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New or Revised Skills

Bluff (Cha)
You can use the Bluff skill to feint in airship combat.
Check: With a successful Bluff check, you mislead another airship so that it can’t dodge your attack effectively.
This check is opposed by the target pilot’s Sense Motive check. If you succeed, the next attack your airship
makes against the target ignores its pilot’s Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if it has one), thus lowering the
target’s Armor Class score. Using Bluff as a feint in airship combat is an attack action.
Special: If you have the Airship Feint feat, you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks when using the skill to feint in
airship combat.

Drive (Dex)
Check: Routine tasks, such as ordinary driving, don’t require a skill check. Make a check only when some
unusual circumstance exists (such as inclement weather or an icy surface), or when the character is driving
during a dramatic situation (the character is being chased or attacked, for example, or is trying to reach a
destination in a limited amount of time).

Magitek operators use the Drive skill to operate their magitek. In general, magitek operators don’t need to make
Drive checks to steer their magitek around the battlefield. However, this skill may come into play in combat
under the following circumstances:
• When trying to move past a foe without provoking an attack of opportunity, a magitek operator can make a
Drive check instead of a Tumble check.
• A magitek operator can oppose a trip attempt with a Drive check.
Try Again?: Most driving checks have consequences for failure that make trying again impossible.
Special: A character can take 10 when driving, but can’t take 20.
Time: A Drive check is a move action.

Knowledge (Technology) (Int)

You can make a Knowledge (technology) check to correctly identify airships, vehicles, and Magitek.
Check: The DCs for identifying technological items vary depending on the type of information required.

Identifying an airship by its type, identifying a Magitek by its structure, or identifying a vehicle by its frame:
DC 10.
Determining the function or purpose of a particular mechanical system: DC 15.
Recalling the standard, factory-model design specs of a particular type of airship, Magitek, or vehicle: DC 20.

When confronted with an unfamiliar piece of technology, you can make a Knowledge (technology) check to
correctly surmise the primary (if not singular) purpose of the device. A successful check result does not enable
you to activate the item, nor does it make you proficient with the item. For basic tools or instruments, the DC is
10. For anything else, the DC is 20.

Navigate (Int)
With the usage of Airships, you can use the Navigate skill to plot a course between continents, cities, islands, or
across oceans.
Check: Make a Navigate check when you’re trying to find your way to a distant location without directions or
other specific guidance. The DC depends on the length of the trip. If you succeed, you move via the best
reasonable course toward your goal. If you fail, you still reach the goal, but it takes you twice as long (you lose
time backtracking and correcting your path). If you fail by more than 5, you travel the expected time, but only
get halfway to your destination, at which point you become lost.

You may make a second Navigate check (DC 20) to regain your path. If you succeed, you continue on to your
destination; the total time for your trip is twice the normal time. If you fail, you lose half a day before you can
try again. You keep trying until you succeed, losing half a day for each failure.

Length of Trip DC
Short (a few hours) 20
Moderate (a day or two) 22
Long (up to a week) 25
Extreme (more than a week) 28

You can use Navigate to determine your position on earth without the use of any high-tech equipment by
checking the constellations or other natural landmarks. You must have a clear view of the night sky to make this
check. The DC is 15.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Navigate check. You can take 20 only when determining your
location, not when traveling. A character with the Guide feat gets a +2 bonus on all Navigate checks.
Time: Plotting a course is a full-round action.

Pilot (Dex)
You can use the Pilot skill to fly any kind of airship.
Check: Unless you have the Airship Operation feat, you take a -4 penalty on Pilot checks made to pilot an

Repair (Int)
You can repair or jury-rig damaged machinery, including ordinary items, vehicles, airships and Magitek.
Check: Repairing damage to items, vehicles, airships, and Magitek takes 1 hour of work, a mechanical tool kit,
and a proper facility such as a workshop or hanger bay. (Without the toolkit, you take a -4 penalty on your
Repair check.) At the end of the hour, make a Repair check (DC 20). Success repairs 2d6 points of damage. If
damage remains, you may continue to make repairs for as many hours as it takes to restore the objects to full hit
Special: Items, vehicles, airships, and Magitek that are reduced to 0 hp cannot be repaired. It can be salvaged
for parts, however (see the Salvage feat description for details).

New Feats
Advanced Magitek Operation [General]
You have received advanced training or extensive practice in magitek movement.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation.
Benefit: Choose the type of magitek (Mach I, Mach II, or Mach Elite). When you are operating a magitek of the
chosen type, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Defense. Furthermore, armor penalties for operating the magitek are
2 less than they would otherwise be (minimum penalty –0).

Airship Battle Run [General]

You are skilled at airship skirmish tactics, zipping in and out of an enemy’s sights.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Airship Dodge, Airship Mobility.
Benefit: When using an attack action with an airship ranged weapon, you can move both before and after the
attack, provided that the total distance does not exceed the airship’s movement. Moving in this way does not
provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender you are attacking (though it can provoke attacks of
opportunity from other nearby airships, as normal).

Airship Dodge [General]

You are adept at dodging attacks while piloting airships.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Pilot 6 ranks, Airship Operation
Benefit: When piloting an airship, you apply a +1 dodge bonus to your airship’s Armor Class against attacks
from one enemy airship you designate during your action. You can select a new enemy ship on any action.

Airship Feint [General]

You are skilled at misleading your enemy in airship combat.
Prerequisite: Pilot 9 ranks, Airship Operation
Benefit: When piloting an airship, you can make a Bluff check in airship combat as a move action. In addition,
you receive a +2 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in airship combat. See the expanded Bluff skill
description for details.

Airship Gunnery [General]

You are proficient with airship weapons.
Benefit: You do not take a penalty on Attack rolls when firing an airship weapon.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 nonproficient penalty on Attack rolls when firing an airship weapon.

Airship Mobility [General]

You are adept at dodging attacks while piloting airships.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Airship Dodge
Benefit: When piloting an airship, you apply a +4 dodge bonus to your airship’s Armor Class against attacks of
opportunity caused when you out of or within an airship’s threatened area. Any condition that makes your lose
your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class also makes you lose your dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses (such as this one
and the dodge bonus granted by the Airship Dodge feat) stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.

Airship Operation [General]

You are proficient at operating airships of any type.
Benefit: You gain Pilot and Navigate as class skills you obtained this feat. When operating an airship, you take
no penalty on Pilot checks made when operating the airship, and you also gain a +1 dodge bonus to your
airship’s Armor Class per 5 ranks of your Pilot skill.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 nonproficient penalty on Pilot checks made to operate an airship, and
you do not gain the dodge bonus to your airship’s Armor Class.

Hair Trigger [General]

You have developed a delicate sense of timing, and your area attacks hit your foes when they’re ill-prepared to
defend against them.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you make an attack from your magitek that requires enemies to make Reflex saving throws,
the DC for such saves is increased by +2.

Magitek Crush [General]

You can hurl your magitek’s body onto opponents to deal tremendous damage.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation.
Benefit: As an attack action, you can maneuver your magitek to jump or fall onto opponents, using the
magitek’s body to crush them. This attack is useful only against creatures at least one size categories smaller
than your magitek. The base damage for a crush attack depends on your magitek’s size category, as given below.
Add 1.5 times your magitek-modified Strength bonus to this base damage to determine the total damage for the

Magitek Size Damage

Large 2d6
Huge 2d8
A crush attack deals bludgeoning damage and affects as many creatures as can fit under your magitek’s body.
Each creature in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + your magitek’s size modifier for
grapple attacks). On a failure, the creature is pinned and automatically takes crush damage each round the pin is

Magitek Fling [General]

You can pick up an opponent with your magitek and fling it.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation, at least one free hand slot.
Benefit: Your magitek can make a grapple check at a –20 penalty against an opponent at least one size
categories smaller than it. If the grapple succeeds, you can use an attack action to fling the held opponent on
your next action. The range increment for the thrown foe is 10 feet, and the maximum range is 100 feet.
A creature may be thrown horizontally or vertically. If thrown vertically, it takes normal falling damage. If
thrown horizontally, it takes damage as though it had fallen half the distance thrown (rounded down), and you
may apply your magitek-modified Strength bonus to the damage.
Your magitek may also fling your opponent at another magitek, vehicle, or creature. To do so, make an attack
roll at a –4 penalty, with appropriate range penalties, against the target. If you hit, both the thrown creature and
the target take the amount of damage that the thrown creature would have otherwise taken, as given above.

Magitek Operation [General]

You know how to operate a magitek.
Benefit: You gain Drive as a class skill when you obtained this feat. You do not suffer the restrictions on
movement and penalties on skill checks for being unfamiliar with magitek controls. You can move normally in a
magitek and generally perform any action as if you weren’t inside a magitek, subject to the obvious limitations
of size. You threaten areas within your reach even if unarmed.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on Balance, Climb, Drive, Escape Artist, Hide, Move
Silently, and Tumble checks when operating a magitek. Furthermore, they cannot run or charge.

Magitek Sweep [General]

You can use your magitek to wield improvised weapons and attack several spaces at once.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation, Power Attack, two free hand slots.
Benefit: You can use your magitek’s great size and strength, along with your own knowledge of balance and
leverage, to pick up a heavy object (such as a large tree or boulder) and attack an area as an attack action. The
area affected is a half-circle with a radius equal to your magitek’s reach. This attack deals damage to all
creatures one or more size categories smaller than your magitek within the area. The base damage dealt depends
on your magitek’s size, as given below. Add 1.5 times your magitek’s Strength bonus to this base damage to
determine the total damage for the attack.

Magitek Size Damage

Large 1d6
Huge 1d8

Though it can deal significant damage, this form of attack is awkward and unbalancing. You take a –2 penalty to
your magitek’s Defense and on Reflex saves until your next turn.

Magitek Trample [General]

Your magitek can knock down and crush opponents.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while operating a magitek, the target may not choose to
avoid your magitek. If your magitek knocks down the target, your magitek may make one free slam attack
against the target, gaining a +4 bonus on the attack roll because the target is prone.
Magitek Weapon Boost [General]
By disabling safeguards and shunting auxiliary power into your weapons, you can attain greater destructive
power at the cost of weapon accuracy.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Repair 6 ranks.
Benefit: You can take a penalty of up to –5 on your attack roll. If you do, the magitek weapon of your choice
deals +1d6 points of damage for each –1 penalty you took. The attack penalty persists until the beginning of
your next turn, but the additional damage applies only to the next single attack you make.

Magitek Weapon Proficiency [General]

You know how to acquire targets and fire your magitek’s weapons using onboard computers and sensors.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation.
Benefit: You no longer suffer the standard penalties on attack rolls while you’re in your magitek. You can use
any feats that refer to firearms with your ranged magitek weapons.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made while in a magitek cockpit.
Furthermore, they cannot apply firearm feats to a magitek’s ranged weapons.

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