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Article summary

Problem statement

What effect does music have on auditory hallucination and quality of life in schizophrenic patient?

Study Rational

To determine the effect of music on auditory hallucination and look into quality of life in
schizophrenic patients. The purpose of this study was to carry out a randomized control trials in
order to determine whether music plays any role on auditory hallucination among patient with

The sample consist of 28 patients where 14 were experimental and 14 were control group and they
were hospitalized with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and auditory hallucination admitted in the
psychiatry departments of university and state Hospital. The study took 2 years between 2011 and
2013. The research was initiated by meeting with the patient who were in the hospital and
diagnosed with schizophrenia with auditory hallucination and this were that patient who were on
their first day in the hospital. Those who gave consent to participate in the research were grouped
into two groups experimental and control. The method that was employed was Simple random
sampling method. However, some factors were put in place where only those above 18 years were
considered, those with schizophrenia (DSM-IV) and auditory hallucination, those able to
communication and answer questions, and those who came from within the province of Sivas.

According to the author he concluded he came into a conclusion that listening to music in Rast
tonality had positive outcome in terms of symptom and quality of improvements. The author
recommended that patient with schizophrenia associated with auditory hallucination should be
subjected to with music with Rast tonality to help them cope with stress and auditory hallucinations.
He also recommended for a further study to determine the effect of other genres of music and use a
wider study sample. And also have the patient provided with music playing gadgets.

Study critique

This is a critique study “The Effect of Music on Auditory Hallucination and Quality of Life in
Schizophrenic Patients. The study is definitely important especially for mental nurse as it is a study
that is sighting an essential discovery of how we can improve the quality of life of people suffering
from auditory hallusinations secondary to schizophrenia. The study also have a a good introduction
as it present several studies relevant studies are quoted and the context of the research is well
outlined. The study was well conducted and the choice of reseach methodology was well placed.

Significant results were noted from this research but there several shortcomings to the findings.
First, the research does not appear to have a hypothesis since it only concentrate on answering
some questions and has no premeditated ideas of how the study may come out. Secondly, a small
sample size was used 14 experimental and 14 control group which makes it difficult to come up with
a conclusion that really music improves the quality of life among people suffering schizophrenia. The
smaller the sample size the more likely tat you will have a bigger error and kthis could affect the
credibility of the research results.

If I was to carry out a similar study, I would focus on improving the sample size, this will help to have
a larger representation and reduce the error hence will get a more precise result. I would also focus
on having a study hypothesis, which will help me have a premeditated idea on the outcome.
While I don’t totally agree with the study fully, there are still some aspect that I agree for example
on how the study was carried out despite missing some integral parts like research hypothesis and
having a small sample size that may not fully represent the actual population. The study was
however carried out very well on other aspects like introduction, abstract, methodology and design
which I agree on this aspect[ CITATION Pin18 \l 1033 ].

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