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HMS Dreadnought

By Andy Watkins - Dawn Games

V1.4 July 2018
All photographs Public Domain no copyright

SMS Kronzprinz Wilhelm

HMS Iron Duke

HMS Bellerophon

HMS Gloucester

SMS Rheinland
Andy Watkins

Introduction To the Expansion 1-2

V1.4 Change log from full rules 3
Extract from the full rules set 4-6
Replacement Quick Reference sheet 7
British Grand Fleet Record Cards 8
German High Seas Fleet Record Cards 9
Imperial Japanese Navy Record Cards 10
United States Navy Record Cards 11

I am finally hoping to release my WW2 naval game “Carrier Strike

At Dawn” in the next few weeks. Unlike Dreadnoughts at Dawn it
has extensive rules for carrier combat.

Introduction to the Washington Treaty Expansion
• V1.4 - some ship value changes and lighter ships can turn 90 degrees.
• V1.3 changes - I have added the 1st page of the full QRS. I have tweaked the range penetra-
tion charts to reflect we now fire guns in sequence but from white to black, not from black to
• V1.2 Changes — The +1 on the damage table for Black guns has been removed. It made them
too powerful to be fun to play with. Also some of the “Black” gun equipped shipped have had
number of primary gun dice reduced by 1.
• I have added optional Destroyer leaders to a destroyer base which increase their firepower a
• That’s it!

Dreadnoughts At Dawn is aimed at WW1 and the immediately preceding years of the early 20th centu-
ry. This expansion is a “What if” expansion that covers what if the war had not ended in 1928 OR what
if the Washington Treaty had never happened. All combatants were planning and in some cases had
started building the next generation of warships, especially Battleships. In reality some of these ships
never left the design stage, some were scrapped and some were turned into aircraft carriers to avoid
wasting the hulls.

This expansion includes additional hypothetical ships for Great Britain, Germany, The United States of
America and the Empire of Japan. Because some of the proposed ships were monsters I have intro-
duced both a new gun calibre (colour) and a new Armour Colour; in both cases Black. It represents 16”
to 18” guns planned for these monsters and the proposed uber levels of armour some of them were to

The proposed British N3 class of battleships would have had 9 X 18” guns, 18” armour and weighed in
at pretty nearly 50,000 tons, way beyond anything actually built during the 1st world war, virtually a
mini 1920’s Yamato in fact!!

Included in this expansion is this document which explains the purpose of the expansion, I have also
included the 1st few pages of the main rule book just to give a new player an idea if it is something
they would like to spend their hard earner cash on.

The heart of the expansion is the spreadsheets with tables and record cards for the new ships

Lastly and by no means least is a revised 2nd page of the quick reference sheet introducing black guns
and black armour.

In addition to the black armour and guns there have been a couple of additional changes as follow :-

• All nations destroyers are changed to speed 6 instead of speed 5. You may of course introduce
more variety into this if you prefer.

• In the original rules an 8” gun was Green because it represented an elderly pre dreadnought
weapon, where as in the Washington Treaty Expansion it represents the more modern 8” gun
typical of WW2 heavy cruisers, a totally different beast altogether, as such 8” has been upgraded
to yellow guns.

Introduction to the Washington Treaty Expansion
• On the new quick reference sheet you will see that at certain ranges some guns have a triangle
against them. This means that the gun can partially penetrate the next level of armour, this is
represented by allowing penetration and damage not only of D10 rolls of 1-5 but also of 6-8. 9
and 10 remain ineffective as the shell is deemed not powerful enough to penetrate that part of
the target ship.

• Example 1 - A blue 15” gun firing against one of the new ships with Black armour can fully pene-
trate the target (counting damage on all D10 rolls of 1-10) only up to a range of 24”. Up to 42” it
can penetrate black armour on a roll of 1-8 whilst 9 and 10 bounce off. Above 42” out to 54” red
armour can be fully penetrated, blue armour can be penetrated on a damage roll of 1-8 and
black armour can not be penetrated at all meaning only a damage roll of 1-5 would inflict dam-
age on a ship with black armour

This is also indicated on the Gunnery results table with triangles next to the 6,7 and 8

When do I use the new quick reference tables?

The intention is that if you are playing a game set up until the end of 1918 you use the original rules
and tables and quick refence sheets.

If you choose to fight a hypothetical battle set in the 1920’s then you use the new tables and all of the
rules tweaks mentioned above.

Aircraft and Submarines

These both remain absent from the game. There were very few aircraft carriers in the 1920’s and most
of these were only built because the battleships and battlecruisers they were supposed to be were

Naval aircraft in the 1920’s were just not advanced enough to be of much more than nuisance value,
as such they remain outside of these rules.

Submarines were of course effective even in the 1st world war let alone the 1920’s but it was very rare
for warships in a battle to be successfully attacked by submarine. At this time submarines were mostly
effective against slow merchantmen or against battleships travelling slowly or stationery in harbour,
not scenarios we are trying to recreate typically with these rules, as such again they remain absent
from these rules at this time.

V1.1 Change Log
If you are largely using these rules in soft copy then regular updates are no big deal, desirable even. If
you have gone to the effort of printing them though you don’t want to have to keep reprinting them.
As such this page is intended to both :-
A) be a list of changes in the rules so you know where to look
B) An add on quick reference page that can be added to your printed copy of the rules without nec-
essarily reprinting the whole thing

TORPEDOES (Biggest change in rules)

Range has increased from 8” to 10” and most of the time a hit causes 1D3+1 hull damage where it did
1D3 before. But they are a little harder to hit with and most importantly they now only fire at the end
of the turn IF the firing ship is still afloat, this is a significant change
Torpedoes now have their own very simple to hit table, against destroyers or light cruisers a hit is a kill,
against a capital ship you still roll a 2nd dice to determine damage
Basically reprint page 18 and the QRS


You are now allowed to move up to 10 degrees to port or starboard with a straight ahead movement.
If you do not have an angle measuring device just guess, close enough is good enough

I do now sometimes include 3” guns if that is the only secondary armament the ship has but to find the
number of dice the number of real guns is divided by at least 8 rather than 3-4

Many older ships that were designed to travel at 18 knots were not up to that speed by WW1, as such
most older slow ships have been downgraded to a speed of 2, this means 4” max move and makes
them easier to hit as a modifier applies to ships moving no more than 4”

I have tweaked a few of the values on the ship charts, the main one is armour, the heavier armoured
ships now cost less.

Some very old 12” guns (and other calibres) were not as effective as modern guns of that calibre, as
such they have been downgraded, for example olf 12” guns are called 11.9” and downgraded to yellow


I do appreciate that outside of my immediate friends at the reading wargames club most of you will
not want to use the dice cells on the board to record damage, two good reasons are cost and clutter
on the table, although I think they are worth these sacrifices!!

I have supplied nice easy to print and use ship record cards for every ship, there is no need to think
you have to use the dice cells, exactly the same values and colour coding are on the record cards as the
dice cells. If you don’t use the dice cells you may want to put the ships name on the base somewhere
to avoid marking damage off the wrong ship!
The order chits are compulsory though, but if you use small ones they needn’t clutter the table too

Dreadnoughts At Dawn is an innovative fast play set of rules for fighting large WW1 naval battles.
Whilst all ships from destroyers to super dreadnoughts are represented the emphasis is on capital
ships, escorts are covered in a simplified way.

These rules originated as a project to see if I could produce a WW1 naval set of rules that required
zero off board record keeping. All the movement orders and damage keeping is carried out by custom
markers on the board.

I have found that naval games are either too complicated to be fun or so abstracted as to have no
atmosphere of realism about them at all. I wanted to do my best attempt at getting the balancing act
between realism and complexity right for me. These rules are not “better” than anyone else's they
just reflect my take on the period.

When I play tested them at my local club “Wargames Association of Reading” in the UK, I was
pleasantly surprised how well they worked and how well received they were. I have written many rules
before but never gone to the extent of publishing them before.

As my primary aim is to enjoy the hobby rather than become a publishing millionaire, I have tried to
keep the cost of these rules as low as practical. The initial rules cover British and German ships in the
north sea, any additions to these rules or this list will be free of charge to registered purchasers. Addi-
tional lists such as Japanese, USA etc will be made available for purchase for a small fee if there is any
interest. Please send email registration to

I welcome feedback and if you send me your email address once you have purchased the rules I will be
happy to send you rules updates free of charge by email as a pdf.

It is intended to be played with 1:3000th models such as the inexpensive models made by Nawar in the
UK, or the awesome but rather expensive GHQ 1:2400th scale models.

As you can see the GHQ models are bigger and far more detailed…. BUT…. In the UK they cost around
9-10 X more than Navwar. Acceptable for a skirmish game with 2-3 ships a side but these rules are de-
signed for a dozen or so ships a side and that is expensive. I leave the choice to you though

What You Will Need
You will need :-
• A set of models of your chosen scale, I recommend Navwar 1:3000 as they are small enough to
look reasonable, very cheap and the service from Navwar is excellent; Alternatively GHQ from
Magister Militum in the UK or direct from GHQ in the USA
• A handful of D10 dice and a couple of D6 dice;
• A 6X4 table or larger, 8X6 is ideal;
• Some “Order Markers”, I have had these made by Warbases in the UK but anything including
small paper chits will work fine;
• Either “ship Status
Dice Holders” or printed
copies of the ship status
stats, more on these lat-
er in the rules, I had the
“Ship Status Dice Hold-
ers” made by Warbases
in the UK, any other mdf
laser cutting company
could produce or if you
prefer I have included
printable paper record
keepers for each ship
• “Splash” markers, you will need around 8 of these per side and it may be beneficial to number
them 1-8 and a-h
• Torpedo markers, any small marker will do, about 20+ will be required
• Some cotton wool balls to represent destroyer smoke screens
• Some “Interfacing” to represent fog banks
• Possibly an island or two if you wish
• You may also like to make use of one of the excellent newly available laser line pointers, similar to
a laser pointer but projecting a line rather than a dot, perfect when arguing about line of sight!

Unit Composition
Dreadnought, pre dreadnoughts, battle cruisers and armoured cruisers are all based on a single base,
the exact size does not matter but about 6cms X 2cms is suitable for most of these models. 7cms is
required for some of the larger models.
In all of these cases the standard operating unit is a division of 2 ship bases. In my own head I consider
each ship model to represent 2 warships, you may do likewise or consider 1 ship model equals 1 ship,
it does not affect the rules.
So for these “Capital” ships, as I will refer to them from now on, a unit is 2 ship models positioned in
line astern with about 1 inch between bases.

Light cruisers are based 2 ship models to a base, I suggest a base around 6cms long and anywhere
between 2 and 3 cms wide.
Destroyers are based 3 ship models to a base, I suggest a base around 6cms long and anywhere
between 2.5 and 3cms wide.
The standard operating unit for both light cruisers and destroyers is a single ship base with 2 or 3
models on it as above.

Merchantmen/Transports are based 1 ship model to a base, I suggest a base of around 6cms long and
2cms wide. Alternatively you may place 2 or 3 much smaller ships on a base. In game terms it makes
no difference, merely purchase and base to suit the scenarios you intend to play. I have 6 large
merchantmen on single bases.
The standard operating unit for all merchantmen is a single ship base with 1 or more models on it as

Aircraft and submarines do not feature in these rules. (currently).

Capital ships may only leave their division and operate independently in the following circumstances :-
• The other ship in the unit sinks
• The other ship has it’s speed reduced to one or less
• The other ship has it’s rudder jammed

In all cases the unaffected ship has it’s next turns command changed to slow ahead. Other than that it
may plot it’s movement as normal.

1. Each side Roll 2D6 for initia- Armoured cruisers, Battlecruisers, Pre-Dreadnoughts and Dreadnoughts are referred to as
tive. Loser of previous “Capital Ships” they move and fight in divisions of 2 ship bases, placed one behind the other
rounds initiative adds +2 to between 1” and 2” apart.
their roll. Light cruisers, DD’s and Transports operate as single base squadrons, remembering that the CL
has 2 models on a base and DD’s 3.
2. Place directional Move or-
ders, (Port, Starboard, Note singly based armoured cruisers may move in a formation of 2 models in line astern as
larger capital ships or may move singly as lighter ships do, the choice is yours
ahead), for next turn.
In a normal game all ship models represent 2 real ships hence a capital ship division of 2 bases
3. Carry out this turns move
represents 4 capital ships as does a single base CL squadron whilst a single base destroyer
orders. All ships of the side squadron represents 6 ships.
who lost the initiative move
Capital ships may only leave their division and operate independently in the following circum-
1st followed by all ships of stances :-
the side with initiative
• The other ship in the division sinks
4. Both sides fire their guns. • The other ship has it’s speed reduced to one or less
This is NOT simultaneous. • The other ship has it’s rudder jammed
Both sides alternate firing • One of the ships becomes “Crippled”
by gun colour, all white In all cases the unaffected ship has it’s next turns command changed to slow ahead. Other than
guns, then green, yellow, that it may plot it’s movement as normal.

red then blue. THIS HAS MOVING

Maximum speed is recorded on your ship with a blue dice in the lower row. Maximum speed is
place your splash markers
2” X the number on the dice. You may move anywhere between zero and your maximum speed
immediately before firing each turn.
each ship (Primary guns
Straight Ahead
• Ship may turn 10 degrees port or starboard if you wish. If no angle device is available you
5. Both sides then fire all their may make a reasonable guess! 10 degrees is not very much :)
Torpedoes and resolve • If the base of your model partially obscures another ship base this is allowed so long as the
damage. There is no need ship obscured still has to move and has a dice speed of at least 1. In which case that ship
must move in it’s turn to separate the bases. If the obscured ship is immobile or already
to preplace torpedo mark-
moved then the moving ship has to deviate the minimum necessary to avoid obscuring the
ers anymore, again speeds other ships base.
gameplay. The sequence Left or Right
does not matter and all fir- • Turn must be at least 30 degrees and no more than 45 degrees in the corresponding direc-
ing with Torpedoes IS con- tion. Deviations from this are as per straight ahead to avoid other ships, minefields etc.
sidered to be simultaneous. V1.4 Destroyers and light cruisers may turn up to 90 degrees
Turn around
6. At the end of the turn re-
• In German multi base divisions each ship turns 90 degrees. The following turn they do the
move all splash markers
same again. Each ship is 180 degrees and the rear ship is now the front ship in the division.
and this turns move orders.
• The British version the 1st ship goes forwards half its marked speed, turn to the side 90
So you are set up ready for degrees and do the next half of it’s speed. The following turn it must do the same again.
the next turn. (Next turns On the 3rd turn the lead ship moves directly forwards and the following ship completes the
order markers (upside turn. The rear ship in the division just follows the lead ship around taking 3 turns against
down) should still be on the Germans 2 turns to complete the turn.

board • DD’s and CL’s don't operate in 2 base divisions. For turn around they turn between 170 and
190 degrees and then move forward up to half of their maximum speed.
Torpedo Armed Ships

• Because destroyers and light cruisers are very manoeuvrable ships that could turn to bring
their weapons to bear as required you are allowed to fire torpedoes in a 360 degree arc.
This is a gross simplification and only applies to torpedoes not guns.

GUNNERY FIRING Gunnery Results Table
(6+ to hit on D10) Target Capital Ship Target
1D10 Target Light Cruiser
Target moved < = 4” +1 Target Area None left Destroyer

Target DD or CL and firing -2 1 Hull Sink! No effect No effect

2 Hull Sink! No effect No effect
Short Range +2
3 Secondary Gun 1 Hull No effect No effect
Long Range -2
4 Secondary Gun 1 Hull No effect No effect
Firer has 1+ splash markers -1
Target has 2+ splash markers -1 5 Secondary Gun 1 Hull No effect No effect

Turned 60+ degrees this turn -2 6 Hull Sink! No effect No effect

Firer is “On Fire”. -1 Speed reduction X1 2 Red and larger
Firing through Smoke/Fog -1 7 on 1-5 rudder jam unarmoured guns sink one No effect
on a 6 on 1D6 hull DD

Range & Penetration values Primary Gun + 1 2 armoured Red and larger
8 Sink one DD
Weapon Short Med Long Hull Hull guns sink one CL

16”+ (P) 21” 40” 54” Primary Gun + 1 2 armoured Armoured Sink one
9 Sink one DD
Hull Hull CL
13.5”- 15”(P) 22” 40” 56”
11”-12” (P) 18” 36” 48” Magazine 1D3+1
Unarmoured Sink
10 (1 Primary + 1D3+1 armoured Sink one DD
8”-10.9” (P) 14” 24” 36” one CL
Hull) Hull

5.6”-7.9” (S) 10” 16” 24”

• If target is a 3 ship DD base reduce hull by 1 and all weapons by 1/3rd
<5.6” (S) 8” 12” 18” starting value on a roll of 8+ above to represent one DD sinking.
Torpedo 10” 1 shot weapons • If target is a 2 ship CL base reduce hull by 2 and all weapons by 1/2rd
ARMOUR VALUES IN COLOURS starting value on a roll of 9+ above to represent one CL sinking. (White
guns beyond short range only sink a CL on a 10)
• If the target is a single ship on a base use the target area and none left
columns; ignore the DD and CL columns
Cells with a coloured triangle in them means that • Hits on an “Armoured” part of a ship by a weapon that can’t penetrate
the next higher armour level is penetrated but only are ignored, they just bounced off. Indicated above by the dice colour
for a result of 6,7,8 not 9 or 10. being Red for armoured rather than Green for unarmoured
• Ships with primary guns lose 1 gun and 1 hull on a roll of 8 or 9.
TORPEDO TO HIT MODIFIERS • Hits on the magazine destroys 1 primary gun and 1D3+1 hull, plus if the
(7+ to hit on D10) D3 roll for hull damage is 6 battlecruisers (only) are destroyed.
(Torpedo range is now 10”) A magazine hit puts the target “On Fire” for the rest of the turn.
-1 Firing from beyond 6” range • Unarmoured and armoured hull are the same. They are not recorded
separately it is just that some parts of the ship are more armoured than
-1 Firing at Light Cruiser
-2 Firing at Destroyer • Roll a further D6 when a “7” is rolled. On a 1-5 reduce speed dice by 1;
A hit on a DD or CL kills one ship on a 6 remove the plotted movement for the target ship. Replace with a
Jam marker for the next turn and a straight ahead marker for the turn
Torpedo Results Table after that. Following turn roll 50:50 and turn the ship 90 degrees either
left or right. This will permanently break up any division the ship was a
1D10 Target Area part of.
1-10 1D3+1 Hull • ON FIRE - Once hull points of a heavy cruiser or larger fall to half the ship
is permanently “ON FIRE”. This simulates extensive damage to the ship
Roll 1D6 - Speed reduction X2 on 1-5 or
9-10 which reduces it’s ability to lay down effectively aimed high volume fire.
rudder jam on 6
• Red and Blue guns do more damage if they hit a DD or CL hence destroy
a ship on a roll 1 below that necessary for lesser guns

British Grand Fleet Cards (Optional alternative)

Name Revenge Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

15" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name N3 Black Armour Speed 4 3 2 1 0

18" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 5 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Renown Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

15" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Couageous Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

15" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Admiral Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

15" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name G3 Black Armour Speed 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 5 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Danae Yellow Armour Speed 5

6" Guns 6 3 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name Emerald Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 6 3 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name Brit Destroyer White (no) Armour Speed 6

4" Guns 3 2 1 0 HULL 3 2 1 0
Torpedo 6 4 2 0

German High Seas Fleet Navy cards (Optional alternative)

Name Bayern Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

15" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X Hull 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name L20 X Black Armour Speed 5 4 3 2 1 0

17" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 5 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Mackensen Red Armour Speed 5 4 3 2 1 0

14" Guns 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 9 8 7 6 5 4
6" Guns 4 3 2 1 HULL 3 2 1 SINK

Name Ersatz Yorck Red Armour Speed 5 4 3 2 1 0

15" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 9 8 7 6 5 4
6" Guns 4 3 2 1 HULL 3 2 1 SINK

Name FK 1 Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 4 2 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name Coln/Dresden Green Armour Speed 5

6" Guns 6 3 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name FK 4 Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 6 3 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

German Destroy-
Name er White (no) Armour Speed 6
4" Guns 3 2 1 0 HULL 3 2 1 0
Torpedo 6 4 2 0

Imperial Japanese Navy cards (Optional alternative)

Name Nagato Blue Armour Speed 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Tosa Blue Armour Speed 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Kii Blue Armour Speed 5 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Number 13 Black Armour Speed 5 4 3 2 1 0

18" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 5 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Amagi Blue Armour Speed 5 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Furutaka Green Armour Speed 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

8" Guns 3 2 1 2 X HULL Hull 3 2 1 SINK

Name Nagara Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 6 3 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name Sendai Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 6 3 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name Tenryu Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 4 2 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name Jap Destroyer White (no) Armour Speed 6

4" Guns 3 2 1 0 HULL 3 2 1 0
Torpedo 6 4 2 0

US Navy cards (Optional alternative)

Name Tennessee Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

14" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
5" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Colorado Blue Armour Speed 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name South Dakota Blue Armour Speed 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 6 5 4 3 2 1 HULL Hull 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Lexington Blue Armour Speed 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

16" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 2 X HULL 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
6" Guns 5 4 3 2 1 HULL 4 3 2 1 SINK

Name Omaha Green Armour Speed 6

6" Guns 4 2 0 Hull 4 2 0
Torpedo 4 2 0

Name US Destroyer White (no) Armour Speed 6

4" Guns 3 2 1 0 HULL 3 2 1 0
Torpedo 6 4 2 0


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