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Nama : Adisty Putri

Prodi : D3 Kebidanan

Nim : 2020020001

Rasume 1

Active Reading Strategies/Habits

 Fast Reading Strategies/Habits

 Reading
Is defined as a congnitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at
Reading is an active process of contructing meaning of words. Reading with a
purpose helps the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses
their attention. Althought the reason for reading may vary , the primary
purpose of reading is to understand the text.

 Reading process
Reading is a process that involves recognizing words, leading to the
development of comprehension.
- The first is the pre-reading stage
- The second stage occurs during reading
- The final stage occurs after reading

 Reasons specific english learners are encouraged to read in english:

- The constant repetation of words and patterns in reading helps you learn
and remember vocabulary and grammar structures.
- Reading helps you become familiar with the rhythm of english
- Unlike conversation, reading is something you can doon your own.
- Reading is not expensive, often free
- Good reading skills can improve your other launguage skill.
- Reading is the best way to learn and remember the proper spelling of
- Listening as you read aloud can help you improve your pronunciation

 10 Reading tips
1. read at level slightly lower that what your understand
2. make reading a ritual
3. read what intrests you
4. Understand what you’ II be tested on.
5. find free reading materials
6. Visualize what you reading
7. listen and read
8. relate what you read to your own life
9. think about the author or journalist
10. check your eyesight

 Reading Test
- If you are taking a standardized english test or attending english launguage
classes, you will probably be tested on your reading skills
- Find the gist or main idea
- Summarize
- Locate details
- Understand inferences
- Make predictions
- Identify genre and style
- Sort information
- Match information
- Parapharase
- Indentify parts of speech
- Compare and contrast
- Indetify key words
- Match paragraphs to headings
- Write an opinion
- Draw conclusions
- Write comprehesion question
- Decide whether something is true false or not mentiond in a text

 Reading Strategies
o Skim : read for the brief idea or overview
o Scan : read for specific details or a specefic reason
o Skip : if you don’t understand a words or section
o Kwl : determine what you know about the topic , what you want to
know , and what you learned
o Look for headings, subtitles, keywords
o Read out loud : children read out loud when they first start reading
o Create timelines or charts

 Examples : linda has a white cat and a black cat

 Answer : linda’s cat is black and white

 Reading categories
Read what interest you
 Function
1. Writing that desscribe imaginary events and people
2. Classics
3. Crime and mystery
4. Fantasty
5. Horror
6. Literary fiction
7. Popular fiction
8. Romance
9. Actiencefiction
10. Short stories
 Non-faction
Writing about facts
Arts and crafts
How to
 Active reading is also called global understanding and it
is characterized by asking yourself question thoughout
the text.
 Global understanding while you are reading, you will
incirase you reading comprehesion by mmaintaining of
what is being read.
 Crate a mind map : a mindmap is a non linear collection
of reletad ideals.

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