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Brief notes on leadership

By Rotarian kiwumulo
What is meant by the term?
 Defined quite differently by deferent people, not one
single definition
 The following are some of them
 Is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal
 is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other
members of an organization. 
 is the potential to influence behavior of others. It is also defined as the capacity to influence a
group towards the realization of a goal
 . Creating an Inspiring Vision of the Future ·
 . Motivating and Inspiring People.
  is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the
achievement of a goal
 It is a complex moral relationship between people, based on trust, obligation,
commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good.
 Occurs when one person induces others to work toward some predetermined

Nb the list can go on but what is common with all is;

 It’s about people
 It’s about a common purpose between those people
 It’s a process
 It’s about being at the top of the group
 It’s about results defined by the group
 It’s about driving the efforts of the group towards a
common purpose
Some of the synonyms;
 Couching
 Guidance
 Steering
 mentoring
 Authority
 Influence
 Inspiration
 Inducement
 Superintendence
 Ministering
Preferred definition; the art and science of influencing people
under your responsibility to willingly follow one towards
achieving common objectives
Good leadership should be;
I. Collegial( based on rapport)
II. Consensus based in decision making
III. Inspiring rather than rules based
IV. Based on moral authority
V. Draw from the support of the followers
VI. Collaborative
Leaders must bond\Radiate with the followers
The ultimate test of practical leadership is the realization of intended, real change that
meets people’s enduring needs.

The role of a leader among others, include;

Model the Way
Clarify values by finding your voice and affirming
shared ideals.
. Set the example by aligning actions with shared
Inspire a Shared Vision
Envision the future by imagining exciting and
ennobling possibilities
Envision the future by imagining exciting and
ennobling possibilities
Challenge the Process
Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative
and by looking outward for innovative ways to
Experiment and take risks by constantly generating
small wins and learning from experience
Enable Others to Act
Foster collaboration by building trust and
facilitating relationships.
Strengthen others by increasing self-determination
and developing competence
Encourage the Heart and the soul
Recognize contributions by showing appreciation
for individual excellence
Celebrate victories by creating a
spirit of community
The role of a leader is to create an environment in which the hidden geniuses
in each of the followers is exploited for common excellence towards achieving
a common goal
Qualities of good leader
A good leader must possess traits and qualities
among others being;
1. Good character; who embodies the following
o Humanity/ Ubuntu
o Respect
o Humility
o Integrity
o dignity
o honesty
o Fairness
o Compassion
o Empathy
o Decency
o justice
2. Physical presence; being felt/ calls for the
mastery of the art and science of leading
3. Visionary and inspiring
4. Knowledge of the subject matter
5. Good communicator\verbal and nonverbal
6. Good supervisor
7. Interpersonal skills such as;
 Team player
 Inclusive\ non discriminatory
 participatory
 conflict manager
 Resourceful
 Coaching and mentoring
 Motivation
 Mobilization
 Coaching and mentoring
 Emotional intelligence/ self-awareness[ self-
awareness, self-management and control ]
 Social intelligence/ social awareness\able to
appreciate and manage diversity in order to build
 Servant leader
8 Critical thinker and consultative decision maker
9 innovative
10 charismatic
11 good Negotiator

Nb The list goes on

Common benefits of good leadership
Harmony and peace
Growth and prosperity
Team work
High morale
Less stress
 Good image[high profile]
Effects of bad leadership is the opposite of the above but
more worthy of note is lack of happiness’
How to improve our leadership capacity
Nb leadership qualities could be born can be acquired
1. Continuous self-assessment\soul searching
2. Research/reading
3. Understudying role models
4. Enlisting feed back

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