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ame Score

Banela, Ray Matthew S.

Course/Section: MATH144 | A52 Date: 06/29/2020

MATH 1144

The following data shows the distribution of CoVid-19 infections in a certain region.

Infection Status
Positive Negative
Urban 438 515
Rural 390 451

1. Determine the odds of contracting the disease (interpret).

828 / 1794 = 0.4685
There is a 46% chance of the population contracting the CoVid-19.

0.46 / 0.54 = 0.85

0.54 / 0.46 = 1.17

2. What is the odds ratio of contracting the disease? Explain.

0.85 / 1.17 = 0.73

There is a low chance of contracting the disease

3. Determine if Location is a factor of contracting the disease. Find the values of the following and
interpret the results.
a. Odds(positive|urban)

(483 / 953) / (515/9530) = 0.85

515/438 = 1.18

b. Odds(positive|rural)

(390 / 841) / (451 / 841) = 0.86 Interpretation:

A person is 72% more
451/390 = 1.16 likely to contract
CoVid-19 in urban
c. OR(positive)
A person is 74% more
OR = 0.85/1.18 = 0.72 likely to contract
CoVid-19 in rural areas.
OR = 0.86/1.16 = 0.74

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