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€ What are the effects of Guru Chandal in the... 5 Answers & Indra Raj, Learning KP astrology a Answered December 16, 2019 This nomenclature of Guruchandal is not very realistic. Guru is Jupiter and Rahu is considered as Chandal is lowest category wicked dirty cruel person. Perhaps many high cast Brahmans who performed religious duties and rituals considered any other outsider person as of low standard or Neecha. So in astrology Rahu in conjunction with Jupiter was considered very bad. Rahu is considered to be Karaka of somethings unknown, unseen, infinite, no face or color, no size, (like rumors which are infinite, color less, spread widely by unknown persons), persons from other unknown races and religions , new unknown scientific knowledge etc etc. Now when Jupiter a pure and moral and religious planet comes in contact with such Rahu it is considered that Rahu will deviate or refocus the religious planet from his duties. Scanned with CamScanner Rahu in modern days is Karka of internet and mass media. Internet takes shapes and characteristics of any planet. With Mercury it is astrology and games sites, with Venus it is software or love or porno sites, with Saturn it is politics and communism or science, with Sun it is government sites, with Moon it is poetry and art sites. Can you consider that Rahu with Jupiter is a bad combination in modern times? It is magnifying Jupiter effects and not many have interest in religious rituals on his own regime. Coming to Rahu and Jupiter in Pisces, Pisces is an emotional watery sign. The imagination and emotions will go very high but the native will look simple and unassuming. Will take deep interest in friendship on Facebook, whatsapp,sites of public good, religious activities on mass media, have big dreams and vision, will like animal kingdom and sanitariums and asylums. This is a general description, actual characteristics can be Scanned with CamScanner But in my opinion, these assumptions of Jupiter losing its direction etc do not apply in modern times. Rahu is planet of no size and color and infinite characteristics but it takes the characteristics of Rasi, planet ,star etc with which it is associated. It also magnify its effects. Rahu is also planet of higher capabilities of communications. It is very friendly with Mercury which is also planet of communication. Both together in conjunction magnify qualities of intelligence, communications etc. In the modern times old religious rituals are getting lost. It is now confined to a few pure individuals. These days religious or moral activities are show cased and spread on mass media to reach every households. Rahu helps Jupiter to spread religious preaching and showcase these to wide masses. Every Guruji wants to preach through internet, websites ,you- tube videos. Scanned with CamScanner known by reading the horoscope how Jupiter and Rahu are connected to other bhavas, star and planets. Scanned with CamScanner

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