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Feedback and Techniques Cheat Sheet

by paulina58 via

Feedback and techniques Recome​nda​tions

Definition Recome​nda​tions to give proper feedback to our students.

Feedback is the return of inform​ation. In the case of teaching, When we give feedback, we usually say: good?, all right, okay, etc.
feedback is an important tool to use with the students. Feedback is or we use the same answer of the student what with a intonation that
important to let the student know what they can improve or change. recall the student that it is incorrect. These types of feedback are the
However We need to know how to give good feedback to our most common, but not always the most effect​ives.
students, if we do not give it to them it will affect to their self-e​steem. To give proper feedback we have to be aware of the student we are
giving feedback. We need to monitor our students and develop the
Techniques for giving feedback feedback into an opporunity of learning. We don´t want our students
1.To prize new accomp​lis​hments you can use prior ones to show the to feel ashamed by the mistakes or we do not want to make them
student their progress. feel like a knows everyt​hing. We have to be careful to keep that thin
line while giving feedback.
2. You can focus the feedback into the behavior of the student
towards the task.
3. Give effective feedback when the task and the student deserve,
not only for any task.
4. Give effective feedback for specific tasks not only for partic​ipa​ting.

By paulina58 Published 6th May, 2020. Sponsored by Last updated 6th May, 2020. Measure your website readability!
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