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A Project Report

Fitness Management Application Using Android Application

Submitted to :

Amity University
Uttar Pradesh

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering


Rishabh Shukla

Under the guidance of

Dr. Anil Kumar Giri
Assistant Professor




I do hereby declare that the Project report entitled Fitness Management Application Using
Android Application Development is an authentic work developed by me under the
guidance of Dr. Anil Kumar Giri and submitted for evaluation in 5th Semester for the
degree of B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering at Amity School of Engineering
and Technology, Atmity University Uttar Pradesh.

I also declare that any or all contents incorporated in this report have not been submitted in
any form for the award of degree or diploma of any other institution or university.

Signature and Name of the student

Rishabh Shukla

Signature and Name of the Guide

Dr. Anil Kumar Giri


I am highly obliged to be given an opportunity to work on this project as it provided me

with the opportunity to explore different sides and shades of the wide world of computing
and technology. It’s a great approach to take up our interested topic and convert it into a
positive fruitful outcome.

I want to thank my mentor Dr. Anil Kumar Giri for providing a constant support and
guideline throughout the period of term paper. His kind words of motivation helped me out
through the difficulties and suggestions made me better.

I want to thank my parents for being a constant support and acting as a lifeline, for always
being with me in times of thick and thin.

Rishabh Shukla
B. Tech CSE, 5th Semester
Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Amity University, Uttar Pradesh


This is to attest that Mr. Rishabh Shukla student of B.Tech. in CSE has carried out
the work offered in the project of the Intership on " FITNESS MANAGEMENT
Third year program of Bachelor of Technology in CSE from ASET , Amity University,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh under my direction.

Dr. Anil Kumar Giri

Assistant Professor, AUUP

Fitness management app is an approach to make our daily life more healthier and fulfilling,
by calculting our daily calorie intake and managing our BMI, BMR and protein intake will
help us to track our health better than ever before.

The app is devided into two parts, one is calculating daily calorie intake based on what the
user is eating throughout the day by using calorie value of food products and second part is
taking user’s fitness test by using their weight, height, age, sex and thier physical activitie s.
This test contain calorie calculation, Protein Intake, BMI, BMR.

Android platform is used for this perpose because of the goal in mind to reach as many
people as possible and this can only be done through a moblile platform because of the
reach and large number of users of mobile phones.


App Android Application

BMI Body mass index
BMR Basal metabolic rate
RAM Random Access Memory
APK Application package kit


Sr. No Description Page No

1. Declaration............................................................................. 2

2. Aknowledgement................................................................... 3

3. Certificate............................................................................... 4

4. Abstract.................................................................................. 5

5. List of Abbreviation............................................................... 6

6. Introduction............................................................................ 8 – 10

7. Materials And Methods.......................................................... 11 – 13

8. Project Structure ................................................................. 14

9. Results And Discussions........................................................ 15 – 18

10. Conclusions And Recommendations..................................... 19

11. Implications For Future Research.......................................... 20

12. References.............................................................................. 21

13. Additional Screenshots.......................................................... 22


FIGURE 1: ANDROID VERSION TIMELINE .........................................9

FIGURE 2: HOME PAGE....................................................................... 11

FIGURE 3: ARCHITECTURE OF ANDROID STUDIO .......................... 13

FIGURE 4: STRUCTURE OF THE APPLICATION ............................... 13

FIGURE 5: ROUGH APK STRUCTURE ................................................. 14

FIGURE 6: MAIN ACTIVITY ................................................................ 16

FIGURE 7: FIT TEST ACTIVITY .......................................................... 17

FIGURE 8: FIT TEST RESULT ACTIVITY ............................................ 17

FIGURE 9: LINK FOR HELP ACTIVITY .............................................. 17

FIGURE 10: HELP ACTIVITY................................................................ 17

FIGURE 11: ABOUT US ACTIVITY ...................................................... 17

FIGURE 12: SEARCH FOR FOOD ACTIVITY....................................... 17

What is an Android?
Android is an open source operating System for smart phone, tablets, watches, TV’s and
computers or in other words it is an operating system for mobile devices. Android offers a
very focused and unified approach for developing applications for mobile devices which
means developers need to create applications only for Android, and their applications will
be able to run on almost all the different android devices without any extra effort.
Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance(OHA), supported by Google, and few
other companies. Android is mainly based on touch guestures i.e direct manipulation of
data on a screen that mainly related or inspired by real-world actions. It provides us with
the on-screen object that can be manipulated, along with a virtual keyboard which can be
used for text and number input.

Android Version:
1. Android 1.0, 1.1(Apple pie)
2. Android 1.5(Cupcake)
3. Android 1.6(Donut)
4. Android 2.0(Eclair)
5. Android 2.2.x(Froyo)
6. Android 2.3 - 2.3.2(Gingerbread)
7. Android 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2(HoneyComb, HC _MR1, HC_Mr2)
8. Android 4.0 - 4.0.2, 4.0.3 - 4.0.4((Ice_Cream_Sandwich,ICS_MR1)
9. Android 4.1 - 4.1.1, 4.2 - 4.2.2,4.3(Jelly_Bean, JB_MR1, JB_MR2)
10. Android 4.4, 4.4W (Kitkat, K_Watch)
11. Android 5.0, 5.1(Lollipop, L_MR1)
12. Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)
13. Android 7.0 (Nougat)
14. Android 8.0 (Oreo)

Figure 1: Android Version Timeline

Java in Android App Development.
Java is a open source programming language that doesn’t directly compile to machine code
but it refers to a virtual machine called Java runtime environment which understands a
format in between the final machine code i.e; java byte-code. Java is needed to run with a
virtual device on each platform that runs it.
An android app uses an Android application that runs on the Android platform. It builds on
a custom virtual machine that gives its user the additional usage and application power and
a user-friendly environment Android is an open source operating System for smart phone,
tablets, watches, TV’s and computers or in other words it is an operating system for mobile
devices. Android offers a very focused and unified approach for developing applicatio ns
for mobile devices which means developers need to create applications only for Android,
and their applications will be able to run on almost all the different android devices without
any extra effort.
Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance(OHA), supported by Google, and few
other companies. Android is mainly based on touch guestures i.e direct manipulation of
data on a screen that mainly related or inspired by real-world actions. It provides us with
the on-screen object that can be manipulated, along with a virtual keyboard which can be
used for text and number input.

Android actual virtual machine is called Dalvik.

Diet And Fitness Tracker App
This app is designed to keep track of user’s diet and their calorie intake throughout the
day and to keep track of their fitness by using the basic fitness needs of maintaining their
weight etc.
It has two basic features
1- Calculating daily calorie intake
2- Fit Test

Daily Calorie Intake –

It is calculated as per the consumption and Input of the user in the app. When user eats
something and add it to the calorie calculator then it adds the given calories to the fina l
Fit Test –
This test is to challenge the user to make changes
in their daily. This takes user’s weight, height, age,
sex and their degree of activity and asks the user to
take the fit test. After taking the fit test user will be
displayed with thier required calorie intake,
protein intake, BMI and BMR.

Figure 2: Home Page


Android framework
Android is one of the platforms which uses open source technology. It is created by the
collaboration of Google and developed by Open Handset Alliance. It is created with the
purpose of “accelerate innovation in mobile” As we know Android is used on almost 90%
mobile devices with dominance. It is entirely free and open source platform that distinc t
hardware from software that it is running on. It results in support to much more devices and
platforms that it can run on. Also, it gives the possibility of a much more friendlier and
comfortable atmosphere for developers and consumers.
Android is a all in one software package for a mobile devices. Since the start the Android
team offered the development kit (tools and frameworks) for creating applications as fast
and easy to use as possible.

Software Used -
1. Android Studio
2. Intellij IDE
3. Windows 10 Home edition
4. Google Chrome

Architectural Design –

Figure 3: Architecture of Android Studio

Figure 4: Structure of the application

APK (Android Package Kit)-
Android application are deployed as in the form of application package files that are known
as APK files. These files are container files that contain both Application code, resource
files as well as the application manifest file. These APK files are ZIP files and you can
check the content by extracting it with any decompression tool such as 7zip that brace the
ZIP format.
You may have noticed that the APK files are named in reverse-domain-style this is to dodge
naming collisions, the same naming format can be found in many other places in Android
such as custom permissions and so on, e.g com.lucky.dietapp

Figure 5: Rough APK structure


The project is consist of the package “”,

everything about the project is included in this package including all the activities, icons,
layout files, string files etc.

The java folder contains all the java activity file which is the backend of the code, in this
area of the app all the code necessary for the app is written. This includes MainActivity,
fitTestButton activity, about_us activity etc.
This folder contains all the layout files which includes icons, string files, and the frontend
layout of the app.
Drawable folder contains background image for the app which is “back.jpg”.
Font folder has the font setting for the app. Which is “Droid Serif Bold” and “Varela
Round Regular” for this app.
Layout folder have all the activities in the app, all the pages in the app are called activitie s.
This app contains total of 6 activities.
Mipmap contains icon for the app.
Values folder has all the colors, strings and styles files. Which is explained below

/res/values/: Default folder to find values to be used in this app.

/res/values/strings.xml: File where string resources are defined.
/res/values/styles.xml: File where style resources are defined.
/res/values/dimens.xml: File where dimension resources are defined.

Main Activity

The first page of the app is shown below. As soon as the program is compiled and run, The
user is asked if he wants to search a food name to add to calorie calculator or he/she wants
to take the Fit test. On selecting the option the user will be taken to the respective window
and the task will bw performed. The main activity page is shown in fig.4 below.

Figure 6: Main Activity

Fit Test Activity
Fit Test activity is second activity in the app. It is desined to keep track of user’s health and
activities by keeping track of their BMI, BMR.
BMI - The BMI is an meathod to measure the
amount of tissue mass ( fat, bone and muscle)
in a human, and thereafter classify that an
individual is either underweight, average
weight, overweight, or obese in view of that
esteem. There are some argumnets relating the
placement of the margin of these categories.
Generally accepted BMI ranges for
underweight: under 18.5 kg/m2, ordinary
weight: 18.5 to 25, overweight: 25 to 30 and
fat: more than 30.

BMR - The basal metabolic rate is the

calculated amount of energy required by a
human in a unit of time while at rest. Some of
these activities being breathing, control of
body temperature, dissemination of blood,
development of cell, cerebrum and muscle
movement. The amount of calories that a
normal man consumes is influences by the
Basal Metabolic Rate, and it affects if the
person looks after himself, gain some weight
or loose some. The current statistics of Basal
Metabolic Rate represent around 60 to 75% of
Figure 7: Fit Test Activity
the daily calorie consumption by people.

There are 2 formulae used to calculate BMR, in [kcal / 24hrs] for men and women

Fit Test result Activity –
This activity shows the results for the fit test. This activity uses two fonts “Droid Serif
Bold” and “Varela Round Regular” for the better display of the quantities and is separated
by view activity. This activity is desined to be a user friendly because of the importance it
havs in the app.
Below is a figure showing the actual layout of the activity.

Figure 8: Fit Test Result Activity

Help Activity –
This activity is included in the app so that users can understand the meaning of the various
fitness measures present in the app. The link for this activity is located inside Fit test result
activity as shown below.

Figure 9: Link for Help Activity

Figure 10: Help Activity


Our project has created as a working applications which can perform a simple action like
taking user input and displaying their result as expected. This application is fully functio na l
and brings the basic structure which can be implemented in further development of the

The goal of this whole project was to create a user input and output interface which helps
in declining human efforts in making things happen and also making all of us healthier than
yesterday. Also the goal was to create the listing interface, which is used to display different
types of results to the user.

The app which was mentioned before can handle inputs and take the input and result in
another activity by using Application session storage. The layout Fittest has three fields
where the user can enter his/her weight, age and height in order to get their fit test done.
The transfer of the results from one activity to other is handled by Application Session

Through this app, we have dreamed the goal for a fit India which can be achieved if all the
citizen of India to take part and help themselves and the nation towards a fitter and a better

This app is recommended for any individual who is trying to make themselves healthie r
and happier.


It is attainable to provide more functions to the application. Also implement an AI which

can predict users estimate daily food consumption, what kind of food user prefer and what
is healthier for the user. Also there is a possibility of adding features like healthy food
recipes, and healthy alternatives to whatever the user is consuming.
There can be a login window to make application more personalise and a signup connected
to various platforms such as facebook and google.
There is a possibility of adding map feature so that users can locate nearest fitness centres
for their convinient.
Copyright policy must be defined in advance.
Registering the application with Google services and uploading it onto the Google Play










 Java, The Complete Reference Book by Herbert Schildt


Figure 11: About Us Activity Figure 12: Search for Food Activity


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