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Student Name:   Kylie Pratt

Date: 7/18/21

Artifact Description: Music In You – An educational remix to a song.

What you learned:

I learned that song writing is harder than it looks! I had a hard time coming up with a
main topic. Another struggle I faced was finding words that matched the rhythm of the
song and the syllable count. I had the most technical issues with this project, I could not
figure out how to copy and paste the chords and once I did the formatting was not right
in my document. I played with the formatting for a while before I finally found a layout
that worked, I had a hard time keeping the chords of the song connected to the correct
lyrics, but I kept trying new ways to transfer the information and eventually got it right.

What you learned about your Multiple Intelligence results:

My highest intelligence score was 4.14 in Social category. I agree with many aspects of
the description. I have good social skills and like to talk. I do really enjoy taking part in
group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person in school or just
in general. My next highest category was 3.37 in Language. I like to tell and read stories
and am highly motivated by books and words and meanings. I can agree with both
categories having a strong grasp on the way I learn. They both seem the accurate
categories for me.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed:

The standard that this project addresses is 6b: Students create original works or
responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: 
When I started this project, I thought a remixed song like this could be use as a study tool to
memorize things such as the 50 states song or the president’s song. After working on one
myself I used it as a way to introduce the authors of books students would be reading that year
as a way to get them interested in the authors and topics. I think using music to spark interest in
a lesson can be a really useful tool in the classroom.

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