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Activity 06


Presents: Yeny Katerin Lara Cárdena

ID: 684243

Subject: English
Nrc. 2051

Teacher: Camilo Alberto Cuitiva Gil

Bogotá D.C Colombia Jun 12 2020


1. A quiet place to read

This first aspect is very important. It doesn't matter where you are. Do your best to avoid

distractions at all costs. isolate yourself somewhere without interruption.

2. Write down any questions you may have

Think about what you want to learn and write down the questions you may have. Preparing for

reading is a good way to start.

3. You don't have to understand each and every word. Don't get frustrated if you don't

understand absolutely everything.

There are vocabulary that will be unfamiliar to you, even entire structures! But this is not

going to prevent you from understanding the meaning of the text at all.

4. Read between the lines. You must realize that this text has been chosen specifically for

your test. It is suitable for your level and surely has to do with some subject that you have

seen during the course.

Be bold and think about whether it is related to any semantic field that you know in English

and draw your weapons in the form of vocabulary!

5. Start with simple texts

It is important to go from less to more. Start with writing that you can easily follow and find


6. Reread the text carefully

Do you remember the questions you wrote before you started reading? Now is the time to

answer them. Reread the text but this time carefully.

7. Keep a record of what you have learned

As you progress in your learning process, write down your progress.

8. Be careful with the connectors.

We advise you to detect the connectors well, since they can greatly change the meaning of the

sentences. For example, if you come across ‘although’ or ‘whereas’ you should know that there

are conflicting ideas. ‘Therefore’ for example indicates cause and effect.

9. Use query tools

To improve your reading comprehension, the English or English-Spanish dictionaries should

be your travel companions.

10. Practice and share everything learned

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