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Snapshot & Maintenance of a virtual

Provides a restoration point, so when an app or tool inside the VM collapse, you can recovery your data
with a simple restart.


When perform the snapshot, disconnect all the VPN connections, a restoration point with a VPN
connection will be a problem.

Close all the apps before performing the snapshot.

To obtain a snapshot go to

Maquina (Machine)  Obtener instántanea (Snapshot)

On the new window, write a name for this restoration point and a description (optional)
On the menu of the VM you can see the snapshots and if you need to restore a specific snapshot, just
select this and start the VM.

Get a lot of snapshots will consume your HDD space, so avoid to storage old’s snapshots, to delete the
snapshots, select on the VM menu perform right click and select delete.
Update & upgrade

It is highly recommended to perform and update and an upgrade of the VM daily, this to keep your SW
running and avoid issues.

A best practice is performing this update one time per week, and in a last resource, one time peer

To perform the update, open a terminal and write this line

sudo apt update

Enter your VM password

Once this operation ends, write this line to execute the updates

sudo apt upgrade

The best practice it’s to perform the update, the upgrade, verify your apps, and If everything is working
fine, perform a snapshot to keeps a backup with the updates.

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