memory
life and death; playing jobs such as botanist, funeral
director, biologist, and undertaker. Coventina started life as a nameless humble water
Scions of the White Lady are similarly varied, for their spirit holding power over a single spring. However,
mother doesn’t really care how they turn out. They after an earth spirit who had been courting her
tend to learn subtle manipulation from an early age, arranged to have a cistern built around her, she grew
and even the most sweet-tempered of Blodeuwedd’s in power as her well became a common worship site.
children know how to make someone do what they Soon, she was receiving patronage from all across
want them to do with a few well- placed words. western England to as far away as northern Spain,
no mean feat for a water spirit! Many thousands of
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Celts tossed coins into wells wishing to Coventina
Manipulation, Epic Perception, Animal (Owl), Death, for healing, good crops, or even just general
Fertility, Magic, Enech beneficence. Unfortunately, it was not to last, for her
Abilities: Awareness, Command, Empathy, Occult, rise to prominence brought her to the Lady of the
Presence, Stealth Lake’s attention, and the Lady wasn’t about to let an
Rivals: Lleu; Persephone, Xipe Totec, Isis, Izanami, Hel, upstart water nymph encroach on her turf as water
Kalfu goddess of the burgeoning England mythos. One
day, Coventina awoke to find herself drifting across
Cerridwen the Irish sea, banished from England forever by the
AKA: Ceridwen, Caridwen, Kyrridwen Lady’s magic. Falling to the deep, she was discovered
and saved by Manannán Mac Lir. Though he could
Cerridwen lived on an island in the middle of Lake not break the Lady of the Lake’s magic, he was struck
Tegid with her husband and two children. Her by Coventina’s story and vowed to help her return to
daughter, Creidwy, was very beautiful, but her son, her beloved spring and earth spirit husband (named
Afagdu, was very ugly. To compensate, Cerridwen Granite). He gave her admission to the Tuatha De
brewed a “greal” which would make him the most Dannan and taught her the secrets of illusion, with
brilliant and inspired man. The brew had to simmer which she was able to sneak back home, albeit only
for a year and a day and was under constant care for brief trips.
of a boy named Gwion. The first three drops would Since then, Coventina has been an irrigation
confer the wisdom, but the remaining brew would be specialist, an advice columnist, a water witch, a
poison. However, three drops splattered on Gwion’s cruise doctor, a midwife, and a swimsuit model
hand. He instinctively put his hand to his mouth. posing for good causes. Though often a little
homesick, she manages to stay positive and her While Cuculainn is undoubtably one of the best
enthusiasm for helping those who show even the warriors in the world, he never wins a battle through
slightest bit of care can hardly be matched. sheer strength if he can win instead through
True Scions of Coventina have the interesting cleverness (or, by modern standards, “cheating”).
distinction of being technically more divine than Cuchulainn very rarely fathers Scions. The death of
most other Scions: Coventina is faithful to her Connla weighs heavily on him though Enech required
husband Granite (who goes by Grant in the modern the killing and he is loathe to be put in that situation
world), and thus only sires Scions when he takes again. He does have frequent affairs, though, any
on human form, generally giving the children to one of which could result in a child through the
human parents to raise. These Scions tend to be intervention of Fate, and since Emer his wife is merely
caring individuals with seemingly endless energy for a Legendary Mortal, he could certainly father a Scion
helping others with a rock-hard willfulness inherited with her. In any case, Cuchulainn’s few Scions are
from their father. However, some can be fiercely invariably capable of fighting with their heads in
territorial, and few manage to find a place they can addition to their hands. Stubborn to a fault, they can
truly feel at home. be found charging into the most dangerous situations
to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance, truly the best.
Earth, Enech, Fertility, Health, Illusion, and Water.
Associated Abilities: Empathy, Integrity, Medicine, Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Epic
Presence, Stealth, and Survival. Dexterity, Epic Appearance, Epic Wits, Animal (Dog),
Rivals: Brigid, Danu, Dian Cecht; The Lady of the Lake, Enech, Guardian, and War.
Arawn, Susano-O, Queztalcoatl, and Lakshmi. Associated Abilties: Athletics, Fortitude, Integrity,
Larceny, Melee, and Thrown.
Cuchulainn Rivals: The Morrigan, Mannanan Mac Lir, Lugh;
AKA: Cu Chulaind, The Hound of Ulster, Setana Herakles, Ares, Athena, Susanno-O, Tyr, Thor, and
The son of Lugh, fostered by the King of Ulster,
Conchobar mac Nessa, and the famed warrior Fergus Govannon
mac Roich (among others), and taught the arts of war AKA: Gofannon, Goibniu, Goibhniu, Gobanos, Gobannus, Cobannus
by the deadly warrior-woman Scathach, Cuchulainn
was destined for greatness and an early death from Son of Don and Beli, Govannon was the god of the
the moment he took up arms at the tender age of forge and patron to blacksmiths, metalworkers,
seven. After a childhood of exploits greater than jewelry-makers and ale brewers. His special ale
those of most heroes in their prime, seventeen-year- rendered the gods immortal in battle. His weapons
old Cuchulainn managed to defend Ulster from the always hit their mark. And he made the silver had
combined armies of southern Ireland by himself while used by King Nuada. Brother to Arianrhod, he
the men of Ulster lay under birthing pangs caused accidentally slew her son, Dylan. He was also the
by the curse of the goddess Macha. His deeds as an provider of the Fled Goibnenn (the sacred feast).
adult were also legendary, as was his beauty, but it In Modern Times, Govannon appears as a muscular
was not to last, for Cuchulainn was forced to break his male of Celtic descent. He has been a weaponsmith
geasa and then died shortly thereafter, but with the in such organizations as the SCA, as well as a crafter
re-emergance of the Titans he has returned to prove of non-war weapons like chalices. Govannon has also
himself once again. been a mechanical engineer.
In the modern world, Cuchulainn has been a soldier, Although Govannon is intrigued by modern weapons
a bodyguard, a professional soccer player, an (which he helps create for the War), he far prefers
Olympic javelin thrower, the leader of a biker gang, making swords, spears, and armor, which he believes
a dog breeder, and even occasionally a particularly shows off the talent of the metalworker, especially
intense professor of Irish literature. Whatever he’s if it is ornate and useful. Govannon has a serious
doing, he always manages to do it better and more rivalry with Hephaestus, the Dodekatheon smith. If
spectacularly than anyone could have imagined. he hears word of Hephaestus creating something, he
sets to creating something better. His Scions are the Lir
same way. Serious competitors in their field, Scions AKA: Llyr, Ler, Lear
of Govannon enjoy working with their hands and the
resources of the earth. Like his son, Manannan, Lir comes from a
pantheon that is far more ancient than the Tuatha
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Stamina, de Dannan. This ancient Celtic pantheon fell long
Epic Strength, Enech, Earth, and Fire ago, with only Lir and his son surviving. However,
Abilities: Art, Craft, Investigation, Melee, Science, and they were both welcomed among the Tuatha,
Thrown especially when Manannan showed up as the
Rivals: Hephaestus foster father of Lugh, their great champion. Since
that time, father and son both have served as
Gwidion loyal members of the Irish pantheon.
AKA: Gwydyon, Gwydion Lir is, quite obviously, a God of the Sea. However,
unlike his son who represents the capricious and
Gwidion helped his brother Gilfaethwy rape Goewin, illusory powers of the sea, Lir is the sea’s lord. A
King Math’s foot-holder. He steals Pryderi of Dyfed’s great king among his ancient people, Lir fathered
pigs, forcing Math to go to war and thus leaving many children. But almost all of them met tragic
his foot-holder. When Math hears of this, he turns ends. He has since sired more children, fathering
Gwidion into a stag, then a sow, then a wolf. When his members of the Welsh Mabinogi and other
sister, Arianrhod, gave birth to Dylan and [Lleu Llaw children among the ancient Brittish people. His
Gyffes], Gwidion steals away the unnamed child and Welsh children were met with tragedy from war
raises him. When the child is old enough, Gwidion and suicide. And his Brittish children were turned
takes him incognito to see his mother, who had into swans.
cursed him. Because of Gwidion’s manipulations, Lleu Lir often appears as an aged king, regal still in
Llaw Gyffes is able to break his mother’s three curses. his appearance, but clearly tired and with little
In Modern Times, Gwidion likes to champion the patience left for a world that’s moved on without
underdog, although his methods of doing so are him. Like Poseidon, he sees what humanity has
questionable. Gwidion likes to appear as a respectable done to the oceans and wishes to put a stop to
Welsh gentleman with philanthropic ideals or as a it. However, he does not have much drive to do
energetic lawyer championing human rights. Words so himself. In the World he has appeared as an
are just words, however, and Gwidion, though quite aging head of the oceanography department at
good at using words, believes that some actions are a university, the mayor of a seaside town and the
also necessary, even if those actions hurt someone president of a conservationist organization.
else in the process. While his age is beginning to catch up with him
Scions of Gwidion are like their father in that aspect. and slow him down, he is still virile and energetic
They whole-heartedly believe in championing enough to father a few children among the
those that are without and go to extremes to do mortals when he makes his trips into the World.
so. Although they are labeled as extremists and However, he does not watch them with much
sometimes considered “unstable”, they are also hope for the future. So far, only one of his children
valuable allies. Their sense of loyalty to those they has made good. The rest are all remembered in
champion cannot be shaken. the great tragedies. It’s hard for him to hold out
much hope at this point, but perhaps the next
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic generation of his children can prove him wrong.
Manipulation, Enech, Magic, Prophecy, and War
Abilities: Academics, Animal Ken, Art, Occult, Politics, Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
and Melee Manipulation, Enech, Justice, Magic, Water
Abilities: Academics, Command, Empathy,
Integrity, Politics, Presence
Rivals: Danu, Nuada; Sobek, Hera, Poseidon, Frigg,
Susano-o, Damballa
The Yazata
AKA: Adar, Adur, Ataksh, Atarsh

Atar is the Ever-Burning Flame, the god of holy fire

and source of all light and heat; it is he who burns
away the lies and impurities of the world, revealing
the truth for all to see, and also he who burns away
sicknesses, ills and curses from those worthy few
brave enough to beg his help. As the bringer of light,
he is also the bringer of enlightenment, sharing the
glow of wisdom, knowledge and learning with any
who choose to see it, and through the unflinching
flame of his gaze strips away all untruths and
injustices through the power of his scorching heat.

Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Fire, Justice,

Mystery, Samsara
Abilities: Command, Fortitude, Integrity, Occult,
Presence, Survival
Rivals: Agni, Brigid, Hephaestus, Loki
• Hodur by Corporate_Sellout

• Skadi by Armadio2

• Inari by Colin Chapman with rivals selected by Glamourweaver

• Konohana Sakuya-hime by Gift of Names

• Kishimo-jin by Thrythlind

• Mademoiselle Charlotte by saintbroom

• Helios by The Name of Madness

• Janus by FaeWitch

• Hecate and Saturn by Telgar

• Khonsu, Serquet, Benten and Xochipilli by Taocowboy with additional information by Yellow Archer

• Demeter,, Hestia, and Eris by Asklepios

• Chalchiuhtlicue, and Hebe by Propaganda Art

• Tefnut and Nephthys by ptah1888

• Amaethon, Arawn, Arianrhod, Cerridwyn, Govannon, Gwidion, Bes, Hapi, Hathor, Khepri, Khnum, Min,
Sekhmet, Seshat and Tarwaret by Toni D.

• Atar by John’s Scion Resources

• Ushas by Brent-not-Broken

• Blodeuwedd and Nakisawame by Sorcerymon

• Benzaiten, La Sirene, Pancika, Neith, Wadjet, Wepwawet, Rhea and Lir by Demonchilde

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