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Greetings, Civil Engineers!

ADVANCED TOPIC IN CIVIL ENGINEERING – Mapúa University is inviting you to a scheduled


Topic: Beneath the Structures: Building and Integrating Knowledge in Civil Engineering
Time: July 3, 2021 12:30 PM Philippines

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 989 6199 7281

Passcode: 300230

1.) The Zoom meeting will be opened at 12:30 PM. The program will start at 1:00 PM.
2.) Please be reminded of the proper Zoom Etiquette. Display of improper conduct and violation of the
undermentioned rules during the event may result in removal from the session.
3.) If you want a better experience during our webinar, we highly suggest that you set your view to
"Gallery view." To accomplish this, simply click the view options tab on the ribbon above your screen or
view tab on the upper right of your screen and select "Gallery view." This allows you to focus on the
speaker, the emcee, and the PowerPoint.
4.) Refrain from sending a message through the Zoom chat box while the speaker is presenting as this
might cause interruptions. If you have questions or concerns, kindly message any of the facilitators
present in the webinar.
5.) Refrain from turning on your microphone and video during the event unless you are asked to do so.
6.) You may ask questions to the speaker, but only after their presentation. Kindly raise your hand if you
are interested in asking questions. You will be allowed to open your microphone and/or video once
acknowledged by either the speaker or the emcee/s. However, if you cannot open your microphone and
video, you may send your questions to our [QUESTION BOX].
7.) If by any chance that you get disconnected, kindly send a private message to anyone from our
8.) We advise everyone to stay until the end of the Program.
9.) E-certificates will be generated after answering the evaluation forms that will be sent to you after the
Thank you and see you there!

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