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Roll No-17031010044

1) Explain all the normal lab values?

1) The Troponin1 level is in the normal range. Creatine kinase
myocardial bandIs also normal. B type natriuretic peptide is also
normal. Triglycerides and cholesterol is borderline high and
ranges from 1.8 to 2.2 mmol/L. HbAlc is over 6.5 and this
indicates that the patient is diabetic.

2) What is your primary diagnosis?

2) During the primary diagnosis the patient suffers from chest
pain and hypertension and also defuse thyroid disease and the
angiogram shows coronary heart disease and the triglyceride
cholesterol level is also high.
-This indicates that the Patient is suffering from angina pectoris
which if not treated can lead to myocardial infarction.

3) Which examination is the most useful to diagnose?

3) The top and one level is a useful test because increase in the
top and in one level shows the presence of a myocardial

4) What is the next treatment?

4) Cardiac Rehab,Beta blockers in case the patient is suffering
from angina, CABG coronary artery bypass grafting could be
used as the next treatment.

5) What else is included besides medication and PCI treatment?

5) The patient should be put on a proper diet and exercise
schedule and also should maintain a healthy blood glucose level
besides the medication and PCI treatment.

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