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Running head: WORLD WARS

World Wars

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World Wars

1. After WWII, Germany was divided into French, British, American, and Soviet’s zones for

military governance. The eastern part of the City of Berlin was allocated to the Soviet Union, and

many Germans moved to West in a bid to get better opportunities. Germany was divided into

two blocs; West and east. Germany also saw its war gains being stripped from them and lost

territories such as Poland and the Soviet Union. In doing so, many Germans were displaced, and

others that had survived the war were subjected to harsh living conditions (History, 2020). Many

Germans were facing starvation, and others were subjected to forced labor in the regions that

they had migrated to.

2. Cold war can be described as a period after World War 11 when the United States (U.S.) and

the Soviet Union developed geopolitical tensions. The tension extended to their allies divided

into the Eastern and the Western blocs. The ideological differences between the two countries

emerged from the issue of support during the war. The two rivalling countries opposed each

other by taking the side of the enemy. Also, economic and political propaganda in a bid to gain

massive global influence with regards to the temporal alliances after the Nazis were defeated.

Psychological warfare entailed propaganda campaigns, rivalry at sporting activities, espionage,

competing in space and nuclear technology, and far-reaching restrictions.

3. America’s foreign policy transformed during the Cold War since it started engaging in other

political affairs by striving to stop communism from spreading to the rest of the world. The U.S.

was critical about the influence communism was likely to have adverse impacts abroad. The

change came as a response to the multiple moves that the Soviet Union was making to expand its

global influence. The country had already taken up countries such as Korea, China, Vietnam, and

Eastern Europe. Besides, a transition from isolation policy to a more open foreign was based on

the need to preserve national security and create a balance of authority around the world. The

U.S. also aimed at sustaining the internal peace and democratic rights of the people.

4. The Cold War ended as a result of the collapse of the Berlin wall between 1989 and 1990.

Therefore, free and fair elections were carried out in Germany, resulting in the communist

regime being ousted out of power. Communism was abolished in other parts of Eastern Europe;

thus, causing the Soviets Union’s power to diminish significantly. Also, in 1991, the Soviet

Union was disintegrated into its individual republics (American Government, 2020). The

communist administration started feeling economic pressures due to political dysfunction. The

aforementioned events also led to the lifting of the Iron Curtain in China; making the end of the

Cold War era.

5. Europe changed after the end of the Cold War since the Eastern and Western fonts have since

tried to unite by establishing political and economic ties. Eastern European regimes have shown

interest in working with countries in the West to accelerate their economic development. The

Eastern Europe nation gained its independence from the communist regime. The countries in the

East that were under Russia joined the rest of Europe. In this regard, the social and political

structures changed in Europe and could be evidenced by civil rights movements.



American Government. (2020). Foreign policy: What now? Retrieved from

History. (2020). Berlin is divided. Retrieved from

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