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Provided below is the analysis of the questions in the assignment:

1. Read in the data file and give VAR007 to VAR009 more meaningful names.

Provided below are the questions pertaining to the research objectives of the
questionnaire to be prepared:
• Please share your agreement with this statement: “I have supportive classmates"
• Please share your agreement with this statement: “My teacher has fair rules for the
class and is extremely impartial.”
• Please share your agreement with this statement: “I had a satisfying overall
academic experience in university program"
• Please share your agreement with this statement: “I often procrastinate about that
status of your personal goals in life"
• Please share your agreement with this statement: “Sports and other extracurricular
activities motivates me to learn more"
• Please share your agreement with this statement: “I think that the school provides
you with adequate sports facilities"

Likewise, the following meaningful names were allotted to all the variables as below:
Variable Name Revised Name
VAR001 Supportive_Classmates,
VAR002 Fair_Teachers
VAR003 Satisfying_Overall_Academic_Experience
VAR004 Personal_Goals_Procrastination
VAR005 Motivation_of_Extracurricular_Activities
VAR006 Adequate_Sports_Facilities
VAR007 Attainment_at_University
VAR008 Respondent_Gender
VAR009 Respondent_ID

2. Make a plot showing the distribution of responses on the dependent variable.

Provided below is the plot of Attainment at University with respect to the Supportive
From the above plot, it can be said that the students agreeing for supportive classmates
are having highest amount of attainment at university and students disagreeing for
supportive classmates are having lowest amount of attainment at university

Provided below is the plot of Attainment at University with respect to the teachers being

From the above plot, it can be said that the students agreeing for fair and unbiased
faculties are having highest amount of attainment at university and students strongly
agreeing for the same are having lowest amount of attainment at university respectively.

Provided below is the plot of Attainment at University with respect to the overall
academic experience being satisfying:
From the above plot, it can be said that the students being neutral for satisfying overall
academic experience are having highest amount of attainment at university and students
strongly disagreeing for the same are having lowest amount of attainment at university

Provided below is the plot of Attainment at University with respect to the

procrastination created in the status of personal goals:

From the above plot, it can be said that the students being neutral for procrastination of
their personal goals are having highest amount of attainment at university and students
strongly disagreeing for the same are having lowest amount of attainment at university

Provided below is the plot of Attainment at University with respect to the motivation
gained with the extracurricular activities:
From the above plot, it can be said that the students agreeing for the motivation gained
from sports and extracurricular activities are having highest amount of attainment at
university and students strongly disagreeing for the same are having lowest amount of
attainment at university respectively.

Provided below is the plot of Attainment at University with respect to the adequate
sports facilities being provided:

From the above plot, it can be said that the students strongly disagreeing for the
adequate sports facilities are having highest amount of attainment at university and
students strongly agreeing for the same are having lowest amount of attainment at
university respectively.

3. Recode VAR001 to VAR006 from text strings to the corresponding values 1 to 5.


The variables VAR001 to VAR006 were recoded in the pattern where 1 (Strongly
Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) and the following snapshot represents the output from
the creation of the new variables with recorded values:

Original values:
Recoded values:

4. Compute a summary score for each respondent that combines all of the six
questions equally.

Taking average as a summary score of all 6 responses at a respondent level, we get the
following 92 values for each respondent:

These values have been stored in a column named summary_score for further analysis.
5. Make an appropriately labelled plot showing the relationship between the
summary score and the dependent variable, with lines of different colour for Males
and Females


Provided below is the scatter plot obtained for denoting the relationship between the
summary score and the dependent variable (Attainment at university), the different dots
of males and females have been used here for differentiation.

From the above plot, we can say that the proportion of males is higher than that of
females. Also, there is a extremely low rate of direct relationship seen between these
variables. This means that with an increase in summary score, there is a very mild
increase in the attainment at university.

6. Find the correlation between the summary score and the dependent variable

From the cor() function in R, the correlation obtained between summary score and the
dependent variable is 0.04191044 respectively. This means there is very low form of
positive correlation between summary_scores obtained and the attainment at university.
We can also say that there is neutral relation between these 2 variables.

7. Obtain the Bayes Factor of this correlation

Consider the below snapshot for the R output for Bayes Factor:
From the output, we can conclude the Bayes factor for the correlation to be 0.333

8. Run a regression to predict the dependent variable from the summary score alone.


Dependent variable: Attainment at university
Independent variable: Summary Score

Null hypotheses: There is significant relationship between summary score and

attainment at university.
Alternate hypotheses: There is an insignificant relationship between summary score and
attainment at university.

Provided below is the summary of the regression model fitted between these 2

Provided below are the insights generated from the output:

The regression line fitted is:

Attainment at university = 49.9834 + 0.7759 * (Summary Score)

Probability value corresponding to the summary score: 0.692

As the probability value is more than 0.05, we do not reject null hypotheses at 5%
level of significance.
Hence, we can conclude that the summary scores of the respondents do not affect
the attainment at university significantly.
9. Run a regression to predict the dependent variable from the summary score and


Dependent variable: Attainment at university
Independent variable: Summary Score and Respondent Sex

For respondent sex as the independent variable:

Null hypotheses: There is significant relationship between respondent sex and
attainment at university.
Alternate hypotheses: There is an insignificant relationship between respondent sex and
attainment at university.

For summary score as the independent variable:

Null hypotheses: There is significant relationship between summary score, respondent
and attainment at university.
Alternate hypotheses: There is an insignificant relationship between summary score and
attainment at university.

Provided below is the summary of the regression model fitted between these 3

Provided below are the insights generated from the output:

The regression line fitted is:

Attainment at university = 47.999 + 2.079 * (Summary Score) – 6.331 * (Male

category of Respondent Gender)
Probability value corresponding to the summary score: 0.27
Probability value corresponding to the respondent sex (Male): 0.00274

As the probability value for summary score is more than 0.05, we do not reject null
hypotheses at 5% level of significance.
Hence, we can conclude that the summary scores of the respondents do not affect
the attainment at university significantly.

As the probability value for male respondents is less than 0.05, we reject null
hypotheses at 5% level of significance.
Hence, we can conclude that the mail respondents significantly impact the
attainment at university.
Presented below are all the codes used for this assignment:

Data = read.csv("ReferralData2020.csv")

#Provided below are the questions pertaining to the research objectives of the questionnaire to
be prepared:
#Please share your agreement with this statement: “I have supportive classmtes"
#Please share your agreement with this statement: “My teacher has fair rules for the class and
is extremely impartial.”
#Please share your agreement with this statement: “I had a satisfying overall academic
experience in university program"
#Please share your agreement with this statement: “I often procrastinate about that status of
your personal goals in life"
#Please share your agreement with this statement: “Sports and other extracurricular activities
motivates me to learn more"
#Please share your agreement with this statement: “I think that the school provides you with
adequate sports facilities"

#Re-naming and creating of more meaninnful naes for variables VAR001 to VAR006
colnames(Data) <- c("Supportive_Classmates",

#Plot showing the distribution of responses on the dependent variable
Data$Supportive_Classmates = as.factor(Data$Supportive_Classmates)
Data$Fair_Teachers = as.factor(Data$Fair_Teachers)
Data$Satisfying_Overall_Academic_Experience =
Data$Personal_Goals_Procrastination = as.factor(Data$Personal_Goals_Procrastination)
Data$Motivation_of_Extracurricular_Activities =
Data$Adequate_Sports_Facilities = as.factor(Data$Adequate_Sports_Facilities)
Data$Attainment_at_University = as.numeric(Data$Attainment_at_University)

#Plot of Attainment at University with respect to the Supportive classmates
ggplot(Data, aes(x = Supportive_Classmates, y = Attainment_at_University)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="steelblue")

#Plot of Attainment at University with respect to the teachers being fair

ggplot(Data, aes(x =Fair_Teachers , y = Attainment_at_University)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="yellow")

#Plot of Attainment at University with respect to the overall academic experience being
ggplot(Data, aes(x =Satisfying_Overall_Academic_Experience , y =
Attainment_at_University)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="red")

#Plot of Attainment at University with respect to the procrastination created in the status of
personal goals
ggplot(Data, aes(x =Personal_Goals_Procrastination , y = Attainment_at_University)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="pink")

#Plot of Attainment at University with respect to the motivation gained with the extracurricular
ggplot(Data, aes(x =Motivation_of_Extracurricular_Activities , y =
Attainment_at_University)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="purple")

#Plot of Attainment at University with respect to the adequate sports facilities being provided
ggplot(Data, aes(x =Adequate_Sports_Facilities , y = Attainment_at_University)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="green")

#Recode of VAR001 to VAR006 from text strings to the corresponding values 1 to 5
Data$Supportive_Classmates.n <- recode(Data$Supportive_Classmates,"Strongly Disagree" =
1, "Disagree" = 2, "Neither" = 3, "Agree" = 4, "Strongly Agree" = 5)
Data$Supportive_Classmates.n <- as.numeric(Data$Supportive_Classmates.n)
Data$Fair_Teachers.n <- recode(Data$Fair_Teachers,"Strongly Disagree" = 1, "Disagree" = 2,
"Neither" = 3, "Agree" = 4, "Strongly Agree" = 5)
Data$Fair_Teachers.n <- as.numeric(Data$Fair_Teachers.n)
Data$Satisfying_Overall_Academic_Experience.n <-
recode(Data$Satisfying_Overall_Academic_Experience,"Strongly Disagree" = 1, "Disagree"
= 2, "Neither" = 3, "Agree" = 4, "Strongly Agree" = 5)
Data$Satisfying_Overall_Academic_Experience.n <-
Data$Personal_Goals_Procrastination.n <-
recode(Data$Personal_Goals_Procrastination,"Strongly Disagree" = 1, "Disagree" = 2,
"Neither" = 3, "Agree" = 4, "Strongly Agree" = 5)
Data$Personal_Goals_Procrastination.n <- as.numeric(Data$Personal_Goals_Procrastination)
Data$Motivation_of_Extracurricular_Activities.n <-
recode(Data$Motivation_of_Extracurricular_Activities,"Strongly Disagree" = 1, "Disagree" =
2, "Neither" = 3, "Agree" = 4, "Strongly Agree" = 5)
Data$Motivation_of_Extracurricular_Activities.n <-
Data$Adequate_Sports_Facilities.n <- recode(Data$Adequate_Sports_Facilities,"Strongly
Disagree" = 1, "Disagree" = 2, "Neither" = 3, "Agree" = 4, "Strongly Agree" = 5)
Data$Adequate_Sports_Facilities.n <- as.numeric(Data$Adequate_Sports_Facilities.n)

#Summary score for each respondent that combines all of the six questions equally.
#Taking average of all 6 responses at a respondent level
Data$Summary_Score = rowMeans(Data[,c('Supportive_Classmates.n', 'Fair_Teachers.n',

#Plot showing the relationship between the summary score and the dependent variable, with
lines of different colour for Males and Females
p <- ggplot(Data, aes(Summary_Score, Attainment_at_University))
p + geom_point(aes(colour = Respondent_Gender), size = 2)+
labs(y= "Summary Score", x = "Attainment at University", title="Scatterplot of Summary
Scores vs Attainment at University")

#Correlation between the summary score and the dependent variable
cor(Data$Summary_Score, Data$Attainment_at_University)

#Bayes Factor of this correlation
correlationBF(Data$Summary_Score, Data$Attainment_at_University)
#Bayes factor analysis
# [1] Alt., r=0.333 : 0.2576632 ±0%
#Against denominator:
# Null, rho = 0
# Bayes factor type: BFcorrelation, Jeffreys-beta*

#Regression to predict the dependent variable from the summary score alone
Model1 = lm(Attainment_at_University~Summary_Score, data = Data)

#Regression to predict the dependent variable from the summary score alone
Model2 = lm(Attainment_at_University~Summary_Score+Respondent_Gender, data = Data)

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