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Helloooo there, special chosen children of God!

What a wonderful truth we have learned today, right?! Dili lng ta loved and forgiven, kids! We are
chosen by the True and Living God pa gyud! And he also created us for a wonderful and a special
purpose! And naa pa gyud… He also made us a part of His grand and perfect plan!

How nice is that, kids, right?

So before we end, let me ask you few questions relating to the story first.

1. When did Samuel start serving God by helping priest Eli and ministering in the temple?
a. When he was a teenager.
b. When he was a little boy.
c. When he turned old like Eli.

When He was still young and little just like you!

2. When God called Samuel for the fourth time, what did Samuel reply to God?
a. “Speak Lord, for your servant heareth.”
b. “Speak to Eli, Lord, for he’s the priest.”
c. “Speak to someone else Lord for I’m but a boy.”

Speak Lord… because Samuel was willing to listen to GOD.

3. God chose Samuel to serve Him at a very young age. How can you, as a young boy or girl like
Samuel, serve and please God today?
a. By doing anything you want now and wait til you get old before you obey God
b. By listening to God and by loving and obeying Him as a young boy or girl
c. By trying to get old as fast as you can so you can start loving God

As young as you are, start listening to God and obey Him. And most of all, love him!

And nowww. Let’s not forget to identify who we are in Jesus as what we’ve learned from our
story today. Just like Samuel, who are you?

Screen: “I am Chosen”

Again? Who are you?

Screen: “I am Chosen”

That’s right! Don’t forget! You are especially chosen by our Almighty God for a wonderful

Soooo? Let’s call it a “Sunday” kids! And see you next Sunday!

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