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Name : Purwanti Nurindah Sari

Study Program : STr.Keperawatan + Profesi Ners

Courses : English II

Listening Skill-1

COVID-19 Brings Attention to Pangolins

The new coronavirus outbreak has brought attention to a little-known creature – the pangolin.
Pangolins are endangered because of illegal hunting in the world. Pangolins are found in Asia
and countries near the Sahara Desert located in Africa. They are bought and sold illegally for their
scales and meat. The scales and meat are sold mainly in East Asia.

"One operation last April seized 25 tonnes of African pangolin scales - representing about 50,000
dead pangolins - with a market value of around $ 7 million," said UNODC Executive Director Ghada
Waly. "Between 2014 and 2018, the equivalent of 370,000 pangolins were confiscated globally."

Pangolins have eight species, 4 species from Asia and 4 from Africa. Because they are an
endangered species, all were placed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Protected Wild Fauna and Flora in 2016. In 2013, the United Nations found illegal traders
turning to Africa to hunt pangolins as supply of pangolins in Asia is dwindling. West and Central
African countries, including Nigeria and Cameroon, are major suppliers of scales and ground beef.
Recently the Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia have been involved in illegal trade

Pangolin scales have benefits in Chinese medicine in the form of a powder from dried and
ground scales which are believed to help women produce breast milk and help blood flow, among
other remedies. Apart from scales, pangolin meat is also used in several Asian dishes.

Scientists are still looking for the exact source of the current coronavirus outbreak. But
conservationists hope the link to the coronavirus will help stop the demand for endangered pangolins.

Listening Skill-2

Do Old Vaccines Help Protect Against COVID-19?

The covid 19 vaccine is needed to trigger the body's immune system against the Corona virus.
With this vaccine, the risk of contracting covid-19 will be much smaller. However, it takes 12 to 18
months to make a Covid 19 vaccine. Knowing that scientists do not want to waste time, several
scientists, one of them Mihai Netea who works at the Radbound University Medical Center in
Holland, will test a tuberculosis vaccine to allow the effect of the new corona virus. Mihae Netea said
"if the TB vaccine is successful it can be a very important tool to bridge the dangerous period, until
the Covid 19 vaccine is available".

The research conducted by the Mihae Netea Team involved nearly 1,500 Dutch health care
workers as subjects. The vaccine being investigated by the mihae netea team is a vaccine made of live
but weak bacteria related to TB bacteria. Therefore, the World Health Organization strongly warns
against the use of the TB vaccine against Covid 19 until research proves it works. Apart from the
Netherlands, other countries such as Australia and the United States have also conducted similar

Robert Gallo, who is one of the founders of the global virus network group in Baltimore,
Mayland, wants to start research on a polio vaccine made from polio virus that has been attenuated by
mouth. Robert has told the associated press that he is discussing the idea with health officials.

Dr. Denise Faustman, head of immunobiology at Massachusetts General Hospital who is

planning a TB vaccine study said "Live vaccines pose a risk to people with weakened immune
systems, they should not be tried against Covid 19 outside of research studies."

There is preliminary evidence that live vaccines have increased immunity to non-targeted
diseases. For example, like the TB vaccine that has been given to babies in developing countries.
Research shows babies who have been vaccinated have better survival rates and are more resistant to
lung infections. In 2018, the Mihae Netea team published a live TB vaccine test. This suggests that
the BCG vaccine improves overall immunity.

In 2015, researchers from Denmark also found similar results with the use of the polio
vaccine in developing countries with liquid droplets given by mouth. Meanwhile, developed countries
such as the US use inactive injections for children's vaccines.

The administration of this live vaccine can provide stronger immunity and lifelong protection
even if it is only given once or twice, but this vaccine cannot be given to people who have weak
immune systems. Scientists who were not involved said the research was very beneficial.

Listening Skill-3

‘Ghosts’ Keep Frightened Indonesians Inside, Away from Coronavirus

Recently, Kepuh village in the Java archipelago deployed a group of movements called 'ghosts' to
patrol at night aimed at scaring Kepuh villagers from crowding and staying indoors to avoid the
spread of Covid-19. Anjar Pancaningtyas, a young man who is the head of the ghost movement group,
said he wanted to look different and create a deterrent effect on Kepuh villagers who still like crowds
and do not apply health protocols.
The movement group called 'ghosts' are known by kepuh villagers as 'pocong' who usually appear
in white, almost white faces with a dark substance around their eyes. In Indonesian stories, they
represent the souls of the dead who are trapped. However, when the 'pocong' movement group started
patrolling with the task of scaring the villagers, the results did not match the expectations of the head
of the 'pocong' movement group. The villagers who were more and more curious about the
"ghost/pocong" kept going out of the house hoping to meet the "ghost/pocong" who often frightened

Since then, the 'ghost/pocong' movement group changed methods by launching sudden pocong
patrols. And the method used was successful, many villagers ran away in fear when the pocong
appeared in front of them. As a result, parents and children have not left the house at night, and people
will not crowd after the evening prayers.

President Jokowi has rejected a national closure declaration to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
However, President Jokowi still encourages the public to always apply social distancing and wash
their hands properly.

However, some communities have decided to take matters into their own hands. One of them is
Kepuh village, which has a 'ghost / pocong' movement group to keep Kepuh villagers from crowding
out and staying indoors. Village head Priyadi said the villagers were still less aware of the spread of
Covid-19 and it was difficult for them to follow instructions to stay at home because of the habits of
life that are still attached to Kepuh villagers.

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