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Question 1

Identify which of the following fintech technologies is not associated with lower costs for
a) Artificial intelligence
b) Robo-advisers
c) Distributed ledger technology

Question 2
Identify which of the following statements about distributed ledger technology (DLT)
networks is not true.
a) DLT networks lower transaction costs relative to traditional trading.
b) DLT networks settle trades faster than exchanges.
c) DLT networks use a centralized trading network.

Question 3
Identify which of the following items would not be associated with the application of fintech
for an investment manager.
a) The ability to analyze trading patterns for arbitrage opportunities
b) The ability to analyze investor sentiment
c) The ability to lower transaction costs

Question 4
Identify which of the following is not an accurate statement regarding robo-advisers.
a) Robo-advisers optimize portfolio asset allocations.
b) Robo-advisers inject transparency into the decision-making process.
c) Robo-advisers execute trades and rebalance portfolios.

Question 5
Identify which of the following items is an example of alternative data.
a) Corporate balance sheets
b) Credit card sales
c) GDP growth

Question 6
Identify which of the following statements about cryptocurrencies is untrue.
a) They have no limits on the issuance of currency.
b) They are traded on permissionless DLT networks.
c) They have no underlying fundamental value.

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