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1. What are the types of roof and windows in your residence?

In our residence, you’ll see that the type of windows that we have are casement windows,
and it is found in every room of the house. From the living area, dining area, bathroom,
and the bedrooms. While it comes to the roof of our house, it is a simple gable roof
especially our house is just a small bungalow.

2. “Are the building envelope elements of your house suitable based on the site’s context
/ existing conditions? i.e. walls, windows and roof”

I can say that the building envelope elements of our house are suitable based on the site’s
context or existing conditions. For me, the existing conditions of houses in the
Philippines are based on the weather like the orientation of the sun because of how hot it
is in our country and also how typhoons come and go. Therefore, if I base our house’s
building envelope elements with the existing conditions I mentioned, I think the walls,
windows, and roof are suitable because we didn’t have any problems and found comfort
with the building envelope elements we have because we are very well protected by our
roof during heavy rains, strong winds, our windows protected us from the heat of the sun
but at the same time gives natural lighting inside our house and proper ventilation, and
our walls that were sturdy enough to withstand earthquakes and typhoons.

3. “How can you improve the thermal comfort within your residence?”

I can say that our house is thermally comfortable because we can get through the day
without sweating so much/ feeling hot all the time and without the help of air
conditioning but at the same time having proper ventilation and good natural lighting.

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