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1. Rephrase the following sentences with the given word.

1. I rarely have the chance to travel to Africa. - > Rarely do I have the chance to
travel to Africa.
2. She sat down when the last person had left. Only after
3. The pupils cannot be informed about the results yet. Under no
4. We don’t know anything about the effects this could have on the environment.
5. Just when we sat in the garden, it began to rain. Scarcely

2. Translate the following sentences into English.

2.1. Inversion
1. Tek posle mesec dana direktor je odlučio da pregovara sa radnicima.
2. Vlada ni pod kojim uslovima neće odustati od Bregzita.
3. Malo znamo o funkcijama te žlezde.
4. Jedva da smo se pozdravili kad se prekinula konekcija.
5. Tek kada im je bila potrebna pomoć su nas pozvali.

2.2. Translate the following sentences using the passive for the underlined

1. Neće ti dozvoliti da uđeš dok ne provere tvoj identitet.

2. Smatra se da je taj nastup vrhunac njegove karijere.
3. Savetuju da se ne putuje ove godine.
4. Nešto mora da se uradi povodom ovoga.
5. Novi plan se predstavlja u ponedeljak.

3. Translate the following sentences into Serbian.

1. Had I known how many times she would repeat the same mistake, I would
have given up a long time ago.
2. If I won that money, I would buy a big house.
3. If I met the Queen by chance, I wouldn’t know how to act.
4. I won’t buy those shoes until I get my salary.
5. Never have I seen her before and I’ve been coming here for 12 years.
6. My cousin lost her keys walking home from school.
7. Opening the door, he realised where the sound was coming from.
8. Driving through the village, she saw many familiar faces.
9. Looking through the window, he noticed that all the streets were empty.
10. Flicking through the book, she remembered the correct answer.

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